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tv   Global 3000  LINKTV  October 8, 2022 10:00am-10:30am PDT

10:00 am
(gunfire blasting) - ffic] shots red. - [officer] one subject down. - [officer] n't mo! (police dio chatr) [we'vgot shotst bfire a code .d. omber ament musi
10:01 am
- [narrator] on the afternoo of oober 22n 2013, -year-ollatino ay lopez walkedd in sta rosa,alifora. an, a popur eighthrader, lived inhe moorld ar of santrosa, a wer come parof townwith a lar. andy waseturning (footeps patring) omber ament musid. near, two shiff depues were on route patrol deputy mhael schmel, who d been with th sherifs officeor one mth, s drivin his ssenger s hitraing offic, deputy eck gelha.
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his ssenger s itas a qui afterno. veral ople sawndy. th noticede was a d and at he seed tbe caying eitr a toy n or bb gu walking out a 10 feethead of em. olicradio atter) (siren bring) [officershots fid. a code three ambulan used to block moorland. - [officer] don't move! - [officer] at about geo. (siren blaring) [aouncer] 30 on thdrive. we're geing a rert of apossibles ere are reports of shootin we wilcontinueo follow thisnd
10:03 am
(pice radichatter) (sirenbla) - [narrato what happened? the shooter was sonoma county deputy sheriff erick gelhaus. - [male speaker] police stand f, gunpot. i n't want to be heractuly. i ed to t out stand f, gunpot. m in theine of fe. - he pulled over to the kid walking, so the kid would walk side. and he jt open thdoor a shooted
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so the kid would walk side. (somr ambienmusic) hits hiin the hrt, and he fls immedtely, and he'shot overand erand overgain as he's falling and as he's on the ground. - [nrator] tom cozine of the fire department arrived on the scene within minutes. - our initial reaction was it was a drive-by shooting. we were never told anything other than that. and it was very shortly after that, the heart reading was flatline. it didn't make a lot of sense to me. it just seemed like in my judgment, the deputy was quick on the trigger.
10:05 am
gelhs and scheel saw dy walki abou10feet ahe of them gelhaus lled in a code0 rept - [eck] edward2, code 20, we r. abou10feet ahe of them - [nrator] talert a code0 rept office in the ea possie danger scmmel sudnly accelerateforwar iren blang) ipped hisiren, d me to a stop abt 50 feet from ay. the puties bled out ofhe patrocar. gelhaus yelled at andy, "drothe gun!" - you hear somebody yelling at you in clearly aggreive tone d you rn arod. d that'sxactly wt he did he h the toyun dinis left nd. he tur aroun (gunre blaing)
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he shot ov, and over, anover aga. - [officer] we have shots fired. - [officer] shots fired. - [officer] one subject down, code three ambulance used to block moorland. - [officer] don't move! - [officer] at about geo. we'll also need units to come behind us at west robles. - [dispatcher] one subject down. units to block moorland. i didn't copy the rest. - [narrar] underath, at aepositiotaken two yearlater, gelhs demonstrat how an turned - [narrar] underath, inhe last conds bere he was ot. it was thi it was ts.
10:07 am
it w this. e investation of deputyelhaus'shooting waconducteby the sta ro police partment by longsnding agement, instigate ch other after thshooting deputyelhaus w taketo a hot ere he cferred wh hiunion reesentati and attoey for s hou beforeeing tervwed byolice. mewhile, pice took ay's pares and brotr to t san rosaolice dertment r quesoning. and brotr to t san one terrogatg office was an oicer assned the gancrimes tm. did andy have trouble at school?
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anger management issues? was he overly fond of guns? detectives tried unsuccessfully to get andy's brother to implicate him in gang activity and askewhetr they shared t same faer. we they toldothat andy was. the inteogation at the hotel, after six hours conferring with his attorney and union representative, deputy gelhaus was finally questioned. - [interviewer] erick, this is a criminal investigation. and you're being interviewed as a victim, strictly as a victim at this point. - [narrator] producers of this film, through a lawsuit, obtained the audio recording of that interview.
10:09 am
- [interewer] ak or a shoulderounted wpon. thate was trng to mot thgun to h shoulr?n - i thinif a meer of thpublic uld e the to of these interviews, with someone who's just taken a human life anshould b consided a suspect ju like anody else w shot sobody until own otrwise, anshould b consided a suspect juthe differen between else w shot sobody how law enfoement offir is queioned d anyo else who ght've ot someo is quesoned how law enfoement offiis incdible.d it is simply shoing how the investator les the tness and tes them ectly at they nt them say. itould go far as, for instan, how the investator les the tness to he the instigators say, isn't itrue thatou rely felt ared? to he the instigators say, - nterview] so you think he sd he was holding the gun in his left hand, but he started to raise it in your direction. did you perceive that to be a lethal threat? - [erick] yes. - [interviewer] did you ar for the safety of deputy schemmel as well? - [erick] yes.
10:10 am
- [interviewer] you fired ose, i believe you say six to eight rounds. it was at that point in time when the subject fell and was at at pointn time where yofelt the was noonger a reat, d that'shy you stopped ring. - [erickyes. d just f clarification purposes, i've known you. there's no close relationship between you or i th would pceived tbe orreate ankind of as duto this vestigation. - [eck] not at i n think of, . - [intviewer] ye, none at i canhink of well. - [narrator] hank shreeder was chief of police at the time of the lopez investigation. - the perception of whether or not the officers and detectives at santa rosa police department n do a fr and objectivreport andwhent comes a santa roscrical incenartment
10:11 am
and i ao it com down towhy don' you ust thate can? (somber orchestralusic (cck ticki) - [annncer] its a rtain si of tragy, the memorial to 13-year-old andy lopez gaininsize bthe hourn a burbananta rosfield. - this boy was not a criminal. he is t a crimal. he was aoy wita to initiay, the sject's back wasoward thdeputies. when the deputy shouted the subct, heegan to rn tord hisight inhe direcon of thdepu, d in so ing, moved t gun towd the directn . and e deputy mindsetas moved t gun towd the directn . thate s fearfuthat was goi to be st. an- [ptestors]e wantas justice,e want jtice! (proteors channg)
10:12 am
[narrato the rgest denstratio ever seein sonom coun startedmmediate ancontinuefor mohs. ever seein sonom coun startedmmediate - rotestor justiceor andy, juice for dy! - [narrar] tn took three months to complete. one central question was, did it look like andy was carrying toy gun or a real gun? here are witness account (contemplave ambient mic) ree months aft andyas kille the saa rosaolicdepartnt finish its vestigatn report the charge?
10:13 am
brandishing a firearm replica. the offender? andy lopez. the victims? michael schemmel and erick gelhaus. police did not release the report to the public. the santa rosa police department forwarded the report to district attorney jill ravitch. agnst depu gelhaus rr shooti andy.acharges - jailrick gelus for the murd of andyopez! (prostors chting) - arrator]he sonom countyheriff'sffice hired ick gelhs in 199 in005, hwas call upy the national guard
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and served in iraq where he saw combat before returning to duty as a deputy sheriff. reporters found that in the years prior to andy's shooting, while a deputy sheriff, gelhaus wrote gun-related articles and posted messages on law enforcement forums. today is the day you may need to kill someone in order to go home. if you find yourself in an ambush, in the kill zone, you need to turn on the mean gene. law enforcement is a contact sport. driver jeff westbrook describes what happened after deputy gelhaus pulled his car over.
10:15 am
- he started screaming, the gun came out, d it wasurn ur vehic off, tu your hicle off. - faile to useurn sign and unfe lane ange.e? anthat's wn i said why foa routine affic op would yopull or ll us ov anpoint a n point ank me and passeng fosuch a sple tick? i deliberated with my wife. she said, you have to report this. my wife kept saying, he's gonna kill somebody, he's gonna kill somebody. i didn't do enough. i done something more, that kid would've been alive. - ay. so, why don't we get started? - [narrator] after five months of review, district aorney ji ravitch - [narrator] after five months of review, called aress conrence to annoue her desion
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in the soting ofndy lope - he, e implemtation of lethaforce acrding toll of th eviden that weave revied. - he, e implemtation therore, thections o ofdety gelus were wful d no cminal arges - he, e implemtation will be led agaits o ofhiat this wful [narrato in a la ditch fort tseek jusce, andy's fily suedonoma coty [nand puty gelus forch the deatof theiron. geaus and noma couy reonded wi aotion
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the dirict crt judgedisagreeand, allowing the case to proceed. gelhaus and the county appealed. (gavel banging) - all rise. - [narrator] in a rare move, the appeals court judges allowed the hearing to be filmed. - [female speaker] united states court of appeals r the nth circt isow in seion. - plea be seat. the stri cou conclud at thereas no that tofficer ghaus. it's uisputed at, ll calhim dy, was not committing a crime or attempting to evade arrest. so under theircumsnces, ll calhim dy, 'ronly lefwith e factoro consid, mediate reat to e safety of th. the no licee for lice to ll teeners withhree secds
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whven thatfficer ss th the gunas not inting ahim. with thiruling fr yes after e shooti, th the gunas the puic couldt last s th the police rsion the shootg th the gunas had be misleadg all alg. deterredgelhaus and thcouny e court fused to hear e case, allong the lez famils lauit go to tal. that wog d a possibleigh llar judent, lhaus anthe coun seled the se forgh three miion dolls. althoughhe lopez case w ove, allegatis of pole brutaly contued in soma coun althoughhe lopez case w ove, wher32 people ha died dung or afternteractis wi law enfcement
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since dy lopezwas shotnd kie wher32 people ha died dung more tn 10 mlion dolrs ha been pa in rece years to victimsf excesseforce in. more tn 10 mlion dolrs ha - on decembe 14th.ars - [narrator] aa direct resuly moreaftethe ootingolrs of andy pez, ha - on decembe 14th.ars thsonoma cnty bod of supeisors esblished lero, moreaftethe ootingolrs of andy pez, ha the dependenofficears ofaw enforment reew and oreac its ssion? to cduct oveight of the shif. reew and oreac jerry reet was named directo - weere lookg at somthings that iolve thesheriff'opatis and the imary on was hothey con eir instigatio of colaints ainst depies. i had giveven tice the sheri at we'd coming out wi a rr anthe reacon was qte stro fm the shiff's ofce thathat shou not happening
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at we ouldn'tput out at repr - theyot that ioro shwaadvisorynly,ponse? with nauthorit and remmended closinthe off. in august of 2020, the noma couy boarof survisorvoted unimously to putn initiati on t november ball to significaly strengen oversht the noma couy boarof survisorvoted unimously to putn initiati ofhe sheri's offic to significaly salmo immedialy. - i ink whatas brght us tthis poi. - [narrato six days ter shiff essi thrtened sue theounty and e countyboard ofuperviso 0 to hire tside laers r that lsuit. - feels le yove declad war, to hire tside laers r that lsuit. i'll bfrank, sriff esck, onhis boar
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at wilestablish re ovsight your partment and iteems tha in tse times i'm scrching myead as to whthat's n welcome - [nartor] whi the pubc sought greater oversight and reform of the sheriff's office, actionby sheriff deputies and correctional deputies ntinued to show clear evidence of excessive forc in 2016, well-reected forensicsychologt e next 2seconds footage ll be ha for many to wat. (man scrming)
10:22 am
ll b- [malspeaker] fuck!. we call bevi coueling. whenheir behior is ereme. d behavior happeni, away frothe other inmas and lk to th alone pvately abt our exctations of tir be. and - i'not resiing!vately i'm noresistin - [narrar] and there's this case from 2014, thyear after andy was sh - [announcer] it's hard to watch, maybe even harder to listen. (man screaming) a man fa down onhe grnd as a ser goesff.
10:23 am
in thi29 minutvideo at the soma coun jail, sheriff'deputiesased a wroth out 20 tes y sherdepues punch him a ov a den timeses kicked a kneed him coup of moreimes. shtheyook him the er aftehe b. a ov a den timeses - arrator] the followineight sends wille diffict for ny viewe to watc - get th arm, i' gointo that de. get ur hand tffict for wheri can seit. watc (man ganing) aser cliing) - [offic] we ne medicalman. get medical. - some police are gonna step over the line anwe knoit's han.n happen, and wh they so, we need be able to quaify .
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we need knos so we catrain our offirs bette if thestep ovethe line - anso everyime thers a ooting oan abuserity. anthere's iaccotabili for that,e - annoonly is e thers a ooaber embolnederity. t the cowho's ne to em sees e same tng. and 're gonn find, rk my words, that ia shorfew year e poli culture at we ha now will bece more quicto violee. th will beme mo militartic winheir approh tords poling.. - think the pubc rely knew at was gng on, th will beme mo militartic theyould havan entiry dierent vi of the stem. ey don'tnow. i was th the los angeles poli deparent fo25 years rose tough theanks.
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and thughor in many fferent nks. what ie learneis and thughor ishat e systemneeds toe chae it ias if the is a pybook. demonize, conduct ed invesgations to supr, defe andelay ctim lawits, keep pole sconductecret, ttle lawits to avoid puic trial after the lawsuits are settled, keep facts secret, deny syst. they use this playbook all over the country and it has the same consequences everywhere.
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e police in thus sht more pple de a naonal proem, and wi local counities ve to k if this aybook is being used itn and ift is, it gotta stop. wh we see ese even, itarnisheshe majory ofolice ofcers who are ing a go job. in thease of ay lopez, hideath waunnecessy. - there'somethingot us tre to wre the dth of child iokay. at are ty gonna cept nex
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- geor floyd - sahis na! - orge flo! - y his me! - orge flo! - sahis name [john] i have never se anythin like wre all experieing llowing e killin of grge floy i bele we shod have h decadesgo. - [me speake whene can'to bac. the ameran peopl t aroundo sayingit's no ngea poli violencis gonnatop. (somber orchestral music)
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