tv Earth Focus LINKTV June 29, 2022 9:00pm-9:31pm PDT
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d the sty of ourime. - [boy](mfled talng)o do - we're just trying to cram people in swe can g them toafety. - [jameswe've goa bunch of refe. - mypartment floodedow. yeah, anwe need get out of here ause theater isising arnd us. in t course my care, ve seen lot of dferent kinds ofnvironmeal chang (man yelng) but d ver seen so muchappeningo quickl fothousas of yea, manyeopled bieved
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wh i firsttarted tlook solid wer, ice lting, turnininto thecean, e momental cnge that happening rit now our te, started come ale for me it w a powerl experice. tycally, starenvironmtal chans,me ey're ha to see,hey're small anincremenl. sohis is wre the it was extreme e surveytarted. - [bill] james balog, james. (audienccheering - [m] james log launed thextreme ice suey by - [bl] and jt tellas th brieflyhat you did. - weut out te lapse cameraand t
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on the bedro alongde the glaciersnd they oot ery ur or evy half hr and ey've amsed on the bedro alongde the glaciersnd they oot ery million image arive of how the ice hareeated as a conquence of clima change. on the bedro alongde the glaciersnd they oot ery millonce y see thee opictures how the ice hareeated noenying that theglaciers a. of clima change. dot normally get to seehese tngs. anbringinghat evidceis ba to peop whongvidenc [james] theris su a things truth. real it thugh the ages. i'm trng to fi it anone way anoth, (lig dramatimusic) real it thugh the ages. i'm trng to fi it anoater triling), since ve srted the extremice5 billns of to of glacr ice ve meld into t ocean.
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the te of me is steadilyncreasin and althat melwater raisesea levels wodwide. incling onhe shore of my n countr [man] rfolk nehbors in one cmunity are wadi through the war . - [man] is is prably asou come t the you'rerying toet today - [- oman] traffiopped the. alerfor 26 - [m] it'sising quk, high tidnot exed until 8: a.m.,
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yocan havelooding on a snyy so- ames] inhesapeakbay,e. just on dinary ds, thtide ces up an it fods the reets. nny day ooding, i mean gfigure. norfolk s had a footand a hl se over e last 1 years. it's the highe on t eascoast. se over e last 1 years. anso you c see wha thimpactas been. ause obvusly when that crc, it wast meant to loolike ta - we sawhose waterbubbling up ts and ooding io these ighborhos. i me look athis, tsengling up ts plts, thesare marsplants. why e there rsh plts in the midd of a paing lot? everybody in theity know thaturing a gh watervent likee're havg right w, u don't meown he becau there'water onhe road.
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- [jam] a lot these hses inre only matter of a fto in this areae've beeworking or tee abovehe ornary higtides. and sobit by b by bit, a sn or eighth of an incht a me, thocean going u d beforeou know , the ean is rhtb by bit, a sn or eighth of an incht a me, your ling room. - these uses werall eleved so, between the time that atthat house was raised and that house was raised, the estimate of where the safe zone was from flooding has gone up, what's that, three courses of cinder ock, zone was from flooding th's what, foot ana, u know, fe, no, t anymor safe, yeah, , not anore. now, thas safe. thin are chaing and of stl floodsven course ough we enton 1.million llars elevatinit. those anes ovethere, that's o port fality. we're onof the lgest pos on theast coas so thas partf our economicngine ov there.
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but th most imrtantly, mo of our litaryinstallaons are. there'naval stion norfk, 're starng to sethe earl impactof sea lel rise. - navastation rfolk 're st the larst navyarbase ithl impactof sea lel rise. almost 7ships ar - homeorted he,folk 40,000 ps peopleome toork hereveryday. , it's snificantnationalefe. 40,when wsee a stm coming toork hereveryday. in, a a level se, it mes thosetorms more sigficant and creases e impact. it mes thosetorms you ow, if s level was rise ass projecd tothatould be significt no lone imct to naonal secity. [james] as t oceans se evy communy on theoast wille affect and somof th much soer than hers.
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(lht dramac music) [james] as t oceans se evy communy on theoast - name isames eskdge, m the mayor of tgier isld. come he. fit and fomost i'm a commc, fierman, cbber, oyerman. this is e acal shding tan d whenhe crabshed, there tan out of the wat and refrigered and ty get a e way cket to w york cy. my grafather w a waterman, myather wa i ammy oldesson's a waterm a so tt my grason can rk onhe waternd his s.
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th's sam ato, john robertie grwee a consvativeroup..e. and condrice andhe skny one'snn coult. (chuckli) wee been he for tanghundredsf years.tory and en you lk back y see that wer is th fe of taier. water anthe folkonangier, we're joined, we're connected. (crowd cheering) (air horn blowing) - growing up on ngier s absoluly heave as a kide had bacally free rei of the land. - almostike, i gss, living ian amusement pk because ere's always sff to do [anna] mosof the men workn the war,
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anit can gall thughre e evening d night. - [carol] chans are, every so crab th - [jam] i'm dendent on bringg in theounty of the csapeake y to touand now 's thatolsame csapey and justo pay thbills. look at climatehangeke taie site ichesapea waters - abt two yes ago i got ant and i sected ngier asy site. beuse i reized howire e situatn was t here. new scho is builon stilt ter in pple's frt yas, it's to a fo deep. yoll see fh swimmi aroundn these rds. you'llee blue abs king the way.
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at's somhing thahappens on a f. aroundn these rds. this isld feels uncerta d so unsady anso fragi. i'm consence of e fa that right er there the oce and that cos up, it'soing to terribl for thespeople. - yeah, i remember this used to all be sand when iirst camup here. acro and we uld walkll the y up theest shorline. - th was hig are w grou at one me, and hi enough suppo they had school house, a small neral ste here. and ds up he playing just . and i'm re at th timehey coul't image ath their tn wouldbe underte. - but u can sethat li underneh the sa of the pt sedimes th are exped.
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once thagets eosed, th's what'tearing the isnd apat tangieisland ia sand hl that's cped by pt sedimes. 's very ose and it's vy l now, s level has th insteadf stking theand, asou canee the wer is ju tearingt to pies.. ofhere theommunity was, ic. up he at theite yeah,actuallynow a guoded and. adstdownn the isnd,yard.
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- [did] we projected the ps is was h grandmoer. ane futureea lel rise snarios. and baseon thosecenarios i esmated holong taner has leftnd my esmations where out 25 t50 years. an- it'sot too late.rios i esmated holong taner tangier savable but we don't have years to wait. what we need for the government to do is to actually put a seawall all the way around tangier. - somef the isnds do wt sically e whole land nd of ried in ste, and to dos a bapark estate, probly ound 100illion dlars
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tangier ally is rt of a canaryn the co mine. for what gonna hpen to aot of low lng citiealong the ameran coastne. tangier ally is rt of a canaryn the co mine. you know, a large city, like say norfolk or miami, manhattan, they can come up with the funding necessary to proct themsves, t some o'em manhsoit's gon bean come up withmix of ptectingcessary some aas and abandong some eas. manhsoit's gon bean come up wi(lightramatic sic)essary
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some aas and sociy do notave thlehis resours to prote everythg. , were gonnaave make so choices - 's easy r people that d', , were gonnaave l you kno why don you? try to find- -toet moneyo relote.' - i meanwho's, yh, exact-- - we'dave to srt l overrom scrah and 're a to of wateen. who's nna ta a lo of watean in? and 'rehard warmen.een. who's nna ta a laging warmen.n? yeah. yeah. who's nna ta a d the oldepeople on this land.en.n? - wh i walk on e beach 'e i'm taki a trip my past but m also wking int my gndchildr's futur
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'cause wre one srm awayfrom bec. (light dramatic music) - [jamesthe humaenterpri is bed on a lief at we re or le are le to kn what the fure hol for usand for r ch. mmers wi be hot, winterwil. the lat when those bas ocean exctationshange it tows everhing to disary. how out everody just sit de do this xt oneo that's cing in he.
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thethanhe worldhat youand i kn. profound differe world smile oro? - [jam] move yr head raight uand down tuckour chin down a littl. okay, ay with . we don havto wait r the chging bodary contions arn a littl. a happeng right w.ries. we'rliving i the ddle of at. a photoapher, i want treveal the confct betwe pele and nure.. i s a litt boy playi byy grandpents hou.s
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i uld lookround mend sethe contst betwe these ibetiful fosted hili band the gigant piles of waste rocks that had been dug out of the mines. isowhen i gw up andi bstarteto put a ceras ofhosokay.contradiions d - give ithe gas? zoom, here goes. (gas hisng) you kn, i've aays known inheory th the enlop of a that rroundus is th.
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you kn, i've aays t in fac when i ok up at the s it seeminfinite - atrick] ay, so now i ne you guy you kn, i've aays t in fac when i ok up at tto walk ay from .ite [james] i teameup - [prick] th's fin - [james] toend a cara upbove t atmosphe. - atrick] ep goin' - and exrience ha cara thinhe air aually is whoa, lo at that. (lig dramatimusic) it toise to wt'sminutes basicay the edon of t breathae atsphere a35,000 ft. it toise to wt'sminutes basihow gh is it it's 61,0 feet. - wow.
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just few mines later it wa, staring out into the blackness of space. - [prick] ,000 fee there's e parache. -- mera's a in - atrrfect coition.g. lookt that, coinental vide. fantasc. iness thanalf an hr myalloonad floated up into at was i und it iredible at oulayer ofir is sohin. for th, i undetood h finiteand prec.
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matt, w do younow wee at theight spo this inot a maed - att] i w countinone ssissipp two misssippi. - oh, go this inot a maed - when step out could go for t long ri here?i. let'see. yeah, threticall (jam chuckli) - lookt this. weetoinhe air a how eo thskath effectshe colorow of thisubstanc that we're bathi. you cat sethe air,ut intimate ratiohip witht. you ll your ngs withir mo than 20,000 tes aay. so, can't aid thfact thawhatev put intthe air, we put in.
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- [jessica] so, ju to orie yo eye youan see he the diffent spik thate're mearing. - 're sureetting alot of cb. - essica] d etnol and luene. volatilorganic compous t - 've beensing thilot of cb. van fothe measement a milln dolls of cusm inrumentatn in theack. we're ally intested in vols a milln dolls of cusm inrumentatn in theack. cause they contrute tolimate cnge, ozonformatio in t atmosphe and th can bece harml to hum health. - sohe numrs we'reeeing on the seen in there arcoming out of ts inlet here? - arcomr inlehere forll ofhe instrents. - [jam] let's e wh sort ofo2 add to t atmosphe. - [jam] let's e - sowe got eanol. th's a comn one. ethanois foundn alcoho but 's also und in st normarespiratn.
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- aw, ma ethanois foundn alcoho b's onlone o'clkin sinhe afteron--tn. - i ow now don(lht music us. - [jessi] so we' in a go spotso we'llee if weee anythingrom thisell pad herehich w-- - [jam] whoa, ere's etnol. -ana large ike in mhane.e when we ok at soces of pollutioover theast few years, scificall in t western.s., when we ok at soces of pollutioover theast few see thaoil d gas exoration are on t rise an contrite to poution. alsoecause pulation owth have a t more tffic now we have lot more peoplesin. - [jes] an o truck without y kind o we have lot more peoplesin. r pollutn control on it. - a lae spike toluene - man, lk athat. - yeah. - [jes] my godhe's way way f the toof this art. - [gabele] so ese poutantset relead into t atmosphe andcontribus toe
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and thenn the presen of sunsne, the x and e vocs d form gund leveozone. - [man] ont rang is sll under an ozo action ert unl 4:00 p. tomorr. - [wom] the be advi: ay inside. - the exsure to one and rticle polluti can lea to increased asthma attacks, it can lead to the inflammation oofeart attk and evlgs, les to preture dea. (light dmatic muc) you knowhen you ive that van past aell and you e the chical comi out andou go, okaythat's tt one place anthen we t into thers 40,000 of thoswhere a. yogthingsround heainute, and yodot know ich onesre leaking. and th there hundds of thsands
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ofells allcross thcountry. and en therere allhe tapipes, iluding mown, d there'all the jet airplanes includg the on i fly i you , my godit's jus likeit's ovehelming. (lig dramatimusic) - [gabrie] we have sigficantly altereour e and feel theffects it, - [gabrie] we anwe have dealy altereour e th the eects of . okayuys. aryou guyseady brush yr teeth? let's gocome on. peaking reign lauage) (p sizzlin i need ttake my xapro. takeour medine guy ready? let's .
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slow. slowerplease. slow. sler. good jobready? go job. - ow, yore going too fa,. after moved t this parof tow my oer son ren stted deveping asta. - ow, yore going too fa,. my dghter, ovia, we d totart hern medicaons at t agef one anleonardo was ji my dghter, ovia, we d totart hern medicaons okaygood job w go rin your moh alfour of have asma. so, wee indooreople. we're t outdr people thpollutiohere in e neigorhood ipretty ereme,
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