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tv   Inside Story  LINKTV  June 3, 2021 5:30am-6:01am PDT

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solar system could these two missions have? ♪ >> quick check the headlines on al jazeera. israeli opposition leader yair lapid has informed the president he has support to form new government, ending benjamin and tonight you's 12 years in power. naftali bennett will be prime minister first, followied by lapid two years later. the deal is a parliamentary vote before the government this morning. we have more from west jerusalem.
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>> the coalition's eight parties gog from left far-right who have nothing or very little in common except one main goal, to oust benjamin netanyahu. looking ahead, there is still a whole process that has to happen. the speaker of the parliament has to call for a vote of confidence by the knesset. that should happen in the next 7-10 days, but in between, a lot can happen. ask anyone in israel. politics and israel is ak of lifetime, and things could change again and again. >> senior u.n. and red cross officials have visited gaza two weeks after a cease-fire ended the conflict between israel and hamas. they described the humanitarian crisis as staggering. 11 days of israeli bombardment caused damage to schools, hospitals and critical
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infrastructure. a huge fire has broken out at a refinery in southern tehran. the blaze sent a thick plume of smoke over parts of iran's capital. so far, no reports of injuries. cargo ship sinking off the coast of sri lanka is threatening an ecological disaster. it is filled with several hundred tons of oil. one of nicaragua's opposition leaders has been placed under house arrest and accused of money laundering ahead of elections in november and unions in columbia are taking part in other strike. the country has seen massive antigovernment stations since april. president ivan duque has sent military forces to the city. more news here on "inside story." stay with us on al jazeera. ♪
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>> israel's prime minister says he is willing to risk friction with the u.s., benjamin netanyahu saying it is a price to be paid for iran's nuclear ambitions. this is "inside story." ♪ peter: welcome to the program. after decades, the israeli relationship with the united states has been unshakable. it is crucial for israel's security and u.s. policy across
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the middle east food now, benjamin netanyahu says he is willing to risk friction. the caretaker prime minister whose future hangs in the balance made the remarks while welcoming the new head of the israeli spy agency, mossad. mr. netanyahu said israel's priority is to neutralize iran's nuclear ambitions, even if the u.s. and other countries reinstate the nuclear deal. >> if we have to choose, i hope it doesn't happen with friction with our great friend the united states, and the elimination of the existential threat. the elimination of the existential threat is increasing. it falls on you, the political leadership of the state of israel and you, david b arnier, to make sure under no circumstances will i ran arm itself with nuclear weapons.
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peter: we have the former israeli ambassador to the united nations in london. we have roxanne, a lecturer on modern middle east politics at the diversity of cambridge and in washington, lawrence, he served as u.s. assistant secretary of defense. to tell part -- how far is mr. netanyahu appeared to push this relationship when it comes to have a friction-based relationship with joe biden. >> there is a very strong bond with the u.s.. the alliance is based on mutual values. and it will continue the same way. having said that, we have to remember the history, that we handle divisions by ourselves, and our security. add the u.s. has supported it. when the u.s. decided to -- when
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israel decided to attack the nuclear reactor in iraq, the u.s. administration condemned it or slowly come about year later, they thanked israel for doing that. and it happened again when bided started to attack a nuclear reactor in syria and president bush said he was against it initially, but after that, he gained respect all over again. so yes, we speak with our colleagues, we value our opinion and at the end, we will take the actions that are important for our survival and our security. peter: that means adopting an aggressive stance toward the government in tehran? >> it means to take action preventing iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon. when a radical regime is threatening to destroy israel, we cannot sit idly by and wait and see whether they mean it or not. we cannot do that. we expect the international community to take strong action, but if we believe that the
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action they have been taking is not efficient, we will do whatever is necessary to protect ourselves. peter: lawrence korb in washington, how far will mr. biden push against that stance? >> he pushed back when he was vice president. and when prime minister netanyahu came to the night and states and took the unprecedented step of addressing the u.s. congress, and told them not to approve a deal that the obama-biden administration had made with iran, so i think that he will push back. he has given getting back into the iran nuclear deal the highest priority, that is why the negotiations are going on in vienna right now. so i think he will push back very, very hard against this,
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because this is a priority, because a nuclear-armed iran would completely destabilize the middle east. it is a bigger threat than anything going on, whether it is in yemen or syria or what have you. peter: roxanne, put this in the context of, not the immediate past, not the last month or so, but the wider picture and context when it comes to a friction-based relationship between jerusalem and washington, not what i guess it should be in a perfect world, a frictionless relationship. >> i would argue there already has been quite a bit of friction. in fact, as her guest pointed out, there has been friction in the past -- your guest pointed out, there has been friction in the past, certainly in the last year, there has been quite a bit of kit for tat and increase in
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attacks allegedly by israel on iran. in fact, just today, the largest ship in their navy was sunk in the form of a fire that is very unexpected. there was clearly an explosion. this is quite typical of what has been going on between israel against iran. although i would argue that the level of sabotage and friction has been high enough that the americans must be aware of this activity by israel against iran, and must agree to it at some level. there is a question to be asked as to how far that friction can go. and as they are negotiating the jcpoa, if that does go ahead, than the situation will change in enormously, and the u.s. will not want to have
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israel making the situation for iran increasingly difficult. peter: lawrence in washington, israel wants a prerequisite for even getting the slightest green light to the jcpoa, if we can call it that, some sort of reenergized 20 15 nuclear deal, pulling iran back into this welcoming, open church of nonproliferation of nuclear weapons in the middle east. what of the safeguards israel wants that mr. biden admitted -- that mr. biden's administration would be ok with? >> if you could get back into the jcpoa, then you could begin working on other issues, iran developing ballistic missiles would be another one that they could begin to work on. the iranians working with other countries to have peace in yemen by cutting back their support of the houthis, but for the biden
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administrati, the nuclear is the beginning. because if that doesn't work, nothing else will evolve. endo forgot, when i had the privilege of working for president reagan, he got very upset -- and don't forget, when i had the privilege of working for president reagan, he got very upset when the israelis bombed a reactor in iraq and when they invaded lebanon. reagan called begin and read him the riot act. we cut down sending supplies to israel and sent awacs to saudi arabia at that time. there is a history of us reacting if the israelis push too far. peter: danny in tel aviv, do you understand those voices of israel, people who write for "the jerusalem post" who say the last conflict, the one we covered ad nausea him here on al jazeera, the fourth war in three years between israel and in
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effect hamas, there were voices out of israel saying what netanyahu did there was about political expediency and political survival could because if he picks a fight with hamas, that gives him six more months as israeli prime minister. a derivative of that is, if he picks a fight with charon, that maybe get him another 12 months as israeli print minister -- with tehran, that maybe gets him another 12 months as israeli prime minister. >> when he think about a timeline and negotiations for forming a different government -- you think about a timeline and negotiations for forming a different government, we are very happy we got to a cease-fire a few days ago. same with iran, we put our national security above politics and we have today cooperation
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between two different parties, benny gantz and netanyahu, and they cooperate on security issues. but i want to go back your last question to my colleague, the jcpoa was advanced in 2015. the main issues we are raising and telling our allies in washington to address are the ballistic missile tests, nuclear ambitions, millions of dollars that the proxies would receive from tehran, all those issues would not be addressed if the u.s. were to reenter the jcpoa in the next few days. peter: roxanne, is there implicitly here an asymmetric relationship, a tail wagging the dog relationship? one would want to assume that the superpower in the room, the united states, tells israel what
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to do, and israel reacts to that, instead of what seems to me, israel does something and then it is the united states that reacts to what israel is doing. >> well, it is very much dependent on events. certainly israel is not supportive of the jcpoa signing in 2015, and expressed a certain level of threat that they would take care of their own national security despite that signing. nonetheless, it was the u.s. decision to make that signature deal go forward, and certainly the -- certainly netanyahu and israel stepped back. and there was a year the follow that signing that we see was one of the most peaceful in the most recent five or six years in the region. i think one thing that is clear about the jcpoa is that it implies regional security
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issues. it is the trigger once it is signed. it has been made very clear by the biden administration that they have every intention of going right into negotiations over missiles. and until that trust is set up in some kind of understanding has been established, which we have seen happen already once back in 2015-2016, and nuclear production in iran dropped precipitously at that point, so in many ways, it shows that the concerns of israel are answered by the signing of the jcpoa. once that is signed again, then, the next step will inevitably follow. and we are also seeing that there is a rapprochement already between saudi arabia and iran in order to address some of their concerns, militias and the conflict across the gulf.
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so starting the negotiations again with the jcpoa and putting that as a possible success will serve to calm the situation. and i think israel will see that the u.s. decision is the right way forward. and certainly, it is about to go through a change of premier, just like i ran is about to go through a change of presidency. so we see quite a few new actors in the united states and in the gulf that are willing to try something new. because the past certainly hasn't worked. peter: israeli defense minister benny gantz says israeli-u.s. differences should be resolved without defiant rhetoric. he has been dispatched washington, where he is expected to make a $1 million request to the pentagon to re-stock the iron dome missile defense
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system. there were more than 3000 rockets fired into israel and the most recent conflict with hamas. in 2020, usaid israel was just shy of $4 billion. almost all of it goes into the military. and washington is committed to an obama-era deal that would last until 2028, providing over $40 billion over 10 years. >> it is safe to expect that among the things they will talk about our regional security issues. and we have every expectation that iran and their malign behavior in the region will come up. this is obviously not the first time that the secretary has met or spoken with minister gantz. they have had numerous phone calls over the last couple weeks with respect to gaza, and we visited israel not long ago and they had an extensive date together. so we expect thursday's meeting will be a continuation of those discussions, but regional security issues will be at the
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top of the list. peter: lawrence corbin washington, so many dichotomies in this relationship, one could argue the optics around the relationship have changed because any gantz is in washington. but on the other hand, may 17, the fourth war in over three years, is headed towards being at its peak in the biden administration signs off on arms deals worth $735 million worth of precision-guided weapons. that was either bad timing, bad luck or just stupid. >> basically, there were more members of congress this time, including two jewish senators, who were opposed to that $735 million deal. biden has gone a with it. but the -- gone ahead with it. but the relationship between the
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u.s. and israel has become a more normal relationship. our main goal was making sure the israelis were not overthrown him as happened in 1967 and 1973. israel has become a more significant power. they are as powerful as any country in the region. i don't think any of the countries could beat them militarily, as they tried in 1967 and 1973. so we are going to have good moments, we are going to have these bad moments. we are not going to agree on everything. as you mentioned, we give them $4 billion a year in military aid, no strings attached. and if you look at the iron dome who, thank heavens performed so wonderfully during the conflict with hamas, a lot of that money and technology came from the united states. so we will guarantee israel's independence but on the other hand, we are good to do what is best for the united states. and we feel this nuclear deal is
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good for israel. but obviously, many people don't. they have issues with iran. but remember, during the cold war, when we signed arms reductions agreements with nuclear weapons with the soviet union, there were still controlling eastern europe, they were in afghanistan, so you have to solve each issue as it comes up. you can solve everything in one place. and i believe is president obama did and president biden, that the nuclear issue in the region, for all of the countries and for the united states. peter: to tel aviv, is there a chance here that whoever is prime minister has to be less legend than benjamin netanyahu's been to date? can i suggest joe biden has a non-nuanced idea of what israel is? he seems to perceive israel is one layer of "the only parliamentary democracy in the middle east," surrounded by arab
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and muslim autocracies. in this region is so much more complicated than that simply stick viewable what israel is -- simplistic view as to what israel is. >> president biden is a good friend of israel. and we saw it in the last cycle, the more support we received. because the u.s. is -- because it israel is the greatest friend and ally of the u.s.. we fought hamas, we thought people, we fought -- we fought evil, and when we fight evil, we get support of our allies in the u.s.. peter: i want to interrupt you
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because hamas never publicly supported al qaeda and what hamas has done has only been done in his relationship -- let me finish, this is a matter of historical fact, which shows what i am about to say is historically correct. hamas has only done what it has done across the border from gaza into israel. it has never gone wider than that. i don't want to conversation about allegiances between groups that operate on the ground in that way. i want to get one other point, please allow me to move the conversation on. >> are you going to let me speak and answer you? you just said a lie. after 9/11, hamas issued a statement supporting the acts of al qaeda. peter: no, that was not what i said. that was not what i said. >> you said a lie. peter: that was not, sir, that
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was not what i said. that was not what i said. what i said was that hamas has a was contained itself to doing what it does in its relationship with israel, out of gaza across the border into israel. that was very specifically and clearly what i said. i want to move the conversation on. >> i insist that they supported al qaeda after the attack on 9/11. it is evil. that is what we get the support from the u.s.. peter: let me move the conversation on, roxanne in london, is there a problem here for whoever is the israeli prime minister that is yet to come? it is the younger, jewish-american lobby who are turning away from what israel seems to be at the moment. >> i think that at the moment,
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we have seen a very specific chapter in the relationships in the middle east, and also in relationship to the united states. there is certainly a group, a younger group if you will, within the united states generally, within the democratic party specifically, but also in some of those that would say that they are republicans as a point to finesse, but any case that do see that there are other types of younger people rising up and wanting a sense of liberty and control of their politics, including hong kong and elsewhere. and the result is that the palestinians, particularly th ose and israel, have fallen into that category. the use of tiktok in social media generally is creating a very different communications environment that is making a
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difference in terms of political advantage. and if i could go back to the situation in iran, many of those young people looking outside in feel as though, there too, the reformist government that in many ways capture the am imagination and hopes of many people in iran is now being moved out and instead, a much more conservative group is moving in, and we are seeing a very, very low voter turnout as a result, a sense of hopelessness. we are seeing that whole wave. peter: in the next 60 seconds, t, does mr. netanyahu want to war or does he want to maintain the status quote wednesday in political office as long as he can? >> absolutely not.
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we pray for peace. hopefully we will have more treaties in the near future. at the same time, we look at the challenges in the region and hezbollah and hamas have made is very worried. peter: lawrence korb in washington, what does mr. biden want, a two-state solution? or does he want to maintain things as they are and keep a lid on it? >> basically, he wants to keep a lid on it. he would prefer prime minister netanyahu step aside. you have another government, he feels he could work better with them, dealing with all the issues in the region. and as was pointed out by my
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colleague in london, a lot of young, jewish people in the united states to support us moving in that direction. peter: we have to leave it there. thank you, all. thank you to our guests, danny, roxanne and lawrence. you can see the show anytime at alto -- or our facebook page, or you can join us on twitter. for the team here in doha, thanks for watching. we will see you soon. ♪■÷■xqqqppprg
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- hey, i'm valerie june. coming up onreel south. - it's clear that the are hundreds of slave cemeteries in most of our counties. - [valerie] attered across virginia, historic african american grave sites have been long forgoen. - [crystal] i think it's important to know where you come from, good or bad, but i don't know it's a priority for a lot of people. kind of one of these things, either you care about it or you don't. - [valerie] uncovering these cemeteries allows us to discover more than the past, an important step towards american reconciliation. witnessunmarked, up next onreel south.


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