tv Global 3000 LINKTV June 25, 2022 10:00am-10:31am PDT
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chris:s it in e clos ? shley: we' lookedeverywre, we c't find . luca: i ink i ha a sketon dre she canea r. elley: a you defitely ha not en the tdis dress? lu: i, n i haven. shley: okay. it very strange that wlost aress . ca: good, sehow pret that is? (mack rks) luca: me close ♪ th is the immery sff that'll on youryes, o y? - okay. - shut yr eyes oh, i t too mu on, oka thers cat ir onhe makeubrush. ris: hur up, y guys are gog to be te . shely: we ha to leav in 1minute luca: alright,el l. shley: i kw, auty tak tim e. ca: sm e.okay shelle the haistraighter isn top ofhe fish nk . we rlly have to sh
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. ca: okaythen we ll rely rus elley:'m not ud toeeing yoin makeu you ok very etty . be loud d cleawhen youanswerour queson, okay? ren: i'ltr y. shelley:h, boywe're nna be l e. ren: okay,we have evything ready shelle yeah, we packethe ca oh, a us h! gotta brg a brush. we'rgoing inaddy'sar . ren, wn we gethere you rushight to e stag 'cause ty're doi the hearsa welli'm sure thesay 9: just to t pele thereearly ough . wehould' gotten earliertoda i st didn'realizeit wou take uso long luca: 's literly 9:31,it'ska y. (peoe talkinin backgun d) shely: i'm gng to have toet a spo too because ose wome can beicious ("rty in t u.s.a."by mileyyrus playing )
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(song contins) shley: it'unbelievle backthere the dreing ro! i an, we g here at:3 0, but thdressingoom is, ke i hato go althe way the ba to get o chairs. ca: oh.shelley:nd we arju st squishedall, lik all our stuf f is othese twlittlehair s. becae peoplere spreaout th, likemakeup, d. ..dressehangin and 000 dress-- 's crazy.lucaoh, theye so cute!nonef them c spi they'rso adora e. shely: same nce, see lucayeah. elley: y could he taht it toen . i'sure youtill knoit .
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(laughg) all ght, t me go gn renn. (pple talkg inackgroun ♪ shelle so you e number0. so mt of thehings that y d o,you'llo out, you'll bthe 40thn li .we'll ok up o's numb 3 9. ll go over the pgram th you re why is is room ed forfor litt miss weie ? - , it's t changin and, andakeup ro . thiss the bastage room . - ere wod somee change? - ll, that why iold yo yojust chae here--we just ickly itch cloes .it's sfast .and everne's chaing, d no one lookingt yo u.and yohave you ..that why i kw you'd nt to wear thlittlera .
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♪ emcee: a now it'time fothe taleection joy the ow ♪ mheart's r, far a y (on spears): ♪ut they n't see the ght, tt's righ ♪ (hip-hopeat play g)♪ mname is dney ani'm fiveears old ♪ ♪nd i'm rlly excited to be inhe show ♪ n speake): ♪ s works the ghts by e wate ♪ ♪he's gonastray so f away ♪ froher father's dghte
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r ♪ ety bly lif ♪ tten smey life ♪ ♪ull of srow life no morrow lif e oldingot e) udience eering d applauding) eme: next up,e have r mccary. (audnce cheeng and plaudi )(playi quietly) (audiee murmuring, shuffng ) (audnce noiscontinue ren aying qutly)(peoplshushing luca: why aren they lienin g? y won't ey be ie t?(peoplshushi
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) woma hi, eveone, just wanto ask eryon e please quiet wn kids e doing eir tale s,because 's reallhard fothjudges thear and you wanpeople to be qut for yo kid yoshould bquiet r her peop's-- tha you . (audienccheeri and plauding) (reses playi ) eople taing in bkground) (ren'sieceontinu)(phoneamerclicks
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ren: m feelinnervous. shelley: st kw this the's nothgyou uld do wng . emce telus what fams personould you ke to beor a day? i wod likeo be e bostonruins goie becausi would ve to bein an l ga and me all thelayers (audiee cheersnd applas, eme speaki softl eme: what'the hardt thg you'vever had d o and hodid you complish i t? - the rdest thing i've evehad d o is not being ae to spe to mgrandmotr in spain because don't spk spanish. bunow i'm arning how to sak spanish so can spe to he emcee:hank y. (aience eers andpplaud ease welme renccar y. (aience chrs and alaud s)shelle i have idea at ren igoing to o. udience eers andpplaud
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eme: if yocould ti-travel,when wld you go, and w?- i wod go bac tohen i wathree orou r. (people lking backgrod) antell my rent s at i was gir l, rather tn a bo and makeure at they ew that ck the (audiee cheersnd alaud s) lu: she d it ! udience eers andpplaud emcee:ow, i'm a lossof wor for tha t! (audienccheers a applauds) ♪ announr: modefor babyr minigiovannaarty .pageanprincess emilna gonza z. paant quee kikidamo . prtiest ha for preeen oreen, recca anz o. ettiest es, petis, isable roche.coste,
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pre-tn or tee kikiohnson woods. model r little oliviaoretti persality, by or min leonnailgy . (audienccheers r pre-te categor this yr's paget swthea n mccart ! (audnce cheers and alauds)shelle woooo ! (gas): a cwn oh, now she'happy. yay!(lau s) lu: ren, r, re n! highiv e. (ggles ) teens: happy bthday toou hay birthd to you ♪ hap birthda dear lu happy bthday toou (laugh g) - o! (applaud g) (tking in ckgrnd ) (pho camera icks )girl: do it. .. doest looklike he t his ir ? lu: why ise wearinthe ha
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nogo back,o, leave leav leave luca: i couldo back tim e, it wouldrobably to wheni cameut the fst tim and st stuckith it beuse i kn ke, in the mom t, was really ressful,it was rlly upsein g. but i stuckith it back t n, i cod have ge in high hools luca lu (laughi): thatas worse! th was wor than thfirs t! ca: i n't knowf i woul rely changthat, actuly . becausi like mgroup of frien . and i ke everying th i'm dng . ani'm rely excit for e next sool year so idoesn't ally maer anymo . luca: yomessed u - no, u, i.. lu: a lohas ppened and, lik gettinmy name change and goinon testostere anstuff li tha t. i'really glad at th whole pcess is ne . think th all, li the bimajor chlenges are doneit h, and w it's ptty mu just norm . - and,ike, eve single rson kes fun
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me for it ani don't ow why.- eversingle ♪ chris: have so concern fotheir fety .the biggt scare r meis that theyill feelnhappy th themsve s, beuse that the, ththre that's hdest protect them long they'reappy th who ty ar e d they'rfeelingcomforble and pporte d, that'she most portant ingto m (kidtalking backgro d) elley: o tha you .♪ elley: wasumultuouat fir . fore sheransitiod, ren coul't readat gra level e couldn write aentenc she woulget real worked abouit . she had is undering anety thatut her
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be levelsso hig that athing that add a tey bit ofnxie ty puher overhe edg e. ♪ after e transioned they appacd me andaid they dn't thin that s neede the special ucation rvices ymor e. they sd she's e ofhe smtest kidin the sool. and e's we above gde levelin readi and wring . she cawrite pas no w. (ks talkg in bkground) ren: oy, this cheese zz a. i don't knowabouthe otr tw not as cesy as mjokes. riend gile s) likehat one.shelle at thisoint iteems oddthat we er struged . noi never ink of tm as bng a difrent gde than theare ght now.
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e to go beyond the lens with our filmmaker s. tell us what you think using #americareframed . ♪ ♪ ♪ it's 11:00 on a tuesday, and i'm staring at a computer screen working at a job picking up some part-time hour s at a job that i used to work at 15 years ago . and everything's going fin e, because it's not complicated technology
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. but all of a sudde n, my heart rate's piing up really fas t, and my throat is closing u p, and my che my heart is, like, beating and this person who's trying to train me is talking and she's using word s, but, like, it's jt not computin g and, like, executions that.. . things i could just do like, an hour ag o, like, my finger just won't.. . it's like everything's in slow motion . and i know when the scales tipp ed that made the anxiety attack -- that's, like, full-blown panic attack -- come o n. it was about 20 minutes ago, someone had walk ed to the front of this store where i'm workin g. and she's so familia r, and she and i are, like, eyeing each othe r. it's like i know her face, and i know her nam e, but was like 15 years o. and, and i'm like, "you know i don't really know. " and she comes up and she said "did you say you were a teacher? " and i'm distracted, righ t? 'cause i'm trying to learn this new technolog y, and i'm, like, trying to make good impressions with new peop le and, like, manage old acquaintances and so my guard is dow n. and just instinctively i'm like
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"yeah, i taught middle school in hillsboro ." and her head snaps back, and she's like "so did i for 30 years . why can't i place you? " and that's when i lost i t. because i was completely terrifie d of what she was going to say next . so i turned to the woman next to me, who's training me and i'm like "i'll be right back. " and i make a beeline to the back of the store frantically searching for the hr perso n who i just met an hour ago-- i don't even know he r. and she's walking toward me with this plat e, and there's, like, macaroni and chees e and something else it's her lunch, the poor thing . and i'm like "do you have a secd? " and she's like "yeah," probably thinkin g, "he's been here an hour, what could have happened ?" and we sit in this offic e, and these chairs are so close to each oth er it's like a closet our knees are practically touching . and i'm like "uh, you know, " and these words are falling out of my fa ce even though i'm trying to be profes h. and i'm like "do people know, like... are people, you know.. and she's like "do people know what ?" i'm like, "are they saying.. ." like, i don't really kno w, and i'm, like, just falling apart . and she... and i reali
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ze she has no idea what i'm talking about . and so i sto p. and i said "i worked here 15 years ago. " and she's like, "i know. " and i said "and then i moved away "and i transitioned my, my gender identity and, and now i back. " and her eyes start filling up with tears because i realize she's in shock because i'passing as male, and she has no ide a. and she's trying to make me feel bette r in the minute, in the momen t. she's like "we're all very welcoming here ." and she actually starts to, like, tell m e about another transgender person on the staff . and i'm like "whoa, did the person disclo se that it's okay for you to say that? " and she's like "oh, i don't know. " and i was like, "you know what ? it's going to be fine, it's going to be fine. " and we kind of awkwardly wrap u p. and i stand up and i leave the office and she's kind of, like, shaking her head you know, i'm like "oh, i just floored her. " and then i'm like, "you know really, what i need is something to eat, " because hunger always mas the anxiety wors e. so i go over to the café and i'm, like, staring at the men u. i'm, like, "i can do this, i can
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do this. " vegetables always is a good decisio n. i'm a health coach, i know tha t. but i can' t. like, my brain is just hijacked by this anxiet y of like, "what are people going to say? " and so people across the counter like, smiling, like, introducing themselves and like, "i can't even. " so i grab my phone and i run outsid e, and i called my mom, who answers on the first rin g, which is poignant, because we were estranged for four yea rs because of my transition . and so to be calling mom in a moment like thi s is pretty profound . and she answers; and i'm like, "mom i totally made the wrong decision ." and she's like, "what? " "why, what happened? " and she knows what i'm talking abo because 24 hours ago i was trying to decide between choosing two part-time job s, starting to get my business up and runni ng after doing it up here in boston for ten year s, got to start from scratc h. so what kind of part-time job do i pic k? other people would factor in things lik e, "well, how far is it ? "how many miles, you know, would you put on your ca r? how much gas would you use ?" so that's what i tried to decid
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e. so i pick the one that's close r, and i pick t one that i used to work at as a different identity 15 years ago . so there's this added factor of me being transgende r. and i realize what brought on the anxiet y isy fear of people asking what my name used to b e and talking about pronou ns and asking invasive question s that for six years i've answere d and i'm tired of answering . and i just don't want to answer those questions anymor e. i don't want to talk about who i wa s, because what's the point otherwis e, if i don't get to be who i am now ? and my mom listens; she says "well, y had to know it was going to be like this ." and i say, "well, mom, at 3 4, i didn't really know it was going to be like this ," because that's when i transitioned . and she said "well, have you had lunch yet? " and i say, "no ." she said, "go get yourselfsome vegetable s. it'll make you feel better ." which is adorable, that my mother again, the one that i'm calling in
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a moment like thi s, knows what to tell the health coach to do . so i go back insid e, and i do get myself some vegetable s, and i sit down and the anxiety goes awa y because i realize that i can't control what people sa y, i can't control what people do-- who can ? all i can control is my respons e, and that's what transition has taught m e, is that i'm going to do th at one person and one conversatio n, and probably one anxiety attack, at a tim e. (applaus e) stefan lynch strassfeld (ss): my family were mostly gay guys who were my babysitters and the guys w you know, took the pictures at my birthday parties.
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and i felt like i had this amazing family. i called them my aunties. and it was a really wonderful, amazing world that came crashing down. starting in '82, the first peon i knew, died of aids. um, a young guy named steve. beth teper bt: and how old were you at the time? ss: i was ten when he was diagnosed. i remember, i was on the beach on fire island and he was coved in these purple spots and i remember asking my dad like what's wrong with steve? and my dad said, "oh has this skin cancer called kaposi's sarcoma." and i said, well what is that? and my dad said, "well nody really knows, but there are some gay men that are getting it." and within i think 2 months, steve was dead. and it was pretty much a succession of deaths of my family throughout the next decade. my step dad bill died in '87. my dad died in '91, after a really grueling six months
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of me taking care of him. you know, i was 19 and i was on a break from college and was really at my wits end and exhausted from taking care of my d i called up myuntie eddie and i said "canou help? and within a week, he'd organized 40 people to do round the clock shifts. he was the only other person in the room with me and my mom when my dad died. at that point, everyone had died except for a handful of stragglers who i now hold near and dear to my heart. my aunties. it was a powerl family. there was a lot of love. and they modeled for me how to survi an epidemic even iyou were dying while doing it. ♪
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