tv Occupied Minds LINKTV June 9, 2022 6:00am-7:01am PDT
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oñoñoñoñoñoñoñoñ - hey, i'm valerie june. coming uon "reel south." - [verie] this sll townin misssippi as a surising cim to fame. ♪ a attachéttac hé - [valer] the clton high schl show choir has won national champiships ye after year. - beg from a sma town, i n't th ink would'venown t t performi could ba care . - [verie] thr demandg rectorelieves t hem. - nepeopleyou're not undetandin whatt's gonnta ke. we wl do it l night ng ifhat's wh it ta s. - [verie] bucan they win g one mo t ime? - iteally gis you th couragto do anhing in fe. - all of these pple comi fromifferent
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backgro unds and rking fo thatame purp ose. it'so powerful. - [valer] let th musiplay witatta ch up next on reel south . - [annncer] major funding for reel south was provided by etv endowment, the national endowment for the ar ts center for asian-american media, and by south ar ts. [laid-back blues music] ["man done wrong" by valerie j une] ♪ [sizzle so und] - clinton is a small town in mississippiright tside ja son. it's a reay greatplace row . so of the ings youcan do iclinton are go tchurch, nt sh, and show cho . [cering] [upbeat sic] it's harto expla whatttaché ibecause
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wh i tell eryone iame om the sw choir rld, they immiately tnk "gl ." anthats nothgwhat i eerienc . wh i went rough wavery ecial beuse, you now, we we one ofhe numbe one ow choirin the w ld. ♪ ahh hh [david] 've beento9 competions nce i'veeen here withttaché a we havebeen nam grand cmp ion in0 of t m. - we'rexcted to the st and tlook the est. - in any given wee we're putting hours a eek. i mean, 's serio stuff. - exceence is e only o ion. - [all] wherever ile ads- [did] i'm nna enjoy thri de.- [a] i'm goa enjothe ri . - every year, we, you know do some competitions in the south but we pick one venue somewhere in the nat ion for the big coetitionof the ear. th year, is at loslamitoshigh schl in calor nia. our sort of rival, i guess you
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could say,for thlast dece habeen thisc hool namejohn burughs, whs fr burbankcalifo ia and of crse, thell be there asill twinurg, o o, and thenount zn, illinois. will geon b us becae they d't fly uthwest to jacks anymo re. thaturts so ere's not a ple big enough to get us ono we he tous tnew orleans over thr hours ay and then we will y to losngel es - [b] don't rget youid. - it wilbe many the kid firstime on airpl's jt so funo see ho mu their wld opens up to t visioof what out there. - 's kindaike our per wl of thseason, to sa - it'sinda evething all fourears hati feelike i'veorked for. - i'm st kindaervo us it's mfirst ye and 's a lotn the line. - if i lose, as a senior that would be pretty awf ul. i just don't wanna think that w ay - see, nwe don'tgo arod thin ng we're anhing gre, we jus know wt everyby else does d then we
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work all theittle deils sohat we c show at atever ty can dogood, wean do th t we n do thi thisthis, anth is. th's why wdon't fltuate in the rkings chbecauswery to cover everlast ltle detail. - i was at the time, teaching in special education next door to the choral departm entand my pncipal h callede in and asked me if i wld like e chal musicrogr am the progm was just almt defu t. i an, it w just dying. i s a gradte fromindia from t nor th so some the frids thati had at i graated w itthey h alreadystartea show c ir.and ey were havi rea ll od fortu with that. iteemed li the thing r me t do i wanteto builda chor progr .- it wasery unusl fo a small, conservative townn missis
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ppi to have something like t his. - they d not ink i wacr azy. i had e studenbody predent whwas stevstanfo . he was eremely pular d if he s going d o it en a lotf otherguys flowed suit.becaushe was cool.[lau ghs] - winonaarner fod seral of uthat we were hanging t in theootball cker rooand sa "h, would all be ierestedin beingn a showho ir?" weidn't kn what a show cir w asand sosu re. shtook us wn the hl and en we sa for h and she said"okay,ou're goa be part oth g up." i member bng in aclassrm within ona,discussi naming isgroup anit was o ious th we were taking this oortunity for inpuwhere sh didn wanna te it. and becae she said "welhat doou y'all thinabout tach é?" anwe're sa ng "att hé?" obously weept ving oth ide as and theninally, e got frustrat with usnd s ai "we'reonna be lled att hé. "y'a sit down." the firstwo year
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if u wantedo be in ta ché, yowere morthan lcome toe in.the thiryear, webegan toave audi ons. you hateo hurt peles' fli ngs. it's jt the wait is. ose peop whose ildren d not mak it myhone wld ring f thewall whei would me h om on friy anthroughsaturdaynd the w kend anthen i wld have veral conferens the ne w eek. i was onof threepeople msophomor year that actuallmade iinto e attachshow choir.i was rt of se as mratta ch [laughs] my idolsn attach wereendall spa rks d mary cwf or kendalwas just ready brdw ay.♪ whehe sang ng them lls i meanyou justanted toget upnd sing with im. we allanteto be ahis le vel. [iistinguiable nging] [audienccheeri ] ♪- the ar that i firsstar
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teit wasike ougoal in fe. weere gonna walkway with thachampionship anwe praiced, an practid, and pctic ed d practiceand wh we filly did n the coetit io i an, pele w er cryingand wailg, and w ping cause wead workeso h ar and can still bringup tt mery o at it fe like towin thatompetion and el like was an iegral part of the fit gr ou fr clintono win a jor ow cho competi ti anthen it nt on fr the . my ynger ster, whoas sen years apart from me, wh sheas in thshow cho evertime outf the teif youuys wento a mpetitio they ca b ackwith gd medalsnd i n't thinof a t e en that dn't happen.- just or an houago, thclinton gh sch lattaché show cir roed back to t ow - night inlinton, e hi school udents ay they areumber one in t cou
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ntand th have e rerds to pve it. - i dot know, 's justthe greast feeling.- th have trd very, ry rd to len everything th i, as aeacherhave wand to tea t hem and that just noalways the casen education. ♪ won'tou give the night [jazzy m ic] - yoknow, wethoughwe were ol. we h a smoke machi, we d "nparkinon the dce flr" in r sequin ownswithur jazz ha nds.i thinthe mostadvanc lightinwe hawas a blk li gh and music] ♪[audiee cheering] - in clion, it'sa fami aff ai thbrothewas int and en the ynger brother anthen theittle sier d then they ve on d becomeared and they ha kids and thos kids e in it d it ju perpetu es.- pants thatave en in at
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ché, especial the wom, just expect tt their kidsare gog to beg to singand dae at certain age d then y're justonna t ready r atta é cause at's wt we k w. [melw piano mu sic] the biggt chlengwas mo y. itasn't until, i would obably say lateight ie at a budt was even giv to attaché. we sll contied to fundraiswith pecans, th car w heof coue, the sdents d pay forheir ownut fits and we d have a w befactors at helpedto payor some the udents w could n aff or toe in there. - soone sponred me. i dot know w it wasbut somee sponsod me tookare of m accepte me foryou kn o i was d ther wano looki at, you knowthe coloof my skin or ythingike that. i was trted as aerson wh i waa memberf atta é.- a thd of thestuden were at east inationahonor so et had cerleader bandembers, udent council fice rs and thene had so peop that wod
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ne ve haveeen invoed or ev knowsome of ose students at they uld haveven ven themhe time d it beca like fami .i'm nogoing toay thatthere weren'ever pro ems t they wked as aeam anth how i t ght wathisas a team, jus like footbalte am.- i ner playedports, w pick on quita bit t i found sort ofalvation the fact that i c ou excel thigroup an thateople noce d meand noced that was talented a it sort ofsaveme and hped me g throh those ffic ul gh schoo junior gh yea . taché seed to br ing alof thoselements,whethethey be hlet ic or acadecs, kidsfrom t b an kids thawould ha beenerhaps tught oas outcast they alcame gether tbecome o u nitand well becam very gd frie
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sand woed towara common g l. and i thk that'srobablyone ofhe life ss ons take allhe way through l ife cause ofhe show oir. it didt matterf youwere othe foball t eam, yoknow, whever u wantedo do you we all accted andlooked uto aua lly. and e communy waso suprt ive.that w what waso wonderfuas w ell. so i thi any kidhat real had music in their h rtsand waed to peorm it you kn, ey couldo thatand fe confide that they wergonna ve the suort of the cmunityand altheir fr nds. they weren't gna be ma fun or anytng like at. anthat's n true for evercommun y. - think mo communies it not tru for. - 's rlly not d to mi thinthat's just so nder fu - was theumber on thing do in o t wasither ay foball or in attaché. so it s thcool thi to do thank g it was e co thing tdo 'ca e wh if it w one o the, you kw, cho sthat no one nted join, iould h e ver gott into
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sic. so thankoodness ended up in clton to bable o, u know, apprecie th, enjoy is anfind t love ofy li fe - e clintohigh hool aaché c ir wille coeting inhe sh stopperinvitational walt diey wor . - ey're rely up ainst at, in t show chr circ t, yomight y the g bo ysi uld say at it's ry mu like thfinal ur the ncatournament. i can rember askg davi fehrhen we we in orlandowoulhe be inrestedin coming toli nton d taki over thprog ra anhe s ai"i mht b "we'll tk about at l er." - you kn, the scol th i taught at was in sullin, illinois. d the hi school s justullivan gh sch l and startedhe suivan sin rswhicthen comted inwon two tional cmpions ps with a student enrollment of 325 stude nts. - second place ... rum roll] goes tsulliv singersin sullin highch l. [audiee cheering] and the grd chpi on.attachshow cho, clinto highchool, wona cost lo! - myast yeart sullan, at
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ché got granchampionn florid and llivan g sec onand that then when e deded thatas it. she retid and th said, "come ge me."♪ take a lo ♪ ♪ forgeyour troles rget youblue s - i've bn the directoror 24 years. i flew dn the fit time and listed to 'e and wentack home anthen madthem flyboth mwife and d own the cond tim ause we' a t ea ople wergreat, jt like the peop where ias f rom, you know, justormal, good oldeople at like their and mam th have a sp ectand wantetter fo their ds than ey hadfor emselvesrowing p. a free rd ock musi [audnce chee ng] ♪ therare 76 sdents th y ear. 45 a singersance 17re p
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it an14 are rew. [band sic] [che ing] ah, yeah fe the per of wa and j t, if y think wt, wa, wait, it it just makes that mu moreuilding d exci ng at the end yep. and pose! teaching mus, achi danc teachinperformi very imrtant anwe havekids oall diffent ty s fr all difrent ckground race, rig ion, yoname it inhis grouand in the e th's not iorta nt 's notmporta to bejudgment about p plebut 's impornt to be judgmtal ab t how u do somhing w l. cause th's theimportt th in becae if we n getpeoplef all types togree ohow to do sometng w elthe wod's a sile pla . ♪onight wown the ght - e biggestakeawayfor for a
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aché definely davife hr.i mean, at he inilled me at aoung a s incredle and iidn't know whai was le ning at tt time e her. but the dicationand thdiscip ne that i lrned fro mr. hr andtt achélives th me to day. workg in thi busiss in th c razyentertnment instry i now unrs tand what he was ing to s. was makg it harfor . he reall was.he wasaking itard to say"look,his is wt you'regonna ve to de w ith "in the al wor ." two, thr, fo .- when got in re, i di't kn i coulding really.then iot in he and he pued that t of me me how. you ow, he tgh t me tes, andey siatures, d, you know, ad voiceand chesvoice, just this that i ever understo and wldn't have undstood wiout hi - has rlly foed methrouga lot oflo od sweat,nd tearso goeyond my lf. 's taughme that en i dot know wt i'm capable of. - co on, p ple![yelli
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] - finitelyhe greatt teher that've ever ad. henows howo get onou when u're doi somethi w rong and how encoura you when you're dng sometng r ig athe right ime. - i've aays loveto dae but beg in attaché has show me you n acally do is as a re er. you ow, peop, alumnihave ce in andalked to us abt what they're doing no a bout they'rperformi on oadway, on crui shi ps they'reancing wh nce compies and j ust opened my eyeso all the dos that iould t e at i didt know really est ed.- attaé, as fa as pforming es s been vy lu ck 've had p star cotry singers, opera singers, professional dancers, choreograph er we have otr musicteachersband dirto rs.- humes me tosee many st ents volved imusic. had a dmmer, keh rl ock. he's t number o drumr interniona ll r a litt town like cnton, i inkthat's aretty bide
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al. anwe alwayfeatured fact, we but an tire sta for hwherthe stagcrew uld brg that ut with h sitti on it and thene would havehis own ttle drush ow. [audiee cheeri] and thatas probay thhighli t ofhe sprinand fallreview w keith c lockplayg the drums. we also ve docto laers, den sts, so manprofessi als.the poinof thisprogram not to od uce profesonal pformers,the poinof this ogram is tteach evyone at they' allprofesonal perrmers inwhatev field ty ch ooto go to.peoplerom otheplaces tnk wee a prive arts s ool, th think tt we're st some lite rich h en. if they ly knew. now,o you understa, new peop le? now you undstand what thehole r t the yeas been for? would yohave eve got this po int if we did it any other ay? wod you ha ve?you cado've ened it u don't serve
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. u don't serve ything ili fe. that's all silliss. you don'deserveanythi, you ha to ea whatou get ili fe. yore not od owit to yoselvesyou owit to yo famil s, yoowe it tyour counities,ou owe ito t he earn stuff. that's wt's madehis ace and ll continue making igreat sohank y .tonigh what time? - [sdents] six. - six. - bere he ev makes t show,all learn ifundamen ls. singing vocal ndamenls ncing fuamenta how topin on yr polepostur all tt kindst ufbut th once final has show together, he givess the muc anthen we ill fo s onhe fundantals on that sic. [singi vocal ercis es] [davidrhythmichere, right? at cannobe... .[pbbblbmu ddy.- he dn't justick tes on aia no. actuallknow howto reathe mu c d pick t notes out ours
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ves. anthen choographer co in, thewe l ea alkinds ofancing to the music, d then we fally areble mix it geth er [piano pyi ng] - let's wa til right on the beat, h uh? - th year's mpetitio set, it a simplstory with girl ana guy.and th come togeth and the meet this hu carni l. ey falin lovand theye hang so mu fun tog her. but then get disacted with a theseides, right? i an, there's althese ladies a everythg's ju ing on a then i eat on the firsgirl i w w ith,casey,nd thenshe ge mad at me. the sho i'm kin likeull of m elf. at's wha"mirrorman" iab out.'causet's saying l e no o could le you tter thaa mirroran. the's loveut the thers a breaup. d then ithe end the sho i'there plding wither toake meack, i'mleadingbecausi now re ized i was idi otit kda does rallel high schl dr am [pianolaying
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opening the ow todayas okay. and th the fir ... [playi pia no girls, total blew aga in [playing pia no] ju 'cause e third note is the high est does not make it the loude st. and you changed tone quality aga in. and once again, it only takes one but there was more than one to day. [sging witpiano] ♪ yaaa ahh h aaaahhthat thirdote is t ftest onof the four, y es?and wead people did it total wrong a in. why? d we can do th . th your tensity ♪ a thousand mi les there wa't that's got be th most iense ne at's er existed the ce of thplan et. en two soths outa little bit d then tee, we sta now ening the resat ors anshow theand thenfour, 're singing. d th hap pe - [sdents] o. - we then beeady tocongralate oth
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people. there's no margin for error. - so hopeful, all th preparion and rd w or we've do, hopefully alof is work n't be i vain and wel be abl to pl it tog her. ♪'m gonnanjoy the ide ♪ ahhh y eah - don't beeve ya ♪h ye ah i n't belie th at you don'mean t t. u are nomeaning it! yodon't se to have a c lue. some of you new people understand, you don't have a c lue how hard this is gonna be. wh'st me at this pot of the ear? everythi ng. it's gonna take everything you possibly h avebecausthey havwh at?- [sdents] more. - they have mo re. they have more of everythi ng. they have mo re! do it again. come on,on't be so stiff. move! [pno playing] - if somody don't pu thr weig around here in aaché, we theyget caed outor it. i an, that just wh it
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. i me, we mht get m but ifou're nopull in your wght, wt else are we sposed to do? - hel first ll you this stu at the ginn in of theear and u'll be ke kay, well maybe he's exaggerating a b it."- brinit h omlet's ! si! - anthen we' actual see i he tellss that w haveo sometis li ke spithen we ing. and was kindlike whe i was ninth g de i wali ke oes he aually me t hat?"is he jt tryingo get e point ross l e "that wennunciate?" [david] it! spit!- buno, i acallyaw a broadwayhow and e ac to the famo like le roleas like,pitt in when he s singin and was li kay, wowhe was sio us "lik he was r real, ke th is the al dealsf at "a profeional does."- you tta singere, bre he! please t me band ma connectn the with eh ot her. i came ihere and was obably t worst d cerin t historyf atta é. was athlic but could t move irhyt hm to ts day, still fd myselfetting aittle tahead the b t. th's alwaybeen struggleor me. - threyears ag wh i got i l ike somebodhad tolde i wa
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- uld be hin g--doing dae solos d be daing like am to y,i woulve s d, "hecks no, i don'tdance ke tha " buby watching otr pele before meand learninfrom theother ople befe me ve been le tobring skillsto theext le l. heck, yowant one morti me? benning, o more time. come n. [carnivamusic piano intro] ♪ ♪ theidway anthe fun,the kewp dolls wwo n ♪♪ theell i ra to prov that was str g ♪ - ey've alady en burrohs, yes? they have alady seenurroughsthey havto love u he re athis ment, th haveot to lo y ou. let gofive day down to almosfour d s. co on. now, twoth re ba dum y ♪ ain't nhing t this cniva
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l of rust is is yo chance,bsolutel put 'em ay. do do o five, six. ♪ do do do do do do do do do ddo do heer in ♪ evy bit mo of ener you t, give , give t!tayloryou're not givi ene rg yore not ging ! no! w peopleyou're not undetandingwhat is gonna ke. weill taket all nit lo if that what itak es. two, tee, fo . [band upat mus ] heer in ♪ noturn it aga
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in turn it , turn it on, tn it o anwork it,nd work and rk it, a work . all ght, bacout. avid cles thro ] tomorrow we'rgonna hiit one t im can't movate you you goa do it your own and en that' it. at's basally i ni ors, you' down one. one basica ll25 mine rehearl tomo ow. evybody el, yo owe to the niors. eryear, th have ven thre four years. somene but ty've given evythi ngthank u, new sio rs. apeciate t hat. ppla us - put abo five hos in. th is abouthe usua somemes nigh
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are longerbut it really rth especiay fo what we're trng to door oulast competiti . - is is prty mucthe laworking rehearsal. torrow, wel just r it at e start c lass and thene have t packll this uff up u know, t it inthe cas, wrap it all thato get ready too in t emi which weo tomorr nighat six olo ck. today, wre runni the ow for t last tibefore we goo califoia sot's a rely big deal. ahh ♪ ahh - ay, les go. [band pling muc] - we're gog good.[banplaying sic]
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- y, oneore timebeforee pack up, yes? one more ime. i want icloser ta prelimthan wdid lastight, okay? waiting you oveth ere. get cused, erybo . you geone shott th is who's mang noise [cnival muc in tr ♪ o yeah ah y ea- 's made me a betr man. i lened respsibility anhow to ge my t elike, evything imy scheduleand hoto just a lea r. may we ng and dce 'tile loseur minds ♪ ♪ ware onlyoung we seizthe night ♪♪ tonht we owthe ni t ♪onight wown the ght - just diour la run throughand
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it rlly wasn for meit's forhe k id'causet's theishow n . - lastractice nt w el i'still neous, nestly jt beca use this iso impornt but think th we' rea dy u can el like e underdog 'cau everydy else s mo re mo money, re pele, moreesourc anytng like at but e biest thinwe h av that ty do notave isr. hr, missehr, mr.ll en-- - it'sike if y have no put althis worinto all his or a this li, screamg anyelling you, alth is liket is allor t hi yocan't ld ba at all,'a ll. th are so azy. have'all seetheir show? likethey are ike fr ky. r real, ke-- - ey're kia sc ary. - ah, so le-- they're t ho ing anythi back, ty're ying to ke freakou o ut - ke, theye trng to sce you.- don'be scare - doot be sc ed. doot be sced of them.[cha er] be readyo go. right w were ading e trucks. the trks are headed tcalifornia.
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- yourctual strumentpass anyme guitaras es?- 18 pstic rac, six z racks,hich are hat the ys u seall the sho, all of the set pie s, rt of ourisers itch, thboys car on duri the set time an so tse are othe tr uck. everhing thawe need makehis perfnce wo is on e tr uc - dole checktriple cck quadruplcheck anmake sur we he everytng 'ca e thout itone litt thinmissing n make thwhole sh go wr g. - make surit's tiedown.who'up tre with am be - i tually ted ouas a sinr/da nc t i di't make but i'a big beever i the being part of thing kes you ecia l i wali ke "well,f i can'be asinger/dcer, i'lbe in ew." - ack thishree gh rig h ere. have a s that wain atché, graated in 04 got his gree in nce rformancand he i also a choreoapher foattach so it's gon be a pa of my lifeince he arted in 002. get ose cardard boxe withhe shoesnd
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all that. - well work getherlike whave p peo pl lping usut somet es. and evenith thequick anges like thsinger/dcers helus much ase help them. it's alleamw k.- get t here a untale theseun gees and haveem rea . i don't nt anybo screami for bungee oa ratc t. - there e times ere peop st back anthey're like"hey, weeed to ank the ew," anth's theoments where wee li ke "thiis our t e." - i n a pret tight ship.i likeo see evyone wki ng. hands iyour poct, no on standi around,r play g. yoplaying de and g seekgain, lile fel w? myriendsthey alws sathey don cal me captain r nothing. i will n be ableo re prably notven sl p,until see this truck on f day. - welew in ts morning d went saight he from the airport. i n'even knowhat me it ishonest . e pressu's been but ye, it's dinit el lot moreeal
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no that wre h e.- go to the sideyou chan on. assilate i - oy] the's not a loof r oo - evybody goit ere you' chang g. let's st movthese tothe backor right now ju so th're out the w . seems aittle ght here, dsn't iyou goabout eit feet the wings oeach side d that's it. and en there a coupl litt hallwaythat go out sohe girlsre havinto go down those hallws to change. yore used oh, to 30 eet and we he ei gh so whyon't we sh 'em back. stop we drew itut the best wcould at ome our sta and assilated itut it's t the sa as at leasthey got walk the s ceanactual see it so hopefuy thatl help ause the's no prelim and finahere it's jusone sh . ing onget rey fothe closer. you'retandingwhere thcar is yocan't where the car , ro bb dot let higet whe the ca is. you detand wha we're ing, peoe, y et - oy] ye- come o thi nk and 15 ar-olds,hey dot quite ders ta w importt these tails arbeca us u only g one chance. ready,ive, s, se ve yove got rlly abou 10, 11 mutes
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to t it o theno the sh and at leaveyou ab tmaybe ve minut to get off. it a huge b and at's whye get re a daearly ango throu all is preparati . enof t number d... [pianolayi ng ♪ mayur heartbe fulllike ourreams togh t ♪ ♪ maye sing and dan 'til wlose ourinds ♪e are on young if we see the ni t ♪ ♪ tonight wown the ght tonighte own thni ght you ysll good? - tudes] y ea - avid] thk you, erybo dy - tudents]hank y . - itelt goodn th eri me, there'always room formprovement. was goobut i trnot to be satised with at i d so i kp improving.- i'm glad anrelieved thathe tournent's tooabout a w da to get re. - what hpens fro heres we w l ve these costus to homer m on they geus one a they're puing thpit toth er.
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- clots rack bke. but 're tryi to t it bactogeth . have a jior at's rking wi the c w. i ha two nin gradersthat areinger/danc s. iteaches ' a whe lot re t ha wh school aches m. rking tother, beg a pa of a biprog rathere'nothing i wodn't doto helthis proam succeed. - it a huge b buas you c s ee our kidso most othe wo rk. wee got so good da that help supervise a do st fbut thkids, th kidso everyt ng. look athese thgs. we d't have ucks li thiin misssip . ishat awese or w t? onwill be e pit d one will be l the bist uff. w great t hi do he needo come ts y?he's g a f oo st a lite this tu thether y, the oer w ay no, nono, no pullhe cars t of theases. - lien to ! i nt theumper ca to thefront d cases the b k. takehat out the wayhe llo?you wanneat you better h ry. - feel likwe've be up f about
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1ho ur d th we comeack anlose twoore ho urs. sohat's, iuess, 16straig hours we've bn up. actuallyi'm lookg forwar to gng to betoni gh - thmore we n get do tonigh the morthey can ustsleep tomorro relaxand noworry fo12 hou . - we a all theway inaliforni - [boy] m about ady to get on bk, get t bed. - this pot,the ds desve t ki back and st relaxfor a lile while. morr, it'll game . you ow, it'sot asuch comp ing against other group. athis poin it'salmost cpeting with thisersona oatta ch anthey feepressureecause of what taché's co meevery year, weollectivy inlinton, s ay "the's no wa you n be bet r," aneach y r, you knowthe tale chans, and hs able torab theskids andjust do much wi ' em and 's jus .. ain, to e your o up th e, it's jt, you kw, it'neat. and it'somethingou
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geemotionaab out. [laughs] so rry. - w we geto go relax.thangoodss thatthe dais over but evything iaccompli ed. tting the sta waing throh the space, taking ce of thecostum, the sets tting thpit togeer so we don't do mu tomor w. ke i sd, the knowhat to o.tomorr's the f d ay. ready? - wee re y. - we're ady. [mlow pianmu sic] [chaer]- we h a good ght's sleep st night weere all haustedfrom therip yest day. - i ate out 40 pces of bac and an el et. after thlong daye had, it s not th bad tryi to fa asl eei'm chard up, rey to g i'm thinking aut every ing. ju everyong, every coume ange,
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every mo nt. - i'm ady to g my hr done nd fe ready ale ast. - ok, when wget the, firsthing w do is we t the rirs together. anody got any esti on have y got it l figure out? ah ah ♪ oh ah two,hr ee. ♪ we're thousan milefrom comrt ♪♪ we ve traved la a sea ♪ b as longs you are th m e ♪ tre's no ace d rather e ♪ - everyby ready,everyby go od- [stunts] y h. let's .- the ys are aut too back tsl eep after rking soard yest day. the rls are gonna get theipoof don a poofs the ont their hr is a ut two inchesall and it'sprettyuch whatou can ee fr really r away ost age. the ys have clue ho the gis
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get thr po of ey have ke, litt meetgs and stuff to g it do . i definitelyish i cod be aly on th wall those mti ngs. i beit'd be nny. mom, maksure notto mesup my poof. ause i wked it for wh ile. thiss our foth ye doing this.i thini've got it. asher if s needs mhe lp. momust waed me to checknd make sureyou we good onour ha . so wt room a you i ey're rollingit rig now, m, but e said tt if youcould lp that'be g oo - te her i'lbe the in ain ute. - o'helpin robbpush his ox? - on two, go eam. we're gog to 7 i can hp anothelittle girl, hemama's n here anshe eds me roll he hair'cse notverybody mamaets to come. and ve been that spot. nocasey's en plentof timewhen i hen't beeth ere and had to g anothermother troll her air so we trto heleach other. is evebody dre ed? [girls] yes.- are all ex ted? - i'm ally exc ed. m ready go in a k ill. - i ke the oer girland likeuys to but feel likthey ke, preped us really wl for th isthe on thing tt likei feelervousor is like st makincostume anges but
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othethan t t, li i just el totay prepared.and 're just getti ready. 'cause ty reallyon't ha anythinto do but st iron shirt anpa nts. - you on your irt? - it 11 o'clk and you're sll aslee wh is th ? it time toet up. it's imptant to dress up ocompition y becauswe've be taug to believe that wn you ok go, you fe g oodand wh you fee goodbout you elf, at ten to anslate the stage. so that way, our overall peormance vel willncre ase. - wh do you nna do, rg an? u wanna ave it a theneparate lat er- whatbout tt pie right ere? yeah, this one'sonna ha to have c url. okay. e, you'rwelc om [lgh ter] e higherhe ha, closero god.- the gher theair, w t? - closer to god. todais bitrsweet b ause it weird tthink abt not beg a partf it any re.yeah, st the n t... life guess whout atthé. - this iher lastompetiti so s's been ing th sie ninth
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ade. excitedsad, u know, rvous. evythingas to me to aend at se point. we have do si kis s. or wll mess our makeup. all ght, youeady, gi? - won't er mpete togethern a stagag ain. - emio nal. [lgh ter] i'm feelg the tears. - [mom] u need aissue? [somber sic] - the girls ve each her. ey've haeach oths' backs you knowthrough erything t just aaché s ff. ju life, s ool, theyove ch other a i t hi 's a fridship th'll havefor threst of eir li . it'sust genue lo ve- it crees like, bond at's likincredible.
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ke, we'rlike famy, we'rnot friends. li, we snd moretime with ch o th thane do wit our tual fam il en we goin this,e we like 13ears o anwe're li, 18 nownd abt to graate highch ool and 's just surrealthat thatime wenby so fast. [mellow sic] how you ing? we got a the ses erythinge need? l right,adies, thank yo go. there'not nears much time you thi nkcheck m, doublcheck'em,riple chk 'e so rightow we'rejust sting up othes'causee don't ow we ha enoug timeto setp afterwe set urise rs anso we'reust ying tget as m h-- usas much me as we can n so we don't haveo stressat er. - e presre is rely on for my fst competi on. this is methinthat 've beenorking orsinci've gotadded the roster. i'm
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feelinanxious,'m noreally nvous because i' been taht everything i nd to k w and i'm ady to o. - can we just go that way a little more? 're likeaught inhe midd of the ad h er - 's intimating toee e other groups a und'causehen itets a little me real, u know at you'ractuallycompetg agai t thesother rely goodgroupsnd t pressure is dinitely on. - is is r first s alitos cpetiti .but 're defitely nna do o b estto me our seors pr d. thnerves a for sure getng w or the oser we t to cpeti ng- thiss like p-game w. we're about to gto warm-up. is is goa be jus aserverack g the chaionshipfootba g ame. nerveright no th're pret mel lo i've beetrying t breae and focu but abt two mites fore we' on st e, i'm goa be lika wired ose. your colr's kia messed up. - ank yo - detail detai .- nestly, m feelin a tabit sentimen l.i meani was on in he three ars d it wasrobably e besthree yea of my life. it'slown by d like, eing
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these uys peciallyhem cking a sket ll ev though at's notwhat y're supped t o with a bketball,'m nna misst honestly. i'm an oy child d theseare thclosest in torothers at i've er h ad - tonighs gonna probly one omy happiest busaddest ghts ofthe pa four years. th is prty muchwhat worked forand hoi becamee to dai made mbest frids in this.the treling, iever nt out omississippi befo attachénd i'vebeen a across e wo rl if we n, i'm gonna be relied, d stand , and huthe pele besid me, ndshak . if wlose, i'gonna std upnd cheeror the w ners at theworked jusas h ar - ggest competitn, jo burro hs isn stage orming now. anmr. fehr is tually wching emso hcan comend tellus whawe need to wor onin ordero be ablto secu a victo tonig . - [girl] does everyone have earrings in? - [girls] yes. - just didt wannalike, out t rewithouy'all kning thatwe were li, proud y'a ll - we areroud of y'
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all and weove y'al - anhow fa all have ome. [vocalarmups] - okay, rroughs s reallyood but rta rely safe make re yosing, ma sure you singeally well and you ow, don' shou blend ban but n't be sred tout it straightut thereight a y.just likwe've be doing, yes? - tudents] es.- singike you lk lk like u si ngsay . - tudents]ing ke y ta, talk le you sing. - te the sto with pa ion. co on, ladies. when yogo downwhen y go downow n ♪ iano outro] e you aredmorgan yoscared tlose, mo an? n't be sred to lose.we'rgonna ta 'em the car val. 're gonntake m to a f hou se anguess wh at. it'sot even nna costyou any ney tonight. yeah yeah if you ve me
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a ance i uld take t ♪ ♪ it's shot in e da but'll make t ♪ you don'love at as mu as i . xcited] f you ga me a chance, ll take !!" then what it? [studes] "it'sa shotn the rk." - [exced] "is a shotn the dark""but'll make t!!"il make it!!" om!!- [stunts] boom!! - "shot inhe darkbut i' make it!" there's story wi t hat. the's a sty with that. to 'em in e gym, hf co ur done thithrough e ye arp.e. kidsitting ther it's like "can wuse the m fojust a mut e?"theye li ke "pff we're pying bastball, 're playg basket ll." thank u. d then what? get e ball. - oy] get e ba ll - get e ball a the y's go g, nally erybody'slookinat him, 's l ik gis me theall, i g the ba, what'd do?about tw d thenhat did knowt this pnt? at did inow abou anytng else the world?-
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[sdents] nhi ng. - noth g. noth g. h.and whe'd it go. psh! [all] boom!- anwhat didhe whe m all ? [sea ms] it's shot inhe da but i'ltake ithen whais iknowing with all oyo ur? - [sdents] hrt. he art! ve 'em a of youreart. you can'shame mewhen i with yo there'sno pla i'd ratr be. and at is extly how feel wi you rig here ght now. ani know y feel -- h! n't en go there. i ow you fl the same w b ut but,ou have make that cwd under and that's w we're here. th's why wre here ni ght.are weea dy? - [sdents] wre rea .- she it o ff. u know h to do t. ♪hh ♪ andirls on e stre ♪nd girls theye like, hh " ♪ and gir dance arou the blo
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♪ ♪ a girls sg it reahi gh ♪ a a a atthé attaché ♪ oh atché attaé uh-h uh - oys] thyill be de onarth as is hea ve gives is day o daily breadand foive us o trespass ase forgivth osewho tresss again us.hoo hahoo ha throw yo hands p!throyour han up! throw yo hands p! row yourands u - showti, let's go. - re, hereso i canear it and gotta g the bigtu ff!costumes coming through. forte teller gotta g righup again the c . doubleheck evething. huy up, gethat d e. keeplayi ng [band wa up] we are good.all rit, thank ou.have good ow everybo ! - [femalannounce all theway fr clintonmississippi.[audiee cheering] direct by da and marfe hr. - [male nouncer]herew rected bdebra morgan and the t direct by rert al n.
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- [femalannounce chorgraphed april jes steven td, dextebishopand keis olden rg. - dies andentlem ... [all] clton attaché! [audnce chee ng] [carnil music] ♪ theidway anthe fun ♪ the kpie lls we won the beli rang tprove that i w stron ♪ ♪ the tngs we d last summe r ♪ ♪'ll remeer all nht l ong ♪ when am with yothere'sno place'd rathebe ♪ if you ve me a ance i uld take t ♪ ♪ is a shotn the da but ll make ♪♪ knowith allf yo heart you can'shame
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me ♪♪ wn i with yothere's no place i wld rathebe ♪ ♪ 'causi'm thiry foyour love ♪ danci underneh thskies ofus t ♪ ♪ 'cause thout my l e ♪int' nhing butthis carval of rt. ♪♪ o may youheartse fulllike o dreams night ♪ ♪ m we singnd dancetil weose our nd s ♪ ♪ ware onlyoung if we seize t night ♪ ♪ tonig we own e ni gh ♪ut you're noreal gd for me ♪ [cering] [band mu si ♪ [aience eeri
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d ♪ ♪hen you down when youo down d n ♪ ♪ you spin my hd rightround ght round ♪♪ wn you goown en you gdown down ♪ [audiee cheeri ] ♪ think i fallingor y ou ♪ seone suld ll you t truth ♪ ♪ou see pfect io ♪n youreflect n ♪ troub's cominfor yo fun house o! ♪ut now is full evil clowns ♪ woo! ♪t's timeo startthe untdow ♪ wo ♪ i'monna bur it dn down d n ♪ i'm gna burn d own [cheering] [ueat ba mus ic ♪ [audience eeri
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. all gavit 100% d i th ink 'll see if wdid we .d depeing on t resus when igets there. - aneveryonead littl mess u, me inc ded, but we ted our bt and whateverappens, pp ens.i'm neous, i g ss. it my firsreally big compition t i ju don't kw what t expectut i'm hef ul i guesi should ay. just d't wannalet ese guys own. - , i kn whatevehe d id didn't ow his mistakesi know that. d that'sll that tt ers. we spun ound a l, we nced har and we ng g d. i ink it w a pret good show. - i thght theperfornce was eat. i'in the bk corner can't sea th in i'm theast pers to asbut the t was tight d i coulfeel e singerance rs were wi 'em a the w . couldn'te any prder ofhis bunch of ids. theyave everhing theha ve. now it'sust waitnd s ee ju stand he and he us t everytng off ts dock so they can t on. - [announcer] best performer awar
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foall of o performers.from cntonttaché casecoll ie[cheering] [clo ticki ] st tech ew goes johnurroughsowerho use.[cheering] [clock tki ng]best aappella es to john burughs powho use. lock tic ng] best soist ards wereec ided by our arican id jud ge bestemale loist is romjohnurroughsowerhous vadeen i uth. [cer ing] lock tic ng] grt and th the bes maleoloist ces f rom mount zionigh scho m mullig an. lock tic ng] in fourth place, all the way from o hio. twinurg greaexpectatio ns. lock tic ng] in trd pla, all the wafrom ill ois, mounzion swisati on lock tic ng] in second pl e. inecond place, from burbank, califor
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nia,hn burrohs power use. [cheering] lock tic ng] and nning be musiciahip, st showmsh ip and granchampion of the loslamitosextravanza 2 6, clintoatta ch[audienccheering [triumant pianmu si ♪congralati s. once ain, thanyou for ing a greagroup oferformer and ha a safe,afe trip ome. than you. ♪ - i'm glad th i did thisith y' l. - am ing. re al. so proud.- yeahabsolutely. weeel grearight w. feels gd to t all th wor k anfilly get what we se rve. - i'm rely humbled u know wt i'm sa ng? afr we winit was really n kno wn eering, d juing, andll t
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ha they didt take it verserious but at t same ti, a win'a win.- we sti gotta b politeo everyby el se - n't starscreamin and althat kin stu ff wel have se fun later. [cer ing][triumpht piano sic] - [boy] rls fi t. - was justraying at it wod be us,ike i an, don't know. very ner-wrackin - ye, very nve-wracking. it just e best fli ng. - i'so pro .- coratulati ons. - , oh.[lau gh- wife ani don'thave ks of our wn. weecided lg ago too this that the were gonna beur k id pele wouldlways y,"how dyou top at? ell you' never he a ow that od next ar," and the swer to that is,"no, wwo n't. "becse we'reonna dosomethg differ t," cause ery years uniq . the nare of attachis as lg as we t kids at wannaork anwanna de lop eir natul abilit we'ljust keeit rolling. [mlow pianmu sic]
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oday i started hearing about casey about two and a half years ago when cara romero and i were just in the beginning of our work with the rights of nature tribal governance. people in and around the movement kept saying to me you've got me casey can. she's and i what i heard from them was that she was leading the movement for the ponca nation her nation to be the first tribe in america to adopt the rights of nature. the polka were removed from their ancestral territory in what's no
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