tv Witness LINKTV May 4, 2022 1:00pm-1:31pm PDT
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chris wiiams: ople an't ignoranto the thgs that ve been ne to blk people in ts countr and the for rican-amicans, tre is no gerationalealth. i think 're smarenough n to underand the ly real ogress igonna made thugh peacand through empath but whamakes th time n so specl is it' uh, black pele of amica have won up to eir sociconomic wer. jonny rhes: as lg as we e so food as means oour survivalas a mea of our ingenuit a meansf our joury, i thi that th's at soul od is. sl food is a gue of t black jrney rough al and thelack journey vast, a it's ve
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[indtinct chter] ris willms is thsyney of what it ans to ba gladiar entrepneur. there's finesse how chr moves in room, y there i is barbac way inhich he apprches howe serv the communitthrough s gift o maki tables,aking mes. willia: africaamerican fowa, it's o of thos things that'kind of porizingand the jority o
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time, 's used t of conxt. you thk about e staple gredientof--oxtas used t cost nhing. nothey're,ike, $9.0a pound. you thinkbout gs' feetlike, the ingrednts righthere le you know t genesisf this cookin right? the ingrient detmines thmethod of cking. u havehese har dee protei, and soand how are we gting thelavor in ? and the briiance bend it ishat we we using row-away ingrednts, scrs after preparedll thesemazing dishesor whoer we we praring fo we wereeft with thundesirae bits tcome up withomethingeliciousnd nutrious forur famils and out mmunity.oul fo, i n't beeve, fore define rican-amican fooays because you got toemember at
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thchefs inhe whiteouse re afric-america and the were sooled inrench cuine. we leaed thafor freeand we prared forree, andhat's foed into r cultur look at creole fd. that' afrin-american cuisine. that's differenfrom soufood. hallchris isot afraito explornew terrory on alate nor in room, a studiedt the cord bleu, h travele all the wor, and haused what he s learneto infusit into aamily trition preparina meal ipired by cille b.mith, hi grdmothe willia: i didn know th cunary legy was a al thing the famy. it ju became one of tse thingthat we ok r granteat all fily gaerings twhere, y know, sobody's bringing lulle's or
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great andmommy hot rol, d so it sn't unt we decid to namthe restaunt after her that startedo spend me just ring thrgh her cords anlooking all thpictureshat it rlly stted to te shape what a linary in, what american icon s was. my gre grandmoer lucil b. smith waknown asexas' fit bunesswoma back th, women couldn'twn or opate thei owbusiness withoutheir husband'signatur so to tt end, s was onef the fit women the coury to fi femmsole, whh is latin f man alon so thathe could ve full dependen of her busiss. man:t that te, hotels were noaccessib for afcan-amerans, ando grandmother d grandddy would openheir hom, and pele who had comeo perforor to spk affai in fortorth wou
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ten stayt her ho, so that how sheet so ma of e notabl, and jolouis an main lutheking weramong the many persons who stayed at her home. hall: she was the quintessential texan. she was an educator at prairie view a&m university. there's a picture lucille b. smith with her car rolled onto the campus of prairie view a&m university, looking over her shoulder taking the picture. now what does that say? that says e was li, "i a't got te r this pture. i'running sinessnd teachg this urse." lliams: e of thehings th great gndmotheras kno for, onef the ma things t the one that she's most famous for,he created the natn's rst inant horoll m. this is e thing at i hado mast to real honor t legacyf my gre grandmoer. h. this what shhad to d
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to creather lecy was to ster thidough. inow what it feelsike whent's righ and th is righ so it's simplerocess. 's not finishedntil it'bathed i butter thway thatatriars of the familyeep themlves at e table ishat whent comes recipes ey alwayleave a littleomethingut. you n make i you caneproducet, but it'sever qui like grt grandmmy did i so thatook couple oyears ofe making this ripe 5 tis in 1 d. ll: othemeccas oculture for ack commities alover
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e nationave theiown unue contrition to is natiol tapery, but,ike, ouratch in t tapesy as houon, it comes from not just our ability to create art, not just our ability create sic--whi is popularly wha africaamerics are knn to contrite in thnation--t our abily to alscreate business. we undstand th sometimeyou manot haver sometimes you may not know the person you're supposed to know, but you still have an innovative d imaginive ideaand so houston ovides aelastity r socialmaginati like no otr city. rhes: histically, soul fd is madwith scrs d leftovs. at ingo, we focuon soul od beingade fr the higst quali form of inedients.f black ople got
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reparatis and weot our ld, that's a we woulhave accs to is p-of-t-line fo inedients.verythinthat we do athe reaurants based off preserv in someorm or fashn, and tn of coue, we growur own fd. typally in the wint months,hat's wh do our d meatin the spng, dour pescarian men seafoo charredggs, freshwat animalsnd crtures,nd tn in the summerme, that when weike to dour pouly menu sving eitheryou knowbirds li inea fl, chiens. the rtaurant,e focus ing, younow, a pticular chnique cookingive fire a meansf reprentation for,ou know,ur ancesrs that dn't haveccess eltricity to gas.he housesn which at, you ow, the slaved we cookinin werell hardwd and chcoal ly. therare peop that ve povertyow that ve to co that ect same y right w to is day ihouston home. hall: nny has e unique
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capaty to brg all dierent segmts of cuure and ciety the moscultural diverse cityn the naon. so h doesn'introducthe id or the coept or t historyf beg black rough thears and rough theyes alo. he doe it tough theouth. fo has a y of lecring theove that pele can ctribute a laer commuty in a y that nothinelse evecan, eve ll. rhodes: storical, soul fd has en the fd of bla chriians, anit was cated during theivil rigs era by freedom fighters. this is the food that that gave the movement soul. black muslims don't eat soul food cause ofhe histo that co-exists witit. peop like malcolm x didn't associate. that's why the noi and the civil rights movement never worked together is because they didn't have the same ideologies anywhere, but for black people,
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i believe that our equity and ideology with each other is food. there are black christians that don't eat pork. no muslims eat pork, but here at indigo, we'vtried toeshape tt naative byaking so food inusive all bla genres. for e vegetae ham, wuse it for diffent applations, t one of t main apications at we usit fors pork replacemt. it's a ced, hungsmoked, d ckled tuip. we ually let itit for 118 monthbefore wee ready serve i fromndigo's ception, we've gin all thhistory t every single crse. somimes, itan be powerfureactionwhether it be fothe bett or for e rse, butyou knowcome out d give t historys raightfoard as wcan, but e prf is in the puddin you
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know, thing at i've er sa about fd and ou experices hanot haened in the st. ways thoht it waa weird coination how amecans ve avoca toast b were ving so ny issuewith the peop who proded thos avados. yohave a trd-world untry ma producing avocas, and weeep themn third-rld countrieon purpo. you kn, they don't he the infrastrture to ll the ocados aoss the rld, so they sell th to usand that e definion of a nana republ, and ouavocado deert's tied banan publicof ameri. it hashe avocado parfait, dark chocolate, and then the pit of the avocado, which looks like the actual pit of the avocados a dark cholate, awell, buit's filled wh presers. our communies heren the uned statesre bananrepublic you t black ople, whare maively fueled intsports and tertainmt no dferent than the other cntries tt e expericing the avocado
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prlem. we' experieing the sa as our n. willia: all right.e ready? cille's 13 is myonprofit th i start with th paemic, anits missn initlly was toust fe our elders ithese imverished neighbhoods, swhat we stted doinwas goindirectly to their doorsteps and creating these deliberately curated meals that spoke to their palates, meals with dignity. anybody knows anything about restaurants, nothing happens without community, like, nothing, but with this, it took me out, and it really woke me up to the food insecurity issues that we've had for a minute, whatt looks ke, wherit's atand it c really right nextoor. the are ourlders, whprovidedomfort a prided chae for becau theyere therfor thcivil rights mement, swe commied
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to doinghis eversingle d as mucas we cod affo, and so, ye, today,t's at 2,000 meal ha: chris d lucill they th weren motivatnal spears. theyre motivions that other people can't help but speak about, know what i mean? their passion is their protest, d their t is the activis ey don'tave to s not one word, yewhat thedo says ch. heh h. rhod: oh, yogood, yogood. sohen indi very fit oped, we srted offt $79 r personpeople cplained that it s a litt too hig so we upd the pre to 125 once wdid that, the work beme even re strenus, so we upp the pri one mortime to 225. know thanobody i
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r area--ll, i cat even affordo pay 22to go ea r customer basisn't goa be fromur commuty, and i waed to doomethingore meingfulor my counity, i need to pi this siation by upng my cuomer basand making amuch mon as we possly we could. it otstraps our nextndeavor,he idea hang a selsustainae grocerstore, swe're woing our farright noto make sure thawe can gw our ow produce,nd then ce we dede and figure t what wcan't grow a produceurselves we'll lookt other ack rmers another faers of lor to pvide or suain what we't have. we'rdoing things alonghe lines of broccoliscarrots, bok oy, thin thaare gonn be commousers ansellers inside t grocerytore. we don't nt to gr extravant crops th people n't kn abouor peoplcan't ok with atome veryasily.
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pefully kids han't pick all thbig carrs out. , yeah. got som some ni big esn hereeven a by onthat wastill grong undernth it al but we t so really ce carro in here, ani'm gonna see ife can t some me out. o we got whole lomore. we've gwn thesearrots ouels naturay, no ty of sprang. thiss all just grown th waternd theusing fi as our ftilizer,ompost. ifomebody n just sply grow od for tmselves,hey're a prodtive memr of socty because ey can fd themlves. ifomebodcan grow od forther pple, aeven bier produive memb of ciety cause w they c feed theelves anothers, t don't pise thosthings, d we d't invt into tse ings aa sociy.
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man: tre they . williamscaptain ed. woma captainred. fred: wh's up? won: what'going on ed: all ght. woman:ong timeno see. fred: l right.'all rey? all rht. ye sir. willia: me andhef dawnot a wage fredoh, whats it? lliams: rst fish10. let' get somfish, boboo. dawn: ye i'm rea. willms: so a there a other black-owd businees like urs inouston tt you ow of? fred: nonot commcial fiing. williamsthe realy is, li, get in d imaginit quires aon of edation. fr: right. never imy mind wod have kwn anythg about commcial fisng at aluntil i woulhave gonout with friendand thene was ju like"hey, n. juscome and checit out, u know,"nd go out the, and i like, "u can ally makmoney dog this?" willms: yeahthat's he. you think mo people ll follo afr you sethe exame? fr: i thin-i thinki think
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oncet's beenntroduce i ally do. think--mean, ere are number oother ys that d like, fhing--li, theye fishg guys, arter captai, and ey're blk, and they'rtrying tget othe blacpeople treally g into shing. pt of theroblem i ju in the ner citi we just n't havehat sortf access going tthe war. most peopleas you kw, in e hoodthey unftunatelytay in the od. wiiams: ye. fredthey don come ou willia: and itosts mon to it. wn: telle about e types fi that u would ing to chris. fred: e thinthat reay--i rely thinkot him hked was the eepsheadand then made a transion from eepsheado black um... wiiams: ye. that bck drum, man. fredyeah. lliams: ve you h the bla drum frednot fromucille, no. dawn: have not
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williamsso it's sentiallwe just da light ackening house-de blacking seas on top of iand justo a simp sear on e fish.. and introdu a lite mustd green,resh, ra mustard een pureto it to brightenp the cor and ju gi it a lile bit me acidy. then we d the hoin' john compont, whichs just, ke, the finiti of the uth. that'sarolina ld rice th black-ey peas,eppers, d tomato, and th we havehe een gumb louisia all day. i'm lling u those things togetherlike, can't keep it inhe buildg. yeah. so i just apprecia it, ma it's en greati'm glad that wcould beonduits introducpeople tthe stuf at you'vbeen enjing privaty for a nute. hopelly we c keep dog at. fred: ohyeah. wee gonna finitelyeep it gng. dawn: , what y--what y got re? wiiams: fit onof the d. $10,aby! $10
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dawnok. lliams: put up good fight! fred: h! all rht, chri williamstotally t. dawnhe may g away. hha ha! fred: i en them t away n. [thunder man: wt's goinon, man? rhes: not much. n: how tngs goin rhodesit's goo want toook athem cows man: manwe saddl up, we saddd up. yoready? odes: ye. let's p on. met lloyin 2000 d, uh, 1 i was ming bachome fro new yo, and i s visiti uston fr new yor and i went to e farmer market,nd i just s a blackurveyor ere, and was jus-i was i shock, was in e, and ias just le, "i'm ing ther
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ha!" i appriate youringing out here tday, bro lld: oh, m. it's aleasur i be trying get youut he. rhes: i me, it's jt amazin bro. i ver seenhis, anto see y being-- spearhding it,an, it mns a lot, y know, tnot onlye able to ing it tthe mmunity t for thcommunit to see tt it's cing from you, somody thatook like em, somedy that'from ther it make differee. i thinit's insring. lld: and tn being le to t it in ur groce store a right the neiborhood peoplean--thate grew uwith cawalk to ere and e our name othere, y know wh i mean? rhes: thateans a l. lld: peoplfrom rig next or, theyome from. rhod: yep. oyd: thecan comeut her y, man. is is e best o the st. odes: rit. lloyd: y know,s far ashe quity, t premierf it, so..
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rhodes: mean, th right tre within itself isnspiringhat mebody right nt door t you--youever kno-could b doinsomethinso integl and so iortant tthe welleing d the heth of soany hers, an man, ju i can't it to ha this pruct into ougrocery ore and,ou know, usontrolli the pross. it allows o people our communitto reay trust at 're givi them tout into theibodies. oyd: we ve to spad the knowlee, man, cause a t of pele don'tet this opportuny, so th's when go ithe neigorhoods ke you do, urban fming and introding peop to it. ose that wt to knowill comout and seekt if we ovide th e oppounity, y know at i mean, anso that'the same thinthat we' lookingor as far ashis grs-fed be, mang it afrdableputting right the in theeighborhd, let everody elseet a tas royaltyman. thas how we--ste of ralty. rhod: hey. y think wll get taste so of thatoyalty backver therat the hse? lld: oh, m. you kn we can. younow we c. we gothe embersaiting ous.
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hallwhen ensvers broht sles to tes, they me from all ov the south, t what w diffent abt texas s that xico hadhis restance. ere is aistory oresistan slaveryhat's coected to entrreneursh, that's coected tousiness at i still lieve cos up in w afrin-americs who artexans liveoday. weill take ownehip of o communies. we will te ownersp of our bunesses ia way th is a restance tthe way at we re own at one int in o histor rhes: niceook on i too. i ink it'seally imrtant that wwork witother blk oducers d purveys is to createore blacproducerand rveyors cause ifeople--
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blacand browpeople s black oducers d purveys making money ofof agrulture, it willive themncentiveo make money f of agrulture, wellwhich crtes longity and vereignty for ou commities. sthe nexttep for us ifocusingn the fa and the grory storeand all our gues and paons from befe have hped prop us to is stageo that w we didn have toave inveors anthings le such. could be self-stained, sf-starte wenvest in our busesses to make them more equitable and ma them mo accessie to ople in r communies. willms: whathef jonns doing d what ctain fres ing, whawe're dog, and whatucilleid, whaty rents did and are ing is thatt's showsing bla succesin so ma differe lits. one ing thatas special and unique about my grt granother an
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essentiay truly family th for afran-amerins there is no neration wealth.hen we come to this rld, we me intohis worlwith notng. thgift thathe fami's been ab to give us thate've-- at our gerationawealth i a sensof entreeneurialm and puose. thas the impoance of ghlighting tse different looks of entrreneuriasm and hefully success. it's just amazing to see the synergy of this happening right now, so, yeah, it's a beautiful thing to witness and a to be a part of. hallafrican-ericans ve coistentlyeen so gerous th our cture, soenerous wi our wism, and swe are impairg the sutotal of human flourishing by not oviding portunitiefor africaamericanto have eir freem complely. not just the black mmunity ffers wh the blk communy sufferfrom systic oppreion. thehole wod sufferfrom whawe could
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contbute to ke the wld a tter pla. willms: yeahgive me move. oh, , oh, ohha ha hai dn't knoanybody onwalked ymore. hall: thks for bnging it back, n. willms: nicene. niceyou got so moves? u gonna somethg on tho roller skates ll: he tk his dug off. h said, et me sh you." wiiams: okshow us. ll: lookt those ves, man wh, whoo! lliams: ha ha! ha: nice, other. ñ?lo)?■o■oóqñ■ñ■
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