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tv   Global 3000  LINKTV  April 9, 2022 10:00am-10:31am PDT

10:00 am
tops sinng) cornel: marcusave a vivid imination. heould makthings up ere theyou nd d lo so realhen 's talki about it. came ho "i don't wna go ba ! omebody rst intour hou "andushed thdoor ope and me in wi guns ansa id"thewere gon shootme and sot her."and they re comin to sel o and th were goa sht you al "and, mean, hcarriedon andor a mute there, i goa bit neou s. d then ialmed down and i reaze d at no ch thingappene that was his excuse for we not sending h im to stay with his biological mom . (rattling) mitatingoat motor) ♪
10:01 am
marcus: she's my grandmother and. .. i hope she hurry ups and get better so i can help her out and take her to the club on fridays . (laughin g) took my andma tohe club!(laugh g) (wind owing soly, thunr ruling in stance) (bds chirping)
10:02 am
for melike, fome to hr thaty grana, e's goneefore i even g to say odby something li that, iust, at's gonnait me re har d. i'm,ike, i'mot gonnabe theame for,ik e, while, 'use if iose my andm a, it's gna affecme healy .i ju don'tant thatto hapn right w. wh! jj: m deeplyorried out my bther becae i n't knowhat ght happ the nexda y. i nt my brher do goodn life . i want a my brotrs too go in life. - comen, dixie
10:03 am
aining heavily (thunder rumbling) (rain continue s) (thunder rumblin g) (wind howling, rain pelting) hunder cps )
10:04 am
moo! mo o. moo! o! (yelps) ya h! (talking ibackgrou )
10:05 am
rcus: i'about toatch a de with grandmoer the speboat-- b, ayde (sgulls sqwking) ♪ marcusi do notanna fl at goear me ♪
10:06 am
♪ eople taing in bkground)♪ otor griing) hnathan:stop aing slow otor whiin g)(motortops
10:07 am
) banks: gd job, jnathan that about tcome outhat bast. johnatn: oh, o nks: boycome oherethatin't nhing butnt s. - at's not ant, pa, that is a bigld spider. e seed g mixed u and you g lit-color eds d dark-cor seedsixed u and sorying tosepara them thbest i c . i don'think, t be honest th youi don'think the boysonna coinue no as proje . would bnice, buna h. i might.- you gh t? marcus w't mind , that'sfor sure now, thall be grea th's a surise hear yosay that. ok . me you'll ant it and pickt, shelit,
10:08 am
dry ? u do allf those? mm-hm. - okay, we'lse e. (lves rustng) banks: so you want him back before 12:0 0? he can help me, you know .yeah what kd of machine you run? - anhing. - you dot run no macne . i ow.- hu h? - u don't ow to ri no mow .- yeahuh. - whatower ? ower, thweed eat he let mdo the bigold plowand all at . ere yourother at in brunsck, in a o.but myama, my ma usedto getn trouble, but shdon't ge in tuble no re . d she goher a jo at t, um.. - she do changedyeah? - uh-huh.she, sheork atshe workt strikeon e. e got the jobsshe got strike ne shwork at donald's thenhe work the,
10:09 am
um whatou call , the, u.. - e work at thmcdonald in brunick? - -huh . she workhe mc...- mcdold's whe ? - onltam - gohere allhe tim - yodon't ner see he - no. yeah, she wo in... what parshe work n? thkitchen partmentr... - e work ithe kitc n dertment ithe back. - beme a newerson. mm-hmm - the go youhorse. uh-huh. - th's a nice ho e. - ah, but m thinki about lling it. i don'know yet - for w much huh? - how mu ?- i don'know sell it r $200 $200 ? (laugh g)
10:10 am
but i su goto... put thatight oveyonder against th oak tree. oh, overere?- yeah. - ah, i goall at over er e. that's good engh, yeah.- i'll s . - hu h? boug you some tor tail. - whthank yo sir .thank u, mr. d ! - -hm, appciate it.- yes,ir . calln me if u ne me, um, aga . don't crank itp enoughnaudib). leme try tt real quick. - itin't . - t me tryt, move,ov e! - don't wna crankow . i thini rathat bitoo muc - this imy new bther! - i lovey brother! i ve my brher, love my othe r. - (giggl): yeah,et's g
10:11 am
ngine stts ) (shouting distinct) ♪ (eine sputring ) (enge revving) ♪ (shouting indiinctly (engine vving inistance)
10:12 am
(insts buzzi) shron: i gss they t th housalmost fished no just lite final uches toit, anvoilà, w neighb s. (people talking indistinctly) man: you decide where you want its face to be, oka y? - i want his face to be here . - ok it arnd, lo it around, sp it arou . - mine gonna bset up le th, so.. - get tonow itso, now t it and s how natural wantso si t. yojust don wanna c.. . i think u cut througthe back.- that fine. - (lau s) - it's g to, seehis edge is ee is what keepit fromsinkin- all ri t. - umming
10:13 am
- hold t t. - n we, li, fry th e? - oh, ye .you st, you ow, like you st.. . well, i' never ted frd pumpkin, t i likehat you' thinng there. - th's sorof a difrent...- y'all n't see is y'l got totay overhere . woman:it takes little il e.oh, the you . n: theret is . woma there ygo! aughin n: he is on johnatn: ooh,hat lookso coo man: you li i t? marc: yo, wo woma what doou think? joathan: let's ta it outs e. ma all rig, here.marcusgranddad ! look at pumpk, granddaddy ! ma whatchahink? marcus: ok at pumpk !frank: h, hey,don't t so exced, so (man lghing) woman: d't get sexcite it a jack--lantern man:ll rightthat's o . (pple taing in bkgroun - yeahput it o man: y a ninja? put it on. marcus:hallown is somhing, li a thing at littlkids do,like, th pla y, they have n, theget candy, and l that sff . but just go st toee the f scy stuff at thehave . i dot belie in noch thi as ghos
10:14 am
. cheese - thiss starti to sre us, sp scarin (kids talkin laughing) marc: i se that ring i went wop, ah!(talki indistitl y) oh, my g, here'spider-man. chil thanyo u. (talkingnd lauing inackground) n: all ght, wonr woma ♪ ader: whever us ds we goingut afterark, mama andapa wod ll us toe careful t to flow jack-o'-nter, ion't meaa pumpkin.our ja-o'-lantn waa ball oglowinligh t, nging inhe aira livi being
10:15 am
full of myster y. it would lead you astr ay and t you holessly lt inhe woods. ma saw it,apa saw . lot of o people d seen it. ♪ ter i'grown up, we cou sensa changeomin g. you uld almo smell itin thereeze sweepinghe island. scientts were vited to livon sapelo anstudy thmars h. when wgeechee ld themabout e jack-olanter they expined thawe'd bee lookg at a ll of thane s thatgets iuminat over aow-lyingdamp aa like t marsh body er sawa jack'-lantern on selo again. once youut magicunder spotlight,it
10:16 am
dispear s. (birds chirpg and hoing) the day had to sh her er, it w kind ofad becae she codn't brehe ani had tool her nd and tl he rshe wi be all ght, e'll be l righ bunext coue of day she ed, and said my, luck faed . my luck wasn't right . my luck was ba d.
10:17 am
johnathan: some, um, filo... milofibrosis or something, and it make her ri b, he um, liv swell u and r goblinhing y, atever y call itswell up. and ey was gna cut i out, b they codn't . singers: ♪ yea man: ♪ i see'd the sig n singers: ♪ yea man: ♪ i see'd the sig n singers: ♪ yea, lord, time gonna die ♪ man: ♪ sign in the big tre e - ♪ yea ♪ sign inhe big tre e - ♪ yea - ♪ sign in the big tre e - ♪ yea, lord time's gonna die ♪ - ♪oose horsen the vaey - yea - ♪ loo horsen the vaey ♪ yea - ♪ loo horse ithe vall - ♪ea, lord time gonna d ♪ - ♪ell me, o's goa ride him ♪- ♪ y - tell mewho's goa ride him ♪ ♪ yea - ♪ telme, who'gonnride m ♪ - ♪ yealord time's gna die ♪ ♪
10:18 am
(waves lapping) ♪ ♪
10:19 am
(insectsuzzing) anuncer: at's a gd play by theuys on the densive se. .. announr 2: good work pi useven yas ther at gets em into thd-and-onsituation. nouncer u know wt really fires upffensiveinemen en the g that is rrying t ball. ame audicontinues)announce2: and ain, t anothetouchdown ashey justdd their tal s. annocer 1: annow we'vhi
10:20 am
t that sta of the game part r. (jmumbling) plus, thcontroll's broke. we, got a coroller jj: stil i dot wannhook up... wow, youon't en want to play with youown brot r.announr 1: buthat doesn't nessarily an that t defendes ba d. they're t gonna make00% of the tkles allhe tim fran that magoing back the, no treassing privatproperty. marcus: don't ca, papa i sn't doi nothingad st trespsing . frank: ithat manthat cch you bk ther fires shot at all behi... getting the man boa t anthen fisng.. . creaming i ait try to break nhing ! i didn't slam the door too har d! he come in here, i told him to leave me alon e! jj: that's your granddaddy ! the onewho raisg yo u! and at's this goa lead to? where you gonna go ? huh, where you gonna g o? marcus: i am tired! frank: come on, i'm tired, too . come on,ool it n. arcus soin g)jj: ma calm yoself dow bru
10:21 am
- ah, t meet out he, now marcusnah, he t here raising nd talki about "o y'all le to liend ste and stuff a all tha "nah, he t there ising sa . just makme upsetmama.i wanncome home! jj (intly): all gettg worse. grandddy alwaydoing is. niffles) but , he don get jj likeha t, t we juslike ing fish g. weutdoor ks, me a johnathan like doi outdoortuff, li going shing, jt doing uf f. t you kn how gradaddy gndma sai granaddy oldashioned. heon't undstand li we do arcus soing) fran i'm ck of dr a. had engh dramall my life i got enoughngs toorry abo as it is.
10:22 am
sorry, bro-bro. you ait allowe bro-bro.(talki indistitl y) hey,ude, u' not alled, dude. - t like iare, anyy. - ing a grdma's baby for minut yes, and'm hot n i gesome of ur mil - , don't ther m and th milk now. just cald himdown little t. hnathan:so whe i stay 's not reay where stay a becausi can'thang aund this. it'salled thprojects ople be lling dr s. i not do at i swear ony grandma.
10:23 am
i'm not ed tbeing ouhere. likei'm usedo, lik beinin lots dir t. is is a ld cypre tree. you n see e red roots and erything. you n see itot nice,clean te r sot can st alive nice ptty red ot s. i'mmplant it atthe ho e,and na it aftegrandmaand althat .i'mma,hat's wh i'mma with it.(exclas) - huckles) joathan: when i g home fr school,i usuay go in ehouse, wch t v, then getn my pho .then wn it's time to to be i chargey phone , and weet out r the ne morningand ha a great day d go to hool and len science,math, nguage a s, all kindof stu .
10:24 am
feelg separad from m granaddy andy brothe doesot feel goo does n feel go at all. gi: let try a hit you. johnatn: hold goa get uphere fir . iggling) (birdsquawking marcus: having him not here anymore is kind of boring, because i don't have nobody to play wi th or nothingnd stu, so.. . cayou placit over? cayou see ? they sd, um, iot to st steang and sff orhey put juveniljail sohey put anklmonitor m e. feel aittle fferen inyself,somemes,
10:25 am
taking medicine. i'm rking onoing bac to schl all fi days a ek. we, this iour litt speechhat we g to do d come iin the mning . go morningclas my namis jermaest, u my ne is jerrkes t. my tget behaor istaying otask foowing dictions and my tget behaor isisteningo all st f anfollow a directi s.
10:26 am
♪ rcus: she'watchinge now. atever io, like,bad, she watchinme . e's watchi . ♪ (bds chirpg) eed pour
10:27 am
g) calm dow (clis teeth) 's oka girl, is okay it'ska it's oy, gir it okay, girl . whoawhoa, wh. (hse brist s) whoa.(nervoly): whoa . whoa.(grunt g) , ha! comen,ome on, said. co on, h h!
10:28 am
i t mo power than onha t. (birds crping) johnhan: myrother, rmarkest heot angerroblem so o day, head got ab gun. d then hwas reateninpeople wh it . d now he not he with u he's up atlantaarkansaswhatev you calit in juvenildetention. t he'll back ina couplef months. so i just pe that 'll comeback wh a bett attitude.
10:29 am
just n't aclike that,becausthat's gna make m run the wro roa d.eithere gonna d upn a gravar d, or in ja for life. ♪ d about grandmapassinaway... it kd of fl like lff my hrt is go . likeit's onla ttle ece stilin there but,ike, a cnk, like thisig is go .
10:30 am
(grassustles)♪ these ki of netsboy, tell ya. (n rtling onec k) ain't noing you can doood withhese nets. shou havbroughthe pole. time f you to back, bdy . ♪


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