tv Earth Focus LINKTV November 3, 2021 9:00pm-9:31pm PDT
9:01 pm
it'll behe firstime i wod-- i'd en on th section rio grae where myarents cssed... my life first me ever. and think it gonna connect everhing reay, really wl for me ustin] ie been uhriver-guing here on e rio grde for e past s-ishears. want peoe to kno wh's out he. i want t love toe shared th is wilderness wild ast gets. t people don't ke heang that. pele like hearg about wall. rather tn talkin about puing up aence, why don' work t some rogniti
9:02 pm
ofurutual prlems-- make ipossible for em to come herlegally th a worpermit, and en the bder bothays. were natioof immignts, t we arelso a naon of la ill clinn] that' why our adnistration s moved gressive to securour borders re. ours' a natioof immignts, 're also nation law. eorge w.ush] we have responsility to sece our boers. presidt bush, he sned a bi today authoring the nstructi a fence alg the rder wh mexi. is fence would 700iles lon [upbeamusic] [barack ama] i think t americ people,hey appriate anbelieve immration. but ey can'tave a situatn where u just he half millioneople pouring er t border without y kind o meanism controlt.
9:03 pm
mpletehe dangefence. 'll workhis ti. [hilary clinton]ook, i voted uhnumerousimes en i was senator spend mey to bui a barri to t to prevt , illegaimmigran from cing in. [donaltrump] oday one, will ben workin onn impetrable ysical, ll, poweul, beautil uthern-bder wall [alause ancheering [upbt music] [cwd chantg] bud that wl! build th wall! bud that wl! build at wall! builthat wal bud thatall! [dond trump]uild thawall! build at wall!
9:04 pm
[benthis who idea got stted a femonthsgo. i was rkin' for me wildle biologts out west tes. and th were deribing toe how a ysical wl uld have me reallserious pact a lot owildlife species alonthe rio ande. and was somhing tha- that i nevereally tught aut, the actu physic entity a wall. ani guess just wand to-- to arn morebout it.
9:05 pm
ay] um, -- [lghing] [b] on a jrney lik this, yore only good the teathat youave. and thisroup is azing. [ausn] li that d mess ts up. en] so y-- with rses, yo don'have to place pels. stin alvado a riveruide. henows t river iwest tex like theack of h hand. heather is aornitholist. she udies bis d butteries along e rio, and her owlee of just t biodiveity at lge gonnae reallymportant fothe trip uhone seco. yeah. [b] filipeeandrade an increble filmaker. i excted lik- yeah, like t mariachband d great tourage. wooh, at a sta! d it is st like, "alrht, pullp next to the dm trucks we'rdoing th thin" - is halright? [ben] jakleberg,e wos for tes parks and wilife fouation. consvation ihis thin
9:06 pm
[ben] the walls gonna but througa lot of places that are very ne and dear to hiseart. [chrissyshe may walkingy thtime youet back. - [jay] , that'sot a cool thi. - [chrsy] yeah [laughg] [jay] you sure can't jt strap r? i can t her the camback. - no! no, i pua little lmet on r with a [chrissya littleasket inhe frontf your be. - ah, withoggles. - [dghter] yh, yeah,eah. [chrissyhuckling [benlike thithing origined in corado and byhe time hits he, 's tiny,inuscule and thenhe unitestates takepretty mh all oft. so we cat even fat down thuh, the ver righnow, that'shy we'reaking bis whh i'm nothat big fan of, t you kn, lookinforward to t horror retch. - [ptographe alright t in the, nice a ght. - [stin] deghted. - [ptographe alright i think at probay got . - alrit. - nail it. - ah. what the lastime u rode aike, file? - [file] me? - ah. - this mning. - this mning.
9:07 pm
i just hped of w i'm hoin' backn again. right, l's go ke me bad disions. - [benhell, ye! - [filip let's gwith it. arrr! [bacround muc] [b] we arembarki on a,200-miljourney froml paso to t gulf ofexico. en] ridi bicycle wherthere isn't enou water. en] taki my mustangs throh the g bend. d canoei down thrio gran. [bentryin' tundersta whe exactla wall wld g and at effec it woulhave. ♪ i dre i'm in wait, it, waittime out rious qution. ere is gn' to doors inhipotentiawall.
9:08 pm
are ere goa be doo like this taccess t rio grae? li you'll ve to gea key or somhing tacc-- . ay. ok, okay [ausn] wow! [filipe]ai so we a about to ent mexico ght now? [b] no, 're justonna rid on t mexico de of thwall, buon the u eather] -man zon eather] it'sild beinalong thwall to he is massi 25-foot barri. it just els so sarate.
9:09 pm
[jaywhile i s workinin el paso, th construed the wl, and th did it like 12 nths. from my perspecte, it wast a real like u cry ainst thconstrucon of tt fence at t time. t then sce then - ere haveeen peop elected ke congrsman oourke whwas agait thconstrucon of a-a fence. eto] i-- don't think lot of pple the intior of thes undetand at the wl will notiterallye built at the bder, at e internatnal bounry line. it'll built welwithin he, it 100 yar. other aces it'- it's aile, miles , into t interio and evywhere is gonna lo asgly as ts or uglr. [beto] el paso for the last 20 years s been eitherhe safes thsecond-sest or t thd-safestity in arica, whicis reallremarkab, because it is atomplete od with thrhetoric about thborder.
9:10 pm
[beto] othe 2,00miles the us-xico borr, i beeve little or 600 mis have fens, walls ysical briers. [backgund musi [bet and thabegan afr the 2006 sure fencinact, which publics and decrats, induci senatorobama and clinn at theime, voted fo which eentially allowed the sh admintration, and th cceedingdminisations, to putp ese physal barris anto effecvely ive all vironmenl anlocal akeholders' feguards [beto] ihink peoe who aren from the border this mightake a lot sense tthem lik- so whear the are proems with mexo or immration or dgs, yeaha-- a big ant fenc
9:11 pm
th steelnd concre that-- at makes lot of nse. when y live he, you, you obvisly-- you e it difrently and yofeel it- u feel idiffertly. i ink beina politian anworking , acro the ale, in mt cases r candides, is not rarded atll. they are reward for extreme staes. i'will hur i'the reprentative om the 2d congreional dirict of xas, whicgoes from the inges of epaso l the wato san aonio. i ha 820 mil of the rder. and i spt ne and aalf year as an unrcover oicer the cia. i sit the homela securitcommitte i'vehased baguys all ov the wor, ve chaseterrists, i've chad clear weapon prolifetors. i've t- i'vehased the rcotrafintes. and yolearn th your adversarhas resoces.
9:12 pm
theyave umthe commment to dsomethin and ey're-- ey're-- they'r- they'rsmart. th's why y convertion um,n uh-- on immration osecurity hato beginith operional controof our bder. i went tjohn marall high scol, but [indistinct] okay, um - i'malking about en when weere in-- when wer hi-- ye. i ok my ri off, because viously s just sposed to - nodude youot to-- - wh are youoing? - no, but li i didn'know-- nobodylse is wring jewry. [wil we can t opational contl of o border. we can eorce our laws to give terrence d a consuence tohat negave behavr. [backgrod chatte [ben] weust got the end of theall for e first me. weeed ou- our n and won inhe bordepatrol tonow exactly wh the thrt is, so ty're nothowing up witno infortion about wh's goingn.
9:13 pm
and-and so tt's why tting the rightools ismportant and-- ani think- i ink folkneed to alize th you kno um, at we waa sere the bder, should ve secureour bord by now. - t's roll yoall-- yoall stargoing. okaywe're goa-- we're goa head bk. [ausn] theres wa-- there'like-- there is canal rht there - weust crosthe cana - [fipe] i'ltake my irt off and ve acros - [jay] i me we coul but uh- - [wil yeah. f sure, - it's sposed toe andventureright? [hther] weould jum throh here, could just sairight f. [will] ts shit ideep. eather] you kn, i can'get my be-- oheah! oh, that's ce. ooh! ooh [wl] y'allidn't telle it wasold. - [lghing][heather yee-w, i kno [filipe]ettin' t congresan in a b of pick here. here we . - ilipe] g it. - y want the came or you nt the hd? i'll takyour han - ah.
9:14 pm
[heaer] what yeah. - [hther] geing throh. oh yh. your govnment sates you. [laughin -i'm su. i geto my ne pointmenonime. [ling] [song the bacround] [atin] wh-hoo-hoo-hoo! - [j laughin -cheersboys. he well, tonly havg five be malfunions. yeah. [ben] prty good tmeal. glad iet to eathis. is heaer up? [heaer] yeahi'm up. okay
9:15 pm
[austin]hy? thene need yr experte. there'all thesbirds flyin' aund. [heath] such amazing way to srt the d. justou out tre, listing to t birdson tan' everying in. and 's like such areatime to s all nds of wdlife. eather] i ew up inpstate, w york. wento collegat corne where i udied ecogy. worked f about fe years as aield biogist. then iursued my maste in thbig bend and ll in lo withhe borde onhis trip i'going toe doing asany bi surveys along e route i can f in. myntention is to surveyhese are at nobodhas really sveyed bis before toee what e biodivsity is
9:16 pm
before potenti boer wall built. wh you thi a gh bird versity or jushigh bioversity, yodon't thk of a dert. but it some ofhe highe getationiversityand thereforbird divsity, because you have all ese diffent elevions and you ve the rio grande goi through th creates a comptely difrent habat. if youe just cisin' ony, u're gonna thi thers not anhing he. buif you jt stop, and ke look ound, anlisten f a littlbit, u reale this pce is ale. [spensefulusic]
9:17 pm
[ben] thrio gran the frth longt river in nth ameri. it stas in colado, flowthrough w mexico and comes thus-mexicborder for over,200 mil in texas. ere arso many da and divsions that t rio grae runs dryelow el so. anfor near 300 mil, there isittle too water. thforgottereach. [playi the harnica] [heath] well. [austin] let help yoout withhat. 're fucked 's home.
9:18 pm
ilipe] we'dtart ridg oubikes, and e ride's in' pret well, anthen outf nowhersnow just srts dump' on us. [wind owing] [ben] m doing - brg the to back ale again. [jay] wo these are me big fkes. e temperure is dpping. [heath] the ros are very quily degrang. yocan rideor a lite while and th the-- the whls just cumulateud. 's stillike spring cditions erywhere ustin grting]
9:19 pm
[austi i've ner be scared ay fro- om getti you kno down to busiss and gting it ne. [austin unting [atin] butang, at was se serious mud. that waslass fivmud right the. ustin grting some pot, you'reot ridinthe bike thbike is ding you d uh, yore startg touestiothe procs. [file sniffl and kes a de breath] ilipe] this tng is frking hea. [taking ep breat]
9:20 pm
9:21 pm
[jay] wel just he to go arnd and ce back. ilipe] sry, keepunning. - [filip keep gog. that's i yh. for the rst timen this tp, i meawe're on a week to the tp, but day is t first d at we go a alirst hanperspecte what sobody wou ha to go tough they we to crosilgally. ey wouldt be doi it on hseback, they wldn't be dog it on canoe, th wouldn' be doingt on bik - ilipe] ty'd be wking-- - [benfor thremonths. we camover to the ufrom bral when was abo six yea old. i waborn in e countride. i rememb traveli the aman anyou know li being cefree in a way d then we werdisplad from flood
9:22 pm
gring up irio de jeiro, we we livingn the mo notoous ghet in the rld ry much the refront drugs, d thcartel a violenc ything w better in her es. welew over herbecause mom had worker sa. and we ce over, me a mom, myister. i thinit was myom's inttion to come er here and eate a n life for mend my sier, without dad, becaushe was jt a nitmare of human bng. was reay abusivand-- and dicted to drugs, and u know, not e kind operson th she wted to rse her ks. what ion't thi shexpectedas that
9:23 pm
he was gng to gerid of all our leg documen. she was fad with a veryifficultecision. goack torazil, and th try andome backm, anher wathrough migratio or jt stay he and fire it ou [file] ultimely that ant for out 14 yrs, wetayed ilgally. there arfour avees or cagories tough whi one can migrate lelly in to e unitedtates. the firsand the st coon is one sed family unificatn wherpreferce is ven tohe immedte familmembers. ictoria]he secon ute is tough employ-based iigration.
9:24 pm
the thd is thrgh e refugeor asyleprocess. anthe lastategory throu the versity sa lotte. ifouook at theast 10 o15 years u see a velling t r about million r year. ere is aap to th. fos don't oo be undomented. en someby says: "g in line ny timeshere aret lines. [beto] the flowf migratn to thes iseally a nction of o economy the funconf economs uhin themericas d it's hisphere, a functi of um, e kind ofiolence d brutaly, vil warsnd death that y find inentral arica at-- tt you ve und off d on in-in mexic thers so a miscception out mexi.
9:25 pm
were at nezero um, immigrion with mexo, whh means 's not a plusr minus,ight. , most pple willhink tha you knowmost of e legal imgration is cing fromexico. it's not. 's comin fr centralmerica. meco is acally a partner ours in tryin stop illegal migratio becae they a dealing withome of t similarssues their sthern boer. [cicad singi] - [austi wow! wo lookt this! [filipe] it's rht thereman. - [atin] wow - ay] it me me go fast. - [atin] i'mo glad it's pement. -ben] no mud. issing] ustin] i just goa do thi 'cau my kneecan't be. [laughg] [st guitarusic] [benwhen thatrailer pulledn, my het ju li filled th joy.
9:26 pm
itymbolize the d of the bicycle which isike the eatest thg that's happed thus r on therip. - [dony braying] -[l laughi] - [indtinct] -hers your hse. - alght, let's do . - ] your hse's me is "dkey dust [laughing] think i'm ready for a w life tether. [lghing] alrigh we'll s you. [laughg] [bennow, i'vbeen fortune to woron ranch and too a lot packed ips all ov the amecan west and thenhis is dosaur. [benmy mustas are soood, they knohow to re. he's a butiful mtang. - ye. [ben] i ew they uld take gd care oeverybod ich is vy importt, beuse fili... no idea w to rida horse.
9:27 pm
ilipe] you ink she' let me ? you ha riding ots. [austin]hat do y need, huh? how do u get on? [ben] st hop o [ausn] you kw you t it. [lghing] yeahbuddy! alrit, let'so. [austin] l's go. - help me, hp me getff. - okaycome on. alrit, hold . alrit. no i'm gon ride bearound. co on,en! eather] ve been a horse a haful of tes like t touristsituatio or like birthd rty or sething. i'm noparticully conceed. i trust n's judgnt. you know whicmaybe i ouldn' [file] let'side! verybody cheerin
9:28 pm
[ben] thpart thai was mo excited out was e big be. g bend rch stateark is 3,000 acr. big be ranch nional pa 800,000 acres combin, it's ts massiv retively uouched hitat. [jay] ancestoof mine, who wa parkand wildfe commiioner back in the '30s a '40s, vited thisountry whenhey wereooking at dignatingig nd natiol park anhe was a retively fous rancr. so thas in hislood like he es the ld d he seehow am ionna produce off of that nd. d his coent that theighest anbest useor that nd is f public creation we'rsitting e resultof thalegacy
9:29 pm
's imptant fore toomplete at circl and try d protec anrea thate saw prising. th's threaned right noby the l. and sof i can do sething to sort protecthat lega, then feel ke thas anmportantart of-- of my fe rightow. [wstling] [b] pay atntion, bs. histling [ben] ros! ea, tough,asy, eas eather] right, go ead now. [ben] ah, this idefinite a walke - [b] yeah. [heather carrying lot, ye. 30 mutes in venture de, engaged. en] th area is
9:30 pm
somef the gnliest, rockie, nastie terrain ve ever en in. every single piece of getation out he has thos and stickers a cactu [hther] alght. [heathergood, go. [file] dude,hese musngs are ma for theackcount. rtunately, ally mustan, ey were l born ithe wild onublic las the amecan west [backgund musi [benth grew upn desote rsh landapes likthis. ey know w to wal thugh thisountry, they knohow to mnder through e rocks, anstay awafrom theactus, and hoto navige throh cliffs and fficulterrain. makes mproud to toee my poes take care of erybody so well
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