tv Earth Focus LINKTV November 1, 2020 3:30pm-4:01pm PST
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announcer: on this episode of "earth focus," lessons learned ring huicane kaina ar being t to theest alonthe coast olouisian so predict new oeans wil besubmergeby the d of th cenry. the gion's surval depds on its abilitto adapt tolimate cnge. if sucssful, lisiana m provide alueprint f others arnd the wld. [filadvance clicki]
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cker: tre were milies werkids in e streetlayingootball,ight? therwere nghborsthis house s the cay lady. kids, wwould co down a spend o quarters and sit he on thiporch aneat it a just enjoy the atmosphe ofthe commity, rig, an thawent awajust oveight. ijust gotashed away. [hlicopterhirring] ma: we areeeing sces like th one thrghout thcity. lberman: you rember if youold thm that e leees had oken? bro: i don't reca ecifical, but itas that w orlea is floong.
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lters: n sit. oed over em planton heir rch la night,uh? ss is se upset th you. a cple of mths ago,e had a in stor just a dinary rainstm in soueast loana. it s one of ose days that wehought, ey, just little rain," b ow and ehold, t city flooded.he draine syst was noup to pa tuck: we lov hurricaneas ki. i remeer when e calm came, would py out inhe water. was jusanother y off fm schoolrigh but now it's terrying.
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's rrifyi. walter this isot a ho. thiis real.limate cnge is al, so w do wlive wh it i think this seion of ton, we're startg to uerstand at waternd lima change goes hd in hand. johon: neorleans n the last to 7 ars has ally ken on areat adaation of climateesiliencand clate chang elevati is one the maor adaptions thayou metimesee, is at the hous are raid higher this the cter for e sustnable engement a devepment. have rn gardenhere. weelp mmuniti how to ild rain rdens. walso he a
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orchard.ou see or here, have mons. geus one o here.fter atrina,you had l ese toxi from thwater, s tht went io the so, and at's all er the lower ninth wardnd probay a lot louiana. evidely, the pcess of ing through the treeto bear uit, it esn' come in the fru. alsowe commend ove-begardens where yocan put esh soilo ve you cps that e not inted wh that pnt. what 'vtried too is hel wi the comnity tfirst educate themecause ey get nfused aut, yoknow, clime change politic issue.s it rea we justry o give them the cts. thewe y to sw how th can be adocates f how we apt to th clima. tuer: if wdon'do methin all ts beau of new oeans th everyby loves,ouristcome dowto e, the'll be lking at ust wate that's it.
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lliams: thplan we've reled onelieves at we cafight wat, and ifou' ever bn to beach when tre'a iptide nd you tink youan fight war, you wl learn that y will le that btle. waggon: with alimate adaptati plan, y have a t stem and dry sysm, so en you eed to ft water out, youan do at, but en you needo let thwater in you n let thwater in thrgh that stem intthese nals a circula it arou e city. willms: i an, me peop might lk pastere andhink, "oh, yea it'just overown ass." . it's a low-lyi ea thatas ctain
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vegetatn in it at is th perfect getationhen you want ter to aorb and ableo dissipe at a me grual ratei mean, doe' ok le a lot natur scienc but the's lotf tural sence that go into it. wagoner: cts less he green frastrucre becau thiis low-mntenance this a modelf a partf the city the main drainage bas. you ve an unrground stem, e white lis under e earththe ideaas to gethe ater into these pes, to t at wat to the pumps and ush it o. that w the thod. lliams: uth of t matter isthere iso way toolve our waterssues wi just ou pum and turnes. it's no ough. itill nev be enough. wagner: younow, deces of dong thwrong thg usuay kill yu. we goour deat rning in005. williamsif thereas a poitical ll to ma sure hat thisity seesnother00
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yea, it wou mean hang vy beauful, very aesetic ueways ong withreenwa througho the cit us living with water, so that when that next storm comes, because it's going to come--that's a fact-- that water has a place to go other than your cars and your homes and the street. [film advance clicks] reed: at some point after hurricane katrina, people started get reay serious about coaal issue and the artedo think out risk reductio protectg people frofloodingtogetherith restoraon as onthing th needs to baddresd, and so we me up wi this cotal aster plan which is a listf pjects at havbeen scientifally vted, ando e have pjects th dredg matealrom one ace and t it ianother ace to aually
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buildew mares wherehere's opn watert the mont. on e risk-duction de, we hae extensive ries of leve and flogates arnd somcriticaloastal communits. these a project tht we thinkill work, not rk now,ut work to the fuure. n: thiis skyla 5478 novembe kolke state's coaal maste plan a $50 blion, 50ear an. i coider mysf an eanograpr and a astal geogist, s i lookt issue likwhy we sk in louiana, an i also lookt issu like how we build astal ndscapethe barrr island are one of e fense ainst atorm, rit, so noice how is is nopretty much'no chnnels inhe mide of it. this ian examp of a reored
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rrier island. l rig. then y can e new orans, so at's one of t major pt-katrinlevee improvent so the ea was t basical to wallff this ea torevent atorm sur from gting to e loweninth wa. leveesre sometes builtith rt and somimes th're built wi concret but the core pnt is at they e all wall th protectan area frowaves anrisingaters froa stormthe biggt riable this isea lev rise. if the seal vel rise rates are athe low e of the sptrum of at peopl prect, thenou couldebuild rge areas othe landape and provide ood prottion foa lot ofeople. irates aret the hi end, th i think lot of eas will be los even wi the sta' bet effort
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all rig. well, lcome to cocoie. the aster pan needs aot of int, and sthe nd of wo that i feeds to thearameterthat the sta needs apart of s masteplan. so, younow, iust want to ve you aiew of wt the sa marss around herlook lik youan see tt there's rsh foriles in at direcon. mahes prove a lot buffer frm storm ergy, sohey' a buffebetween r human civization andhe sea, so the resration iolves pumping sement inta marsh ke this to rse the evation o allow it betr keepace withea levelise and fill inreas thatave erod.
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so th is thbubba do ructure,hich is e of the majofloodgat in the morgaa to theulf leve system.ith a lee, one questi that yohave is ho's inse and o is ouside the lee syste by drawg is wall the mar, you're anging t envirment, bu yo'ralso setng dn a series princips of who ives whe and theinds of chices thathese counities face inhe yearshead, so of which e going be veryvery tough cices.
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albert. naquinthis are used tbe lover's lanbecause ere was ees all er the place. you cld get ihere and go he back tre, so 'd lisn to mus and hanout with ur girliend. y'all do't md if i s that, h? all ght. i w born anraised right hre, in he tallrass rightere. i gss it reresent wre all omy anctors wasorn and ised and die and a l is buri ov here, s well, to me, means whole bch. comarlle: theand is impoant to ubecause 's whe our anctors seted. tht's ere arfamiliesre. th'shere theeart of o we ar is. i's apace at we becomone with
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bert p. quin: thindians werin the w of the ite man, so theall gned trties forore landnd more land, d that's h we got ov here. t governmt chaseus, soe settleover here d was hay, and n mothenature igetting away. brnet: thiis my grdparents on my ther's side,y grandmothernd my andfather righther i wasaised re myhole li. yes. le de anharles h always en a nderfuplace liv the isand did'tctuallypen up to the rld full not unt abo the ely fifti when ou ro was blt. itas vereasy to ke up in he morni and seermadillo in t yard orpossum oa raccoo you knw, crossg the
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yard whateve whatnotall at has cnged becse, wi a lo of it jt being ter now, e tre have died off. at you' seeing actualljust sleton ofhat it ud to be,ou know? alert p. nuin: to , it means most, i ess you n sa like a mily mber havi ncer, you ow? it's bei eat away, y know, wre it's just little b by litt t getti destroy. now, t only ting is,he piecof land is lasti longer an the han bo can.
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the onright he is an o field nal. thre'one tht passesere. the's onethat paes a biturther, anthere's one th passes e back, you're lookg at ter or stwater irusion coing fr the pipine cana, and ey destred the vegetion thawe ud to have.. butyou knowmost of e pele work r the oi compaes. the're e one that's putng food d payin the nt and mtgages a stuff li that, s as muchs you hatehem, yo have tlike th. dup: isle djean chaes is-- what's theommon ying?-he nary in e mine fld. we're
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seein-over he, we calit relive sea vel riseyou havehe globasea leverise, whichs slightbut abou80% ofhe sea lel rise re is becau of subsence, we bo subsidi and youave the obal a level se at th same te, so w are snking b i ink it's 3 mlimeters year.t doesn't sounlike muchbut you into 40 years50 yearsand you art o noticeifferenc when u're already onlylightly ove the ter likesle de jeanharles. brun: in the beginni, it was a sloprocess.t was rely not rely noteable, b then whener the wer staed cominin even re witit, it t to be ore rapibecaus they h more war comingn nd the ld didn't sta a chanc
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so many ople on eir wn did me the desiono go becau of the ter. na naquin: my d moved f the iand, i wt to sayright bere i wasorn becae he wasn't able get to rk with theoad floong and hneeded to wo, bui am frothe loxi-chimacha-chtaw band ofsle de jn chars, and that's my ritage, at is my daughr' herita. you kow, at'our fami legacy. alber p. naquin: yh! aughter] get allhe pple who ll be naed. hurrup, farm boy. a chd was bo, evebody wenand visi and bught a gt. now 's no
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hpening. thank y for tod's unrise. den, u want indianame? yes. youname is ttle fox e disacement ally, really ade a chge in ouculture. now weind of le-- ha ha !--like ere are indns, ok? dre: the ly way tse coastacommunits will surve into e later st centu is to ptect ourlves fm the gu of meco. realize 300 yea, this wl probay be allpen wate i mn, the s will ta us all overwhat 'm ting to dwith th levee stem, whai'm tryg to do,s buy ouelves twor 3 gerations.
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it's just about impoible to include em into levee sysm. it wod cost pbably $30 millio and it uld be nearlympossiblbecause e salt coitions a so bad. yoknow, touild a fod-proteion projt, you hae to havmore benits th cost. onehing th's no factor in the st, th only look at the ct of theomes, the co of the sinessesthe infrtructurebut, younow, i do't knw how y put arice on i but thedo not csider the co of a whe cultur fi advan clicks] [tm-tom pling] comaelle: asisplacemt keepsappeningnd we
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just fuher sepate our mmunity, it'll just t lost. [mn chanting] man: turto the lt. comardee: we lened aboua natnal disaer resilnce an compition, swe submied our pns. we wked to fit wh thstate's master planand theyresentedt, and it gofunded. saders: right now,he way elocatio typical hapn in he unitestates, rely on individl buy-t model, anso, in oher wor, someon recees some mpensati
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togo le somewhere se, but in dog so, wdo losthat lturafabric, we don't ally kw if we n move ople colctively a group cheaper d more eiciently than indiduals. mardellethere's very litt positivin t form of rettlementf peop. u know,overnmen jt don't do it well.e presend a diffent mode commity-desied, comunity-riv. i thi that washud look on thatnd sa, "le's t it. les tra pilot pgram, seif we ca gure ouhow to dthis on smler scalso we cachange for--" have soany counities the u.sand aboad th's fang theseame climatessues, a i thi that's why many ople arwatchingbecause it's like, ". can weeally gethis righ" becauswe know how imrtant its for th uture the wld to geit right
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brnet: the's realityhere thai don't ke, butt' mething thai have tface up to beuse, yosee, i h to go there d make decisioto ave a ple that's alws been home f 7 or 8 nerations, a thatn't sy to lego of, nd, in ft, in ite of answerg that qstion a w times, istill don't ke it eay. [fm advancclicks] cordelle: sohis is t new preferr site fothe isla. thiis whereur commuty is nna moveo. it's a betiful ple. to methis is new li, new bih, a sustnable ple. this a althy spe. sanrs: now,e do undstand
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thathis is historicly trbal commity, ande also unrstand tt populaons have ft thisarticula location ov a perioof time, an those fks who a successf in thisroject wl hae an opptunity t reonstitutin the n locati, but r primarset of neficiars are thpeople ving on e islandwe want toick up t people at are ving inhis di scenar and ense that ty live someere thais safe w and io the future. comardelle: i hope th the tribeould ownhe land,nd acually, e sort like a mixed owrship. y know, t fol would he full rhts to their nd, but the sam tim if theyere to gand want tmove offf it, itould vert bacto the tbe so th waythat lanwill be rever sacredor the tbe to ha. saers: we've goto walk prettyine liney which 'r velopingomethinghat make nse for this mmity but also cld be apicable ta uch widearray ofommunies tht may ben a simir tuatio we simp don't have good aner to tht questn
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yet cardelle: find ths very empowerin it'allowings to breadown somof those culturabarrie, somef thosgrief baiers tha's beenn place om yearsast. you di'tven reale it. if evy other rricane ason, y'rehaving treplace rs ofurnitur you do' have a chnce to havsavings,nd you do't he a chan to allo yo kids toave better nt step life. srting ouin this pie of propty, they can he a homend a wayo progrs into t future.f i was to portray on an eangerespecies st, this is ourebirth ere we c art our w populaon to ge off at endanred specs list.
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