tv Newsline LINKTV November 23, 2020 5:00am-5:31am PST
5:00 am
- ready jet gogo! is made possible in part by: (mouse clicks) announr: when you fuel your imagition th learng, thers noimit how f you can go. abcmou, with tusands of learng activies is a pro spons of "ady jet !" for kidsges two rougeight, ♪ - and a cooperative reement with the u.s. department of education, the corporion for public brocasting's ready to learn grant, and by... [togetr] rey! jet! go! - ♪et propuion ♪ that'his name ♪et propuion ♪ wn he ai, he creed a buz♪ ♪ 'causthere wano house
5:01 am
♪'m from rtron 7, and my♪ - jet propulsion ♪ that's his name ♪ ♪ hlooks ke us ♪ bute isn'the sa ♪ i'm apace trier ana galaxyrosser ♪ mpants brghme here in a fi♪ - ♪ a just torove was a f♪ ♪ he ew them t space a back ♪ jet prolsion ♪ [spaship whiing] - ♪ jet ppulsion [togetr] rey! jet! ! - ♪e showedp, d now 's a blast♪ ♪ looksike e futu ally gotere fast♪ - ♪ nicto meet u, hun race - ♪ jetropulsio - ♪ jetropulsio ♪ jet ppulsion! al readyjet! go! [easoing mic] [blows whist] [childn grunti] - yeah! - got it! ps! mind heads up! - yeah! - hu oh!
5:02 am
[chitterg] bothyay! - [blowshistle] [chirps] - [blowshistle] - nspot says, "no squiel assis." - [exced chitting] - [bws wstle] - w. hm... throh youringers? - yen - my mom saii haveo come i and to bed whenhe sun gs down,? - yen so have toeep checng to s when th is. shtold me hold my finge up sidewa agait where e sky touches e earth. - right,he horiz. leme try. - rember ner to oky rit at t sun, thgh. - right. i'm coveng meyes th the oer hand, it's abo 15 re minut gone - soight nowe have aut ur fingersf timeuntil suet? - hirps] - lows while] - wh-hoo! serve! runts] a!
5:03 am
- hirp [blowshistle] - hu no? - oots] okay, soo robot ms, - hitters] i agre floyd. thisarth gam has a t of rul. - huy and see, jet, didn have tond. i just wh thisd - evy day hato end, ndy. - en the bt ones. - evy day hato - oro they? what do u mean? - ght. - oh, get it! so a we haveo do iskee. - ght. - exactl then, mindy n stay outand playst - oa, oa, hold on sec. how e you gog toeep e sun om goingown? - thme us atindy's hse. i'll hp. need toet some pplies
5:04 am
me on! - miy reallyoesn't ge up, es she? never.that's wt's so gat [jauntmusic] - y, mom? trto keep the su from setti so don't he to comin and to bed? sure! u can ay up as lg as theun's up,miy! and to bed? - thks, mom! - the sff you he inhat box - th's right!we'll belaying f h. okayhere arehe plans rst, we n use th net. - you' going tcatch thsun th the net? - actly! - [chirpg] ea. tch. go ahead, mind [giggles [whimsical mic [straing] - mindy,oesn'the sun seem t far awa to cch in a t? - hm, you are rit, sea - d anywayno one oearth--wait,?
5:05 am
- yep. i casee the sun too farway fous to cah. we'vgot too somewhe high. that's n what i ant. - tohe tree use! - okayi guess 're goin to t tree hoe. - iggling] - weave to tl mindyshe can'cat. it just not scient. - t miy is acting li a sentist rht now. what do u mean?right w, she's ying to catch thsun th a net she's usg her aginatio she's mang mistas! - and that great, becausshe keeptrying. - shs supped to me mistes? - rit. mistes are fe. they helpeople know what doesn't wk d then figure t whatoes work - we, i guesif she tes rely hard catch t s, she mighactually get tid enougho go to d.
5:06 am
- okay, this ias highas i can e come on, s! i' got you that'st! can't cah the su in a n! i'm glad you finly realized. - becae this n is fl of hol! see? [sighs] - comen, guys! we'rrunninout of time.ce. [ld kazoo plinth plan! ♪ it'sime for an ke the birds ake. - uh, anhow do we do that? - sy! you pl beauc on the kazs, d the bis will wt to sy awakand chir get it? - and ifhe birdsre chirping thateans theun willtay up? - very gd, sydne the n is alws out when theirds arehirping.
5:07 am
5:08 am
[chiers happy] [pla "1812 orture" kazoo] ♪ - keep rning bacard! we have go fast thanhe s, so it stays up think... [pants we neeanotheplan. - you wanto know how n [pants, unts] whent gets dk, i haveo go ine and want to ay up d play witeveryone you don't ve to keep the sufrom movg, because it only los like the n is moving. see it getng lower - agree. it looks le the su is goi around e earth, but-- - it'sctually e earth that'spin, is goi around e earth, but-- rotatin instead and wh our part of thearth rns awayrom the n, - eat! now we st have keep thearth from spinning - yay! i'm ne with ,oans]
5:09 am
- thwhole reas weave day d night is bause of e earth' spning, orotating. d the sukeeps mong arou the ear. - e earth round, li. the sun is aright lit th sits inhe middl of our sar sysm. it isn goingund the rth. - but w does tt makeay and nht? - as youan see, tg whe the yeow stick is. les say th's person and it daytime - i ke yellow! no let's tnk of a person livi othe other of the wld. - i kn one! - oo that's the oth side the wor from he. - a lot ofimes one us is aslee so we ite to eh otheron ema. so when u'reakinup here,
5:10 am
aha, in india, is goingo sleep er here. - ohso when 's dayti he, it'sighttimefor aha there? - you' done it i still ke yellow! uh, goodor you, t. - think i e ahana king up in india. thateans... - mae it's te for ndy in bwood terce too to sle? - how abt if fir, take a ick run space - yeah! [c horn hos] - did meone sa "how aut if fit, "we ta a quickun to spe to lk at daynd night okayas long it don't invoe actual - ♪ fiv four, three, t, one ♪ okayas♪ doors arehut, don't invoe actuennes on♪ ♪ everydy in thr place ♪et's go into oer space - ready, jet, go ngine vving] [enges whirrg] ids scre] - llow thasun!
5:11 am
- okaykids, 've noflownto theih whe the suis stillp! - hey,ook, it' still daime on tt beach. cif you'vgot a ba, ve got aeach. [enges firin - yeah - [grus] - e you geing tire mindy - wh, me? ner. - yeah - even iwe couldstophe sun fm sn ife never t nightte comen boxwd terrac then iwill ner be mning in dia r sydney frid to wakup. that's te. - that wldn't very f for her - i gus it woun't. your ser, mindy. - that wldn't - hm.. very f for her maybwe shod go hom and lenightte come. - right irping ngines wrring] oth yawng]
5:12 am
5:13 am
at we sein the nht sky? iturnsut, thanswers rit in fro of us, the sun! d the twinklg star we s in the ght sky arpretty mh like o sun. our sun huge, and it'so brighthat becae it , but e stars ok liketiny ltle w, be theame thinas sometng th's so ti and dim ousun is aenormousall of flami hot gas that churnin kindf like bling wat. at tusands odegrees, the ars we s in t night s are sically e same as ourun. they're st flami hot blobs ofas that a much faher awayrom the eart they'rso far ay, th look li tinyaint pois of lig, altheir ow and ma of ts sohe next me yohear theong, "twink, twinkle, ttle sta"
5:14 am
re's somnew lyri to try: ♪winkle, inkle,, little sr ♪ ♪ now knowjust wt you♪ - anks, y! yocan makeour ownsciencdis withready jego!" gam starplaying day! [easygoing music] ♪ [hoots] - the goes t sun, ying arod the eah, to the btom of t sky. - [grus] uh, tually, ndy, it's thearth th goes arnd the s. not the her waaround. it's thearth - nothe sungoes arod the eah. th goes arnd the s. i've bn watchi it, and ds at it doesevery da comeup over there, th goes waup overhd d sets dn over tre. see?it's sting rht now i know ilooks th way. r a longime, ople useto think th the sun i know ilooks th way. wentround thearth. - [cckling] w. eartes but nowe knobetter.
5:15 am
- [cckling] w. - rely? eartes w we knowhat? who uld figu that ou - scieists figed it ou - disomeone y "scienst?" buona sera th means "od evening"in the. - uh-oh. is it lloween ain? how co no e told m - th isn't hloween,mindy. 's scice. [happy crp] you n't lookike - scientis - i lookike on from a lontime ago see, torrow, i going tdo a rert on galeo. - galiho? - aughs]galileo. he'sn early tronomer you kn? scntists tt studythe sts? - yup,nd one omy heroe dame cie, tty smit.. i thoughit woulde cool do my report galileo dresd up like m. my m made thcostume. i'm justrying on. so you'rgog to doa big porl
5:16 am
in this li-who ctume? - uh-h, and it "galile" - uh...- how ma kid? - ... a hundre a thousand? - uh... - m... notue i can tually pulthis off in fnt of althose ds. it's a gat costu, sean! it'lbe a ds. - ah, you' be a grt ga-- uh,galileo.llit. i don't kn. ishis hat o much? you loveali! - why n't you actie start byelling u whgalileo is your ro. [clears roat] we, heuilt hiswn telespe and looked the srs and the plets, 400 yearago, galeo did etty muc the me thing wi his telcope asstronome do toda
5:17 am
- ye, look, ere's nus! it's t brighte planetin the. heh, gooold venu goindown rig behd the n. - ay, wait you just saiit. aftethe sun. e? althe plans go arounthe rth. - actuly, mind e most iortant tng at galil did was guessed thathe sun doesn't bit arou the ear. - oh, "orbit ishat the rd earths use whenhey meango aroun" li i'm oiting arnd mindy right w? - ye galio discoved at is the otr way arnd. the eartorbits aund thsun. - that'shat everne's en tryinto tell , t it doe't make nse. i wishhis galiho-oh gu was aroundo explaiit. - ll, sean i mean, galio? - ighs] ay, let'see.
5:18 am
ved a long time o. uh, nuuh. - two years o? - mmm. - a llion yes? - pe, sowhere inetween. a timeo long a that everythg was fferent. - ho mr. galwho-lo?- [squk] - pe, sowhere inetween. - what w the wor like th? - , let's e... [harp muc] a ple call italy, 0 yearago. it w so longgo that tre were cars, no pnes, noartoon - [shoed gasp] no cartos? what d they wah all da - e y. th were ouin thbeautifu itian cotryside, wi hills a castles and a y full ostars l aroundhem. - cales? co. what els [luring musi
5:19 am
- wellthere was sothing ne tescopes, d theye just bn inveed, and sie i'm galileo the aso, i ne a telespe, too.- [chis] th means "thks." - hirps] hey, yocould bey pet ca i callou cosmo - [bks] - i said my ca cosmo. [bleat[bks] - [shs] fi. diregular alian stf... - thastromers loed at thsky d stars d planet were uto. - go, 'cause have a qution about thsun, mr.alileo the tronomer looks le the suis ving arounthe eart - ah but isn't. 's the oer way aund. the sun mh cae the eah is ao rotati as it es around the n. woulyou playhe sun?sm
5:20 am
[wmsical mic] - rote witme, mindy, and you' see theun ov there - oh! when ipin, looks le sunst move justike it lks when e sun moves ross the s! cool! - eccellte. that's italianor "exceent." - ok, but stl, how you fige thathe sunnd the pnets n't go aund the rth? - i'llxplain. one nigh just li this on was lookg at thelanets the sky which ople cano today,oo! alyou needs a teleope, or pair ofinocular yways, i wasookingat jupit, and i safour lite moons. yways, i upntil thatimepit, history rthies tught that all e planets d the n orted the rth. getherwoo-ho we're orbiting thearth!
5:21 am
realed sometng wa't right th's when realizedsom: methinimportan - wh? - each nig, coulsee that theoons we in dierent potion l: ooh.. so mhypothis was coulbe orbitg arnd the s, which rned outo be tru boo-yah!science. - [chis] [a cheerin - mto buono, cosmo. this is own the helcentric eory. of erythingin theolar. i lo that wo! [lht rock sic] ♪ hiocentri l: ♪ hiocentri ♪ i le the y it sous ♪ have u heardhelio-s a word♪
5:22 am
for the s we spinround ♪ ♪ hiocentri ♪ just ying it fun ♪t has lovely ring ♪ imeans evy littlehing orbits l aroundhe sun all: ♪eah so then what didou do, . galile - well, used my lescope make obrvations wrote do what i saw, ani sharedy findin withthers, like acience ho should th amazingiscoveryel about - fuy you ould ask alieperson fm the fure. acally, noeveryonecould hale - th t earth wn't the nter of e univer. - [lghs] ah, t to us iens from ather! - ye people were upt find thatut, buyou knowhat? he td them away. - how?did he put his ide in a b?
5:23 am
- he se did! says ght he in my"big " his ok wasig dea in tse days. galileo sn't afrd of n ideas. his ok wasig dea [accoron musicse days. ♪ wel ♪ somfolks sathat e world flat ♪ the ee is verscary ♪ ♪ s♪ b me i sahat e the rld isound ♪ the♪ ectly theontrary the samfolks sa the n isircling ♪ ear is at t center ♪ b i saye orbi arou the sun♪ ♪ 'cae i am acientist ♪ a a hypothes invent - ♪e're n afraid o♪ ♪e know wcan't de them ♪ theest things ce fromew ideas♪ ♪ if fos would ly trthem ♪ all: some peopleun ♪ b we likeo embracthem ♪ old ias got tgo soew ones can reple them ♪ i not afrd ofew ideas♪ i know i cat deny tm ♪ if folks woulonly try them♪ ♪ don'te scaredf neideas ♪
5:24 am
♪xplore tm to theetter ♪ don the world c be mucbetter ♪ [allheering] - yeah! oo. than for letti me n throh my galeo story, u guys. - itas greatsean. - [lghs] yea i kindaas galeo therfor a mite. - huh. excid? ah, excid! ok. hey, y guys? woulyou even hp me bring our italset to sool? [inhaleseeply] you meane get toe italia? all: y! sunspot?- [chis] all: ♪'m not aaid i know can't de them ♪ ♪he best thin come from n
5:25 am
♪f folks would ly y them don't bscared ofew ide ♪ ♪ expre them to theetter the wor can be muchetter♪ ♪hen 're not raid ♪ expre of new ♪as ♪tter - hii'm asonomer amy mainr. some of e best tls th you hav to observehe nig sky e your es. nt to findore star astroe so tdo that,we need gg. th is thhale telescope at palom observatory, anit's a he telesce. it's a rlly gianeyeball. and 's an asonomer wkingy, he at palor observory. what it liket? - it truly a-inspiri. it's one of e larges teleopes in e world, and weake amazing scoveriewith it. - wh are some the sic part i an, i sehere this bigtalk-y lking thi and we got anoth be-y-loong thing this is at does all e lightg is is uh, 0-inch mror.
5:26 am
thiss why it called a 20. - 0 inchesf mirror 0 inchess biggerhan two big hool des combine - anthen, in addionto ther, you have seconda. so anit bounc off the prary, and en comesp, and en comesownof your, - so theight frothe star comeall the y wn d hits ts mirror d then igoes up th one righthere - d insidehose box arcameras, the es of thtelescop - 'vbeen doi scice with ts teleope fo66 years anwe're stl making grou. - d with aeyebal th big, i cat waito see what wdiscoverext. go luck mang your n grndbreaki discovees th the he telesce. announce weekds on p kids it's "peg + ca... hell a nekind of th show. ♪ 10, 20, 3 40, 5 they're experts at equations and chicken conga lines. [cga music playing] there's no question these guys are great
5:27 am
atiguring ings out. we sav the y again! oh, yeah! like how angles make a pyramid and even a doughnut can have a name. it's joanie, thank you very much. watch "peg + cat" weekdays on pbs kids or anytime onhe pbs kids video app! vomolly: is that whereon we're going nina?. nina: yup. moy:ow! [puffin call] tch itnytime on theli. pbs kids video app. - ready jet go! is made possible in part by: (mouse clicks) announce when we explore, ask questns, d inventew thing we c reach for thetars. abcmou, weis proud snsorhetars. "ready t go!" teachi fundantal conpts readingmath, and scnce, and by a cooperive agreent withhe u.s.departnt of edatio, the cooration for public broca' ready toearn gra, d by...
5:30 am
>> these are the top stories. the u.n. warning of a humanitarian crisis. children are at risk from the fighting. they are planning for as many to is 200,000 refugees. rebel forces say they have taken two major towns. republican leaders from the state of michigan say they are unaware of any information that would change joe biden's electoral victory there.
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