tv Earth Focus LINKTV October 27, 2021 9:00pm-9:31pm PDT
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d you ner think at wha wwe devery sile weeke,ll whate love, uld stroy yo house. - [jamesturn you wanted tcelebratod..when iecam, the elegce and beauty onature. but i so realized there was a re compl story gng on in t world aut the clision tween pele and nure. and felt a gat sensef urncy to br witnesto that. but i so realized there was a re compl story gng on
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thesevents a partf the faic d the story of o time. - [boy] at you aut to do we're justrying to crapeople (mufed talki) in so can gethem to sety. we're justrying to crapeople - [jameswe've goa bunch of refe. (mufed talki) - mypartment floodedow. yeah, anwe need get out of here ause theater isising arnd us. in the crse of mcareer, ve seen lot of dferent kinds ofnvironmeal chang (manelling) but d ner seen so much hpening squickly. for ousandof years many peopled believed
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ight dratic music) when first srted to ok atolid wat, ice meing, rning to the oan, the monumeal chang that'sappening rit now our te, rning to the oan, arted toome alivfor me. it w a powerl experice. tycally, environmtal chans, ey're ha to see,hey're small anincremenl.erice. anhere ithe icit was tycally, abpt, it w distinc, so thiis wherehe ey're ha to see,hey're smexeme ice rvey staed.. - [bil james bog, jas. udience eering) - [manjames bag launch the treme ice suey by pcing timlapse caras the topf the wod. - [bil and jt tell brieflyhat you did. - weut out te lapse cameraand t
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on the bedro alongde the glaciersnd they oot every - weut out te lapse cameraand t ho or everhalf hou and th've amasd on the bedro alongde the glaciersnd they oot every million image arive of how thice hareeated as a conquence of clima change. once y see the pictes e no denng that theglaciersre. - sdot normal geti dis to see tse this. anbringinghat evidce pictes e ba to peop whodence - ames] there such thing atruth. i'm tryi to findt and e way ornother reve it throh the imes. (lightramatic sic) ater triling) since i' staed the extreme e surveyn 2005, billio of to of glacr ice ve melted into t ocean.
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the ra of melts since i' staed the extremeadily ireasing., and althat melwater raises s levs worldwe. thinuding the shos of mown couny. since i' staed the extremeadily ireasing., - [man] noolk neigors one comnity are wadi through the war . - [man] is is prably asou come t the you're ting to g today. - [- oman] trafficpped the. alerfor 264. - [manit's ring quic - [- oman] trafficpped the. alerfor 264. high tidnot excted until 8: a.m., - [manit's ring quic sot's onlyoing to t worse.
9:08 pm
- [jes] in csapeake y, you can ve floing a sunnyay. e tide ces up d itloods thstreets. nny day oong, i meano fie ri over thlast 100ears. d a halff sea lel it's the highest on t eas. and you canee what thimpactas been. auitasn't metwhen tha look li that., - we sawhose waters bbling up throu storm dins yeah, th street floodsrel these ighborhos. the are miows runng aroundere in t water. i meanook at ts, the plantsthese armarsh plts. why arthere mah plan in the midd of a rking t? evyby in theity know thaturing a gh watervent likee're havg right w, u don't me down he becau there'water onhe road.ent
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- [jamesa lot ofhese hous inre only matter of a fto in this areae've beeworking or tee abovehe ornary higtides. and sobit by b by bit, a sn or eighth of an inch aa me, thocean isoing u d beforeou know , and sobit by b by bit, a sn or ethe ocn is rhtch aa me, inour livi room. tatifferenteriods itime. so, between e time that that house w raised d that hse was raise the estimate of where e safe zone was from flooding that what, aoot and, u know, fe, no, t anymor safeyeah, nonot anyme. now, thas safe. thingsre changg and of stl floodsven course ough we enton 1.2 llion doars evating . thoscranes or there, that'. we're onof the lgest pos on theast coas so thas part oour onomic eine overhere.
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but th most imrtantly, mostf our litary stallatis are onhe water but th most imrtantly, we'rstartingo see thearly pacts ofea levelise.rfk, - navastation rfolk is t largestavy se in thworld. almo 70 shipare me portehere, ,000 plupeople ce to wk here eryda so, it's sigficant tional dense ass. when wsee a stm coming to wk here eryda in, a a level se, it mak those srms re signicant and ineases thimpact. you know, sea lev was to d re signicant the dege that wcould no longeoperate re, that wld be a gnifican impa to natial secury. - [jam] as theceans ri noevercommuniton the cst will baffect and somof th much soer than hers.
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(lht dramac music) - [jam] as theceans ri noevercommuniton the cst - myame is jes eskrie, (lht dramac music) - [fit and fomost i'mia commc, ifierman, cbber, oyerman.. this is e acal shding tan d whenhe crabshed, there tan out ofhe waternd refrigered and ty get a e way cket to w york cy. my grafather w a watean, my father wa i ammy oldesson's a waterm a that myrandson n work on the wer and h son.
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gwee a consvative gup.. that's s alito, hn rorts isut here and condrice andhe skny one'snn coult. huckli) wee been he for tanghundredsf years.tory and whenou look ck you s that wer is th fe of taier. water anthe folkonangier, 're join, we're nnected. (crowd cerin ir horn owing) - growing up on ngier s absoluly heave as a kide had bacally free rei of the land. ir horn owing) - almostike, i gss, ving in amusement pk as a kcause the'sally free rways stu to do. ir horn owing) [anna] most the n work othe wate which arts welbefore ght of aornin',
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and itan go l throug the eving and ght. w[carolchances e,ore gevy soft crab that you'veaten camfrom is littlplace. [james] m dependt w[carolchances e,ore onringing the bouyt of the csapeake y to t food othe table, to p d now it that clege d jsame chepeake ba. that'shreateni to take taie - abt two yes ago i got ant toook at climatehange site in esapeakeaters - ad i seleed ago i got ant taier as msite. becae i realed how de thsituatiowas ouhere. a w schools builon stilt ter in people's ont rds, it'up to a ot deep. yoll see fisswimmingaround .
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th's sometng that ppens on a faiy regulabasis no - is islanfeels soncertain i'coishe oceannd ansfactashat comeup,eree. it's gng to beerrible foth. - yeah, rememberhis us to all sand it's gng to beerrible foth. when i fst came here. - yeah - wesed to jt take aoat ross ande could lk all e way uphe west ore line - yeah, ere we a noonhe thatas high groundt one , and hi enough suppo homethat werup here. theyad a schl a hous a sml generastore and ki up herelaying just likon tangi now. and i'm re at e thatheir towwould underwar some d.age - but yocan see at linenderneatthe sand
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of the pt sedimes th are exped. once thagets eosed, othat'shat's teing e islandpart. once thagets eosed, ngier isnd is a nd hill at's capd by peasediment it's vy loose d it very fre. now, s level has asou c see theater is ju tearingt to pies.. when youe walkin up he at theite of where t communi was,t can beepressin to this y you stl findone fragmentfrom the greyardshat erod and nt into e bay.
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yeah, he's one othe the pastate of ld lossrd.- [davd and e futureea lel rise snarios. yand baseon thosecenarios ti esmated holong tanerd.- [davd s left a my estitions wher- it's n too latrs. but don't he years wait. what we ed for thegovernme to dy put a seall all e waaround tgier. what we ed for thegovernme to dy - some othe islas do wan bacally thwhole isnd nd of ried in ste, and to do th it woulbe just a bapark estate, probly ound 100illion dlars
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- weeed the lp and need itretty quk. - ngier rely is so of canary ithe coaline for what gonna hpen to aot low lyi cities ong e americ coastli. - ngier rely is so of canary ithe coaline yoknow, a large ty, ke say norlk or mii, manhatta they cacome up with ty to proct themsves, t some o'em manhat're probly gonnap have tre so, 's gonnae a x of procting
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mahowe're goa handlehis have tre tuation cause wes a soety do n have th resours to protect erything. so, are gon have to make me choic. - 's easy r people that d', we why don you relate? orou know,hy don'tou y find-- - but can't sl non to g money treloca. - i me, who's,eah, exaly-- - we have totart anwe're a wn of warmen. who's nna take load owatermann? - we have totart anwe'rehard - aginwatermen yeah. yeah. - aginwatermen d the older ople this isnd. - when wk on the beh it's le i'm taki a trip my past but i'also walng into my g,
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it thrs everytng hdo this xt oneoju sthat's cing in he.r here igoes. one,wo, thre (lig dramatic musi [man] ye. (wan laughg) - , he'soing oka i think we ha. - [m] listeno him. en the cldren inhe water get ts d 70s an80s, theater vel is gng to beeally, thworld is changg and th aworlthat thewill knoino
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the ne future going tbe a ofoundlyifferentorld thwan the wld that ud th aworand know rig now.ino - ile or n - [jamesmove youhead stight up d down, tuck yr chin down a ltle bit. theschging bodary contions ar a happeng right don hr 're livi in e middlef th. a photoapher, i want treveal e confli between peop an. ana lot ofhatpher, terest gs back twhen i was little b plang inhe coal mini tow by mgrandparts house
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i could ok arounme and see the ntrast bween the beautifuforestedills anthese gintic pil of waste rocks that had been dug out of the mines. to t world, i stard to s it in tmsamera of tho same coradictio - ok. and n- ve it thgas? zoom, here goes. (gas hisng) zoom, here goes. you knowi've always own in tory that the envep of a that rrounds is thin
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yein - atrick] ay, so thntoalk aw from mete. [james] i teameup with friend mine. - [patck] that fine. - [jamesto send camera up abo the atmphere.- [patri] k. - and exrience h thinhe air aually is two, thr, go. - and exrience h t(lig dramatimusic)s it took on 25 minus toise to wt's forsicallthe edge of t breathae atsphere a35,000 ft. it took on 25 minus toise to wt's forshow gh is ite it's 61,0 feet. - wow.
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it just aew minut later toise to wt's it was uat0,000 fe,te aring ouinto the blackns. - [prick] ,000 fee there's e parache. - [jes] oh, where'the ca? - atrick] at's amang. - came's are i peect condion. look at at,h, where'the ca? - atntental dide.ang. - came's are i pfantasc.dion. in less than halan houre'tmy blt - atntental dide.ang. up into at was sentialloutespace. i fod it incdible th our yer of a is so thin. for thfirst ti in my le, i derstood finiteand precus.
9:25 pm
(mfled talng) matt, w do younow wee at theight spo this inot a maed - att] i w countinone ssissipp two misssippi. - oh, go this inot a maed - when i ep out iould ss for theong rideere?. let'see. ye(jes chuckng)l - look athis. we gof all the ges in th the air anthe partulatesw in the a and how at effec the col of this bstance th we'rerea. you can'sethe air,ut wetill havan increbly intimate ratiohip witht. you fi your lus with a morehan 20,000 tes a d. so, can't aid thfact thawhatever
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- [jethdifferenspikesrie put in. yo that we' measuri. sohis is a gna trafficelated. - wee sure gting a t of carn monoxi. - [jesca] and ethanoand tolu. - wee been ung thisvan for t [james] credib. ofolatile ganic compoundwith abo a milliodollars of cusmand tolu. inrumentatn in theack. - wee been ung thisvan for t [james] credib. we're rely interted in volatile orgic compods beuse th contribe to cmate chae, ozonformatio in t atmosphe and theyan becom harmfuto humanealth. - sohe numbe we're sing and theyan becom the seen in harmere arcominglth. t of thiinlet up here? - are ming fm this rring inlehere forll ofhe instrents. - [jam] let's e wh sort ofo2 inlehere forll i d to thetmospher - sowe got eanol. wh sort ofo2 th's a comn one. - sowe got eanol. but 's also und in ethast normarespirion.l,
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it only e o'cloc in t afterno-- - i kn - w don(lht musicous. - [jessi] so we' in a go spotso we'llee if weee ything fm this wl d here wch was - [jes] whoathere's hanol. - [jessi] ethanoand toluene - en we lo at sours of llution er the lt few -d a largspike inethane.l. ye see thaoilall d gas exoration, e on theise andcontribu to . also bause popation grth weave a lomore traic now. also bause popation grth we have lot more peoplesin. - [jam] an oldruck r pollutn control on it. - a lae spike toluene - [jam] an oldruck - man, lk at tha r po- ah. control on it. - [jes] godhe's way way f the toof this art. - [jam] an oldruck - [gabrie] so these r poutantset releadn it. into t atmosphe and ntributeto a cmate chae
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anthen in e prence of nshine thnox and e vocs act in t atmosphe and fo ground vel ozon thnox and e vocs [man] frt range is sti ur act in t atmosphe an one actioalert until 00 p.m. morrow. - [wom] the be advi: stay iide. the expore to oze and unpartle pollution c lead toncreasedsthma atcks, itan lead the infmmatn of theining of our lgs, can incase the sk of hrt attacand even leadt. of theining of our lgs, - u know wn you dre inhat van st a wel and yosee the emics cong out a you go, okaythat's tt one place anthen we t into the earer aipast where at spikes. thers 40,000 of thosethingse you well, nwait a mute, d you don'know whh ones a leaki.
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tand th there's hundre of ts you well, nwait a mute, ofells allcross thcountry. and en therere all t tailpes, incding my n, and thers all the jet rplanes includg the on i fly i you , my godit's jus likeit's ovehelming. (lig dramatimusic) - [gabrie] we yhave sigficantlyjaltereour e likeit's ovehelming. and we fl the efcts of i and weave to dl with- okay gs.f it. aryou guyseady brush yr teeth? let's gocome on. peaking reign lauage) let's gookay.on. (pan sizing) i need ttake my xapro. - okay, need youo ta youmedicineuys, rea?
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let's . slow. ower, plse. slow. sler. od job, ady? go job. - slowyou're gng tofast, honey. my oer son ren stted deveping asta. after weoved to th part w daughte olivia,e had to starter on mecations at t age of one anleonardo wasi daughte olivia,e had to starter on mecations okaygood job nogo rin your moh alfour of have asma. so, wee indooreople. 're not tdoor pele. thpollutiohere in e neigorhood ipretty ereme,
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