tv Democracy Now LINKTV December 8, 2022 3:00pm-4:01pm PST
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the facthat you're contemg don't knor that m not ev disaointin surpsed. what the proem? i knowhat you're gng to sa i wondd:'sot if youeally doanothe(barki) mes: both ow is is not an aggreive do hean be trned not to chase sheep. d the dersons have given you permission to do this? hean be trned not to chase sheepnny has. jenn d the dersons have given you permission to do this? , really, james, ha you not jenn ne enougdamage intferingn that po family'businessthis? (scruff impe) what ds thatean? (bird chirps) i want you to take this dog back to the aldsons first thinthis morng. anif i don? ii thk your te away h ledog back tu to fortsons exactly who it is you work for. m not entirely sure that's possible, siegfried. take this dog back to where it belongs now. ♪ ♪ (sighs, bi chiin
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trista ifou're lyg to protect the feelings of someone, ishat rely sucha b? yes. how? if ms.ompkin kw peter was deadings of someone, e'd be dastated,lone. how? if ms.ompkin kw peter no she'll ha company someone, but it not her bir yore noteing hont. (groans) we d't all havto be host all the tim en youvoid theruth en it onback to e aldersons, agree is isn going to endell, j. jenny los that d. it'sot fair eitherof the welli hope tt's threal reaso and nosome misided attpt to win yr way ba into len's het. becae if it , i'llell you w... it's not. becae if it , i'llell you w(sighs) ♪ ♪ cruff bas) jey: hell boy.
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(eales): anks aga for thi ♪ ♪ jame hello,ris. trtan: heo. ♪ ♪ ven't seenuch ofertan: sie the weing. shs been gng for lot thinshe feelguilty. you k. nny: snuck a ok once. her. i don'think yoshould doing tt, jenny. jenny:he stilloves her keepbanging about h much hcahe have anher chan?f. but don'worry. she don't writk or anythg. rry? why wod i worr you ow, i was stening by t . you rely shoul't have de th. ablutely. and we aolutely do n want have de to hear at was sd. do we,im? ablutely n. cruff whpers sofy) oh, what's t harm? jenny: len saidt's not at cruff whshe dn't lovhim,
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becausshe did. but t in thaway, anhe didn'understa, and don't ble him, becse i dn't undstand, eher. i thoughhe were nna y, but she uldn't budge. iand sa it was tter y, for bothf them. then hh got reallyross, but and askeherbudge. if sheas only calling off beuse she ked somee else and,m... (cars that) d thght you id i shouldn'tf shsa telling y all this. noyou're rht. u shouldt. well, ve no such moral mpunc. come o jenny,s. dad agged meway befo i cod hear o. gave us clip rou the ear for me tubles, t. ♪
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mrs. hall? gave us clohit doesn matter, . for me m(mrs. ha sighs) whener you wt to was me me, feelree to hler. mahes... ... you weren't suosed see that. mr hall! ll, far it fromel?t this? to real the derhand ings-on mr hall! inhis estaishmenel?t this? a de budgie. mr hall, why oearth (birchirps) (chirps) no. i should hav known tter (chirps) an to trt him. and why ght thate? if y have a int, s. hall, an to trt him. i'd rather you got on and stabbed me witit.? i had a very strange phone call this morning. gin ouclientel i can'imagine at's unique ourrence. it were the dean of edinburgh gin ouveterinary college. ah.
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they wanted tonow for the autumn i told them they must've made a mistake, beuse trisn passed his e. now, whe was tha um, ing i was ter? sifried dold farnon! ve no dot there's a ry sile logic explanation r all of this. m heassed hiexams wh he ooming wl didn't one real mustn'teap toutlandisconclu. all ght, i did i you li to him! itas for h ownood. what werthe blasd univerty cwell, theyidn't. what? i knew you were up tsomethin i knew you wouldn't tell me the truth. mrs. hall, i'm shocked. a man of your tegrity. . i knew you wouldn't tell me the truth. what is the seventh commandment tells ? shocked. "thou shalnot comm adultery." well, the other one, then. what on earth were you thinking? that it might be nice if i wasn't constantly hounding him about passing his damned exams. i thought we might be able to salvage sometng thatappro. oh, for goodness' sake. you're both as bad as each other.
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mrs. hl?at suosed to an? (hirps) (exhes, birdhis) mrs. hl?at suosed to an? (sheep panting softly) (car approaching) (eine stops) (car doors open and shut) rob:all righthere, jim? rob. ruff's my g. i wanto say i'sorry you lostour lamb it's bigf you toome say so you. james: how's the ther? ro's bigf you toome say so you. not toclever. she won'get up, won't ed o. that can happen after a stillbirth. what she really needs is a lamb to look after. how about that little orphan you had? be? herber ll, it'sorth a go, i sup. (whines) what the bloody hell's that thing doing up here?
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know ts do is t last thg you nt to see ght w, but didn't tack you floc- you sathat yoursf. i stl lost o of my lbs, all thsame. beuse he not bn ained i stl lost o of my lbs, how toehave arnd sheep he just t over-excited i don't see that's reason enough to put him down. rob: wh if he ces back and it happens again? we'll train him so he doesn't. with your permission, i'd certainly like to try. arks ♪ (cws cawing) jenny? james: they're ggs, so at means...
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jey: ey're toyoung have babies. so they won't have any lambs in them. it w't do y harm ithey t a litt startle w, you nd to ld him tht ep him cse toour side thmoment he owls or barks,ou. si ep him cse pullim back,ll him tstop. stop, sit. and be fir ife obeys ur command, give h a treat istan. ife obeys ur command, hm?ve h a treat oh, soy, jenny istan. i wafeeling bit peckish. come o scruff. that'st. (she bleating)t peckish. comecomen.uff. that it. beood, scruff. do y really ink th is goi to work? beood, scruff.i hope so. and if it doesn't? (scrufbarks)jenny: ruff, op! st it, scruf ruff, ! stop (scrufbarks) ruruff! stop (scr(barkingwhimpering) stop! 's allight, jenny.look, i' got . let's takeim out a minute giveim a ment toalm down. let's takeim out why won'he stop rkg? n't worr we'll y again.
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yone to (scruff barkinea! why wot he sto james?he can sll sethe sheep. here, wa him awaand yep talki to him,ll right comen, scruf that's it. come on-come on. comen, scruf comen, scruff,c. that's it. ♪ what do u thin i rely don't kw. (scrufbarks) i rely don't k♪. ♪ ♪ (drbell ring s. hall: i've g it. mr tompkin. s. hall: love to seyo i've g it.
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leme hp you inde. noyou set urselfl: love to seyo down there ohdon't rry. i can nd my wa i' fetch m farnon. (mouthin oh! re he is n. mrs. tompk, what an ablute pleure. i know young mr. farnon sa he'd bring my peter back this afternoon, but i couldn't wait. my boy don't come back toee his old mum as much as'd like. it's hard, isn't it, when children grow up and leave home? it mht soundilly toou, but hearing his flutteringround d peckinat his ce, , it war my hear knowg he's tre. at doesn't sou silly atll. (bird irping
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what was that? (bird chirping) is that... well, that not my peter. is that... mrs. hall? well, that not i believe tristan oker. to y about ts matter (inhes): well... nhales a exhales) ts matter yes. mr tompkin. (bird chping) and he's all rea for youto take. its peter.s. mr tompkin. oh, myoodness,hank you. but he never used to be able to cheep. but he never um... ll.. the thing is... peter eded hiseak trimd, it allowed h to findis and w thvoicagain. he's le a differt bird! oh, thk you bo so much. and saa big thk you to thabrother yours.
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let help yoout. oh, i n mana. on i've waed it once it'so bother let heldog so againh, i n mana. mr tompk:peter homto you, mrs. . thank yo (door ens and shuts) mr hall: and as far ahis examgo, tristacan nevefind outhe trh. undersod. and u can'tkeep himidde that diensary cboar either needs tget out and stt doing so propework. i'm su i can fl needs tget out and stangaps in s knowlee. and wh his birday cos, he's getting that bag. ♪ ♪ (chicks clucking) let's seif you can't keeeach her compy. (chicks clucking) ternoon, rob
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i thout i'd op let we cou do,considering. a w thin round. oh, thers reallyo need. i thout i'd op let we cou do,considering. a w ththere is, and we're sorry. here, have you seen our jenny? she took off this morning. we've not seen hide nor hair of her since. aye. she'in topield wi veteriny. leavthem be,scruff. tris. icycle bl rings) don't "afternoon" me! nonef this my doin tristan: he's oy doingwhat he i. that's a he everoes. even if it's not easy. i'm sure that's something you can relate to. it's gd to seeou again helen. you,oo. (sheepleats) jas: ke encourang him. (sheepleats) leavthem be, scruff. jas: leav ke encourang him. at's i giveim a tre.
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all righ noyou can y lettin go othe lead be gd, scruf pleasee good.bleating) he's doi it, jam! he really ing it! good l, scruffam! there go. he'sot even oking atem! hen, wve just en train. jenny,et back to theouse. bu.. now, pase, jenny.g atem! sorry, i mbe shld've spen to..."ma? bu.. nothere's no "ybe" abo it. i know'm not d i mighnot undetand theway t, from arod here, bu.. bui knowhe diffence nothere's no "ybe" beeen righ anwrong. bu.. bui knkilling a perfectly nothere's no "ybe" begood anil can ver be rht. it not your dog or your reputation. it was a mistake. animals mess up sometimes. just like people do. to keep punishing yourself the's noefor anytng.
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(sheepleating) ro there u (car dooshuts) (sheepleating) ♪ we've work hard wi scruff. (sheepleating) he not goi to sce any re she. ♪ he good no mr. benson. ani'm gonnmake surhe never goes offgain anyys. l the same, if y say he eds... u know. i reckonome goodame nay, y carry on, lt of i afteall. ♪ ♪ helen: whatoh, he'll huff and puff
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and eventually blow himself out. and yowon't let m do anythi to scru? well, now 's been ained, ere's noeed to don't woy, it weren james'sault, i'llake caref it. you know wanted take meome, but said wouldt go unss he help me. i'not suret were fr to p him in at positn. don't thk he mind. itave me a him a chae to tk. (gate ops) and at have yoand jame got toalk abou oh, ystuff. ? whwouli be intestedu might oht we, i'm no he igreat, who woule
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stk their ck out he's g a good art. li that. 's not b-looking, eir jenny!i'm justaying. ll, you'reoo young tbe thinng aboutnybody'sooks, i'll ge you th. i am rht, thou, good or herwise(snickeryg eveng, james i'll ge you th. i am rht, thou, ♪ eveng, james (sheep bleating) ♪ ♪ (sighs): here we . it wasnly a cole of wes next t. i waaway,
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but you forgetow beautul thislace i (chuckles) siegfried: there u are! but you forgetow beautul thislace i i call in on rhard aldson beforeou start b bensongrd to it. don't ca if it wasanction by the bloody. i distctly rember tellg you... ifweon't alws have tlive bloody. byhe old res on h to do tngs. wean make so of o own beuse you ought i uld add someing to t practic think yoshould start trtiquite it's about time you started owing yo own furw. (tstan laus) tell t truthyou miss him, dn't you as forou... oh, god,ere it ces. mrs. tpkin pped in rlier. e was ve happy to be reited witpeter. s she? well, od, exceent. mean, y shouldt she be so, thks to jas's good idea, wed
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you doing lot mor workround e ple. under expert tela, obvisly. obously.(stamms) come on,e mustn't mrs.all waitg. u never eam of gng i thk she was to meaway ain. (exhal) ♪ ♪ just aight mea tonit. there's need torown the damn thi. it's deaalready. there's need torown the , i likeo mop it up w. damn thi. op it up th is thdinner tle, t me backseet kihen. oh!there's enty mor in thean. hm. all ght?e's enty mor in thean. it looksremendou s. hall: t the mounin we couer...
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all: 's ourselv. s. hall:we siegfried: welcome back. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ diana: it's the daffodil ll tonig. who's the extra one for? time wts for nman, jim and neither will helen. i han't reallyeen ousince... no one wl care. james: they oered . i've got few mons toork out if there's sometng here wo. james: they oered . i'vemrs. hall:ons or somne? ♪ ♪ announcer: funding for "masterpiece" is provided by: ♪
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viki river cises, proud onsor of masterpiec funding for "masterpiece" is also provided by financial services firm raymond james. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ announcer: go to our website, listen to our podcast, watch video, and more. to order this program, visit shoppbs. "masterpiece" is available with pbs passport and on amazon prime video. ♪ ♪
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the normans made sicilian civilization grander yet, building monumental norman churches. this massive church, so richly ornamented, shows the glory of that age. ♪♪ ancient columns and capitals, gifted by the pope to bolster his southern border of christendom, were shipped here all the way from rome. ♪♪ the church was built to show off the power of the norman king, william ii, shown here boldly standing while being crowned by christ. the interior is famous for its exquisite 12th-century mosaics. each panel tells a story from the bible. there's adam and eve being tempted by the serpent, angels climbing jacob's ladder, and noah building his ark and filling it with animals. ♪♪
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eu members have allowed croatia to be included in the schengen zone starting in february. hi, everyone. thanks for joining us here on france 24. brittney griner is on her way home. the american basketball star was set free from a russian prison in exchange for the release of a convicted russian arms dealer from the penal colony where she was being held, she was flown to the united arab emirates was bound for a flight to the u.s. u.s. president joe biden announcer release at the white house alongside greiner -- alongside griner's wife.
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>> moments ago, standing together with her, i spoke to brittney griner. she is safe. she's on a plane. she's on her way home after months of being in russia held under intolerable circumstances. she will soon be back in the arms of her loved ones, and she should have been there all along. >> today, my family is whole, but as you are aware, there are so many other families that are not whe. bg is not here to say this, but i will speak on her behalf to save we remain committed to getting every family member home . we do understand that there are still people out here who are enduring what i endured the last nine months of missing truly their loved ones. thank you. >> griner's wife referred to
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paul whelan, another american jail in russia on charges of spying. president biden said the administration is continuing to work for his release. we can cross now to our washington correspondent. what do we knowbout these negotiations and how this prisoner swap came about? >> we are learning from white house officials that negotiations with the russians have been going on for months. the administration is saying they are offering different ties that included brittney griner and paul whelan, and they were trying to release both in a prisoner swap, but white house officials also said that in recent weeks they realize that that was not going to happen,
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that the russians were evidently not going to agree to a deal that involved paul whelan, and when that became clear, that's when the white house says joe biden had to make the decision on agreeing to a deal that would include brittney griner. what we heard from the president was that this was not a choice of bringing one american or the other back. the choice the white house says was either it was going to be brittney griner or no american at all, and that is when the president made the decision to agree to that deal. the white house saying that the immediate results can feel unfair and arbitrary, but that -- they believe that was the only deal they could make and it was better to have at least one american home rather than nott all and that's why today you are seeing the president in his
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remarks when announcing the release of brittney griner immediately making the case and very much insisting on the fact that paul whelan was not forgotten, that they were going to continue to fight his release and -- fight for his release and try to figure out something for paul whelan now that brittney griner is officially free. >> there has been some criticism this was not exactly a fair trade. viktor bout is a high-profile arms dealer. how is the white house responding? >> i have two arguments. one is that viktor bout has spent quite a bit of time in prison in the united states, reminding everyone he has been in prison for about 12 years, which is about half of his 25-year ascendance and that he
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would have been eligible for release in 2029 and one white house official speaking to us reporters said that nothing can remove the stigma of a guilty conviction, so basically, the case of the white house is that he's not going free and he has at least paid some sort of price before being released. the other point they are making is that while they always try to pay the smallest price in these prisoner swaps that they had a moral obligation to find a way to release this american citizen and to bring an american citizen home and that even though people might not see this as a fair and balanced prisoner swap, their obligation was to the american citizen, to bernie griner, and that that was the only deal they could make, and they felt that morally and politically, they were right to make that case.
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they also dismissed the idea that agreeing that making a deal makes americans more dangerous -- more endangered in the future. they say they are working hard to prevent these things from happening but that they will not stop under any circumstances to try to get the releases for american citizens unlawfully held in countries around the world. >> in any case, happy day for brittney griner, that's for sure. iran has carried out its first known execution over the protests that hav dropped the country since september. a20 three-year-old man was hanged, convicted of blocking the street and winning a member of a paramilitary group. human rights members are warning
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the escalation signals and escalation to the regime's violent crackdown. >> government protesters' reaction to this execution was outrage and anger. there have been plenty of calls for authories to halt the execution. obviously, that did not happen. much of the anger by people expressed on twitter and instagram. not much publicity on state media, though. it did not make a lot of headlines. one state media reported the execution and simply identified the man. no other details. state media also airing what human rights groups described as a forced confession. he was a young man, 23 years
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old, caught up in the protest back on september 25. he was accused of blocking traffic with his motorcycle and attacking a paramilitary force member with his knife and injuring him. it is interesting to note this was not a for tally. the man he allegedly attacked was simply injured, not killed. even so, for authorities, this act amounted to a charge called a crime against god. he was sentenced to death. the conviction was upheld and thursday morning, he was executed. human rights groups describe the trial as a sham and they say there's no indication that he had access to a legitimate lawyer who could defend him properly. he is one of the many otesters, dozens who faced the death sentence. it will be interesting to see. a lot of people are interested
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to see if authorities continue to execute people and who is next and what the fallout will be. >> it is the largest visa-free travel zone in the world, and it just got a bit bigger. eu members have agreed to allow croatia to be included in the schengen zone starting in january. bulgaria and romania were told they would have to wait longer to be allowed in. >> letting croatia in but keeping bulgaria and romania waiting at the doorstep. the eu's home affairs commissioner said she was disappointed at the outcome. >> you deserve to be full members of schengen. you deserve to have access to the free movement in the schengen area. you had a strong support from
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almost all member states. >> almost all but not all. the two balkan states have been negotiating for more than a decade, but concerns over corruption, organized crime, and other issues, compounded by the migration crisis, cap -- kept the opposition among eu members including france and germany. the tide started turning over the pandemic. >> austria has over 100,000 pele who need to be entering the country, 75 thousand of which are not registered. although we are landlocked in the middle of europe, theystem is not working, which means we must first improve the system considerably in this area. >> the latest decision means that while passport checks will no longer be necessary from january at this croatia crossing, truckers will remit --
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will continue to face long queues as they deliver goods across the schengen border. >> the united nations has blamed the m-23 rebel group for killing at least 131 civilians last month in what the government has described as a massacre. the group is also accused of committing within two dozen rapes. >> these congolese citizens gathered to pay homage to those killed. >> our fellow citizens were killed by the m 23 terrorists, and the president has declared three days of national mourning. >> it is too much. we have had enough. we don't want war. we are here for peace. the congolese people want peace but our neighbors don't want to give it to us.
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>> these accusations are corroborated by a report. the united nations and the democratic republic of congo says 130 civilians were killed by m23. >> the victims were arbitrarily executed with the bullets or bladed weapons. we condemn in unspeakable terms the -- we condemn in the strongest terms the unspeakable violence and urge humanitarian assistance. >> the m 23 movement denied its role in the massacre. they took up arms again last year, taking a number of territories. according to congolese authorities, the united nations, and the u.s. state department, the group is supported by rwanda, something denied by kigali. various groups have called for
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an end the fighting and the withdrawal from m23. on tuesday, the rebels said they were willing to pull out. that has yet to materialize. >> now to greenland, where scientists have discovered dna from animals, plants, and microbes from 2 million years ago. it is the oldest dna on record and the discovery is giving a sick limbs into aost world. -- a glimpse into a lost world. >> scientists have found dna 2 million years old, the oldest ever extracted. for one of the main authors of the study, it is the begetting of a new chapter. -- beginning of a new chapter. >> it was long thought that one
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million years was the boundary or the barrier of dna survival, but this makes us look for newer and older sites. >> found on sediment dating back the icege, these dna agments were well preserved because they were frozen. thanks to this, experts are able to paint an accurate picture of the region 2 million years ago. >> 2 million years ago would have this environment with mastodons and reindeer's together with a lot of different advanced species. >> with the research beginning their work in 2006, this is thought to be just the first step in unlocking the secrets of the past. >> it is time now for business with kate moody. germany has opened the biggest ever fraud case. >> it centers around the collapse of the payment system
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wire card back in 2020. the former ceo is among the three executives facing trial. his number two, who was then the chief operating officer, has fled germany and is now on euro pole -- europe -- europol's most wanted list. >> this success story quickly became germany's biggest financial scandal. the former ceo of the online payment company wire card has been accused of embezzlement and goes on trial with two other ex-managers of the firm. charges include market manipulation, balance sheet falsification, breach of trust, and organized fraud. >> founded in 1999, the bavarian start up again offering secure payment methods for online gambling platforms.
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the start of gained attention due to theoom of onle commerce. its expansion and vision of a cash free society dazzled investors, making the group's ceo a billionaire. he succeeded in bringing wire card into the dax index, but in 2019, "the financial times" published an article using the firm of accounting irregularities. soon after, a striking fall from grace. firms discovered financial loopholes set up by managers and nonexistent revenue attributed to partnerships in other countries. 1.9 million customers on the balance sheet did not exist. it plummeted to the bottom of the stock market, costing banks 3.1 billion euros in loans and write-downs. the trial is expected to last
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more than a year and marcus braun could face up to 15 years in prison. >> the s&p 500 snapped a five-day losing streak. the nasdaq gaining about 1%. this despite concerns about the state of the american economy and a possible looming recession. weekly unemployment claims ticked up slightly, big sign the labor market may be studying. shares of oil giant exxon mobil closed up a little more than 1% as it announced a major share buyback. earlier, we saw a muted close for european indices. the yield or return on european government bonds hovering near its lowest level in months as investors wait for next week's meetingf the european central bank. more than 1000 staff members of "the new york times" are staging a one-day strike. union leaders have been trying
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to bring better pay and benefits for their leaders. executives said the paper's editorial coverage would remain largely unaffected, but some staffers were participating in the walk out and urged readers not to consume whatever content is published during that 24-hour strike this thursday. the british government has sent shockwaves across environmental circles after approving the first new coal mine in over three decades. it is not set to produce coal for energy purposes, despite soaring energy prices. activists say it will set back progress on reducing emissions and tackling climate change. >> this site is seto host u.k.'s first new coal mine in three decades, and advancement that has been met with a mixed response. the u.k.'s housing and community secretary defended the plan to open the coal mine, saying it would create 500 jobs in a
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traditional coal mining area that would be used for industry, not energy. >> i think it is important to restate, as i think is well understood, that the proposal branch of the commission yesterday, it is not an energy proposal. >> the u.k. climate change committe who advises the vernment has estimated the mine and the coal it will produce will it met around 9 million tons of carbon every year, a step away from the u.k.'s goal. analysts argue thenvironmental trade-off is just not worth it. >> there really is no place for this coal to go in the u.k. and we are looking to export aut 85% of it. it really seems like an odd
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decision. >> when it comes to power generation, u.k. governments have an relatively successful in cutting emissions. coal-fired power stations have been shut. as far as its net zero goal goes, the u.k. is not currently on track to meeting it. this latest decision on coal mining will not help. >> certainly a lot of questions about if the u.k. will really be able to stick to that net zero goal. it still has it set for 2050 despite this development. >> it is time now for our daily fact checking segment, truth or fake. in today's segment, we are looking at a viral video of u.s. basketball star steph curry where he shows off some impressive skills, or maybe not? >> i think many of you have already come across this video here on social media, and extremely viral video posted by
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"sports illustrated." right here it has reached 30 million views on twitter with the caption, just finished a shoot with steph curry. this dude just cannot miss. let's take a look at the video that goes with this tweet right here where steph curry appears to make five full-court shots in a row from a 90-foot or approximately 30-meter distance. quite impressive. many reactions considering how impressive it seems. why would that indicate that it is really? truth or fake, this video speaks to the superpowers of steph curry as it left many wondering. >> he certainly has superpowers, but did he actually do this? >> there's one little detail
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that many might have missed in this post. this tag right here, this is a video credit to the creator of this video. a digital artist who is a video director based in l.a., and here is the description. he says he creates work for brands, celebrities, and events. you can see that his most recent post, we see the retweet from sports illustrated right here where he says this what is definitely real. congrats, had a lot of fun shooting with you, so this seems to have been a collaboration between this artist and steph curry. we can also see this video was posted on his official instagram account where you can see these steph curry videos, the ones that went viral as well, and you can see these other collaborations here in highlights with tom brady and
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other brands, but the video with steph curry was so viral that he addressed the video in a press conference earlier this week where he confirmed that it is fake. he says it is a compliment that people would believe it is real, but he also wanted to confirm that even though the video showed five full-court shots, he has done two of them in his lifetime. >> this is not the first time this particular artist has created some kind of confusion, is it? >> in 2021, a video of american football star tom brady also went viral. we have the video right here that does seem very impressive, once again, when he makes these perfect shot and even appears at the end of the video to make the receiver machine fall down with the strength of his throat, so
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very impressive once again. this video was also posted by "sports illustrated" here where they have the caption, haters will say it's fake, where they did not tag the artist this time, the same artist that created the steph curry video. he posted it on whose instagram account. the same artist where he has the same video we saw earlier and tom brady also posted the video on his instagram account, so even though these athletes are extremely talented in real life, we don't know what is real or what is fake anymore online, so it would be good to be a bit more skeptical with these doctored videos that can be easily misleading. >> he's making them look just a little bit better than they actually are, i guess. thanks so much. that is it for now. stay tuned for more world news coming up here on france 24.
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♪ >> between 1970 and 1990, a number of japanese citizens mysteriously disappear, a mystery that was in fact a kidnapping program orchestrate by north korea. in 2002, kim jong-un acknowledged 13 kidnappings, but how many people were really abducted and in how many countries? while the united states supports the victims, north korea has broken off talks. many gray areas remain in this international story of espionage . >> joined the marriott envoy
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