tv Witness LINKTV June 15, 2022 1:00pm-1:31pm PDT
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jenny ak: kore food is alwaysomfort fd to me. jenny ak: kore food is th's reallwhat i wt to eat at t endf the da robin : well, the ear 20s, that s still e time whernot manyeople rely li, i have to find sebody's mom coofor or i ha to to 32 street. mom coofor or i ha to jenn thereas 32nd street but the was rely nothi wntown. at's actlly why thought ea villagen the shohui kim: i remember thinking"wow. it so nice at koreafood is ttingber popur aving koatown."ust jey: you mht think methini cook is strae,
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fan favote, and so it is r favori. it'sike a ma-up of pk and ive potsckers, kean ni rst leard how toake dulings wi my moth, my grdmother,nd that'what i likeo doith myhildren actuallysit arou the tabi is is korean fily thin. o could sist dumings anay, theye so goo you pih, and tn you gi, yopinch, fd, pinchfold, you pih, and tn you gi, pinc fold, pch, fold oliv, will y have so? iver: s. i'm vy hungry shui: prettyood, j.t's
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oh, . that'sood. [sizzling] oh, . that'sood. guys neesome napns? jasper: ye. shohui: od? oliverit's rlly hot. sho[szling] shohuioh, yu come on.o good. koan food somethi that i biracial--thought was real learn thcommunalining of korean cuine. as a migrant,aving grown eang the fd and en at a certn point jecting e fo, you ow, in m assilation a growingp in thbronx d then sort comi full cile as a ef,
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learng diffent typesf cuines--ench, itian, new koreanoothat wasn my mind, and th's reallwhat i wted to e every sgle day. [indistinct chatter] koreanarbecu-that wathe idea. myusband sd, "we he to opea koreanarbecue restaura, and itust havee to opea koreanarbecue kaoke room" and i id, "oh, yore crazy ha haa! ron: i thi it's, le, in our o sit aroundhe fire d grill so meat. shui: i doltimatelbelieve
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the mo intimatthing iso consumfo and dris, and it's t ms of life is to ther. t insofaas koreabarbecue of life is to ther. concern, i was so reall wanting showcasthe bancn that goearound t grill, d when g togeth and theyou wrapt and do at i calthe rfectly lanc korean rrito and you chp away, d whenou reali the meais not the in playe it is t haony and e way th the at--the eet meatlays wit everhing thais on th table-hat is t beauty rean barcue.ecauset is a table-hat is t beauty crsover reaurant where we're koans, the was aot of education volved in term of food d the wathatwe barbee. y ma insa wh it is tay. ndistit chatr]
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chili pper a garlic d fish like bad makin you can stop. it so neceary becae it jt gives u balae. robin: ion't rember a meal witht kimchin it. it simple athat. it's reallso veatile.owhere tt kimchi doesn'fit in, it's really simple athat. it's reallso the sentiacuine.n jenny:f i wu know, m, why d't you jt kimc anymo?" she wld look mean she canust do iwithher ese flavorare alwa just the. ok. oman speing kore] yes. i learn to cookrom my mo my moth was alws a very song partf my lif
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in theineties, her cking ste was ve uncommo the homeooked ste. i ask her one day,ou know,why don' we on a restrant?" a she said, "a you cra? you dot know wt you' lking out. youe 19." h heh. i was le, "welli have to get job. u have tget a job. l's just dot." stard kept goi, and hostly, have so good.therwi, i don'g s ba then, iwas just--it was a scen when yowatch movies, like, fr the ninies, it' what love abt new yo. back then, korean food just
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finitelythere waa desire r it. i d one ofhe first korean rtaurantsowntown.e thinflavors olve. i ink koth's whas interesting an ki of fun ouhaving staurant in w york bause mo. you gespoiled howr many choices you have. it was, you know, rd to withem ove e east vlage wasn amazin placto be. moved in the eas ville when ias 19. movedron: jenny: yh. i own dok vsu's up ti 2006.. ron: mm-hm yeah. tt was, ke, the ly korea restaunt basicly in th area,a lot. had no ea thai would ractual be taing toou, area,a like, years ler, but-a ha h-here were. jey: it's interesng. robi yea
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bebeinin red hk, but on the buness lev, it gs very sleepyn the wier, and the's not lot of pple. shwhere thpeople we. to go t benjin: whe the pele re, buwe were oking prettyuch in ganus becse close enough, because i knew i was going to be going back and forth all the time. also close to whe the kidwere gng to elementa school. shoh: mm-hmm the gesis of ia is reay of our o in brooyn, in oe life bically rather than driving to these amazing korean encles like flushing. i make t trip here oe a month r needs insa, b i alsoome hereo just d regular opping. u know, i nt to ma tojangg at homeyoo mart andick up, u know
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ok at these beauful rice kes. i'monna gethem all. ok[shohui spking korn]ce what so greaabout cong to flushi, neighbhoods li flushi for me a korea pele, you ve the lest fad foods d the d traditnal ods and oppingand it's like aittle ni-trip tner[cputer ches]. we nd a swt potatootdog, and th we need cheddar tner[cputer ches]. cheeseoh, no, need th we nd a swt potatootdog, ramnut, tt it is made wit
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ricelour, rit? like, rapound rice. i'm goi to gea dozen nuts. les do thatoh! anthen thell tell gu[womanpeaking rean]. yeah. ye. yes. [speakkorean] yethese e famousongro ri hotdogta-da! o look athe rice--lo at the men bits ha ha ! that lks so go! that for thensa team [iistinct atter] ha ha ! that lks so go! that for thensa team [iistinct atter] ha ha ! that lks so go! tding oa [diffent man saks kore]
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robi when i ink of kean fo, it's ually, li, stew, so, li, the oth. sooubu, robi when i ink of kean i ink, it ally has so, li, the oth. sooubu, stew and it a bubing pot ofeliciousilled wi, you know, afood, a it has silken tof it has cracked ofeliciousilled wi, you egg int, and the broth is ally--it just umami-based, egg intanit's bubing.h is its all th you want on a rainday or aunny dayr a hungov day. heheh. robin: ilways lo to try fferent ondubu, u know, roblike whenever there's a new restaura openingit's kin of lika food you can t to see, like, this place is
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shohuiit is gauge, it is jjigae ge?" you ow, and u can totay tell. jj when althese fos cameu ain, a ment like"wow." 's just t my anden's azy dreaof putng thi restaunt, you ow, on o street ogowanus. it's ke, ah people t it andeople areu reallyppreciatg the spe, thfood, anthe hard work reallyppreciatg the spe, thate're putng in. rejenn a te that w very, s when we first ened and dn't expt to geteviewed rin t "new yo times and, s when we first ened and
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once iad gottetwo star i thght, "ohmy goodns." i fu servicend just , like,selfie an a-dayasual eary. so i you wanto have sething tt is a ltle biof spinoffn e traditnal dish, yocome to enyeo. terrce sega: we pua lot of lovinto it,nd we hato build from sctch, ande ca about i it's li other chd for usand, ye, i meanwe spendo much timeere that we wanted t ke it ni, make ia place that wcould bevery day timeere that we wanted t [iistinct atter] jenny:aenyeo a the wom diversf jeju iand. the ee dive r seafoo i think diversf jeju iand. the korein gener really mire
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stronepite of thae the it's a way for them to survive and make a living, support their falies, d i thino survive it'seally grt. they n't st wake and be ke, "oh, it'seally grt. they n't you know, i feel sick today. i show upthey havto push emselvesuch like restaunt. teence: li them, jny is ve much a rong pern, and e's noafraid. r mother now seeinwhat she done th this ace, andyou know i can e that s's proud jenny: ihought aot about i can e that s's proud at it ishat i wa to cook j this reaurant bause thi ther's cking. it more my coing. havg this freedom, i'm le to pl around. just
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really wted to done very iseafood-foard dishand the how i caplate a autiful, abundantish of sfood. th so is real a take mantang,hich ia fish soup, d in kor, you uslly e a whitish. the bouillaisse coists of ch, make he, codfish, scallop whe shrimpmussels, make ams, and'll addallop whater else availab th looks rlly good shohuired hookbrooklynis a ve small tn in a big shohuired hookbrooklynis cityyou get know mo of your nghbors. n brunt shohuired hookbrooklynis cistilouse, theyere the
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your nghbors. n brunt pele that wanted ttalk to shohuired hookbrooklynis you abouhaving o own brae of ia soju. shohuired hookbrooklynis yi remember talking to you about wanting specifically a soju that is sippable soju, somethinthat'seally we-made th goes ba to the, way itriginallwas made dac schleslman: wh soju rely quiteemarkabl it was either set potator rice. fous, i rely wanteto just do theuintesseial rice either set potator rice. fous, i relyspit.eto just nce koredidn't he aditionawestern ains in the nse at we inhe u. knowso that'the only gredientn this, 's rice, ter, ande fermenit with grast. in rea, aost all, soju w made wi a singla ter, ande fermenit with distlationso we sort of soju w made wi a singla stayrue tohat, andhen we st run ts througthe stilf ce.
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mmm. it's solean, buthe spirit orice reay is rig ther shui: and 's not t sweet. it's tt--it's at flora ther sort of eet riceote that it's tt--it's at flora u get, b it is sdrinkabl benjamincheers. to s, then sot if th's ok wityou. i like toust-- shohui: eers. terren: cheers ohui: you haveo ck a son jey: karao. jey: can y put imy song, anthen we' be done
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all:shohuiyou're scrazy. this you' so vatou you probly think♪ terren: g about m isn't i ♪ jenny:ery nice terrencethis is licious. beamin: 's actuay both. tteence: it kind ofloral. it kind floral. love it nthat, yoknow, nny: i tnk i'm gna start drinng more ju nowthis is ncellent.t's so dferentt fromhe chamil now. shoh: yeah. nny: thai rememb. the origal one, member, tasted le rubbinalcohol.a ha ha! dirty sjenny:oh.ts bartder: andhe squid
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dirtyanthe whal.ts terren: beautil, nny: tha you, beie. you're siling usha ha ha rrence: eers. jey: cheer cheers you, bern. terrce, cheers. teence: th's your-hat's your kinof drinkthe l.a.ose. jenny:eautifulthere's the [indtinct]. l.a.ose. terrce: it's beautif's drk, berni jenn thank y so much rnie. chrs. jenny: m.heers terrce: see,his is eat on aot day. nny: rea for sombeignets terrencei cann wait. jey: well,et's dign. terrencethank yo jenny: have tohank youor insping me tmake the. rrence: eers, chrs, and you did hell of job.youor insping me tmake the. naa ha ha h!
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honest the onlvalidati th i need,r to heamy child sf missoing karke. i'd ke to all of ts is reay the bet so of posive reiorcent at a resuranteur and chef could want. nny: thirestaura has beef ow, it'seen hardjustu becae t inhe city esn't--y're not ways jt succesul, and u becae t a ci with soany resing, y know, good anas quality rthys, younow, a hugeccomplisent. stes. likeyou don'really u--you dn't real realize how imctful yo culturean sbeand to bhere nowoingy
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and it'not a reaurant full a ally coofeeling.t's not li i attended hool. itas full a aland taug to me banht immigrant woman. in the ninetiesthat wou not hav thk now pele are me open, and ey're ab to say, eah, youo deservcredit fn, it, d we eatour food and apprecie it." robin: ling in new yor i got by noteing in rea by, likegoing tohese restauras, and ao liketo see, is so thring, i fl ally proud, you ow, when ch the cture andhe food korea w in me uil i
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