tv Occupied Minds LINKTV July 22, 2022 3:00am-4:01am PDT
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- what w that? - , i don'know. i likeour plac it's prey cool. - enjamin]s it? ke anythg you wa. do y want a ano? have aiano. okaythis is good pordge. 're algoing to ha a loveltime. what'sour type or what you usuly go fo - - i ways end up with gee like yo - [benjan] oh,ood. - sh. - what hpened? oh, there was a manager at the party, justaid he doesn't want to mana us. - [benmin] oh,ho is this y? is he - it's quite a big deal. - oh, we, i don't know if this ihelpful,
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but external validation isn't everything. ke, what importa is that you kn that yore great yeah, th isn'telpful. - okay. um, i think you'll get another manager. - yeah, sorry, i just-- i just don't want to go home yet. - [benjamin] well, you won't. you mustn't. okay, sten. - [bjamin] o no. wha ohyou don'have to e the pridge. don'let me pssure you in porridg - , no. uhis it-- ist weird we carry onanging o? if you he stuff do, i'lgo. - ve got nhing. no, ye, go on. uh, whathould we do with r lives? - we cou-- we cod t some mhrooms. magic murooms? or just shrooms. - magic mushrooms. - uh, yeahhat soun-- th sounds n. let'get somef those shrooms. - yeah - mmmm. - coolso with e porrid? - , fuck t porridg no, , we'leat thporridge okay.
3:02 am
oh shi(laughs) - [benjamin] that's thick, oh my god. the continental breaast thin don't understand what that means. what does that, i mean, what-- what arehey tryi to suggt? oh my god, where's she going? [noah] wre's sheoing? - i'm gonna have to talk to her. is thaokay? - yeah - oh. are you thirsty? - yes. we will get water, how will we do this? shop? okay, sh sh. (slomusic)
3:03 am
- th one. - you want those ones? - yeah. - [bjamin] h - 's one pnd twent now thatounds reonable. e pound enty. ere yoare, money r the wate monefor the ter. (chuckli) oh my d, we cat go in ops. [noah] y're quitfunny. [benjami am i? - [noa yeah. - [benmin] i ud to be rely funny th i lived wh someone who didn't laugh d i got bit rust - [noah] why did you live with someone who didn't laugh?
3:04 am
- [benjamin] i don't know. i thought it was better than dying alone. (laughs) ♪ isn it ird ♪ ♪ isn it strae ♪ ♪ evethough wre just t strange ♪ ♪ on is runaw train ♪ we'reoth trying to ♪ nd a pla in the n ♪ (carhonking) - [photoapher] or here. to yr left, anks. smile. ameras sttering) - u all rit? - ye. oh, hi. how are u? yeah, i'okay, thks. ye, yeah. e you cited abt the fi? - why are you being weird? - what? - you didn't tell ben, did you? - no, don't worry, i'm not gonna. - 'cause you knonothing' ing to hpen, rig?
3:05 am
- i s just cing out the toit, i wast-- - ok, well iwas good tsee you. - ok. - noyou're bng weird suly you c see tha - ll, i han't donenything. cawe startgain? like yououtfit. - yore being really eepy. okay, i'gonna gocause i n't. - okay, serious god, ias just ying. - i n't knowhat you wa me to-- martha. ye, i'm inhe cab n. (camer shutting) - [photoapher] t youreft, to ur left. ank you,eah. - what are y doing? - i just have to meditate. - okay, c'mon now. time to be someone who can host a screening like a bigoy. ben, everyone is sat. you need to introduce the film. now, c'mon. - i don't think we should have put the monk scenes back in. - i begged you. - i think that-- that--, uh, it'd give it something, but they do, don't they?
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don't they? - well, it's about to be screened now so we'll find out. - oh, god, no. - and tonight's film is the second film from benjamin oliver starring benjamin oliver himself alongside harry barridge. here to introduce the film, please welcome benjamin oliver, tessa huston, and harry barridge. (crowd applauding) - hell um, tha you-- thk you alfor comi. um, , yes, ts is, uh this ithe firstime i' shown ts to anye, so thas exciti, righ umhopefullyou-- you' all likit, so i canontinue ing is sort thing. , oh, we, maybe shld just tch it. and, uh, we should-- we should just watch the film and then you can write some wonderful reviews. i think it's all going to be fine. should we sort of bring the lights down? does somebody else wanna talk? no, should we just, uh, bring the lights down and we should watch it? um, oh, and have fun, everyone.
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lien, mayb maybe is better for meo go, soou can-- - no, nono, no, , no, it-- it's very poant thatou come bacwith me night, ok? c'mon. hey. y, bra, bravo. - thanks. it's terble. - thatas good,t's good i just h a coupltalk about ur shop mpositio it was funny. - and here, um at abouthe monk? - see i dn't, i sn't tha.. oh, okayyeah. i think m gonna ho and trynd cry. yeah. - are you nna be oy here? - yeah - mae you cago say hio billie - , nah, n, you go i'm ne. okay, ju tell me was really d? - it's. - you st said ? - . - hello,ugely tanted, mui-skille wonder n. - we, really - pleasei mean, o has a nk? you'reo clev. - m gonna get a dnk. okay. - hello,eautifuloah. - [nh] hey. - so, yo boyfrie's bloody gius.
3:10 am
- . yeah. - what'sp, maest? is film... benjami - hay? - it's guinely ocene. seriouy, thankou. evyone herthinks tt what you ha done isrofound. - we, no, wh which? o? - i ied. - u only wched the rst half. and i cat wait t sewhat hapns next. sorry, mtha was ving a csis. - oh yh, marth with thehairs. is tre somewre we n sit? - y. - wh's up, m? wh was tt? - rry, thawas, it s meant be a plful, um, you kn, the kn hind thenee? - ye, yeah, ah, ah, yeah, t you dot know m to kick . - [benmin] thiis stephen,e's verylayful. - [sphen] cai kick y now? - ohjesus. - thiss noah, he also a light. hey. - is tt youreal nose is it yo real no? - dot touch m. - we he to go. - i thk i'm goa go too - , no, no can you st stay, i' come wi you. i don't nt to slp with you ain, by t way. that not whai was trng. - ohy god. shutp, just ut up.
3:11 am
- what happed? - nothg. doest coun can we ? - at do yomean it dsn't cou? - it w only foa minute - arry] ohlaughs). what ds that mn? - fofuck's se, it wa't a continus in anout, itas just in and en an ex. - wellhang o - nothinhappenedokay, e. - itas norma actuall it was nmal sex. - enjamin]ou n't needo go noa - she duced me i was ing home i wasn'tven-- - cuse m how old are you - how olare you? u-- you-you're a fuing psycpath. okay, ok. - what dyou wantrom me? do youant me tdance? huh? you nt me toance? do youant to bsexy? pua smile your fa? little dce, likeit's sex - stephe stephen what a you doi? - i don'know. - you ay? - yeah, st get mout of her - at was aery goodance. thanks. - [benmin] areou okay? yeah. i've... ... - ay.
3:12 am
- [nh] hey. soy, it wacrazy do there. - [bjamin]eah, it waswasn'tt? are yookay? - oah]eah, yh. st wanted say gooye. - what, odbye? whatwhy do y wanna say, wt, goodb? th's ridulous (lghs). - i've i've thgs to do torrow, so - ah, i'veot ings to tomorro got ings. gee, what-- at is th? - no, nothing. - [benjamin] n go on it'skay, wha , or, wh is it? - we, justlike, mae i'm noready fo like, a relatiship, yokn? - rit, yeah. - . - , that'sad. - t congralations on ming a fi. 's amazi, really - ist? - ah, ye. - co. u have tgo. - yeah. you haveo get toed. - yeah (ughs). - and eep, gooight. - okay. thank u.
3:13 am
ok, by - e. (slomusic) - on one hand is this sort of nice, intereing, lovelkind romanticomedy aut him anhis norelatiship withhis charter aticus pyed by tt y harry rridge, he's in the new keira knightley film, "sibling". but th the oth half of e movie, as implied by the title "no self", is about the buddhist idea of the self being a projection and an illusion to somehow protect you from falling in love. and the way this keeps being represented is a pretentious monk from a film about this buddhist way, he has aolutely pla being inhis filmt all. and u think,hy didn' some procer justo, "enougwith theonk.
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ust do t think tt you did fore thayou can . "this mo, we've had ximum mo." the reas i'm getng slhtly exaerated i 'cau i'm sorof disappointed. because, you know, you see somebody and there's, like, an erging tant and tnk, "god, ey're goa really od work." and th they dot. d it's le, you'rnot gry, youe just dappointe and you' a bit le- - he'set you dn. - he haset me do. he's let hself dow - exactl(laughs) - d the whe. he'set everydy down (ughs). m sorry,t's not nny. acally, it not fun. (slomusic)
3:15 am
(mumbles - could st say t sod to thetage. is isoutheasasia? - peer 21] jt south ia. - [tes] so, hos it loong? - [bjamin] is not go. - [tessatell me,hat ve y been upo? oh, it's ftastic having aroper prect. cy? - uhdo you gto lunch a snack - ju a sec. lucywe need start soting or we'll lose the ildren.
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sorry, sry, i'm stening. - uhno, i wajusthinking ani'm not re exaly wh i wannao next and i ju thoughtf you haanythi coming thateeded a direor or anhing, d i'm ally up r doing sothing th doesn't me direcy out ofy own in. - what iall this in that u're in? i mean, n, are you ally in in? ah, nny. - i'sorry, ai in youseat? - ye. - i'm soy. - th's all rht. - no, m leavinanyway, . oh, no. - yeah. oh. so sry, it'sust... - packeday. yes, um,ook, thi is a lookingo good. congratutions. - ohthanks. - soood. - ohyou're t mpetitiowinner? - no, nono, i'm t one. do y know wh time its? - oh, i'so sorrye havet en able speak pperly. - oh, 's okay. sureum, we'lcatch up wnever yore ne with l this. - i'love that. great. - love tt. n't waito see yo yes, oka - u know wre you'rgoing? - umyep. - grea - okay, by - alright, b bye. - [benjan] oh, sorrforgot mbag.
3:17 am
♪ let me go ♪ ♪ l me go, , oh ♪ - uh, ye, my namis harry baidge, i'an actor my favite filmrom chilood. i uld probab say "the pent tr". like, mynly ideaas, likeif thereas... say thers, like, pa, or a cracter, somethi that yove nenever gothe chan to play d you'd ve to pl it. orlike, ifhere was role thas, you've never been offered, then i could probably write some for you. - oh, tell ben about your big nude scene.
3:18 am
it harry'sinematicebut. , apart om your lm, but es that unt? mean, this is beg releas. - welli think counts, t, uh, swhat, you' a bit ned, or witthe peni - [billi yeah. - yeah - how you, i me, is thaokay, ause it'the charter's pes? - ben, ion't kno if should y this, it maye, like, insultg to youcraft. oh, plea, um, this ia safe sce. - i'd rely love to writsomethintogether - really? - yeah. i've been reading, likeso many standard, mainstream bullshit scripts. and i lo the wayou don't che succs, younow? - enjamin]eah. - anit woulde so, li, it woulde so fucng cool to cate someing withou th's, liketotally iginal. bu like, n an easyatch. - yeah, , it cane quite innse writg as a pr. , like, ve actuay been writing mething th steph, like, a diert- - wh - friend, stephen (lghs). - ohy god, wnever talk aut that ain.
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u slept th that iot dancer. she's noan idiot it's jt obviou oh, chri, can yo ke theseff me? - [har] what a you writing th steph? - uhwell we' actuall doing is funny. - suresure, 'cse he's so nny. - uh, diyou have an idea r a stor - i n't thinwe ould lim ourselv to the idea ofelling atory. - [bile] okay, so youl do it. - well, don't kn-- don'tnow if i shod commito ything rht now. - illie] oy, whyou textg? - no one [billi so annoying - wanting this, wanting that. if y are expecti thin, make nmistake. you e a pupp. nyeople, ty search tir wholeives looking for a fae reputaon,
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but finally there is obscurity. and obscurity, this is the best thing. - i don't know, is there-- is there-- is there a character or set you've got in mind? - i mean, i can see maroon for some reason. - the color? - yeah. - okay. um, maroon. but, um, like, if you're to say how we imagine the film beginning, or, can you see th? - well, i thinit's. don't thk we shod beooiteral aut it. - nono. maybwe open maroon. mm-hmm. and thers a eling thair of, this bld?
3:21 am
- [bjamin] oy. and iturns outo be - a coatyeah. - enjamin]kay, greatyes, and wearg the co is you, mae? - yeah - [bjamin] oy. d you'rewhat are you- wt are yodoing? - m asleepi'm drming. [benjami okay. wt aryou dreang about a swan. - okay. okay. and then, sorry, uh, what are you trying to say? i me, is the a partilar kind omessage an idea - cai sketchou [benjan] can y sketch ? - ye. - [benjan] what? - just te your t off. - enjamin]hy wouldou? - hoare my nples
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goodexture? - sh - what do you like to paint most the time? is it-- - it's difficult to talk about. - right. is it usually people? or fruit? - well, it's everything, you know? i mean, if you say what do i paint? i woulsay feelings. my paintings are kind of like my journal, so i can look back and say that's how i was feeling last week. - oh. how were you feeling last week? - well, i'd have tgo in the other room and look. so, it not cometely what i w trying do. - , wow. wow,ou made rt of atactive. - yoare atactive. seously,ind convenonal beay so borg. - okayhen. shoulde go bacto work,r? ben, thiis the work.
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- ohsorry. rip itoh. - arry] yocan ite heref you wa. let urself o when yofeel. - okay, ah. i'll fla it out bit. - you ay? you seemed a bitistracte - oh, no, no. i was, i liked it. we did well. what a we gonnsa toile about is? - what dyou mean i mean, ll we wa too this ain, or? i ink itas kinof an experienc you kno - grt. whatere the sults?
3:26 am
hi. hi, how e you? - i'm od. i'm good - um, ishis a bistrange? wait a gooday for sic? - ah. - good was justonderingf you mighstill ben the buness of bei intested ine? i thk i mighhave put yooff by bng a lunic. and i'veort of msed you. i missedou too. - really have youhow much - bit. - likemaybe we shld just ve fun raer than ything moreormal? ke, maybwe shoul ju be peop.
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3:28 am
- encore? - mm-hmm (laughing) (pia playing wait, ere's d nor? - just me your fst nger to other ke yeah, ye. - he? that it? - mm-hmm - ay. oh, sohen that b minor - yeah (ughs). okay, rit, this the one at conces me. - okay, play again sloy anthink ofomethingad. (pia playing od, real good. - ay, now ay vassa carln. (laugh
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hey, ne socks. u're notonna neethose 'cau this ble is gon laugh th straigh f your ft. heree go. are yoready foyour nexact? - [cwd] yeah he's a gat frienof mine. dies andentlemenplease weome sthen arld. c'n. rowd appuding) hello, aience. how are u? good laugh. you like to laugh, huh? yeah, well me too. the other day i laughed so hard some milk came out ofy nipple (cwd laughg) whh was unpected. wh about a is sexis right? i meanhow is tre y sexismn the wod wh we all me from woman? mean, wh do we begito be sest? are weust therin the wombeing lik "oh,his is a very go "b i thinky dad would do better b." rowd lauing) sorry. are yookay? , right. he gettingarried. (crowdpplaudin oh, the she is wow, rnd of apause forhem. (cro applaudg)
3:32 am
wow, cgratulatns. you knoweverythi ends. that's sething yocan counon. anorphans tonight now se that wod be tou. at must really ugh. but i think imy parents re dead, i'find it lot easier to kill melf. ? okay, showf hands, whose ther hithem? noing? c'm (laughs c'mo no, oh, n, jesus - [me] fucoff, me. - oh (lahs) than. that terribl uhright,h, no oblem,o proble (crowdstounded uh..yeah, noctually, i thinthat's m odnight eryone. d someonsay enre?
3:33 am
- oah] howou doing - [benmin] i don't know. - [noah]ey. - y. - [bjamin] h. so, thought was grea right? rfect dateight. - ght, it s. was verreal. - what d you thi, noah? you're the voice oyouth? - ah, i ink itas funny maybe itas just e wrong owd. buit was gd to see u on sta and perrm. - it w cool. it'sool, it'cool. - , pleaseon't ups noahhe's veryoung. - (lghs) wel what else wld he be y, is th gonna be film on? - aughs) oy, um, i thk that w ybe we nd to lea. um, but 'll come the nexgig. - ohthat wasy last g. do you wt me to gn y autogrhs, or? - well, en's theext one? - nothat's i i've bn doing for eighyears. can't wre anythi new withhat's haening, 'cse i'm jt-- just gting old. dot waste ur life ke us. ist too te to beme a vet maybe th would he made daddlove me, don't kw. this g knows wt i'm talkg about. - ay, i thk ybe it'some time
3:34 am
uhbut thanyou for all the lauter. and why we give shit? should st feel ateful for e spm, right rry, man anyway, ah, sorr odnight erybody,rive saf (knoing) - [stephen] hey. - oh my god, what happened? should i hold your arm? - no, m okaythank yo - okaydo want talk abt it? i reallyan't. - could he a convsation. - stoplease. - y do youhink thikind of thi keeps hpening? - i dot know. - mae you .
3:35 am
- i don' - wellokay. let'go throu the optns. - i n't real wanna tk about it(crying)enji. okay, uhokay. ye- - it's le- - ye, let itll out. that's azing. um, wh's, wh should do? ke, do y want me tdo sometng? like, at shouli do? do y want toake a li? doou want hear myong? - sure. ♪ can't g out of d ♪ i can get o of th bed ♪ ♪hy do i el this y ♪ ♪s it becse of day ♪ (laughin ye? - yep.
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3:37 am
(crowd applauding) - chrs. (saking inoreign lguage) - oh, itas so go, so goo ll don - (speakg in foreign languag - (saking inoreign languag - [aianne] you plad beautully, vely. - ank you,ama. - [clae] and, , w is theand doin - goodgood. we he a- whave aig torrow, sot's good [claude]ave you und a way toake any ney witht? wellthe bandctuall they'rso, so gd.
3:38 am
i me, it wasi-- i acally saw the nd beforwe met, so i knenothing abouhim befo hand. so wn i actuallyaw them pla i was jt like, "oh my g, these ys are gd." anthen-- a then weet and ye, you'reo good, like aweme. ju a realltalented buncof peopl - d you are so vy eative, en't you - no said th you ite fis. do you? - ohyeah he es (laug). - ye, um, guess. uhsorry. - whats it? - um, it'okay, it'skay, um- - drianne]re you a right? it's jus no, it'okay. it'sust thaty ex is re. that wasust-- uh, at's fin it, uh, fine, i me, he's f. is will fun fors. i can,m, or mae i shouldo over a say hel fore he es me. maybe ihould...aul. hi. - hi. - [bjamin] h are you? - llo. - [benjan] did you t new glses? - no. - theye lovely is is no and adrian and clae.
3:39 am
th is paul - ll] hi, ul. - hi. - , is thi uh, thi you eting thparents? (lauing) um, a bi yeah. -- we ju saw, uhnoah st gradued from guild ha. - course did, congtulation - than. - right (laugh. um, so at do yo how areou? ye, i'm fi. i heard u wrote film about mend causea wanker [benjami (laughsuh, the st film at i did itas about relatiohip at was sghtly inired by ul, but itas-- it s mainly about being aidiot. um, t anywaythank yo uh, thks, enriea. oh, soy, this enrique , paul, ul, enriea, enriea, paul what's what's gog on? are u in lov - am i am i inove? - [benmin] is at not a go questio do you wt breadsti? - no, m okay. - [bjamin] he a breatick, y wouldn you want breadstk? 'cause y're not ally offeng me a eadstick aryou? - [claud okay, well, paul, itas lovelto meet u. sorry-sorry, w are you this is aude, should we-- - sorry,ou write film abo me and th you fucthe guy thatlays me. what am supposed too with tt?
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- okayshould wgo outsi d have a-- have a lk? - foreal? [claude] think tt's a rely good ea. - you ne to chilout, clae. good lk, mate. hopefullit won't be twoears of emotionay empty llshit foowed by it film about homuch of cunt youre. - laude]hat's that - he'sn fashio paul? what was that? - wh? oh, was at embarssing? y do youurround urself with a theses upid chiren? - noah'srench. i li him-- i like him. - [paul]h, 'causit's eas 's safe. w long y bn doing is? - [benjamin] i don't know. - [paul] you're gonna end up alone. you're gonna end up unhappy. - i know this. i've written this. you're saying words i've actually written. - because you're still doing the same thing.
3:41 am
have some pre in youelf. why do you think i was with you? it wasn't a fetish. - [benjamin] well, how mh of that s about at i do? - were tother twoears. ur work n't thatood. - okay, think th i'm nna go bk inside but wh are you nna do, n? e you goa adopt m? i st... i ju wanteto mea sothing toou, that all. - whato... i.. you did,ou did. - okay. then wgo on. it's n me who'never gonna fe anythin hi. i ink inhe futur th'll all em qte funny (slomusic)
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- that incredible. - yeahman. at was gat. - that w amazi. - ah, thatade me thk about fe and st. - annafuck, th was amazg, i mea i love- - [harryit was butiful. - illie] y, that w just-- - ank you. - u know b, right? - nohi. - hiyeah, coratulatis. th was, umit was, how d you co up with it witall the per? - justame tother over t year. - year? no, was that-- w that th lastime thatou're dog it, or will u need me paper? [anna] tt was it - wellgood, go. but otrwise, tt's a loof per all e time, n't it? like, whe'd you gesuch bigaper? i'm sorr i'm rely exhaued. - seously,verythinyou just d, it washe truth (laughs)o, no, yh, th's wha- what.. no, no, ah, thtruth. i'm lahing 'cae it-- 'causit's tru
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- ok, um, i' see youater. - ah. th was so cking ru. where e you gog? - i'm gointo see ifhe's oka - aww,he's fin at are y doing? - think i'gonna go - n't leavme here my own. justtay he until harry ts back,kay? - okay - do youate me? (footsteps thuddin - (lghs) i'v(laughs) it's a hedge. ♪ isn't it weird ♪
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- sthen? (knockg) stepn? [stephenhey, you've cled stepn. pleaseeave aessage. stephen? stephe (suspee music) lass breing) stepn? - my god,h my god thk god. - whathe fuck e you dog? why didn you answ your phe? - i wain thehower. - you cat have aath? - y are yoshoutingt me? - cause aner your one if youe got deession. (laughs)hat? - it's n funny. coulyou-- cod you just cl me fir if you'rever thiing doing athing? can u just cl me and we'ldiscuss ? - e you ok? - carel. reful ofhe glass
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rain enge roarin i stillon't kno♪ ♪ i sll don'tnow who you thout i woulbe ♪ ♪ wre did y go ♪ ♪ wn you we trying to bhere witme ♪ ♪ a you know at you are sa, on youown ♪ ♪ butou're lo, or wer♪ you lostith me t ♪ ♪ are y longingo scareforever ♪ a you plaing to me somebodnew ♪ ♪f you feing someing ♪ sahow you el ♪
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♪ younow it'safe to let somee hold y ♪ ♪ letomebody ke you c ♪ ♪ letomebodache for you ♪ let someby ache f you ♪ ♪ a you lonng to be sred rever ♪ are y planninto et someby ne♪ ♪ iyou feelomething say how u feel ♪ you kw it's safe ♪ let somee hold y ♪ ♪ are you longing to be scared forever ♪ ♪ are you planning to meet somebody new ♪ ♪ if you feeling mething say how you feel♪
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♪ younow it's safto ♪ lesomeone ve you (crowd alauding) - . - hi. - u're reay good athat, younow? - anks. - [benmin] shodn't you very faus by no this is gic you' doing. - whatre you dng here? - , i thini made aistake. n we-- - m going me. - ho? home, me? when? - [noah] tomorrow. - tomorrow? you can't go tomorrow. - why? why uldn't i
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- do youanna movin with ? - wh? - i kn, i'm soy. was scar. i wasn't capable of love, which i think was just actually covering the really scary thing, which is that i love you. - (laughs) just ridiculous. - cayou stay anher weekmaybe? - , i n't. me to paris. - paris? i can'move to ris. - [nh] why n? - i' got a ceer. ke, wherwould i ve? who uld i ben paris? aughs)
3:56 am
okay. (upbeamusic) ♪ fill your heart with love today ♪ ♪ don't play the game with time ♪ ♪ things that happened in the past ♪ ♪ just happened in your mind ♪ ♪ only in your mind ♪ ♪ forget your mind and you'll be free ♪ ♪ the writing's on the wall ♪ ♪ free, yeah ♪ ♪ and you can know it all ♪ ♪ if you choose ♪ ♪ lovers never loose 'cause ♪ they are free of faults ♪
3:57 am
3:58 am
♪ shut my eyes, still i ♪ ♪ hear you cry ♪ ♪ so i wont cry ♪ ♪ i needed to hold me ♪ ♪ someone to fit me ♪ ♪ i need to keep you alive ♪ ♪ and i don't wanna go if you don't come ♪ ♪ i don't wanna leave you here with him ♪ ♪ don't make me go ♪ ♪ don't make me go ♪ ♪ and i don't wanna go if you don't come ♪ ♪ i don't wanna leave you here with him ♪ ♪ don't make me go ♪ ♪ don't make me go ♪ ♪ but you're braver ♪ than you think you are ♪ ♪ i can meet the monster once a week ♪
3:59 am
♪ just you and me, and i am all you need ♪ ♪ all i need ♪ ♪ and i don't wanna go if you don't come ♪ ♪ i don't wanna leave you here with him ♪ ♪ don't make me go ♪ ♪ don't make me go ♪ ♪ and i won't ever go if you don't come ♪ ♪ i won't ever leave you here with him ♪ ♪ don't make me go ♪ ♪ don't make me go ♪
4:00 am
- [mike]: i started coming to this mall in 1982 when it opened. was... e place be. - y angee, this is mike, jasper mall. i have few emp space [upbeasynth p] ♪ [ambient mus] - [announcer]: major funding for reel south was provided by: etv endowment, the national endowment for the arts, center for asian-american media,
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