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tv   Earth Focus  LINKTV  May 13, 2021 9:00am-9:31am PDT

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announcer: on this episode of "earth focus," lessons learned during hurrice katrinare being puto the tt along e cst of losiana. so predictew orlns will be suerged byhe endf this cenry. the gion's surval dends on s abity to apt climatehange. i succeful, louiana may provi a bluepnt for oers arnd the wld. [fm advance clking]
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tucker:here werfamili werkids in e stre playi footbal right? the wereeighbo. this houswas the ndy ladyas kids,e would me down a spend o quarterand t here this poh and ea and jusenjoy thatmosphe the counity, rht, and tht wentway justvernig. it ju got wasd away. [helicoer whirrg]onnt manwe are sing scen like this onehroughouthe city iebermando you rember if you told em thatthe vees habroken? bro: i don't reca specifally, buit was tt w orlea is floong.
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lters: n sit. knoed over em planton their rch la night,uh? ss is se upset th you. couple months o, we haa ran storm,ust a ornary rainstm in soueast louiana. it s one of the days tt we thoht, "heyjust a ltle rain buts low ad behol the ci flooded.he draine sy was not upo par. tuckerwe lovedurricaneas kidsi remeer when e calm me, we wld play t in the water. was jusanother y off froschool, right,ut now it's terrifng.
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i's terriing. lters: ts is not hoax. is is rl. clima change rel, so hodo we li with it? i ink in ts sectn of town, 're srting underand thatater and clima chae goes hd in hand. johon: neorleans n the st 5 t7 years s really taken on great aptation clima resiliee and cimate chae. elevaon is onof the jor adaations tt you metimes e, is th the hous are raid higher ts is theenter fothe suainable gagementnd develoent. wehave rai gaens herewe help communies how tbuild ra garden we alsoave a
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orard. youee over re, we havlemons. t us oneff here.fter krina, u had al these tons from e water,o at wentnto the il, and 's alover the lower ninth wa and probly a loin losiana. evintly, th processf going through the ees to br fruit,t doesn't ome in theruit. so, we recommenabove-begardens where yocan put esh soilo give yourops thaare not inted wh that pnt. wht we've ied to dis help with theommunityo first edate them becaue they t nfused aut, you ow, is climate ange a pitical sue. is real?e justry tgive them the fact then we y to shohow th can be adocates for how wadapt to at clima. tucker: we don't do somethg, allhis beau of new oeans th everyby love touristcome dowto see, th' lking at jt water.hat'it.
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wiiams: the plan 've ried onelieves at we cafit waterand if y'veever bee to a ach when tre'a rtide andou thinyou can fight war, you wl learn that y will le that btle. ggoner: th a cmate adtation pn, you he a wet syem and ary syste so when u need o lift wer t, you cn do th, but wh you ed to lethe war in, yocan let e water though thasystem into thse canalsnd circute it arnd e city wiiams: imeansome peole mighwalk past here d think "oh, yh. it's just orgrown it's low-lyi area at has certain
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vegetion in ithat is e perft vetation wn you want war to absb and be able to ssipate a more grual ratei mean, doesn't lok like lot of natal scienc but the's lot o tural sence thagoes int it. waggone costs ls to have grn infrasucture bause this isow-maintance. ths is a mel of a rt of th citas the mn draina basin. yohave an dergrounsystem, the whitlis undethe eath. the ea was tget the waternto thespipes, tget thatater tthespumps d push itut. thatas the method. lliams: uth of t matter is, ere is nway to sve our wat issues th just r pps and tbines.t's t enoughit willever be enoug waggone you kno decadesf ing thwrong thg usuall ki you.e got oudeath warning 2005. williamsif the was a liticawill to ke sure that th city se anoth 300
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ars, itould mean hang very eautiful, very athetic ueways ong withreenys thughout t city, us living with water, so that when that next storm comes, because it's going to come--that's a fact-- that water has a place to go other than your cars and your homes and the street. [film advance clicks] reed: at some point after hurricane katrina, people starteto get rlly serious about costal isss, and ty strted to ink abourisk rection, ptecting ople fm floodi, togeth with restotion as e thing at needs toe addresd, and s we me up th this astal master which ia li of pjects at havbeen scieifically vette and so we ve projes that ddge marial froone ple and t itn anotheplace toctually
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bld new mshes whe ther's opn watert the mont. on the rk-reductn sidewe ve extensivseries o levees a floodgas around some crical coaal counities.hese arerojects tht we tnk will rk, not rk now,ut work to the fute. man: thiis skylane 5478 vember. kolr: stat's cstal masr pln is a $ billion50-year pl. i consider mysf an oceanogrher and coastal ologist,o i lo at issus le why weink in lisiana, an i also ok aissuesike how we rebud coasta landspe. the rrier isnds are ne of e first nes of fense against storm, ght, so notichow thiss now prty much connuous. tre's o chaels in t middle it. this is examp of a stored
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rrier isnd. all rht. then you c senew orles, so th's e the maj post-kaina leve improments, sthidin waso sicallyo wall o this ar to prent a sto surge fm getng to thlower nih ward. leveesre sometes builtith earth,nd sometes they're built wi concrete, b the coreoint is that ty are al a walthat procts an aa from ves anrising waters rom a srm. thbiggest variae in thiis sea lel rise. the sl level rise tes are the lownd of th sptrum of at peopl pdict, th you cou rebuild large aas of thlandscap and pride flooprotecti foa lot ofeople. irates ar at the gh end, en i think lot of eas wilbe lost,ven wi thetate's best forts.
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l rightwell, weome to codrie. e maste plan needs aot of int, and sthe kind owork thai do fee intohe paramers th the sta needs apart of s masteplan. so, y know, iust want to ve you aiew of wt the sa marshearound here ok like. you c see thathere's rsh f miles ithat dirtion. maheprove a lot buffer om storenergy, they're a bufr betweeour huma civilizaon and t sea, sohe restoration invves pumping sement inta marsh ke this to rai the eletion tallow it better keep pe with s levelise and fill inreas that haveroded
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so thiss the bua dove stcture, wch is onof the major fldgates ithe morganzto the gf levee syem. wita levee,ne questi that yohave is who's inse and o is ouside the lee syste by drawg this wl in thearsh, y're channg the eironme, but u'e also sting dn a serieof princles of w liveshere andhe kinds of oices tt these mmunitie face the yea ahead, me of whicare gointo be ve, very tough choic.
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albert pnaquin: is area usedo be lov' lane cause therwas treeall overhe placeyou could getn herend go hidback the, so w' listeto musicnd hang t wityour gifriend.'all d't ind if iay that,uh? alright. ias born d raised righ herein t tall gss rig here. iuess it presenthere allf my anctors wasorn and ised and die and a l is bued ov here, s well, to me, means whole bch. coardelle:he land is impoant tos becausit' ere ourncestorsettled. that's wherare famies are. that's weá the hea of who we ares. it's a sacthat we becomone with
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alrt p. nain: the dians we in theay of e white man, sohey all signed eaties f more la and mor land, anthat' how we t to er here.he goverent chaseus, soe settleover hee and wahappy, a now mother ture is tting us awy. brunet: this my granarents my moth'side, my grndmoth and my andfather rit ther i was rsed here my whollife. y. isle d jeanharlesas alwaybeen a wonderl place live.he isld didn't actally opeup to thworld fully, notntil abo the ear fiftieshen our ro was bui. was vereasy to ke up in the morng and s armadil in theard or ossum or raccoo you knw, crossg the
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rd or wtever, wtnot. al that h changedecause, th a t of itust beinwater no e tes have ed off. at you're seeinis actuay just a kelen of whait used , you kw? bert p.aquin: tme, it ans alst, i gus you ca say, lika familyember hang cancer, u know? 'seing eaten ay, you kw, where it's just little b by litt bit gting desoyed. no the ly thg is,he pie of lan is lting lonr than t han dy can.
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the onright he is an o fielcanal. ere's one at pass here. tre' one at pass a bit fther, anthere's onthat pass in the ck, you're lookg at water oraltwaterntrusion ming om theipeline nals, anthey desoyed the vegetati that we used to have. b, you kn, most othe people wk for thoil comnies. th'rethe one that's putng food d payin thrent andortgagesnd stuff li that, s as muchs you hate the you he to like them. dupreisle de an charl is-- what's t commonsaying?-the canaryn the mi field. 're
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seein-over he, we calit relive sea vel riseyou ha the glol sea lel rise, whichs slightbut abou80% of the s level re here i becse of suidenceso we th subsing and y have th globasea leverise at e sameime, soe areinkingy, think i's 3illimete a yr. it don't und like muchbut you into yea, 50 yea, and yostart to noti differees whe you're alady onlylightly above thwater li isle de jeanharles. brunetin the beginningit was a slow ocess. iwas real not rely noticbl but the whever theater staed ming inven moreith it, t to be ore rapibecaus th had more water ming in a the ld did't snd a chae,
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so many ople on eir o did makthe decion to go becau of the ter. dena naqn: my damoved of thesland, want to say, rit before ias born cause he wasn't ablto get twork wit t road flding ande needed to rk, but i from th biloxihitimachchoctaw nd of isle jean chles, and that's my ritage, at is my dghter's hertage. y know, that's our mily legy. alber. naqui yaah! aughter] get allhe peoplwho wille nam. hurry , farmeroy. a ild was rn, evrybody wt and vit androught aift. nowt's t
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happeni. hank youor toda's srise. aiden, u want indianame? yes.our names littleox. the dplacemenreally, ally mada changen our cuure. now kind ofive-- ha hha!--likthere arno ndians, ? dre: the ly way tse astal mmunitiewill rvive into the ter 21st cenry is torotect oselves frothe gulf of xico. i realizin 300 yrs, thisill probay be allpen wate i mn, the s will ta us all ov. what 'm ting to dwith e leveeystem,hat i'm tring to do, is y oursels twor 3 genetions.
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it's just about impossible t includthem inta leve stem. it uld costrobably 00 milln, and iwould be near impossie becausthe salt nditionsre so ba you knowto build fod-proteion prect, you have toave moreenefitsthan ost. o thing tt's t faored in e cost, ey only look at theost of t homes, the st of thbusiness, the frastrucre, but,ou know, do't knw ow you pt a prie it, buthey do n conside the st of a ole culte. [film advancelicks] [tom-m playin mardelleas displement kee happeni and we
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just rther serate our community,t' just gelost. [men anting] man: tn to theeft. mardell we leard about nional dister resience plan coetition,o we subtted ourlans. weorked to f with e state's mast pl, and th present it, and it t funded saders: rit now, t way elocatio typical happein thenited stes, we ry on anndividuabuy-out del, d so, i othewordssomeone receives se compention
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to goive somewherelse, but in dog so, wdo losthat cutural faic, so wdon' really kw if we n move people clectivelas a gro chper and re efficntly thanndividua. comaelle: the's ry lile posite in the form settlement of peleyou know,overnmentsust don't do it wel we prested a dierent mol, communitdesigned mmunitdrien. i thnk that s, hud oked on th and said,let's try i. let's try a pilot pgram, seif wcan fige out hoto do th on a smaller ale so wcan chan it for--we have many communits in the u.sand abroathat's facinghese sam climate issue and i thi th's whso many peple are tching, cause it' like, ". can weeally t this ght?" cause wenow w importt it is r the uture ofhe wor to get right unet: tre'a reali there
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that don't like, b it's soething that i ve to fa up to cause, u see, had to therand make decisioto ave a ple that's alws been me for 7r 8 genetions, and thatasn'easy to t go of, a, in fac in spitof answerinthat queion a fe mes, it ill doe't ma it sy. [filadvancclicks] comardel: sohis ishe new prerred sitfor the land. ts is whe our comty is gonna mo to. it's a autiful ace. to , this i new lifenew birt a suainable ace. thiis a healthspace. nders: w, we donderstan
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thathis is historicly ibal counity, a we also derstandhat poputions havleft thi particur loation ov a perioof time, d thoseolks whore succesul in th projectill ve an oortunityo constite in theew locaon, but r primarset benefiaries arthe peop ving on e islandwe want to pk up theeople th are livg in thidire scenario and eure thathey live somewhre that safe noand into e future comdelle: iope thathe tribe wld own t land, a tuallywe st of lika mid ownersp. you kw, the folks wld have ll rightto theiland, buat the se time,f they we to go d want to ve off oit, it wld revert bk to theribe so at waythat land wi be forer sacr for theribe thave. sanders: we' got to lk a prty fine ne by ich we'e develong sometng that kes sen for thicommunitbut al could bapplicab to a uch widearray ofommunities t may be in a milar situatio we simp don't have good aner to at queion
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ye. comardee: i finthis vy empowing.t's lowing uto breadown somof those cultul barrirs, som of those griebarriershat's en in ple from yrs past. you di'tven reale it. if ery othehurricanseason, ou' havingo replaccars or furnure, youon't have chae to have sangs, andou d't ave a chce to alw ur kids he a bett next stein life.tarting t in this pie of propty, th canave a ho and a w to progrs into t future.f i was tportray on an eangered specs list, is is ourebirth ere we c starour new pulationo get ofthat endgered spies ist.
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announcer: "earth focus" is made possible in part by the orange county community foundation and the farvue foundation. óñóñ■÷=÷=÷
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woman: we need gender equality, and we need this reflected in national priorities. narrator: it's been a century since the suffragettes, ter 70 years of struggle, finally wothe rit to vote. and yet, at current rates of change, we are still decades awayrom glob gender equality. in some countries, women are overcoming barriers to leadership. news anchor: women in egypt are exercising their political power. anchor 2: 18 women have won seats in the municipal polls. male news anchor: women can finally take to the roads. woman: they are all aiming to become prime ministers. this is something that is conceivable now.


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