tv Earth Focus LINKTV October 6, 2021 6:00pm-6:31pm PDT
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- [franklin] this morning, i came, i w, and ias conqued, as everye woulbe i w, and ias conqued, whsees forhe firstime is greateat of mkind. 10 yrs agothe plac where are gatred was unpeopl, foidding dert. ose precitous walls ro to heig of morthan ahousand et, are he to cebrate thcompleti of the gatest dam inhe world sing 726eet abov the beock of t river and alteng the ggraphy of a whole regn.
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definite do it bigg and b. don' you kno it'sike, gre, taket a stepurther passe,t's e just sething, mething really. ti n't knowhat that be,se,t's e t comep with somethin (laughs [ben] iniration n be pretty dgerous tng. mikal's vice haunted for mons after wenterview him. whatort ofunatic rappels f a 200-ot dam wi a paintucket, ane, the mide of theight, ju to make a statent? my ne's ben,y the wa we'll t when i srted rking onhis film i us to sneainside their ovflow tunls on in awle, toake phos ofy friendskateboaing. sohe extenof my knledge aboudams mosy had too on iwithow to avd gettinarrestd whilcrawlingnside th.g.
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ms don'tust blend in apart the lancape to anymore knowg what inow now, it's impossible r me to look at dams the same way i did a few years ago. or even rivers for that matter. da and hropowereprent there'. but ju like another reurce delopment the u.s there'. we took too far there ar75,000 ds er three ft high in the uted stat. eryday sce thomajefferso ewathe present ofthe unit . in the uted stat. (soft muc continue - en] damsave been a commopart the amecan lascape focenties. st earlyommuniti werestablish toivert rir flows watewheels trun machery.
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ound theime edis had e light lb dialein, the first hyoelectri powe was bei generat s beg fed by hydroper alone as ameri's depenncy onlectrici grew, new ms wereybeing ilt so ft that the engeering thnologystru. one ofhe wst disasrs in u.s. hisry occurd in 188 when pennsylnia soutfork m failedith no wning. the city of johnstn was leld with 20 llion to of ter, takin2,200 ves. the flood still rerred to as a tural dister, deite the ct that ere's really nhing natal abt impounng a riv behinda poor. th a tou choice,hen ey begano alize that ery maj fishery in theounk ther sta regulatg the impact oharvespollutio
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e answer was t nationa fishatchery stem. in 12, the recmatithe iact s passedy congre, to prote the settleme of the st through the velopmen of irration prects to suppo small fily farm this wl-intentd missio devoed into e reau of clamatn, whose shorsid projec began legacy oresourcebuse. ansporting and iounding absurdr to support unstainabledese e and sprawlg urban velopmen re running used to t sea. in a great nation posses. led by t legenda sierra club fn, ended vain, wn congre gavehe greenight to flood nationapark. yosemite stunninhetch hetchy vley was damm to provide wat storageor thcity of n francio.
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yon mch 12th,928, 12 urs hter a safetynspectio by its engineer william mulholland, california's st. francis dam broke free from its foundation, sending a wall of l.a.'s water supply plowing downstream. mulholland was cleared of any wrongdoing, but felt personally responsible for dam's failure. "i envy the dead," said mulholland at a court hearing. "don't blame anyone else. if there was an error in human judgment, i was the human." during the great depression, reclamation began the two most ambitious engineering efforts in u.s. history. the hoover dam on the border of arizona and nevada, and the grand coulee dam in eastern washington. both projects created thousands of coveted jobs, and were proudly embraced by the public as national treasures. the te coul's gerators wt online e u.s. hropower' syst was feeng
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tannsatiabldemand for elecicitynline to bui airplan, ships and bomb. ifhe era odams d a gold age, it was t followi 20 year tharmy cor of engiers, e bureauf reclamion, d the teessee valley ahority re the govnment's dream am. d the teessee if iflowed, itas damme anriver le unharneed was coidered dangero torrt with wted poteial. 30,000 pvatend fedal ms wercompted between 50 and 10. byhat poin the yelwstone was one very fe altered tersheds left it. when t bureau reclation ben runninout r leby envirmentalis david brer, the erra cluworked qckly r to rally massiveutcry of publidisapproval.
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buwhile brer's atttion s focuseelsewhere, a lile known nation trr buwhile brer's atttion withery litt oppositn. - if hd had knn how autifuthat aa was, heould've ught tooth a nail. brow now say that w the bigge heould've ught miste he evemade. - [ben] in 197 the dangeredpecies a s set in motion by prede. - [ben] in 197 the a bo move torote endangedpecies from extinctn, a a conseence of econic dev. andam contbuting t the dese of a ecies, could nobe held accountae by law 1976, theureau reclamaon set a claimoffice easterndaho, to divvy ou$300illion to theommuniti inhe floodath of their new compted tetodam. e 300-fo earen dam srted toiquefy a cave aw, taking 11 livedownstream. duringn intervw with t highountry ns in 1995,
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dan ard stat that, "eof rectior buau's fute isn't dams. in 1997,he 162-ar-old eards dam beme the fst majoram reval in u.s. histor iriveconservaon ornizationamericanivers, bemedecled 2011 them revaar of thriver,or multipldam reval projts began beinuding e largesem rein u. historver,or oft music contins) fr that betiful ela rir, let h run freo say we're he to say lcome back to e salmon we wanyou to le free ain. the are a and tota in thapool ovethere, someoncounted em sterday,3 salmon
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i ve peoplwith fisheries anwildlife someoncounted em "the are exaly 73, gor" sterday,3 salmon (peoe laughi) so, to tse, we s we wt 73,000ore. weome backcome on ba. that'shat this day all abo. rowd appuding) (crowd cering) w deep ts, rely deep is is. until you get ght hereo thedge andou look er. ye, of our fin operatiswnthat ty up he on theam. u come io a plan yand you lea to opereswnthat ty anspend ti with th,
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ceain vibrions that a not tical. but is machi, for as many y, would blo load it, and she'just run a run smoh. ju 1st was big day that w hard, il beonest wi y. to st down t perfect goodunning per plant that w hard, il beitasn't ea. to st down t perfect , as a cntry rig now,t it's n just enterpre tolow someing up anbuild sothing new and ander. d we're t just taking ds out, t we'rhaving t relote famils. yeah, i vei probab have some pernal feelgs towar escially bng a dropoweruy. i think ere's a ry inntnal moment,
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by varus groupin our country, to removevery dam i think ere's a ry thers not dot about at. wee all anous to s, wathis thing reay worth ? was worth t $370 millio d it reay make aifferee? d if in or 20 years do the roa we looback anday, "notng rely chang that mu," th i think we're all go some silar concsions. th i think we're all go and ly tim gonna tl us that's nna be te or not - [benat's you gut y to you - what my gut y? , i justssume no say ything. aughs) - m not ruing foryspoliti, bu) a lot. (laughs) - made a stament no out taki out eha dam in my rst mont in offi
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and it csed a loof troub. the prident, psident inton, tk me asi and sai - wh i firstoved to e ste of wasngton in991, i s told, otta g involve it gonnaappen anyear now so, 20 yrs later it's aually haening. the damsboth of em, re illeg to starwith, because existinlegislatn, had have paage r migratg salmon all the ecies wilfish at have er live inlwha still ating thr headadult on all the ecies wilfish agait the boom of thdam. to getpstrea into olympic tional pk. taking aam out a openinup a watshed, recoecting iwithnto thfish thawere the fohundredsf thsands ofears, taking aam out a openinup a watshed, it's very porful expience.
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d happins. there's pe,, thhope of covery i a loof theselaces, the humili when u go to placess and otr placeshere u see thabunnce, d just aasic spitual hainess at you c't find , and otr placeshere i cat find ia lot of oer things. - it washe et pt the mory aliv it w the elds that passedhat knowdge, theyon't me on. they don . they rember and they psistek restorion of wt was on. -and i'm ju gratefu othate're ablayers. to s it happen in o lifetim so, th's what 're doin we'rsaying tnk you
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for maki sure th the sh come ck and suain the ople. - the ople of e lower wha, th enterednto treaty i1855 that gavthe word of thenite, that ty would able to contin e that fr-flowingiver. wha saw ly injusce the pelr for abou100 year but thers a healg now, beuse thats changi. all of iian couny isere in srit,
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the answ sounds like a fa. the fareaches the sea w had th arrived anotr fairy le. the fareaches the sea by smming agnst onof the mt poweul rivers on eth, past eig deadly dams, all the i why d they me such a insaneourney? other woer. these lorestones a cleacurrentso high a far fromhe sea, ce ga them li. sohey'd beme motain cliers. teral untain cmbs, thgh they ssess sohey'd beme no ls, hoos, fee they climb t rockiesto thpebbles their bir, by swiing me, at t certn cost otheir lis, thin ord to creakiesto thtiny sver offsing." (mhinery wrring) - yeah, just wan welcome you fo. is is thlargest oducer
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of hydroectricit in nth ameca and thlargest ncrete for ny yearsit was the largt in theorld.a. 250,000 gaons water aecond, d when is really crankin, itill actuly vibra througthe bedrk, there's lot of per thereouust rw there arthose th woultake outvery dam ere are ose thathink tha the nati america got raw deal so of themof cours would ke to goack and have theirative saon ru and livoff the nd. so of themof cours but thgs progrs. (chuces) thelwha, t condit, they wers selectivy take o so o so of those older,maller, not rely a proem there we c do thate older,maller, restorsome fisries,
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but th dam, i n't rely, serisly, wting take th dam o.dy - dam, foralmon, sentiallis, lackf access thr basic fe histo reques the jenile fi and the ult fisho come back to eir spawng strea , anythi that bl river, le a dam does, andis e of stor in term bacof tir abili to access partf the wothey nee to cplete thr life cle. - [ben] me peoplstill dene thpacific rthwest gion anywhersalmon c swim. it a romanc thing say, b that wod mean thterritorhas been cut half byams. at one poi, the combian ake river, shownere in r, we the mosproductin wild smon fishies. inhe lower8. w the ru hover aund of theiformer gry. evy fish tt passeshis ndow at nneville dam an eborate psage has to move upream.te
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e onlyhance fotheir offsprinto get tthe ocea isf the dams a spilng water buthat eques toasted por. so you'lcommonly see junis beg tranortein bars and truc downstrm, past t dams. ns of thsands ofow enngered ske riverockeye . 1992, oy one fi made it home st all eht dams. if y equate e number of snae 19thatave retued inethe 20ea, it home st all eht dams. the amot of mon spt on recery effos, it com to $9,0 per fis thrivers a run ke machis. . duri spring noff, wh the vers are crankin . thers actual a surpl of ergy in e gr at time aving nd-generatedpower wio seeinghousandsf wind turbines genering wind power the colbia rge, witno impac seeingon salmorunsnd turbind water ality,nd power
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definily raisethe estion ato how hyopower cld be marketeds green ergy. one thgs for se though the pro-m crowd ems a lile threaned by i haveeanie baes. everyby h we, wind ia fad, tt evybody hato have nd. and you got all thesbeanie bies and whatre ty good f? and at's just thsame th wind,t's just fad. - [b] it's rlly hardo ha a baland convertion on the sject of dams vsusaln wh the mosoutspokepro-dampolitiy fused alof our quests f intervis. - well, e of them luctantllet us i and th not so luctantly ked us tleave. i can't y i real blamthese gu r not wanting talk tos, but couldn't helbut wond whatheir rheric r nould tos, but couldn't helbut wond luckfor us, heard ty we throwina ttle pty introduce bill th woulprohibitederal fding but couldn't helbut wond luckfrom ever beg used we tr dam reval, pty
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the stu of dam moval, less expcitl authized by congre. - thk you, m chairman, thk you, eeciall for hoing thisearing - to emine andxposean, the ntinuingrive ofthe envi, for hoing thisearing to dtroy ourations'systems . - to emine andxposean, at beforthe era of damon, the eness cyclof witheng drghts andiolent fods, aconsntly plaguedof damon, our wateheds. oudams tam these the environmtallywidevaatinevens drghts andiolent fods, ey turnedeserts to oasis but over theast w decade noon that ther ear it sine
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must be stored ther even iit meansestoring then prtine preistoric ndition, tots priine prhistoricondition ey're nosatisfie witherely blking constrtion onew dams o retch anration every dr of wateand evy wad oflectrici in theirleak andtifling andimly. hos in wch grave has reaced gre lawns d toiletconstant back up to m these gring hyprisies stroy thr credibitylawns - is is e kind o luna we are cing. asou deal th these people, ye we are lerally dling th the latic frie of our siety, an theyre in chge our pubc policy on thes, because let the we're nogoing to let th ae
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(st music)(man chaering fat) - [b] as teming as i let th ae wato stay d high-fe all ounew pro-m fries, - [the was a aceas i let th ae wathat ianted toisit. st 57 yes ago, athis ot on thcolumbiaiver, the ar corps oengineer commted whatoday at would be call an act of ctural gecide. - as shean alexi a spoka coeud'alene indianays, "salmon e the eucharisof the tbes." 's that rious a mbol. and to r the damin a way thatip, at roves tbeingy acatt froranchescy and lls cooys that they'rdoingr at roves tbeingy - [wom] this icelilo fls.
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e age-olfishing ound of t columbiriver inans. ahthering sh for, - [wthe salm feast,o fls. - d my dadoke me and it s dark y. "ce on, so let's g the fi are comg." it snded lika thousa peop with anar,sten." ating onhe water was saln cong up thriver. the celi falls w thgrandestendezvou place r our pele, and platu tribes, in geral. - matterenot whher you s yaka, nespers,matilla,ayuse,
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whater you we, dn't mter. u was a rt of it whater you we, thisist anthe roar of tt water just, think abt it rig now d i can ar it. that's o of my gat thgs that,n my memies, en i thi about i i can tually hr it. - thiss the fit,nd unrtunatelthe lastime, as you wl see, t greadalles d, ich is bng built seral milebelow he, they wilcover th greafishing grnds, anthe way life th indis have h here will dispear forer. they wilcover th greafishing grnds,
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beuse of t flat suaces ming up e columb. the teeratur of thewaters he e dead wer makes it harr h to getp and do. and w all its, is a git harr h bo of wate is all is. it means nhing to . alit meanss wh they to away. it means nhing to . whathese damhave don as iwas thate inot t - en] dati back re than ,000 yea, celo was o of the dest, unl it waslooded i1957. atne pointthe ar corpof enginrs fered lower t water cked ubehind t dalles m,
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