tv Earth Focus LINKTV July 9, 2022 12:00pm-12:31pm PDT
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i dithe totaopposite ju by minformati, strust. i dithe totaopposite weidn't kn whether he w g. geleman: job is write abon thatakes off and ows up m-ai, and kis a hundd people sandra sttleworttabannah itppearethat it was ser when was a ki thant is n. yuri bmenov: exposu t 've creadtion does n is probl,ore.aaron ar: we've so creat the solion. th're justiving tother, and wean't tel'em apar m winebu: thinternet chand. this is methinthat has neve d
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theisime thats being boughts spenon the iernet toind infoation. d by comnies whoant sell adrtising. t and at's theodelng boughts of thenternet.rnet toind infoation. d by comnies whoant sell adrtising. the mo powerfuplaces are ruby ad les. the longer you're narron theirlatform,oulick, the mo money ty make. while ople tur toocial mea for ne, atforms e not degned togive yo hi-profi tech inders ve raisea red fl say thasocial mia plforms ardesigned hook o sean parr: atw do we nsumes was alab, as much yr time and cocious atntion as possie? it a sociavalidaon edback lp, because u're exploiting a vuy it a sociavalidaon human pchology. bso programrs call ting a vuy "brainacking," it and e tech wldn wod probab prefer bso programrs call ting a vuy you dn't heaabout it
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n before a few engineers blew thehistle thishing is a slot machine every ti i check my phon m playina slot mhine see, wh did i g? somcan be eedded inder thisesie sohenofll theseroducts., derson cper: do you tnk parents undersnd the cplexitie of wt theikids ardealing th en they' dealing with the pho, on thether sek this didn ha the telhoneineersourels whare redegning itto work e anthen uating thway your telephone wked every da to be re d more psuasive. anthen uating thway youat was n trueked in the 10s. (noticatiodings) anthen uating thway rrator sear engines like ggleb keepusers ononger. aralso sching to keeyou engad.
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trisn harris wh you hitlay that yoube vide what actually ppens is thait wakesp inde a gooe server somewr a littlevatar vooo doll versioou baseon all yr clicks baseon all yr likes, baseg u've wated. all th ok and a moret makinghil and moreike you. weust haveo manipute the odoo dol w"wch one'sonna kee are fr a videost?" narrats thatas viewe ov a billi times. w"wch one'sonna kee chare, that ally hur narrats (laus) chlie bit . you starone vide and en they' have that tim, but 's only, like, ve g for the next one to begin. it'll be something that you're interested in cause thsoftware is sdo it's li, h, if u like ts video, ou'll li this one is sdo anwe'll pl it next and u don't have any time to click out. ou'-hey, rois one is sdo anwe'l-heybilly.xt the xt time u look u it'sike 10-1nus ter, twentyinutes ler, hour lar, d all yomeant too s just cck one tng.
12:06 pm
i ve throwmy pne to the wds befor t then i immedtely n after becae i walike, "wait,omeone's gonna . t then i immedtely ah. (chuckles) itrecoendationngines c incrse peopls likeliod becae i walike, "wait,omeone's gonna . an addtion. encounting more extrem. itrecoendationngines c incrse peopls likeliod becae i walike, "wait,omeone's gonna . olence, xuality, encounting more extrem. other nds of mia conte. (honking) rrator on ytube,if you d , other nds of mia conte. you'd be recmended anorexiaideo because ose woulbe morelikely. ifou were tching a news clip about 9/11, would rommend identified by the algorithm n as someone interested in conspiracs, youtube's remmendations would begin to feed u an endless supply of conspiracvide.
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some othese conspiracies andd surprisily wide dience. youin 201 thousan, if n millionof peopl still lieve the worlis flat. and e ne o think is growg. naator: with or a billn hours wahed, over 70% are from the recommendations. most people don't realize this whenhoosing give why do youll their dneed cell phones? -safety. -emergency. -safet -educational. valeriziegler: the seco i finisa sentence and i'm giving a lecture, they're on their phones. they can't even have that separation for thative secos for me to ke a breh. or, they'ren a grou and somee else iwriting, ey're onheir phos. for me to ke a breh. have you ever watchea teenag they do so quicy? that theye just solling.op if t, and re the ction. they'll tch the deo r maybe o second
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i would y probab % of tir day, it's wt i woulcall, kind o nonsens pele wouldext each oth, d th'd be rit next to each her, and i didn'tnderstanit, t i was ke, "i gue that's at should bdoing, t?" i use phone s hours r day onocial dia. gi: i prably spe, ke, threish hour on mphone a y, likefor enrtainmen it waslike, eight hos a day. on mphone a y, l was, li, horrib. it waslways apchat day is apecial day because and my st frien egler: ur "stre"-day apchat if you gso lon thout poing someing, then youose yourtreak,y and ki care abt that.t. ifwe havthemon t put theiphonesway. ut what out my seak?" ziegler:i think 's chaed the lationshs studen have with each otr. ds in hi school intentr thatre false
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they spread the rumo n onocial mea sitess everd. like ts are shing upers. gointo a mide schooland hig. mean enoh time now thw gasoli onhe fire gointo a mide schooland hig. mean enoh time and throa phone there. e whenhere's aumorp en theing ound,ngs. safriday nht, d then or the weend, when y're on sial media the subjt still ps up. kids don have anbility to escape from that. ey're alys conneed. thin like,go kilyourself toomnobodyikes youce. "youhould ju go die. we've d a numb ofoung peoe, midd school e, gh schooage, commituicide here idurao. 's happed y too ma times. ree hobbs:we're alsen.
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humans are hardwed to pay aention tmessages thatreate stng emoti. humans are hardwed fr fear toust to dire toate. jest coler: the fa ns stuf th i was dng as all montgomy, pseonym, tthis wasust someing coler: was doinon the se the fa ns stuf th i was dng th some iends that i kw online it wasotally jt for fu were, iuess, trollsin a lotf sense. it wasotally jt for fu you knowreally jt shing buons. i bought all the domains that were, like,, once we arted to g tractio then advertisersame us. and th before you kn it, thmoney toe madeere.edto, "ohf "whyon't we st see what we cado "as r as dring traff, st getti engagemt, "just wahing tho pa views gw."
12:11 pm
anythinghat you n mask behind study is grea for exple, lik say th you arero-ice cam, and i ca along a i said, "you k? "ice cam is ba for yo health. yowouldn'tike th story. "ice cam is ba u'd be, ke, "y know at? m not goa read tt story. "that sa sometng yothat don'telve in."y. "ice cam is ba u'd be, ke, "y know at? but if wrote ary that ys "inew i waright out every y, that iceream thi.? "i gonna e ice cre. m goa eat scoops ice cre nd live yrs longe" whetr 's true not esn't maer. narrat: scieistsay that' anyou ignore or raonaliz for discfirming eviden.e, wher all of udo it. ch useis tcked, our icks recded, our bies noted tcalculat anpresent us what wre most kely to clickn next.
12:12 pm
ouinto a wld of ouown, us serate froa sharedeality.g peopleant to bieve that there rig, and ifhey see mething that cfir, they wl share . narrat: disiormation sprer when it makes us afraid or angry. a w resear center surv showed at a majity of aricansraid ve sharefalse inrmation. someech si hasnter surv showed made thieasier tn ever. itter's tweet tton puts shang infortion, true or lse, huneds or en thousas people, ju one cli away. mething at makesou angry a ar r reeet it.on.
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sa that itas ike handg a fourear-oldat a " coler:f you'recrolling throd anyou happen to landupon t, we wanyou to cck on it throd but be soutragedit, that youad to she it all youfriends. and thproblem ,k on it throd becomeshis race but be soutragedit, that youadto the btom of the bin stem, all youfriends. and ere if io lower ion thero becomeshis race but be soutragedit, you knowusing myroduct, and ere if io lower ion thero becomeshis race i win, b it doest end upin a wi but be soutragedit, appealso the wot of han natur it's liktaking all of o hate... appealso the wot of han natur -mm-m. fanng our fes,r, fannie ler: th, in tur ses more a for facook, which leads more prit for thr invests. mariressa: e world ise and lled apa, and t, peopldon't kn theye being nipulate and it oen start innonymouspaces on the w, ithen moveinto coniracy communits onlinerks, ithen moveinto mor traditnal soal med spaces,
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ithen moveinto coniracy and en, unrtunatels, somemes it es up mainstrm media. so this is one of the paradoxes of the information revolution. we thought that it would mean more information, tter resrch, more accs to fac, bett democra. tuallyit's caung th chaos. narrat: thisas one, more accs to fac, bett democra. of theost shar ne stories on facook in 29. if you had kids or you knew someone with kids, it felt like the article was meant for you. so the key part of that headline is "may be in our neighborhood." it'she immedcy. so sometng that an immiate thrt to me iand my fily,y. at's whai carebout. heline wrirs ow this tuitivy. even though it was written for residents of a small town hundre of t in texas.tes, kids are more afraid to d to let tm to thesenknown pces. blacon: ali knew w, come hombefore the reu
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i had kids n't haveha. weon't all thafreedom that somhing cou happen to . beuse it'sust out fear sandra:it appead that it wasafer whei was a d one of the great ironies about the present is that just as we have been getting safer and safer, parents are more anmore vigant abt the saty of whereheangers l. somemesv we're frile creares, wee vulnable. thin c go wrg. makes sense that our d tohis that gwrong mo than thgs th can go ght.
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narrat: th's called ounegativi bias, where negative things have a bigger impact on how we feel and behave than positive things. i geinely beeved was unse to vacnate. i wouldn't even consider injecting my children with anything, becae i felthat it wouldause dame i di't know ther way so ient to t interne to google and ied to get iormation th guy, anew wakefld, dr. andrew wakefield, got published in lancet, which is a very prestigious , that hd found thisinn agnst meles, e mmmps d rubella.the mmvaccu t today,uestions about n resech published tod suests mmraccinati
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could beinked to a n side efct, a combation of bel disea and aism. th autism nk ithe ing th scared the mos e was rely adamt about . it was,no way a we vacnating o kids!" okay, u know, i get all thisnformati. so it wa a joindecisionreally and was sortf on board. , yeah, okccines a harmfulet allso l's not dit. inda: ya (singi-clafor me.) linda:we went a ristmas rty on aunday. we h . mondayorning, ijah wokup with o side of hisace hangg, so of urse, i thought, "oh, my god, has he had a brain tumor? so iook him the gp, and the said, e's got ll's pal," which paralys of t facial rve,
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ere's noing you ede on on do about ,ace. there's nothing we can do about it. it just needs to ta, anand enakes hel be rig again. ne day, he wasetting wse. that nig he stard bite hitongue. ne day, it was vy hard f usow causer to getim to exain what w going o to telus what s happeng. lind oh, i s. ere doest hurt? head swed me ithe weekd a ttle cutnder hisoot. so i tk him totarship, heawhich ishe children' a ttle cu hoital.soot. and on tt thursd afterno, so i tk him totarship, his jastarted lock . soate, 10: at nigh a w doctorame on, wonder it's tetanu"
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and i sa, "ie had thsame thoht." if you wipedia tanus, e picturis a guy and hiw. and seing wrg signal e tohe brain d the brn then rcts by spaing muscs. anthose mules spas e so strg that, yoknow, th're archg, u can brk your bess by aneverythi,. and athe same me, yo jaw's lked upompletel so it restricts your airways. and that's one of the reasons people die of it, is because they strangle you. all night, he was cramping every three minutes, and i kept pushing the emergency bell. i said"you've t toome and lp me. this is t right. was bitg his toue, eeding dn, archg and, y know, all this. it w just u and, um... he lood at me d he gs, "mom, mommy,ave me." anit was jt e worst ing ever beuse i codn't savhim. anit was jt therwas nothg i couldo.
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theyaid the ly way to alleviate hisain to put him into ca. we said odbye toim, becauswe nevernew if he s gonna me out coma. becauswe nevernew th said, "we thk he nee to be in aoma r a longime, "so weant to d a trheosto, "becauset's bett r his vol cords, and all rts of tngs. ian:the spas we still happening, but at least he wasn't conscious of the pain anymore. in 1998, dr. andrew wakefield published a report suesting tt therwas a li betweethe mmr vaine d autism rll, dr. kefield, it has, puic, and mning. was gnn us absoluty fraulent dat he had ainancialnterestin some .
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he creed a fakpaper. fraulent dat narr the medal journld thatad published i gave bih to a mern anti-vacnation mement among pants. many cse not tvaccinat theichildren the probm was, it start a firesrm, and n i fo childrewere killed and by meaes virusized. a rus thatould hav be safely i and ealy preveedlled and by vaccinaons.zed. u could gue thatthat pap . lind we didt know oh, watcout for ur toes.into li. lind alijas going for h. i had iled merablyin keepi my . i thought that lthe biggest safety for h. i could give my child was toot vaccite him.
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i would en prent him fromettim orny of thother thgs at we re about on thentee ior brainamage, child by not vcinati. i thoughthat washe safes t i realed there i thoughthat washe safes th that wa thmost unse thing i co. e safe thing i coulhave de ia so alij having walk wast of theospital,d agait . learng to wa again, and dog his farite thi ia so alij having walk wast in allhe worldd agait . whicis csing birdies with mom's help. and dog his farite thi linda: e guilt d the she wa at we we throughd agait . and for , personly, ill gointhrough, was imnse.s farite thi linda: e guilt d the she wa at we we throughd agait . that perps anyocould ha gotceswhen yoa so better formation. (indisnct chatr)
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th you are groupu car that c be targed.ldren, you cod write mething that , "hey, ifour kids watch o t th you are groupu car that c be targed.ldren, f theye on the devis too lo, "if u did is dung a preancy, f you n't do ts during pgnancy.. en soon, thatould cu have a action to thacontent, tohare it th ur frien and famy. en soon, thatould cu harr: so tre you a. you're aut to jo a fabook gup. let'say it's "new mo" fabook gro. it wakesp the avar vooo doll rsion ofou, and it ss, "wch of the groups if got you to join them, "would keep you "would be mostngaging? and wh do you thinone of the most popur grou might be? antiaccine "would keep you conspicy theors.ging? coler: it is important, regardless of your profession, your stding in fe, toave the oper infmation so you. i thineveryoneants to know the trh. narror: hocan you ow wh to trus oneptember1th, 24,
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a emical ftory expdes in louisna. and news sites apparently post reports about the accident. is takesesponsnsibity in a vid, and lol resides ceive te message out a spading cld ofoxic fum. the oblem wa the had be no explosion. the videos were fake, d so were the news websites that reported it. it was all a hoax perpetrated by the internet research agency, a russian organization in st. petersburg. the internet research agency employs hundreds of you russian topread prrussian d anti-arican opagandaage on . employs hundreds they'rwidely referredo as tros. e of the tactics is tpre ericanon socl media, gisting thounds new aounts e of the tactics is tpre using lse infoation. though vladimir putin has e
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peaking ssian) narror: onthing they did was create protest events in america. there s an eve in texa where ey organed pro-mlim ananti-musm rallie onhe same y, litelly acro the strt om each her. theyreated aacebook ent and t peopleo like i beforeou know , there e o groupsf real pple in a ten face-of a streecornern texas. befoe of the this thate believeay have ene pa of the tent ofrganizin simuaneo rallies sa day, sa place, oppositeides sim the streeies waprobablyo attemp to pvoke vionce. d you caback as r ashe spon word, people he lied, ght? none ofhis is n. at whi this minformati can spread, e,
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anmaliciouattemp byad actor to diberateltrick u. the ghest arof warfa isot to fit at all but subvertanythingf e in your enemy'country. but subvertanythingf e anytng. put ite ainst blk, , i don'know, wealthy ainst or, oland so oung... doesn'matter along it distbs socie, as lg as it ts the mal fir of aation, is good. doeoutside forc recogni it distbs socie, that racm is a vnerabili in t united ates th can be ploited. th byussian tlls in 26.s in t united ates re the gup targed most one tenique wato start makis abt the afcan-ameran communy. w beautilhow richen the ltur. then, on the tro account gai, ey startlipping mo and mortoxic coent
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cused agnst othe grps of pele. that'shere theots comen. thounds ofake soci media account n by autatic computerrograms thounds ofake to make look li there's a t po and rost these meages u.s. ielligencbelieves thatus like bcktivist some othe fakeccounts encoae and thenussian-fded medi oran vered thprotests.s, e each oer as enies. the as as tru in eachther and inhe goverent goes dow fear gs up and the ability of t c. whe maybe a littleedgento th, a piecef histors a sociacohesionttack
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uh, our pas is bng exploed to me 21st-ctury ameca look me like 10s ameri a ssian-crted actist group iis t indisnguishab fr an ameran-creat actist group thatill haveegative pacts on ourbility toreate soal movemts at areositive, at aually benefiourselve annot someort of forei power. hodid facebo somehow not ke the cnection at aually benefiourselve annth elector ads of forei power. wereoming fr russia? sam neburg: factarel to democcy. when ournformati suppl starts tcrumble.ultimate, oy chael haen: e americ definition of , "aolitical, milita tor enomic evtsn, n which is inteed "thathe hand of o gov"
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n which is inteed that ast did tus.tion of whs this is e most sucssful covertnfluenceampaign inecordehistory. this is e most sucssful covertnflwoma hello.n today i'gonna be talkinto yu about a w technogy that affecti famo people. rememberhen tarnold swarzenegralkinto yu a personat hself?y won: deepke, deepke, there'adeepfake)ere. you' got to kiddi. this i'm t adele,oo. but am an pert in onle manipution. we'renr li anyone saying ythingaket lk at any pnt in ti. but w we movforward li anyone saying ythingaket lk in thege of inrmatio isonna be e differce beeen whetr we surve wheth we beco some kind of.dystopia thanyou. st woke, bches hollywood special effects company weeks toull off can now happen in minutes using inexpensive ftware.
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