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tv   Occupied Minds  LINKTV  October 14, 2022 3:00am-4:01am PDT

3:00 am
announcer: funding for the kcet "fine cut festival of films" is generously provided by the bridges larson foundation and by the national endowment for the arts, on the web at
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[woman shuddering] [faucet drips]
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[drip] [drip] [drip] [rapid footsteps] [silence] [faucet drips]
3:03 am
[drip] [indistinct p.a. announcements] [door shuts] doctor: you ok? woman: mm-hmm. doctor: ok. open. [woman exhales] doctor: mm-hmm. remove. woman: mm-mm. this one. uh, please?
3:04 am
doctor: ok, good. ahh. i'll see you next week. woman: that's it? doctor: there's not much-- woman: it's getting worse. i keep forgetting things, even my son's name, and i have my-- i have my company retreat this weekend, and i need it to stop. doctor: ok. let's try this. i want you to, every night, read a page of this book. [clears throat] and copy down what you remember. think of it as exercise but for brain. it might help. you're young. it's strange. perhaps if you gave me more details of your medical history. woman: thank you, doctor.
3:05 am
i'll--i'll be leaving now. [siren sounds in distance] [operatic singing on soundtrack] [clank, click] [singing continues] [singing stops] [machine clacking]
3:06 am
woman: magdalena, a word if you're not too busy. magdalena: thank you. [official exhales] [exhal] supervisor: so i just wanted to check in, see how your first month has been with us. any difficulties, challenges? magdalena: not at all. family is all packed for
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the retreat this weekend. [chuckles softly] my son, josko, he is very excited to go to the lake. supervisor: ha ha.eah. i can't wait to meet the little one. ha ha. i know i keep saying this, but you really have such beautiful hair--dark, curly, quite exotic. [chuckles] magdalena: thank you. supervisor: what are you from again? magdalena: um, um... um... i'm sorry. um, what was the question? pervisorwhere are you from? oh, wait. oslany, right? magdalena: mm-hmm. supervisor: and you came toratislava. magdalena: after the war. [cup and saucer rattle]
3:08 am
supervisor: well, i'm so glad you're with us now. you're doing a fine job. really. magdalena: thank you. supervisor: oh, and before you leave, if you don't mind, we are a little short on staff, and you're so quick with reports. magdalena: of course. supervisor: thank you, magda. can't wait to meet the family this weekend. [singing in foreign language] [rapid footsteps] magdalena: shoes off. man: [indistinct], magda. [magda chuckles] magda: did you buy yet your new suit for the retreat, hmm? man: not yet. magda: oh, ladi.
3:09 am
[chuckles] ladi: but i saw indyk today. magdalena: ah, that's nice. ladi: he's not holding well. magda: oh? ladi: they are saying his wife turned on the stove, gassed herself while he was gone. i believe it. she was never able to move on after being freed. magdalena: ah, josko? josko, come here. [ladi chuckles] magda: come here. josko. hmm, let's put this away. hmm? you know, today my boss at work, she told me she can't wait to meet you this weekend. so, best behavior. ladi: you hear that? best behavior, like that. legs straight, arms straight. nice and straight. ha ha ha! magda: ha ha. daddy. ladi: that's right... let's go. magda: oh, more...more... [continues, indistinct] [writing]
3:10 am
[blows] [floor creaks] josko. good night. josko: good night.
3:11 am
[rapid footsteps] [silence] [pencil hits floor]
3:12 am
[magda gasps [woman moaning, muffled] [rattle] [raspy breathing]
3:13 am
[creaking] [magdalena shuddering] [door opens] [footsteps approaching] [door shuts] [screaming in distance] man: what is your name, eetheart? magdalena: magdalena. man: magdalena. come with me.
3:14 am
[muffled screaming continues] [rollers clanking] [magdalena shuddering] [gasping] [moaning] [cries] [groaning] [clicking]
3:15 am
[gasping] [exhales] [mechanical calculator clacking] woman: i can't finish itll. it's too much... [connues, indistinct] supervisor: magdalena, would you please? magdalena? nock on door] magdalena. please help nitra. magdalena: nitra? nitra: i keep getting lost when adding expenses. magdalena: nitra?
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nitra: something's wrong with her. magdalena: no. no. it's--it's just been a long day. nitra: what's my name? magdalena: i, um... nitra: do you know her name? magdalena: of course, of course. i just said it. nitra: so what's her name? magdalena: i just had it. i--i said it. i just said it. i said it already. what more do you want? i-- oh, it's so hot. it's so hot in here. it's the weather lately. nitra: i told you. these people always make problems. supervisor: nitra, be quiet. magdena: no, no, no, no, no, no problem. i--i just-- oh, i'm not feeling so well. i think i'm going to go home and rest before the retreat. see, the weather lately. um, excuse me.
3:17 am
ladi: ready to go? josko: yes. ladi: what's wrong? magdalena: i'm just--i'm not-- i'm not feeling well. i'm not... i'm not feeling well enough to go. i... i'll get better, youse guys. i can't. i can't go. i can't. [sobbing] ladi: it's ok. it's ok. tomorrow we can decide. [creak]
3:18 am
[magdalena shudders] [soft footsteps] [magdalena gasping] [creak]
3:19 am
[singing in foreign language] [music playing] [singing stops, music continues]
3:20 am
[music stops] [magdalena moaning] josko: mom? magdalena: who are you?
3:21 am
what are you doing in my house? [blood pouring on floor] what have you done to me? get out! get out of my house! get--get... what happened? somebody... ladi: shh. shh. shh... magdalena: they're gonna come for me. daddy, help me. help... ladi: josko, get somebody to help! magdalena: please. ladi: shh, shh, h... [magdalena moans] ladi: doctor antonin. antonin: ladi. ladi: good to see you. antonin: you, too. she's having a good day, but it appears to be alzheimer's, and it's progressing quickly. ladi: at this age? antonin: trauma from the camp you mentioned may have played a role. i'm sorry. but you can see her now.
3:22 am
if you will excuse me. ladi: josko. josko, come. josko: mommy. magdalena: josko. ohh, josko. [magdalena chuckles] what is that? josko: i made this for you. magdalena: you did? ohh. you made it yourself? oh, it is so pretty. what is this? josko: a train. magdalena: that's a train? [magdalena chuckles] a little train... ohh.
3:23 am
[inhales] ladi: magda? ladi: magda? josko: mom? mom? [device beeps] [indistinct announcements over p.a.] josko: mom? ladi: shh, shh, shh. josko... it's ok.
3:24 am
she's ok. [birds chirping]
3:25 am
[music playing on soundtrack] man: come on. come on! toelock, toelock. step over. step over. get off your back. step over, step over. get straight. get balanced! heads up, heads up. [whistle blows] pinned him. yeah! whoo! [cheering] whoo! [applause continues] [cheering] coach: that's what i'm talking about. [wrestlers speaking, indistinct] wrestler: all right, baby, diego.
3:26 am
coach: why were you on your back? i need more from you, diego. travis. [crowd speaking excitedly] [cheering] coach: come on, travis. [crowd clapping] [vehicle approaches] travis: all ght. later, bro.
3:27 am
coach: let's go. diego... [continues in spanish]
3:28 am
[diego exhales] travis: you see josephine today? boy: yeah, she looked b, bro. travis: hey, she looks good. boy: i don't know. sometimes, she look a little, a little flat. i don't know. travis: ha ha! why do you have to do that to josephine, man? she's looking good. hey, she looks good. no, she had a good outfit on. it looked good. boy: it's good. travis: who are you gonna ask to homecoming, man? boy: oh, i don't know... travis: guess who i'm gonna ask. ellie. boy: whoa. ho ho! big man. travis: hey, hey, hey. i'm about to shoot my shot. shoot my shot. you know i'm gonna make a switch. [wrestlers breathing heavily] coach: come on! circle, circle, circle. wrist control, wrist control. diego, on your back! let's go.
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come on. put your arms in. keep your arms in. stay in the circle. oh, come on, pena. elbows in. come on. there you go. [no audible dialogue] boy: yo, for real. throwin' a kick-back at our spot. y'all should roll through. it's going to be a good time. travis: you going, d.? diego: nah, i got to cut weight for finals, man. travis: come on, man. [dogs barking] [cell phone vibrating] diego: hey. travis: hey, are you coming? [hip-hop music playing through cell phone] diego: i don't know. travis: come on, d.
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i want to feel with you. [girls laughing rough cell phone] travis: man. this is beautiful. yo, give me that. diego: do you ever feel like...
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i don't know. travis: it's just one night, man. relax. diego: how it's... just, i don't know. it's like you ve a feeling and you know it's right. absolutely 100% right. for whatever reason, you can't get yourself to go with that feeling. every time that you don't go with it, you're pretty much lying to yourself. that probably made no sense. travis: remember your first varsity match? i was--i was so nervous,
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i felt sick. [chules] in the middle of the mat and all these blurry faces around you are yelling, but you can't hear a thing. but once that whistle blew and the match started, everything was ok. it was just wrestling. the fear of the unknown, it just holdyou back. diego: it really is beautiful. boy: travis, oh. yo, what the... travis: what are you doing? diego: travis, wait. travis: get away from me, man. get off.
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stay away from me. [travis speaking, indistinct] boy: really? travis: let'go. bo ok. [spectators cheering, muffled] [coach shouting, indistinct] [high-pitched tone] [whistle blows] [high-pitched tone]
3:34 am
boy: figured you could use those instead of getting off on us. coach: hey! diego! what's going on? diego? diego? [door opens] [door shuts] [diego yells] [clatter] [sobs softly, breathing heavily]
3:35 am
[cell phone vibrating] coach: diego. diego? [tapping outside] [tap tap] [tap tap]
3:36 am
[thunder] travis: i'm sorry. [sobbing] i'm sorry. [sniffles]
3:37 am
diego: it's ok. [knock on door] coac diego.
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[coach exhales]
3:39 am
3:40 am
[cheering and applause] coach: let's go, diego. [spectators speaking at once] histle bws] [music playing on soundtrack]
3:41 am
[conversation in spanish]
3:42 am
[mandy groans] [vehicle horn honks] [vacuum running] [indistinct conversation] mechanic: is everything ok? [conversation continues,
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indistinct] [baby talk]
3:44 am
mandy: slow. no, like this. look. [pip cries] mandy: rock, paper, scissors. shoot. gotcha. pip: look. both: rock, paper, scissors. shoot. mandy: gotcha. how do you know my dad? pip: i don't know. [chair squeaking]
3:45 am
[party favor squeaking while rolling, unrolling] [pip speaking indistinctly] mandy: do you want to play hide and seek? you count first. pip: ok. [pip speaking indistinctly] pip: um, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7.
3:46 am
[pip speaking indistinctly] father: let's do it again. [pip speaking indistinctly] father: look at my hands. lookit, look at my hands. and i'm gonna show you the trick. remember? you keep the 4. pip: yes. father: ok? [pip speaking indistinctly] father: that's for you. look at yours, pip.
3:47 am
[vacuum running] pip: found you.
3:48 am
[loud clank]
3:49 am
father: pip? pip? pip? pip? pip? mechanic: pip... father: pip? pip?
3:50 am
[mandy sobbing softly]
3:51 am
[woman groans] [screams]
3:52 am
[muffled baby talk] [carnival music] [gasps] [groans]
3:53 am
[music] [cheering and applause] [man snoring] woman: hyah! woman: i really think jeff might be the one, jessica. [woman singing on recording, indistinct] woman: oh, my gosh. look how cute he is.
3:54 am
woman: he's so sophisticated. on our first date, he took me to this really fancy restaurant and dered me a icken piata. woman: hgot a stk and ordered it--get this-- bluei didn't even know you could do that. did i mention that he was a gentleman? like, when the check came, he got the bill because he said, i don't make as muchoney him. woman: then after dinner, we went back to his place and watched "clockwork orange." not really my taste, but i think he w just trng to broen my horizons. you feel woman:nd he's ways talkinabout s mom. such a ma's boy. man: so at do u think?
3:55 am
woman:hh. you' right. orange iyucky. a isn'tt so weird that he's never been in a long-term relationship befe? woman: and i don't know what it is about him, but i've never met anyone who makes an unmarked white van lo so good [cell phone chimes] eee! it's jeff. he says not to bring my phone. aw. he just wants to spend time with me secludednd alone, without distractns. how sweet. oh. and he wants me to bring a blanket, a trash bag, and duct tape. ooh, maybe we're going on a picnic. ok. so keys? cck. wallet? check. phone. won't need that.
3:56 am
gorge, as always? double check. all ght. s you lat, or maybe n if you know what mean? bye, jess. boop you know, you're a really good listener. singer: ♪ if he's really into crypto or drives a pickup ford if he's rude to the waiter or owns any kind of sword if he calls women females then you better get your bag because maybe that's a big red flag ♪ man: oh, jessica, believe it or not, jeff--total creep. jess? jessica?
3:57 am
damn! another one.
3:58 am
announcer: funding for the kcet "fine cut festival of films" is generously provided by the bridges larson foundation and the national endowment for the arts, on the web at■ñ■ñ
3:59 am
4:00 am
r - we have done ourselves a disservice by not having a talk about death. oftentimes, they place a foot on the conveyor belt of end-of-life care and they're swept away. - most anybody that i know has never experienced a home funeral or a natural burial. they don't know how to do it because no one's offering it. - everybody's life, you leave a legacy. and john would help their family remember that legacy. but also, to put one foot in front of the other


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