tv Earth Focus LINKTV August 1, 2022 7:30am-8:01am PDT
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announcer: on this episode of "earth focus," lessons learned during hurrice katrinare being puto the tt along e coa of losiana. so predictew orlns will be submged by te end othis ntury. e regio's svival depds on its abilitto adapt tolimate cnge. if sucssful, lisiana m pvide a beprintor other ound the wld. [film advance clicki]
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cker: tre were milies here. tre were ds in th streetlayingootball,ight? therwere nghbors. this house was the candy lady. as kid we woulcome dow andpend ouruarters d si here onhis porcand eat itnd just joy the mosphere ofthe commity, rig, and that we away st overnht. it justot washeaway. elicopt whirrin ma: we are seeing enes lik th one toughout e city. iebermando you rember if you told them th the leees had oken? browni don't recall
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ecificly, but was tha ne orleanss floodi. waers: knoed ovethem plas on heir poch lastnight, hh? miss some upt with y. aouple ofonths ag we had in stor just a dinary rainorm in stheast louisia.t was onof thosdays thawe thoug, "hey, st a lite rain,"ut low anbehold,he city floode the draage syst was not up to par. tucker: we lovedurricaneas kids. i rememb when thcalm came, weould plaout in t ater. itas just other da ff from hool, right, b now
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it'terrifyi. it'terrifyng. lters: ts is not hoax. ths is rea climatehange is rea so how we liveith it? i thk in thisection of wn, we're staing to understd that wer and lima change goes hd in nd. johnsn: new leans ithe la 5 to years hareally taken on great aptation climateesiliencand clate chnge. eletion is e of the maor adaptions thayou sotimes se is thathe hous are raid higher this is the center for the sustainable engagement and development. we have rain gardens here. help mmuniti how to ild rain
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rdens.e also he a orard. youee over re, we have mons. geus one o re. ater katina, yohad all ese toxi from thwater, s tht went io the il, and that's all ov the lower ninth ward and probably a lot in louisiana. evidently, the process of going through the trs to beafruit, idoesn't come in the fit. al, we commend ove-bed rdens whe you caput fressoil to ve you cps that e not tanted witthat poi. wht we've trd to do help with theommunityo first educate th becausthey ge coused abo, you ow, is climate ange a pitical ise. is real? wjust try to ve them e facts.hen we trto show w theyan be advates f how we apt to th climate cker: ife don't do methin all ts beautyof new orlns thatverybod loves,ourists me down e, the'll beooking a
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just water. tt's it. willia: the pl we' relied on bieves th we can ght ter, anif you've ev been toa beach en the's ripde a you thk you c fight war, you wl learn thayou wi lose th battle. waggoner: with a climate adaptation plan, you have a wet system and a dry system, so when you need to lift water out, you can do that, but when you needo let thwater , you n let thwater in though thasystem into ese caals andirculatet around the city willms: i ansome peole might lk pas here an think, "oh, yea it'just overown grass" no. 's a w-lying
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ea thatas certain vegation int that ithe perft vetation wn you want ter to aorb and le to ssipate a more adual ra. i meanit does't loolike a t of naural sciee, but tre'a lot o tural sence that es into it. wagoner: cts less ave green frastrucre becau this is low-maintenance. this is a model of a part of the city as the main drainage basin. you ve an unrground stem, e white lis under e ear. the id was to t the ater io these pes, to t at wat to the pumps and ush it o. that w the thod. wiiams: trh of theatter is, the is no y to sol our waterssues wi just ou pumps a turbis. it's not ough. will never be enoh. ggoner:ou know,ecades of dong the wrong ing usuay ll you.e got oudeath rning in005. lliams: thereas a
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poitical ll to ma sure hat thisity seesnother00 ars, would mean ving very butiful, very aesthetic blueways along with greenways throughout the city, us living with water, so that when that next storm comes, because it's going to come--that's a fact-- that water has a place to go other than your cars and your homes and the street. [film advance clicks] reed: at some point after hurricane katrina, people started get reay serious aucoastalssues, a they arted tthink abt risk rection, ptecting ople rom floong, togeer with restoraon as onthing th eds to baddresse and s we ca up wi this cotal aster an whichs a list of rojectsthat hae been ientificly vetd, ando we ve projes that ddge mateal from e placand put
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it ianother ace to aually bui new mares wherehere's opn watert the mont. on th risk-rection de, we have eensive ries of leve and flogates arnd some itical cstal commities. thesere projes thawe thi will rk, not wok now, b work in the fute. man: thiis skyla 5478 noember. kolke state's coaal maste pln is a $ billion50-year plani conser myselan oceanogrher and coastal geologist,o i lo at issus likwhy we sk in louiana, and ilso lo at ises lik how we rebuilcoastal landspe. the rrier isnds arone othe firslines of defens against a storm, right, so notice how this is now pretty much continuous. tre'no
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channels in the middle of it. this is anxample of a restored barrier island. all rig. th you can e new orans, so at'one the maj post-kaina leve improments, sthidea was to basical to wallff this ea prevent storm sge from getng to thloweninth wa. vees areometimesuilt wit earth, a sometim they're ilt withoncrete, b the core pnt is that ty are al a walthat procts an aa frowaves and risi water fm a sto. the biest varble in ts is seaevel rise. ifhe seal vel rise rates are the lownd of th sptrum of at peopl pdict, th you cou rebuild rge are of e landsce and prove ood prottion for a loof peopl if ras aret the hi end, th i think aot of eas wilbe lost,ven with thetate's bet effort
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l rightwell, weome to codrie. thmasterlan eds a l of inpu and so e kind of rk that do feeds into t paramets thathe ste needss part oits masteplan. so, younow, i jt wantedo ve you aiew of wt the sa rshes arndere lookike. ou can s that the's mars for mes in th directi. marshes ovide a t of bufr om storenergy, they're a buffebetween r human civilizaon and t sea, sohe restorati involvepuing sement inta marsh ke this toaise thelevatioto allo it toetter keep pacwith s level re and toill in aas
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that he erod. soth is the bba dove ructure,hich is e of the major oodgatesn the morganzto the gf levee systm. with levee,ne questionhat you ve is ho'inse and o is ouside the lee syste by drawg is wall the mar, you're anging t environnt, but yo'ralso setng dowa series princips of who lives wre and t kindsf chices thathese counities face inhe yearshead, so of which e going be veryvery tou choices
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bert p. quin: th area used tbe lover' lane cause pla. youould getn herend go hide ck thereso we'd listen music a hang ou with ur girliend. y'al d't ind if iay that,uh? all rit. i wasorn and ised right hre, in he ta grass rightere. i gss it reresent wre all omy cestorsas born d raised a died, a a lot iburied overere, awell, soo me, it mea a wholeunch. comardelle: the land is important to us because it's where our ancestors settled. that's wherare famies are. that's whe the hea of who we ares. it's a sace at we
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becomone with alrt p. nain: the dians werin the w of thwhite man, sohey all signed trties forore landnd more nd, and that' how we t to ov here. t governmt chaseus, soe settd over hee and wahappy, a now mother ture is tting us ay. brnet: thiis my grdparents ony mothe's se, my grndmoer and mgrandfather right the. i wasaised re whole fe. yesisle de jeharles h always en a wonderfuplace liv the islandidn't actuly open to thworld fuy, not uil abouthe earlyifties wn our ad was blt. was vereasy to ke up in he morni and seermadillo in the yd or opoum or a
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raccn, you ow, croing the yard whateve whatnotall that hashanged bause, wi a lo of it jt being ter now, th tre have di off. wh you' seeing actualljust a skelen of whait used be, younow? alert p. nuin: to , it means almo, i guesyou can y, like family mber havi ncer, yoknowit' being eatenway, younow, whe it'just a ttle bity little bit getng destred. now,he only ting is,he piecof land is lting lonr than t human bo can.
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the onright he is an o fielcanal. ere's one that paes's o that sses a b further and the's onthat pass in the back, you're lookg at water oraltwaterntrusion comg from t pipelincanals, and ey destred the vegetion thawe useto have... butyou knowmost of e ople worfor the l comnies. th'rethe one that's putti food anpaying the nt and mtgages a stuff likehat, so,s much ayou hate tm, youave to ke em. dupreisle de an charl is--
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what's theommon ying?-he nary ithe mineield. w're seeing-ver herewe call relate sea lel rise. u havehe globasea leverise, ich islight, t about % the seaevel rishere is becau of subsence, we bo subsidi and youave the global a level se at th same te, so w are snking b i ink it's 3 mlimeters ear. it esn'sound li much, t you gonto 40 years50 yeaearsand you art o noticeifferenc when you're alrey only sghtly ove the ter likesle de jean crles. bret: in t beginni, it was slow press. it s really not rely noticble, but tn whever theater staed coing in en more wh it, it got be morrapid bause they h more water cong in and t land di'ttand a chanc
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so many ople on eir o did makthe decion to go becau of the ter. na naqui my dad ved off the isld, i wanto sayrigh bere i wasorn becae he wasn't able get to rk with the rd floodi and he eded to wo, t i amrom the loxi-chimacha-chtaw band isle deean chars, and that's my hetage, th is my daughr' herita. you kow, at'our mily legy. albt p. naqun: yaah! [laughte t all t people o will b namedhurry upfarmer b. a chd was bo,
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evebody wenand visi and bught a gt. now 's no appening tnk you f today's sunse. den, you want andian me? yes. your names littleox. theisplacemt reallyreally made change iour culte. now weind of le-- ha ha !--le there e no indians, ok dup: the on way these astal mmunitiewill rvive into the ter 21st cenry is torotect oselves from thgulf omexico. realize 300 yea, this wl probay be allpen wate i mea the seaill takes all overwhat i'm tryg to do th e leveeystem, wt i'm tring to do, is y oursels tw or 3 gerations.
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it's just out impoible to clude em into a levee sysm. it wod cost pbably $300 million, and it would be nearly impossible because the salt nditionsre so ba u know, build a fod-proteion prect, you hae to havmore benits th cost. o thing tt'not facted in thcost, th only look at t cost ofhe homes the co of the sinessesthe inastructu, but, y know, i n't know h you pua pric it, buthey doot consir the co of a whe cultur film advan clicks] [tom-m playin
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mardelleas displement keps happeni and we jt furtheseparateur mmunity, it'll jt get lo. [men anti] man: turto the lt. coardelle:e learneabout a natnal disaer resilnce an compition, swe submied our pns. we wked to fit wh thstate's master planand theyresentedt, and t got fued. sanrs: righnow, theay elocatio typical happen in the uted stat, we relon an indivual buy-t model, and s in otr wordssomeon
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receiv some coensation togo live mewhere se, but in doinso, we o lose at culral fabr, so we n't really kw if we n move ople colctively a group eaper anmore effiently th individls. comardle: the's ve litt positivin theorm of reselementf people. u know, gernments just don't do well.e presend a different mol, communitdesigned comunity-rien. i ink tha wa, hud loed on thatnd said,let's try i. let's try a pil programsee if we ca figure t how too this oa smalr scale we can ange it f--" we he so man mmunitiein the u.s. d abroad hat'facing tse same imate iues, and i thinkh's whso many peple are tching, cause it's like,ok. can really ge this rit?" beuse we kw hoimportanit is fothe fute of theorldo get it rht.
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brnet: the's realityhere that ion'ke, butt' somethi tt i haveo face u to beuse, yosee, iad to go there d make aecision ave a ple that's alws been homeor 7 or 8 genetions, and thatasn'easy to lego of, a, inact, in ite of swering at questn a few times, it still doesn't ma it sy. ilm advae clicks comardel: sohis ishe new prferred se for thisland. this where o community i gonna ve to. 's a beautil place.o me, th is w life, w birth, sustnable ple. this a healthspace.
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saders: no we do uerstand that is is a storical trbal commity, ande also unrstand tt populaons have ft thisarticula locion over period time, d thoseolks whore successf in thisroject wl hae an opptunity t reonstitutin the n locati, but ouprimary t of beneciaries e the pele living othe isla. we wan to picup the pple thatre livg in thidirescenar and ense that ty live somewhe that isafe now d into e future comardee: i hope that the ibe wou own theand, and actual, wsort ofike a mixeownershi you kno the foks wouldave fullights to theiland, buat the se tie, if th were too and want tmove offf it, itould rert back the tri so that way, thand wille foreve sacred f the tri to ha. saers: we've g to walk etty finline bwhich w're deveping somhing thamakes sese for this commity but also cou be applable to mucwider ary of couniti that y be in similar
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situatio we simp don't have a ood answ to tht questn yet. omardelle: iind thivery empowin it'allowings to breadown somof those cultul barrirs, som of those grf barrie that's en in ple from yrs past. yodidn't even alize it if evy other rricane ason, y'rehaving treplace rs ofurnitur you do' have a chae to have vings, a you do't he a chan to allo yo kids toe a bett next step life. srting ouin is piece of propty, they ca have a me and aay to progresinto theuture. ii was tportray on an endgered specielist, th isour rebih where can start r new polation tget f that eangered ecies list.
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