tv France 24 LINKTV November 24, 2022 5:30am-6:01am PST
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>> here are our top stories. rescuers in indonesia are continuing a search for survivors after a powerful earthquake struck west java on monday. 268 people died many of them were children. >> on behalf of myself and the government of indonesia, i would like to ask her my deepest console and is -- condolences of the earthquake that hit strabo -- west java province.
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i goal is to evacuate victims trapped. >> turkish president says he will launch a ground offensive against kurdish forces in northern syria. this is after an explosion in istanbul last week. the country is running civilians killed i rocket fire on the syrian border on monday. brazil's outgoing president bolsonaro is challenging his defeat to luiz inacio lula da silva bolsonaro once the electoral vote to be count on election machines. he says a bug compromised the results. -- they are finding drivers continuing to use serbia issued license plates. it will come into effect on thursday the u.s. ambassador to close elbow -- kosovo are delaying it fearing tensions
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between both sides. both sides have talked with the eu monday but they failed to reach a deal. u.s. supreme court has clear the way for donald trump's tax returns to be released to the house committee led by democrats. trump has tried to keep his tax returns private in the prior years. the first president and or decades do not release them to the public. russian president has tapped into his countries -- with the launch of nuclear powered icebreakers. the ship are in the waters of the baltic shipyard on tuesday. the survey headlines we are back in half an hour right now it is inside story. ♪
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>> hundreds of thousands of -- have a conflict between four and backed prices and trying to stop them. rwanda is accused of supporting the in 23 route. it denies this allegation. powerful nations see -- seem powerless to prevent the bloodshed. this is inside story. ♪ >> hello and welcome to the program. a renewed offensive by him 23 fighters in the east democratic republic of congo has forced hundreds of thousands of people from their homes. there are boards of killings, torture, and freight. --rape. they are now marching on the capital.
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the democratic republic of congo and neighboring country are pitted against each other. ramonda's is supporting him 23 fighters. here is malcolm webb from goma. >> more than 200,000 people have run away from the him 23 armed group as they advanced in democratic congo. the soldier started removing their big guns that were in our homes and they took them. this is why we decided to leave. >>m23 is understood to be backed by rwanda. the government is accused of providing support. the governor denies it. rwandan soldiers are going after areas held by m23 they have distinct plastic mounts for equipment the same as those worn
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by fighters seen in the video released by the armed group. they lost ground in the recent weeks. they are holding talks among leaders. >> further down the road in this is an area that is in border with rwanda. a lot of the population has led this way into the city of goma where thousands of people are staying in camps. there's heightened diplomatic activity and it may not change anything on the ground. >> people have demonstrated in cities and congo against uganda president and rwandan president and they blame them for decades of military aggression. campaigners say the international community needs to help. >> we did not have confidence in the east african community to bring peace. we can never
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expect them to back down. the economic military sanctions need to be paused because it depends on funding by other countries. >> the u.k. paid rwanda about $160 million to help asylum-seekers. after decades of him -- animosity france and rwanda restored relations last year. and a lot of aid has been sent to them. tens of thousands of people have been forced into camps, the u.s. has showed concern over rwanda's involvement. france and the eu have not said who is backing the group. >> there is this issue with rwanda there is also france with mozambique and they cannot take a stand for the right decision. they need to make sure that this
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is stopped. >> rwandan soldiers are fighting in search -- of mozambique. they have a 20 billion gas dollar project -- $20 billion gas project. >> nine years ago congolese forces defeated in 23 and then they flipped wanda and uganda -- they had international military support at that time and the u.s. blocked military aid rwanda. this time people are waiting to see if politicians from the region and beyond will do what is needed to bring peace to let them go home. inside story reporting. >> as he mentioned in the report the u.s. embassy along with the invoice of belgium, france, and the u.k. have issued a statement calling them to withdraw and in the act that violate international law. the
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statement stopped short of accusing any countries for backing this. the humanitarian crisis in the democratic cup public -- democratic congo -- at least to 80,000 people have been forced from their homes since march. at least 7000 across uganda since october. children are disproportionately affected. more than hundreds separated from their families in areas where fighting is taking place. >> let's ring in our guest for today's discussion. -- bring in our guest or today's discussion. we are joined by another guest representing the democratic republic of congo. and a journalist and author of " do not disturb" a political mortar
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-- murder of an african regime gone bad. who is supporting m23 and why? >> thanks for inviting me in and asking me what i think in this case. from what we know and especially from the u.n. they report that it has been supported by ramonda for any years since the beginning of its operation. at least back to the end of 2021. we know also from many people in the region [indiscernible] uganda support m23. it is important to mention that ramonda in this group -- it reminds us that back in 2012 and
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2013 it was also backed by rwanda and so many countries mobilized to put pressure on ramonda which we do not see. >> i'm sorry to interrupt you. what evidence is there to suggest rwanda is backing this? when rwanda says it is not. >> there are many instances owned by the u.n. mission. there is also rwandan military who are surrendering themselves to the military base a few weeks ago. and there is a population [indiscernible] who specified to see a group of -- from rwanda. the reality of support of rwanda support of m23
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is known by many people in the region. i know for sure that his mainly embassies and other countries african embassies they know that ramonda and to some extent uganda are supporting this. and people are not calling out rwanda. >> we will come to you to talk about the humanitarian situation but first in london, why would rwanda admit they are supporting -- why would they not admit they are supporting the rebels? and what interest does rwanda have in the democratic republic of congo? why would they want to destabilize the region? >> this is a game rwanda has been playing since 1996, then it is now -- the democratic republic congo to break up the camps of refugees and members of
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the former army who were camping in this area. the rebel group ended up toppling the president of that time. you see a history of rwanda in the southern parts and uganda both have a prerogative to go into the duke -- democratic republic of congo. and they have a real problem exerting control. and they use it as their playground doing as they wish their. controlling political politics and bringing in resources. making large-scale smuggling of all the precious metals that we know are in the area. there is an interest in that. it likes to be seen as a player. what we see behind the new push that has materialized recently is a
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feeling on ramonda's part that it has been beaten in the game by its rival uganda. uganda in last year signed a deal with pitch has to to build roads and infrastructure in eastern democratic republic congo. to help them export their minerals and it would allow uganda to crackdown on the local rebel groups. i think it was a feeling in ramonda of a goodness they are getting aggressive in our area that is our area. our backyard. we do not have to be beaten by this with our rival uganda. we are the key player in the great lakes and if anybody's going to interfere in this it is us. so i think that is probably the motivation that is attractive.
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>> we were hearing a few moments ago there's been criticisms of rwanda from the u.n., u.k., france, the u.s., more explicit in the criticism but nobody is doing anything. why? >> your reporter alluded to it earlier, there are reasons why the same group of western donors that support rwanda send considerable amounts of aid every year, they manage to pull back on that aid in years ago. ramonda accordingly and uganda heard that signal and scaled back their support for 2023 when it was terrorizing the eastern congo. the reason why a lot of those have are not interested in this they are distracted by ukraine which is the main reoccupation. secondly, when you look at france they went from being hostile toward the regime to being their best
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friend. it is relying on rwandan troops to deal with the rebels. and there is considerable gas interest. the british are completely up -- compromise now -- and the project to export [indiscernible] it is unwanted here in britain they said they would send them to ramonda it is on hold but has not been canceled as a project. those are two key countries and donors that would normally be vocal in criticizing ramonda but they have been silent. that goes perfectly well with what is going on. i speak to some of the players and officials. they know what is going on but they do not want to say. that leaves the states and they want to stay in good terms with them because there is an emerging architect that rwandan enjoys the police of africa. there is a fear that
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may be increasingly rwandan soldiers may have to play a role in combating soldiers in france. so why unite ramonda? everyone is playing in the resulting scenario and the congolese people are paying the price. >> what effect this is having on all the people who lived there? >> thank you. it affects the troops and as you know, we have 522,000 refugees who are seeking asylum or they are in [indiscernible] besides that, we have 5.6 million displaced congolese people on top of the one million or more who have soft asylum in the neighboring -- who have soft asylum in the neighboring
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countries. we have more than 262,000 persons who have been displaced. most of these are actually displaced for many times. in the territory of -- the volcano is located we have 128,000 people who are displaced. this is a -- yet another example of displacement. i am glad to hear from the previous speaker that this -- has begun almost three decades ago. there has been no peace. if i may say, we got less of who is behind this, and the most important thing is that the people here on the ground need peace. they need peace. >> in the meantime, there is no peace, what is being done to
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care for the people who have been displaced? some of them have been displaced many times before. >> we have indeed many needs for the people who are being displaced. they are in dire need of shelter. my agency is the relief agency for shelter for the u.n. and energy -- we are trying to bring up route -- bring about a shift in this. it is a rainy season now and many people are sitting along the roadside and in schools or in public buildings -- they sleep there. we need to take them to shelter. we have authority to get a site for these people and yet we got one the security team may not be
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-- [indiscernible] we need the humanitarian -- trying to bring about the basic needs including shelter, clean water, and food. there are so many challenges to face and among them are the continued insecurity that needs to stop. >> uganda said on monday it will send 1000 troops to join the regional force which is fighting the rebels. we have hundreds of soldiers there under a separate agreement. from what you were saying about uganda and their involvement in the conflict, is the presence of ugandan forces going to help or hinder the situation? >> uganda will join the country and this time it will be part of the community force. i have to
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say from a congress perspective, i have a lot of doubt on where that force will be and if it will be effective in resolving the conflict there. knowing that many of the countries involving that they have their own interest in mandating a security there. uganda has already has militaries fighting with limited results so far in the area. there is evidence that [indiscernible] i do not know how uganda can come and pretend to be fighting against m23 similar to troops like military ramonda who would be in intelligence part of the
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force. at the same time back the m23 there is also kenya in the region. there's a couple hundred of military and it is not clear whether by adding more and more troops without careful placement that it would lead to addressing this issue. >> votto people have faith in east african initiatives and peacekeepers? >> this has to do on east africa and the peacekeepers -- it has to do with the years of conflict. we have mentioned this is been going on for years three decades or more. there are those who have been obliged
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to live their house three times four times or five times in the region by the same group with the same dna but they are the same leaders of the same -- similar groups. they have seen uganda as the invader. and now uganda is the savior. if we can understand clearly the frustration of the congolese people in the lack of the support of the un's versus -- forces and also the confusion to send people who yesterday came in as invaders coming back as saviors. saviors/invaders because at the same time they are continuing to lose effort in the region. i think people need to find solutions not only for this stage of the rebellion,
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but they need to question why it is possible like a group like m23 would keep recycling itself after years. that probably is a larger question. >> we will put that question to another guest and what she thinks on attempts to mediate peace. but i know that the u.k. in france are they protecting ramonda? -- rwanda? >> they are protecting it with their silence and by becoming collaborators on other projects. france had support and aid to the ramonda. it depends on rwanda for -- it has a lot invested in mozambique. and britain is desperately hoping
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rwanda which is the most populated country in africa will take the unwanted asylum-seekers. both countries are basically complicit. they been silent because they are relying on rwandans. it is an abnormal situation. the country is creating conflict as part of the conflict in eastern congo that goes on and on festering on and on for decades. to be seen as a peacekeeper and policeman elsewhere in africa. these are two contradictory roles but apparently they have signed up for this arrangement. if the international community wanted to see ann end to m23 they need to put their military aides on the table and make it clear it is coming to an end. when
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they helped the congo in the past, the m23 was stopped pretty much overnight. we have seen this repetitive -- repeatedly once the west uses its weapons it can affect this. >> without the leverage, what are the prospects for the talks mediated by angola president? will they achieve anything? >> it does not seem to be the talk of the issue. who is talking to who? we have all these discussions about them meeting with ramonda but they are prepared -- pretending that ramonda is not evolved. so there is a lack of honesty about the whole situation. stronger leverage will have to happen. that is what has happened in the past. in the meantime, we see m23 heading towards goma. it
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will be a big challenge for them because it is extremely unpopular. there's a huge amount of sentiment against m23. >> you painted a bleak picture. for the moment, you think there is nothing to end the conflict. i need a sure answer from you. >> i think the international community needs to -- it is being invited to attend cop meetings. and it is continuing to be based around europe and the industrialized north. you cannot send both of these messages at the same time. >> we must end time is against us. thank you for being here. thank you for watching. do not forget that you can watch
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