tv Occupied Minds LINKTV May 26, 2022 6:00am-7:01am PDT
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- hey i'm valerijune. coming up on reel south . - [valerie] in the wake of the vietnam war, etnameseefugees wereelocatedo the tes gulf c st. languagend cultul rriers kt them apart om their new neibors d dispes over sh ing hadire csequen s. - we we tryingo stop a violence befe it hap ned. - [verie] "sdrift" on re sou th - [narrator] major funding for reel south was provided by: etv endowm ent, the national endowment for the ar ts center for asian-american media, and by south ar ts. additional funding f or "seadrift" was provided by the corporation for public broadcast ing, a private corporation funded
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by the american peop le and by: and othe rs. a complete list is available from p bs. [laid-back blues music] ["man done wrong" by valerie j une] [sizzle sound] [melancholic instrumental music] - om the binning there we probl s betwn americs and th vietmese refee fishermanalong e gulf c st. e troublwas spard by arges th the vtnam es olated uritten fishing aws and was fued by racism. - don't li 'em. [birds c ing] ey shoulgo back wherthey camfr om - sobody's gna probay ta care ofhose vtnam ese. - [reporte take ca of th . - kill 'em. [wat splas s]- we'vhad enou, enou . we'vhad it uto h er it time totop it th is our un try. [images clicki ng] [fire booms] [crowd che ers] - ite po
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r! [birdsawing] [waterplashing - like sdr ift. a matterf facti lovehis town.i have been re my whe li fewe don'tave a single r light. we don have asingle fast fo od. - mostf the pele tha live here, right in this a rea,that's wt they d to me a living they worked on the wat er.[car whoos hes] [melancholic itrumentamu sic] - ese a loof the so good drs onome shrimps.
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yoknow, ba when you coulgo out tre and dragor 30 mites d have 6 pou ndor 10 mites and ve 600 pounds oshrimp, u kn ow - small communities always are kinda pretty tight knit. we they began to come in, the vietnamese we really didn't know what to exp ect. [mal cla ngs] - don't wa to be afisherman inietnam. real the truthi hate cause wh i go wi my fa er heook me gwhen a gd day, i t seasicvery b. [lau s] even rht now, stl t seasicsometime [boat enne roa ] - one. [tp clacks] fit one ofhe day.
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au ghs] u have breakhis fishbecause 's too big. yobuy two ap u buy one tr se mon. age spla es][boat engine roars] [fish fls] [fherman gnts] [wer splashes] [cbs cla ] [boat gine roa] watch mo than 19 right afr the faly move om north vieam toouth vie am. [triumant instmental mic] [announc] the evuation north vtnam is ogressin wiin the tms of th geneva armtice agrme nt. the refuge are pasng thugh a chkp oint ataiphong fore boaing e frenchhip esra nce. a very stable name f this vessel withts promi ofa moreopeful f ure for these unhapppeop
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. alreadthe prosct is ighter wh food f every dy to susin them their jrney tohe southnd security. renewed stile acons against ited stas shipson theigh seasn thgulf of nkin ve tay reqred me to orderhe mility forces[wind ooshing] of t united ates ramatiinstrumeal mus ]to te acti and rep. [gs bang g] [bbs boom] - when ias a kide he a lot obombing,a lot gunfirend all that, but ey were ming our vla ge.
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evertime thehave a fht ybe fivesix mis away ne day we wa go seewhat t heck th look li. you ow, kid huckle . [mancholy strument music] dropped bomb on em. they deaand somef them bones, y know like that. anone bodyave rope on e neck i thk the guwho stilal ive try torag him ay somethi like at. fosome rean they lt him. - the ty of saon was renad today. the victious comnists wh forc the
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cits surrendersaid theapital south v tnam hencorth wilbe knownas ho chminh c y. [helopteroars] [yelng in a reign laua ge] - i s nineears oldwhen ieft vietm. th was like in 1975,right en the cntry fal evybody wachaos, running r their fe. wead about maybe 2 peoplerushinto all t boat. most of em we don't ev know th. theyust despate, st like are trng to lee the co try. we go tohurch, t priesttell uthis amecan ship willick youreople upout in t open water. weook all day and can'find noby, nothi.
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that nit real srmy, have tourn back t anchorown. mebody ithe landiththe bigun, younow,righto my bo and boo it'sight nexto my at. i got uthere anchop the anch and too off. and ter two ys dock alady, d we see lot of ght. we thoht we co to thethaila or someity, y know. xt day t sun me up, lta ship.we talng aboutmaybe -1ship. ameran cruisship, ta comen and picks l ofs up.
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thathip have numb oo7, i member i cat forget i we are vy fortune we t pickedp rit away soons we lefthe haor, so [wd whooshg] - [reporr] the feign ministraon said day will ne more th 500 llion do ars er theext two ars for out 130,0 vinamese rug ees.[pensive instrental music] - was in vtnam buthey ghta staback oveth ere. weot more oblems aroundthis nghborhooas it th jobs d everyt ng.- when we ha a milli peopleut of work wh we ha our ownpeopleaxed to e hi lti'm st very ow to just opethe flooat es. - [journist] thewill beunder arantineor whilebecauslocal auoritieswant tbe s e theye not caying fectiousisea se [reporte immigraon ofcials coeded
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today "se are nowelcome re. "theare perhs corrup ofcials, pty thi es"bar gls, prostutes, rcotics al ers, "and perps even me counist vi con g. we have reed wit themhat the w arrivals cod be disrsed as enly and uitably possi e roughouthe unitestates avoidingin parcu la resettlent in ecomicallyhard-pssed areas. - th guy comfrom balmore. leon rutnberg, hbuildi a piing [mumblesin sea ift. the worky beginst wn for t crab trpers in this xas fishg vill e. the vietmese camhe re the invation of leon thenbe who ns acrab-pcessinpl ant. th went toork in e plant cking crs,a job whh pays out $4a day. ensive itrumentamu sic] [crashells c
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or whaver, relive theneverybodbring evybody then. seadriftet crowd. [boat gine roa] some of e guys i gruming thatore people getting in the ind's cpetition wn you'retryingo raise fa milyand mang a living. 's gonnae a tural coetit ion, en betwe americans and all is competi on. all over down acss fr brownsville all the y to louia w a lot ovietname loa fishern. [boat enne roa ] [psive insumental sic] - myarents, en th came he theyad startut a tou l ife. just nd of li isola in theouse, mo of thtime. we d't know ere go out
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the road, lost, wlike ina diffent wo d.[birdsaw in - there was sepate situa on. weinda didt inrmix reago od they ain no tting arnd t ha the crabng plt was outh ere.and maer of fa, there s a t of rat old tra ers and l the vietnase ved there. differenculture,differt langua, [chucks]you fe lost soti mes. but leaste have se ple to staand work [boaengine rrs] evers clk] - when y're suosed to ve on shrimpi
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in dayte, 30 mutes bore nrise and 30 mutes befe suns at's wheyou hato q ui d they ner q ui th just woed and worked a wor ke anthat oveished ouba se. [bel chime] someame waens ha toldomof the pple thathey woulgo out thereand wre some vietname tic ke for brking somof these aws. and th they wod writethe tiet undergu yen. ll, whic a hundr ngu ye and theyould nev find th righnguyen t[laugh -- so the nt day thguys arright ba out t redoing e same t ng. [birds c ing] when thefirst stted out,they h to sellhe shr p. weot a dollar a pound, they would get 50 nts. en that way, we stl didn'tget riof 'em [ughs].we didt get riof ey stillta yed. [mecnism grus][chainratt
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le - heard sttlebutt truer false don't know that t governmt had ga themoney to y their ats, t them owelfare d ve 'em fd stam d this a t hat.none owhich nody's ne that r me, yokn ow. i had to b my own at arn how to shrimp. ok me ma yearso len how toake a li ng. - wh they brght ese vietmese in re th were getting althis fe moni from thgovernment. ani couldn even gea lo an i sad it, woed and ved, word and ved, besis raisinmy familysaved anwork ed filly, i sed enoug moneto buildy own boat.[speakinin a forgn language] [wer sas hes] - i remeer one guy, he came outf his whlhou se americanishermanand turn his at towd those opand he a shoun upn the r.[water sls hes] anan ak-47ent t righ throh his cabin.
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[laughs]nd he's wn onhe floorprrt. [fish lash] he on the dio tryi to calthe coasgu ard. course,y the time thegot ere, thgun's inhe wat . so w there ientions? whcertaiy therwe re [fish flop] [crate bgs] - tell l n, "lend some moy toet me stted, "likboat [mumbles crab tr ap i pu200 trapn the war. wh i come ck there arno trap ft. nothing,ot even one.[boat gine roars] so called li ce. they com d they puon
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the paper sothing ke that. still i st all mtrap i can't ab no more. still owthis guyoney d i don'have no b. so tell hi "i gottao back tworkingat theock for u." he let work athe dockgain [chkles]. ngine ros] work athe do for a while ansave enoh mo ne to buy eugh trapthat itart again. - nterview] so youhink mebody c your trs? - , i kn . i n't thin i kn somebodcut it i don't think. [if fs] [car who hes] [dr rales] - ed to bud boats wasn old boat-building barn. lotta those are just relics or some of 'em are rely expsiveuns. elancholmu sic]that'se in vie
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am. that was my medals only to 37 yes fome to get 'em, but finally di [protests chanti] everyby had bad tastin thr mouth out vietm. our reception was just terrible. we get off the airplane, these [mumbles] actually spit at you and wave picket si gns. we were **** on, and if you have to bleep, you bleep it, but that what haen ed. - we h to go tviet m anour boys g killedup the fightin 'em d then ty ought th overere to t sta tethat w a no-noor usfor all eric an i didn'teally wa to e anymorvietname.
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[reporte america fishman denyaking trble for e vietnase but ey don'tide the fact the rese havinthem h e. - sure, we don't nee'em he . weave all e fierman we eed. more thaenough fherman.- [repter] you likeo e them g [wat splas s] ye ah. bui wouldn go steal tir potsor teatheir boats upor notng like thatand i uldn't want body elsto do it. [melcholy inrumental mus ic] - billy joe and his brothers and uncles they all crab bed and that was their livelihood was crabb ing. and to them, it was their livelihood, it was importa nt. - i kn his broer doc ain. knew t old man himself billjoe's daddand all,b.t. ain, knewim w el th were instriou theyorked ha. - re's a pture odad, i looklike at ristmaste. thers no dat or athing
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on it. but th's h with hihat on he was verproud ofis skill and beg a boataptain. he was good prider. i know tre's a lot of sugglingbut wetill hade need you kn food, clothing,a place l ive, d he madsure it ppened. - he was a happy-go-lucky person when i knew him. you know life can change peo ple. you know when you're not making any m oney or y're gointhroughhard tes or whev er peop don't g so ha y. - sau,e in the[mumbl] thing ke that. - [ierviewermari ne. - marinen viet nam. sau brotr, he maied, t him, s, he notmarrd, singl man.
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i know hhe veryquiet rson, dot talk. make a ke, he just laughyou know [wer splashes] [mumbleswas likable pers as gd as anynd i gue he w upset bthe crabbersand althat ande had bullet s eak. he was aused of tting some tir on a vinamese cup in ont of t hardre sto . - m not the buthey comhomethey tl me he ked the re anhe stayeright there. anwhenhey comeut en he sting righthere. biy joe hetanding ght ere, he ll he did it [wheels ang] ater who hes] - sotimes hehreaten us"hey, u gotta t ouof to, get aw from here. ou gottaov e." lieve me told m, " ** you, ain't moving nhe re." 's notis town,it's n his water. [onous insumentnalus ic]- thcity pla i'm re invesgated m. i don'rememb him ing arre ed. ater spl
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hes] - l that threat, weave to sething to prote ourselves.[waterurgl es - we esced from etnam from theoat already. we tradeor deathto theife, reay.he tri to pushs ou really t ri gh soe don'think wedon't ve no ts bui think got lot of guts. i have aarabine and i ve a colt 45 i don't ow whereau gohis, ion't kno t my, i ught itrom walmart. [bir cawing]
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- billjoe, hecomplaed to mehe says, "ty're crowding out uphere ithe water." [boat enne roari] [bds caw g] it's anwrittenode. [grts] you've t a apline o h ere, say yore comindown her maybe yoget 'em least a hundreyards, y k dot rightdown bide th .give 'em somsp ace. [boat gine p rs] - the vinamese ty dinot knowhe bayso hown earth uld youknowhere t crabs are. the ly way y can ow is yo see whe the other cr tra a re - th can put crab tr righnext to ur crab ap.but ouin the b fo50 yearswe ha't been ing th at. it wasn'illegal, it just moral, according the guythat ithere first. obviouslthe
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vietmeseeitheridn't kn t hat, di't know r custom and e way thgs was done or dn't careor whatever. ey needeto ma a livin t oo. - i dot know wbrking a rule or ey breakg a rule sotime i w there fst d they ce lar and th say"h, it's mterritory." irds cawing]who teitory ist, ait nobody ere. they juswant youut of the. th don't wt you there, tt's it - he saione timeim anhis wifeas out tre and th had wor on the ter. thvietnase suppodly andished mac te and threated himout onhe wat .it was somethi like abo a m on beforehe shooting haen ed. oat engi roa rs[omius instrental music] - weere
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out ading to one oour li s th had beeleft e day bere bai d to dump thcrabs and reba 'em. - i was nning myrap. u, he ca to me, say "h man, got a prlem." i say, "what?" - sau n had pu his nes inetween the es of ou thateren't cut. [wer splass] knew meone else's pot 'causee knew ty weren' his,which de me fe likeither hi pot t the on that were c, you know or he cut a w and it was tended tinstigat st the ft that h was tting 'etherewas annstigation. dad, heent alonand cked sauan's potup and we went and fod him.
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weust pull uand my dad procded to tl him, very angly, whathe wasad abo . u van sa he didn't sak eng shand soy dad stped e of thera ps. - he say"this gu soon i put myrap in t wat er "he ck mine'up andtomp m, everye of the" [ten instrumtal musi [bir caw in i ked him,whicon e?he say"that guright th e." [wer splas ng][boat gine roa ng] you coldust hearthe enne noi goyour atttion fir anthen youook arnd and u could e althese boats,and th were cong atull speeat us. three ofs came tthat boa weircle s boat, have a littleirl wi him. [wat gurgl ] - ause the were fi boats and therwere oneo two nat theow of ea boatith machetes ying
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to t over o the at, you ow. that iscary, ion't re how tgh you are. and da he had s knife one d, wavinit at 'e and it just a lding wasis bait ife, ways hadt on h'cau it was s bait k fe. - heot a bignife t, chopp my boatboom, om, bo . - i rememberhinking th weren'tust gonn geon the bt and ll my d, they we threating all of s. - shscared, guess, s cryi so bad tell ' "hey, op that rl cryin so b we haveo st op - e whole me he s gog in revse, forward, anin rerse, ba and rth to kp themfrom bng able jumpn the boat. rtunatel becausef all the agition of t water o of the boa that were in ont of u the wakeort ofspread ' a part st enougthat my d cod ram hiway ou now i member h hittingthe onon the ltand onhe right andthen wwere c ar
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until yocould sethe dockwhich uld makehem vi ble, and yocould ju see m fan t. so we st, we r home, and we cl the ga ward, ore callhe game rd atever w called. i ow i called 'ebut might cl him, too. - calledhe gamewarden you k impssion wa nothg was beg done and i an, nothinwas ne. - thers nothinhappen thim. - the chf depu jackavage and i, whenever allrguing a fighti over th river b tom,went uthere onarks d wildli b oat and to them the ulbe no mo troub .they better t theiract tother and uit. we were ying to op any violenceefore itappened and we didt succee [melcholy inrument music]
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[flags whoosng]- sau me in tohe boat mp y to takhis boatoutta e wa te is guy ce in d won't t him take theoat outtthe water. herapped h, all that. [wind whsh es] he gotway, he n home. [waterplashes]me a my coup friendsit inront of e ho use. watched ght thenront doo he aed me, "ere's thgun?" i toldim, "younow ere the n is." minous itrumentamu sic]so he n in the gr one, ruout. and i e some beding in his smach. i don'know frowh at.
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so i r in ther grab one a run o. just may happenone mite behinhim, it'sark alrey. sohen i ca to at stop gn i he boom, boo boom, bm. and see a gulaying tre. ansau righther on t of his uck. [inten insumental sic]- i gothe callnd by the time got in e car and got ere, thembulancewas piing him up. and after a few minutes, when we went out to the vietnameserail ers to look for the man that shot
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him, and he was already g one. arity haalreadytan him out. [waterbles] [reporte the kilng spard an imm iate anviolent wa of revengethat sawhree etnameseishing boats sunkn seadriftar bor. the homeof somevietnase have en bur d. - ings wer happing everhere. couldn't be at where's ey wan . and we fally conrged t there the bloade. the ad goinginto t crab plant keep anne from in g in anreally, keep so of e vietnaserom leaving.- that day seemed li ke-- - i remember that night, family came out turned over the tables and couches at the doors and g uns, and sitting in t house worried
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at the vt cong we gonna come geus. - th could'vbeen prented. our law forcemensystemjust aombinati of things. myusband dn't haveo die. beggefor he . - the whe familyas upt that t vietname wagonna co to thhouse and ki some re of them anthis andhat and e ot hebecausthey shobilly joe downike th . - ese peop they don't thk like s. theye just n our nd opeople. d they'rvicious,cruel ople and theye gonna ke angrab whathey w t anybody expen se. th've alrey went as far amurd er. - oh, it the pole stat n. i ess i wa supped to co in and poce offic pulledhis out a bag anshoved iin my fa to k me if it wasy da d' it was vy upseing and,s yocan image, this why.
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d that srt he wawearingwhenev he was lled. it se looksmall r such aig guy that he s, you know. the llet mar are not and thisne was uer the a. remembereading tt 'd raisehis arm tohield hielf,ay in o, man, ," [sis] en he sathe gu [dramatic strument music my son dd standi up f his rights and asong ashese t shoestays onhese two eet i ll do thsame thi rerdless othe co .
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- we're not familiar with this type of problem. we've never had it and i don't know how to resolv e it thout so help fr the deral gornme nt we hadne polican, or two, forhe city seadrifand the unty h probab six at e time athe sheri's deparent and ey just ally uldn't ctrol eveth ing. - someeople, a i prably wasne of th thoughyou're lble to srt a r right re, righ now. pele go toetting tir g un [wind ooshes] because e teions werso
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t ra th sau hadilled biy joaplin inelf-defense, ter aplithreatened himand ched him wh a kn e. - you kn, i dn't agr with itand moeople age with t. ensive itrumentamu sic] - yeah, the was so controrsy overt but, li i sai everydy had differenopinion. - we condered it mur r. mebody teaten myife, n i homand come ack,get a guand shoo 'em? i gus i ca th let h go. - en i hea the ver ct just losit. - people were ready to burn the vietnamese
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outand e aplin' weaising hell. - the were pkups allaround mhouse inort lavaca. walked in e house d i d the biy joe apn fa mid on my nner tab was five-gallon can of gasand double-brel shotgun. - they ce to me oking foa ring l der,wantinme to goelp torc and burn tm things own. - thiss the par out e kkk looking to cover.
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- o juniorigh baetball ges i hea th is justearsaythat ty've canled ou the kidsere afra to ce to seaiftor the parentswouldn let ' . d whenasketball games cat be plad on aount of is bad publicitand fear ll, it'sime r us to and up ando sometng about it. i rememb the meeng i remeer that thkkk waed tourn a bo in effigy. - kulux klanthey'renot inhis town to dturb anydy, theye he to see stice do. if that'been m [snes] up there that hadhot billjoe, i wouldn'te here rht n ow i'be in th pen. ense insumental sic] we left en we
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took the boat to louisiana. - i'm nosafeo walk over heranymore. i wind up in baltimore, maryland. - pretty soon they're gonna take over shrimping. it'she same y with cbb ing, w theye gonna art taking or shri ing.they alrdy got simp bos in porla con r, inmumbles]and portla conr, lockport. - [klaman] whi power! [cwd che s] - we'vhad enou. wee had itp to h'sime totop it this is r coun y. - eporter]any gulfoast shermen d resi ntscame tthe smal texatown of nt a fe to join the klaprot es - [jrnalist]aramility trning on
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thelyndon. johnsonationalgrasands outde dallas. [dratic instmental m ic]- and promise u that old govement [mule s] if you d't startooking out for e inte st of amecan citins first and rget abo these a ens and art thinng aboutthe pele that tting u in offic this entire gf co as gonna ba very, ry troued placeo li ve - yodamn r ht! [crowdhe ers]
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[wat babbles [pensi instrumtal musi - en i fir went down to lveston ba i saw the littleoats doed at sml warfs, athese lite harbs all around kean and sbrook, t as. anthey hadhese ttle forale sign the vinamese communitwas sayi "lethe klan have t fishi ." - [rorter] aorganizaon ofietnamesrefugees we into feral urt in hston t ay and ked the dge to ptect em from e ku klukl an. - would le to prott our li d we askhe feder courprotects us. - ournalis videape of a lan pamilitaryrainingcamp ite
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xas s introded as even ce [iges ick] photographs taken last month of a shrimp boat loa dedwith red and heavily med klan smen were alsintroduc as ede nce. [images cl ick] - the ruling that the klan paramilitary group violated texas' law and ended in injunct ion saying they could not operate in the fut ure. [melanoly instrumental mus ] [wat babbles elicopteroars]- i member wn th was l happeng.the mea was rely ally, ally on seadr t just a cist t own. [ige fizs] the town isplit by
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f eud. [ige fizze - ainst a oup they reg ar as a bun of forene rs. [ige fizze - fued by ci sm. [ige fiz s] - [repter] te care oth em. - ki 'em. [image f zes] - ey madit thisracialhing, li i s aii knowhat was it b i don't hink that the who pictu re. don't thk peoplere geing e whole ct ure when thejust say"oh, th's whait w as - i n see whe thesepeoplebsoluteltake ove e indust we ur our sl in. th've got good s rt. th're in t crabbin buness strong. ey're inhe shrping buness strg now. ey bout, as far as i caneter mine inexas in e last t yea rsthey bght over00 bos, shrimbo ats. ere's a- - [aience meer] excu me, r, ay say some ing? - [bo] y, you y. - we havheard alabout the billjoe ap n, we he hearabout the seood indu ry this is t whate ha come he f or. we he comeor pea and ying to nd pea . i don't lieve th is ing donet this mti ng. - o] okay,ould youike make a
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atement en? - just madmy statent. rowd app uds] wee not inrested ith is. we're terestedo y to stoa prob m. at is wh we're interest in. this is y everody is ere. - o] and wt is our prlem, ma'am? - [aience meer] to keep thelansmen out. that's o problem. - udience mber] and keepome pe e.- that the proem. [crowdppla ud - the ty counc, with the suppt of theajorit of t citizenof seadrift, not cdone of y orgazationhich maydvoc ator proke violee or whichiscriminates cause ofreed, cor, natial origi or se and y'a will suort e councion this,we'd le to he show of nds. rowd app uds] [bo] tha y ou. - anime a whe man iskilled ba
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vietnamethat brings public ity. and as twhether not m a trououemak er the adrift fhermen think th i'm n . ssibly tse that ll the adriftishe rm will thi that i am.- [repter] wou the an be he t oday ifilly joeplin hasbeen kled by jl sm it - i coul't agreewith tir polic mae one orwo this th they ood fo but threst of i could ot. didn'tven knowbout tha demotration t there. yore not gna hav it, yowill be re sted d taken j aiof coue, thereas a t of thrts.theyere threening to come backwitheveral hdred peoe anhave a mch and a t hat. t it nev materli zed. - i n't thk of onehing that thekk has er done to irove ath ing. a community wouldnever oop thatow. noay. [waterplas
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s] - [the] morning, morning. - w are yo - u tellinme the whole ing, you n't haveo brinchan ge - ay, thanyou.[custor laug ] i come bk here athe end '80 or ', i comeack here i likehe seadrt so i cannot leave io seadri. come bk here [uckl es [pensivenstrumenl mu si [bag thuds] what hapned, it s just a ft cultursh ock. you've ner dealtwith athing li this in yr enti life anyou dot know h to dealith it rabs ban [water woshes] slowly, startedthinki about it and
6:49 am
t over se ofy bitterss. this inot the ople were fiting.these e the pele weere fighng f or itook a ng timeto reaze tha[birdsaw ing] - they wked hard than wedid, tbe honesabout it theyrabbed rl hardworkedhe b hard. i'm not condemni 'em, all d to worit h ar - and time we on, th would wk with y and u would rk with em. [crab shls crack it w just shame but it tk so lon every noand then you t one orwo th didn't ke ser ce the vieamese didn't le that guy.
6:50 am
it'sot the wle grp of vieamese orhe whole gup of whe thaton't likeach oth, no. crappeclacks]- there'still fierman that sti don't le 'em oron't wt to hav nothg to do th ' em t i got to a pnt to y, "y know at ough is ou gh. "i don hate 'eanymore. like used inhe fit beginning whenhey firs brght 'em wn. i dot have tt haed no mo. crapper acks] [birds c ing] - they've kinda stayed their way d we'vkinda sted our ay t there's noroblemsgoing on that i know of. [water woshes] [crowdaughing][firewks pop][upbeat
6:51 am
instmental mic] elancholinstrumeal mus] ater babing] hindsighs a whollot tter thaforesigh think ofhings th you uld've de or u shoulde done orhatever,aybe thiswoulve been ffer en t it's t l ate. rowd cha ing] - i ame the treprene i ame the vernme the te and lal agencs. there wanever an meetg or a gatring communit intruction, ythi ng- i ner did len how tospeak etnamesechuckles
6:52 am
th did a bter jobof learninenglishthan i d learng vietna se. - oot, rightow u getting divorced d they'vgot brinng meators fr the c rts. d it's le, theydidn'to any of hat. nothin nothingand it justscal at and me tragi tragic ings. [wer splass] - r some rson, we t thugh in ts coun you ow, it's great cnt goa lot ofpeoplegood people but metimes u got one or t bad applebut a t of goo peop around you. - we le here rht now. we american.
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6:54 am
backand shs still ive to y. and what she said in this film was that and i guess it's got me thinking right now. she id that ctureis a gt to eveone. i triedo decidehow do mak e--how do iurn arou the gri? fathes killin to aift? [ies] i n't knowhat i figured at out y her thano find more forvene ss especial for sau an. still cat get ov beinmad abousome thisbut i ow enoh to kno that didn't nt thatto hapn either. itas a conrgence of circuta
6:55 am
nces and th he was so subje to, justs my fatr was. do i wisthat wedidn'tet 'em i soy fatherould ill ali ve i don'think th had tohappenven lettg them i inead of whing tha let meut it th way i sh thawe wouldot h av been iolved e way we were vietnam so that le had to get oboats anget ou that co try ju to be ae to ve and svi ve. that where iouldgo bacand change. [mancholy strument mus ic ♪
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[laid-back blues music] ["man done wrong" by valerie j une] - [narrator] major funding for reel south was provided by: etv endowm ent, the national endowment for the ar ts center for asian-american media, and by south ar ts. ad ditional funding for "seadrift" was provided by the corporation for public broadcast ing, a private corporation funded by the american peop le and by: and othe rs. a complete list is available from p bs. ♪ you're watchg pbs. ♪♪
7:00 am
>> this year for “bioneers" we did what we could to bring those visionaries, artists and activists who had the greatest influence on us, whom we look up to the most and whose work has continued to grow and evolve over time. there is no one who inspires me, challenges me, and whose example strengthens my courage more than the incredible playwright, author and women's rights activists, eve ensler. [applause]
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