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tv   DW News  LINKTV  September 30, 2022 2:00pm-2:31pm PDT

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to work traditional product is receiving a forest friendly facelift .
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in uganda over 90% of the population still cook on open res rely on burning charcoal and wood for fuel. the last twenty years alone this is contributed to almost a third of their trees being cut down. in order to meet demand unregulated chuckle manufacturs of cuttin into forest so fast. that it current rates of deforestation by twenty fifty they'll be no treeleft. i'm not so bad in uganda where an innovative cooking product promises to reduce to four station and cut down on harmful
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emissions. this is kathleen in kampala. cats ways informal has. in the division of mccann. we used to visit local stove manufacturers you could still. this is the thanks isn't. okay so this is like the place we're looking for raymond the chassis he's the ceo and hopefully she's expecting it [inaudible] hi [inaudible] yeah [inaudible] meeting here [inaudible] this is. blooming because in you'll find
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a bit by the maybe i'll be firewood and topical. what if the names so you're talking about a fill the user's charcoal uses [inaudible] but then get a sense of of you can still employs over a hundred and fifty stuff. using locally available materials simple assembly techniques current production is around ten thousand units per month [inaudible] i know [inaudible] yeah [inaudible]
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i don't [inaudible] yeah. we need your yeah. a traditional claims to love to six to eight weeks. but the stoves can last up to five years longer thanks to this metal. casing. the card a night. what we're looking at here is pretty much? then just a bucket with a hole in it so very [inaudible] in. the real innovation is the combination of the strength of a conventional metal stove with the insulating properties of a clay line. the feel of the installation. very quiet thank you. i can hear you saying that. night.
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my car. on the way. for and the men. yeah i can see the inside like is making. in a sleeve. it's really the insulation yeah very good in this i can see that this is very much an acquired skill [inaudible] well rumor. where have you probably looks like a cheese yeah it looks like still in cheese? this -- this is where i would dry online as hello [inaudible] hello. nice to meet you i'm russell was going on there we i've played to load the that i do not. with the blue jeans.
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i wife store okay yeah i'm in your hands yeah tell me how i can help you. get this us. into the sea [inaudible] okay. they get decline. an important part of you the stoves business model is the employment of local people. everything is made on site by hand but the training can be a messy business. thank you very much bye but still a command to usually. i was taking notes. okay so it does still [inaudible] aw yeah. is really good and it feels like making mud pies. the thermal properties of this clay liner enable it to absorb and retain heat which means a little chuckle can go a long wa. i get it. less chuckle usage means less emissions and less trees cut down. and so dead do you live around here. yeah i mean we're interested in
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the stores because there is a positive environmental effects. of using the stoves can i ask is that important for you do you working on something which is good for the environment. this is. what type of? we save the chuckle. we we have by winning recipe the temple. to the sea of non violent. we eliminating wing is at thirteen nineteen the first version [inaudible] reducing busy. and that is that important to you or is it just a job just like any any deals you point out to me. simple. simple to me to get up both of my environment [inaudible] yeah. okay i think we're nearly -- a ready -- the the environmental benefits from a single stove may be modest. thanks to you guys stokes high productivity the potential
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savings since that go. yeah i can smell it this. four hundred four hundred yeah. so how long will it take -- something like. they tell us okay so we'll leave them to cook yeah he's. in with the new kiln five things the si on the way raymond a team of ramping up supply to do you think the people are thinking about the tree cutting in your is it just a a a financial thing for these people no it's not if the financial saying issue cannot be eliminated. but definitely not all people are we out of the global women it when people call it they always want to get that ect message about the stove they're like. does this hopes have. what percentage so it's not only that someone? wants to buy but does tsoes it serve chuckled definitely if means he's concerned aboutt it
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environment. though there is saving on the money but definitely you you will get to that this person is going on with the environment. i know i mean what's interesting is well i guess is. if people are phoning up to say does this really save chuckle. it doesn't really matter if they're just saying does it say chuckle because i going to spend less money on chuckle. if if that's their only motivation doesn't matter. are you really trying to get the message out there that's what i mean people know i'm the no the message. they now are way out of the impact fees are caught. in uganda it like it's now everywhere -- global warming is every at people and now indicated about. that time in chains under oris how this package in iowa awareness campaign so it's not just the wrestling still financ. really you this is business yes we are a private company but at the end of the day we ar. we have to think about th
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environment. environmentally aware or not with more than a third of the population living on less than one dollar twenty five a day. the true cost of inefficient cook stove is just too much for most people. including materials and manpower it would be five times that of a normal. that's where this guy comes in. i've come to the local market to meet john gwilym impact carbon a californian based non profit. they're using a smart model to help bring the stoves back within reach. hi okay. this is this is what we can. get this pushy cooking them. that's me too okay. so it looks like seaweed. yeah those are the banana leaves okay rapid. you're gon see on wrapping one right now okay it's like a plan tame -- that you take off with
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very green card in the statement and then you mash it afterwards takes a lot of time in a lot of chart when a lot of energy [inaudible] yeah. just straight straight into but stephen vegetables. so this is i mean is a perfect illustration business yeah. the story of the traditional food. josh cool everywhere we look you struggle getting piled into these massive storm. which you feel it he and all that he is the heat loss from the stove yeah so everything that you see around here is an inefficient so you have no type of liner in there. maybe because of that you're just getting all of this he lost yeah i know i can feel it i mea. there's a burning and we just stood next to them over there -- just pumping up the heat in every direction exactly i mean look up at the ceiling. was how black it is yeah you can just see this carbon being burned down to the ceiling. news a lot of health implications over four million people die a year. from indoor air pollution from cooking over these types of
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sources of things they're still three billion people in the world to cook on bio mass. in the respiratory illnesses i did deaths from this are greater this is a huge problem.bined but we use inefficient still that's reduced. see this is the kind of commercial oversee this is a food much. so when you look at all of the store. respected and this is just a fraction. it's a small portion but if you converted all of these inefcient stove to efficient stones the savings you have st in the market loan would be a huge. project here really disturbing over two hundred fifty thousand stoves so far we've been able to calculate and not confirm emissions reductions of over a miion times. so we're able to do is we're able to quantify these reductions in greenhouse gas emissions and were able to go through and calculate usage from all of these different stoves. and were able to turn them these products hold carbon credits in these are sold on an open market we then take the returns from those products in renewal to invest them in this project.
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which allows us to subsidize the products and grow the project so it can reach more people. by enabling people to buy these efficient storms who otherwise would not have been able to impart carbon have created new energy savings known as additionality these these additional savings th have a value. there independently verified in- essentially the carbon credits so to keep their worth so the people actually buy them. as well as i understand you're in the business of taking that. thing that hasn't happened all those missions i haven't. hit the atmosphere in all those trees that haven't been cut down yeah turning them into a product you turning into a tangible product yeah it's not. it's a market unlike a market here where you're at we are it's you're buying a product in the product here is an emission reduction literally almost like a piece of paper saying this is the amount of carbon. exactly since there because you're product exactly and and use a fire that is gonna buy that piece of paper people want to have set their their jet emissions for flying around the world.
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the lights in their building they're able to become a carbon neutral company so people who are in effect creating more than their fair share of carbon. so for someone like me. who i i have to do a lot of traveling for my job? i fear that my carbon footprint emerge the i. contribute the atmosphere is definitely more than my fair share. hi there is one of yeah you can calculate your emissions from driving your car from flying in a plane from doing the things that you do that a mystery house gases and y can offset it with a project like this year in uganda. and were able to use is is leverage this money created from selling carbon credits. to make this project more sustainable allow it to grow in at the same time allow people to five use at a reduced cost. you the stove is one of five impact carbons putting stove manufacturers and is by far the
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biggest. it's approaches bold in its trademark colors -- load and pr. these does almost ready to hit the market. but before ty do. remus agreed to give me a goal is the fun part [inaudible] right now [inaudible] yeah [inaudible] please. thank you very much in the looking good as worthy of the you can still stick. okay well so we're going to get
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it to market [inaudible] okay. all right what is your hat. thanks man. all right ere and i since the civil war ended in two thousand and eight you can to his experienced robust economic grth. sic resourcesike electricity and gas just too expensive for th average family simply unavailable. a chuckle remains a le blood for you again that. the average household usage comprises 20% the monthly expenditure. sees business. if you're going to introduce a new product to this market not to mention a new way of thinkin. you need to go the extra mile.
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the server sends. the last day you get under way with the you can still distribution vehicle . and today you're going to get going and so . trying to raise awareness is well you're trying to spread the word about the environmental benefits [inaudible] yeah.
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can you make. this is marketing at its most direct. last year you get stoves sold almost one hundred thousand stoves. despite these figures they still have to work hard to make the sale. even though their long term financial savings old habits die hard and the up front cost can still two people off
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[inaudible] yeah [inaudible] the frenzy . in all this excitement at some point i seem to have forgotten my journalistic impartiality -- what? why you know you hit today why you find you this to nothing you
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make? trouble for the maybe. one thousand which is that. it's the stunned that maybe there's a problem with a lot of deforestation. he's a twenty by. 20%. for fifty so that's interesting that is at the end of the day you know the environmental benefits of this. it does it it maybe can come second but the environmental benefits are still there for yo. it's a financial savings great what we're going to you're going to be fighting today. this one moment. okay very heavy be careful [inaudible] so next. another one here. so be careful. okay can i get your this. lady. or enjoy new store [inaudible] okay. how many does she think we sold
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it? solar dustin into pieces seventeen a small. one okay. are you happy with that yeah. okay series still goes out there that's helping to spread the word exactly rather mortar that sees environmental protection. is everyone's responsibility so my responsibilities to bring the store. to them then that responsibility is to buy the stuff and go and use it. i am i'm rsell. is this your what are you cooking here can we see spoken but honest. we're going to much okay my token yeah i'm here yeah. it's good yeah if they think. can you tell me -- why did you buy this does this afternoon i was -- rachel was a c.. to get into who is a new season room. i understand maybe for some people the stove is very expensive but maybe there's some help.
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did we have a new way that you did that i hope to set it up with cd. they need to do it up and down got to let them try. to thank you for your actions. in data that. that's why she's thanking god thank you so much. i am very intrigued about what you're cooking hit them a bit what do you call my token i would love to try it but also and choose a center court is very hungry [inaudible] can we okay so. just invite us sells for dinner and but i am trted. to try this with okay and to see the stove action [inaudible] going. this [inaudible] okay so.
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so do you know anything about this. do you guys still [inaudible] okay. what about this idea that maybe and you're cutting down less trees -- trees because we saw some guys make. yeah by remains that total to the trees. to destroy the environment so you use that stuff. you can they can cut small tree. it makes. me. give that love love [inaudible]
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okay so [inaudible] very good . you say this is [inaudible] this is. by the end of the day was sold thirty five stokes bringing potential annual carbon emission reductions of more than ninety tons. it's a start and the environmental message is getting through. view the store still has a long road ahead of she sniffed fores.
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she started waking up. yeah they know e smell the flers theynow whetherñloggcccccñ
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♪ host: welcome to “global 3000.” octopus as a delicacy -- the highly intelligent creatures are threatened with extinction. what can be done? discarded treasure -- could human waste replace chemical fertilizer in the future? and, water stress -- how people in california are adapting to long-term drought. dried-up riverbeds, vanishing lakes -- in many parts of the


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