tv Earth Focus LINKTV January 15, 2022 12:00pm-12:31pm PST
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thank you. you arabout toear fr everyay man wi an extrrdinary lifetory. story at may wl give u a ad map ta betteruture. he w an acto song andance manwho le off theroadway age on the wor stage i1948 king ocops borderuards, aies and ole nations, swing us that wdon't ha to be ad by tir propsf wer ancontrol. don'tave toccept a world vaged byarand
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plging towd envinmentadisaster for 65ears as a cizen of no nion,only the world [naudio] rry das made his own ops of fedom demotratinthat we-t-people n tear dn e walls oppressn and ite our n stor we canuild aorld that is nstructi for all d destctive toone. as vermo author abigl stone t it: "gar davis ons theoors our psonal il cells hands thrusty d key ansays: 'd't forge dancen the waout'!" soow herhe is, the mabuckminsr fulleralled... "the n world m" - mr. garrdavis! [appuse and eers] i'm ry appreative ofhe fact at you'rhere an auence ani'm hereo entertn you, sot's like templ u know, 's like cathedra l actorseel the me way. and whate get
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fr you we t that.. we gethat atntion, that ectricity get tt feelg back and it fds us. sohat do ieed thisor? heers] [pno mus and alause] [tap snds] [cers] [mic stops th's it! [applae, ches, laughr] myeal drea.. was star... in a badway sh! i dreamt about that fromlmost day one! and at 19, i got my big break. well, break, break... i t in thehorus... i goin the crus of "les face i". a g show obroadway 19 yearold!!! [♪ mic] were boston,i went tthe proder and sd: 'd likto undersdy dannyaye!" heaid
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"wt?!" "nobody n do dan kaye!" said, we, just f threhearsa the other understudies need somebody to read the role. so he thought and said "okay"... two years later... [whiering] danny ge laryntis... i'down ithe dresng room,down ces the sge manag... and says the magic rds that every uersty nts to hr. heooks dowat me ansays: "you're !" first action: h my god gotta wa my hair soldut matin! here im in frontf an aience... at themperial eater... in new yk... on badway!! but ey want nny kaye they don want me n i rely carry a broadw show? r two hos! as t star?
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wellhere's o of the mbers. ♪h, they ssed a l... ♪ ♪ oh, ty pass a l... ♪ ♪ o they ssed a l... ♪ ♪ dowin washiton d.c. ♪ chus behinme: "yesord!" thankschorus.[laughte ♪ yane doodleent to tn ♪ ♪ in goldfi bowl...♪ new anshiny... they nt eeneymeeny...♪ miiiiney. ♪ ♪ andried "heyoung pu.. ♪ ur numr's up..♪ ♪ hdi doddldo di diey ♪ heeyt wgeeg ga ddle... [vy fast a indistit] ♪ brrrrrrrrrrrr ♪ the ilman gaa git...♪ ♪ dooooh ♪ estionnae! ♪ ♪ trrrrrrru ♪ the ilman gaa git.♪
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♪ dooooh ♪report tdoctor ggaa git... danny t 3 cuain call danngot 3 rtain cas. got 13 f that peormance. neyork tes wroten articlnew rk timesrote an ticle, coluia screetest aftward i was de--byhat one,one peormanc decemb 7th, 41. kaoom! (me) 'we bng an imrtant lletin fm the uned press flash, washingn the ite house nouncesjapanesettack onearl harr. m no lger an aor. m a drafe... with emies iever knei had. i gorom thbroadwayheaterto the eopean thter aninto the2nd bombroup. i nted to arn to f... if i've too to war governnt wouldeach me. myrotherbudd choosethe
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navy while m in traing, his tican destyer is blown to ts salerno. that a shock that's shock iope you ner have that a fily memb getsilled inar. at'sy reacti? i nted revge. i'furious the sairs whkilled mbrother! my big bther, myentor, we were yog. weere gointo write weere youn we we going write ays... sries. he was areat pt, was a gat poet, ry talend. we wergoing changethe rld. that wasy first action-- just. t these stards bu.. somethg happen! as i'mlying over gerny in a 17 wee ordere.. to bb brandeurg.
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did, ve milesp anthen we home. anthen we w the piures. ani was rrified at the dtructionso my renge dippeared mpletely i rned to ame. wh was ioing? my broer was kled and m kiing brhers, anfamilies my bther w killed d i'm lling brhers, anfamilies whweren't arreste for lling pele?! why ren't thgermans who lled y arresd?! ll, 19, the war is over. i geanotheshow. hree to ke ready" th rabolger. member t guy? the scecrow? wderfulwonderl actor. great hrt. now in thishow, helays e gi sadack. noin ts showhe pla the sad sac i'm pling the lonel...nd th the genal and sforth. but oftage... i'a realad sack! myriendssed toay arry isn fun anyre." i'm wahing neweels of bomd out hirosha, nagasi...
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(mal "hirosha, seen om the air afr the atic bomb astthat vtually esed thisity of 340,0 people om earth far as e eye casee, retched enes ofesolatioand ruin a rl 10 yes old whwas 0 mete from thepicenr. u knowhat clear wa.. einste said: " don'tliminatear was goin to elimite us!" so go on auest-- to finout how beat the mostrrationa enemof all waitself i ask perts. i go toe librie i lfor book no oneas a clu m thinking to myse: "is r inevitle?!" th i read book credibleook lled the anaty of pce. d it strk me liklightnin that hans alady have a syem for eminatingar!
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it'soo simple! "come , garry,you'reidding!" no! side couries with o governmt, we d't fightars! ow about civilars?" hah! twoovernmen twsovereigies! but everyonacceptsone gornment, war! look arod new yo and i s ethnicroups alover thelace sa ones th were atar witheach oth, in otherountries herehey're pying che in washington uare. is ihuman nare... to go war? wharen't ty at war colicts cabe resold, not blowi up neigorhoods t in a crt of la th i read m paine' "the rhts of m" ine madehat famo stateme "my cotry ishe wor." if the rld is o country
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- -ts is tooimple rely-- if the wld is r countr d we cla it! anwe raiseur allege to that vel, tohe top lel... h! no mo fiction borders that the key and therefore. no morears. ddenly, becomes ve clear tme. didn'tet arresd for boing citi cause ere's law agast it!nation politicns fo us byalking aut inr nation law. butreatiesre just als, between soreign naon-state which n be bron, d are, althrough story. ale) "ere befo his cinet prident olidge signs r the uned state a trea designe toutlaw wa.
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because ere's police rce tonforce tm. in oer wordsvery simy: . worl law ! and that hit me like aon of brks! d thatfolks, iwhy weought world war ii war betwn the naons, nobetwn us, the oples. if wd had wod law, we cld have iminatedthe glal lawleness the wod anarchy that gavrise thitler and thholocat. and brother woulbe aliveoday! "there nev was a war history "easier torevent by timely action "than the one at s justesolated such gat areasf the gle. it cou have be prevted my beli wiout thfiring of aingle sh." "wn kans and colorad have quarrelver the ter "they don't call out the national
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guard in each state and go to war over it. "they bring a suit to the supreme court ofhe uted stat and abe by theecisio "there i't a rean inhe world why we cannot do thainternatnally." t'll be st as easy for naons to get alo a replic of the world as iis for uto t along in theepublic the unid states [claps] when finallyealize tt world lais essenal r e surviv of humaty i knew iad to ta action. "ias up the makingar mbing cies "now've goto ma amends- i' got to op the nt war!"you imine? yosee... i was ing throh personahell. i s like aot of thesguysback fm afghistan aniraq. yoshoot sobody: yore ooting aimage ofourself. as t psychiaists say it like a le in yo soul.
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yocan'get it o!the st strawor me wa the stt of theerlin cris. i'm inhe acte resees! [siren] at if m called for tive dy to bommoscow? wow! had to somethi. so n here itoes. head to ris. march in the us bassy, ani officily... gi up... myxcluve... natial...citenship! noyou say is is cry. i made statement though. i made a statementhich sd: "i'm ting thlittle b of seignty tt i posss, and i placi it up on t top lev, ok?" and body caneny me tt! becausi am outde the stes anay. i amo long a natnal citizeso i cano what iant! i can aim what want! anthat'she
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day e same d i did th i claed to be a cizen of t world ![applae and chrs] [loud plausend cheer >me: "i a worlditizen !/i> i walkut of e embassnow am free the warystem, berated om tionaloundaries, ltzi above t entire systemf nation energizeby a visn of a wld witho border! nooundarieno fea a which we are... one ! and you know what? e world alreadyne! and worlcitizensp isot a newdea. arlie chlin caed himse a cizen of t world. socrat rtin lutr king gahi, all e great rus, maers and ges called
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tmselves citins of thworld. but, unfortunately... not mywn famil my sisteginny-- inhiladehia-- openthe repuican tionalonventio.. nging thstar-sngled baer! d my father'playing-- he's got the orchest for it wh they ar about myitizensh. wow, whaa shoc wh a conast in fily! >dad impres me to recsider, oiously. now the rst thin e consulays: "mr. dav you've t somethg benging tos." "yeah?" us pasort. anks vy much, ve it ba! you ge it bac now u've goto documes. you lk out othat doo ontohe champelysees paris anyou've rntered frce witho
12:17 pm's t lot of llions of peoe. so whadoes france do? ey say "get o!" get ou you're ateless, yoain't our boo- if you d't getut the poke-go to jl! said fe. i'll to germy to help build what iestroy! but i n't get visa germanyithout a psport! e same tng. fact, aa steless person noation wi admit m so ere's a rld citin to go? up to e moon? to the oan? the's nother pla! so ithat momt somethg very intesting happens. france dlares pais de chllot "intnationalerritory r 3 mont. r the uned natio to hold its neral asmbly. e only yr the un was t of nework!
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th had nhere to the buding wn't buil onhe east ver, they nt to pas. i sai my god,ere's a ece of wld terriry righin the mdle of pis? betifu kes myoint! so io to theress-- the nighbefore sept. th--make atatement gi it to thep, thwire serces, reurs anso forth. takey pack omy back, to the ace durocadé on mnight i ave fran by going to the tritory o the lais de ailot! i roll my slping b... and to slee [chuling] hey, lovy! i'out of fnce!next mning, abt 6am: nudg nudgenudge... "msieur ! nsieur ! u cann stay he! it's agast the l." i ke up d say: ut there ainst thlaw for me" i show
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ts gendar what th ca a "refude séjou: they'rrefusingo let metay. he loo at it a says: ut... yomust be t of fran by septber 11th i id: "thas right! d i am o of fran... diyou knowrance ced this territory to the ?" m: "no, t you'ren paris! me: es buhere is not frch anymor it's nofrance!" f you ta me awayback to frae, you'lbe impting an ali, you caget arreed" [lghter] heeally bas off! he nee some orrs now.. d thenhe pressrrived.. and became circus! (le) garrdavis, ex-bombepilot
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m claiming tbe their firscitizen. thonly g th couldet to thpress wathe sovi undeecretaryeneral. and histatemen wavery intesting "dis... "ia worlbaby. tates majoin... "butiapered tizens.. nyet ! [laughte anywaythe storwent out crow startedo gatherround. i had udents, usewives businemen... peop wanted ace !thiseemeda breahrough f them!they didt know w...
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but ateast oneuy d brokenhrough. talk to the directland ey couldn't get d of him itas a moderndavid angoliath ory. i held t grounthere in this ctic tim for sidays andights! the six day bunch postal erks me out othe pala withacks andumped t mail aty feet. they were from the whole world! australia, india, sri lanka, from all over africa alover eope... it w amazing. ta about o world! at do th say? ey're sang: "we' wearyf talk sayi: "we wa peace!""you'rour hope "wre with u in ourillagecontinue" "h do i si up as wld citen?" ma said: "u're likus... you cane a worl cizen, so n i!" soine tent of thletters id e wanto be worlcitize
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sart albertamus andre breton simone de beauvoir raymond queneau, well, with so many wellwith smany wantinto be wod citins we opened a registry. the small hotel i stayed in, irically cled the hotel of the united states... sign: "register here as world citizens" weook er thwhole hol. the fit flr was reption. the second floor was regiration. the thirfloor was mea. the fourthloor was "peupldu monde r newsper. and thfifth flr s moi,e. now two yea had regtered 750,00people om allver e world! y! it's re peoplthan many sller nions, rit?
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this was the beginning... of a new constituency of citizenry on a global level... something extraordinarily historic and traordinily impoant. now sincthe unharter mentio human rightsight tim... they had tdefine tm! they apinted elnor rooselt who s the delegatto the u ashe chairrson of a human rightsommittee. but thsoviet bc said: "hum rights,o! "it's invasio our sereignty e agree th econoc rights bunot humarights so eanor roovelt had meetgs aftermeetings aft meeting and councilecided havto plot very gre big act politic theater
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(gar) but thcold war is rig there ithat roo nationsquabbli ke lite kids ![a f words irussian] (male) cir ruleshe remar hed, entiry out ofrder. what i d was i t up beforenybodyould sp me. ere we balconyailings. i apt overhem t to t front wre everydy cod see mend i shoed: (youngarry) "interpt! i inteupt! interrupto make a stement!" ultiplloud freh voices "l him spe!!" "i the ne ofhe peopl norepresend here!" (male)at the us neral sembly arry dav, the wod citize "who g peopltalking abou him at the ssion'seginni when he invested the
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lais de aillot.. arry) herbt evatt. he loo up... he ss me... huckli] it wasike that sobody fm the pele hathe floo given byhe present of the unitenations! ll, i arted: "the nions youepresent dide us "and ld us to t abyss ototal wa "wt we nd is oneovernmen for e world. "andf you n't do i stepside! nd a peoe's world assemb "wilarise fr our ownanks o do it. beuse we c be rved bnothinless." (garrywell i w hustledut an opposit sarrac is ging the me speecin frenc
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(gry) d then wtook ove we had so many pple waing to sak in th balcony th we inrrupted at sessi foa fullour. that wt all ov the wor. (reporr) "at recent tting of the us generaassembly n astoshing ouurst fr mr. gry davis own asorld citen no1." oung gar shoutout) pass thword to e people well... we knewe had to go en bigge we hado plan aig, g... ectaculashow. to bre theogjam... whenhat voteame up the genal assemy. we rend the biest hall in ris, called the vélrome d'her. the vodrome diver ishe madis squaregarden oparis.
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trng to arn it. anthe othespeakerswent uto the ptform. wh i went , i was ought upto this ge amptheater, and was absotely snned... the numbeof peoplthere! it was 2000 people!! life magine did a g spreadn this. then chant srted slow buildin.. arry..davis... rry... dis..." i me i'm useto applae... but th s a shkwave ofound! [rring appuse and eers] eyes t wide myands risin their... my fts clencd [excited suts of "garry dis i'm taken in! [shouting in french: "freedom!"] i was taken in by thincredib [cheer huge apause] thru of powe i begato lose self this ki of masseactn. but ss powers like arug! for a brief
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moment, i really gave in to the crowd's... adoration. then you draw back fearful of what... the very thing we're rebelling against-- giving power to one person-- happeni! , i wa you kw, terried, terfied! and en speak after eaker... erybody'restivwants hear wh the predent ofhe unitenations sa aboutaking pee. wellfinally came. d here onof thehings heaid. he sai "as fore... "i wld be inull agement ith the timateoal of worldederatn and oforld citizenship." the hall erupts in cheers! the letter continues. "indeed the charter itself... stipulated... hat the eat powe wod make pce...
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nd that e primarfunction ofhe unitenation wod be tmainta inrnatiol peace. once thihas be made." to the public, this washeer gobedygook! whthe ll camake pea then? if thenited naons can' ke peacend admitit who to ma peace?! natis can't ke peace ey make r! e crowd acts... a fury! [clamoof disappointmt] a younguy... s eyes rlly wildyou know ha streami pushes rough ousecurity jus onto the spear's platrm and appealso me: e are red of me words. ou're man of aion... "ld us! "wwill flow you. ll us at to do" young pele, younpeople.. and erybody'going ye plause. y, i dn't knowow to answethat. was dng what did athe unitenations!
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