tv Earth Focus LINKTV November 10, 2021 9:00pm-9:31pm PST
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environntal oblem soing. here's t problemwe c engineer way arod it. technolo is greain so ma rems of hun experice, but whenou try t ply manipulation and corol of esystems rough tenology, you'reften sucssful eay on but th problem creep inater on. - one ofhe thingthat our morn socie has donis industrlize allhe ling thingaround u have faories foliving tngs, and thatncludes sh. mans belve erythings for us so if the are animalin the wld, surely ty are fous and suly we shld just ything wwant witthem
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or to em. d isn't at great welli don't ite see ithat way. fish areild animalopulatio. th're not de to, orvolved t or rlly capae of bei used at the re that people u them. the wholmyth othe gardenf eden ia place whereverhing wasranted and evything w beautif. d then bause human hris, weere doom to a li of toil are cerinly casng ourselveout of t garden and doomg oursels to a le ofoil throh our huis. (dratic muc)
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this bath re which hacarbon dxide, itnesthetis the fish, ocks tm out. d the gu are pulng the sh out ithey're ght, and ey're chook salm. d we st the sh inserti a neee to the body caty, which rces airn and pues all othe eggsut. and th after they'rspawned re, th go to t other side of e table ere and wee biologally samplinghe fish. would you ke to toh one? (crowd groing) fes kinda imy. (sw music) - colemanationalish hatcry is mitigation tchery.
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're hereecause oshasta dam ing built in 194 so the ppose of leman naonal fishatchery is to mitige r the lo of habitadue to ssta dam. thcreationf the da preventeabout 0 miles of rer accesfor the lmon. here atoleman nationalish hatcry, raise fl chink salmon la fall chook salm, d steelhd. our oductionoal heres 12 milon. so we lease million anwe're trng toet a 1% turn. weould lik 0,000 fi return. 90,0 of at wld caught the oce and iniversporfishery. 90,0 of at wld ,000 bacto theatchery and th 10,000 ck to (instinct). why do wneed hateries? welli think,ounow, pulation going u water' you kno a conce. anso if yostill wod like tsee salm,
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think yore goingo ne toave hatcries unfounately. it be niceo think at there wod be enoh water d enviroent to sport salm populatns, but witht hatchees, i dot thinthat would a reali. - [man] is is thbaker rir dam, 2 feet hi, ich stopmillionsf saon from turning to the spawningrounds abe the dawithout lp. so t united ates buru of fishees has spped in and sad the daby proving free ridupstre. it's t only wathe salmon c be save fr dashing thselves tpieces ainst thstoneworfar belo - huma have alys thout themsees as supior to natur you knowit's gots to a lotf troubl - wh the eo-amerans came
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they belved the tural wod was a g warehoe, storg commodies that they we obliged make e of, take. they aed spenc baird, e us fiscommissier, what cou they doo ensure thathe salmoruns would on forer? baird ld 'em, u're not gointo be ab protecthe habitat through gulation becae they'de unenfoeable. yore not gng to able to ptect 'emrom dams because ogress igoing to dend that ms be but. and he said hat you ed to dos take up aificial opagatio" the peop that original were thfish and wildlife scitists wen't. they we agricuuralis. d since e 1800s,
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our fish andildlife agcies havbeen domated by an agricultur mentali. ju like farm you raisthem, u put th out, yoharvest em. that's t basis f fish an wildfe manement inhe us foages andges. - the fa is salmon st spendart their le out inhe wild. and wasn't til in t 70s at we rely started evaluang, what a we doinwhen releaseatchery sh into stream? e use ofatcherie waa promis at youould he salmon and you uld also ve the befits of deloping e river. put thatext to t fact th 40of the smon are tinct in tir historic rang and e rest a proteed byhe endanred specs act, u would ve to sathat thattory didt protec the thgs that valued, e salmon
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- wee been rying on those me runs fish, thoswild fh, since thbeginninof time. when yr healths their hethright? you'rearried ithat way and i thk that uon crtes the credness to havthat relionship with single ecies is rl specia you thk about ke the sioupeople d the bualo backn the da fore evething wacolonize but that relatnship unrtunately was sered. if we lethese ru gothen there gone. d i do n think tt we, aseople whare on thiplanet n, should bokay wit lowing smon to gextinct our wat. - the avege perso whenhey sea salmon
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they s a salmo they see a fished proct. and it'serhaps athe end their fhing lin peaps in aestauran on tir plate buthey don see the compxity of ings at wt into maki that saon. salmon, i ink, hav the st complated, u could so say wondrousife histies , i gues any fis they sta life byatching fr eggs in stream. and th they go out to the ocean and when they come back, they're much, much bigger. you're distillg the richness of the ean and enlivening it. and en that livene diillation of the ocean
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propelitself upstream against gravity. sotimes they go well over 1,000 miles inland, where after layi eggs and creatinghe potential for a new geration, ey die. and thr carcasses feed dozens of kinds of anils, get dragged deep into thwoods. thlife cycle of the salmon is actlly the transformation of the ocean into ving beings that come ashe anbecome the biggest trees in the world. - ld salmo represensomethin thats really importa to uas humaneings. you ve nativ amican culres here at have olved wi the fishor 11,00years. you ve, you ow, famili like mi,
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thatish for lmon andat lmon andhink abo salmon. and then i thi becausehis is the a of humaimpact, th where tre arwild saln, i think represes our fah in motr nature at we alwed thato happen. i s born tfish. all of mearliestemories relve arou fish in some y or anoer. as a yng adulti built my wholealendar ar arnd the skomish sing fisherfor wildteelhead and at reall came my sessn. i ought of hatchees as sothing
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thatctually nd of helped uas fisheen, that tre woulde re fish the riv and were lowed to kill t hatcherfish, so that ant a me. i n't thini ever hadne secon wheri thoughabout consertion at l. thought out gettg ough mon for gasnd pizza so that could fi all t time. what i dn't reale wathat we re reall at the tl end of long deine of wd fish. in le 2000, ey annoued th the 200season woulnot happ, that thetate was gog to clo down that sing catc d releasfishery becae therwere s few ld steelad fish that en a low pact fishing ason cou wipe ou the lastf them. it was rlly like gut pun. i me, i had ilt this whollife arod this fhery annow it'sone. so that was,n a lot of way a wake call.
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i stted doinsome rearch, stted readg, arted taing to pple. talked tbiologis, taed to fi manager lked to her fishmen. and learned out the ur hs. dro, harst, bitat, a hatchers. th is sort kind of the iacts on lmon and steelhd peoplealk abou d so i ud that a guidene and i arted thking about thskykomis anyou knowwell, th hatat hadn'teally chged overhose 10 ars, it was ptty good there s no hydro, there wano dams. the haest, as r as i cld tell, had mained ratively nstant and t we hadhis plumting numr of fis and sohe one cstant that i fnd is that a hchery ha en operang for the tire durion ofhe decli of wildteelhead i ink thatas what startekind of focus onearning re abouthe role tt hatchees play
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in the dline of t just fiing oppounities, but of wd fish polations riod. (tapng) - an] the ms came downn the ela, was theargest rer reoration in htory. wepent morthan $32 milln to recer wild lmon, buinstead lettinghem colonizehe riveraturally the wathey've olved to for mlions ofears, we snt $17 mlion to bud a brannew hatcry. so nowe're opeting not justne, t two haheries oa rir that w restore for e benefiof wild lmon. anwe missethis hug oprtunitto allowhe river to retn to bei truly wd.
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- oh, 92, no mar no tag. - so 73, no rk, no t. - is is a am of intes and stf. they a clectg our longerm datan salmonse ofhe elwhaearshore then ta theseata, comparthem ovethe cade thate've beerecordin the infoation, and lo at the olution the elw nearsho as theam remov pgresses. as wilfish nowecruit in this neshore ar, we see tse large mbers ofatchy fish our coern is tt the hatche specs may behallengi thwild spees that are trng to rever.
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theyre vulnerable the hatche fish, either tough pdation or physil displament or competion foresources the sk is th we're aually stuntinghe river ability to rtore becse theseish th literal are the babone can restore beuse theye beinpressure tse contied hatche release i do thi that huns by nare ha an engiering asct. ey like ings to orderly they likthings toe predicble. sohat's what hatchees give ople. the ip side that isild and wildg your wershed. - chinoo 152146. - [ae] wildi does ve great certaintto it. at's howild works.
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ld is scary, but it's really portant ple in peoe's soul [man] diyou guys sehow we wked when wwere walng up he walkinglong therees? so we calook bac intohese twoeds he ere we kw fish swn. the les are e eaest to s usually sof there'males onhere, more thalikely tre's going toe a fema in ther and thene'll sit therand coentrate ause t femalesre ally harto see. ey're li transpant ha the te. e's movi up. e's righstraight in bween us,ep. - [m] do youee the tl? - yep, ming up. oh yeah, she's diing righthere. - trit, it'sretty de.
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th after wre done,e check them f a color wire ta (beeng) thiss the pa that ha e coatedire tag bedded in t head. and at wld have informion on t fish. - i kn some pele e going view th aseingrutal d barbar, but th is whatt takes collectur stock athe elwhaacility. it a tool, tool to help rover thetock. macking) when wmiss a femal feel li we've failedhe fish self because know th those eggs aret going survive well ashey wod at theatchery.
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we bught theggs in frothe coer. y the buets on t floor and en dividthe femas fohow manyales we ve. and puthe mi in the, mix it let sit for 30 secos. mix 'eagain, a then le themit for ather 3seconds. thene weigh wn 13 poundsnto a buet, t it dra all the ovariafluid anmilt. put 'ein iodofm for anour anthen we' lay 'em downill th eye. that's eectivelyrtificia spning at hatchery - thers been aot of efrt overhe last veral dedes, cataging allf e genetic variation
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in popations osalmon antheir coins, tro. salmon have developed an incrible amount of diversity thatllows em to be particarly successful in t stream whh they we born. a huge rer syste wi have hu salmon. some othem useto run up t100 poun in the bgest rivs that had thmost cllengingalls at they d to jumover. anthen lite coastastreams, th had mosy smalleones, even thoh it w the sa species but theyere getically tally dierent. even in one ver wher you ve one scies of aertain se, you may ha the falrun d the spng run ofhat specs. d those sh are completely difrent. they don intert interbrd at a. - wee been stocking lmon since e time odarwin.
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when we rst discered how toake eggsnd take lt and mbine th, hatch sh, put themack intoreshwate literal knew noing of elutiary ecoly. would he been fing blind. now knothat king wd fi and exposi them to hahery envonment, breedi them, hching th, rearg them f any amount otime reay, chges the netic maup. - fi are vercomplex crittershat havevolved mother ture ove thsands ofears. anthere's ings tha happ in hatcries thaton't puthem rough the pressus th they fa out inother nare, thatakes theso they're fit fish what hpens is u create a neticallinferiorish at theatchery rough all the mesticatn, and en tho fish go spn withish in t wild and at actuay can deade the genecs of thfish the wilso they' noas fit eher. what we with fi tcheriess the same thi
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as grong a chien. onomical, it kes moreense to put aazillion chicns in onplace and itroduces real inferiochicken. and u know, ifature caproduce mberf fish ia river, let's mp more yog fish ithere. anit's absutely wrg. it's n increasg our number owild fis 's eventlly gonna tirpate l fish. - lifeiversifi order tsurvive and huns do thopposite simplifd in order tmake things eier for rselves. and bymposing mplification on a worl th has tak millionof yes to so ndrouslyiversify is a vlent actn li itself. (machinehirring)
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(fisthud) - an] whathe fish ss is, is tt we takthe fishhat returnedo the hahery, sohese arell the fh that were rsed in t hatcher we have is tub ofish, d i ink thers probab couple ohundred sh in eh tub anthey get frozennto a sod block and just dr them wn and bak them and reeeze theso they dot stick gether nmore d prep ' for all thschool gups. ish th) (indtinct)
9:27 pm
- [m] hey ys, say go morning sheiland emil - [a] good mning! - talked out the ve reass why wee doing this a litt bit ago es anybody rember? can we g those? yeah - e trees. - e trees. what aut the tes? trees needhe nutrits. - the trients,ight? - so we rtner wi the squay indianribe providehe carcaes from the hatcherprogram, ich usedo be consided aaste proct. th're actuly full mari-derivedutrients cause wh they leave thriver syem, they'rabout yabig. en they me back, th're justarrying mu goodnesfrom thecean. so wteach th conct to t students, the chinook d steelhd in thiwatershe are threened spees, so w inire themo take aion byetting these carsses back intthe uppewatershe whicis actuay very nutent poor (dramatimusic)
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(kids outing) - n i get mething? - yeah. - don't li this. - you nt a big onor a lite one? - th one. - [wan] okaywell, let me- - nono, litt one. salmoni thk they a very importt for thecosyste many amals eathem. well148 vertrae animals eat e salmonpecifilly. i likehe salmotossing idea, thk it's good he. buat the same timei don't thinit's theest ea.
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the ecostem runs specifi wafor a spific rean. c try andelp th by rucing poution, but don't ink we shouldirectly interact with t smon wildfe anall the ldlife and let em run btheir se and makeheir owndaptatio. (slow sic) - the nversati is, are the any ld saln left? showe a wi salmon. showe, you kw, an abunnt numbecoming bk of wilsalmon. anwe just n't see heren the niually. as much i'd ratr ve wild lmon, our hatcry salmo are impoant tos continng our culture,ur tradions. u knowfor us, thiss our chch. this is r medici herebeing onhis rive and i ink peop have a hardime undetanding at. becae this iwhat our ancests did sincthe begiing of te.
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u know, ey fishe ey hunte they gaered, they procted whawe have, anthat's h we lid. and w we're 2018, our salm are deplete - the are thraceways i was lling yoabout. 300,0 in eacone. yeah, . that a lot ofish. he's goi right n, pullin althe deadnes out. - [man] wee manage. as nativamericaneople, that's wt we do d we mane, but also ha to adapt the tim. - people he a ndency tget enamed th what ey wis was stead of wt is. there's certain gment ofhe peoplin this ea th want tolame hatery fish
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