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tv   France 24  LINKTV  December 6, 2022 5:30am-6:01am PST

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are the top stories now. the european union and the g7 and australia have tentatively agreed on a $60 per barrel ice cap -- price cap on russian oil. >> this isn't going to effect pretty much in any way eu countries ability to buy russian oil at any price because monday, december 5, a ban comes into place on eu countries buying russian oil at all.
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eu's ability to license and ensure vessels carrying russian oil, from economies like india and china. >> vladimir putin is open to toxic towards ending the war in ukraine, but the west must accept his demands, and russia will not withdraw from the next regions. the u.s. has been pumping weapons into ukraine, putin suggests that it is putting ukraine off any negotiations. president biden said he is willing to meet with putin. the south african president failed to report the theft of millions of dollars in his private game fund in 2020, he may have violated his oath of
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office area the president's office says he will address the report once he has finished studying it. senegal's parliament descended into violence when a male politician walked up to a female politician and slapped her in the face. members treated punches and insults. the company behind the port projects, demonstrators have been blocking the site of a multimillion dollar project which is being funded by asia's richest man. the protests say that it will destroy livelihoods. a local hindu group says that the porch will create jobs. ♪
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♪ >> that the u.n. warns of violence reaching oiling points between israelis and palestinians. more than 25 israelis and 75 palestinians have been killed since the beginning of the year. where will this lead to next? this is inside story. ♪ dareen: hello and welcome to the program, 2022 was already the deadliest years for palestinians in 16 years. more than 200 palestinians were
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killed since january. the latest victims were killed in the occupied west bank on thursday. the two men were members of the islamic jihad movement. israel says it's troops came under attack first. recent killings have triggered general strikes, and palestinian reprisal attacks have killed at least 25 israelis since january. most conflict has been in the west bank in the last two weeks. on tuesdays, is really forces killed five palestinians and several -- in separate incidents. so far no one has claimed responsibility. the explosions took place after is really forces shot dead a 16-year-old boy. israeli gunfire killed another two palestinians on the same day.
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a special coordinator has said that the conflict has reached a boiling point. >> after decades of persistent violence, and dormant negotiation and deepening occupation, the conflict is again reaching a boiling point. high-level of violence in the occupied west bank, and israel in recent months, including attacks against israeli and palestinian civilians. related violence has created -- has caused great human suffering. dareen: let's bring in our guests, joining us from televised it -- from tel aviv is akiva a dark -- akiva eldar contributor to haaretz and nour
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odeh family member of palestine's democratic nationalism way. would you say that there is now a uptake of raids, if so, why? >> i'm afraid what we are witnessing now is a fraction of what will happen if we see the most zenith government that we have experienced. if the outgoing government, headed by the prime minister was at least committed to a two state solution.
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both to democracy and jewish values. now this is a government that sees the democracy as a tool to establish a full-fledged jewish state. this is a government formed by a prime minister who will still need to spend time in court. and be asked very serious questions about the judges and public opinion. and members of the racist party that believe in jewish supremacy. i am afraid that we have not seen the climax. i hope that the international
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community will have something to say. today the american administration made it clear to israel that annexation and escalation will deteriorate the u.s. israeli strategic relations. dareen: let's bring you and, -- in nour. do you believe that things will get much worse in israel? nour: it is not a matter of fear, it's a matter of certainty, we know that when this government takes office it will be more racist, hostile, and brutal to the palestinians. that is the agenda it was elected to implement, that is the ideology that it espouses. an expectation of than
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expectation in an already daily ruto -- a daily brutal reality of occupation and collis -- and colonization, every palestinian is on that page. the elephant in the room is what akiva alluded to which is the so-called international community who has allowed this situation to continue and to reach where we are at now because it has allowed israel to get away with it. -- get away with all of these acts of aggression, and entrenching colonial occupation while trying to manage the occupation and the palestinians and ensure that the only thing that they do is a subservient to the occupation. metallizing any form of resistance it any form of dissent for that member -- for that matter. we've had countries who have gone so far as considering the palestinian flag as signs of
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incitement. this is how far that the international community has gone to mute they palestinian voices. dareen: but there has also been an escalation of attacks against israeli troops and settlers. a few weeks ago there was a bus bombing, which i am sure you are aware, that type of bombing had not taken place for a very long time. akiva: there is an uptick of violence, but as has already been noted, the violence is a very much coming from the israeli side. one of the concerns -- that i have, is the extent to which these young, settler, thugs are harassing and beating palestinians. there was a situation a couple
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of days ago when an arab reporter was surrounded by these young thugs who were chanting, death to the arabs, death to the arabs, and effectively blocking the presentation. it is no surprise that this is happening. what i believe physics -- i believe is concerning is that you have this strong movement of young settlers which basically, the government, and the government in waiting, netanyahu is utilizing and abusing the palestinian population in ways that we haven't seen for some time. so of course, there is violence on the others. this is to be expected when you apply repression as it severely as the israelis are doing, you are going to get, sadly,
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violence coming from the palestinian side. dareen: would you agree that this is almost certain that it will get worse under the governments of israel? bill: i do. i do very much. western democracies, are simply standing by and letting this happen without even a modicum of concern. yes. i feared that it will inevitably become worse, and that the palestinians will suffer more abuse, and that is something we already are experiencing. dareen: we will get to the issue of the international community in the moment, let me ask what the palestinian international spokesperson said. he has said that it -- the daily
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killing of palestinians is a declaration of war. how is this explained? nour: to answer your question, i am going to have to go back to the international community. these are the rules in -- in foods -- imposed on the world by the palestinian system. this is a requirement imposed by international actors, so-called western democracies, to allow for the continued operation of the palestinian authority. these are the rules of the game that over since the signing of the interim agreements with israel in 1993. the world expects the palestinians to ensure that
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israelis, they are occupier, are protected. it is a bizarre, illogical, ahistorical arrangement that has been imposed on the palestinian people. causes a lot of internal tension. inside the palestinian society, it is imposed by the outside world. when the situation is reversed and we are talking about ensuring palestinian civilian security, there is no comparable position. the israeli authorities and apparatuses do not make any kind of effort to ensure the protection of civilians from israeli settler attacks. which is their obligation under international law. you do not see any international actor of any country pressuring israel to do what is its minimum obligation in that sense. so we go back to that equation that has been imposed on the
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palestinians whereby they are expected to act in nice, they are expected to be an occupied people, unlike any other. to not resist. to not oppose occupation. and to even facilitate or cooperate with their occupier in exchange for what? for increased settlement activity? for the highest number of home demolitions in 15 years in the west bank. the highest number of palestinian children killed in the past 15 years of this year alone, that is why the situation is not just broken but untenable. that is why what we are seeing on the ground is a very honest expression of where palestinians stand. they are simply fed up, that up with this hour deal that is fed down there throat. >> when statement such as this might come out of the u.s., barbara lee said the spec and
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september, -- said this back in september, the biden administration is working to ensure to the greatest degree that cooperation is robust and continuing. what is your reaction to such statements? are they helpful at all?
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what netanyahu's recordings --
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asking for, is actually -- they are challenging the israeli majority. they are also challenging the majority of the american jewish community, which is basically conservative, or orthodox. -- not orthodox. israel is going to lose its favor in the administration, and the american public opinion. even the israel -- israeli left, which left -- lost months ago, is waking up, they are getting the wake-up call, this is way too much, he is inviting races into his government and making israelis ashamed of their country.
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ashamed of their passports. i see israeli reporters complaining that there are not -- that they are not welcomed by arabs, in the world cup matches because what can you say? the arab people are not very happy with the israeli occupation. dareen: bill, can you comment on what akiva has to say, do believe in the long run -- in terms of international and domestic support? bill: it's interesting, in the court of public opinion, israel is beginning to lose in that batt because of these disturbing images that are appearing in social media on a daily basis. the school that was demolished,
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-- young primary children, and their school was demolished. these images are shocking and disturbing. and that arabs are being attacked by settlers, idf is standing --
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before the western governments wake up, that is very sad, once again it is the palestinian people that paid the price for our silence and negligence. >> they are paying the price, as you said, the palestinians are divided, there is no leadership, largely divided. what you are seeing on the ground and in other occupied territories, are you seeing palestinians take matters into their own hands and go forward, are we seeing a resurgence of the resistance to the occupation? >> the palestinian people have
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been resisting occupation for over seven decades. that has not stopped. -- dareen: let me rephrase, more resistance in that will be see more organized resistance? dareen: -- nour: i do not believe we will see the organized resistance that you are talking about. i think what we will see is much more dangerous because of what you are talking about, the international component, the division, and israeli settler organizations and extreme racist roots that go out into the streets and hunt down palestinians in east jerusalem and even political
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entity by uniting is working through solidarity groups in european capitals. these governments must be held accountable by their own constituent's. they must be held accountable for their double standard and hypocrisy in terms of their positions toward israel. they cannot apply different dander does and if they choose to continue to talk about championing international law and human rights, they must hold israel accountable for its actions and they must treat the incoming government as they would any racist, homophobic, government that they have special strategic government relations with. this government should be
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boycotted by europe and others if they want to continue having any kind of integrity or credibility regarding where they stand on international law and human rights. palestinians will continue to do what they have done for seven decades, resist occupation in different ways and manners. and now they have the added burden of trying to recover their -- from a group of old men who seems to be so entrenched in their position that they've left us with our backs bear this occupation. dareen: if we take a broader picture here and put it into context, how far are palestinians and israelis today from a political solution? akiva: the platform of the new
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government is very clear, they believe in annexation of area c which covers 60% of the west bank. they will resist any negotiations, let alone with hamas. this is something i would like to see on the palestinian side if i was a palace in the end, i would like to see some kind of coexistence if not alliance between palestinian forces, but as an israeli who my to give advice. -- who am i to give advice. i see the international community asking clear questions to israelis, like, they asked the south african, but do you want? do you want to know apartheid regime? do you want a criminal
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in the leading position? or, as he said, israel for many years claimed to be the only democracy in the middle east. is it so? i'm afraid that the current prime minister, and the current members of cap net will have a hard time answering this kind of question. dareen: bill law, there were reports there were some members of the biden administration who were concerned about new members of this right wing government in israel, do you think, at all, that we will get to a point where americans will perhaps disengage with certain members of the israeli government over there right wing views and policies. if so, what impact will that have? bill: again, i wish i could say yes. i don't think that would happen.
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these particular politicians coming in are racist, their hatred for arabs is appalling, they should be denounced in washington, and here in london. they are not. he silences worrying. certainly, there are people within the democrat who will speak out, but will joe biden pay that much heat? i fear not. the second fear is antony blinken, will not pay much heat. dareen: thank you so much for joining us. thank you for watching. you can watch the program anytime by visiting our website, al you can join the discussion by joining our facebook page. you can join the conversation on twitter. for my self and the whole team,
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thank you for watching. ♪ óróxór[r
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■x linton besser: on the coast of west africa, the ships arrive day after day with an unrelenting cargo. in ghana, they call them "obroni wawu," or "the clothes of dead white men." emmanuel ajaab: take this bale from australia. linton: they're the charity shop castoffs from the western world. emmanuel: dirty. linton: it's sweat. emmanuel: see. yeah, rubbish. it's like a insult. linton: too many of them arrive in unwearable condition. while the trade in used clothes has created thousands of jobs,


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