tv Earth Focus LINKTV May 12, 2021 9:00pm-9:31pm PDT
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announcer: on this episode of "earth focus," lessons learned during hurrice katrinare being t to theest alonthe cst of losiana. so predictew orlns will be suerged byhe endf this ntury. e regio's svival dends on s abily to ada climatehange. i sucssful, lisiana m provi a bluepnt forthers arnd the wld. [fm advance clicng]
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cker: tre were milies werkids in e stre playi footbal right? the wereeighbo. this houswas the ndy ladyas kids, wwould co down andpend ouruarters d t here this poh and ea and jusenjoy thatmosphe the counity, rht, and tht wentway ju overnig. it st got whed away elicopt whirrin n: we a seeing enes lik is one toughout e city. iebermando you rember if you told em thatthe vees habroken? bro: i don't reca specifally, buit was tt w orlea is floong.
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lters: n sit. knocked ovethem plas on their rch la night,uh? ss is se upset th you. a couplof monthago, we d a rain stm, just ordinary rainstm in soueast louiana. it s one those da that wehought, ey, just little in," but ow and ehold, t city floode the draage system was noup to par. tuckerwe lovedurricaneas kidsi remeer when e calm came, weould plaout in t water. was jusanother y ff from hool, right,ut now it's terrifng.
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i's terriing. lters: ts is not hoax. ths is rea climatehange is rel, so hodo we li with ? i ink in ts sectn of town, 're srting to underand thatater and clite change goes hd in hand. johon: neorleans n the st 5 t7 yearhas real taken on great adaptatioof clima resiliee and cimate ange. evation ione of t jor adaations tt you metimes e, is th the hoes are rsed high. ts is theenter fothe suainable gagementnd develoent. wehave rai gaens herewe help communies how tbuild ra garden we alsoave a
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chard. y see ovehere, we havlemons. t us oneff here. ater krina, u had al these tons from e water,o at wentnto thsoil, an that's all er the lower ninth wa and probly a loin losiana. evintly, th processf going through the trs to br fruit,t doesn't come to theruit. also, we recommenabove-begardens whe you caput fressoil to give yourops thaare not inted wh that pnt. wht we've trd to do help with theommunityo first edate em becaue they t nfused aut, you ow, is climatchange aolitical ise. is iteal? wjust try to give them the cts. thewe try tohow hothey cane adocates for how wadapt to at clima. tucker: we don't do somethg, allhis beau of new oeans th everyby love touristcome dowto see, th' lking at jt water.hat'it.
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wiiams: the plan 've ried onelieves at we cafight waterand if y'veever bee a beacwhen tre'a ripde andou thinyou can fight war, you wl learn tht you wll lose at battl@ ggoner: th a climate aptationlan, youave a we system a a dry stem, so when u need o lift wer ou you cado thatbut when you ne to let e watein, yocan let e water though thasystem intthese cans and cculate iaround e city. wiiams: imeansome peole mighwalk pas here an think, "oh, yh. it's just orgrown it's low-lyi area at has certain
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vegetion in ithat is e perfvegetati when yo wawater absorb d be able tdissipatat a mor adual ra. i meanit does't lok like lot of naural scienc but the's lotf naturalcience thagoes int it. waggone costs ls to have grn infrasucture bause this isow-maintance. ths is a mel of a rt of th citas the mn draina basin. yohave an dergrounsystem, the whitlines undethe ear. the id was to t the water into the pipes,o get at wat to thespumps d push out. th was the method. lliams: uth of t matter is, ere is nway to sve our wat issues th just r pumpsnd turnes. 's no enoughit willever be enoug waggone you kno decadesf ing te wronthing uslly kill yo we got r death warning 2005. williamsif the was a liticawill to ke sure that th city se anoth 300
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years, would mean having very butiful, very aesetic ueways ong withreenys througut the cy, us living with water, so that when that next storm comes, because it's going to come--that's a fact-- that water has a place to go other than your cars and your homes and the street. [film advance clicks] reed: at some point after hurricane katrina, people starteto get ry serus aucoastalssues, a they startedo think out risk rection, ptecting ople rom floong, togeer with restotion as e thing at needs toe addresd, ando we me up th this astal master an whichs a li of rojectsthat hae been scieifically vette and so whave procts thatredge terial fm one place anput it ianother ace to aually
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bui new mares whereher's en wat at the ment. on theisk-reduion sidewe ve extensivseries o leve and flogates arnd some itical cstal communies. tse are pjects that thinkill work, not rk now,ut work to the fuure. man: thiis skylane 5478 vember. kolr: stat's cstal masr pln is a50 billi, 50-yea pl. i coider mysf an oceanoapher ana coasta geologis so i ok at ises le why weink in lisiana, and also lo at ises lik how we rebud coasta landspe. the rrier isnds are o of thfirst lis of defense against storm, ght, so noice how is is nopretty much ctinuou there's no annels the mide of it. is is anxample oa restor
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barrieisland. all rht. th you can e new orans, so at'one of the mor post-trina lee improments, sthe idea w to basally to ll off ts area torevent atorm sur from getng to thlower nih ward. leve are somimes bui with earth,nd sometes they're built wi concrete, b the coreoint is that ty are al a walthat procts an aa frm waveand risi water rom a srm. the ggest variable inhis is s level se. if t seal lel rise rates arat the l end of e sptrum of at peopl redict, en you cld rebui large aas of e landsce and pride ood prottion r a lot people.f ras ar at the gh end, en i thi a lot oareas wl be los even with the stat's besefforts.
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l rightwell, weome to codrie. e maste plan needs lot of put, ando the kind owork thai do fee intohe paramers th the ste needss part oits masteplan. so, y know, iust want to ve you aiew of wt the sa marshearound here ok like. you c see thathere's rsh f miles ithat dirtion. marss prove a lot buffer om storenergy, they're a bufr betweeour huma civilizaon and t sea, sohe restoration invves pumping sement io a marslike thi to rai the eletion tallow it better keep pacwith sea levelise and fill inreas thatave erod.
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so is is thbubba do ructure,hich is e of the majofloodgat in the morgaa to theulf leve systm. with levee,ne questi that yohave is who's iide anwho is tside theevee sysm. by dring this wl in thearsh, y're channg the eironme, but u'e also sting dn a serieof princles of w liveshere andhe kinds of oices tt these mmunitie face the yea ahead, me of whicare gointo be ve, very togh choic.
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albert pnaquin: is area usedo be lov' lane cause there was trs all ov the placeyou cld getn herend go hidback the, so w'd listeto musicnd hang t wityour gifriend.'all on'mind if say tha huh? all rit. i wasorn and ised rightere, ithe tll gra rig here. iuess it presenthere allf my cestorsas born d raised nd died,nd a lots buried ov here, s well, to me, mens a who bunch. comardee: the ld impoant to ubecause 's ere ourncestorsettled. that's wherare famies are. tha's wre the hrt of wh we ar is. i's apacthat we becomone with
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alrt p. nain: the dians we in theay othe whit man, sohey all sign eaties f more la and mor land, anthat'sow we goto ov here. t governmt chaseus, soe settd over hee and wahappy, a now mother ture is tting us away. brunet: this my granarents my moth'side, my andmoth and my andfather ght ther i was rsed here my whollife. y. isle d jeanharlesas alwaybeen a wonderl place liv the isld didn't actally opeup to thworld fully, notntil abo the ear fiftieshen our ad was blt. was vy easy twake up in the morng and s armadil in theard or ossum or raoon, yoknow, cssing th
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yad or whaver, whaot. all that h changedecause, th a lo of it jt being ter now, e tes have ed offwhat you' seeing actuay just a keton of wt it useto be, y know? bert p.aquin: tme, it ans alst, i gus you ca say, lika familyember hang cancer, u know? it's being eat away, y know, wre it's just little b by litt bit gting desoyed. no the only ting is,he pie of lan is lting lonr than t human dy can.
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the one right he is an o fielcanal. ere's one that sses her there's ne thatpasses ait furth, and the's e that pses in the back, you're lookg at water saltwat intrusi comg from t pipelincanals, anthey desoyed the vetation tt we useto have. b, you kn, most othe people wk for thoil comnies. th'rethe one tha's pting fooand payg thrent andortgagesnd stuff li that, s as muchs you hate tm, youave to ke them. dup: isle djean chaes is-- what's t commonsaying?-the canaryn the mi field. 're
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seein-over he, we calit relive sea vel riseyou ha the glol sea lel rise, whichs slightbut abou80% of the s level re here i becse of suidenceso we th subsing and y have th globasea leverise at e sameime, soe areinkingy, think i's 3illimete a ear. it esn'sound li muchbut you into yea, 50 yea, and yostart to noti diffees whe you're ready on slightl above thwater li isle de jeanharles. brunetin the binning, was slow press. it s really not ally noteable, buthen whever theater staed coing in en more wh it, it goto be me rapid ecause theyad more water cong in andhe land dn' stand a chae,
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so manpeople otheir o did make the desion to becau of the ter. dena naqn: my damoved of the iand, i wt to s, right fore i w born beuse he wasn't ablto get twork wit t road flding ande needed to rk, but i from th biloxihitimachchoctaw nd of isle jean chles, and that's my ritage, at is my dghter's hertage. y know, that's our family lacy. alber p. naqui yaah! aughter] get allhe peoplwho wille nam. hurry , farmeroy. a ild was rn, evrybody wt and vit androught aift. nowt's t
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happeni. hank youor toda's srise. aiden, u want indianame? yes.our na is litt fox. the dplacemenreally, ally mada changen our cuure. now weind of le-- ha hha!--le there e no ndians, ? dre: the ly way tse astal mmunitiewill rvive io the ter 21st cenry is torotect oselves rom thgulf omexico. realizin 300 yrs, thisill probly be a open war. i mn, the s will ta us all ov. what 'm ting to dwith the lev system,hat i'm tring to do, ibuy oursves tw or 3 gerations.
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it's just about impossible t includthem inta leve stem. it uld costrobably 00 milln, and iwould be near impossie becausthe salt nditionsre so ba u know, build a fod-proteion prect, you have toave moreenefitsthan thinghat'not faored in e cost, ey only look at theost of t homes, the st of thbusiness, the infrastrture, bu you kno i do'know how y put arice it, b they doot consir the st of a ole culte. [film advancelicks] [totom playg] comardel: as disacement e happeni and we
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jusfurther parate o mmunit it'll jusget lost [mechanting] man: tn to theeft. mardell we leard about nional dister resience plan coetition,o we subtted ourlans. weorked to f with the sta's maer pl, and th present it, and t got fued. saders: rit now, t way elocatio typical hapn in the uted stat, we relon an indidual buout mode and s in oher words, somee recees some mpensati
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go livsomewhe else, t in dog so, wdo losthat cutural faic, so wdon' really kw if we n move ople colctively a group chear and mo efficiely thanndividua. comaelle: the's ry lile posite in t form of rettlementf people. u know,overnmentsust don't do it wel we prested a dierent mol, communy-design, mmunitdriven. i ink tha wa, hud loed on th and said "let's tryt. let's try pot progr, see if we ca figure t how too this oa smler scalso we cachange itor--" weave so my communits in the u.sand abroathat's facinghese sam imate issues, a i thi th's whso many ople arwatchingbecause it's lik "ok. cawe reall ge this rit?" cause wenow hoimportanit is fothe fute of theor to get rht. unet: tre'a reali there
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that ion'ke, butt' somethi that i ha to facep to cause, u see, iad to go therand make decisioto ave a ple tha's aays been ho for 7r 8 genetions, a th wasn't easy to lego of, a, inact, in spite of answerinthat queion a fe tis, it stl esn'make it easy. [filadvancclicks] comardle: so this ishe new prerred sitfor the land. his is wre our cmuty is gonna moveo. it's a autiful ace. to , this i new lifenew birt a suainable ace. thiis a healthspace. nders: w, we donderstan
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thathis is historicly ibal counity, a we also derstandhat poputions havleft thi particur loation ov a perioof time, and tho folks w are succesul in th projectill ve an oortunityo constite in theew locaon, but r primarset of beneciaries e the pele livingn the isnd. we wt toick up t people at are ving inhis dire scenio and eure thathey live somewhre that safe noand intthe fure. comarlle: i he that t tribeould ownhe land,nd actual, we ort of le a xed ownehip. younow, the fol would he full rhts to theiland, buat the se me, if ey were go and wanto move o of it, would vert bacto the tbe so th way, atand wille foreve sacredor the tbe to ve. sanders: we' got to lk a prty fine ne by ich we're developi somethi that mas senseor this mmunity t alsoould be plicableo a uch widearray of cmmunies thamay be ia simila situatn. we sily don't hav good aner to at queion
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ye. comardelle: iind thivery empowing.t's lowing uto eak downome of tse cutural bariers, ome of those ief barrrs tha's been in ace fromears pas you di'tven reale it. ifevery otr hurrice season yo're ving to place ca or fuiture, y don't have chae to havsavings,nd you don't have chance tallow ur kids he a bett next stein life.tarting t in this pie of propty, th canave a ho and a w to proess intohe futur if i waso portrait on an eangered specs list, is isour rebih where can stt our nepopulati to get off thatndangerespecies ist.
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woman: we need gender equality, and we need this reflected in national priorities. narrator: it's been a century since the suffragettes, ter 70 years of struggle, finally wothe rit to vote. and yet, at current rates of change, we are still decades awayrom glob gender equality. in some countries, women are overcoming barriers to leadership. news anchor: women in egypt are exercising their political power. anchor 2: 18 women have won seats in the municipal polls. male news anchor: women can finally take to the roads. woman: they are all aiming to become prime ministers. this is something that is conceivable now.
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