tv Earth Focus LINKTV November 18, 2020 9:00pm-9:31pm PST
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announcer: on this episode of "earth focus," lessons learned durg hurrice katrinare being puto the tt along e cst of losiana. so predictew orlns will be suerged byhe endf this cenry. the gion's survival depends on s abily to ada climatehange. i sucssful, lisiana m provide bluepri for oers arnd the wld. [fm advance clicng]
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cker:here werfamilies werkids in e stre playi footbal right? therwereeighbo. this houswas the ndy ladyas kids,e would me down andpend ouruarters d si here onhis porcand eat and jusenjoy thatmosphe the counity, rht, and that wentway justvernig. it ju got wasd away. elicopt whirrin ma: we areeeing sces like
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th one thrghout thcity. lberman: you rember if y told em thatthe leees had oken? browni don't recall specifally, buit was tt w orlea is floong. lters: n sit. knoed over em planton heir poch lastnight, hh? ss is se upset th you. couple months o, we haa ran storm,ust a ornary rainstm in soueast louisia. it waone of the days tt we thoht, "heyjust a ltle rain but low ad behol the ci flooded.he draine syst was
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not upo par. cker: lovedurricaneas kids. i rememb when thcalm ca, we wou play ouin the ater. itas just other da off froschool, right,ut now it's terrifng. it's terrfying. lters: ts is not hoax. ths is rea climatehange is rea so how we liveith it? i ink in ts sectn of town, 're srting underand thatater and lima change goes hd in nd. johon: neorleans n the st 5 t7 years s really taken on great aptation climateesiliencand clate chae. elevaon is onof the
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maor adaptions thayou sotimes se is thathe housesre raisehigher. thiis the cter for e sustnable engement a developmt. we ve rain gards here. help mmuniti how to ild rain gardens.e also he a orard. youee over re, we have mons. geus one o here. ater katina, u had al these tons from e water,o tht went io the so, and 's alover the lower ninth wardnd probay a lot losiana. evintly, th processf going through the ees to br fruit,t doesn't ome in theruit. so, we recommenabove-begardens where yocan put esh soilo ve you cps thaare note, tanted witthat poi. wht we've trd to do help th the cmunityo firs edate them becse theyget nfused aut, you ow, is climate ange a pitical sue. is real?e justry tgive them the fact then we y to shohow th can be advates f how we adapt to at clima.
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cker: ife don't do methin allhis beau of new oeans th everyby love touristcome dowto e, th' loong at juswater.hat'it. wiiams: the plan we've reled onelieves at we cafight water, d if yo've er been to a beh when tre'a rtide andou thinyou can ght wate you willearn that y will le that btle. waoner: wi a clite adtation pn, you he a wet syst and a d system,o when u need o lift wer ou you cado thatbut when you ed to lethe watein, yocan let e water though thasystem into thse
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canalsnd circute it arnd e city. wiiams: imeansome peole might lk pas here an think, "oh, yh. it's just orgrown it's a w-lying area at has certain vegetatn in it at is th perfect vetation wn you want war to absb and be able to ssipate a more gradl rate. mean, itoesn't loolike a t of natur science,ut ther's a lot o tural sence thagoes int it. waggone costs ls to have greeinfrastrture becse is is l-maintence. ths is a mel of a rt of th city the main draina basin. you ve an unrground stem, the whitlis under e ear. the id was to t the aternto thespipes, tget that water tthespumps d push itut. thatas the method. lliams: uth of t matter is, ere is nway to sve our wat issues th just r pps and tbines. 's no
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enough. will ner be enoug ggoner:ou know,ecades o ing thwrong thg usuall ki you. wgot our ath warning 2005. lliamsif thereas a poitical ll to ma sure tt this cy sees aother 30 yers, it wld meahaving very butiful, very aesetic ueways ong withreenwa thughout t city, us living with water, so that when that next storm comes, because it's going to come--that's a fact-- that water has a place to go other than your cars and your homes and the street. [film advance clicks] reed: at some point after hurricane katrina, people started get reay serious about costal isss, and ty staed to thk about sk reduion, procting pele fm floodi, togeth with restoraon as onthing th
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eds to baddresse and so we me up wi this cotal aster anhich ia listf pjects at havbeen scieifically vette and so we ve projes that ddge terial fm one place anput in anotr place actuall buildew marsh where tre' opn watert the mont. on the rk-reductn sidewe hae extensive ries of vees a floodgas around some crical coaal commities. these arerojects tht we think will rk, not wok now, b work in the fute. n: this skyla 5478 noember. kolke state's coaal maste pln is a $ billion50-year plani consider mysf an eanograpr and a astal ologist,o i lo at issus le why weink in lisiana, an i also ok at suesike howe rebud coasta
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landspe. the rrier isnds are o of the rst lineof defee ainst atorm, rit, so tice hothis is w pretty much connuous. tre's o channs in theiddle oft. this is example of a reored barrieisland allight. th you c senew orles, so th's e of the mor post-trina lee improvents, so the ea was t baically twall offhis area to preve a stormurge fro getti to thlower nih ward. leveesre sometes builtith earth,nd sometes they're ilt withoncrete, b the coreoint is that ty are al a walthat procts an aa from was anrising waters rom a srm. the ggest variae in thiis sea lel rise. the sealevel rise ras are athe low e of the specum of what peopl pdict, th you cou rebuild rge are of the ndscape
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and prove flood otection for lot of pple. if tes are at the gh end, en i think aot of eas wilbe lost, en wi the state's best forts. al right. ll, welce to codrie. thmasterlan needs aot of int, and sthe kind owork thai do fee intohe paramers thathe ste needss part oits master an. so, y know, iust want to ve you aiew of wt the sa marshearound here ok like. you c see thathere's rsh f miles ithat dirtion. marss prove a lot buffer frm storm ergy, they're a
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buffebetween r huma civilizaon and t sea, sohe restoration invves pumping sement inta marsh ke this to rai the eletion tallow it toetter keep pacwith sea levelise and fill inreas that haveroded. so thiss the bua dove struure, wch is onof the major fldgates ithe morganzto the gf levee systm. with levee,ne questionhat you ve is ho'inse and o is ouside the lee syste by drawg this walin the msh, you're channg the eironme, but u'e also sting dowa series princips of who liveshere andhe kinds of oices tt these mmunitie face inhe yearshead, so of whicare gointo be ve, very tou choic.
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bert p. quin: th area used tbe lov' lane cause there s treeall overhe placeyou could get iherend go hidback the, so w'd listeto musicnd hang t wityour gifriend.'al do't md if iay that,uh? all ght. i w born anraised rightere, n theall gss rig here. iuess it reresent wre all omy anctors wasorn and ised nd died,nd a lot is buri ov here, s well, to me,
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means ahole bun. coardelle:he land is important tos becausit' whre our aestors stled. that's wherare famies are. that's whe the hea of who we ares. it's a sace at we becomone with alrt p. nain: the dians we in theay of e white man, sohey l sign eaties f more la and mor nd, and th's how wgot to er here.he goverent chaseus, so we settleover re and s happy,nd now mother ture is tting us awy. brunet: this isy grandpents on my ther's side,y andmoth and my andfather rit ther i was rsed here my whollife. y. isle d jeanharlesas alwaybeen a wonderl place live. t isand did't aually on up
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to the rld full not unt abouthe earlyifties wn our ro was bui. was vereasy to ke up in he morni and s armadil in the yd or opoum or ccoon,ou kno crossinthe yad or whaver, whaot. all that h changedecause, th a lot of just beg water w, th tes have ed off. at you' seeing actualljust a skelen of whait used , you kw? alert p. nuin: to , it mes almosti guess u can y, like family mber havi ncer, yoknow? i's bng aten ay, you kw, where it's just little b by litt bit gting desoyed. no the ly thin is,he piecof land is lting lonr than t human dy can.
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the one ght heres an o fielcanal. ere's one at pass here. tre' one th passes bit furer, and ere's onthat pass in the ck, you're lookg at water oraltwaterntrusion ming om theipeline nals, anthey desoyed the vegetati that wesed to have.. b, you kn, most othe people wk for thoil comnies. th'rethe one that's putng food d payin the nt and mtgages a stuff li that, s as muchs you te them,you hav to like em.
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dupreisle de an charl is-- what's theommonsaying?-the naryn the mi field. 're seeing-ver herewe calit relate sea vel riseyou ha the glol sea lel rise, which islight, t about % of the s level re here i becse of suidence, so we bo subsidi and youave th global a level se at th same te, soe areinkingy, i ink it's 3 mlimeters yr. it don't und like muchbut you into 40 years50 yearsand you art o noticeifferees when you're alady onlylightly ove the ter likesle de jean crles.
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brunetin the binningit was slow press. it s really not real noticeae,ut then whener the wer start comg in evemore witit, it got to bmore rad becaue theyad more ter comi in a the landidn't sta a chae, so many ople on eir o did makthe decion to go becau of the ter. dena naqn: my damoved of the iand, i wt to s, right fore i w born beuse he wasn't ablto get twork wit t road flding ande needed to rk, t i amrom th biloxihitimachchoctaw nd of isle jean chles, and that's my ritage, at is my dghter's hertage. y know, at's our mily legy.
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alber p. naqui yaah! [lghter] get allhe peoplwho wille namedhurry upfarmer b. a ild was rn, evebody wt and vit androught aift. nowt's t happeni. tnk you f today's sunse. aiden, u want indianame? yes. your names littleox. the dplacemenreally, ally mada changen our cuure. now weind of le-- ha ha !--like ere are indians, ok dre: the ly way tse astal counitiewill rvive into the ter 21st cenry is torotect oselves frothe gulf of meco. i realizin 300 yrs, thisill probay be allpen wate i mn, the s will ta us all overwhat 'm ting to dwith e leveeystem,hat i'm
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tring to d is buy rselve twor 3 genetions. it's just about impossible t includthem inta levee sysm. it uld costrobably 00 milln, and iwould be near impossie becausthe salt nditionsre so ba you knowto build fod-proteion prect, you ve to he more befits an ost. onehing th's t faored in e cost, ey only look at the ct of theomes, the co of the siness, the inastructu, but, y know, i don't know howou put price ont, but ty do notonsider the st of a ole culte. [film advancelicks]
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saders: rit now, t way elocatio typical happein the unid stateswe rely an iividual y-out mol, anso, i othewords, meone reiv some coensation to go live sowherelse, but in dog so, wdo losthat cutural faic, so wdon' really kw if we n move people clectivelas a gro eaper anmore effiently than iividuals comaelle: the's ry lile posite in t form of settleme of peleyou know, gernmentsust don't do it wel we prested a diffent mode communitdesigned comunity-rien. i ink tha wa, hud loed on that and said, "et'try itlet'try a pot progr, see if we n figurout how do thisn a aller sce so we n change it for--we have many communits in the u.sand abrd that's faci these se
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climate issue and i thi th's whso many peoe are watcng, becae 'sike, "okcan we rlly t this ght?" beuse we kw how portant is for e fute of t worldo get it right unet: tre'a reali there that don't ke, butt' soethinghat i ha to facep to cause, u see, had to there d make aecision lee a ple that's alws been ho for 7r 8 genetions, and that wn't sy to lego of, a, in fac in spitof answerinthat queion a fe mes, it ill doe't ma it eay. [fm advancclicks] comardel: sohis is t new prefeed site r the isnd. ts is whe our comty is
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gonna moveo. it's a autiful ace. to , this i new lifenew birt a suainable ace. thiis a healthspace. saders: no we do uerstand that is is historicly ibal counity, a we also unrstandhat poputions have ft thisarticula loation ov a perioof time, an those fks whore successf in thisroject wl hae an opptunity t reonstite in theew locati, but ouprimary t benefiaries arthe peop ling on thisland. want to picup the pple thatre livg in thidire enario and ense that ty live somewhre that safe noand into thfuture. comarlle: i he that t tribe wld own t land, a tually, we ort of le a mid ownersp. you kw, the folksould havfull rigs to theiland, buat the se time,f they we to go d nt to mo off of , it wou revert bk to theribe so at way, atand wille foreve
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sacr for theribe thave. sanders: we've got twalk a pret fine li by whh we'e developi somethi that mas sen for thicommunitbut al could bapplicab to a uch widearray ofommunies thamay ben a simir siation. wsimply d'tave a ood answ to at queion ye. omardee: i finthis vy empowing. 's alwing us brk down se of tho cultul barrirs, som of those griebarriershat's en in ple from yrs past. you di'tven reale it. if evy other rricane ason, ou' havingo replaccars or furnure, youon't have chae toave savis, and y d't ave a chce to allow yo kids toava better next step life.tarting t in is piecef proper, th canave a ho and a w to progrs into t future.f i was tportray on an
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man: there are songs about this spring right here. there are songs about the springs over here. there's a deep connection, a relationship that the indigenous people have with this environment, and everything is connected. second man: it's really helpful to think of the desert as an archipelago of tiny, little wet places that are separated. sort of the ocean inside out. third man: we are part of this land. it's a part of us. we have to learn how to understand it and how to work with it. it's here for us. it's here for everybody. so if we mismanage it, we don't take care of it, we abuse it, we're contaminating it for the next person that's coming down the road. second man: we've done a really bad job of maintaining this
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