tv Earth Focus LINKTV June 8, 2022 6:00pm-6:31pm PDT
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n beardino, e most pouted par of thenited stes. man 2: you can see it and you can smell it and youan sometimes taste it. n 1: thereightnd logistics industrys the primarcontribur. woman:hey tolde that mson d respirory issu. onof the doctors td me, no has to with, y know, e enviroent. whato we wan man: l's starto explor wh's reay haening in o city. the naative veus the tth. itoesn't matter homuch the economicenefits e no one'around tspend it woman: sce it's stly peoe of col in thescommunits thatre beingffected it, th turned blind eyto it. ma how farre we goa let is go? whave to t a stop this at se point.
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so typof breatng-relat lness, ion't necsarily like, asthem outght beuse i kn that fome when was a ki it was,ike, deep persona soon as tell th that i have i ey immedtely say"well, , you unrstandnhalers d bulizersnd augmein and alterol." let's theryou go. at was ne. one-tw 's not a about aieving for the kids. 's reall justbout bei able to particate and ve fun. [boy shoing indiinctly] garcia: was diagsed with asma befori was year old i rember jt wanderg hoital halays hook up to the nelizer anmy inhal. i real loved ring my be. t if it s farthethan, sa out 15 mutes' ring diance, th it wasn a go idea fome to go
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as a kidyou begito be, le, known ashe kid wh asthmar, you kn, the kiwho can' brthe or, u know, e kid you dot wantn your baetball tm. 1, 2, 3.ike this ah, ah, , ah... ling in thinland eire, not a loof people e educat what isctually e coition ofhe envirment. it been acally visle in termof, likehow bad e air quity actuly is. you can e it andou can sll it you canometimes taste it man: iyou're wking on ean air sues, yoimmediaty
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art to cenr in on san bernarno. sabernardino ijust eas los anges. it one of e most pluted, if nothe most pollut rt of thunited stes. u try toigure out wh's causing at air plution. you reale the frght and logiicindustrys the primary contribur. man 2: a in san rnardino in se ways igovern bthe aiquality wind thais what is owing them fromos angel. however, thealso proce eir own llution well. it h to do wh land u ross losngeles a southern california. many of those places, because of the cost of land, have been developed in san bernardino and riverside counties. martinez: you have a lot of local elected leaders who are allowing this to happen. it's probably some of the most explosive growth in warehousing in the country.
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thugh the rt at hier vels thawe've ev seen. wee seen dsel truc and her truc on peop's roads and , the has continueo roll. thoshit hardt by the pandic are t folks w are t hardesby this llution. they'rliterallbuding thi stufin peopls backyas. av: the effects ofir poution aractuallyuch more dramic and wespread an most pple undetand. you ow, withegard to ether r pollutn is assoated witasthma, th canc, with oer sor of health madies, the infoation isretty clr thatir polluon is a own cainogen.
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man: my n leonar, before turned e, he end up tting si and it s a cold en one nht just codn't breathe. , then wok him tthe gent carin loma nda and th they end up givg him, lik steroidthrough, likea oral syrge to ki of help his lgs expanand to help h breathe he had tt done sce then, like, about or 4 tim and 's 3 now. whenhey tolde that mson harespiraty issues started ying becse i got ared. i thght i hadone sothing wron and themy husbd told m "no, yoknow we've en takincare of m right.ou know,t's not thing weid." i asked em, you ow "wt do y think csed it?" one the docrs told o, it hato do wi you ow, the vironmen" so, st them nd of coirming that f me was shock. is is methg that ian't ield himrom becae i can' put hiin
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a bube. trainsould usuly run f abt, you kw, 5 minutsomemes if ty're fas but is one h been gog on foabout twminutes, minutes now,nd i don see it opping anime soonit mightit there and id like thone behi it, u know, d then tre ght be ather oneoming after , because i ink i hear anotr one cong aftert. yeah. avol: we he a surising nuer of scols and rks alongsidbusy roas and railines, anour rece research in the last few decades has shown us children who live closer to busy roadways, they actually had poorer lung functi and smaer lungs by vire of bathinghe a. it can aect theilifelong heth and t duratio their les. barrer there w times wre we d want toelocate ouof san bernardo to somewhere else because we wanted a better life for our child.
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but at the end of the day, i decided this is where i had my child, this is where i met my husband this is where i grew up. whato we wan pele: cleaair! barrera:hat do wwant? ople: go jobs! barrera:hat do wwant? peop: cleaair! rrera: what doe want? oplegood job barrera: was neverwarehat san rnardinoad such d air quity untiprobab, like wh i had my son 3 years ago. i starteto educate myselon what is ppening d then once i lked, couldn' lookway, sin it's stly peoe of col in thes commities th are bei affectedy it, which ishy you kn, i feel like peop don't rely care little b beuse if iwas a dierent demograpc, ielieve tt it woulhave beechanged long timego. ehicle hn honkin n: amazohas t to go. hey, heyho, ho azon hasot to go. wee showinsolidari to all the wahouse woers d all e logists worker acrosshe regio
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amaz has goto go... 80of the people re have mily memrs or kn somebod whworks in warehou or gistics dustry, it iving a uck, workg in a wehouse or worng neathe railad. our lus are nofor sale people: r lungs e t for sa. man:here's aot of pele here thahave famy member with ahma. ere's pele here whhave familyembers w havpassed aw from caer. and w there'a growin nsciousns about e issue and pele are srting toight back. one felswoop, lot of tse corpotions could tigate t issue o poution anthey cou create high-roajob sect. th is wh we'reutting ts baer up toy for. basically syolize, le, the rion and our ght. [vicle hornsonking] [peoplspeaki indistitly]
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av: diesel providea lot of por to movbig, hea trucks anbig,eavyehicles. in burni that diel fuel, it creat very hi ncentratns of ve small particle so smal at they n evade ny of the defense chanismse have our bods. once icrosses e air-bld barriein the lgs and gs in the cirlatory stem, it potenally hasffects o any gan to wre blo goes, whicis everyrgan in theody. garciaone thinabout pele
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inhe inld empires that li, the marial contions he will ma an orgazer or tivi out of justbout anydy. i grewp literay right the street from the rport d i can see,ike, ian see t planes takg off anlanding fromy pares' house my childod home. and then we also have our newly formed eastgate air cargo logistics hub, which is based out of the san bernardino international airport. its just gds comi and goi. and the in moverf these goodis amazo
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martinez: we have a case against the federal aviation administration. that's an agency that approves aiort projts. so, we filed suit challenging their environmental analysis at was de for th amazon airport projt. onday, my lleague o's attornei work wh finds thisne emailhere theaa was commicating rectly wh amazonbout how nyirplanesere gonn come in d out ofhis projt. sowe kind had thi"aha" mont. "aha they'venown thatmazon waengaged veryarly on this prect, yet th were hing i and filed thalawsuit the united stes courof appea.
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weere asking t court tstop thproject til ey do a lawf environntal revw. there's immenseower imbance becae you ha a compy like azon with finite wlth. you can'say thathese enties can'tfford . ey may n want toay to clean their plution and make isafer toreathe but at doe't mean they can do it anthey shodn't do . th effort trulyind of at people call did versu goath. comnity gros, ey're just, theye just mo nimble.hey know eir commity bett. ey're counicatinwithheir neigors abouthe has. the paion for n bernarno antheir counity, y know, azon doesn'tave that theyill nevehave tha
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gaia: thisssue in is regi in the land empe is so inrsection becauset hato do wi your physic health,t has too wi structul inequi it has tdo witpoverty d racism. definitely begs for attentn becausthe probm itself inot goinaway. ma for tod's meeti the's abt 5 topi that we're gon cover. are stly remders abo things aut regarng the rden. sandras sayinghat she' willg to.. this garn reprents, rely e promion of hlth, but nojust phycally, t again,entally. i'm jorgheredia. i am aardeneheret the garden ohealth. it's iortant f us
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to fd the placeshere we n-- where can mt each oer and coect withach othe just heang other people' ories anhearing eir strules withsthma, hring their ruggles th cance withbesity awell, wi high bod presse,because at's allonnected you ow, whenou don have cess to althfood, l of that pys in in the quaty of healtthat we l have a counity meers and a communy as a wle. thisarden isfor me, form resistae. 's a wayhat we can reay, agn, just and up f ouelves, snd up foour heth, and y to do at we n to impve our ality ofife. yeah, the nd's picng up a lot ofhe dust. man: i he my own ierest thgs that like to , too. one ofhem not aying in theirt too ch. [lghs] but i likto ce out an lp him wer from me to ti. i do enjoy theroduce thate bringsome.
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i was diagnosed with cancer in 2016. we dn't knowlike, whe i s gonna , how myif i was gonna imove beuse i s stage [wan speakg indistinly] herea: ok. [wan speakg indistctly] thomasmaybe th he connts wi gardeni becausee's able to pvide that.t's somethg that hcan do bause i don't thk he kneexactly what to . it'sot like there's a ole foods here, so, you're not gettingreat oduce. redia: ias worki at a wareuse wheny fe w diagned. you're working 10 hours at a warehouse. you're discouraged from interacting with other people. and it's a very lonely living. these warehouses are massive. i was moving throughout the whole warehouse and itas emp. it's like, i would--i wouldn't see anybody down the aisles.
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you knowthat was kind of t-- that kind ofike, agn, i was like, i waworking ere. i wa like, cing. le, i'm lking thugh thes aies, likecrying becausi don't ow wh the fure looklike. i'm ry uncerin what e ture lks lik hofar are gonna t this g we haveo put a stop tthis at me point man:here's t differe types of oleander. thatne, thers a bush. th grow in, like, tr. rcia: ohyeah man: her let me t this ee. i nt to pu some of th dirt ov her garciai grew o of asth arnd 15. i nd of hithe grou running as teenageonce i kd of li, undetood thai got myungs. ma yeah, s anyway, garciai have hartime acceptg that mdad is-- he going tough theame ing that experieed.
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ey thoug that th wer nna probly grow at way. hidoctor aually to him at, likethe envinment at we'ren is actlly actively ctributinto the decle in his abilitto breathe. man: well, i moved here in 10. in970, sanernardinwas stilregular mmunity. i've sn and nowe're he in '21,nd we go illionof trucktaking or our reets, tearinup our rds. litt by litt, befo you knowf youryes are osed, thnext thi yoknow, "w, look athat big warehoe. why a they buildingight her-" not en two les awaythey hav monster rehouse. and th's whereeople li. they ain gonna gany high. that'sood. [lauter] ill on o mind weould move, u know, d it might help me. it jus you kno you just ve to maka choiceyou know if igets wor, we mig you knowwe mightell out
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and ve somewre elsand try out. andres gcia: it'a big mo because 've beenerfor so long and a of our mily is herend there's much ros here. martez: we bieve thenly y we're nna get t of thi aiquality isis is we shift zero emsions, particully in thfreight instry, asoon as possie. thsouth cot air quity managent distrt is the ency thas responble for king surwe breat clean a in the rion. and sofor years,e haveeen pushing at agencto adopt wh's callean indirt source ruler rule trequire rehouseso implemt clean technoloes to clean up eir operions. n: i'm ao reminded that i reprent the lmington counity. y have a lot of the wareuses in e wilmington community, disadvantaged, impted
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counit n 2: andll of us trust not just [indiinct]. [iistinct atter] man: hou member,re you ady to ttify? man 2: im ready. as an ecteofficial i ar you thiss a pipeline. you mat happenere wi this bo move. i makehe rest ppen my city toda i'm accpaniedy to of envinmental justic adcates, oanizers, espeally, whve been puttg in theround wo in suprt of anndirect sources le. so, basilly, tt is anyind of logtic devepment wahousing at is er 10000 squa feet wod be responsiblfor theicarbon otprinand just the dieselmissionseverythi to androm the rehous as oosed to ior, where the has be none. buthe realy is thawithou this rulbeing imemente thing isoing to ange. the logiics industryill coinue to le the rion annothing ll ever t bett whent comes our heah. it doe't mattehow muchhe onomic befits ar if none'around tspend it thindirectources re, if that pass
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today it wld be the rst typef legislion, poly, that actuallynforceab. today, ty're votg on tha finay. woman:hose tru are sti gonna ben our frways anthey're still nna be spewin[indistit] becau nothg in this le gets d of diesetrucks. th'll be rlaced he by oth... rrera: don't tnk she derstandwhat thendirect soce rule ads becae she-- oh, myosh. rutherfo: that'shy i'll vong again it d appriate my. [indisnct chatr] reoso: we st have connect thdotsnd let start to dig into e employnt pracces. let start t talkbout the wag. let'starto talk out the tempary emplme. les start explorehat's reallyappeningn our ci and the narrive versus theruth. justhe attempts to g logiics to bresponsie for their otprint d what ty do to ourommuniti, 6+ yea. man:ith thatwould thclerk plse call e roll. man: [instinct]. woman 2:ye. man 3: yea woman [indiinct]. ma no.
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peopleboo! won: oh, vessa dgado said y. [cering anapplause barrera: so,he boardctually just psed the direct urce re. that st means thatyou knowall the rk at we'veone so f was hea and was appreciad and now,ou know,e can go oto the nt step, ich is trng to ma sure th it's gulated a way tt's safeor everydy. this is where, you know, built myife, prey much ani feel le this iwhy i fighso hard r my communy, because thiss my hom heredi so, if all areble to come gether a to reale
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thimpact tt we canll do byoming tother i ink we c really ke a dierence ohow thistory contins to unfd. avol: gulatorsre slowl stepng up ansaying e commity is iortant. e econom industr manufauring, tt is imptant tos, but so is the health and vitality of our community. alth, fotoo manyears s not ev at the ble in tse disssions and now is. [machi hissing anes garci it's diffult to envisionn enviroent for mily in n bernarno.
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's obvio that, le, the a is getting worse and i want to have children of m my own. it encourages me a it motivates me to find every single altertive lutiono that, ke everody can live a comfortable life n: "earth focus"s made possiblen part b a granfrom annray foundaon, a maaret a. cargl philanropy and the ange couy mmuny foundation.
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[water dripping] [indistinct chatter] man: just watch your steps, yeah? voice-over: most of the people that work here, they used to work at mines before. so when the mine decides to shut down, they have nothing to do but to go down there and dig for themselves. [coal crunching underfoot] man 2: we find that coal is our national resources. it's the only thing that can generate electricity at this point in time. woman: the owner
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