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tv   Global 3000  LINKTV  September 22, 2022 6:30pm-7:01pm PDT

6:30 pm
that'd bgood. it'lbe our ttle sret. [ tickg ] [ james good. it'lbe do youotice anything?sret. mm don't kn. is it met to havchangedin a wee [ attering i dot know. here [ bill ] yep.eah, jusin frontof theamera. okay. anyou cansit downn it.
6:31 pm
sh, comeoo. [ bill ] [ llie ] jusin frontof theamera. ju you fir. afte li boyfrie wh are yougonna asm, and gifriend? mm no. 's quitentoxicatg, real. sore you aan now?. i'm nely a man it wasn'that stud, you ow, the ea of se petals on a bed, listening to barry white. it wasn't that. was it good? yeah. no. no, no, it wasn't actually. [ sighs ] that one. what noise do you make
6:32 pm
[ moans ] good-quality clothes. they've got a beard. they walk with, you know, intent. theye a man. it's like, you're-- you're smooth, man. okay, have you ever gone down on a girl? yeah. what did it taste like? tangy. good? tangy. bad. tangy. just-- [ billie, jasmin laughing ] do you like that i'm filming you? i don't mind it. what do you think this is? i think this is-- i think this is interestin [ tiing ] [ jas ] the ing is,i see mylf ey so i not surif i'll tice. [ billie ] is your voice a bit deeper? [ ticking ] yourace? i've srtye.shang. m shavinit to ma the has grow tcker.
6:33 pm
hmm. is working we, i meani can on feel,like, n- ng, dingtime. y, hang . see ya see ya ♪ [ balla] [ bill ] are u more le your m or youdad? [ bill ]ow my d, so--and i ner t okayjas, ta your tooff. ps. n't hove you cakiss the uhdon't li them. but yocan bite like aibble.
6:34 pm
billie ]breasts. you can'tweak jiggle em or sk on the and u can me o[ moans ] [ ticking ] sighs ]now i'm nna have. h? show thatto my ki rememb. i've m your brher. ye, i know he liv with me show thatto my ki t you han't toldyour dauter abo? rememb. no. [ chuckles ] wellnow's a od timeto intro. hi, biie. myame's lisa--oh, fk no. [ chuckles ]
6:35 pm
i'm cking yo mothe [ cking s ][ laug ] billie ]you lookanned this week. what, you can't see that? no. but you ok older [ bill ] do y hear sothing? billie ]answer t questio toe inside girl? ere it iagain. swear heard sothing. [ bill ] ha-h fuckou then.[ jasminaughs ] yeahlike a gh-pitch squeal?like a sg bei. maybe ifhe slug me a little close we'd bable thear i [ billie what ds it feel like?
6:36 pm
i dot know. li a warm af [ tiing ] of bad. ♪♪ [ earbuds: pop ] ♪♪ [an singi, indistct ] [ uckles ]w. rry chrimas, myeautifulumpkin.
6:37 pm
rry howas it? we didn'go. [ ughs ] chuckles we stad home. my fks are n pleasedabout thr nw -year-olson.[ grts ] [ sis ] lo a daughr, no, th are ngain son. it's likjames ur mum suld nevehave sai anythi to themhough. at's thehing.rd to himlf. mean, heust look like ayke athe momenanyway, d it too'em lo enough accept at. the fuers. he hey, yove gottawake up. u stink smoke. i think i smell likeussy. [ oans ] chuckles
6:38 pm
bill, you' got to ke up. billie.[ chuckl ] i'm t so se i catake youonight. llie, umbecause,m, am-- im very hh, and i wi-- i wi continuto be . am-- im bill.hh, i' tell jas abt yourecret. i'veum-- i'vbatt,kay, ok. i boed, i fided,lad up. i tted forhe otheream.m up. m a?
6:39 pm
i alwa knew and-and bill, that's that'she thing know. i've g to te you somhing th's reallimportan [ chuces ] wh? don't be like your mum. [ laughing it's le-- beuse you ok up her so ch. and yocan't like yo mum. like a m? i me,you're tarded unle you wanto be. [ chkling ]just d't takeso fucku don't kn. how uld i kn? you-u just--ou takeyour cloes ou foinspiratn. ro around the pai.rdt. prise. ok, okay, okay.
6:40 pm
okay, ok, yes. now, hry, you st-- ju go and t me sle. okay, ok, yes. okay [ hay ] he chef mah. happy chstmas,motherfuer! giggles are u ready go? hey,iddo.- hey. ♪♪ [peakers:op ] p. - [ biie ] seea. - [ l ] see . merry chstmas, blie.
6:41 pm
merry chstmas,um. see ya. [ ja ] dinn partiesand chrimas cracrs-- stupid family. ♪ chrtmastime♪ merry chstmas,um. see ya. [ ja ] dinn partiesand chrimas cracrs-- stup hate it♪♪ i hatehristmas i can be them,but i ca? rist[ inating ll d i can' hover er them? that'shat i sa. ticking ♪ [inging, int ]
6:42 pm
[ ggles ] why?t's notyour fau. i'sorry,kay? well, th what? u're so umpy tod. 's justa testosrone thi. what?being fuing grum? no. the are st complations. [ scfs ] likehat? ke-- likthis.
6:43 pm
so we'll just ha to waitand see. cret lads' busins.i'm waitgl [ tiing ] ♪ [ rinone: mely ] inhales what'srong? [ jame] jes, good rning toou too.
6:44 pm
well, yonever ll anyou kn i'd sleepin so what'up?jane? i'vead to st [ james bs ]testosrone. it's g somethi to do wh ovproducti of liveenzymes. well, you saw me sore you gna stopthe trtments f? yes. apparently it's fucking rare, but there have been other cases. i'd stad on t,i would'. [ sighs ] i don't know how to tell billie. jesus. do you know that was my rst thght-- hothe fuckam i gon telle
6:45 pm
she's nna wanto moveack in wh you. do you know oh, can't--i can't . thght-- hothe fuckam i gon telle yoknow tha right? exhales i ju need ti to thin [ snfles ] tom? i await your decision. [ line beeps ] you should go to another doctor. you can'just tru one docr. li, there s to beother wa. rit? no i don't know. , what n? look, i know this has been hard for all of us.
6:46 pm
i-- [ sighs ] i still need time to work it out. i think we should stick to-- i'd like to stick to our tuesdays. was alys praised for my sophiication, my maturity, my ability to adapt. but it was never true. you just have no choice, do you? [ ticking ] [ tvman ] about 20kilomete nortof adelae in 188 and th his fatr [ tiing ]oa job inydney. [ door closes ] y.
6:47 pm
do youant me make dier tonig? [ joshaughs ] josh ] ce here. [ ] [ jasmin takeour top f. th is so gd. [ all ugh ] jasmin ] take youtop of [ tiing ] [ harry ♪ it'time to t up t up ♪ ♪et out obed ♪ ♪ ha-hoop te ♪ ♪ hula-hoop crime ♪ ♪ula-hoopi-- ♪ y. hey? yeah.
6:48 pm
[ tickg ] [ cking ] [ tickg ] [ door opens, closes ] [ billie ] mum? mum? what the fuck, mum. where were you?
6:49 pm
ticking [ knking ] tom ] t's go, ll. scho. beauful day. [ knking ] tom ] t's we? ll. scho. ah.
6:50 pm
[ n on pa we're cuently on our msion dn in wt antarcca.glaer.... whenooking o of t window the airaft, we notic a fairllarge ack in the i shelf. [ n #2 ] these thgs happe on aemi-regur basis. inoth the ctic we nanthe antatic, butt's in tstl a fair large ent. , um--o we wand to mak [ billieptureds much yoknow, thearth-s a year. and there was-- yoknow, and in antarica, glacier e size onew york split. in syria and libya and, um-- or mbe it di't splitff. fuck. i can't remeer whose party it was, but we were against the door, 'cause there was nlock, d he puld my pan down raight ay. i can't remeer [ sh ]party it was, cai do it?e against the door,
6:51 pm
na likehat? a littleougher like youant to sw me homuch youant me. a littleougher [ hales ]come on,uys. josh wh can i he a gojust wt a sec. [ jasm ] but ybe beuse it w valente's day. and his rlfriendwas in t other . so iet him, u know,put it ime s. prettyuickly. ju put yo fingersere. come on,uys. [ biie ] ishat righdying er here. he kt on turng his ad awafrom me.
6:52 pm
[ jain ]t ck ok, let's .oiss me. [ bill ] no, ng on, il do thi [ jain ]t ck ok, let's .oiss ok, and go [ josh cckles ] and you ve to it roug okay. ay. jas, youeren't aring jes. ay. - ay. unts ]- n. okay. d wait.hold my g. ay. okaycome her- n.
6:53 pm
billie what dyou thin uh-- me on. at do you ke? uh, i dot know. me on, blie. dude, told yoeverythi. you tta gi us sothing. um-- [ tiing ]
6:54 pm
so does this mean you're still transitioning? yeah, of course. i just don't remember you telling me. don'worry. 'll happen. somehow. this'lget bigg. is hry here? he never he.
6:55 pm
but t becausi hit myead,hen lan, bubecause thoughti'd cut arse.. [ laughs and thenjust ridnaked? [ ughs ] but t becausi hit myead,hen lan, bubecause th dressedlike aperm.. ah. yeah absolely. josh ] e you tw brother and sister? [ harry ] she's my niece. [ josh ] oh. [ jasmin ] you look like you could be her brother. she might as well be my sister. makeure myittle biieof her doest get hu. sister. are you taking care of mbill? are you using protection? [ lahs ] u're not you're t usingyour mumu [ scoffs ] ifou are, i really he thatou're waing th filthy cking thg. it's unsanitary. [ josh chuckles ] no. no sap-ons he. isour mua lesbian or somhing? why are you here, harry? , you ju hang ouhere, ght? you sht the sh and ta about yr-- yo stuff?
6:56 pm
what wld you dif you dn't ha this glious pla i gaveou, hey? whe would u go? what wldi ppose yocould goto yo, ha this glious pla i gaveoucoul't you? james islways atork athis timeso he wodn't knoa thi. who's mes? ay. [ tickg ] james ]'cause ie alreadbeen seng the pchiatris so basicly-- [ cell pho buzze] due tohe chang in thenternatial stanrds of ce, i think can getchest renstructi. sohat i nted task wa do yto t psychiaist.?king ] fofor apoval in couple weeks. [ clicng conties ]
6:57 pm
someere you'rather b ah, suremum. ♪ [ speaker rock ]n.ies ] need a action ♪ ♪ust need reaction neea reacti ♪ ♪ need a reacon ♪ awesome,ight? s. this iso wei. awesome,ight? ringing s. ♪ [ sakers: po] thiswhat? riing contues ] harr it's to chef m. is blie the? e's noanswerg anof my cas. go fish.she's t here,pastry pe. wherare they um, d idea.w. i'llall ne then. wh look, ieed toalk to blie, man i cameff my scter. [ chkles ] are yoall righ
6:58 pm
cheers, mate. yeah. no, i'm good. was justorta shong off a frien anscraped cameff... my lefside. [ laug ] bui needo lk to biie. ause i d't knowif i'm g. so i'ljust, uh-- i'll call jane, eh? not a gooddea. you keep saying that. well, she's gonna be back here anyw, so can justell her tn. or i could just call jane now. no. don't. dude, what the fuck's going on? [ mutters ] oh, fuck. all right, [ door closes ]. billie? t down, te.
6:59 pm
list, harry nvinced not to call your mother looking for you. but he had to tell me why though. i don't understand why you thought you had to lie about hanging out with your mates. [ exhales ] all right. we'll duke it out, you and me. m not goa tellour mother. good. nah don'it'shim."to goa tell h. fuckinwhateverbill. this is something you'reonna sorout yoself, ye? [ ticking ] ♪ [ wom singing ] [ sigh] ♪ [ ctinues ] i juston't reay wearresses le thisat th.
7:00 pm
been thinkingit mig be go for m. catry sothing el on. well- ay.youbirthday tuallyi-- the's thisoman at rk kindf shown terest. ank you. what, u're seng someone? no. that's that's t what was sayg. [ man ] w about ying th one on? can yojust givus a mite? su. [ sighs [ ja ] did yowant totry someere else can just ? . justake me he.


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