tv Occupied Minds LINKTV March 11, 2022 3:00am-4:01am PST
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(explosion booming) - overnight north korea launched its first intercontinental missile. - his abusive use of missiles and his nuclear threats show that he is begging for war. - officials in hawaii are launching a campaign to help residents plan for a possible nuclear attack from north korea. - we will have no choice, but to totally destroy north korea. (timer beeping) they will be met with fire and fury
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like the world has never seen. - [reporter] another potential target within kim jg-un's range is hawaiian. - it is imperative that we be prepared for every disaster and in today's world, that includes a nuclear attack. - [trump] roetman is on a suicide mission for himself and for his for his regime. (sirens wailing) (dramatic music) (seagus squawkg) (tone being) oh gosh,hat happed? holy cp. did someing happ? "balliic missi threat inbound to waii. seekmmediate sheer.
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this is not a drl." oh my go wh do we d - [womanit says, "thiis not arill." - [man] issile teat bound toawaii. seek immiate shelt. th is not drill." - t i dot even know wheree go. it was sreal to ar l the phes go of - "balliic missi, bound toawaii. th is noa dril th is not drill." - aneverybods he went inync. (phoneinging) - [operator] 9, poce, fireambulanc - [cler] yea i just goan alertn my pho thathere's aallistic missilthreat. is tt correc - [opetor] we' trying figure it out, r. - [calle our hot is on thalert. ithat tru - alr] is a ssile cong? hey ys, i don't ow ifnybody ee got it bui receiv a notifition abo a ballisc misse threat ading tords hawa. it says 's not arill, bui'm not sure. i'm re at scfield barrac right n. i'm pposed tstart workn a few urs. i was ju hanging t on thex. don't kn if thiss for re, t i'm trng to fi cover justn case, ause...
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thisrap is njoke, ma you caot joke out thisrap. - [man] n! get iide! all righ wasn't uil i gotnside, wh i saw wkers cryg. - [wan] my cld at home(sobbing shopperseing consed. es schofld have mb shters jusin case? that's wn i bega believeike, okay, mae this ireal. - we askhat you main calm, main in e buildi and ase get inrmation ll annoue it on e pa. - began tohink about the pearharbor attac nobodyaw that ming. thiss actuly for rl. i ne every sgle one you, familyfriends,et to cor. plse get tcover because don't kn... i don'know whas nna happ afterhis.
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(pple cheeng) - kids we gettinout of the ter and st runni. (peoplchatteri) nning tords ala moanjust forhelter. it was rlly... my hrt was hting becse u just dn't know what do withour emotns. and i oked at kids and'm like, et the (ep) out thwater rit now." yowant to main cal t other ople in frenzy anso you'rthinkingwhat they kn that i n't know okay. neeto go. need too. we nd toake thiseriously (soln pianmusic) - eff] i'm rolng on juary 13t i'm waikikihonolu. d just, my phon i st got aalert that sd "balliic missi reat, inund missile. is is noa drill. seekhelter - 10inutes ler, the one ringand it'sim. the rst ing he ss is, "honeyi need you toheck theews." - [jef yeah, checd my notications anit emergcy broadcasng syste
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coming blisticissile. - ohy god. [jeff] iust saw oup ofeople ruby out in the seet. - i' goto go! i don't ow wherehe (bp) to go rightow. i mean, 're sittinducks he. the's nowhe to run. i don'have a car. thvery fir thing thought s, h my godthat guy hithe butt." mean, th literal cou behe startf a nuclr war. we weret in this nlear debe orhis rampg up of clear tensio with noh korea, i ink i wod have been slor to go ere. t beuse we we, oked at and my hearsank and went, "i'm gonna die." - did u ys get that? at alertame in as i'mive-streing and taing to thounds of pple. my god. wh do we d you ow, you nd of throu the stas whetherr not thalert iseal.
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ba, what dwe do? - dohat? - d you noget that - at is it there's emergen ballisc missilthreat. - what? - noa drill. - no way - yes. what do do? ll me. - i don'know. hold on,elax. you're seaming. yoshould pbably turnhat off. okay. byguys. - diond headn e bagroundere and pel harborff to theeft of tt. our backrd is pel harbor my firsthought wa you kno ey're goa atck pearl haor first (soln music) my bt bet wa gog undergund. - ye. - ah. my nepw andre me ovehere anlifted ts 80 pound manhe cover one far - d garrets just le, "get ithe ho, get that le!" i'not getting, i'mike i'm not nna get the manle! ani'm recoing ony snapch 'cse everye's aski me, hat am ioing?" dad. i don't nt to gon. d i stuck i thin o kids dn first.
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watch gog down. that one is a ltle bibigger - and thwife wenin after and th my son nt down ter. it was perfely clean solid corete bunr, 10 by 10unker. (soft pio music) - we in waii hava saer prepadness miset buwe also the backf our mis know at in thevent of a inteational nflict on this side of the planet, we're a target. my colleagues far and myself now. i'm in the state legislature and i've been leading ice in state government to try to prepare the state with disaster ergency ans. so bng intimely awe of theystem th we have i took it ry serusly. - [autated voi] a missilmay impa land orea withiminutes. this is t a dril - we putur kids in the thtub antold tm to py. u know?
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weot our ergencyupplies. we went to t inner most rooin our hse, hunkeredown, sheer in ple, t ready r poteial impa. and some point, y kw, i ok down d my kid are justooking uat me, pring. and i ew i had stop evything and justet in wi em and hd them [automat voice] you are doors, sy indoors. - you ow, my wife and were just waing for flash and were coveri them wi our bods. my ehtear old ked we weret war, and foall i knew we re. - i gothat tex i wausing th baroom at e time, so ias just ke in sck reay. and corb iediately jump into acon. he was like,okay, ka t's packur bags d go." - i'an infany man in the uned statearmy.
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i packedhis hugeuitcase wi clothes a foothings and firetarting thin and watproofing so tt we canreate li a littleamp of sts. and myife comeout with s half fled backck. - en iead a ne article a couple oweeks bere this incent had ppened it sd that oe u got yo message you on had a cple of minutes fore it t. anso that'what real panicked me w i don't ve time do anytng but pk and go every ngle sond and mite wasike, when it gonnhit, when'st gonna t? i ssaged mparent that i love em. d that rlly got me. i thinthat's wn it reay hit me wh i sent at te message out at i mht not ve throu this. i might dying i e next0 minute (sniing) and th feeling
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of likalmostnevitae deat(chucklenervousl was st so scy. - eporter]f north rea launes a misle, it wou take abt 20 minutes reach haii. - thosof us whwatch thnews havelways knn that it was possibity. we've be told th the sta s beenorking othis ssible ctingency so it's not ke it wa out the blumessage. and one the tougst decisns at i sti questio inyself toy waas i'm collectg my fily, myoungest n who's 13 was ft asleep d i madehat callery quicy. ani said, u know, 'm ju gonna l him sle." if ctain dea is comi, there's reason give hi10 minut of pani ashe last ing he eerienced if he esn't ha to. somethi happens if idoes stre near, then hshould jt remainalm. and i jusgot everne else io the ling room, t even wn we're down tre
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and my oer kids re askg, hat abouthe younst?" i said"let him sep." i wasn'tven sure in that mont ifhat s the rit call. and still don't kn if i would ma that sa call toy. - i, kie. - i, katie. take youphil. - takeou, phil - to bmy husba. - to be husband - vow to. it was cud nine mes 10 like bond another day i' ever ha - take y, katie. - toe my wif - toe my wif we had just ed the kt on the mt perfec autiful dding. anhere we e starti a new chter in o lives. oft musi here y are, yo brout all the people tohe hawain island wanted go to a placthat'seavenly, and might e up in placthat's le hell. - [aouncer] ease mak your wayo the loy and thstaff wi direct you
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the low levels ofhe hotel thank u. - our itress came over and saidery calm... - "i don want tolarm you t they'rasking evyone to me insid becae theris an incong missi." you coulfeel your hrt sinki. ay, we nd to get e car ke, beuse as sn as theomb hits ere's nogonna belectrici. 're not nna be ae to useur hoteloom keys toet back . we suld gea blanke i ould putn sneake inase we're nning thugh rubble a not fliflops. like, yeah, kind of nt into ke a warcene iny head. d as i w like grbing stuffrom arod the ro, ke what do need in aime of w? likeyou know, we d our weing dres we had o like pho album, wead our guestook. like a those a real amazingemories, bunonef that was worth ving or abbing orven thinng about itas likwhat do we ed to suive righnow? [man] ye, we're do the basent. - anin this ment and metal anpipe coved hallw
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is wre we al arted toram in. (people attering - wh we wererabbing uff, there s a mome that we opped and ju like hued eacother. and id, "wel if we havfour day ke they we four great days." and like there's no one else we'd want to spend it with. - but don't ev know whe we go. - [bry] okay.. i dot know wt to do. - [nele] why d't ey expanmore lik - [bry] yeah. wh about trists? we havno idea ere to g - ellie] shelter's neay. - we went to hawaii to hava babymo aseople duit now. i lance yo we didn'come to hawi expectg thate we gonna get t by misle. - we were just here to enjoy time as a couple before our baby came and swirled in. to treasure each other and we're so excited for our future, and then the thought of this all might not be. - ap. i ght die. and toy, today my lastay.
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- was jusawakenin mont of li we're hpless. the's lirally thing wean do, t pray a wait anhope. - itas just azy, lik evything w just inhe air. - and erythinge were finding line wasike, "just ek cover, wait tbe updat." this is t a test - and thcrazy thg with our world rht now, th could totally happe our bamoon. - re's ouraby that's gna be bo inust a feweeks. and yopicture is entirperson d this wle life andotential anthen youhink, ma all that, th could a just go it was jt like, ang, i'm t gonna t to be, i ght noget to be a mom. i ink th out of erything s the mo disappoting thi about is stupimissile are is not being able to have my daughter. - [automated voice] the us pacific command hadetect a missi that to haii.
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- emerncy. baeries. bagsf extra ots right re. i s runninaround the ole hous getting e house ady. i wa lock l thdoors, ose althe winds. thought was goingonna di i thght hawa was gon be wiped ofthe face the plat. i actuly ran a got a rary, arted ju holdingt and prayg the "o father. - dad wasn a diffent isla and i ought i uldn't be able see him (semn musi - i d a splisecond so got to lly kids. i had to put o at sermaface d that sern voice antell the "hey loo dad's oy. m in mauworking. u guys kw that. yore in oa." they we scaredbut i had to put othat voi whe everytng's gonnbe fine. you knowi'll finyou.
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and bacally inhe back myead, i w saying odbye. and i sa, "i'll nd you." i gave mlittle ster's a bihug and ss. d that'sctually when ty realiz, oh, the's a bo coming. d that whethey actually staed cryin becae it wasctually al. it w actually ay, i love y elsie. love youhelen. i couldn say evething's goa all rit. i coul't say tt. n't worr i'm rig here. i ve you gs. - at day, at morng, no onwas home so theouse wasmpty. this is , like i'm nna die one. no one here. tt's it. everyone account for, but needed taccept thathis may it.
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mentali already fore thihappened was at if anhing do happen, i'going tory to suive. you knowthat'sy an. there's a staiell righ next to r doorwa sookay, i'like, no i need tstep intaction. i grabbethe bagsnd they we down inhe stairll ani waitedhere. when ias in e stairwel christi called. i rember wanng to tell him th i love m was on the p of my toue, bui didn'tant it to a goodb. i didn want ito be a gdbye so i didn't sa"i lovyou" becausi just dn't... i ju didn't nt that tbe it. (soln music) [larry] d, the faer of meies, rough thdeath an rerrectionf his so has renciled t world toimself. - [dis] itas saturdayorning
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saint sphen diosan cent in kanee. - wead ourorning pyers thene went io mass. - someere, i wld say in the mdle of ms, bish larry, walked to the nter of e church and just kne methinwas wrong. - i s comingown. i thght, wl, you kw, this cou be the end of us. - [dise] he shed us hiphone. - so told th we just recved an art ying tt there s incomg missil ballisc missil anthat thiwas noa test. - looked ally sadnd h said hwas soy, you kw? d you cod hear itn his voe, but thene said, ut at i cano for yo i can ge you genel absoluon." - rmallyhen a peon sins, they gto conssion to a priestit very prate.
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d thenhey reive e lo's forveness. throh the mistry of hishurch, may god gi you a pdon. in geral absution, the's a spial ovion for emergencies. ani absolvyofrom you si in the me of thfather anof the s and of t holy spit. thosare the rds that said. yes, and i figured if there's any ocsion where is coulde done, th is it. - ve nevereen him th and he oked so d. i had ner given it bore. no, no. we don't know if we would've died ore would ve ju been bued whetherhe air would ha been pouted or wwould ha had to stay shelteror ys, week months. - thmood w somber. a nse of aiety 'cau everyon we werehere, but our milies wen't. - th was theost saddt feeling had to gthrough
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at thaparticul time wa my husba and i a not th our children. (suspeeful mus) - we're iving an abt a halfile out, bothf our phes went f. u know, 're just lookinfor gara sales and ading tords the ach, and th of ou phes went f saying "emint alertinbound, ballisc missilinbound. - and om everying 'd heardn the mea that, s, thiwould beeal. weidn't doubt itor a mine. we jt were ishock. - i justulled straight uphrough t interseion and lled or and at's ques beach. (wes crashg) i text mkids, "iove you. i dn't sayissis are cong in rit here. ju, "i lovyou." got myon, "i le you." sat downn throck and di't feewell. i started sweang d dizzy little b and en i got sk and then got sic
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and en i g really ck. i ok my clhes off and jumpedn the lile tide ol at was tre and just splhing my ce. i was thwing up undeater. i sn't thiing abouthe misse, i wasn'thinkinabou anythinglse at tt point, just mwhole cht was onire. (busy sial beepi) - ied 911,nd you codn't gethrough 9. itas so sy. - i rember pulng to the pking lot i walk in and, and i said, "i think have fo poisoni. myhest is rning." - they g him inta om andown he wt. (heart monit beeping) d they sd, "he's nobreathin" th came antold me hwas dead (heartonitor ftlinin (phone dials beeping)
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- i called the suicide hotline because i... (sobbing) i feltlone. an.. ly once called suide hotle, dii first ke say t wo out louthat i w gay. i d, i hadt done it fore tha - i id, "younow, it's rlly obvis methins bugginyou. and really wh u would lk to . st let mhelp. just please talk to me. and he stoppedwe were abo 50 yard fr the hou, he stoed and he dn't say,i'm ga" i thk he sai "i'm n strait." and i pumy arms ound m and pued him i anhe start sobbi, shing and bbing. and i id, "it' not a bideal. 's not aig deal. and thiss the thg that stk with m he sa,
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"i want get mried. i want thave kid" and i id," ken, you can ve love. you n have a of the lo in yourife yowant, and you n have ks too. none othat hasone away all ofhat can ill happ." t i remeer inking athat poi th it was secret the the of us ared and heasn't rey to are withther peoe. (suspensul music - i wasleepingnd i woke up because phone got the ssage. i can'really rlicate holike my art dropd. - anthe languagen the te was so iisputabl rong andlear. - it said,this was t a dril" - becae we hav hurricanseason he x monthsut of thyear, have bags rey to g backcks withood and war and blkets and erythingike that. we kind ietly meodically we about pparingor what wthought coulbe, but , i thindeep dowhoped
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wouldn be nuclr annihilaon. - elly] nny, he s strick anhe was wking ound holng the d. - did not nt th to be rl. (soln music) i w like aunch of people snapcha thatere like postg confesons or thingabout li, ey were ke st sayin"i love yo to evyone. and witht really inking mh, i ju kind of posted a ack screshot of jt the te "i'm ga" was sorof like closed my eyeand jump off a cff when i st the meage. - was surpsed and mpletely supporve of hidecision be tr to himseland sharthat infmation. - he almt lost h life a lost evything, or aleast hato look that as bt as a 1year old cod look ait wh he had look att and lo it in t face, heecided ion't wanto live an true lifanymore.
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th's what think haened. i justanted tourry u d start ving trufully. li i didn'want to waiany long. - just hea h yell, "t the tubget in t tub!" - i'm in the military, i'm a pilot, i've done five tours overseas. two of them were direct combat tours. you know if you start getting emotional, that's going to hinder your ability to react properly to any kind of fe-threatening situation. - he laion his bk and i d to g down. i d to layn top ofim, kindf on allours and the g was he. it was ally uncfortable because wanted us to be bel the tubine. do really nt to di in tub, huered dow scedn a posion of fe? or do i want to ouide and u know,
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lookp towardthe sky, e the suand you ow, have marms tards hean in accepnce of dth. oft musi time slod down. - and th timkept ticng on. d then t rationa me ces back d says, "we shld be de now. why ar't we de yet?" (alarm beeping) - [autated voi] false arm. theris no miile thre or danger tthe statof hawai - [jill] so i'm twitter and it says, "cil defen just coirmed that t ballist missile alert hawaii s a miste." - [jef holy (bp). false alarm! - i kissed my wife at that point, grabbea t-shirand i said, "i gotta go. we got get on e air." - e statof hawai leing everody know at:45 thisorning that the misse launchas false - [bry] update, just go anher thinon our pne.
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it'sn emergey alert, "tre is noissile teat or dangeto the state ofawaii. repeat. lse alarm. - you' just thinking to yrself, "it, e you seous? are u... is it ally alllear?" and th once yofind out, is reallyll clear yore like,how can is happe" - parently somody slippeand presd a butt at sent e entire isnd into nic. - "oop" that w the headne on thnewspape "oops!really? - this inot a oo. (pne ringi) - [calr] yes, i'm su you guysre getng indated. is there missile comingowards haii? - [operator]kay, sirno there is notthat was mistake that was mistake made bthe stat - [operar] the msage s suppos to say, "this a drill but the ong head went ou - [calle that's really bamistake make. - [calr] is th missile ming? - [operator] okay, ma'am, ignore the message you got on your phone. it was sent in error. everything is fine. it's a false alarm. - [caller] oh, thank god. (soft music) - so i just brought them all in and hugged them
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ansaid, "wre gonna to be ay. it's ove we're se." - anwe just ded up hging. huing and ying r a lo time. - soe clung each her and sobbed foruite a whil (chuces) - ry, veryumb becae lotsf us to me exten d to enttain theotion that we re abo to be porized. - reliefabsoluteelief. and th came anr. i was soad at i hadust gottenaken thrgh th rollercster of emoon andanic anrealizatn of h unprepar we were - peopleere running ghts. ople werbreaking thspeed lit. - there was al panicere.
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pele waite38 minut fore theext aler cameut from e state. 38 mutes! the biggt reization at we had that ve moment s, wow. are cpletely not preped r any ty of attack. we a not prered toie. - just as 're advid, alwayso be prered with od and wer and alan. we should be prepared spiritually beuse the is a life bond thisife. - it tght me t preciate my life apprecte oers, mo, to lovothers me, to be caful how inract witothers. and at are mlast words others? was itplifting? and wait encouging? hodid i trt others
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- yomight wa to ve an evuation pn. you mighwant to ow where thnearest elter is and haveood for o weeks, but es your faly know w you fe about tm? do youcoworkerknow w you fe about tm? e there estions answers thatou've be hesitant tory and aress thayou ould befe the fil mome? getting to the mhole mahave held us get little b of prottion, bui think all felt li if it we to hapn, would he died away. anbeing tother, yoknow, inhe last ments th we had we good engh for u one of t things lened fromhat day is thatomorrow never pmised. llistic ssile that. i walk away fr january th beingrateful, ing thanul to gothat that we' still gna be he for threst of at day. d i walk away teing myse that need toe able to spe more ti with tse i ce abou
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- at day, at morng in hawi d a verytrong imct on myife a way tt it madee apprecte the goodhings i ve more. (soft sic) i have td peoplehat i hathe hearattack duri theissilecare. i wasn ablto g back twork for i think it w most five months, but in that time i had some time off and i've never had time off from work. and i cided th i wanted to ve life at wasn'just, u know, make bis. u know, ving purse other thanust beinthe paycck. i thk that'she biggeschange i i de a choe at thi point be happin my li. - i ve a yoube chann. and so figuredaybe i just arted taing
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tohe camerand ju leing out w i feltit would ke me fe better. it'sot untilou're put in situati ere i mit actual difrom thi ke im minute away frodeath, th you srt beingike, "i need live myife more i n't needo give abeep) about eang that cupcakand gettg fat. i shldn't gi a (beep abouputting minutes more othe treaill. and i shldn't beuying hureds of llars woh of cloes whethat mon cod be spe on expeences. this ge me tha ock that needed that i'mot readyo die. - you don'just walaway from aexperien like th and everhing gs backo normal the render thawe have limited amnt of ti somethi that i ill carrafter th event.
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- itotally sidified ke that eve moment es count and that y only ha so many i think i chish things lot mor not thatou need at expernce, buit definely woke mup to th. anyeah, just am ateful. - i don'think any ofs reallyhink sothing tric could haen to us hapns to pele iafrica or happe to peop wn the seet, but itoesn't hpen to u i thk it juschanged our pepectives and en thougwe ve a great marage, itas liklet's ma it bett. let'live life fuller. likeince we' been ba, we've ma a huge gos and 're st le chasg our drms rig now thout anhingtopping . 'cse why? i uld die morrow. y. hey. (upbeat sic) irds chiing) - i s readina book tt mornin and talked out coure
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d it saisomethinabout order thave couge, yoneed to scared. ani was sced. we thought that thatas e end ofhe worldor us. anwe thoug we wereonna die iteally chged the persive of mlife and e way i e things ilife now althe mateal, thin, all th socl media, all theslikes on facebo and insgram, it mns nothi. what rlly meansomeing is to ab to holdour chil and ll them u love tm or youmom or yr dad, yo friends, ur others, ur siste isust to ge them aug. it'smazing. li i hug tm differtly. - i lovey life. iteally mas you apprecte yr life. how amazing lifes, w amazinhawaii i hoamazing family .
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this fal missile ga me an euse to tl the trh to eveone. - it w probablthe strongt, most rsonal w he can te contro his le agai - a burd was lifd for hi th this waout thernow. - after tt day, ihink i've bome a lomore, li i want help ople, but i'm ill trng to help self. (arm beepi) [automatedoicefalse alarm. - it shodn't be rgotten. it shoulnever haen again - utomatedoice] se imdiate shter a buildg. - i me, would u want tknow ifou hadive minus to liv - hopelly, exientially for ma people at this es is reawake in th e knowlee that theye suppreed
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that there mortaand eir timen this eth ll come an end. d to lethat brinmore val and beau into yourife everday. at'sreat if ople e changein that y. we can all learn from th. wehould l len from that. (soft music) ♪ in my bones ♪ ♪ i've lived a life alone ♪ ♪ till now ♪ ♪ half asleep ♪ ♪ though i've known that in the end we go ♪ ♪ now ♪ ♪ i can see ♪ ♪ how could i still let another day just slip away ♪
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- hey,'m valerie june. coming up on re south . - [rn] evy plant has a ory, just likevery hun being s a story. the story eds toe told. [valerieamong the south's undant gdens, one n plantea masterful career. - an] he's brillnt man. he really is. he somewhere betwe brliance a insanity. hey! - [wan on one] th is for at? - the documentary on my life. is ain't walt dney. - peop say well ise your mentor? and i say, well, he was my tormentor. - i never met a person that was so demandg. - you hen't gotig balls you ght as well get lost. ause he' cut theoff. - [valerie] a sharp tongue, a green thumb, and one fantabulous life.
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