tv France 24 LINKTV July 1, 2021 3:30pm-4:01pm PDT
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mark: cancel canada day. a call from protesters after the discovery of unmarked graves of first nations children forcibly taken from their parents. joe biden at the scene of the building collapse in miami. the rescue recovery is set to resume with hopes fading for those still unaccounted for. trump organization finance chief facing 15 counts of tax fraud and pleading not guilty to
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counts of grand larceny and fraud in new york. meanwhile, donald trump himself speaks out to say the case is dividing the country. thank you very much for being with us. a large protest is taking place in toronto on canada day. the usual celebration of independence has been taken over by anger over the unmaed graves of children discovered. it is believed there are as many as 10,000 or more such uarked graves.
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around 150,000 indigenous children were forcibly taken from their emilys and placed in these homes, a practice condemned as cultural genocide. our correspondent joins us now live from toronto for more on this. very good evening to you. tell us more about how canadians have been reacting. >> it has been a really mixed canada day today. you can see over my shoulder people draped in the canada flag kind of getp, but that is really the minority today because a lot of people are wearing orange shirts, which have begun a symbol -- become a symbol of solidarity. they want canada day, rather than burying a celebration this year -- rather than being a celebration this year, to be a day of remembrance.
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with these discoveries, including one just yesterday in british columbia, it is a very different canada day. a lot of people having a reckoning of what it means to be a canadian and what it will mean for the reconciliation process for this country going forward. >> how about prime minister trudeau? what hase hado say? >> yesterday, he announced that the flag at parliament would be flown at half mask -- half-mast as a mark of remembrance for these children. at the same time, there has been a theme of this cancel canada day message. huge protests through the streets of toronto today. several hundred people wearing orange shirts ended up where i am in the heart of the city.
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the message has been won along the lines of reconciliation, but there is a push for the federal governmento do more to support the fiber -- support the survivors of those schools. mark: the truth and reconciliation commission are in 2015 condemned it all as cultural genocide. i'm sure you know this, but i will read it for our viewers. they face high levels of poverty, violence, and shorter life expectancies. what are the leaders of the indigenous groups calling for now? >> they have asked for today to be a day when indigenous members of canadian society go to top of
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mine, and their message going so far as the pope. the feeling out of step of what canada day has been in the past. also the legacy it has left behind, not just for survivors of these schools but for their families today and what it will mean for the future. we heard prime minister trudeau saying he is committed to reconciliation. mark: thank you very much indeed. we will look at more developments on the story and bring them to you as soon as we get them. the situation they regarding
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indigenous children taken from the families. unmarked graves discovered in recent weeks and growing anger on this canada day. let's get you more news from canada. hundreds of people evacuated from their homes in the west of the country as fires added to the unprecedented heatwave. 250 kilometers northeast of vancouver, it was evacuated last night because of a fire that spread quickly, setting a canadian record high temperature of 49.6 degrees celsius. this is more than double the temperature to be expected this time of year. the profits is reporting sadly 480 six deaths over the past five days, all believed to be linked to the extreme heat. heat warnings have been issued for neighboring canadian territories as well as the u.s.
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northwest pacific coast. the u.s. president, joe biden, has been on the others of the continent in florida this thursday to comfort the families of those killed and missing in last week's condominium collapse. it is a week since the 12-story building partially caved in as residents slept. the death toll remains at 18 after the discovery of six more bodies. they include two children, age 4 and 10. a search and rescue operation temporarily suspended due to concerns about the stability of the remaining structure. over 145 people are missing, feared trapped in the rubble with hopes of surviving -- with hopes of finding survivors dimming with each day that passes. president biden: i just want to come down and say thanks. >> exactly a week after the deadly collapse of an apartment building in miami, the u.s.
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president and his wife have been meeting some of the first responders involved in the grueling search for survivors. after meeting with local officials, biden planned to provide more federal aid to assist with the search-and-rescue operation. nobody has been found alive at the site since survivors were pulled from the rubble in the immediate aftermath of the disaster, but authorities say they have not given up hope. earlier on friday, the search was temporarily halted over fears that the remainder of the building might collapse. >> we are doing everything we can to ensure that the safety of our first responders is paramount and tcontinue our search and rescue operation as soon as it is safe to do so. >> ccern the -- concerns about the structure of the building are just one of the challenges. the operation has been hampered
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by bad weather. the cause of the collapse is still undetermined, but experts have looking at possible pre-existing critical flaws in the structure of the tower. market: chinese president xi jinping has warned foreign nations attempting to bully the nation will get their heads bashed. the ruling communist party marked the centenary of its founding. xi jinping pledged to build up china's military, committed to the reunification of china and taiwan, and said social stability will be insured in hong kong while protecting china's security and sovereignty. >> triumphant, xi jinping declared china's communist party had achieved its goal of 100 years and was well on its way to achieving its next. >> we are now marching confidently toward making china into a great, modern socialist
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power in all respects. >> the impeccably choreographed ceremony with a massive crowd of party loyalists not only served to show china's might on the world stage but that of its ruler. his quest for power is now a well-known legend. born into an elite political family, he saw his fortune's sink as a small child when his father al out-of-favor. the young man persevered and eventually made his way into the communist party. as a senior provisional official, he became known for his tough stance against corruption before taking up the top position in shanghai, china's economic capital. since becoming president in 2012, he has steadily increased his grip for power.
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with the 92 million member communist party firmly under control, he has become increasingly bold on the world stage, taking a hard line on security issues, including territorial disputes with neighbors and engaged in a trade battle with united states. beijing has cracked down hard on freedoms in hong kong while rejecting outside criticism. >> the chinese people will never allow any orange or cyst to bully, oppress, or enslave them. >> the 2018 reform also revoked china's two-term limit on the presidency, which means xi jinping, now 68, can remain in power for life. mark: the former finance chief of the trump organization has pleaded not guilty to 15 counts of tax fraud. the 72-year-old was brought into the court in new york in handcuffs and is facing a charge
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of a scheme to defraud in the first degree and grand larceny in the second degree. let's get the analysis. always a pleasure to have you on the program. thanks for joining us. how big a case is this shaping up to be? >> my pleasure to be here. it is hard to say how big a case it will be just based on what we are seeing now. i think the safest thing to say is that the prosecutors want it to be a bigger case, the prosecutorial authority, and that this is likely a first step in that direction. there's two possibilities, one that it could be sort of a
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placeholder indictment, that these are the charges that they have now, they have solid evidence now for these particular charges against these particular defendants. that is to say, the chief financial officer and the trump organization is a corporate entity itself. that would be fairly serious, but, obviously, it does not name donald trump specifically as a defendant, and that seems to be from previous statements what the goal was. this is a step to get there by putting pressure on those named defendants to see if they will cooperate, or it is a possibility that even without that cooperation -- this is probably true in any event -- that there is an ongoing investigation within an existing grand jury to go beyond these charges, which are sort of blocked in now, but to use that
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evidence on other charges against other defendants, which would be namely donald trump. the other possibility is they simply do not have evidence against donald trump and they are stopping here, but i would say that is less likely. this is likely a first step and that other steps will be made to target the former president in the future. mark: former president trump has spoken out to say the case is dividing the nation. he was not called upon to do so, but he has chosen to speak out on this. it is his group accused of a sweeping annotation's payments scheme. fundamentally, will this go on to hurt donald trump? will we learn about his finances, those tax returns for instance he has yet to reveal? >> for him, half a pie is better
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than none. if this is all there is, it is much better than it could have been, but yet worse than if there were never any charges. it could result, and it seems likely based on the criminal conviction of one of his most trusted financial partners, the person who has been entrusted with the financial affairs of the company, and he could take down the entire company, the family-run business, the trump organization. if he is convicted and the judge orders what the prosecution will probably ask for, namely that there will be no more partnerships with government entities, and other people will want to shy away from doing business with him. that will be a major heading, but as it stands now, this is not a charge that reaches him. he is not a named defendant, so he cannot be convicted without other charges, and also, there
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can be more serious charges. we just don't know, but this is an opening salvo. he is going to take it as a political battle, as he has done everything, and he is going to attack the legitimacy of it and say it is all an attack on him, and he will mobilize his base and supporters to do that. he will be successful with those supporters who are with him so far, through the insurrection and through two impeachments and through all the other troubles that he has caused or been part of. i don't think that will change, but i think it is from a business perspective certainly going to harm him. mark: thank you very much indeed. allen weisselberg, 73 years old, denies the charges.
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let's look at the top business news. we start with a big development in the fight against corporate tax avoidance. >> 130 nations have signed on to support a global minimum tax according to the oecd. under the deal, multinational firms like u.s. tech giants google, apple, facebook, amazon, would have to be taxed at a rate of 15% at least. the u.s. treasury secretary hailed what she called a historic deal that brings the world one step closer to ending the race to the bottom for corporate tax rates. clear divisions still remain, though. nine countries involved in negotiations declined to sign on to the negotiations, including hungary and ireland, where many u.s. tech giants keep their equity. >> it is and ambitious, global,
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and innovative agreement. i will continue reaching out to my european and international counterparts, and i will ask them to make all the necessary efforts to join this historic agreement. >> time now for a look at economics. wall street kicked off the second half of the year in the green. airlines and energy stocks gained. the dow and s&p closing up. european indexes got a good start to the second half as well. new data out or stay manufacturing activity on the continent growing at its fastest rate ever.
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frankfurt not just around .5% on the day. nissan has announced a major expansion of its electric vehicle production in the u.k. the japanese car giant already has a plant in the english city of sunderland. more than 1600 new jobs are expected to be created as nissan launches its next generation small all-electric suv. the company is investing one billion pounds along with its chinese partner, which will build a giant battery factory to supply some 100,000 vehicles per year. the project's backers are casting as a load of confidence in the car industry. >> by increasing the number of batteries we can make in the u.k., increing the number of
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electric vehicles in the u.k. and those economies of scale we will need so that the price at least comes wn and they become more affordable foramilies than petrol vehicles and diesel vehicles, and that will happen i think faster than people are currently expecting. >> finally in france, new deaths can take for weeks of parental leave -- 4 weeks of parental leave. that is up from 14 days. >> some good news for new fathers in france. the government is doubling the time of parental leave to 28 days up from 14. like with maternity leave,
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employees cover just the first three days. fathers have been ableo take paternity leave in france since 2002. around 70% currently do so, though there is a stark difference between employee is on long-term and temporary contracts. 80% of fathers on long-term contracts take paternity leave compared to just 40% on short-term ones. many face a financial dilemma as the payout for social security can be far lower than their working salary. it is cap at 89 euros a day. emmanuel macron's government said it hopes to reduce this inequality by introducing a compulsory week of fully paid paternity leave for every new father. companies that violate this will face a fine of 7500 euros. the reform put front -- puts france up there with some of the most generous countries in the
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eu mark --: those are precious moments, mark, very important to development. mark: china is marking the 100th anniversary of the founding of its communist party. amid the colorful celebrations, thousands of politically sensitive court cases have been scrubbed from online databases. >> with towering skyscrapers lining the riverbanks, shanghai could e.a. shrine to capitalism. the metropolis is china's financial center and one of its economic engines, but it is also where the chinese communist party was born 100 years ago. in this sml house where a
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dozen young idealists met in secret for their first congress. today, it is a museum, and for the ruling party's now 90 million members, one of the many holy sites of the people's republic of china. people have come from all over the country to visit, often booking tickets several days in advance. the site was renovated and reopened in earlyune by shanghai's party secretary. one of the main attractions is the first chinese translations of the communist manifesto. visitors heaped praise on the party that has ruled china for the past 71 years. >> they have led us into a new world. for me and the country, the party has put us on a more prosperous path. >> the chinese communist party represents a renaissance for us in the world. it allows the chinese people to be respected internationally.
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>> the party represents my mother. without her, i would not be here, and without the party, i would not be here, and we would not have this wonderful life. >> in the lead up to the anniversary, the party has been hard at work pushing the approved version of its history. movie theaters have been ordered to screen and promote at least two propaganda movies every week, and new films like "1921" rving added to the -- are being added to the canon of chinese patriotic pictures. it tells the story of the foundation of the party. >> [speaking foreign language]
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>> for those who saw this early screening, the movie has achieved its goals. >> i feel very lucky to le in china today, and i have a great deal of gratitude to those revolutionary martyrs who sacrificed themselves. >> but while boosting the official story, authorities are also censoring other narratives. a new hotline allows citizens to report any instances of historical nihilism, such as online comments that attack the party's ideology or leadership or defaming national martyrs. our requests for interview were
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refused. >> t objective for the chinese political authorities is to they want to impose theirts. national story as well as their story of the party, if it is at home or abroad, so everythi that does not it in this narrative, anything that is beyond these talking points will be considered to be historical revisionism, historic nihilism, and it will be punished as such. >> but some are still willing to speak out. a political scientist says he was dismissed from a prestigious university because of his work on hong kong's occupy movement. overime, he has seen how the party history has changed according to who is in power. under the leadership of the reformer, the death and chaos of the cultural revolution work thoroughly examined and condemned. these criticisms have been
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erased. >> the biggest chang in this year's newly issued addition of the ccp's history is that it uses a nihilistic way to tell the story, especially for the part about the cultural revolution. it downplays the 10 years of disaster and turmoil brought by the cultural revolution in just two pages. >> this particular revision of history suits xi jinping's tenure as leader, one defined by the lifting of term limits and a return to the kind of personality cult experienced during mao zedong's reign. >> this is a new history of the party that people can learn now, and it is centered along the maoism of the past years, which is referred to as xi jinping's thoughts on governments. this is the narrative used during the party's 100-year
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07/01/21 07/01/21 [captioning made possible by democracy now!] amy: from new york, this is democracy now! >> as you know, you go worked with theoes you go to war with the army you have a not you what are wish you have. amy: donald rumsfeld, considered the chief architect of the iraq war, died wednesday at the age of 88. the defense secretary for both presidents george w. bush and gerald ford, his critics say he presided over systemic torture, massacres of civilians, illegal
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