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tv   Earth Focus  LINKTV  May 6, 2021 1:30am-2:01am PDT

1:30 am
gnliest, rockie, nastie terraii've evebeen in. every single pce ovegetati out re has trns and stickers a cactu [heaer] alright. [heath] good, od. [file] dude,hese musngs are de for t backcoury. fortunately, ally mustan, ey were l born ithe wild public nds in the arican we. [bacround muc] [b] th grew upn desola hah landsces like is. they knohow to wk rough th country they kw how meander througthe rock d stay ay from t cactus, and w to navate throh cliffs andifficulterrain. it makese proud -- see my nies takcare ofverybodyo well
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and takeare of themsves so wl. they are great-- theye great rses. ah, i li [indistct] [ben] five yea ago, someriends a i went t and opted ese mustangs, trainethem andode 3,00 les fromexico toanada rough puic lands in t americawest. that expience coletely changed mlife d gave ma huge areciatio not ly for tse horse bufopublic lds. less tha3% of tes open tohe publi th's it. d there no way that y could p a bordewall evenlose to e river a lot othis coury. it'd havto be but inland budozed, a slicingpart the only b chunk opublic ld at we ha left inexas,
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esntially ocking u from t rio grae. [atin] youan feel the crp air rit by theio. [heath] lo at all at water it the fir time we've be in the ver. [backgrod music] thiss kind o otional ght now. i'm ddy. ustin] oyeah. [ausn] he co't rest. ay] therhe is. [cheerin it's azing, it's beaiful, d it's the liblood of ts entirerea. d uh... you don'really tnk out the litics bind it. - wah out! -filipe] if thecould sethis-- i'sorry i n't pay atntion with ts going .
1:33 am
- [ausn] are y comg? i'm not-i'm not aring a undeear! - [stin] co on! - peect. - aight, my ke shortneed wasng. [ben] oh, th is a teible ide [jayyeah, yobetter jp in. eather] t your ass ihere! [ben] i'comin'! [cheing and ughing] [cm music] big be is-- 's onef those st landspes thats unlikeny other there's st a hugemount ofiversity
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fromarge mamls all the wadown to e smalle. [d louis] d we ly on meco for some of the populatns. blacbear is obably thbest exale of th. yoknow, weasically extiated bla bears from theig bend gion of tas uh, ithe 1950 uh, huntg, trappg, ings likthat. until about 90, we h a-- a loneemale co across anuh, she hacubs, that popation stted to gw. annow we he 40, 50maybe even 1 bears itexas toy anthat is sole pendent mexico. r large mmals, they css that ver somemes on a dailyasis. if tho porters are c off
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you know, if there-- theris a wall there, it's gon cut o that wer sourc weould sta seeing issu geneticly. they neeto be le to movfreely to be ab tsurvive. - [b whistli] -[heatr] donkey fnd some ade. [file] oh, she did lookt her ov there. [heather ohshe's goa littleatch. i woulthink thatfter a f hours - you uld starto like t e motionown. - y. yeah. but it sll hasn'happened [file] i mn i'm t rung kids t, but y know-- en laughg] [jay] think it been a total ock to hther
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anfilipe a austin'body, beuse the are pas ofour bo and muses th you don normalluse. [heath] descri the pai scribe t pain. image bob thbuilder jackhaering aw at yr busiss regio folike 20 miles. [upbt countrmusic] i codn't qui get theosture anthe trotormationown. so inste of likeosting and you ow, justind of le dog thatance witthe hors i s just bn'-- but withhat beinsaid, itas-- it s emotiol. [yling]
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yodon't coect with bicycle a unicye or a coe the sameay you do wi a horse e only tng coole th being otop ofhe world iseing on p ofhe world oa horse. [backgrod chatte ay] visuly you think th you canake f, ride mewhere, anthen allf a sudd ere is a00-footerail. there'just no ails some ofhis couny. i n't know i don'know abo this. [iistinct] [heath] yeah, i n't-- i n't know if we' gonna just bbold andeep goin
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[jayit's liksome of e most rugd countrthat-- that've ever en throu in texa becausyou just have thesboxed caons and is-- thessheer ro faces o- on eitheside of u. yeah, ld off othat route [austi look tohe right we'rboxed in it's a bed cann. i was inking w yeah. coulwe not get se-high grnd? the smtest thi do is tn around d go bacthe way came.
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feel abo 95% condent thathe game ail thatoes go u would b peectly fi for ourorses, but at 5% ri is someing that i'mot willi to risk withhese guy so l's just he on out, thenhat way erybody wi be safe this aa is as diffilt as anlandscap that've beeno in theest. i dot see hoyou coulbuild a physal bordewall that's me diffict to cross rough thanhis landsce. [will]ne of the ings at i've be frustrated with whent comes to bder secuty is we try thave a one-size-fs-all sotion. uh, u can't,ecause ery mile is-is diffent. yohave theio grand you ve the cyons, the chuahuan dert, and you ready ha
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physicalarrier caed mountns. in some eas wher rder patl respon time is measud in hou to days a ll is no a physic barrierright? in somplaces, ere ther urban turban coact, a nce makesense, beuse bord patrol n measurthe respse time in secds to mites. but doinit in the sert andn big be, that just cry. building wl fr sea to ining se is theost exnsive and leaseffectivway to do boer secury. [speakg spanh] another autiful rning inhe rio gnde.
1:41 am
[filipe]e're goi to mexi! [heatherdoin' itguys! [mican mus] mmigrati officer spking in anish] i'm ofcially imexico. ay! ustin] l's go getacos. [speakg spanis [speing spanh] [speing spanh] [speing spanh] [saking spish] - exican sg playin - oh - [ausn] oh! - [j] oh my sh! - oh, n! - [file] oh, tse enchidas? [heatherum, so eited. oh my sh! mmm. - [b] i havewo spoon - ustin] omy god! [ben] i an two fks. [heatherperfect.
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i uld totay t one ofhese tac 's like bein kissed by angel. [b] oh my d, i'm fl. [bkground atter] ja you gothe time? 11 t [saking spish] [laughg] -[speaking anish] is is goa be likmy christs present th year. [filip spread e weal. spread t wealth.t stops. chalhere itelling about thuh, poweplant at we shld go chk out. fromhere is a real od vieto look rough. but 's a-- 's a solar powerlant. - is is alsolar por. - [jayno way. it's t one tt provid electrity - to the who town he. - you' kidding
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1:44 am
pic musi ere's been talk about binatial park for decades. there's millions of acres that are already held in public trust by both countries. it's time toee somebody st forward d reallyhepherd that d bring at into uition. [hther] itould be a ally natal step. thers alreadhuge protectelands both sis. the riveitself is wd and scic. thers populaons of br and mounin lion and rds and tterflie mong back d forth betweethe two protecd areas. it blowsy mind. many tim i foundyself sayi: "this in texa
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ke we'reot in monta or yellotone or semite." u know, this pce is lendary. it's tas' lasthance to creatsomeing truly great as fars a ge intacecosyste and wean't do without xico. en] on theast big rseback journe we rodehrough watert-glacier inrnationapeace pa on t us-cana border, createto symbolize a frieship d a shar ecosyst between e two cotries. th same oprtunity exis here. and it a complely differenway look athe us-meco borde [epimusic]
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[filip whoa, wgot shads! y, that'our goal [filipe]en, get photo! - [b] i got . - [atin] yea that's neat. - [heath] wow! [ausn] isn nature at? [heaer] i-- od job, ture. - ilipe] gd job. - [b] well, after ding bicycl and ridg horses 've all me to the reement at they e
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a r superi form ofransportion. [all suting] [gene guitarusic] alrigh tough. ay] comen, donke [beni think might he to pk her up comen, girlfend. - [jayaw! - [heaer] aw! - [jay] at's a gd girl - eather] eat donk. - [heaer] ben,ou-- - n, you sy in the. actual, i feel like aying wi my hors. e, ponie i miss youlready. oh! beood, hors. - [hther] st well, gs. - see yo sr. don't t anybodelse ridyou. at goes r e rest oyour lif nkey, no you too. - oh, e, dony is callinyou. - m. it's s to see m go. les go gets some coes. aw! [gentlmusic] [ben] rings fl to the o grande and bibend natnal pa, anthere isow engh watero paddle canoe.
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fothe next50 miles we a going ttravel through boquils canyon anthe lowecanyons, an aa so speal, and so rged that it federly proteed as a wiland scen river. [ausn] ihink we needeto take count ofhat exacy 're doinright no 're goin into theost wildlaces in t state of texa were going in true wierness where ere's nouppo. like ourehicles haves suppted on. i thk all of us, should ve a higr sens ofisk manament. ay] we g high prsure, 500 cfs d 15 mil to go tay. 750 leftn the joney. fein' pret good. ustin] t river does n discrimate, it can bany of us. the is thr kinds of boatme one thataslipped, e that igoing tolip,
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anone thats flippi. that's fac [atin] o - ilipe] o austin dissiped. - [hther] what doethat mean? - [hther] ohhit. - [ausn] oh sh. oh shit. - ustin chkling] - [filip stay the, ben. - , no! [all] ! no!, n no! no! - [filip not theamera agn, gu! - [heaer] oh mgod! ilipe] theryou go, ere you . [atin] it s good to anowledgehat thingsan go ba [austi and thecan go bad real fast anreally ey. make it onhe-- i knowe justike to-- li we werealking aut just ke going and learng on thriver, bulike we can't hand this, we got nbusiness ing up tlower caons. [ec music]
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[jayyeah, i ink ben ght have seethem fir. we kind roundedhe bend anthey hadeen drinng out of t river e. ay] we pled off d they we uh, prably dozen dert sheep [heath] there'at least one thereith a coar. [j] could u give an estate withut-- [jayit was ptty speccular to have tual seenhem utilizing e river. th-- that rt of hi homeo mehat th's thr water source all yore you sing is a cooeffort betweeus and mico, 'cause tse sheep they he no idewhich si of the ver is wch? anthey're obably-- theye down he ke drinkfrom theio and prably cro over, - gonto mexi. - you ink ey'll crs into mico and- - , for su. - ah? they'vgot coll data, ey just e-- theyo all acss in he. yeah, it a cool story, bause thewere comptely elinated
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out ofhis area and en about0 years o, they srted briin' themack. and ey went om zero where ty now ha ov 2,000 o'em. it's le this he story conservation... - ilipe] b's boat! - succs in thiarea. - [hther] ohhit! - [jayoh shit. - [chuling-guys, hp! - ho this. - i got stractedy the shp. [chuckli] -[aust] yogot a pale? - he doe't hava paddle [heathercreaming he-- he's nna re jay [laughin [filip heoesn't kw how toaddle. he's nev steer before! entle muc] [jay] this eironmentn the river, stin's jt haa t of expience anso he rely knows how to le pace t group, he kno how to n rapids henows howo scale. th was a n part ofustin thate hadn'teen prevusly. th is a fit class thate've see
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this entire time out here. we've goour resc line rey in case flips anhas to bd his bo. he we go. slightip to thright. bow to t right. wo! eather] thanks. right, i up. padd hard, takehances, all! [atin chring] [upbeamusic] yeah. ah. [filip you gs are man' this ok easy. - [hther] ja come on [ausn] streait up, seam it up, stre it up, ream it ! [cheerg] yeahthat wasreat. i loveit. right, evybody el nailed . so uh,e gotta havene spillright? [file] oh myod. [filipe]h no! heering] [hther] that'st, that'it, that it.
1:53 am
aughing] [austin] u lucky n of a bch! y, i tri to make iintereing for u! [heaer] peop are not inking othis are when ty're picturinthe bord d buildi a bordewall. think th're inking othe citi. it this wi place that superugged d hardo get thugh anyw. why wod we consuct a rrier the? a maade barrr. this is ke going rough thgrand caon, paddlihe coloro thout thcrowds. it's jusas-- as mote, angrand, a wild.
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[birdshirping] [austi one of biggests ishat i geto show ople what iove, and at's theio grand thfirst ti it imcted me was wh i came re in coege. uh, was actuly cominhere to traino be a rer guide and thfirst tr i ever d was darcanyon,
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whicis a sho, but ta canyon. short length, talln heightanyon in the ste park. and fell in ve with what'sasy to fl in lovwith you ow, beau, the grdness, th- the ju tal uh, magnificce the riorande. and en the me i expled, the mo i jt, for ck of better wds, was wed! [epic sic] d lately i've bn thinki about h... i got intohis whe outdoorecreati industr
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r a lot reasons anone of wch-- which-- at i've ver real admitd to mysel is i'vgrown ups thchild ofllegal iigrants. atus is a ally bighing as mh-- you ow, i-- myarents a really prd. th-- they ught me that you kno you-- you rk for everytng you he and yo- u don't asfor thin, you ea things. but i'be lying to te you that aa child an-- of illeg immigras, stat was in- in t back ofy head. and it-- isounds awful and i ha to admiit, but it h bee like whyouldn't parentsearn engsh? why codn't theknow how the hool sysm worked i just dn't undetand. i waangry, was mad and thoutdoors the rio ande, at's somhere whe status doest matteryou know
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it is a ue level pling fiel and i fi that... my cnection the rio grande, my conction the bigend is reallfounded on tt. it'such an ealizer. alright,o this i ere we he to fige out where we wan pull it to t right aroundhis peni crap rit here whicwe wannavoid, orun the sot onhe left de down t actuamadison lls. don't kn how theell-- mean i-- dot knowhat i'm doing gardless, bui dot know h you wou - dohis in aanoe. - [hther indtinct] yeah, ke how iit like-this only a yak cityright? [indistit]
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[jay] gosh! s, that-- - [b] oh shi [heatheroh shit. [jay] oh oh! ilipe]ee, that what was wored aboutyeah. n, are y going? aryou stilgoin'? [ben lauing] - [fipe] yea - [atin] yea - [cering] -ilipe] yh. spin yrself bere u back yrself in [filipe]et it stight on! go on!tay left- [jay] ay left!o high! - [jay] 's hit i - [fili] nohe's gott, he's t it! - ilipe] oh! - ay] oh st. [j] he's sck. [fipe] ben, don't get caug underneh! [gruntg] [gruing] i n't movet!
1:59 am
ustin]an we ge onhat corn? hang up, ha up, hanup! st, stop. [atin] on e count three. one, t, three. runting] - [grunts] -[ausn] t it go,et it go [jay] ok, let ito, leit go, l it go, t it go. - [heatherwatch ou watch out. -filipe] tch out,k! ay] you nt me toet in it ustin] wt, oh nono! [heaer] oh m. [ben] we. [ausn] oh, n it's alrdy takinin water [gruntg] [austin]h, ho, h ho. [heather me on, j, come o jay. [indisnct yellg] [ausn yell igh pitcd tone]
2:00 am
[hther] that lood kinda ary. [heath] fell. [austin]wo, and ree. [filipe]here goethe bag. the goes t bag. [ominoususic] [campfe] ay] i dot know, feel-- feel go. i feel likeverybods


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