tv Democracy Now LINKTV May 13, 2021 4:00pm-5:01pm PDT
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05/13/21 05/13/21 [captioning made possible by democracy now!] amy: from ney:york, this is democracy now! >> ts year is not it is an atmosphere of war. this year we will not celebrate because of the war and the martyrs. amy: at least 83 palestinians, including 17 childre aren, dead in g iazasa srael continues to assault the besieged territory as palestinis maanrk the end of ra madan. israel is now amassing ground troops near gaza.
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side israel, palestinians are aring for their lives as israeli mobs attacark ab homes and businesses. this comes as presiddeent bin gives israel a green light toen continue its assault on gaza. pres. biden: my expectation, hope is this will be closing downdo sooneanr th s lat, buert israel h a rht tigo dendfe itself when you have thousands of rockets flying in your territory. amy: we will go gazand a jerusalem for the latest. all that and more, coming up. welcome to democracy now!,, the ynarantine report. i'm amy goodman. h toll in gaza has reached at least 83 israsael's aerial bombardment of the besieged territory enters a urth day. the dead includet least a17 children. at least 480 palestinians have been injured. sdoned wneay, israel leveled one
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of the tallest buildings in zaga citya 14, -story high-rise tha housed several local media outlets as well as resenidtial units. amy: it was the third hzh rise destroyed this week by israel. israel is now amassi ground ootrps near gaza for a possible grndou invasion as many palestinians are celebrati eidng al-fitr, marking the end of the holy month of ramadan. israel claims to have killed several top hamas commanders. meanilwhe, the death toll in israel has reached seven as hamas and other palestinian militant groups continue to fire hundreds of rockets into israel. israel is reportedly rejecting calls for an immediate ceasefire. on wednesday, president joe biden said isrl haaed a right to defend itself, whi penletagon chief lloyd austin said the un ed states has ironclad
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support for israel. the u.s.rovides 3.8 billion dollars in nonmilitaryunding to israel. this is secretary of state antony blinken.>> we strongly condemned the rocket attacks coming out of gaza that are targeting innocent israel has a right to defendig itself. palestiniaavns hste a right to live in safety and security. amy: the united states has ockebld the united nations security council from issuing a resolution about the crisis. violence is spreading across israel with jewh ismobs attacking palestinians and mixed jewish and arab communities. extremist settlers were filmed attacking palestinian on chops tel aviv suburb. ultranationalist israelis dragging man a they believed to be an heir from his car and beating him mercilessly. some stlers were filmed on televisionha cnting "death to ar s."
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afterr headlines, we wilesspend the rest of the hour on the violence in israel and palestine. india reported more than 360,000 new coronavirus cases thursday and over 4100 death thos,ugh both numbers are likely gnsiificant under-counts. daily cases in india's capitall territory of delhi have begun to decrease in a sign that india's massive secoavnd we e of covid-9 may be cresting. this week malaysia ordered a nationwide lockd cown asovid-1 a pandemic-levelle high. in washington, d.c.,se nur dheld an action steps from the white house wednesday as part of nurses week to honor the more th 400.s. nues who he di fedrom covid-19ver the past whe shoes re placein rows as nurses took turns rheeading t names ofhose whoave been lost orniga rs also lln o e bin minition to more proctealth workers.
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our beloved colueleageds w''re honoringho tay. they did not sign up to sacrifice their lives. families, coworkers, and everyone who loves them. y: tamhe united statesep rorted over 800 deaths from covid-19 wednesday asew i nnfections coinuent to drop while vaccinations rise. ss maachusettsereports ed zero coronavirus aths for the first time sinceast ljune, while in michigan, a spring surge is rapidly subsinidpig. at the whi hse, presteident de bin urged parents to get their children vaccinated after a cdc panel approved use of pfizer 's vaccine in adolescts 1en2 and older. this comes as many public heth officials are urgi the unitedd ates to ship deeratspely-needed vaccine doses british peatc riimnologist dr. adam finn and harvd
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medical scho pedtriaician dr. richard malley write in today's "washington post" -- "crematoriums are arworking ound the ock in iclndia. overwhelmed hospitals are running t of oxygen inral.zi b b this context, it is difficulc to jtifyus using limited vaccine supplies to immuni youim, healthy children at little risk of severe disease from covid." the world health organizheionhe ys nearly a dozen countries, many of them in africa, have yet to receive a single vaccine dose. u.n. secretary-general antonio gutteser said wednesday the world needs to double itsou vaccine production capacity while at theame timeaking vaccine stridibution more equitable. >> it is unacceptable to live in worla d in which dedevel countries can vaccinate most of his population while many developing countries have not received o sneingle dose.
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spreading in -- the risk of new tian's is such that situation which the vaccines exist will no longer be effective. everybody is vaccinated everywhere. amy: cuba began a mass vaccination campaign wednesday using two of its domestically-created c-1ovidat9d vaccine caidates. late-phase clinical trials of the soberana dos and abdala vaccines aren't due to wrap up until at least june, but cuban officials say the benefits of ering the vaincces now outweigh the risks. a new report from the environmental protection agency shows the u.cis. is fang unprecedentechald lenges from f the climate catastrophe, including ggerbi and longer wildsofire seans, more frequent atwaves, and warmer waters with increasin iflooding. the report was delayed for three years under the trump, whi
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dismied the climate disasrte and human-led global heating. epa head michael regan said -- "there is no small town, big city, or rucoral ommunity tha's unaffected by the climatey crisis." colonial pipeline's has it has begun resuming operations after suffering a cybe lr attackast friday. colonial, which is owned by royal dutch shell, koch industries, and others, transports nearly half of the east coast's fuel supply from omtexas to new jersey. two thirds of north carolina's gas stations are empty. colonial said it wouldake ta w days for supplies to return to normal as some drivers have taken to hoarding gas amid fuel shortages and price hikes. house republicans haveot ved to oust wyomingon cgressmember liz cheney from her leadership role over her vote to impeach former president trump and hercr iticism of trump's lies aboutes the stolen 2020 election. over 100 republicans, including form governors, members of
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congre, cabinet secretary's, arene threating to form a third party unless the republican party brea from its oning loyalty to donald trump. torney general merrick garland told lawmakers what's a premises groups in theas w pose a growinw thatre. >> under the fbi's b'come the top to mr. violent extremists the reat wface comes from racially orra athletically violt extremists, specifically those who advocate for the superiority of the white race. barlett also told the senate appropriations committee the deadly january 6 insurctioren at the u.s. capitol was the most dangerous threat to democracy he has witnesse in minnesotaa judge has found there were aggravating factorsrs inor fmer police officer derek chauv'n's murder of george floyd last may. the factorare s -- chauvin abused his position of trust and authority, hactee d with rticular celruty, he commityed the crime in a group with at least three other peopot, and children were present at the time.
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the fig ndinthmes anchaun isvi moreikel ly to face a longer sentence for murdering floydlo. his sentencing is heduled for june 25. ana warning, our lt heasadline contains graphic desipcrtions of selexual vionce. in morocco-occupied western sahara, dozens of masked moroccan agents broke into the home of renowned sahrawi human rights activist sultana khaya, who hands been uer house arrest for thpaste six months, and sexually assltaued her and her ster ouara. sultana and ouara say the agents entered before dawn when the familyas w sleepg, ainssaulted their brother, doused the home with foul-smelling liquid, and tied them up. >> tpuhey t sticks iour buttocks. that is rape. >> lo, myok eye is injured. i felt smothered. s i was saying to the mocorhecan occupiers, my battle will never
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stop. even if they turn the house intu mud, let them do it. just let them do it. amy: aesty international has called on morocco to lift the arbitrary housararrest agastin sultana khaya and her family. western sahara has been under moroccan military occupaontiar n, theor fmer coloni power, pulled out in97 1le5. last november, morocco violated the 29-year ceasefire with the polisario front and warer turneu to the tertoriry, followed by a moroccan crackdown againstinhe sahrawi indigenous population. to see our documentary "four days in wedaern sahara: africa's last colony," visit and those are some of the adlihenes. lihe is is democracy now!,, the quarantine report. i'm amy goodman in new york, joinedy my co-host nermeen shaikh. hi, nermeen. nermeen: hi, amy. welcome to all of our listeners and viewers fr aomround eth country and around the wld .or amy: the death toll in gaza has reached at least 83 as israel's
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aeri bomalbardment of the besieged territory enters a fourth day. the dead ilude at least 17 children. ov per 480alestinians ve bee juinred. israel is now i'm massing troops near gaza for a possible ga und vasiinon. this comes as many palestiannis are celebrating eid al-fitr, marking the end of the holof month of ramadan. on wednesday, israel leveled ond of the tallest buildings in gaza city, a 14-story high-rise that al local media outlets as well as residential units. it was the third gaza hi rghise destroyed this week by israel. israel has also killed sevaler top mas hammcoanders. meanwhile, the death toll in reached seven as hamas and other palestinian militant groups ntcoinue to fire hundreds of rockets into israel. israel is reportedly rejecting calls for an immediate cease-fi, sayi tnghe assltau will continue until there is
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"complete quiet in gaza." the deadly attacks come after ndreds were injured inju jerusam anled e wethstk bane by israeli security forces monday and over that we can come including during crackdowns at the al-aqsa mqueos in jerusalem and ov ongeroing protests to stop the expulsion of palestinians from the sheikh jarrah neighborhood. pres. bin:de isrl aehas a right defend itself when you have thousands of rockets flying into her terriry,tory but i had a conversation for a while with the prime minister of israel and i think -- my hope h is we will see this coming to a conclusion sooner ratr hethan later. amy: on wednesday, u.s. defense secretary lloyd stauin expressed his "ironcd lasupport for israel" in a call with his israeli counterpart. meanwhile, at thunite ed nations, the united states has e secuourity cncil
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resolution about the crisis. with jewish mobs attacking palestinians and mixed jewish and arab communities. in the israeli city of haifa, a video was posted online showing sran iliae mob trying to break into the home of an arab family. amy: in the israel city ofy m gum, shown on live tv attacking a driver who they suspected of being in the man was dragged fromis hfr r d he was left bleeding on the ground after what the israeli media described as an attempted lynching. the nancfiiathtimesep rorts the
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man was jewish but was mtakeisn as an error. in other parts of bat yam, large grou of israelis were seen vandalizing arab oedwn businesses. israelis wfiere lmed marching in the streets chanttrg "death to arabs." hundredsbo ondrder patrol officers he beaven deployed ande a curfew following sustained protests by the city's palestinians residents. on wednesday, groups of israelis attacked the greatri ama g mosqe of lod. posted them and wish i dead there earlier. at least one synagogue has been set on fire. we beg in ingaza where we are joined by ism adsawan, gaza ojecprt manager for "we are not numbers." can you describe what is happening on the ground in a gaza right now? close thank you for having me.
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i'm going aggreion sson gaza. this hasee bn happening since 2008 by 2012, 2014 and now the scene is horrific. it is terrifying on her children ourselves. thiss creating a lot of scary momes for our people to handle. as the minister of health has reportedthe death toll into so fa 8r,3 people, including 17 ilchdren. seven females, inc oludingne who wapregnant. all of this news coming out of gaza, it is not new. luckily come the social media and the internationallommunity -- aggression happening azin gea west banask we have been witnessing in the past week as
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happened in sheikh jarrahar, including children and a women. continuous ethnic cleansi in different cities and village nermeen: even before the presenidt assault on ga,az condnitions i gaza were more or less unlableiv. the u.n. ward in 2012 by 2020, if prevailing conditions at the timeonthti cnued, e area would be enteliry uninhabitable. could youalk out with living conditions in ga have been like? >> that is exactly what the international community fails to understand. they think this war is the only isolation of human rights israel doing to the peoplef oo gaza. over the past 15 years, we have witnessed w threeords in this is
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the fourth one, inclinudg that t deteriorangtier from fferent levels. medical insufficiencies, equipment. the unemployment re is crazily increasing. the water is not drinkable. people can barely find food and water to feed toei children. gaza has been besieged with absolute policies to suffocate -- [indiscernible] wh isratael has been enforcing rc to gazans is a bargaining plate that if you remain silent, we will gntra you a little bit of water and naral turesources to use, grant you eight hours a day of electricity, we will grant you other services of import and
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export coming in and out of gaza. this is what theare y failing to understand.ta as a matter of escalation. this is not a conflict. when we are talking abou conflict, we', re talk'ng about powersaving i would save quipment come the same funding -- to talk about the funding itself impunity on the political levels ih muc -- 3.8 billion dollars. u yodon't hear ou'tory. you only hear our story whenever the numbers of people are dying, hundredsur injed -- bombing
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happening. that is why we are trying to amplify those stories. don'w't want you toee s us as millions ofeo pple suffering, but we are people tr tyingplo le in peace and dignity. israel is t alnowilong this. they have been viinolatg all accords with full impunity by the government as well as countries all over the world. w nermeen: as far as t telling of the palestinian stories is concerned, could you also talked about the vecorage in the israel i media? me have said media that are routinely critical of prime minister netanyahu's government and his policies, in this instance in covering this assault inaz ga, those same dimea outlets have called for the military, the israeli litary to be as forceful as possible, etc. talk abo howut this isei bowutng reported in the israeli media.
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>> the israeli media with the ppsuort of international media, early focusing on the action -- the reaction of the palestinians and a gaza shooting rockets. but why? ignoring theact israel has beeethnn ically cleansing palestine since 1948, land grabbing, forcibly expelling and not allowing people of the diaspora as ipulated by the united tion we are talng akibout many human rights violations that shouldhae worthy to be discussed. but whent comes to gaz as means of reaction and when it comes to shooting rockets and compared to what happenured ding th great march, we can clearly see and state israel does not
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have any rsoean to violate hanum rights. israel has been violating human rights. has enbe established on forcibly expelling and killing, incding women and chdrilwoen. we have seen the aggression for many example of this aggression in 20 08 when israel launched -- in three minutes, the death toll raised to 0 40peop.le dungri the t great march, people protested peacefully. live ammunition, sniper rifles, tear gas, anso many other means that are internationally prohibited to be used against peaceful protesters. so why discuss the reaction a the angry reaction of the iaonns cstsidering --hamas would never ha exivested without thtioccupaontsel if. i believe after 73 years of this
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occupation and my age, 27 years, living under this occupation, 15 years -- 99 persons -- i believe those sufferings are worthy to be discussed, put into the discussion table with israel t rceioan sctns to take those cases to the icc. we have been witnessing over the long decades that iaelsr has ver nebeen pund,ishe never sanction by edthe icc -- of course because of eth funding administratiohas n been prov ing for so long. amy: issam adwan, thank you for being with us, project manager for "we are not numbers." when we come bk,ac w we go t jerusalem to talk mtoohammed el-kurd. he was forcibly removed but he did turn.
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amy: mic busy the palestinian zi aburedwan. this is democracy now!,, the quaranneti report. i'm'amy goodman with nermeen shaikh. on monday, we spoke to mohammed el-kdur, whose family is facgin forceful eviction from the sheikh jrahar neighborhood of east jerusalem. he spoke on cnn and msnbc. after these intervi iews,ntsraei forc arrested him and forcibly removed him from sheikh jarrah. it was ctuapred in a dramatic video shared widely on social media.
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amy: f morore, we go to speak with mohammed el-kurd, writer and poet in occupi palestine who is organizing to sa his family's home in the sheikh jarrah neig ohborhoodf jerusam.le we spokeo tyou monday. describe what happened next. looks good to be back. b i was standing in my neighborhood at night and israeli forces, while theye wee assaulting and beating protesters landed on me. they know i live in the neighborhood, they know my face, they forcibly took me out of the neighborhood. i ntwa to mentionhi ts has happened to meedef bore in the morning but there were no
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cameras to capture it. i am not sure if this wass targeted or notif or this is because of what i said on natievonal what i do know is palestinians are targeted constantly by israeli violence, be they outspoken or not. for my palestinian siblings, salads will not protect us. should all be speinakg out -- amy: where were they taking you? erthe is a viral video of your twin sister who is telling a jewish settl to erleave your home. where were these soldiers we are shinow g nowak t ing you? >> they just threwthth me in the street nd told me i could not come back into the neighborhood. they have done this many times to us. medium my family members, many of my neighbors. nermeen: could you talkld about the reports of quite blatant collusion betweenettlers sand
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israeli security forces? >> thank god f sorocial media because not oynl in sheikh ah, haifa, the gaza strip, g inthe israeli dened by the israeli state. there are many videos surfaced of police ficers assaulting palestiansin a doing iwitht brute force andoing it like they have a personal vendetta against them, which they .do it is nothi short of terrorism. agn,ai like i said, thank god for social media because the rlwod isinally making up to the fact israel is an apartheid state was the and we -- treat palestinians with such dehunizamation, the way colonizers treat the colonized. nermeen: as you point out, the p role of socialedia as a result
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e the wholworld knows what is w going on and there have been protest held in many cities around the world. atwh is eth significance of solidarity from activists and others in t dseifferent cities,ncluding many inurope well as some in the u.s.? >> absolutely. i think those protestshaart e in hundreds of ctuities aclyalit are also spearheaded by palestinians in the diaspora, much like the protests happening all across this store palestine. the first signifficance o these protests itheys have thdicated these colonial fragmentations th iatsrael has worked tirelessly, explicitly and implicitly, to implement within palestinnsia, these taccsti of intimidation are not working. that we are all palestinian people regardless of geography dan regardless of legalegtatus. we are rising up i think grassroots people on the
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ground all over the world are realizing they have the tos tool end israeli aggression towdar pastinians, israeli seler colonialism. y:am at least 8are dead in ga aza s israel contiesnu its assault onhe besieged territory as palestinians mark the end of israel is now amassing ground troops near gaza and insideid, palestinians are fearing for their lives. israeli mobs attacked arab homes and businesses. this comess athpresident bidens giving israel a green lig to continue its assault on gaza, speakingki publicly on it for te first estime yrdteay. for more, we're joined by budour hassan, a palestinian iterwr and legal resecher forar the jerusalem center for legal aidal and human gh whori hasgheen out in the stree itsn jerusaleme can you describe the scene on
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the ground in rusalem yes -- in jerusalem? >> since the start of ramadan, there have been protests all over jerusalem. they were sprebyd er israel's decion to close off damascus as gate was of that is where they usually gather everyight n,ig especially ramad. these protests extended after they forcefully maganed to force the israelis to remove the barricades. they extended rtoeahch sheik jarrah. all over jerl alem, therare e protests both in support of sheikh jarrah and the people in gaza. in response, especially for the last two weeks, has ramped up its campaign. not only target palestiniansho w have been protesting an dustry, there also- -they are
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also targeting well-known tiacvists an inattempt by rael to stop this popular movement that pwerobably have not ense like before. even greater than the movement e we saw in 2017 against israel's decision -- definitely greater than the movement we saw in 2401 after the killing of a teenager. nermeen:ould c you talk about the israelieade lrship that is spearheading this assault? netanyahu was on the cusp of being ousted.ed he is known as mr. security, also israel' new literary chief of sff -- new chief of staff. "victory doctrine." what was his role in determining the scale of this assault? as
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you say, even more violent than wh wate have seen in the past. >> it is not justotahoo!. it also benny gantz. ga remember last year, everyone was aling him as some sort of a hope and n wowe hear his rhetoric. this is stju an extension to that doctrine of israel's occupation forces against za .ga i would like to highlight eth lesro -- rules, threateningat te world will continue until -- celebration onn tv whenever a tower is destroyed bisraeli occupation forces, blatant as if there are no civilians. not a single woris said about the children who are killed.ho in singlworde said autbo
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the infrastructure thaist being destroyed. incitentme on theit cy. i would likeo ghhi tthlight e role ttha -- internalff aairs security minister is playing in settsting paleinians who live in palestine especially inciting againstai them anbed laheling af em as kurds, describing any and med arforces that has started as a riot and inciting -- cities were palestinians are minority in jewish-donated cities. for decades have suffered unbelievable this goodman nation and erasure of the palestinian identity. we have seen incitement against palestinians who live in
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palestine who are being demonized and treated as internalal enemy. e thwhole rhetoric is beat them with force, deploy police, deploy the army by netanyahu in mixed cities. there is this vleionce, intimidating rhetoric alerovto the israeli leadership, especially on e isthraeli national media. am iy: want to ask about the violence spreading across israel with jewish mobs attacking palestinians in paa mixed jewish and arab communities. in haifa, a videoas w posted onlinehowing a sn israel the mob trying to break into the home of an arab family. then you had what happed in another community as well come in a tel avivv suburb.hi ts was caught live on israeli television,@a palestinian jewish
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mob takingmo people, israeli extremist settlers breaking shops and the suburb, another harrowing video showing ultranationalist israelis agdrging a man they believed to be an arab from his car and beating him mercilesslyer it turned oute h was jewish. on the one hand you have the israeli media, hsome whoave been critical of israel, joining in supporting israel in bombing gaza but on the otr hahend, have the israelieledia talking about lynch mobs because there showing this live on tv as settlers are cateught on levision chanting " death to arabs" and dragnggi arabs out of their@@ cars orar people they percei td to be that. looks as to what you said, although i would like to correct with income haa is a palestin.ian city been let's of bringingid, tre
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settlers from the occupied west bank to eight tseheto jewish mobs in attacking paleinstians. stju a reminder,eqess fruent palestinn iaworshipers tried to reh acal-aqsa mosque of the buses were blocked. they had to get to jerusalem by foot. people in jerusalem had to bring their cars to help these peoe that were blocked and prevented from reaching jerusalem. on the other hand we see how these groups are organizing on facebook and social media. israeli police about ahe and allows them -- there is some mention of these ncly mobs thatre a attacking palestinians in mixed cities. what is not mentioned is who emboldenedhese t lynch mobs. we are talking about state-sponsored decade-long discrimination, isolation, and
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erasure that emboldened these we are talking about what we've alys hwaad about so-called excoistence in the mixed cities. what we're saying right now, it is proof whenever something really an explosion happens of olenvice, we see the true face of t easterly state, which is been complicit against palestinians. in 2000 when the israeli police killed 13 unarmed protesters the new dimensionio is the ease with whh these settlers are allowed to run rights. justification on the israeli tv although it is critingcizi c the lynch mob but on the otr hehand it is usi pngrevious attacks by other palestinians in order to juifsty the response and retaliation.
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these repraliss by the israeli- jewi mobs are not spontaneous. they are organized. they are strongly supported by the israeli state and have representation in the knesset and far-right jewish parties in the knesset. nermeen: could you also talk about e signifance of so many israeli protests arabs joining thtse protes? >>toinga, correct the terminogoly, we are palestinians, not israeli arabs. th iiss e of israel's efforts since 1942 aimilate ,us to raise our identity and tell us thate are w not palestinians as an attem to silence as an separate as an isolate us from the palestinian people. what we are seeing right now mmed and injured it oqueelntly, we arehall cenging the fragmentation.
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we are rininefg the geography palestine and -- when i see palestinians and others chant for jerusalem and one voice in unison, see the same in haifa and how palestinian youth probabevly nprer come to jerusam before go on their own in order to join the protest in sheikh jarrah. not only is it heartwarming, dish despite the budgets, the efforts, including intimidation, revengeen, arrest, d son, especially aerft 2000 and the second intifada when israel tried to divide the pastinian community from f within my spreading weapons ando nvincing people are social and
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economic code is somehow separate from the palestinian national liberation movement, and to see despite all this,hior so many years the palestinian people whenever something happened gaza and jerusalem, eyth take to t streets. but what is happening this time in particular, think in since it is unprecedented. we didn't do exaggerate andta ken aback because we are so emotionally involved in what is going on. but reallyomething unprecedented because despite all the repression that these protesters have ced, the continuing- -they know their code as palestinian national liberation movement is inseparable from the palestinian code a on sardtuay will mark the anniversary of the thhnet cleansing of palestinians in 1948. what we're 'eegin now in one of the most popular chants in these protests in support ofor jeralem
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is "i'm returning." see this thd or even fourth generation is still existing -- insisting, "i will return," it says so much about the resilience. it is true we are seeing this incredible resiliencef th oe palestinians. no mathoter now much we are beig forced to be isolated from our people, we continue to act as the this hasev herap npened and we continue to insist on our right to be called palestinians and support our sisters and brothers all over the palestinian diaspora and oliver palestine. amy: fally, how do you even protect yourself when you go outside? >> will, obviously i am very fortunate to have the most amazing comrades and friends in the world so iwh knoenever u're in e streets, you're
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never alone. i have the most amazing women and men in the world, young people supgportin me. obviously, it is always a danger for anyone, by the way, because e israelthi police doesn't discriminate, but i know it is my right and my duty as a palestinian to take to the re ets and participate. like 70 palestinians, -- keli so many paltiesnis,th whenier they arne me or women, elderly, children, have had to suffer the oppression and the violencof the israeliolic e. but when you'r' in the street and chanting and raingsi your voice,he tre is that is the most amazing thing and always gives me response. whenever you're in the streets and raising your voice against injustice anfor d freedom and liberation, the lastng thi you think about is --
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amy: budour hassan, thank you for beg with us. when b we comeack, we stay in jerusalem to speak with nathan thrall. he will tell us about this new york review of books peace that he wrote that was ssedround ngcoress even before this latest assault called "a day in the life of abed salama." one man's quest to find his son lays verthy e reality of palestinian life under israeli rule. stay with us. ♪♪ [music break]
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aerial bombardment of the besieged territory enters a fourth day. the dead include 17 children come over 480 palestinians have been injured. the ath detoll in israel has reached 7ma as has and other militant groups continue to fire hundreds of rockets into israel. we are joined now by nathan thrall, foer director of the arab-israeli project at the international crisis group. he is now a writer, based in jerusalem, author of the book he only language they un rstand: forcing compromise in israel and palestine." his latest piece for the new york review of books is headlined "a day in thlie fe of abed salama." how one man's quest to find his son lays bare the b reality of palestinian life uer israeli rule. nathan, if you can comment on the latest en scalatioand what this means, including the u.s. response? and then tell us the story of abed and his five-year-old son
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and what happened to him. >> thank you foraving me, amy. at wwhe're seeing right now in under israel's controlled from the river to the ver rito see is an uprising that is taking place in cities and in the west bank where iis bt eing suppressed by palestinian security forces, taking place in palestinian cities inside of greenline israel -- pre96-17 israel, and of course, taking place in east jerusalem and in gaza. i have to say having lived herei for quite some time, this feels unlike any other time at i have beener he. to have nclyhobs roam ming through the streetsnd attackingat people purely basedn their ethnicity iss really quite
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enfrighting and distuing to al thl e people around here. it is really a unieque moment, i think the most significant thing happening now is the attksac withinne grelien israel. as some of your previous guests were saying, the unity that nursing amnug palestinians that israel had attempted to fragment fo decades. dan this has been a key part of israel's strategy and success at maintaining an occupation for over hf alov century and actualy for the entirety of israel's say for six months, it kept the majority of them native population under its control, under some kind of a litamiry regime while having a separate
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regime for the jews living here. what we're seeing now is really an aempttt five palestinians to connect what had been very serapate struggles of how simeon cities students of israel for equality -- citizens of israel for there prevented from even living in hundreds of jewish only communities within israel. what we are seeings the unity of palestinians in jerusalem who are that israel csed to implement a racist law which allows to obtain jews -- to obtain properties not allowing palestinianle residents, taxpayg residents of the city to do the sa thimeng. anofd course in gaza, we hava brutal siege that sws no sign
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of ending an utter despetttion among the people there. toind fsome way to end it. within the west bank, you have palestinians living in -- most of them living16n 5 little islands of supposed palestinian autono tmyhat is in fact under total israeli control was of rael enters these idsslanhe of autonomyt awill. eyth're disconnected from one another. they need israeli permission to go between them. eth palestinian secury foitrces now in these disconnected islands are suppressing the protests that are taking place. if we look at the whole territory altogether, these
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palestinian islands of autonomy, 165 in the west bank plus gaza, eyth amount to about 10% of the territory of mandoryat palestine. the rritory under israel's role, not including the lan heights. what we have is israel directly er ministing and controlling 90% of the territory, and we have 10% of it that is in this pseudo-economy, which notis ah real autonomy. the international communy describes e thsituation as something totally other than what is the international community s describethis as a the so-called palestinian controlled westank orhe tatah dominated west bank . well, actually, israel not just controls all of the west bank, directly administers the
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majority othe territorin ty he west bank. entire discourse of the internationa community about this conflict is one of wisul inking that we have a palestinian state in the making and an israeli state and it is a boeron crdflict between them rather than threality which is one sovereign state controlling all the teitrrory and 160 five tiny little islands that make up less than 10% of the territory that don't have real autonomy, don't have real sovereignty, and d'n't have any prospect of freedom or independence anywhere on the horizon. th eisntire system is funded byy the united states, paid for by the united states, and you hear liberals in the united states calling for the u.s. tola py a greater role. progressives even, well-meaning progressives, conference u.s. to play a greater role. but this is a totally contradictory position.
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if you understand the u.s. is part of the problem. that the u.s. is finding the slow tveakeor of this entire territy, torheonstriction of palestinians into it, even smaller spaces, then course anybody inavor f of palestinian freedom and independence should not want a greaterole for the unit sedtates. that is a ry lveong answer. i have not gotten the pso i would be glad to discuss that now. rmeen: before we do that, nathan, could you talk now, ere is a realhrea tt of an iseat really ground assault on za. what do yoatthink thu e prospec of that are and whatith the implications of that be? >> it is anybody's guess whether it will actuallyap hpen. israel is trngyi to signal it is very possible andut p his forces e to the border. it may happen. is raeliss very frightened of
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doing a ground operationou becae it expects there will be a large number of casualties and it ars feisraeli soldiers will be kidnapped. it is not a decision that will be taken lightly in israel. i think moste peoplwould prefer -- most in the security tablishment would prefer to do this whout a ground invasion because at the end of the day, israel's preference and it policy is to havhae mas, in control of its little island of gaza after this is finished, after this round of fighting or this war, whatever it turns out to be, after it is over, israel wants to return to the situation as it was oneeek ago, which is
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the people of gaza choked. hamas can ministering gaza while israel controls over thing that happens from the outside. and there is reallnot much purpose in ground invasion unless you actually intend to change that situation, stay there for a long time, attempt to rlaceep the leadership in gaza -- and even that, it is not clear that is feasible. what palestinian leader is going to come in on an israeli tk and succeed in ruling? el does not really have any goodptionsns. d all othe f bloodsd we are seeing right now is rather pointless because it is cle now that israel'sra intention is to return to the situationt i s ha e d week ago. either way, this is a huge problem for israepalel-stine in general.
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all of the good, well-meaning libels and progrsiesves in the worldwo ignore israel-palestine. they pay atitten pon to it when there is violence. oncehe tre is violence, what do progressives call for? the by the administration to make sure the escalation stops. so what? so we returned to the status quo. status wilof slow is really takeover of this territory and paleitinians living under apartheid. a ground invasion rlleay -- it may happen, but nothing of it good will come of it for israel. nermeen: hava coe uplef minutes left. you describe the situation through winding the li of abed salama. talk abouthe t piece. >> it is the story of onean on one day searching to find his son when a tragic accident
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occurs. to understand the story of this man searchg througinh the labyntrih of israei rule to find us on and all of the obstacs he faces, which are historic obstacles, they go back to t the beginning of zionism, which i address in the is, you need to understand where this man lives. he lives in a community that has been separated from the rest ofal juserem by the 26 foot high separation barrier. and half of this community, surrounded on three sides by a wall, and on the fourth side by what is known ashe a tpartheid adro because it has separate lanes r palestinian and israia i traffic. that road itself has a large wallunning through the midedl of it so the two sites do not see one another. so this community is an enclave,
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a ghetto, completely surrounded by walls half of it is within the next east jerusalem which i annexed in 1967, and the residents have blue id cards. eyth have the ability to go through a checkpoint in order to enter the rest of theity. c amy: we have 30 seconds. >> t story is really aut life iide a ghetto, walled ghetto that israelas created. half of the people in the ghetto are residents of the city of salem and one man searches throughout the horrible d to nd his son and to find out what happened to his son on that day. amy: we are goingo tcontinue er the broadcast because we have to hear this story in full. it has had an enormous impact. it is called day in the life be of ad salama.
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yours to discover on "cycle around japan" saturdays on nhk worl d-japan. welcome back. from our studio in tokyo, this is nhk "newsline." israeli media say the country's military is considering a ground operation in the gaza strip in response to the rocket attacks from the territory. hostilities continued, thursday, between israeli forces and the islamic fundamentalist group, hamas, which effectively controls gaza. the death toll
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