tv Occupied Minds LINKTV September 8, 2022 6:00am-7:01am PDT
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- we have done ourselves a disservice by not having a talk about dea th. oftentimes, they place a foot on the conveyor belt of end-of-life care and they're swept aw ay. - most anybody that i know has n ever experienced a home funeral or a natural bur ial. they don't know how to do it because no one's offering it. - everybody's life you leave a lega cy. and john would help their family remember that leg acy. but also, to put one foot in front of the ot her after losing someone close to y ou. - this will be the first of what
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i beli eve many mindful, beautiful endings but beginnin gs. ♪ [ambient music] - [male announcer] major funding for reel south was provided by etv endowment, the national endowment for the ar ts center for asian-american media, south a rts, and by the corporation for public broadcast ing, a private corporation funded by the american peop le. [shoveling]
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whent's nothappeng to t m. you knowhat i me an they don like toalk out deatin relationto theelves, they li to talkabout deh like, my godid yohear abo thatar wre ?did yohear abo so-and-so th d ied? didou heathey und thbody oveth ere?ohy god. long as it' not fecting em th's whepeople wi talk abt it.this kd of bial ound hasot been ne-- nody's de it befe he re so tt's go . because get tobe the fst and e dot have aredent at we ha to follow. buat t same me body'sone it here. so we' figurina lot stuff o on the way. learning little re and alittle
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tre as wereate this. [interpong vois]- i started,ealisticly in theuneral biness wh i s probly six ose ven. i d a smalcemeteryat the ee of t w oodswhe i grewp on t f arm. d i woulfind the littlegrasshpers andead bi s d differt thin . and i dot know wt reallystrucke to stoand patribute to crea this moment remembrce, but did it and stuck with throh my higschool days. and righafter hi school,my grafather psed aw . ani quicklbecame involvedn work g my locafuneral
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me.after out 15 yrs in th convtional feral ind try, asn embalm and naging auneral homeand seng famils and plning furals on day-to-d bas isi realiz that thconventional fural indury, for me wasn good en gh. and didn't uly et the needs ofhe indivuals we re seing or t environ nt. ♪ the indust has perpeated mystery d myth sroun di ameran deathultu re myself, u, mos anyby that i nowhas ver expeenced a me neral or natal b ial. ey don'tw how too it cause none's offing it anthey're t offeri it cause itoesn'tro fit thfuneral dustry tt's eated th metd th at made them lot of m ey.
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and i'd anned mywhole fe to be is perso this fural dictor thacared fopeop le t i justas like,here's g to be better w to do this. a stevens,ho is th founr of maglene h se and thise farms, d she's also the epispal prie over he at snt augusne's chapel, she callme and s saysi understand thatou have rticularintere in natul bu ri d end-ofife pracces d how to me those tt er. d thenheaid, cane ta lk we formea nonprot calledlarkspur conrvation, w hich you have paperwork for in front of you.we areetting o to create the state's fit conser tion bual groun which is esstially aat ure eserve, ch like dnor ke, wheryou can alsobe laid r est. we hava 155-ac tract land inumner co unty thate're pchasing rst. th particular nd will probablyuse a quarte if not third,or actuaburi al threst wilbeeft mpletelyatur
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al d we wilcreate an on grn sp acplace e entireroject der conservation and will beprotecd fore r. sohose peoe that are laid to rest there and buried t here don't have to be embalmed, they d on't have to spend excessive money on an expensive metal cask et no vaults are allowed, no metal caskets, no foreign materi als or contaminants are allo wed. people are laid to rest like they alw ays have been roughoutisto ry. d your by has onlast purpose th's very lu ableand cahelp savland for yourommuni . a t ofeoplealwa say, we, i'm st goingo be creted beuse i dot wantto takup spacehen i e. we, this ithe kindf tang up spe that's ood. so wre usingctuallyover mdead body-- u've hea that ph se-- over my body,xactlywe're ing to se this land.
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[dtant car and ki playing] becca hathe ea, prinpally,for wh larkspu is. - yeah. - u were jt the fit pers she reaed outto tryo make ihappen, or--- she haalreadyshared t i dea wi don andara and na. anthen ty ached out to mas someonewhactuallyad instry eerie nc and uld be sebody th could ysicallyun the orati on u know wt i me ? i feel le it wasotally kismet a univers and j t vi ne you know?[birds crp ing] - the tural bual serve i atteed they wercloser tthe de you kw what i ean? erwasn'tll that stancethere wa't fake ass, there wasn foldingha irs. itas like were prent d the bo
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was rig the re and the mmunity s ab to comelo ser. that's huge spiritual ne fit. mean, i believethat le never diesand althat we ve in a personoesn't ie. t you arstill ieving a ot. anso to ha the abity to have theommunityartici te and close, think hes pele in thfirst weeks, espeally aft a dea . - i fi what hes the grieve pcess a probaytwo thin is just being al aning noburyinmy self in langue that'smedil, not bying m elf in the thnicalits of what going ohere or erebut ju to be rl thway i would ta to a frnd, my sband, mkids abo j ust the ality ofheituation and metimes st how crummy i
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is. doctors t on ite coat we tr ally harto put oour ga facenot foany othere ason but becae that'sow wee been tin ed. and think it impoant for ople be ableo see th thisffects u too. cause grf is nnectiono other op le. d i thinthat giv peop some me ing. d i thinthe othe ing isrief ino rmal and it's healthy rction tobeing ab to dealith a loss. and ink if wpretendthat onlweak peoplegrieve a strong ople jus tougit out a are f e, think wee also missing e bo . it's a nmal reac on. mean, we tch our ks-- en theirrandfather my father-in-l passed ay--it'sk to be sad.we'rcelebratg o he is d itok to sad infront each other beuse it's functioof how much thaperson meant t you. d that'sust a normal pt of l e.and i ink peop sometim forg the norlcy in that. - well, there's a book out there called smoke in your es. and her and john
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kind of followed the same prem ise that death needs to be real to peo ple. we've made it such a sanitary t hing that people will not-- now won't even take days off from work to come to a funer al. life needs to stop for a little bit for folks to grie ve. with her, smoke in your eyes talks about different thin gs suchs seeing person unembal med, in their natural f orm. a lot of people don't see th at. a lot of people see thatfter w ve pumped them full of embalming fluid and put them in their nicest clothes and put them in a cask et. [wind and car noise] ruck enge]
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- so othe righ here i178 acre of lan that th natureonservan o wns. - knn as tayr hollowstate naral ar a clasii statescientic natur a rea. it'sne of thmost odiversereas itennes e. it is own for s prolif wildower popat ion.seral endaered ecies flrish there.- here'shere we' gointo be tuing in hn chrisan alway wantto go faher fi t. d our la does ru downo the ro h er and for other 20or 30yards, uthe ro with t creek rning into it - so allhis throh he re
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in 1998,y grdfather ed, and s moved the experience. d i wento the neral ho that summer and hung out on the evening of a thunderst orm cause e emlmer d callednd s ai if y're conserin potentia ll ing a fural rector, u sh ou me join when i balm meone toake su th you canandle . i mehim d weent intohe basement of the funeral ho me. i watched this gentleman be embal med. and the electrical storm killed all the power halfway thro ugh. and all you could hear was water running down the porcelain table while this man's blood was being drai ned. that was my first experience with some one ing emlmed or ing ose to dead pe on. and ght afteth, i gan workg part time the funal h om and thatall, it s 1998i went into mortuary col lege inashvilletennesseat a llege
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caed joha. gup n anended up wking atstockde-malin cam de to care ofamily members,rien ds neighbor old e, tragide ath. yoname i i ved abovthe funel homefter graat ion. moved innd creat my o environ nt. i evenemember ving iends o lost cld ren d they, ter havi a vitation a seeinthe boand being wnstairswith t pub li i rememb them cong up tomypartmento just b athe and t it all go.i was attockdalealin foa few years. and the company that owned the funeral home ked me to ansfer to dixo tenness, wh ic waa small to betweencamden a nashville. and i s the prary pers that did allf the emlm ing and ok care all ofhe bod
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s anwent outn all of the fer als. again, t comny at i word for d a posion for aeed foa funeradire ct and embaer in navi lle. and i ded uptakinghat posi on. d i worked inashvill for abt seven ars, probly, befo takingmy leap of f th. i've beeable to rk algside hifor ma years. i ickly proted himonto o leadersp te am he reallhad buil a stng reput ion of being a great embal mer. and then when he started seeing families and ma kingarrangents, th respt grew en more r how we-round he is that, noonly is talen d in helpi with thcare ofthe lod one thselv es li the embming d prepat ion, but so with beg ab to see mili es help th throughtheir ur
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ney.and noeverybodthat's iour pression iable to b oth and do th well,nd he is. when he rves a family, does tlook ait as setting rvice times, wting an itua ry hang a famy select a seice and rchand e. takes ifar beyo t hat. and that one of e thingsthat ie alwaysespe ct anadmired abou him. heooks forhe thingthat an somethi to the mi's t small tngs th make the biggest imp ac d it mea the m t. ere was a rvice that he d had for a ung girlhat had passed ay and s loved pnces seanhe gave r a prcess fun al. it w just sothing that uld takeour breath a wa when someone would come in to the visitati on literally, she was like a sleeping princ ess. he took so much time in setting everything up. and that's the service that i can say that i will al ways remember and i associate john
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christian with beca use of what he gave to the parents that have had such a tragic loss of a ch ild. everybody's life you leave a lega cy. and john christian has always looked for what their legacy is and what would help their family remember that leg acy but also have that healthy jour ney that it takes to be able to put one foot in front of the o therafter sing someone close to y ou. [sber mu c] - i me, the marity o the od stuffhat i'veeenis alonghis way,here weame thatay w he the wer linecut's reay good rht throh here a right p in he and th around is way d then kind of uin h er anthen up here,t's really uhigh andid gy. d you rember up here, it's higand
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ridg too. but thers possibities r burialhere t . meow restotion isthe fun rt, and ople li flowersnd stu . sohe oppornity to able thave opeme adow bual witwildflows gring thatn the siat io whe we wld do a rn off or we wod do a ctrol d burnr bring gos to eat ff--- the ats are etty f .- --thbad stufevery ye thers a lot naturalur ial ounds th are doi t hat. anfrom wt i'veundetood, ey get lot of gd presabout .- ye . - ey're li, oh, t's takethe ki to the ats and fun stf like that, butny way. bl-eyed ma growsall alonthat wat way, l the way downn frt of ourrope rt- that c ool.- i notid that wn weere therthat d . i'm justmazed th this maybe the oy entrance to taylor ll ow. i think
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is. iteally isrotect .- ye ah. - aryou apprensi abouanythinggoing into this et ing?no?- pe. - what areou filmi? - i don'kn ow me, i guess. 're workg on aocumenta over thr-year proc es - re ly? ye ah. - inrest g. sw ahhave a gd one. ks. we're mang a-- - i ld have id p shoulsee what goinon in thback s t. - [lau s] - i think ally theain rpose ofoday's m ting is just talk out this a ltle re. we actuay thoughthat keepingur 25 acs down tords the ad, thatt's going to
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aually gi you guysasier acss paicularlyp in acrs he re- yeah. - ye ah - 'll workt out on instd of goi back li t hat- yeahit goes re that way. - mm mm. - d i woullike ttake is to day's lawyer. reallyant youall toave it th has got my father'sname wrien all or it. - ye ah he didn'rant a wle lot,ut if yohad ev heard m on theuneral dustrynd all tt busi ss he-- - , that'sweso me - , you ner to us that art.- we, he wasrom bertson untyand saw ople frothe ti he was small childbe basally pred up by pe lewhdid thatort of t ng. d it just ways t all ov h im.and heould alws refer cemeries
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as ull orch ds. he wld say wt a wast of gooreal estate. - ll, he snds like man afr my ownea rt. - well, ah. solute ly.- that would bgr eat. i would ve t ha - yes. - all ght. [coughs] i don't ow if weeed do a bipublic cpaign. don't ow. tell me at you'rthinki . - i t know wt i'mthinkingxcept wee not gog to gett done t way 're thinng aboutoing it rit now. you thi i'm wrg about at?- we've got abousix or eight pele who a wai ti fous to say... - 's on.'s they' been thking about eir plans. - ok. i didn't now.- anwho elseo get inlv ed. - . - anso i thi out that grp of s so, i cldet over 0,
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000. yb e-- - what coerns me that we're eier goingo hit arou 75 to 9 and th that' - - xed ou - d then mbe you b ld-- mean, mae we jushave o phasesf fundra ing. don't kn . t i'm ju worriedha t-- on oneand, it esn't sod li a big nbeto rai . buon the oer hand,it's big numr to raise. - enusiasm inot dollars. - ght. - right.- and 's only ter we make thesk for tse f ol that we art tting a nse of where 're gointo be.- and w hard is goingto be how doae it i t we don know ti we tr [interpong voice- by sing this15acres
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of and d purchasingt outright the endf janu y, we wl havehe opptunity to cree a shifin the eath culturwithin o communy, help ople with less exnsive mode of rial t also aore mindful de of burial d sayingoodbye at the e of li . i'so glad u all arhe re. want y to stayand ch wit h abouwhat natal buria is, abt what ime ans,abt exactlwhat we' going be doin and allhe lit e idioncrasi . wel start at conveat io - w many people can yobury on is l an - on this particar prerty, 5,000 to 10, 000. the idea is we're creating a nature pre rve. so t whole tng won'tbe usefor burials. iton't be de-to-si rowsf peopleith stones. it w't lookanythi like that. it'll beike radn lake when
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youe walkinal ong. there y be an re herethat's ud for bu al ancre heresed for ri al. thidea is,lso, ourprimargoal is save land. we're sang land,lacing i undea consertion eas ent wi the nate conserncy of tne ssee ornother le-mindedconsvation e ity. d we wilcreate me of ese aftethe firs one. afr we have e funds puhase thifirst tract, we wl be ablto use the fundgenera dfrom eacburial this pr ertyto se more tcts of ld arnd the cit reinforcingthe treeanopy, e green ace, the ples where kidcan go just to in uttenatu re - u can al hike al throh taylorol low whh haa lot ofendanged wildfwe rs. ani mean, 's reall a betiful di lay. and thenight jacent tthat, which is part of the rson we'r intested in is property, is that u can ju walk fr one ght overo the other d aroundmake
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it a g lo . it's pr ty. until weave thisand, 're turng people away at are rching outo us athe end l ife,saying, mom jusdi ed. anthis is at she w ted. anwe have say, i'so rry. the's t a placlike this itennesse yet. [slow cello music] i can't just stop thinking about it. i'm constantly thinking about it. i have no lack of faith in what i'm ing the facthat i kw i cando iand do iwellnd h elthespeop le it's justhe mitiae how to ke s enof a keep yo sanitywhile iting onea th. w, if i d somebo ke anoth per so that cld worryabout itne dayile i di't worrybout , it wou be diff ent. i'be like,k, we, toda i'm o .i can lax a lile bit more. i n't
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w ked at t funeral ome. ani'd onlyver give all ofy energyo th is and working for,t that te, a corporation or company t hatwas owned by people that i didn't really know that well but d goals their own. i lt like played an imptant r e inhe funer home, localland helpg peop . t when y work a funer h om and u workn a cemery, yousee peop's liv refle ed everday in erythg you .and i dn't wanto see m lifeeflectedn the y th i saw iwhenen i really lked at it. wanted tdo sometng big r. not big disney rld big,ut big ia way at it afcted peoe, in th way it touchedeople's ar ts the way it changed people's experie nces while they were al ive. right before thanksgiving and christmas, i took a train. i took the train around the count ry. i wanted to ablutely t myselfut
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of my ox pushyself bend myormal li ts i nt from mphis tohicago made mwathrough nneapo lis and ross theorthernstateso seattl then wn toan francisco ultimately tlos angeles. so i wld sit dn for a nch onhe trainin the tin c ar and i wod alwayse siing acro from so body that i dn't kn . they wou always k, we, at are ou ing on t tra in where aryohead ed anmy respoe was, ll, i ju quit my joband amrying too so soul sech ing and determinwhat's othe her sidef this train trel and ts trip tt i'm on where'm tryin rea ll to meet folklike y and fin out wh's impornt to ufor end l ife.becausi've onl everalked toeo ple who weren the thro of ath and had had a loved one that had just di ed. i was trying to find out who i was but also who they
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are and what importa to tm and whit is and at's iortant t it. beg in l ife. whats this b thing tt wee all paicipating in and we'rjust allalkingaloncomplace w ith? orre we? hon we actlly partipate this bi wild thg ca ll livend make positiveimpact othe wo dand oucommunities? if i stayed the funal ho and satn the omand soldaskets o of a ok and ts and that innd out ery dayi mighnot ha --i meani wouldn be wre i am now. [intersing voices] - carter's not en seen e final inted copy.- aw, lovehe font re ad- we p our hds togetr d createa poteial ma of wt it cou be li . ain, youo throug and u see oute am. and then othe ck, our lunteer
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d donatenformation.i meanwhen yououch it,you're just ke, wh . thiss ni ce the peoplere for real.- do y want toave ese odd mb ers, oro you wa to rounth em? - well, at we liked wathe idof peoe thinng interms buying is a e. mm-h mm - so it st reallsort ofeinforcethe fa thathey're helping buy t'sust nocash they canctua ll think out it iterms -- - so thas $1,800to buyn ac re - --we kw we'd ve one p son.1,80for it ye ah we had 10-acresociy, w d probly have re movement. t it's kd of a all society.- well said. - friend,appyshe works fows mv anshe's passnate out ouproj ec and she s actual alreadspoken tpeop le e's li, let meknowhen yo re ady for is to be news storbecause want to ke it one. d we wanto be ab to tellthe storfirst onews channel 4,orking 4
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ou. 've got 1 on ournewsleer lis - o ur-- - em ail. - --ail li .- and ey're algoing to et-- they wilall recee it-- to da - when we hit. - st ask tm to pos on theifacebo s? - mm-hmm. - pe ect. - this ithe emai blasthat wilgo out.- awesome. press rease, vid, donate and alof our sial me a. - rkspur cservatioin suer counttennesseis a beautil park-like ttin with hiking trlsnd pic c areaand, soo occasial buriapl ots. it's parof a newartnersh with theature coerva nc offeringamilies greer and chper wa toay to re their led on on protted la . will be place wre thland will preserved t the boes will go bk to d t.for npne ws. i'm y eskindn nashville. - agine
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beg buriedn yourrandmother's q uiltinsteaof in a sk et. its a conct a lol nonprofit isringing tenness for thfirst time. - 's callea naral bual gro d. thgoal is to eserve gen spa s. developmt continues. tural buals, by e wa are alschea pe e typicafuneracan st morthan $15 00.the erage naral rial cos about $ 000. - jo christi phiferis the ecutive dec tor of lkspur coervation anhas wo ed as funeralirector tennese for abt 15 years. now,e wants consve this landand tu it intohe sta's firsgreen bual groun w hathe cal a livinmemori . we don'tse any chemics, we don't use any astics oconc tes. weon't puthose ings intthe ea h,especial in a nare prerve li we're cating soha t itdoesn't mper thecosyst .- phif is hopi to he the te up and nning spri of next ea r news cnnel 5i'm isten sk
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ira. [gene piano sic] ♪ - i'm taking notes. [song on the rad io] (song) ♪ and i promise i'm not playing. ♪ - i kind of have a measurement for th is but toda i'm notgoing o mu ch (song) ♪ bre it down angi ] [count song onhe radio ong) ♪ love u, baby. loveou, dain '.♪ [rattlg][tappi ] ♪ [rtl ing][tappi ] ♪ - he j ohn? - yeah? - ste of tse and see if ty're d e, finishedif they' s oft. please.
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- mm-hmm th're pe t. ok. let me s. can i se it? - i think its moer habeen hity a car. and r cousinhad hors and a rm down the san riv er and th'd nursed is lile fawn d kept ial ive unl they cld relea it. - it w kind oflike aet for them. th fed iit wasust a t. - mm mm. well, had jusgotteneally mfortablwith evebo dy. ars ago, was obably 1or 11, buwe were wn aty grandmhe r's at hmon's creek. thatay, on t well hoe whe we had big bucket that wlowed do and pul d up d everyby wouldtake aadle a dri
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therwas a lile bl parakee that halanded othe wellou se. anhe becamone of mfirst pets thawas not dog. saved a w hisfeathe from his ca ge. i ess this is what prervat nwas,uct tapend saran rap. i remeer takincare of m. and i'already starte thismall lite ceme rywhere would gonto the kitcn dr aw ani'd grab f ork.and i ulrun out the ge of thwo ods. and had thisafe, cret little ace. d i wouldig a hole witthe fo d i woulbury lite grasoppers a thi ng t thisime, myparakeet bly d ie d i used school x focrayons d penc s justike thisne, justexactly ke this one. an- [sniffg] i lov the ell tha
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t- ani lined e box wi tissue d my mhad arrangent oflow s. and theyere fakelowe rsand i gus i thout that wld lastnd that s the idea. but grabbed flower and i ma a littlpi llow d i puthe flow in trend t he i la billy ion his back, onhe pil w,like youo with pple. bui'm a lile k idthis is ke what think 's supsed to be. and i ose up t crayon bo and i te duct tape d i justuct tape ound theox because-- i don't ow where'd seen oheard ofhat or what e idea oburial a presvationeant or y-- thought that wasomethingthat h to happen. or iit was le yore locki away areasure at you want toemember
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d to beableo remeer i you have thave itintactomewhe . when whai should have donis w hai did th all those grshop pe d just wpped himin leas and t its dy go ba to e earth st eadof putng it in plasc box wr ped in duct in the ou nd. but it's funny the thin we do aki dsand it'sunny thehings that ledo where am tod . still lovehe smelof crayons. [sni ing] smel it the bes [mus: mi viola "ng kong nd"] there'a satellite sh bolteon the hse ♪♪ ne door. ♪ ♪ it'sot even oked up, the rd's jt dangli . . ♪ ♪ u've sn th before. ♪♪ althat infmation i ju can't hd on to . ♪my mind not a se, myind's a
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nduit. ♪ ♪ all elecic wav surrou all ling ings . ♪ me call a halo or aaura . it's jt the feing when i'minging ♪ ♪ hoam i to ow when everhing is ght, ♪ ♪ when'm barreng rough is world ruing everred ligh ♪♪ anhow am io know wn u say ishat you an , ♪ ♪ wh i'm barling through this wor oforest evgreen? ♪♪ ba, baby, by don't gi up on u ♪ ♪ t's growld togetr.
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♪ ♪♪ i' got a pnt its leav all-- ♪ - pivol momentin life, hodo you gthrough fe and real invest urself in everyit of thmo ment th you're rrentlyin, you know whai me ? - mm mm.- so i thinkinto mysel i shld be haier than am. or i shoulbe like* ** * myself. orecause ie workedso lonon t hi i don't ow, justtry toelebra .but, yeah. it been a ng time mi ng. fo years now? re than ur y rs?and th-- l's seehow ma years h e i been invted in feral w
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[glaes claing] to larksr. to onw d. i was inki about rht inere being the spot since it's aittle bit fuher aw from t roots othe tr s. and u see hothat p, the copy, i at's genally far outs wh er e roots e going go. [leaves crching] [coughs] runching - at maye a ro right tre.- there'a stump ere. - ye, maybe rockr something.[shove ng] [sawg]
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- 2013, wstarted thenonprofito creatthis pla. we dn't knowhere is placeould bbut is pla came to us. and e communy ralld arou us in support anhelped us purcha th 112 acres. and thisirst sime act of rial, threturn tea rth, the rern to ture, the turn to d and so ce. this wilbe the fst of what believe many mdful, betiful,endis, but begni s.
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i feel le there'a grt numberf humanshat e evolvi during is t im ey're beming more andmore csideratenot only of hothey tre each otr, buhow th treat t pla neand hothey're ing leave it for fure geneti ons. i ink consvation bial plays a ge role t hat.i thinplaces like larkur wi continuto g ro itill nobecome t only wa there ll alway be other oio ns therwill alws be emation,here wilal ways be traditional vaulted embalmed bur ial. but i think more and more people will choose conservation and natural burial as an opt ion at the end of their lives, especially in the ye ars to c ome. the most obvious challenge, and i come back to it every ti me at's theardesthi
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ng? what the bgest chaen ge?generaeducat n. ucatioof the geral public. have soone rselves disser ce byot havg a talkbout death. wh happensow is wecomeo the enof l e and we have decisions to be ma de. and we have no idea how to make those decisi ons.we don know wh mom wand beuse she never said it. never ft comforble having e conver tionwith h at the nner tae when t t's whene shouldave had it. peop are jusso ignort aso what tir optio are d how th can actual do end l ife that theoftentim place a foot othe conveyorbelt of d-of-lifcare anthey're ept aw . weome. i' let dav kick it ff. dad's kindf our he of ecation, you w l. he's reay good a it andou'll se
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why. so'll let m take it over om h er - always le to art withefinit ns we can ild a fodation in langue together. so when talk about naral buri al it means that threethingsre happe ngthere'no embalng, ther are vaults outer b ialcontaine, think g, concte, stee bro e,copperoxes thaare t into t gro un a conntional metery bere someo is buried.and en lasy, that whever used inhe buriaproc es s to be tural, biodegra ble. the word thai'm usinmore ese dayss compos ble. you putt in you gard, would break own? grite mighbe natal and biodrada bl but 's not othe timecales at we'realking a whawe're taing out are ings t t ght falitate domposition. asou do yo resech, you' g oing toind thathere's differenkinds ofemeter sthat aow for nural burial. the are hyid cemeties, ose are reallyormally ingto be ther nvention cemeteries sometes histoc oneshat justet a si a ace for tural bual toccur, fopeople t have thats an option. the nextier
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up a natul burialroun ds thosare cemeries that on and excsively onatural burial. and th the lastier areconsertion burl grou s at, likehe natur ones, only allow f natur bur iabut mbine th with land conservatn effo s. - deatis a wei, crazy ttle thg that was a s iety ha never bn taughthow to hane or dea with oralk ab t. it somethi that's t comftable toalk ab t wi thosehat we le beuse we le th em d it mak us d a lot tim es but e of thehings that we ve f nd isf that y have ju a mple conrsation,o ma tt whe it stas, if yo justave thatversat n, it increbly helpl to ur frien, your f ily, and your owpeace ofind fowhen somhing doehapp en cause, h, we're lin thithing toth er. i don't ow anybodyhat's lived
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fover yet, so. i gus we've l got thatn common but.[leavecrunch g] i think at one othe adntages olarkspuris johs experice as funeralirec to the are some folks ross theou ntry whare veryro-natur burialand verynti-funel home.and we have find away toork toge er.i bee what wdo as funeral directo rs i believe that we provide a valuable service to peop le. i believe that everything has its pla ce. i would like to see more people tr ying to work together than against each other in other ar eas. doesn't happ h ere. my opion, esn't haen h er but ere ha been occurrens with feral h es in the past where people have been taken advantag e of and, essentially, for lack of a better term, pr eyed upon during their time of ne ed. i don't think that's always been the ca se.i thinthere's ensituations where peo ple make emotional decisio
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ns. but it's not our job to tell people what they need or what they w ant. it's o job to lk through with t m,guide em, dire t hem. and don't nd to tryto give em something that thedon't ed. theyell us wt they wt and make th happen r th em i wouldn be sittinwhere am wiout the periencef thecoentionalnd traditi onal neral inst ry. wiout all ofhese lile odd iosyncrasiesand thin that haened alg the wa thatcombin with mygrowinup on a farm and ing soconnted to n ure, i wodn't be o i in e positi that i am. and don't kn that laspur uld be he withouth . d you cajust swing it en and iwill clo its el - [iud le]. - ye ah ngine ruing] [jeep roing] naudiblegravel right thugh he . i think th coervationurial,we have
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e opportity to ve two tngs happ at on . you ha the opptunity restorend h ea an envonment ian ecosy em. d then y haveth opportunityto hela familyuring the timef de h, movehrough a transitn in a new areciat nof a lifthat was, but so have e opport ity to bter appriate the own fe and tir own esten ceso if u look at it kind ofike we e healg the earth. and the samtime, onthe otr side othe co we'rhealing hear ts we're healing individu als. we're offering two dulefor healing, th of thenvironmt anof the p son.and justy openinup spacend creang that ace for opleto comtogethern nare and dthat, that's ere we he thesefolks at walk away fromhis periencesayi, i ca t plain whatust happ
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ed. at waso profou nd why ven't we been dog it ts way r so l g? [criets] [cricketcontinue [ftsteps] myame is jn christn and is is dad. were theeam he at lark ur. and welcomeou toaylor ho ow. day's cemony is gog to ba beautil one as we're rht at sunset a the lig is caing acro the meaw and we're unrneath aig t ul po we' going thave really butiful walkup io the prer ve. and en we'llall gaer aro d. weill ha some me for sha ri d then wll beginhe procs of lowing
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cory b y, his ell, intthe gr e. and thene'll allake turn in pticipati andover in and fillg the grave inomplet y beforee leave is after on. i wa to introde chstopher who isur direcr th's here th us toy from t funeralhome tt's provided elp. if you nd anythi u can reh out to him f assistae ansupport day.i'llurn it or to d id. is the anything th i've missed orhat you uld likeo sh ar- i think thonly thi that i would ress to erybody that is is fo anyere wher yofeel cald to yofeel thait's meangful, we want u to parcipa te thiss a commity t and i're ally cited toee that many of you a came outo day. th place iopen from da to du every sgle day r fo lkto vis and hik and beutsi de. so whenever you feel called to, whether it's to visit coryor tjust go r a ke th place ifor yo
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end. but thenhen th pits andhe y' ee to fi a placelike ts ere we know th is whatou would ant.we areeturningou to where yostar te were givinyou bety and n ure and a spiritual experience with the wo rld, with the planet that loved so mu ch. he's h ere. and i'm just grateful. you kn ow?["burye" conties] ♪ wrap in wonder. ♪ keep safe anstro ng ♪ i wt to heayour nam anrecognizyou as mown. ♪ ♪ bury me beneath our hom e. ♪ when i first saw your light, [vocalizing] oh, ♪ ♪ it took me by surpris
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e. ♪ now i can't let you g o. ♪ you're the only thing i need to know. ♪ ♪ here i am at your fee t. ♪ and only you can comfort me. - [male announcer] major funding for reel south was provided by etv endowment, the national endowment for the ar ts center for asian-american media, south a rts, and by the corporation for public broadcast ing, a private corporation funded by the american peop le. ♪ vo: you're watching pbs.
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i find our next speaker to be an astonishing woman. i have sought to bring her here for two years and i am wowed by her for three reasons the first is that for someone still relatively young she has just about the most varied and extraordinary activist resume i've ever seen. an attorney who in her youth clerked on the senate judiciary committee and served as a legal observer at guantanamo bay she has worked as both a lawyer
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