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tv   Earth Focus  LINKTV  May 5, 2022 9:00pm-9:31pm PDT

9:00 pm
(susnse musi ♪ i caut you wahing ♪ under t light ♪ c i reali ♪ ♪hey say 's easy to lve you bind ♪ ♪ ion't wan try ♪ cut cov take th test ♪ ♪ hold urage toour ches♪ ♪ don wanna wt for yo♪
9:01 pm
♪ don wanna he to le ♪ ♪ a that i' compromed ♪ to feelnotherigh ♪ - mean, c'n now. how olis he? - 20. - (laughs) he looks about 12. - well, wasn't. - you lovme? - oh my d. yes. - we, i had say it first, didn't i? - i said it back very quickly. - out ofolitens. what your faasy? what's mfantasy? - faasy. - i don'know, i' justappy to be alive - what iwe filmeit? - , no, th's too dgerous. - well, en i'd dete it. - . no, wh's the.. u want me to dress upr somethg? ybe i cod tie yoto a chai what abt that?
9:02 pm
- real? yeah, th's a thi. like aidnap, i woulbe like a kiap. - d then wt? - mand a rsom. ll your mily and dend a ranm. - yoneed to nd some y to getver yourlf. you' gonna e up alon - i thin.. i thi i lovyou. it tk a whilbecaus if wbelieve at the se is an iusion-- - wh does th mean? - don't kn, that wre, you know, it physics - phics. - ok, look, what do those words mean? you put rds to i i mean, ke, ay what is that ppose toe? i mean, e? - yeahyeah, ye. lien, list, listen don't kn what e ck you'ron about - what feel is at we arlove. at's thehing, there'no sepation. and u, you're . and the ble. - doou love e table? you le me morthan e table the sam - it all... i don'know wt i'm trying to say. - how about you just go fuck the table? - what wrong wh it?
9:03 pm
- nothing. it's notoo fun? i don't ink so. would itave been seen if weade it bck and wte? where's going? maybe we should just, um... or what if... i don't know. - ben, it's really good. - shouldn't just keep one with the scenes with the monk? - ben. - ju one. i feel like i've mirroredomethingbout a uple whoon't getn. - it's aut a man o's so dended thate's incable of le. n't it? - say it again? look, what about if we just looked at the first monk scene. - we're cture loed. why doe need aonk? - th don't kw who i am if is isn'tood.
9:04 pm
think it not agood. i st want meone toay, "youe done good thg, w you carest," jt rest. - okay. why don'you comend sit down for a minute? comen. - maybe i could be a farr. - maybe. - how this coared to. - n't do tt. look, me peopl will quite like it and other people won't be that into it. - why? who? - and then, quite soon enough all of those people, each and every one of them, will die. won't they? - hopefully. - we're all going to die. we're all going to die. we're all going to die. that better? (slow music)
9:05 pm
- hello,appy. 're all ght, aret we? (slow music) - everhing is domited by o's self. and wh to find noloved,nd what. to be awakenedto be fr,
9:06 pm
is to sethere iso self. can we s in mediti? fi out whoe reallyre? (pap crumpli) (frie door oning) rushing) - ale] not in my whiteouse. the people t. omiting)
9:07 pm
- [benmin] wel at do yosuggest? (phone rinng) hello? - illie] h it's me - ye c'mon u (mumble. ye, c'mon. (knoing) - . - hic'mon in benjam, i'm soate. - no, , no, yore not le. c'moon in, hiya. - god, y're quit fadown, ar't you? i hato get aube whicwas... well, thanks foroming toe with t scripts excuse m sorry. am late,ren't i? - no, noi just h a bit ofmergencyith the t. - yeah, i thout somethg smelled bit odd. - oh, go really? - no, 's fine. it not ovehelming. is it a g cat?
9:08 pm
try one th a smile. (cama shutring) ju try onend then we'vgot the oice. - [photographer] c you jus pu that biof hair down? no, no. don't rely. - hotograpr] okay, at there [billie]hat's itthat's i - ere, likthis? [billie]o, what y just di - ay. - [phographer]eah. - [billi but, li, at expreion. like lgh, laug - laugh? - [billi yeah. - [phographer]eah, so nose a bit - ay (laug). - [ptographe that's . d look athe wind. - [bile] canou, like. your nostrs look qte big. - i'm not flaring them. - the nd w good. [photographer] hold that, hold that. - other hand, other hand, other hand. there, other one down, on your knee. yep, okay, all right. - that really od. that's rlly good - uhyeah. , shoulde talk abt the fi? st to- - [benjami yeah, pase. - yeahand maybthat wil.. cool.
9:09 pm
really jt need t lines fothe top the prs releas shoulde say it about a i really don't wanna say an abusive relationship. um, y, diffilt? - we, i don'know. think wehould mae focus re on theoss of sf-esteem thatomes frobeing in-- so, lo of- los self esem. - [benmin] selesteem, ah. - ss of se-esteem. - ould we y and gesome with theward in as well - s. yes. - [benmin] wha really? - yeah, ah. - noi mean, wouldn wantt to be like it w this thg i won sen years o. can we on a wiow? it'seen quita while since,appy camout, ich i lod by the wa as you ow. - thk yo(laughs) - i ess peop ll wannanow why. - yeah. ll, i thk itust tooke a whil to ce up witsomethin i wasn'ti don't ow. i ink wheneople sathat they le what y've done it's best to just stop doing it or they could start ting you ideally, i would've st made that film and died. ishat not good answe
9:10 pm
- shou we justay yore a perctionist (pho buzzing urgh. doou know at? i'gonna ha to get is. i'm real sorry. - that okay. - mart, i'm in e cab rit now. ye. sorry, htook lonr an i tught. , he wasesterday he liveslone. sml? ay, yep,ight. ve you, e. do you kw martharanklin? - no. don't realnow anyo. - she's ving a thinon frida to launch h new chas, you shou come. i'll p you on vite. - , i'm ok. i don't ally likgoing anywhere haven'teebefore. - mm, you havany wine (laugh is it too rly for ne? - i dot reallyrink. - huh? sorry, don't kw, wod you, wt about, do you wt some caine? do you he some? - no, no, sorry,'m jokg. ve got conut wat. it's a cir party it'she launcof a cha.
9:11 pm
etty sure it'sp he. whatre you dng? so frigi - you're not allod to tou me. - must touch y. - no, plse do notouch me - yeahyou go i ll... - nowhat? c'mo it's a cldren's rty. - benjin. you me. - [benjan] oh, yh, course did. - [stephen] we're e past. - [bjamin] wre not t past. hi, i'm llie. - stepn. - sthen is a comedia - rely? - i'm nofunny. - okaygreat. so is all que arty a young d we've l such gat skill i don't ink it's goa be a pblem. - [hry] oh, days. bei. - enjamin]arry? wh are- - yes. - aughs) o mate. - [billie] howo you two kn each otr? oh mgod, youid a filmogether. - hey,an, what up? - he i like ur cloth. - thk you. yeah, thk you. - yoknow, i inveed harryright? - are yotwo?
9:12 pm
- what wre doing oh, no. - harry'not someonwho liketo definthings or bspecificbout rds thatean thin. - ah, you ow, it's st good have soone yocan calln the mile of thday and , "there's some tabltennis bles in e local pa "a there's sports storright neby. "whyon't we t some batand ball "andlay tabltennis?" - (lghs) yea drink? o no, of urse not at aboutou? beerwine? - try not drink inhe week. why? - [sphen] voa coke? - [billi there y go. - [speer 12] i real like th it's somhing you nt to sion. - [saker 13]hank you - [bile] there noing i caget you? - they ha water? - ol. - goshyou're sll bigng it? - trto be co. (steen laugh - soy. - is he ay? - has a cgh. - i'fine. (slow sic) what is ? wh's happeng? ♪ w be so shy come answim in e park wh us ♪
9:13 pm
- [bjamin]ho's thatinger, blie? - [bile] good int. - i ne to make him nna be wh me? i'm ve lonely. - denitely s that toim. maybe losehe coat. it really od tsee u, to me you, hey. - sthen. steven, knew tha with a v - p-h. good forou. ♪ and don't wna if you n't come♪ ♪ don'tanna leave you here withim ♪ ♪on't makme go ♪ ♪ don make meo ♪ ♪ut you'rbraver♪ th you thi you a ♪ ♪ i caneet the monsr once aeek ♪ - can we sit down somewhere? ♪ it's ly now ♪ll the time he fa under t light
9:14 pm
- [bjamin] h old is he,o we tnk? [stepheni don't ink we suld dwelon it. - [benjan] okay. - tephen] 's very gd lookin - oh, go he's riculous. should he never ha left thflat. is is wed, look, he it is ain. ththin boyn stage. - yeahyou justike peop o are we lit andeak, don'you? ♪ oh oh oh ♪ oh oh oh - maybe should g m to talfilms like i'm somsort of scess aga. - mae you shld talk him befo just inase. - thatilm's all i'veot. just go d speak him. - n't he lgh at me - . - ay, c'mo why ar't you snding? - you , i'llold the rt. what forare you lding? ♪ i'd be ur toy ♪ i not the b you thi ♪ you wantn your le ♪ ♪ ian be yos ♪ ♪ i c be anytng at l ♪
9:15 pm
oh oh ooh ♪ ♪ ooh oh ♪ ♪ ooh oh oh♪ (claing) - thk you. - i thk he lood at me. - sure iwasn't middle disnce? - re, it'skay. he'sust a peon in room. - [blie] whas your ne? - noah - you ay? - yeahi'm justrying to find breath. - found it yep. - [bile] so, ts is the awarwinning njamin over. is is thshocking brliant, nh. - ah, likeoah. hi, i'benjamin hi, niceo meet y. - grt gig, m. - u're reay goodt singin congratations. - thks, we'rkind of a ms, but.. no. you re very ean. ry tightvery sol. anyou're fnch too, at's excing, isn it? - ye, i suppe so. - m a big n of lesis. - oh. - noah'studying muc at gui hall. - oh, ally, wo
9:16 pm
that's t good on isn't i have youad any dgs yet? you shou come to screeni withe of benmin's fi. - yes,'ve made film. i'm a fi person. - what it abou - mynabilityo love. i'fine nownd we'reriting a musil about pression aryou hung? wehould t maybe ther thantanding d talkin out everody sitting king rou. i know aegetariaplace. - i'vegan. - me t. we shoulget marrd. or wcould ju eat some van thing - th have veg dumplings. - well, we should get dumplings then. you ke dumplgs, don'you? - ah. dumpling - i can'eat dumpngs. - i'llee yout the (mbles)? - e (mumbl), what a rief, yea - ay, and ur otherriend? - yes, great news, dumplings. - oh, go - at was hrific. - , what w? - put yo number there. okay. (slomusic)
9:17 pm
(trainngine roing) - [benmin] dumings. [stephenyou did . - enjami i just pt sayinghe word mplings. [stephenwell, th's hoyou get mplings. - (laus) sorryit's my ugh. thincan beone. - u shouldrobably lk to hiat some int. - i think we're ne. he askede about ese parts. withour sist and her friend - [steph] maybe st wantso know me out aspagus. - enjamin]kay. i'm gonngo to thtoilet anthen on e way ba, ll say hlo and then'm gonnask him move inith me. - y. - oh. llo. - rry, was getting bod at thether tab. - yeahit must rrible dn there. - so, ll this de to . - uh, ohstephen d i were justalking aut the lhts.
9:18 pm
- actual, uh, i'm nna headff. - wherare you ing? - soy, i'm just tire i'll gethe next one thgh. - i'll lk after m. - no's looki after m - [steen] makeure he do a wee-w beforbed. - what do u think going toappen, sphen? 're justating dulings. - [steph] okay. ght. - nigh(laughs) - so. (lghs) why are u laughi? - oh, yo band arso sweet - yeah, ey're co, i know ey lik you. really? - ah. - well that's-- that's very good. um, all right, well, i guess we better botho to our respective homes and sleep, right? - ye. n, how di see yo film? - ohyes, yea i n sort tt out. i kn the peoe. 's in twweeks, a you fe? or hopully you'll be fre shou i give u my numr? - yeah, re. - okay okayshould iet it up ter, or pe it inor?
9:19 pm
- , i don'know, ju in. - oh, ay. - ye. - [benjamin] all right, right. (laughs) all right i think that, i think that's it. is that it? - yeah. - great. - perfect. - okayuh, shou we, uh,ug? - aughs) sure. oh, oh, d great siing, by e way. i s, i wasemorized - be carul of th car. - en] oh, ah. soy. (slow sic) (phone rging) - miss malready?
9:20 pm
uh, s. um, ah, i ju need to gure outow to dohat. and whe do youive? or do yowanna-- you nna comeack to m i'm st getti off t bus. (keys jingli) [noah] o do you ay? - enjamin]o, no, verbadly. can jugg. (cat meong) - oh, u have aat. - s, here, have a t. doou want mething drink? don't rely have ything you wansome wat? - yeah, ah, sure "what is person? oh mgod. ishat not gh enoug - [benjamin] wl, i haven't ad that, just thoht it was good queion. whare we, u know, o are we - yeah - doou wan see a biof the fm? uh, ye. you can ll me if you thk it's a good. okay. [harry] 's your ntasy.
9:21 pm
- enjamin]kay, all ght then rit. - [harrytell me at u're gon do to m - we, i, may upset y. - how? - with my, uh, you can't talk. you're not allowed to talk. maybe i should gag you do have a g? - at happe if i ta? (laugh - my god. what? - ohsorry. i. - c'mon. - i n't knowow i'm supped to be - he try to voice. - we, what vce shouli do? - scotsh. - he we are en. (laughs) - [harryokay, mae t an oldoman. - here we are. - stopaying he we ar we know where we are. would it be better if i tied you up? - no, no. i'm gonna go out and i'm gonna come back again. - [har] okay. - llo.
9:22 pm
(noalaughs) so wt do you ink? fny? sexy - bo, both. you lookind of ein. - rely? yeah. - you likelves? ybe we suld kiss that a od idea thattage in r lives? - ye, okay. - soy, i'm ahild of vorce. - too. - and gan. this ia dream. you wanto talk about the divorce? - not really. - i was 13. - i was five. - do you know it wasn't your fault? (kissing) whe do youant me? - stopalking. - ok, okay. ke talkingno. (kissing entiment music)
9:23 pm
- , i'm rely sorry my m's cominover so it's obably bt if you're n here wh she her - oh, alright, yeah. - it w so goodo meet you. - tephen] re, sure - um - tephen] well, ybe it's te i met ur mothe hmm? - [steen] no, ll be, i'lle quicke - ol (laug). - [steph] yeah, th wa- that w it. that wasum, what whato you thk about, uh, maybwe shoul.. would yolike to t me dinnesome tim - wh do you an? [stephenwould yolike to he dinnerith me? - my god,'m seeinsomeone.
9:24 pm
- oh, rit. the tor. - umyeah. whwon't th little shitext me bk? - i'm re he wi. uh, coolokay, um - i ve you. i n't, u it's joke. - yeah, got it. - ah. - shoulde maybe t te benjamiabout th just 'cae it's, um.. - [sphen] ohyeah. - it's pbably no good ide so. [stephensure. yeah, go ia. ye, well, i'll misyou. - is thaanother e? [stephenyes. cool. umsee ya. oor slamng) iano playing)
9:25 pm
- he - hi sorry, ias just aring atou. i'm njamin. - hi bjamin, i noah. - whatbout allhat sex,uh? (lghs) (pying pia)
9:26 pm
- what w that? - , i don'know. i ke your ace, it'sretty co. - enjamin]s it? take anying you nt. doou want piano? have piano. okay, this ia good pridge. we're l going ve a lovy time. what your ty? or whado you ually go r? - i-- always up with gks like u. - [benjamin] o good. - sh. - whatappened? - oh, there was a manager at the party, ju said he doesn't want to nage us. - [bjamin] o who is thiguy? is -- - it's quite a big deal. - oh, we, i don't know if th is helpful,
9:27 pm
but external validation isn't everything. ke, what importa is that you kn that yore great - yeah, at isn helpful - okay. um, i think you'll get another manager. - yeah, sorry, i just-- i just don't want to go home yet. - [benjamin] well, you won't. you mustn't. - okaylisten. - [bjamin] oh, no. wt? , you dot have to eat the pridge. don'let me pssure you in porridg no, no. , is it- ist weird we carry onanging o? if youave stuf to do, il go. i've gotothing. no, ah, go o uh, wh should do witour live - we cld-- we uld get someushrooms - magic shrooms? or jusmushroom - mac mushoms. - uh, yeahhat soun-- th sounds n. let'get somef those shrooms. - ye? - -hmm. - co, so witthe porrge? oh, fuckhe porrie. nono, wel eat thporridge okay.
9:28 pm
oh st (laugh. - [benjamin] that's thick, oh my god. the continental eakfast ing. don't understand what that means. what does that, i mean, what-- what a they trng to suest? oh my god, where's she going? - [noah]here's s going? - i'm gonna have to talk to her. is that okay? - yeah - oh. are you thirsty? - yes. we will get water, how will we do this? shop? okay, sh sh. (sw music)
9:29 pm
- is one. - you want those ones? - yeah. - enjami hi. - 's one pnd twent - now th sounds asonable one pountwenty. there yoare, money r the water. monefor the ter. (chuckli) oh mgod, we n't go ishops. - [noah]ou're que funny. - [benjan] am i? - [nh] yeah. - [bjamin] ised to be ally fun en i livedith someone who didn't laugh and i goa bit ruy. - [noah] why did you live with someone who didn't laugh?
9:30 pm
- [benjamin] i don't know. i thought it was better than dying alone. (laughs) ♪ i't iweird ♪ ♪ i't it stnge ♪ ♪ en thoughe're justwo stranrs ♪ ♪ on is runaw train♪ ♪ we' both trying to find a pce in thsun ♪ (cs honkin - [phographer]ver here to yr left, anks. smile. (camerashutterin you all ght? - ye. - oh, hi how are u? - yeah, m okay, anks. ah, yeah are you cited abt the fi? - why are you beinweird? - wh? you didn tell be did you - no, dot worry, m not goa. - 'cau you knonothing' ing to hpen, rig?


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