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tv   France 24  LINKTV  August 2, 2021 3:30pm-4:01pm PDT

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explained. ♪ >> palestinians facing eviction from jerusalem neighborhood will have to wait longer for a ruling. that was expected today. it has been postponed. in may, violent clashes spread to a mosque compound. poland has granted a visa to a belarusian olympic sprinter. she said she feared for her safety and her team's officials tried to force her to fly home after she criticized officials for their management of her team in tokyo.
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twin pandas have been born in a zoo south of paris. there the second and third pandas ever born in france. thanks for watching. we start with jerusalem and the flashpoint neighborhood of shake draw where palestinian residents are facing eviction. the judges have been trying to find a compromise. the supreme court ruling was due today and it has been postponed as the compromise is sought. one option the judges are examining to diffuse the tensions is to -- for palestinian families not to be evicted so long as they recognize israeli ownership of the properties. the code in that scenario stay put as protected tenants. that particular tension in march sparked -- it was one of the tensions that sparked an 11 day war between militants in gaza
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and israel. for more on that, i spoke to the chatham house research institute. >> the judge tried to be reasonable. to apply common sense. according to the law, the ownership is in the hands of israeli law because this is occupied land. international law, israel has no right. by israeli law and that is what the supreme court judge in israel has to go by, the ownership is by the settlor organization. and a principal, they have the right to evict palestinians according to the israel law. the judge said there is no more right to make these families refugees again or homeless. they are trying to ensure reasonable compromise as long as there is no political solutions. they will become protected
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residence, which means the rent will be relatively low and they can stay there almost indefinitely. but the israel organization does other palestinians do not want to recognize the right of this organization of ownership to this quantity because this could be a snowball that is demanding more and more as being owned by jews. >> emmanuel macron has taken to instagram and to talk in a bid to reach out to younger french citizens and combat vaccine hesitancy. the french president discarded his customary dark suit and tie wearing a t-shirt instead. the video was recorded at the presidency's holiday residence. protesters unhappy with the introduction of a health pass and a france have demonstrated for three weekends. let's take a listen to president macron speaking on social media.
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>> [speaking french] >> as of today, the french government has put in place a special pass for french ex-pats. concerns french citizens living outside the european union and you have vaccinated abroad -- and you have been vaccinated abroad. they can now return home and benefit from the health pass, the same as french citizens who have been vaccinated within the e.u. they will be required to have their vaccine certificates registered with their nearest consulates. it affects 2.5 million french ex-pats. poland has granted a humanitarian visa to the belarusian sprinter.
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the belarusian athlete narrowly escaped being forced onto a flight home to belarus after criticizing her coaches at the tokyo olympics. >> after claiming she was being forced out of the country, the belarusian athlete is still in japan but on polish soil. after she was granted a humanitarian visa by the polish embassy, she will be able to fly in refuge in warsaw. >> to apply for an international protection. she is at the polish eassy. quite good condition. although the whole situation of course had a negative foot current on her. -- footprint on her. >> she says she has been threatened by the belarusian authorities. she managed not to board the plane back to belarus. last week, the 24-year-old sprinter criticized the belarusian athletics federation, which allegedly forced her to
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pursue pay in certain events. on sunday on the eve of the competition, she was forcibly taken to tokyo airport by members of the belarusian olympic committee. in a video posted to instagram, she called for help. >> they are putting pressure on me. they're trying to get me out of the country without my consent. i'm asking the ioc to interven >> several european countries are said to be gearing up to offer her asylum. she fears her outburst will be seen as criticism of resident lukashenko's administration could wind her up in jail, fearing the same, her husband has already taken refuge in ukraine after which he hopes to join his wife in poland. >> southern european countries continue to battle wildfires amid a dangerous heatwave fueled by hot winds pushing north of africa. dozens of villages have been big -- have been evacuated from tourist hotspots in southern turkey. blazes also hitting greece,
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italy and spain. >> apocalyptic scenes in turkey as wildfires continue to sweep the country. dozens of homes have been destroyed and five villages evacuated as temperatures have soared past 40 degrees celsius. in one province, residents of a village were shocked at the speed of ablaze which they say destroyed their homes in 15 minutes. >> [speaking foreign language] >> [speaking foreign language] >> while thousands of turkish citizens have been evacuated from their homes, hundreds of torahs have been forced to flee holiday resorts like this one.
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>> [speaking foreign language] >> authorities say more than a hundred blazes have been contained. some -- something wildfires are common in turkey but this is the worst in decades. early 95,000 sectors of fires have gone up in smoke. far beyond the average for this point in the season. scientists worn climate change will drastically worsen summer wildfires as global temperatures rise. >> a giant panda on loan to france from china has given birth to two female twin cubs. the zoo south of paris said the twins were born early on monday morning. their mother and father are on a 10 year loan from china. the twins are the second and third cubs of that couple.
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have a big brother. he was the first panda born in france in 2017. >> this is a giant panda on loan to france who has just given birth to twin cubs. >> [speaking foreign language] >> panda reproduction in captivity or the wild is notoriously difficult. few can't -- few pandas get in the mood. to further complicate matters, the window for conception is small since female pandas are in heat only once a year for 24 to 48 hours. in march, they thrilled officials when they managed to make contact as they put it eight times in a we can't -- a
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weekend. they also carried out an artificialnseminatn just to be sure. >> [speaking foreign language] >> just over 1008 hundred giant pandas are believed to still be in the wild. another 500 in captivity. they came to friends on loan from china in 2012. at the time, our arrival was hailed as a sign of warming diplomatic relations between paris and beijing. >> some happy news. thanks for watching france 24 and do stay tuned. ♪
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>> he said if i scream, they would kill me. >> how did last night end? dr. we get accusations like this all the time. stucco you just saw a glimpse of some of the shows and films part of a day lose of creations that you like a direct response to the #metoo movement dealing with sexual harassment, rape and consent. are we making progress in the way these subjects are treated on screen? i am joined in the studio by a writer and critic who has written several books about the way women are presented, which includes the female gaze, a screen revolution and her latest
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book is aimed at educating teenagers about the subject. and from london by skype, we are joined by the author of tomorrow , sex will be good again. hello to both of you. starting with you, your new book is a guide for young people to help them navigate to the on screen revolution taking place post me too. historically, how have the subjects of sexual harassment and consent be portrayed on screen? >> they have always been pretrade on screen. they have been here from the beginning of cinema. even in the near teen 30's. in russia, there is a movie about rape. you can think about the 1950's in the states. it has always been there. those movies have not had the critical acclaim maybe they have deserved where they have been buried under other movies because they are subjects that did not seem as interesting. today, people crave those narratives and seeing those images and that is why a wrote this book so that young people
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would know where to look to find those narratives. >> most of us will have witnessed sexual harassment on screen but maybe we did not realize it like in goldfinger when james bond corners puts you galore in the corner -- in the bar. your book is an analysis of female desire, consent and sexuality in the age of me too. as the treatment change since me too do you >> >> think? i think it is changing. i think it is partly that we are cognizing as sort of really complex dynamics of power, interactions that previously we might've thought of as in terms of seduction or romance. bridget jones is a good example how that is a powerful dynamic of inequality in the workplace
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that i think now wou get treated very differently on the screen. >> in game of thrones, one of the most popular series maybe ever, something like 50 rapes in it. luther, true blood, sexual assault features in all of these. i read that 80% of pornography is rape pornography. why do you think rape has been a sample of tv entertainment? >> we have been taught that desire is tied to domination. that is what we need to deconstruct. the problem is not that those movies or tv series exist. it is that they are dominant. that is the dominant discourse. need to have other tv shows, other films that showed that desire can come from a place of equality and no longer domination. i think that is the key to have a revolution. >> after me too, we have seen film and tv striving to do better when they are explained
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these themes. last year, we had the film bombshell and the morning show when women were being -- were calling out there aggressors. there were newer projects like the assistant, promising young woman and i may destroy you. give us an example of a series you think shows how we should be addressing these subjects. >> i may destroy you is a good example because you were in the view of the female heroin and she is raped and we are going to see the consequences of her rape through the 12 episodes. the tv series format is interesting because you have time to understand how power dynamics are working and how one event can actually affect your entire life and your friends around you. all those examples are important because women can recognize what they have been living and put words into it or images and explain and understand their own experiences. that is why fiction is important, can have an impact on our daily lives. >> i may destroy you challenges
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the audience's often inflexible views on what constitutes a victim. we see other betrayals of trust any of these series such as the threesome that turned out to be planned by two men before him. she was tricked in a way to consenting. it is still a violation. consent is not just yes or no, is it? >> no and that was what was so beautiful about i may destroy you. one of the most amazing pieces of television i've seen in a long time partly because she really excavate to the experience of sexual assault and althe ripples in aftereffects it has including the protagonist's's ergence as a social media denouncing rapist, which works for her in some ways but also becomes a source of its own pain and trauma for her. it really deconstructs all the ways in which women are required
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to act in certain ways either in order to prevent sexual assault but also in order to rehabilitate themselves from it. that tv show was quite groundbreaking in its attention to the nuances of the effect of sexual violence. that scene where she has a threesome where she thinks she has enabled -- she has been unable to explore her own sexual desire autonomously but it turns out she was kind of maneuvered into position. a really subtle exploration of the way in which power dynamics work in really small piecemeal ways. not just a stranger in the street assaulting you. >> iris, your new book is addressed to young people, educating them about the images that surround is not only in series and films but in video games. video games have an active role in what is going on. we spoke to the atlanta-based
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drew cresson who founded a charity called gaming against violence. he told us about one of their videogames aimed at teaching young people about consent edit is called respect. >> the narrative tells young pele you're at this dance and you don't know how to find somebody to dance with you. first of all, find somebody you are interested in. have a conversation with them. ask their permission if they want to dance. asking permission to dance as a form of consent. we want to ask permission before we engage in behavior. as the game goes on, you are reminded eve though you had permission to dance with somebody yesterday, that does not mean you he permission to dance with them today because consent is something you don't normally receive once. you have to receive consent every time you are engaging in that behavior.
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>> careless treatment of sexual violence on screen is a reaction to real life in which victims of assault are invariably treated suspiciously. the credibility and character scrutinized. very few reported rapes are prosecuted. do you think as tv and film changes, the wider problem can improve? i hope so. one of the things i find dispiriting as we get these waves and waves of movemes that are really important and these shifts in representation are important, the resurgence periodically of women speech about what has happened to them as we are seeing in the u.k., france as well in relation to christians of consent. despite all the speech, the rates of sexual violence remain very constant. one of the things i am interested in in my book, which is that consent is an absolute must obviously for sex and we
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have to get the wall right, but -- the wall right, but some of the rhetoric about women needing to be clear about their sexual desire, to know their desire and can indicate clearly so they don't experience coercive sex, i ink ends placing the burden on women to be a particular kind of person in order to not experience sexual assault. the fact is as you have hinted towards it is very difficult for women to confidently and clearly assert their sexual desire because it is often their sexual desire that gets used against them. we have to be really careful. are we asking something that involves creating an ideal of which they will never tabbouleh fall short because -- they will inevitably fall short and then who gets blamed for the echo >> wanted to ask you about the title of your book, tomorrow, sex will be good again. is all this date about sex
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ruining sex for us? >> i don't think so. i think the more we talk about sex, the better. the title is kind of ironic. it is a quote from foucault when he was satirizing the countercultural list of the 1960's. it is an expiration of whether can be optimistic about sex and whether sex can be better for women. there is a lot of bad sex out there. not just sexual assault but disappointed, painful, human ading sex women are having. w can we raise the bar in terms of what women can expect and the kind of sexy men are being encouraged to create, co-create with women so that perhaps we can look forward to the future with optimism? my note of caution is just focusing on the legal questions of consent is not the only solution. we have to think much more widely about whether we are enabling pleasure for women. >> we are going to play out with one of your favorite series of the moment. where u.s. fan of normal people?
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>> i think it shows consent can be linked to pleasure and that young women and young men need to be able to put words. it's about exploration and pleasure and desire are not as you are just born with. it is things you actually learn. learning what you want is a big part of sex. the tv series really shows that and that is why it is one of the examples i give in my book because i think it is exactly showing how language can be part of desire and talking about consent is not something that is going to make sex worse. it is going to make it better. i think the tv series shows how that can really open our minds to new explorations. >> thank you so much for joining us. your latest book is called -- thank you so much for your company. your book, tomorrow, sex will be good again is out now.
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there is more news coming up on france 24 after this. >> are you dating anyone problematic at the moment? >> so corrupt. and sexy. ♪ >> it is the first element abundant on earth but difficult to extract. hydrogen. a promising source of green fuel for an aviation industry in crisis. can it live up to the hype?
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>> [speaking foreign language]
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[speaking foreign language] >> the promise of a zero emissions aircraft is not new and neither is the promise of hydrogen if we look back to the beginning of the 20th century. airships who were inflated with hydrogen. that was until they enter berg -- the hindenburg explosion
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caused 36 deaths and put an end to that era. fast forward 70 years and it was only then that going celebrated its first manned flight using hydrogen fuel cells. the truth is while hydrogen has been successfully used as a rocket propellant in space, it has never really taken off in aviation partly because the way it is produced today is far from green. ♪ >> [speaking foreign language]
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[speaking foreign language]
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>> [speaking foreign language]
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[speaking foreign language]
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♪ [captioning made possible by democracy now!] amy: from new york, this is democracy now! >> this is a systemic problem. this is a structural problem that can be handled by better policy decisions. so, that is why we are out here. that is why all of these people showed up, with more people last night. amy: eviction emergency.


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