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tv   Earth Focus  LINKTV  June 25, 2022 6:00am-6:31am PDT

6:00 am
[hther] that lood kinda ary. [heath] fell. [austin]wo, and ree. ilipe] tre goes e bag. thergoes theag. minous mic] [campfir [j] i don'know, i feel-- feel go. i feel likeverybods
6:01 am
had a little b of aakeup ca and , we shod have good da today,opefullytay dry. [ben] thweather recast i callg for lo in the low 20s th 20 to0 mile per ur northinds with gts up to0. th is our ilwind. so, wee gettin to make monade ouof the weatheremons. [bd chirpi] - ay] goodne. u had ti forhe-- - for ththing to make time for- [ben] ah, ke timfor you. [jayyeah. en] it'sot ideal t it's t way thait is. [smooth um brush] [banjo mic] so we' been paling for 30-ps miles w d we're tering the ma body ofake amisd. ♪ ie lived thout brd ♪ ♪ and've livewithout ter ♪ ♪ sck outde the middle ♪ ofhe deser♪ ♪ wisn' i wasome ♪
6:02 am
♪ lonway fromowhere ♪ishin' ias somewre ♪ ♪ sangrde crist♪ ♪ to e devil'backbone♪ [upbeat sic] we'rdoing ju great! he heather - only - wdy, ben on 12 moreiles - rectly io the hewind. - [heather chuling] twelve more les to g some white ps on thlake, t the suis outoday. ♪ ithe backf a rancro ♪ ♪ rode do to lado ♪ ♪ h a good me ♪ at t la posa ♪ ♪eah, younow ♪ i s left ane ♪ ♪n a rig t of el so ♪ ♪ rnin' dowin houst ♪ ♪ tolthe trucdriver t the pel to theetal ♪ 'cause uston ge me down♪ on downo louisia ♪ ♪ whiey riveranding crawfispie ♪ d eat jaalaya ♪ ♪ wita big olcoonass ile ♪ [upbeamusi [cheerg] [cheerg]
6:03 am
heering d laughi] [ben] were now de wi the cann countr anlake amiad. e terrain herelattens t, ere's mo people, and a boer wall ready exts alongost of thtowns ancities. but e open cntry esn't ha a wall t. soe met up with raner steveamantia to s how i will afft his opation. war in-- ithis par of t countrys life. so wer isery impoant to u withouthe wate we we can'operate. myame is sve lamana. [steve] i amn charge of theanch opetion. basilly beenn the rir orn the boer my whe life. t for thlongest time we aays consided mico and the as one.nd no divisi uh, becse thereas such a fid movemt of peoe back a forth. myife and - childregrew up withids
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from micwhen going back anforth toexico was like goin' across the street. people don't rlly understand the border, i think, that are-- that are-- that are talking about it. they d't take e time t co down he and looat it. so d you knothat borderatrol wadown her no, theyave-- i giveem open cess. they they-- th built t ramp - anpart othe dealas-- - oh. em buildg the ra was theyan use iwhenever the landners aren favor of aitionaborder surity. a ysical wl does not accolish bder curity imy opini. don't wt the feral governme taking our land, obviously. i thk most othe landners will fig it tootand nail sides ofhe fact th you areaking veryndepenntly md-- mind landowns and 's a langrab. they areaking their la away om 'em and ey don't ve the rht to sano. , and th's gonnaeave very pootaste inhe mouth
6:05 am
a lot opeople onhis rive so basicly, fromithin abt 400 mis uprive ofhe gulf mexico, the uh the comnities on both sides of the bder rely on theio grandriver foagricultal and redentiause. teve] nouestion. so y're sayi it may n be a go idea to walourselveaway frothe ly good ter in t desert? thatould be pretty gd assessnt. - ok, good. [ste] there a-- a labopool herthat is not bng satised ancan satiied by iigrants comingo this cntry, which s happen for 250 ars. if thais happeng, whic i thk is hapning rht now, en i seeo reason y it shodn't connue and see no rson why thospeople nd
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to be re underhe radar and mae i'm nosmart engh understd the prlem, but if tre a neefor the labor, anthey ce over he anthey areorking d holddown aob, en why s- why n't we wt 'em? [vtoria] ithe 1940 a resulof worldar ii, we had system lled theracero pgram whermexican rm lorers wereoming ov, and th were rking in amecan fiel while uhour us m were abad fightg in eure d our amican wom were in in ftories. [nartor on t tv] the facts we still don't have enough seanal domeic labor wiing too this kind ofork. in 15, the bracero ogram ofcially es. buthat doe't mean thathese patrns thatere estaished, e. the agrultural terest keptsking fothe labo anthe labokept comg.
6:07 am
is bil is t most corehensivreform ofur immigratn law sie 19. includg employ sanctio, her meases to increase enforcent the immration ls and lelizaon. what hpened wa th the keyomponent of emplor sancti was ver put to place was illal, but erybody you kn, wink, wink, d, nod, this is going . fastorward tthe earl1990s, migratio bemes a flhpoint. there too mucof it anwe st do mu more stop . ictoria]nd at this pnt we sewhat we ow the modn-day bordernfrastruure, not justhysicall but so in tes of pernnel. as a rest itas hardefor immiants to go ba and for.
6:08 am
and on they we there, th weren'toing to ave, becae again,very yea the boer got hard and harr to cro. soow, we he is largepermanen undocunted popation in the uted stat. thiss the fit wall wee seen sce just outse of el so. e wall tt's righthere, thatas blt under sere fencect duri the busadministtion, so it's obably-- obably 1years olnow. and e wall th they arcaing for, thatresidentrump wants build is gonnae probab 10 feet gher thathat. lid concte, soou wouldt beble to lk througit. d then ao it'd he these ssive fld lights at look to the riveand alon
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and thenhey woul cleaout l the brh, and all e vegetaon, d trees. [file] one othe thin that'snfortuna, that we' noticed is is meco on ouright, this ithe us oour left and have foeited all th land to bece no-man land, ich meanthat body frothe us se is enjing thisiver right noexcept f us. and l the mecan side is fhing, thwing pares, you can ar peopl aying soer, milies a out walnground enjoyinghe river and 's obvioly ve much a rt of li inhis sectn of theio grand anhow sad that? nobo from thus side can eny this butul pristi river rht now. a llompleteldeters anrecreatial activy om the r in thistretch.
6:10 am
ilip get little b closer. [austin]kay. [filip growg up an legal imgrant, every sile day yolive in ar. you el tha your optns are lited, thathere areo many tngs stacked ainst yo that y can ver outgw your environme. d therefe, is situaon that u're in ll alwayremain. but beuse of our fincial stus, not havi a lotf money, wheny mom wod tell us go doomethi, was: "g the heloutside" doest costnything go run ound outde, to go t lost ithe wood climb aree, to go lo for anils. e naturaworld sad me.
6:11 am
becomg a wildlifehotographer and working with national geographic was myoal in life. [host]o nat ges geoff niels he. nat geo, come on up. - rowd cheing] - announc thwild to inspir- - ld to spire winner. there yo go, ys, theryou go. t the wier for the d annualild to inspi competion - is file deandre! [ht] up! fipe, ce on u [cheing] [ht 2] comup, filipe, me on, m. ilipe] wther it rough phography, video, everything that i do comes back to making the world a better place for animals. [filipe] i have to thank my mom, cause for everything-- - rowd cheing] -forverying that wee beenhrough as immignts, abu, ming ovehere, struggleevery ngle tng. yofought--you foug for at you led. [cwd cheerg]
6:12 am
[filipe]'m so greful thathe broug us here d that iet to trel the wld antalk abo what i ve. my mom iby farnd large greates- greatesexample life. ilipe] wh she bece a citin, i ked her: "what you wan do?" and she said: "i wanna be a nurse at the va. i wanna take care of veterans who took care of us, and that is my contribution to the country that i am now a citizen in." and that makes me so damn proud. - [ausn] theret is. - [jay] w!
6:13 am
wo there e so man - wh's up, svie? - how e you? [austin]ood, man - en] ni to meetou. - stevie ser. yeah, bemasters. we hadn't li gotten to tk anybodyn the cara. [stevie]lright. - right, c you do at? sohe only ason i can dohat is 'use i'm- uhi told y uh, i'm th the uon del rioector. s on balf of t union, i'm tain' to y. [stevie]'ve been in bder patr for nine and half yes. am a exetive vicpresiden for l rio seor union ife put a ll up from seao shininsea, people are sll gonnaross it. i'veeen detaed to noles, and ere's a ll througdowntownogales, and pele crosst, go oveit, go tough it. ere's mo dame that done to a wl you ow, th just e will per. peop justrying toet acros
6:14 am
you thi it's somethg that if doesn't hpen inhe next threyears, will connue be rais as aotentialolutio e wall'slways goa be a toc of disssion. [stevi i think it'slways goa be connued to be raed as a terrenof guys ossing. th're not solution tohe immigtion proems, beuse theris-- the is more than jt a wallo fix it if-- iyou'veot ants ming inse your hse, we've alady got lls, u know. they're nding a y to getn. so wve gotta-- 've gottfind out the soluon and wt that i do youix it with thnology? do y fix it th more- moreoots on e ground do you-- inour opinn w-- what what's- what the solion with with resnse time uh, yocan have althe techlogy youeed, but ifou don'tave anyby put hanuf on anyby or to esti them far the ali, there n't-- the tenology igreat, because detecte'em, but didn't ve ybody torrest 'e ve you niced a dp-off or an inease in ople
6:15 am
coming or to t us? thnumbers e down, haveecreasedyeah. [filipe] signifantly orou know ke-- - siificantl - really? justad a lite spin o. ey're shin' f there. rew memb] they dinitely.
6:16 am
de themsves know absotely, yocan hear them fm a mileway. - [cheerg] speakingspanish] - [cheerg] -[aust] oh my sh, is tt a catfh? that probabllike a 4- oh mgosh, bo of thos [lauing] [ben] wo exican mic playi] [saking spish] [ben] ishat catfh? it about rht.
6:17 am
the narcraficant in norern mexi are king rghly-- a this is a consvative nber, $50 biion. that'slmosthe equilent
6:18 am
of t entire dget for the telligen communi of thenited stes of amica. [wil to make50 billi, you're n bringinit in you ow, in aackpack one. you're bringing it in in significant weights and that's happening through um, our ports of entry. [beto] all othis is connected, all ofhis is correlated. if-- if you look at the billions of dollars that we spend consumi illegalrugs in ts countr we can s the conction between our use of illeg drugs uh, e c-- thcartels'ottom li, thresources th they cabring to bear on holwing out the civil institutions, whether that's the courts, whether that's the-- the press, whether that's the-- the police force, whethethat's tir-- their litics. deabilizinthat coury to suca degree th it's rd argue wh somebo who woulseek to ave it toind a beer life
6:19 am
sowhere el, ironical here inmerica, the cotry thats part oducinum, some of the proble with the consption ofhose dru, the ow of ca and armsack in mexic so again everybo's advic we a paddlininto theight, ich i'm t too coortable out ju becau this a fairl hi drug trfic corror ofs-mexicoorder. t we're ying to geto a locaon wherwe have pmission stay at and uh. i don'know ere everody elses. like ion't knoif they-
6:20 am
i dot know if they ok a difrent chanl of theiver, if there in frt of me if theye behinde. it's kinof a badime to.. niffles] ...get sarated. hey, hther. - ustin] , that'sthat's, the reas why we lled you therare someoncerns abt this. e, it's rk, do we stl cross the croing? [heaer] i ink thers peoplever on tt bank. [austi it look likthey were caring bags andtuff [filip yeah, wn we-- when we oked dow we saw-- we sawroups ofeople. - [heath] they we evenoats. - ilipe] 'cse we thght itas-- [atin] youhought iwas ben. ias abo to yellut and jasaid: "hd on, dot saanything and he s right. it w people overhere, finitelyot ben.
6:21 am
, but th were denitely throng bags stuff bk. boer patroand everody that liv on the ver said "d't do thriver atight uh, becae at's when most people - are goa be croing." - ke i thi man' ourlves own beinhere - probabla good tng. - [heaer] yeah don't thk approaing 'em is great ia either but uh, you don'wanna likeneak up them by any mns. - [heaer] i kn. that'shen you n into aad situaon. either dg smugglers oreople trng to crs, either w you don wanna.. be in the mile of th and at's exaly where we're right n. you guyare finitelyhead ous. [filipe]kay. uh, and. i'uh-- we' gonna start gog forwartowards u th our lhts on [file] right, wre gna sy put and en wel decides a grou we'lhave our lits on he as well uhyou juste carefu sohere is eir ligh. at least hope it their lhts. lookgood.
6:22 am
ighs] - we shou get outf here. - [jayyeah, wehould. - li as soons possib. - [heath] yeah. and then gettg down a camping soon ase see a mp spot. ay. do y-- weere justiscussinbriefl likehould like te stevie border trol just-- st go? yeah, should ll stevi d let hiknow. okay, ye. - likef mething ppens tos then-- yeah, ye. no, i- [ben] like-- al. yogot the mber? you nt this? here. - it's le we stoed. if we nt arounthis rig herewe wou have se people. i n't likehis at a. and th were rit there? - ah, theyere righ ther - and y all st stoed rightere? - [heaer] no, mean-- -et's t the fu out of re, man. didn't kw if youuys were behinus. - [ausn] this-this is - [heatheralright. - [heath] goodiming. - [ausn] yeah.
6:23 am
i have tadmit jumped to iediate b conclusn. you gu said: "backpacks and peoe crossi", the rst thinthat cam toy head w runningrugs, ke the vy first ing thatopped to my he. [atin] a they-- they mht havbeen, bu uh... [ben] ye. buwe don'tnow that [benwell, it'such a condrum, bause ke the pple that a crossin you kw, under fferent rcumstces that cou have be you. or you ah. anthat is the edicamen like i was tting ere ani was li if thos are milies opeople whare tryi to make tter liffor themlves, i dot wanna ll. but if tse are dg smuggls, i wannaall. [austin] i tked to my rents abt it and ld the i ca upon me peopl and ll, theysked me you kn: "what- what we theyearing, what we they dng,
6:24 am
th or thatand-- d i kia descrid thsituatioand they and ey askeds what wdid, and i walike: "well,e-- we cled bord patrol. and ey-- they undstood, ty got it d they sd,: "oh man,oor peop." um. they sd that w them 30 yearsgo. [gtle musi ustin]n guatema, th-- they re makin threbucks a y. th were ling in a ltle room th and my der brotr, my dadhe had family memrs and fends whhad eith been, y know, harass, muggedr killed i meant was nocide.
6:25 am
my mom, she was ry willi to do whever shead to do to get or here. shtried toome over a cole of tis. somee had snched on r. mom anmy olderrother were lked up imexico en they t caught by immration tre in mexico. mom would ask to work jail so she-- so she could get money and food to feed my brother while ey're in jail. don't waa discret the-- e crossi of the ver, it signifint. but myarentsad-- my, my fily felthat ar the eire time and it w-- d they sll thoug they-- that fr years ter crosng. [gene music]
6:26 am
[austin]hen i s first rn, was pbably , 15 of one hou. itas tough parentsthey hea thisadio annncement about,m people helping illegaimmigran t their sidency, t they ha to repo themsels and stat th they'rehere illally. my mom, shbegan crng immedtely and theye like: e're-- we nd to dept you no" in my pants' eye
6:27 am
the ameran dreamere to send threkids to llege and havenough make a ving d-- and be sisfied, and theye exceed that. i am nlonger earrassed of who i am, wre i comfrom. i'm ve proud omy paren. very pud. d hopefuy uh, onday i capay 'em ck. en] todais a b day. we arewitching from coes to bycles, becauswe're now inn area wherthere is wall, but e wall iso far ay from theiver that youan't evesee it from t river isome spo. [filipe]et's rid - [cheing] -[heathe let's re.
6:28 am
[austi ben masrs is a deteined, decated, uncoornated soof a gun he is great for many reons, t coordition is not one of th. d to seeim on thbicycle, ter paddng and beg on a hseback ish, one omy grtest js in lifnow. he is. so b on a bicle. but da it, he'doin' it [benthe lowerio grande vley has e st illeg crossin and drugraffic alg the usexico boer. ♪ rning asty ♪ en] it aeady has me existg borderall anis priory r futureall consuction. ♪ i dam of you ♪ [ben] the rio grande here twists and turns, but the border wall will be built on straight lines, on levs and irrigationanals, somemes mis fromhe borde
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effectivy strandg ericanand beeen the ver and e wall. are you l doing y landr uhirrigaon? - all irrited. all-- all irrigated, all the water coming out of the rigrande rer. our river pumps are on the banks of the rio grandriver. we will haveo go throh the wa, to get tour pump whicis the leblood of the iigated fms. the concn is we' giving a emendousmount of of area th-- th is somef the mo producti farmlan the world. uh, alvial soi from theio grandriver wi a 365-d growing period. , there' a t of impt south where ty're goi tolace theall. ere is t border?s the bord on the ver, or ishe bordeat the wl? because ere's the quarrs of a me diffence.
6:30 am
i don't nt it to be just one-timehoto op, and th my uhkids, and andkids, and fure generions have to ve with the farm beg cut inalf. once t walgoes up, that it. u can't do it, yocan't un it. d i thinit's eas r peoplen washinon dc to me decisis wiout havi some int from t people who acally le here. thers just sething kind of unmerican out it tme, and 's all pt the unid stat. when thetalk out homend secury, we're partf the meland. the wa will be on thiside of e river ad-- of t levee rd. uh, and ll be vertic wall where ey will el off this sidof the--f the lee and bud a rtical ccrete wa. fous, it's50 acres


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