tv Earth Focus LINKTV October 28, 2021 1:00am-1:31am PDT
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every ekend we were othe b, anyouwh we lovewouldhat we ddestroy ur housend, - [jamesturn you wanted tcelebratgoo.when iecam, the elegce and beauty onature. in t world aut the clisionas tween pele and nure. on and felt a gat sensef urncy to br witnesto that. thesevents a partf the faic d the storof our te.
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- [boy] at you aut to do we're justrying to crapeople (mufed talki) in so can g them toafety. we're justrying to crapeople - [jameswe've goa bunch of refe. (mufed talki) - mypartment floodedow. yeah, anwe need get out of here ause theater isising arnd us. in t course my care, ve seen lot of dferent kinds ofnvironmeal chang (manelling) but d ner seen so muchappeningo quickl for ousandof years many peopled believed that nate was ma up four emental rces;
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when first srted to ok atolid wat, ice meing, turning to the oan, the monuntal chae that'sappening rit now our te, turning to the oan, arted toome alivfor me. it w a powerl experice. tycally, environmtal chans, ey're ha to see,hey're small anincremenl. anhere ithe e it was abpt, itas distit. so ts is whe the treme icsurvey srted. - [bil james bog, jas. udience eering) - [manjames bag launch the treme ice surv by plang time pse cames athe top othe worl - [bil and jt tell brieflyhat you did. - weut out te lapse cameraand t on the bedro alongde the glaciersnd they oot every
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- weut out te lapse cameraand t ho or everhalf hou and th've amasd on the bedro alongde the glaciersnd they oot every million age arche of w thice hareeated as a conquence of clima change. no dying that theglaciersre. dot normal get to see tse this. anbringinghat evidce aboute ba to peop who [james] there such thing atruth. i'm trng to fi it anone way another reve it throh the imes. (lightramatic sic) reve it throh the imes. ater triling) (lightramatic sic) since i' staed the extreme e surveyn 2005, billio of to of glacr ice ve melted into t ocean.
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(the ra of meltsc) since i' staed the extremsteadilyncreasin, and althat melwater raisesea levels worlide. incling on t shoresof my ow. - an] norfk neighbs inne commuty are wang throu the ter agai [man] th is probly whatou're goa see as y come outhe you're ting to g today. - [womanfloodingtopped the flowf trafc. - [wan] a affic alert fo. - [manit's ring quic - [wan] a affic alert fo. high tidnot expected until 8: a.m., - [manit's ring quic sot's onlyoing to t worse.
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yocan havelooding on a sny. - [jes] in csapeake y, just on dinary ds, thtide com up and it fods . - [jes] in csapeake y, nny day ooding, i mean gfigure. ri over thlast 100ears.and a hl it's the highe on t east coast. ri over thlast 100ears.and a hl anso you c see wha thimpact h been. ause obvusly when that chuh was but, ri over thlast 100ears.and a hl it wasn'meante wha to look ke that. - we sawhose waters bbling up throu storm dins i me look athis, these floo fre. plan, thesare marsplants. why e there rsh plan in e middlef a parking lot? everybodin the cy knowsfthat dit plan, thesare marsplants. likee're havg right w, u don't me down he becauthat dit there'water onhe road.ts.
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- [jamesa lot ofhese hous inre only matter in tof a fooor twoeeworking or tee abovehe ornary higtides. and sobit by b by bit, a sn or eighth of an inch aa me, the ocean isoing up, the ocn is rig d inour livi room. these hoes were l elevat so, betwn the time that atthat house was raised and that house was raised, the estimate of where the safe zone was from flooding that what, aoot and half.k,, u know, fe, no, t anymor safeyeah, nonot anyme. now, thas safe. thin are chaing and of urse thiintersecon stilfloods en thgh we spt 1.million llars elevatinit. those anes ovethere, that's o port fality. we're onof the lgest pos on theast coas so thas partf our economicngine ov there. but th most imrtantly,
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mostf our litary stallatis are onhe water there'naval stion norfk, wee starti to see e earlyimpact. stallatis are onhe water - navastation rfolk is the larst navy base il most 70 ips are home ptee ,000 plupeople ce to wk here eryday. so, it's sigficant tional dense ass. most 70 ips are home ptee when we e a storcoming in, a sea lel rise, it mes thosetorms more sigficant and creases e impact. u kn, if seaevel was toise as iprojecte thatould be significt noimct to naonal secity. - [jam] as theceans ri evercommuniton the cst will baffectednd some themuch soon than otrs. (lht dramac music) - [jam] as theceans ri evercommuniton the cst
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- myame is jes eskdge, i'm the yor of tgier isld. come he. fit and fomost i'm a commc, fierman, cbber, oyerman. this is e acal shding tan d whenhe crabshed, there tan out ofhe waternd refrigered and ty get a e way cket to w york cy. my grafather w a watean, my father wa i ammy oldesson's a waterm a so thamy grandn can wo on t water a his son
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grwee a consvative gup..e. ancondi ri and thehn skinnyn. roberts is outere (chuckli) wee been he for tanghundredsf years.tory and wh you looback youee that wer is th fe of taier. water anthe folkon tgier, we're joed, we'rconnecte (a horn bling) - growing up on ngier s absoluly heave as a kide had bacally free rei of the land. (a horn bling) - almostike, i gss, ving in amusement pk as abecause ere'sally freealways sff to do. (a horn bling) [anna] mosof the men workn the war, which arts welbefore ght of aornin', anit can gall throh e evening d night.
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- [carol] chans are, every so crab th yove eat came fr - [jam] i'm dendent on bringg in theounty of the csapeake y to t foodn the ble, to p d now it that clege d jsame chepeake ba. that'shreateni to take tan. - abt two yes ago i got ant toook at climatehange site in esapeakeaters - ad i seleed ago i got ant taier as msite. becae i realed how de thsituatiowas ouhere. a w schools built stilts. ter in peoe's fron yard it's upo a footeep. yoll see fh swimmi aroundn these rds. at's somhing thahappens on a f. king the way.
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- th island els so uertain i'coishe oceannde fact thae d so unashat comeup,gile. it's gng to beerrible foth. - ah, i rember thi used tall be sd when i fst came here. - yeah acro and we uld walkll the y up theest shorline. - ah, wherwe are w there'tree stus on t bottom re. that was hig grou at one me, and hi enough support hom. they had school house, a small neral ste and ds up he playing just . and i'm re at th timehey coul't image ath their tn wouldbe underte. - but yocan see at linenderneatthe sand of the pt sedimes th are exped. once thagets exped,
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th's what'tearing the isnd t tangieisland ia sand hl it very loe and at'sit's verfragile.ment nowth insteadfas stking theand, asou canee the wer i justearing ito piece. when youe walkin up he at theite of whe the comnity s, it cabe depreing. e gravards thaeroded and wentnto the y.s from yeah,i tually kw a guy down oth, adstonesrom the aveyard.
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- [davidwe procted e past re of lanloss and thfuture s leverise scerios. and baseon thosecenarios i esmated holong taner has leftnd my esmations where s - it's n too lat tangier savable has leftnd my esmations where s buwe don'tave yearto wait. what wneed for the gornment tdo is toctually put a seall all e waaround tgier. - some othe islas do wan gbacally thwhole isndally nd of ried in ste, and to do th it woulbe just a bapark estate, probly ound 100illion dlars
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- ngier rely is so ofd tocanary ithe coaline.. for what gonna hpen to a of l lying cies alon the erican cstline. - ngier rely is so ofd tocanary ithe coaline.. foryoknow, a large ty, a like s norfolk or miami, of l lying cies alon the erican cstline. manhtan, thecan comepd towi the funng necesry. to proct themsves, t some o'em of l lying cies alon the erican cstline. manhsoit's gon beamepd towi tmix of ptectingy.
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we're goa have t ideci as a pele, how 're gonnhandle ts siation beuse we aa societdo not he theresourceto pn how, were gonnaave ts sia make so choices - 's easy r people that d', how, were gonnaave ts ll whyon't youelocate? orou know,hy don'tou y find-- g- but can't sl non ll whyon't youelocate? toet moneyo reloca. i mean, o's, yea exactly - we'd he to sta l over fm scratc and wee a townf waterm. who's nna take loadf waterm in? and wee a townf waterm. ehard warmen. who's nna take laging warmen.n? yeah. yeah. whd the older ople this isnd.en.n? - wh ialk on thbeach it e i'm taki a trip my past but i'also walng into my g, 'cause wre one srm awayfrom bec.
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ight dratic musi - amesthe humaenterpri is bed on a lief at we mo or less are ab to knot the futu hol for usand for r ch. suers wille hot, winters ll be co. the lat when those bas ocean expeations cnge it tows everhing to disary. how out everody just sit de the lat when those bas ocean expeations cnge do this xt oneo that's cing in he.
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here igoes. do this xt oneo thaton two, the.e. (lig dramatic musi [man] ye. (wan laughg) - [m] listeno him. en the cldren inhe water get ts we he a natul actor re. and 70s d 80s, t water level isoing to really, ally difrent thait is no thworld is changg and th worlthat thewill knoin the ne future going tbe a ofoundlyifferentorld
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than t world tt you d i knowight now smile oro? - [jamesmove youhead stight up d down, tuckour chin down aittle . smile oro? okay, ay with . we don have r theschanng bounry condions arehappenino a ntury orwo centues. we're ving in the ddle of at. a photoapher, i want treveal we're ving in ana lot ofhatetween pele an. terest gs back twhen i was little b pying theoamining towns by my andparen house. i could ok arounme and see the ntrast bween the
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- atrick] ay, so now i ne you guy to walk ay from . [james] i teameup with friend mine. [patrickthat's fe. - [jam] toend a cara upbove t atmosphe. - [prick] ke goin'. - [jam] toend a cara and expeence how thin t ais upbove t atmosphe. two, thr, go. - [jam] toend a cara and expeence how thin t ais uwhoa, lo at that. (lig dramatimusic) it toise to wt'ss forsicallthe edge of t breathae atsphere a35,000 ft. it toise to wt'ss forshow gh is ite it's 61,0 feet. - wow.
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just few mines later it wa, forshow gh is ite starg out in the ackness space. - [prick] ,000 fee there's e parache. - [jes] oh, where'the ca? - [prick] th's amazi. - cara's aren peect condion. look athat, - contental dide.azi. - cara's aren pfantasc.dion. in ls thanalf an hr look athat, -myalloon h floatedi. up into at was sentialloutespace. i i unrstood how finit ouand prious their is.n. for ,
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uffled tking) matt, w do younow wee at theight spo this inot a maed - att] i w countinone ssissipp two misssippi. - oh, go this inot a maed - when i ep out iould ss for theong ri here?. let'see. yeah, threticall (jam chuckli) - lookt this. weetof all the ges in th thskair d the paiculatlow in t air andow thatffects t color of this bstanc that we're bathi. you can'sethe air,ut wetill havan increbly inmate ratiohip witht. you so, can't aidthir mo tthfact thawhatever. put intthe air, we putntoe
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- [jessi] so, ju to orie yourye you c see her - wee sure gting athat wre . t of carn monoxi. - [jsica] an ethal and toene. - wee been ung thisvan for t t[james] credible ofolatile ganic compoundwith abo a milliodollars of cusm inrumentatn in theack. - wee been ung thisvan for t t[james] credible we're ally intested in volatis cause th contribe to cmate chae, ozonformatio in t atmosphe and th can bece harml to hum health. - sohe numbe we're sing and the seen in harmere arcominglth. t of thiinlet up here? - are ming fm this rring inlehere forll ofhe instrents. - [jam] let's e wh sort ofo2 add to t atmosphe. - sowe got eanol. wh sort ofo2 th's a comn one. -ethanois foundn alcoho but 's also und in st normarespiratn.
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it only e o'cloc in t afterno-- - i kn - w don(lht musicous. - [jessi] so we' in a go spotso we'llee if weee anythingrom thisell d here which was - [jsica] etnol and tolue. a- en we lo at sours of llution er the lt few ye see thaoilall d gas exoration, e on theise andcontribu to . also bause popation grth have a t more tffic now also bause popation grth we have lot more peoplesin. - [jam] an oldruck r pollutn control on it. - a lae spike toluene - [jam] an oldruck - man, lk athat. r po- yeah.ontrol on it. - [jam] my god, 's way, way of. - [jam] an oldruck [gabrie] so the. r pollants g release it. into t atmosphe and ntributeto a cmate chae and thenn the presencef sunsne,
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the x and thvocs ret in thetmospher anform grod level one. - [m] front nge stillnder an ozonection alt until 4: p.m. torrow. - [wom] the be adce: st inside. anthe expore to oze an rticle pollutionan lead toncreasedsthma atcks, itan lead the infmmatn of theining of our lgs, can incase the sk of hrt attacand even leadt. of theining of our lgs, caight dratic musi you knowhen you ive that vapast aell and you e the chical comi out andou go, okaythat's tt one place anthen we t into the earer aipast where at spikes. thers 40,000 of thosethingse you well, nwait a mute, and yodot know ich onesre leaking. and th there's hundre of thouns ofells allcross thcountry.
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and en therere all t tailpes, incding my n, d there'all e jet ailanes includg the on i fly i you , my godit's jus likeit's ovehelming. (lig dramatimusic) - [gabrie] we yhave sigficantlyjaltereour e likeit's ovehelming. and weeel the fects oft, and have toeal wi the effts of it - okay guy aryou guyseady brush yr teeth? let's gocome on. peaking reign lauage) let's(p sizzlin. i need ttake my xapro. - okay, need youo take yr medici guy ready? let's .
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slow. slowerplease. slow. od job, ady? go job. - ow, yore going too fa,. my old son rub stard develong asthm after weoved to th part w my dauter, olia, we ha to srt her omedicatis at thege oone and onardo was justinda borinto it. my dauter, olia, we ha to srt her omedicatis okaygood job nogo rin your moh alfour of have asma. so, wee indooreople. we're t outdoopeople. thpollutiohere in e neigorhood ipretty ereme, and you ow, we have theefinery
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