tv Earth Focus LINKTV April 28, 2022 1:30am-2:00am PDT
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ey can cl us bk to do chor tonight it was st more memories it thanou thin you kno y alws thought of that time, it was just a lot of work, but then when you look back now, you know was probably some of the better times because w spent so mh time togetr then and st wking, miing co d raisinyour famy. th's what rm life . [cattle lowing] ecker: ian rememr my mom alwaysad a lite book f yoknow, ery yearhat i wa in schoo and it ways sai onhere, yoknow, "wt would yolikeo be?" a it alwa said, like, "firan policeman, dtor," yoknow d you re supsed to cck what y wanted,nd then ere was a ank lineand then s would alys wri in, "fmer," ani just ft that myhole lifwas kindf, likelaid outefore meso
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i develod a busiss plan,nd borrowed few milon dolla expand dairy he. [thrming] you ow, we wted use chnologywe wanteto be modernso that'what i d so in 2006, built t current dairthat weron now and in 28, that'when the rldwide cession t. i ought i was long my faly lecy that grandfaer had starteback ithe 19s, and myorld wasrumblinground . i was a pretty bad plac you kno feelinghat everyby knew mstory th i s failin my lifeas just spiralng out ocontro and th's when got deprsion real bad, ani went t
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numeus therasts and unselorsnd docto trying get treaent for is, and i me a lot odifferen thapists and dtors. i st wish i cld run ay becaus 's such burden oyou not feel lika failurand carron is familbusinessthis lega that yohave. what reay changemy life you ow, visuizing mywn funeral d seeingy kids the. that'what reay was rockottom fome, you ow what i w puttingy kids through cause i s such a loplace inife, andhat's hoi turn things ound, an that'sow i puld myself out of theeps that i wasn. [birdshirping] statz:eah. leon fad a lot of challenges with farming. he loved farming, and when his
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deprsion bece so seve ere he wasospitalid, he dn't really ink it w that ba we justept goinbecause like a farmer, he says, "what's the option? you can't just not show up." you have to show up, and you took care of what had to be done for the day but pressions not go. it raed, d it raid, and i rained a floodin and jus you , we'rup on ridge top re, but was swet, yocouldn'tet in anhere so by e time y plantedit was la. we mudd in a lot o cornso we fired, "okit's nna get tter. it'sonna get tter." wl, harvestime cos, it's ill raing. he couldn'see a y out anymore.
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we had gotten a call from our neighbors. we had taken care of their mother, and she was in her 90s, and their estate was being settled. his dad always told him, "whenever adjoining land comes up, you have to buy it." you know, it's what he always told him. he said, "if that land ever goes for sale you have to buy it," because you never get an opportunity to buy land that connects to your farm. he's just like, "i think it's gna be-- u knowi ink ybe we'll lk to th ba, and we should able to ybe get loan to pay fo th, and thboys wou you kn, evtually b it from us, and 'd work out." wl, thatorning, startedaining again th nightthe rain hajust nev stoppedand he's like, "ian't." y kn, he coun't do ts anymor he was st like, "g, it juskeepraining, ani don't ow if it just s anxiet but i h heard h gout that rning, a i had
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justeaded inhe houseo get ady to gto work,nd th's when han camen that had fou him, th he had hungimself ione of o builngs, and just couldn'telieve tt it actuallyappened.e just-- thatas his trd attem en, wawh he died... d so theit'sust been tryingo figureverythinout and ep the fm going,nd d. with s life iurance, boug the lan p, so hilegacy les
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on. 's what wanted. [chainsastarts] grt: for aost 9 mohs now i've been ming up re usuay by mysf becae my wife is rking fu-time. i think thfirst cole month 3 nths, months aer the firei only spt 3 hou a night so, 4 mbe, and ere s just smuch to and so much to arn abouinsuranc d the coty permi and meetgs and canup a dispal of toc ash anall thvariouthings y have to go tough. it been tang to me peonally, d i knowy lack ogood humor and
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siliencet times hahad iteffect omy marage d relationips, frids. these nds wereasically fi-resilie when eupean americanfit got he becausthey'd bn unrgoing prescrib or natul rns fromhe nativamerican and/orightningor about ever5 to 6 yrs. thatas the fireeturn in this redwood forest, and a hundred years of smokey the bear suppressed all forest fires. that policy went on to the point that it was just creating-- every year they succsfully put out a fire was another year that more fu was bei added tohe bonfi. we're mbers of a t-so-excsive
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clu anyme and oni would t wish to iite anyo into, b it cominto-- younow, iit don't comeo your hse yoll be evuated ouof it beuse it'soming cle one of the days, it's onof the unrtunatthings yore gonna he to livwith gbal clime changend glal warmi really arts showing us what it can do. diane: wre very ncerned about thcoming fe season also coesponds th our grape rvest. lt year, lost lot of apes to oke. 's hard work alyear jus have lost tomoke in 5 days.he stress is ver
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high, i think, for everyone here. think th some pele are finitelyuffeng some fromhat we wld call sd. you just go on facebook, everyo's like,i see sme. i smelsmoke. wt is that?" there's lof talk aut canceling fourthf july firewos celebrions. ople aresking, "w is thatmportant because it cou potentiallye dangers, so eryones on a ve heighted leveall the ti as to h fires srt and hodevastatg they are, so, yh, the mtal-heal parts a hugeart of i some gre wineries an winemarsver the st 20lus year but i ve to sa the lasfew years, tre are tes when wond how much loer i can keep doing thi
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these tra layers of unplanned events, it's taken itsoll, so i hope can sck it out. i lo what i , but itoes wear on u. it's intertinghen you,ay asme howmportanthe land iso me becse... i'm years old, and ve livein 3 plas, and ty've all be right he on wes side roa so it very mu a rt of myamily's story, m
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e dead trees, ke, in a ne. i'veeen somef those, and i ju think tmyself"is that glol warmin whadoes that mea" my husnd's alws talkg about , but i ally don't. leond: i see it. younow, yogo out tre, and u see itand th's what u have t . you ha to feelt. you ha to seit. you ve to ell ityou ve tlive it. u haveo touch . this is very, ve importa, global warmin people,hey kindf don't wa to belie in it st le what wdealt wi th the vus. i fe so sorr for ese milies tt lost loved es, you
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ow, due this cra thing tt's amon . i feelo sorry r my wif e loster momher dad,er unger sier, her dest brher. shes so strg as of today,he does erything tries keep hefamily's listock inct. i ink she fes bett when shgoes out therand lookafter he parents' livtock whathey le for h. that ivery, yo know, artwarmi to me, u ow, hoshe goesut there you kn, and do what shhas to do,ou
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know. mayble: i hamy ppe sff everythi whei went there t visit th, but sohow my d caught i and i dn't wanto lose himso when passed, tookverythinoff, a i gave dad a h. that'shat i di toyself, b i wasn' suppos to do tt. leonar it's thstreng that she has.hat's wh keeps t the mily gng, anso-- maelle: wh i'm outere, i can el theirpirit. ian feely sister breath cause she wi always sittingn thback of myar, and e would jo with meand i cod
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feel herreath the bacof , d i real do fe their spirit, d it mes me hay anstrong o here. wn i t down a starthinking out em, i me out he and en spenthe wholday out re and eir housin bof me, i want to keep it up as long as it can stand up and let it fall by itself. ind whising] i belongere. thas why th lands very iortant tme. releaseall my sess and my pn, and imakes me strong again. [birds squawking] [birdshirping]
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statz: randy and i have known each other since school. we nt to scol togetr. we actuly went prom tother. a lot ofeople inhe commity knewf randy cause they had build aew free stal everythg was go, and th his depssiohit. roker: wn i we throughy strugglein 200 i felt alone,hat therwas nobo outhere toelp me. nobody understo depressn. it sn't ok talk abt it. it was a stma assocted with it, d you'reust kindf isolated, d you suer alone and always sd i suffed one inilenceecause is ke, nobo--i didn know where go. stz: to myusband, was embarrsing. he wouldever let me tl anyonehat he w medicatn or whahe was going thugh. he s always woied whatther peoe thought him, ani'm like "leon,t's
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no dferent than--" i said"you wou talk to evebody andell your sty if y break your m or if somhing else woulgo wron but youan't tel yone that, "hey, have ntal hlth cris that i amrying toigure ou" mean, to lot of ople, 's an embarssme, and i'm ke, "no.tand tallnd own iand sa "i'm gon get thrgh this. roecr: so th in 2018that happed with on, bren's huand, andhat set back to whe i was imy own person struggl. stat when le passed ay s funera and ran tried t comeand he cled me ler d he said, "u know, al tried, t," he sd, "i just cldn't goi couldn go," ani said"that's ne," d that when heold me tt he'sonna fure out someing. wre gon do
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someing. roecr: that'why i stted this gro down churcdown hereand i ll up enda and i id, "younow, we uld like tget togeer and d somethg like ts," and didn't kw if it s gonna too so after ln had paed awayand i di't want toush her in somethi like th but wanted to ha her volved. statz: iaid, "i n't knowf i'llalk, but will me," and s very nvous goi to the very firsteeting. endeup with peoe at our rst meetg, and ty came om everyere. i mn, there is a nd. roecr: and tt was the beginng of thearmer anl network, so we got together, and there was a lot of tears shed at the first couple of meetings. i got a call last week from a farmer, and he wanted to know what the next step would be to get help for his neph.
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stat there a so manyrises lineout there, buteople don't ow they' there. ecker: wl, the tng of it is, to i thinkhat... won: i wento my fit meetg just o of curiity and just to kind of learn more. i thought, "we have to have ourselves a..." we were struggling ourselves about making a chae out ofairy faing. it st felt normal tme to noget up and to thbarn rig away. i justanted toee what lp the was avlable fous. once i fnd out t resoues that arevailable to rmers, i justeally fe a call like ian helother peopleearn abo this. roecker:00 suici-preventn nuer, i hathat mnetic stker stucall overhe hoe, and wn it com right downo it, i n't thini'd er call . first all, i alwa thoughthat basilly th'd come d take y away anlock youp someple, and you ha that fe deep do that they'reonna commit you if y call th number. stat becauselike, wi leon whene had toall, thetook
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m away ithe car,nd he justooked ate. "i'm t a criminal. y do i he to be handcuffed andut in a r?" but it'srotocoto keep e ofcers safif they' in the vehicle withhem, ando th're chging thathat now th have a isis team at goes to e--and they don't handcuff them, andhey talk th throught and t them t safe pla. harms:t didn'ttart outith the me farmegel neork. you knowit was aeeting o farmuicide a farmer ress. aftethe firswinter o meetingswe kind recognid that thas reallyot that viting tpeople tcome in d to sk help. actual, i thini can take a ltle credit forevelopinthe name farmer angeletwork. just really ft, "how n we suppt pele in a y that i unassung, not trusive their lis?" and think ife can he save onperson's life by having the information avaible to them, to theiloved on that ar
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suorting tm, i thi 've done very go deed. stz: i'm hopinthate can help peoe find tir joy a realize,hey, may it isn' bad. can get rough this and i'vheard th from peop that ha come tohose meetgs, yoknow, "i jus eded to talko somee," and on they vealize itnd let it out, ey're li, "it's gonnbe ok." this is l the neland thai ught aft leon hapassed away. i a lotf thinking afr leon psed awayi drive out re a l. it's jt peacefuland it'seautiful ye-round. matter en you comeachereit's a vy ca place tcome
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to. mean, i can ut the mor off, d you'llee. it ijust peaful out here, and you just hear the wind, and it's-- this is what i le. reeze owing] john: re in thunited stateswe're su a big country at sometes you n't real understd what othelocal communities are faced with. i remember reading about some of these organizaons thatavstarted up to help. i ink thosare really gooprogramsand hofully, ty are heing those farmers get rough the diffict times. die: i thi it woulbe heful if tre were re ople to lp out wh the
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emional stss and t caring for otr people roecke i do eny producg a qualy producfor not only amerans, b all ovethe world,nd, you ow, my mk ts turneinto cheese and butter a yogurt,o i enjo dog that, t it's jt, i stilstrugglevery dayith it. i do. i ruggle ery day th it. yh. out: i soldier on. may not smilas much i ud to, bu ceainly, i gettingo the point nowhere the cleanup starting to ap up anwe're starti to think about at 'll rebuil and thapart ves me he, and is a much moreonstructe and crtive procesto rebui somethi and toebuild aife hereit manot be wt it was, but it'll somethi new and differt, and itime ovethe nextecade orwo, rd work and swt equityit wille somethg we can proud o and we n say, "tt's ourswe rebui that,"
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d hofully, ill be, yoknow, ifot firepof least fe-resilit. leonard:e, as thpeople haveo know wt enviroent is and h our ld shoulde utized andaken carof. ybelle: need too our prayertogethergain. it wod be rlly neato have rain and snow d althe listocks bk again. statz: is a hardife, but yet is a woerful fe, and ople jusneed to e that w alneed thalittle b of outrch sometes to ma it througand thathere'll better ds ahead, always y. roecke it's a human coectionit's aamily story nnectionit's a siness cnection,o it
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