tv Earth Focus LINKTV May 12, 2022 1:30am-2:01am PDT
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across9 statesith 55 buffalo hds, collectily the lgest herdn the united stas. e bualo arvery goo stewardsf the la. ey're a turally miating anal. they d't just stay inne area d ovgraze. th're natully migring. if they t enoughoom to rm, th'll moverom areao area. thcattle a the oth animals,hey'll orgraze if youeep themnly in one aa too lo. soou d't have to take carof them. th take ca of themlves. they're very har animals. anwe just d a real seve winter is past ar. a loof cattlwere los but didn't se any buffalo that weher. they jt mainta, and th'll justurn theiheads in the sto and go tot, and ty don't.
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tu awaand turnheir ils intohe storm like desc animalwill. - you thk about e buffal ing the ggest climatchange apter as an imal in e world, d i meanor centues d thousas and thounds of yrs. now 're in aage thathey're gonna ve to adt to thi d theyan easiladapt beuse of tir hair. thr hair iso diffent than aow hid right? 's four mes morehick, but ey also ow more hairor the wter. then theshed it r the summer and so is just aatural inlator bo ways. you looat it ecomically homany cate do youose? w much me feedo yohave to ed the c comped to a ffalo? and thenhe water tuation o. buffalcan gowo and a ha days withoudrinking sohey're jt so mu more relient. (sofmusic) - today 're gonn ve them imals
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iinniis the blkfeet word for buffalo. and we started having dialogues, meeting with elders, meeting with o young pple, and ju talkingbout the retu of buffo. (childreshoutingnd laughg) (soft sic) (speakg in blafeet) - i ally leaed in myife th if weere to tch ouyoung anythi, it hado be han-on, it uldn be from book, and itouldn't from lee. they h to partipate in activy. you uld prepe them, but ey had tactually particate in i
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so the sdents... in therades fr kindgarten tthe 12thrade, ere was ny needs thathe studes had, antheir tral identity s one of the most rongest ed thereas. (chaering) and they. st took to it li duck to ter. th wted tonow everhing. (laughg and chtering) - our ster tris kainai d siksik and soone of tm have a bfalo her so i staed askinsome that elr ladies who thought wod probablyave know how toutcher auffalo. d i said"have yoguys eve beeno a buffo harves" anthey're ke, "no, this iour firsone." and at was kda heartbreing to m that thawas theifirst on and theye like 8years ol so tt whole neratis of noteen able
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toven be pt of that buffo. elicate sic) (children shouting) - we have these songs with us yet. we mayot have e ceremoes.. t the sos are stl with u and weeed peop know the songs. because 're nogoing to be arnd all t time. i'm years o, and i dot expecto here anher year of ourreator wask to be wi us toda our anceors, our ople in e past ve left some thgs to foow. (shoutin we ask that yo will dirt us. (chantg)
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(soft sic) ve been er here little or 12 yea now, and it's been a long road for a numb of reass, mostf them psonal. t what mivated meo get he was i wawonderin why we wen't abl to u ourwn nservati techniqs. i'a 200 geration fmer. 200 genetion fmer. yoknow? and so alls i'm doing here is i'm learning a new language. i'm learning how to speak in the language that i've been taught here so that i'm able to have the people on this side of the fence understand where i'm coming from and at the same time take some of the goodness at i seen sciencan bring itack homeoo. it's aough traition fome, and it a toughransitio foa lot ofative amicans who wish to io e sciences, because there's this... constant tensions that exist within yourself.
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you wa to help, t at theame time u do notant to exploiyour culre. d so it'a balancg act. that onhere? leme see. me on up it'sot cominup. (chatting) i waed to stt f thisresention by firstivg you so- k you toake someeeds off ofhis cornight her at you'rholding re is not ju corn, b it's li. thiss the romap at we'reonna folw. and th particur map righhere is callehopi proecy rock th is the rld that weurrent live in and you' a bunchf ople goi this wa up thipa right he, and you n see whe it end anwhat thiis telli uson a reashort brf, is that a lot of us are gonna move away
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from our traditional values and our tritional stem. and yoll see dn here there's is old gtlemen with h plantin ick and s plant, d his plts throu here, and thisine contues to gon. anso what is is tellg us dowhere ishat if wif we beeve in ourradition practic and we pass it on to the next generation, we'll be ablto continue on into the next world. the main reason why wee having all these barriers is that indians have the right to occupancy, buthey do t have t titlto theirwn land. people d't know th, but weon't. we'rtrusteesf the federagovernme. anwhat is is wholeuling based on, thisig rulin it's bed upon e ctrine odiscover that mns that u were disvered. th's our land now. you can live there, but we still own it. so what is indigenous agricultural knowledge? what we're saying here is that it's applied knowledge for raising food and other agricultural products thats ground in indinous belief systemsnd practes
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which ve been ti-tested er milleia. i removethe wo "a" out there because m not ju talking st 1,000ears. i'talking llennia. so i talking to the plural for of that, over 2,000, 10,000 years. so this is contour farming. this is what it looks like. this is keeping soil erosion from happening by plaing perpdicular. we'vbeen doi the samthing. buunfortunatel these a ientifally valated. these prtices arnot, so we d't get fded for at. mas no sen, right? and i asmyself, wellwho came up th the method first? (audience laughing) you know? 2,000 versus 75 years. i wonder about that. there's a great guy out there named leopold, and he says that he's the father of conservation or someone calling him that. i said, "well, that's your opinion." a lot of our knowledge has already been drafted and assumed a different type of name. "no till agriculture". we've been doing that forever.
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there's a new one called "regenerative agriculture". we've been doing that forever. (laughing) look the pictures right here. 1901, 2015. look at the continuity. it hasn't changed. you don't see a $100,000 john deere 14 row planter out there. you see little hopis out there with their john deere hats and a planting stick. (group laughing) that's all you need, right? so this is what my whole presentation is really about. it's about our survival. it's about survival. 's about moving on into t next geration soittle ki can holcorn like ts 100 yes from n. with tt, i want thank y. (audnce applding) hatterin it was a very good experienceor me, but it w a very uelingrocess atimes.
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itas almosas though had to ove thatur techniques re valid thatur ancient cservatio teniques wked. part my thg and part othat who process was just bringing the recognition back to the people who originally founded it. (bds whistng) we don'tave peect knowdge, we don't havperfect ience, but we've always been adaptive. i think menominee's history has been adaptive to resource manament, politicaideas and learng how toeal with the
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but so stayi true to culral identy. and at's the secr of thislace. this is ancesal map, bere europn settlent. d this rresents out millioncres her betwn 1817 a 1856, thugh landecession.. 15 milon acr shrank to 23400 acres the 23400, justbout all it is maged. the federal gornment, theyelt thathe best way fomenomine to assilate to the rt of socty wato become faers. but overall, the interest really wasn't there. (soft music) the menominees, being woodland people, their real desire was to keep their land forested.
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d with tt being id, theyetitionewith the fedel governnt allowome harvting of some the liv trs on the forest. (birds whistling) - back in 1908, the menominee tribal enterprises was established in neopit here. and basically it was put here to supply jobs for the menominee people. before the saw ml, ere wasn very much oppounities r employnt. all e lumber that's pduced he comefrom theenomineeorest. meminee fost is opated on sustain yield manament sysm actually aised by cef oshko. he aisedhat if y start wi the risg sun anyou cut to the setting sun and take only the sick, dying, and the mature trees, and when you reach the end of the reservation
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you turn back and cut back, you do at, e trs would st forev. (birds whiling) - right now, currently there's more standing volume of timber on the forest now than there was back in 1854. so it is possible to have an economic harvest to deforest. if youo it in sustainae way, e forestan repla itself and u're notausing hm. (cinsaw buing) (tree falling) (chainsabuzzing) (tree lling)
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what we' doing ithis section a red oak svage. 've had me proems with thoak wiltungus diase. ifhe's a dame to some othe limbon a tre the fuus gets there and sically lls the tree whin one ason. if y're taki out ur low-qlity tre, youretter quity trees e remaing. soe have treesn the forest that are 150, 200, some even up to 300 years old, and they're still healthy, so we don't consider them for removal. as far as climate change, one of the things at we doere is we have intensive forest management, forest protection strategy in place. what we y to do curb an ouide thres and diases ch as oak wilt disease. (soft music) one of the ways to do that is to have a diverse forest with a the pieces there. on meninee we ve over differe trespecies, and want to maiain that
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examples would be our red maple trees. we have hickory in here. nice basswood. and we have some of the beech trees and other species of aspen is in here. so it's all a combination of trees growing. a lot of what you see in an industrial forest, they usually are more concerned with the value of timber, whetr ite one spies, li for exale red pe plantions inisconsin yore putng all yr emasis on e specie asar as a ng-term alth manemenstrategy it'sot a gooidea. havi a diver stand of fore like weo on meninee is your st defen against any ouide probms le that. - 's more an just timbern the fost. 's more an just e dollar aunt thatou get. the trees offer a whole bunch of other things that they don't put value on. and someday they'll put a value on what that tree is worth
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as far as carbon sequestration, clean r, cleanater, erion control, and all the rest that has no dollar value. i think menominees understood that a long time ago, because the operations were created not just to make money but to create jobsnd toaintain a counity. and you maintain a healthy community with all of these other values into consideration. (lauing and shouting) (phone ringing) - most companies will always have a certain tree farm or something that they have
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and that they grow certain species, anthen ty look athe mkets, and en the mket's hoon is speci or thatpecies, that's wt they'l haest out there, and en they' put it out. don't he that cice. we operate for thecology, fothe ecosystems whatevethey havplanned r regeneting theorest is wt we getere. so thas what's real the unie part about how this lumber company operates. what we do here is we don't get to choose what's coming in. the stuff is brought to us. we have to know how to use it, anwe have be veryreative aso how wee gonna rn it over a turn itnto mone wean't opete like e capilist societyoes. it was always the land first (soft music) - yeah, the millpond's been here forever. i mean, i remember when i was a kid swimming across the river and climbing up on the banks.
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used toump off the g piles ars ago whene were ks. viously don't aow th now. (cckles) this is pret much whe e processtarts rht here for eaking dn a lointo lumr. (machiry whirrg) a lot ofeople... ke it fogranted at... we have ch a lus autiful rest. d at theame time theyon't undstand why e has the struggles. weeed to te what the forest ges us, anwe need make th work. (machiry whirrg)
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we're nna be hereor ather... seven generations, the next seven generations. that's the goal is to leave something foour chilen and theichildren d it's pven over te, i tnk. if youook at a satelle image, you n see thboundari of the rervation and ars ago,he areas l arounds were wed out blumber bons, st clear-cting, wipi it out. - apanoh pecwan". at meansflows reatedly". it's aescripti of everhing thas going wiin the eironmentround us, thnatural vironmen
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e lifeood of t forest ishe rivere have h evything rolves arnd this dy of war. e bad thg is thait flows inrom the rth off ofhe ag fids, whic pis up a l of acculation differe typesf chemics, dierent tys of runf, bothatural a manmade thbenefitsf this fest thaton't getecognize is this water, ts hydroly cleanedy the fost. thesbenefitspread to all the unties aund us becausof the rer syste. the cleawater thathey enjo is a rult of ts forestere, these complete intact elder communities.
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byhe missiaries unl 1978. e moku hwa'a, hea'a moku." means "e island "moku", s a cano, "wa'a" "thea'a is aisland". we think of it as a canoe. we're in the middle of the pacific. you got to learn to get along. and everybody's got to pull for the canoe. (gentle music) agroforestry, contrary to popular belief, is far from a new idea; it's actually the old idea. people used to live off tree foods, rest plas. in hawaii thsystem w called (eaking haiian) whh means grofores. archibd menzies,he tanist a biologi
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wi george ncouver the originalnglish eeditions fit record in his gs to the ral londosociety thfact thahe'd see agriculture hawaii like hd never en anywherelse befo and thathese sysms we more abundant more productive than anything they had ever experienced around the world. he also added that the only thing left to do is to make plantation workers out of these people. the united states, through the illegal takeover of hawaii in 1893 to 1898, undermined hawaii's agricultural capacities. hawaii moved into this raging sugarcane monocrop production, as well as pineapple monocrop production, wherein they totally decimated the land. and organizations like monsanto, they got a foothold in hawaiian in the 1950s.
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these indigenous practices... disregarded by the americans from 1898 to the present day, have ledo the enronmenta deadation hawaii. (sawg) wetill havthe memo, anwe're woing on tryingo reestablish those od syste. food fests areesigned caure wateand holdater. foodorests survivin drohts. food fores survivempacts duri the gre storm whe agricuural fies in two-dimeional lis do not (st music) threlation inractive mponent
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the blogy of forest iquite dierent than garden an agricuural fie. it was important that weork with a residential zoning so that any experimentation would be applicable to a household in honolulu, in the larger, more metropolitan suburn areas the sta. wee lookinat tryg toositivelimpact sing-family dwellis ound foosecurity and od prepadness inn emergey situatn for eier a manade or a natal disasr. (soft music) when you look out over the central plain, the northern central plain of the island, these plains were once covered with food forests
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(faucet nning) - basilly, we' trng to reve ny of thpracticeof old d gettinpeople to rlize tha.. t everytng iinstantaous ke goingo the surmarket and tting yo food. it tes time. rit nowe have group harvesti kalo, wch is ta. food festry fome woulde integratg dierent crs in... mily property, so tt you'reot raisinjust thene item
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th you wou want for ur famil on o property with myrandpares, we havthe kalo the brearuit. we also had bananas. several varieties of banas. a little bit of everything. (st music) this rht here, thiss 'olena to us 's 'olen t that'surmeric. right he. this oneas a bloom and that part thginger fily. so tre's you brearuit rht there you casee somef the yog uits srting inn it. and thuhi, or m... is tt vine tt's eeping uon the te. ey're acally rking wi each otr.
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