tv France 24 LINKTV September 1, 2021 3:30pm-4:01pm PDT
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>> welcome to life in paris. these are the headlines. the new law on abortion in restriction violatess the constitutional rights. no waiting from the supreme court. -- no word from the supreme court. emmanuel macron --, he will come out in many numbers. a broad message on stopping crime, raising jobs, and building infrastructure. a promise to invest billions.
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pedro and camila giorgi -- not be crews united for their movie, parallel parents. the latest on this. we see the start begins in italy. this is live from paris. ♪ mark: a texas law banning most abortion in the state took effect on wednesday with your supreme court silent on an emergency appeal to put the law on hold. the texas law signed by greg abbott in may, prohibits abortions was a heartbeat can be detected. this is usually for six weeks, before a woman may know she is pregnant. >> and bill signed in may
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banning abortions of past six weeks have gone into effect. -- has gone into effect. >> this is a bill that i might the sign that ensures that the life of every unborn child who has a heartbeat will be saved from the ravages of abortion. >> texas' heartbeat bills is one of the most effective, making no exceptions for cases of rape or incensed, only a medical emergency. pro-choice groups say that up to 90% of all abortions performed in texas happen after six weeks. making the law a de facto ban on abortion in the state. the texas a lot goes even further, encouraging private citizens to sue those who help up woman -- help a woman who gets an abortion by awarding him $10,000 if they are successful. the law creates a antihunting
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scheme. -- creates a antihunting schemes. >> patients cannot to anyone who they believe is providing abortion or assisting someone i accessing abortion after six weeks. this could include health-care care workers, clergy, or ride-share drivers. >> planned parenthood and other groups launched an emergency appeal with the supreme court to help stop the law but the court did not respond. no other six-week man has ever been allowed to go into effect, even briefly. legal scholars say the law is unconstitutional, similar bands have been overturned by courts as a violation of roe v. wade, the ruling that legalized abortion. with a new conservative makeup of the supreme court, abortion rights are increasingly under pressure. mark: let us get the analysis.
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12 for with us -- thank you for being with us. the white house has called this an extreme threat to women's rights. >> that is an understatement. thiss a threat not just to a women's rights but to the health of all people. to anyone who wants to have the basic human right to control their own body. this law is a blatant violation of human rights, it is ao unconstitutional. that is the point of this law, to take these unconstitutional challenges of to a much more conservative supreme court. mark: joe biden weighing in on this whole affair, saying that it infringes on the constitution. the roe v. wade ruling, the supreme court issuing a 7-2 decision ruling that the two process clause of the 14th amendment provides a right to privacy. a woman's right to choose.
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this is being stamped over by this new law? >> that is right. this a lotlatantly and intentionally undermines roe v. wade. it is important that this is the intention of this law, to undermine constitutional law. we have a different and conservative supreme court. it was designed, some of our court justices were appointed because they had anti-rights abuse. access to abortion is a human right. you have the right to choose the number and spacing of your children, to be free from a violence and torture, not to be forced to carry a pregnancy. you have the right to make decisions about your own body, that is not the right of the state or church to impose views on you. this law, is also a constitutional violation. this law disregards those things. the advocates of this law are not interested in that. th are interestd on imposing
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-- interested on imposing laws on people. they raise the rates of maternal deaths. there are ways to reduce abortion. sex and sexuality education and contraception and educating people on how to have safe sex. this is not what these laws are about. it is stripping them of rights. mark: the whole process goes underground which becomes extremely dangerous. something that puts people at risk. which is wrong. i am a man, i have children, i have a little bit of life experience about what goes on here. six weeks, i think i am right in saying this, i have sisters, at six weeks, many women would not know they are pregnant, would they? >> most people do not know they are pregnant. that is the intention of this bill.
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most people do not know the apartment at six weeks. the fetal heartbeat is not a scientific measure. it is not based in science. it is putting aster conant a possible of limitation -- it is putting the most drastic as possible limitation on human rights. it isased on a general sensibility that it is politically feasible to say that is a good place to ban it. it is before most people know they are pregnant. after six weeks, most people do not know they are pregnant until six weeks. it is ending abortion. this is a functional and to abortion. mark: this puts the u.s.-backed back -- this puts the u.s. back 100 years. >> yes.
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it does, legally. for many folks in the u.s., abortion has continued to be inaccessible. there have been challenge after challenge against abortion rights and accessibility in health care. abortion since the beginni of legalization has never been accessible for everyone. there are specific laws on the with books that limit federal funding for abortion. if you are dependent on u.s. fundg for your medical care, you dnot have access to abortion. if you are lower income and you cannot afford abortion, you cannot have an abortion. if you live in aerospace and we cannot afford to get to a clinic -- and you cannot afford to get to a clinic, there is -- if you live in a rural space and you cannot afford to get to a clinic, it limits your rights to abortion. is about imposing specifices, it
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visions of reproductive control on people. mark: it is ideological, isn't it? thank you. we are awaiting some move from the supreme court. i know you're not very optimistic about that. we will wait and see what happens i report it when it happens. thank you for joining us. a pleasure to have you analysis of a serious issue for the rights of women across the united states. another controversial law has been passed in texas. you can carry a gun without having a permit. this is the climax of a prologue guns -- pro gun laws. greg abbott pushed it through. it is now part of a 20 state group, there are 19 other states that already have this rule, law
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where you can carry a gun without having to have a permit. three u.s. officers and medics have been indicted on manslaughter and other charges for the debts of elijah mcclain. he died after being put into a chokehold and injected with a powerful assistive. he was black. he was on police bodycam footage pleading he was just different. he was stopped in colorado from a phone call that said he was suspicious. the police -- the taliban staged a victory parade ts wednesday. the taliban showing off military hardware captured and abandoned by the u.s. military as the withdrawal of afanistan was
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completed. behind this parade, people cheered freely is unknown. --ehind this parade, if people cheered freely is unknown. afghanistan citizens rely on aid. a crisis is already evident. >> one of the most pressing issues for afghans, shortages of food and basic goods. the when it says it is committed to doing operations. his office for the coordination of humanitarian affairs faces a funding shortfall of hundreds of millions of dollars. >> operations to supply medical and humanitarian goods as well as support our continuing. more resources are needed. the current funding appeal is $1.3 billion ionly 39% funded. >> according to the secretary,
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18 million people, almost half of the population need humanitarian assistance to survive. 183 afghans do not know where their next meal is coming from -- one in three afghans do not know where the next meal is coming from. 50% of children are malnourished. the crisis is exacerbated by the risk of financial collapse. foreign aid with half of the nation's gdp. that a slow -- thaflow is slowing as countries wonder if they should recognize the taliban. the country has been blocked from accessing emergency reserves. many afghan banks are closed and others are limiting withdrawals, prompting along lines that a tms as residents seek cash. -- at a tms as residents -- atms
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as residents seek cash. >>[speaking foreign language] >> 400,000 afghans have been internally displaced since the beginning of the year. mark: we are watching for all developments in afghanistan and the refugees who have left. next, emmanuel macron on a three-day visit to marseille, the scene of drug and gang related killings in recent months. he plans a revamp of the port city with a investment -- an investment plan. our team is following the visit. >> a man was murdered last year. this is where it happened.
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it was just 22 years old. -- he was just for the two years old. >> my brother was in a car with one of his friends. unfortunately, they shot him multiple times. his friend died at the scene and the car went up in flames. despite being shot nine times, my brother survived. it was later on, on the 29th of december that he was found in the car, tied up and burned. his friend was there too. >> 15 more youths have been murdered in marseille. the authorities are way too absent. >> is just over there, and part of the staircase. that used to be a police checkpoint. what happened to my brother happened in broad daylight. it is awful and things are getting worse. so long as the authorities do not support these areas nothing will improve. >> he and his mother have moved
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out of the area which remains at the mercy of dealers. >> we cannot go over there, did not realize they would be there. >> with the threat of violence stilstrong, there has been a protest march that honors the memory of all of the victims. >>[speaking foreighn language] >> emmanuel macron has promised a future. for grieving families, it is too late. mark: we will continue bringing you coverage of that visit by emmanuel macron to marseille. venezuela's opposition has made
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something of a u-turn in taking part in elections. parties led by a foreign -- former president is said to run in the election set for november. this comes ahead of a meeting between her percentages of the president at opposition delegates to take place in mexico -- between opposition and the president. various parties say they will pursue paid in november's -- they will participate in november's elections. they recognize that the election will be tilted. >> the opposition in venezuela has boycotted the holes for the past three years -- polls for the past three years. the president was reelected and he took control of the national
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assembly. he says the upcoming election highlights venezuela's democratic credentials. >>[speaking foreign language] >> talk to and the applicable impasse is underway. the president hopes to loosen sanctions, which will relax venezuela's economic problems even further. >> the venice film festival has opened with a film that features penelope cruz. she plays an expected -- expected mother in the movie called parallel mothers.
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more from emmett jones. -- emme jones -- emma jones. >> hollywood has their big red carpet from years and get out some of the films they have been holding onto. one of them is june by the director, the sci-fi actor goes on for 2.5 hours. it has the arthropoda timothy -- it has timothy in it. the power of the dogs starring benedict, batch -- n benedict c. -- as princess diana. i think there is a lot of
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speculation, the trailer dropped earlier this week, she looks incredibly like diana. what will the performance be like? we have been treated to the ground series on netflix recently. a splendid job was done of portraying princess diana there. we will find out later this week. >mark: we turn our eye to business. the government has declared a state of emergency in his or longer over food shortages -- in sri lanka over food shortages. >> the ruby has fallen -- prupee has fallen. the government is going to set prices on his own. military official says at least 13,000 tons in sugar have been taken in raids. the crisis is running deep, further measures could be on the way.
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>> lines of people who are lining up for basic foodstuffs. it came as the government declared an economic emergency and began seizing stocks. it is to keep spiraling places -- prices dow >> officers will be able to take steps to a provide essential food items consistent area rates by purchasing stocks of essential food items at government guaranteed prices or basedn the customs value on imported goods prevent market irregularities. >> the local currency has fallen against the dollar this year, driving prices up in a nation that is fighting for commodities. a perfect storm of conditions for problems to occur. >> dealing with a gbal supply chain issue and the endemic situation which has affected
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tourism in the country. you couple that with import bands and monetary policies, the prices of essential goods and services are rising at an alarming rate. >> while seizures target sugar, it could also include wheat and rice flour too. >> let us look at wednesday's trading action. a quiet day. worse than expected figures in private sector hiring shares. nasdaq leading the pack, a new record high. ma>> google is appealing a finen france, the penalty was issued by the state's competition watchdog. google had failed to negotiate with media outlets when it comes to using their articles and photos in search results. under eu copyright law, google
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is to compensate when using others's materials -- other's materials. prime minister has a meeting with business lobbyists over the next few days. they will talk about reform to the unappointed system and changes to pensions. they are opposed to starting talks over the latter, then include the head of the largest labor confederation. >> there is no reason to have a consultation to address certain issues unrelated to pensions. jobs for seniors, we have repeated that we are concerned about this. addressing pensions on there is no means of bringing such a reform, and there may be a new government arriving in 2022. we have made clear we do not want to enter into such a consultation.
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>> in spain, they are looking to hike the minimum wage. this was made after the president met with employer groups and union. no number has been given, it could average between 30 euros a month, to a small boost to a monthly rate. >> we are called to 24 mendels -- to 2 fundamental goals. for sure that this recovery reaches the pockets of all spanish people. through more towards -- through more jobs, salaries, and pensions. it will not be a recovery if it is not a fair recovery. >> figure that gives an idea of the damage caused by hurricane ida. insurance companies could be on the hook for $18 billion due to the storm.
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the vast majority is due to wind and storm surges in united states. that is on the lower end of estimates made before landfall and much less than the $87 billion that followed hurricane katrina. this comes after big losses for insurers in europe after those big floods we saw in germany and belgium. mark: think of all of those four people trying to clean up after that. your heart goes out to them. thank you,. -- thank you. for more news, stay with fnce 24. >> in constant danger from the unconditional -- unprintable corruptions from the most dangerous twin and -- volcano on the planet. >> [speaking foreign language]
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>> the recent volcano eruption has shown the -- n >> journey into the depth of the earth with our report. 2014, a south korean for area was set on the open sea. on board, hundreds of people including high school students on a field trip. >> i said to him, i love you, have a good trip. do not forget to call me. that call never came. >> they ship was overloaded and sank. >> our apartment collapsed. we had no choice. >> rescue wasatastrophic, the majority of them teenagers, died in their cabins. >> we revisit a tragedy that
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traumatized an entire generation. >> on france 24 and free sony of the -- i am the host we are looking at a museum that is hosting a photographic festival that is working hard to give more exposure to women photographers. >> the 51%, presented by and it young. on france 24 -- by annette young. on france 24. >> the pan african agency is in the northwest to talk to the people there. >> [speaking foreign language] >> a huge project sowing a seed of hope. >> deforestation, that has
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09/01/21 09/01/21 [captioning made possible by democracy now!] amy: from new york, this is democracy now! pres. biden: this decision about afghanistan is not just about afghanistan. it is about ending an era of major military operations to remake other countries. amy: president biden forcefully defends his decision to withdraw
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