tv Inside Story LINKTV May 17, 2021 5:30am-6:01am PDT
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♪ >> the headlines on al jazeera this hour. israel is continuing its environment of gaza with another seven people killed in an airstrike targeting a refugee camp. at least 100 33 palestinians, including 30 children, have been killed since the israeli offensive began on monday. we have the latest from gaza, where he has had to move away from the camera to seek shelter from the explosions. >> they have been carrying a intensive shooting either from the air or from the ground,
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north of the gaza strip. half an hour ago they had bombarded -- bombardment warning -- warning markets -- warning rockets sent to two houses. just steps from our office. we are expecting any time these two houses could be bombarded by the fighting jets. it has caused huge explosions. anchor: at least 11 palestinians were killed friday during protests that swept across the occupied west bank. clashes between police and demonstrators continued into the night and occupied east jerusalem. funerals have been held for some of those killed during the earlier protests in the occupied west bank. at is happening in gaza has led to demonstrations in support of palestinians around the world. one person died after hundreds held a rally in southern lebanon near the border with israel on
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friday. they're joined by religious leaders who said the congregation stood united with the palestinian people. an outspoken supporter of former u.s. presidents donald trump has been elected to a senior leadership role in the republican party. new york congresswoman elise stefanik was voted in as house conference chair, the third highest ranking posted in the house of representatives. it is seen as a sign that trump script remained strong on the party six month after he lost the election. coming up next, inside story. stay with us. ♪
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anchor: young and frustrated by the israel palestine conflict. a new generation is protesting with defiance. and speaking a social media. our leaders hearing their demands for change? this is inside story. ♪ anchor: hello, and welcome to the program. some call him the new face of activism against israeli occupation. young palestinians and some israelis frustrated by their political leaders are making their voices heard. [chanting] anchor: they had been at the forefront of protests on airstrikes and the forest
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evictions. much of this is been captured on social media. messages of support from celebrities and social movements like black lives matter have been shared hundreds of thousands of times. some activists posted graphics online to try to explain the history of the conflict. a video of the daily show host trevor no reacting to the violence has been -- trevor noah reacting to the violence has been seen 3 million times. >> if you're in a fight where the other person cannot beat you, howard should you reality -- should you read -- how hard should you retaliate? if a man has a knife, could -- should the cops shoot him? in many parts of the world they say they will do everything they can to not shoot the person. even at risk to ourselves. because at the end of the day they brought a knife to a
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gunfight. when you have this much power, what is your responsibility? ♪ anchor: let's bring in our guests. in occupied east jerusalem, a palestinian activists arrested by israeli shoulders -- soldiers. in brooklyn, the spokesperson for if not now, a movement of american jews supporting the ending of the occupation. and in gaza, a humanitarian worker. let me start with you today. there is a video showing you as you are being arrested by israeli security forces that went viral. i want to play few seconds of that for our viewers and then i will come back to you. >> what did i do? that's why i'm arrested? defending people who are going to be kicked out of their
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houses? anchor: later in that video we see looking at the camera and smiling defiantly as you are being detained. what was going through your mind while all this was happening and also to shoot expect this to get the kind of reaction it has yet -- it has? guest: i did not expect this to get to the attention it has got into. -- the attention it has got. i was so angry because what is happening is exactly what is happening in jerusalem. and it's exactly what happens in palestine. and it's what happened in 1948. i was so angry because it is still happening. i was questioning him -- why do you do this? why should we go through this for more than 70 years now?
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since 1948, palestinians -- palestine's under an ongoing de-shaping of the land. it has not stopped yet. it will not stop. until there is not an occupation. the occupation will not stop in its attempts. anchor: when you see this kind of activism from a younger generation of palestinian activists emerging right now -- that's getting so much attention in the media and on social media -- when you see videos like the one we just showed a few seconds ago by her smiling as she is arrested, very defiantly, what does that make you think? does that make you hopeful for the future? guest: i'm proud to be on the show with her. of course, with this video and
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with similar activism, it is bringing hope again. for the longest. i think we have lost it. we have been thinking for a while that we are talking to ourselves. we are complaining to ourselves. we are shouting and screaming and saying no, this cannot go on for longer. as if we are talking to a wall. and having this new generation with such an amazing example. it shows that this is -- this is the truth. this is when the truth has to -- it has to be revealed. it cannot stay forever. generation after generation. they will not erase what happened before. it does not work like that. finally, the world needs to know and needs to see.
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for me, as a palestinian living in gaza, to see this is so valuable. it brings back some hope, for sure. anchor: i want to take a step back and look at something that happened in congress and the u.s. there were progressive democratic members of the u.s. congress on thursday responding to the ongoing conflict with some questioning of the u.s. government's unconditional support of israel. >> we must with no hesitation demand our country recognize the unconditional support of israel has enabled the erasure of palestinian life and the denial of rights of millions of fiji's. -- millions of refugees. >> every single death in this conflict is a tragedy. every rocket that target civilians is a war crime. >> when you see what happened in congress, when you hear progressive voices who are drawing parallels between the
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plight of the palestinians and the injustices faced by black americans, they are also comparing israel's posture with apartheid era south africa. what does that make you think? do you feel as though in some way public sentiment is shifting, just the fact that we are hearing rhetoric from people in congress that would -- that we would not have heard a few years back? guest: i think there is a huge shift underway. seeing representative clive -- tlaib on the house floor, these are the stories that have been excluded and hidden from us. our politics are being transformed by having a palestinian-american woman in congress for the first time. i think, as you said, this
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national and international reckoning we are having about race and justice -- i think we -- young jewish people, we are being asked to apply that logic -- we understand and are learning about the experiences of black americans. in this country. and then we are being asked to not apply that logic in palestine. that is something we will not do anymore. that so many people are not willing to ignore. anymore. anchor: whenever i have reported out of occupied east jerusalem or the occupied west bank or gaza in the past, time and time again i encounter palestinians who tell me how frustrated they are with palestinian political leadership and how ineffective palestinian politicians have been. let me ask you. did you set out to be an activist?
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i see that you are a cellist with the palestine youth orchestra. is this really the only course forward to see any kind of change? guest: first of all, i am a contra bassist, not a cellist. anchor: my apologies. guest: it's fine. basically, the israeli propaganda and media is really powerful. no one will tell the stories of us palestinians or us palestinians living in israel or in jerusalem. for example, what is happening is just an ongoing thing that happens every day in jerusalem. israeli ministry of interior sets its demography goal for jerusalem at 70% israeli. this means getting rid of the
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growing number of palestinians to move out of the city. hundreds of thousands of palestinians were displaced by ways of house demolished mentz -- demolished mentz -- demolishments. from the beginning the occupation and permitted colonial policies -- the occupation implemented colonial policies. most palestinians choose to stay and stand up for their rights. for their dignity and future. anchor: earlier today i saw you tweeted that i am very lucky i could sleep for three continuous hos. north and east gaza experienced how last night. what is the situation there right now? guest: the situation has been
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extremely tense. we have experienced 2014 and whatever it was before. i do not now. trying to describe that in words is hard. to put it in the simple way, i'm talking about a continuous bombardment. with a variety of ways. continuous drone fire, fighter jets, navy, tank shelling. that started last night and contributed to the hell i was referring to, especially in the areas of east gaza and the north of gaza city and the north of the gaza strip. all of my friends and the people i know of and am communicating with, we were just through the night trying to check on them and what broke and what did not break and what is being
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destroyed and who is escaping their home. all the anxiety, the panic for the people, they were telling me they are leaving their homes and evacuating, running away, fleeing. rumors also kept on spreading on the internet and among people, about the bombardment. about this heavy round that took place, that israel is actually -- civilian troops are getting ready. this was later denied. nothing happened. the myery of this is -- misery of this is it happened before. each time it happens with a certain level of intensity. i even talked -- i do not know
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if it will make sense, but the war does not have a limit. it has thresholds. each time there is a certain threshold that moves. it is flexible. it keeps on going up, up, and up. whenever someone calls me into tells me how i am doing, i tell them i am fine because i know it is always worse and there is always a worse situation. however, this teaches us that things can go much worse. the more people you know who are affected, who have left their homes, evacuated, who now sitting out in nowhere, just in random public places or in schools or with relatives, i know many of those. they have no idea what will happen next. however, this time -- these very difficult hours -- what is important is we keep ourselves mentally sane.
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within the house me and my two daughters and husband, that is our goal. that is an achievement during these difficult times. anchor: the stated admission of your -- mission of your organization is trying to move the opinion of jews on the israeli occupation. what steps need to taken for that to happen? >> our mission is to end it -- ending the occupation is a worthwhile mission, but our goals are more humble. we are trying to end our communities support for the occupation. to end the orthodoxy that says that jewish safety relies on palestinian suffering. we see that as an important step, given how often jewish safety is cited as the reason for our government's complicity in the occupation and in upholding systems of apartheid israel. and so, we are building on
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decades of jewish progressive organizing and palestinian organizing on this issue. we're trying to do our part so that our community can be on the right side of this issue. anchor: is palestinian leadership hearing these demands for change? guest: basically, nobody -- i don't think anyone is hearing from the leadership or organizations, like human rights organizations or whatever. i think what we're doing is very individualist. it is done by individuals. basically, the ones who are -- who have started the movement and has started showing the world what we are doing and what is happening in jerusalem are people from the neighborhood. they use the only weapon that we
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have as palestinians, which is social media. we use that as a way for us to express ourselves, to reach the humans around the world. to reach free humans around the world. still, this weapon, they are trying to take it away from us. posts and accounts that tweet or talk about palestine and tell our stories have been diluted. basically, no one presents us from a government organization. what we do is only individualistic and we do it by -- on our own. anchor: let me ask a follow-up. because so much of this is being shared widely, you have a lot of people who do not typically engage in politics. they are widely sharing infographics and videos expressing solidarity with the palestinians. what i am curious about is do you believe this type of activism -- some people call it
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hashtag activism -- do you believe this type of activism is actually leading to a deeper kind of engagement on the issues? guest: before this time, before what is happening today, before like -- in 2009, palestinians were displaced. settlers took these houses and until the day they are still living in these houses. before the news would talk about what is happening, but they still could not make it, because nobody knew about it. during my protest, i met a girl from another city in palestine. i told her, i hope what happened in 2009 what not once happen again. she did not know what happened in 2009. because the news did not reach her.
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because israeli media is really powerful. israeli propaganda is really powerful. our stories could reach anyone in the world. today our news, our shouts are reaching many people around the world because we are the producers of our story. we produce the story. we take the photos. we take the footage. we take the stories and share them with the world. this is why they started fighting against our stories and fighting against our forces. i do believe that because we could share our stories very widely and share our voices very widely, i do have hope that we will win the peace. but winning does not mean ending the occupation, because what is happening is not only happening here. is happening in the rest of the
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-- it is happening in the rest of the occupied territories and historical palestine. anchor: i saw you nodding along to what she was saying. i wanted to see if you had a reaction. i also want to get from your perspective your reaction, this kind of activism we are seen playing on so many social media platforms right now, do you think it will lead to deeper engagement with these issues? guest: i think what she was saying about -- right now the focus is on their, but solving the crisis will not end the occupation. that is something we are trying really to lift up in our organizing around this. i think so often it's very frustrating and described as isolated incidents and cases of violence, you know, a conflict between two people partners. that is just not the case.
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that is completely decontextualized. as they have both said, it totally misses the reality on the ground. it also ignores the fact that the tools that israel is using our burnished by the u.s., many of them by the u.s. government. our government gives 3.8 billion dollars of military aid to israel each year. those are u.s. bonds and fighter jets flattening whole buildings in gaza. its u.s. diplomatic backing that is trying to shield the settler enterprise from any consequences. i was really touched what she said about being the producers of your own story. i do think that is really important. as i said, similar to representative tlaib sharing on the house floor, the stories of palestinians and what they have experienced at the hands of all
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of this israeli violence and this campaign to expand jewish supremacy that has been ongoing for decades. americans have to listen to those stories. i think it is really important that people are seeing that. i thing social media has made it much more accessible. i think that is important. anchor: i would like to ask you a little bit more of a personal question. one of the more horrifying aspects of all this is the fact that children are continuing to die. as an aid worker, as a humanitarian worker, as a mother, how does that make you feel to continue seeing that play out in gaza? guest: well, of course we live here all our lives and as a mother i will take that one
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first. my own daughter is six and a half. during the 2014 war i was pregnant with her. she understands and asks very difficult, although very innocent, questions. how can i protect her physically? that is something. but there is a limit to what we can do. however, how can i protect her brain, her mental health and well-being? how she is raised as a human, above all. someone who understands what is wrong and what is right. and what is just and what is injustice. her parents and her grandparents lived. and so on. the problem is that the challenge that i feel -- how can
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i give her hope? only these couple of things, despite how challenging and horrifying they are. and what fears i personally have now today. of what may come next, how tonight will be -- or tomorrow for them, with them, or beyond in the coming weeks. what is the balance you can do as a parent? to keep them sane and human but also teach them the problems? why is this happening? with these two days as i mentioned, the amount of engagement around the world -- it feels a bit different to me. it feels a bit different, that not only -- this quick support, the sending of messages, hope you're all right, stay safe, we are on your side. it is much deeper than this.
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what is more important is what's happening in palestine. all of it. and around it. even reaching jordan or lebanon. everyone is awake. that this is wrong and should stop. so i have some hope. however, i know i am realistic. this will not change in a day or a second. although i hope my daughters will have the chance to live a less traumatized experience and be ordinary human beings. anchor: we have run out of time so we will have to leave the conversation there. thank you so much to all our guests. and thank you too, for watching. you can see all our previous
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