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tv   Occupied Minds  LINKTV  December 22, 2022 6:00am-7:01am PST

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[thundercl ap] [piano mus ic] - good evening, durham public school fami ly. durham public schools will be closed in response to covid- 19. - the longer i am without social interaction like, outside of the house, the lesso cial i'm going to be when quarantine e nds, and i feel like not being able to talk to anybody or, l ike, without frie nds. - (singing) happy birthd ay-- - to realize how quickly a life that you are li ving can come to an end it was really li ke-- [sna ps] - good morning. - [yaw ns] - [laughs]
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- major funding for reel south was provided by etv endowment, the national endowment for the ar ts center for asian-american media, south a rts, and by the corporation for public broadcast ing, a private corporation funded by the american peop le. [piano mus ic] - good evening, durham public school families. as we shared yesterday durham public scho ols will be closed beginning on monday, march 16 in resp onse to covid -19. at this time, we will be closed until friday, april 3. we're in close contact with public health offici als and will continually evaluate the situati on. - this has been one of the very few events in my life th's beelike, om! no your li is diff ent. so tt was like--it's defitely be like crazy rst expeen ce - we, it seed li it wa 't-- itas far ay, so woul't come
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ar us. wouldn'happ en we cld contie scho . i was ing intothe fiftgr ade. nextear, i w going to gradue and ha y-- ppy, happy. but no. - i thk all of uthought en weound oute were g ting t of schoothat it s goingto be fun threweek break that we uld justet toome homend r ax and wouldave some w k. and th we woul co back, a w e'd beike readto end t y ear. anwe'd be le toee our fen ds.and thene got ho, and erythi was difre nt. - i an, we cld be inquaranne for another month. that cld be li three m coulde untildecemb, becaus theykeep tking abo how cona'sgointo come ck in thco ld. d that'stressingme out too, beuse i dot want do thisga in. [solemn sic]
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[piano music] - in the future, we all had face masks on. and i was like a mom and i had a little k id. and he was like four or five and like, if you took them o ff they'd kill you. and i was in the park with my kid, and he took his mask off. and the way that they'd kill you if you took your mask off in public was they'd line up all the people who took their mas offand then ty just oot themlike fing sq d.
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and he was like-- all of them were super tall. and then he was like-- because he was fou r-- he was ally short.and th were ju likeso it's ke. then he'go down,nd thent'd stt up again. and shot th a ll. anthen i we up like as got s t. ani was yi ng. it was--ike i ke up cr ng. and it w really,reallyepress g. that wathe mostntense one, i tnk, i've ad. - if you're going to be inuarantin th you havto li, suckt upyou ha to be ablto knowthat youe not pr ably gog to s your frnds.and ifou want see em, thenou 'reprobab, like, u shldn't se themso that is is alov
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er. buit looksike 's getti bigger. -- - i ink we a wereold that it woul't affecyoung pe le. soe were a f ine. li i saw ahing at was l e-- we're reacting tthis as d pele react tclimate an ge. like don't tnk th it affes th em sohy not b her? soe were aretty ppy, juslike we weregoing g time ofscho ol but now,'ve readtuff tha sayshat younpeople c d ieand that it fects them. so that'made me mo anxis to lea the house cause i ink i'mat a hher risk ow. does shetill s -- oh, no. nono, no - th i s- oh my gosh! - 's difrent, beuse ually, manxietie are out disees that can't really ctrol, li can ce li right n, i coul havet, and t
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re's no way thai know that. coro is a lile diffent cause it a vir . sohere arehings i know ian do at leasdecreasey chan . [whi ing]- lookway, looaw ay. ahh! i n't wanto see . - i don't-- i like her. - me, too. - i don't want her to die. - she's ke the oy womanscientt in thiwhole thing,and theye goingto kill r off? oh, i sehow it s. - think i'si ck - wh at at's goi on?at kind sympms do yoha ve? - i can't swlow, sere headache. - wh's your mperature? - 101.8,efinitel
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infeed othereo ple.- you n't know hat. at shouli ? well, i nt you tstay inour roomand ll-- i'llall the ople atthe heth depar ent. ll tell em thatyou' in th e. st-- youe going be ok- no, - kn ow kn ow. - emline! - wh at - the's so my ns and os!- ye, i kn .- wa, wh at?- whatave you ne?- [laughs]- whatave we done? [lau gh look at e ch at - au ghs] - it inot funny.- all ght. i'm leavg the brkout r oo breako
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![chaer in - m sorr thpractice think today toverybo --look gat in class. buyou did awesome ob. sof yohad a 1 iginal -- you ow, 's a m t. - ac tly. cause ouide [inaib ]. - startedt 10 o'c ck. - , ba by by i lovyou al - bye. - i ve y ou - t me, th gh.[inaud le] - . iano mus]- i denitely h alwaysad a
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vy like-- i dot know, ybe ke a trational view abouloss a mourn g. i walike-- tt's likeea th.that'sike a chdhood home.that's wt loss d mourni is. ke that a con--hat'sa corete tng to mourn. so i thi that whati did len ab t was the ea of beg in urning f a whole ife. thatas a lite bidisturbing i would y, to reize howquickly life canom e--not ke a lif like human life, bulike aife th you arelivingcan comeo an e because at was extremelquic kl itas realllike oneday, ts was my ife. one da i had my grocer stor and my ie nds,and myob, and ass. and thatas like entirelittleife that was lea ng. and itame to aend, i an, real
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in a se nd.and thatas likepretty srt ling to rlize, th that s sothing th could h pen.[omino mus ic
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[chattering] - i don'know howe goo schoolvery day- i dot kn ow - ke if meone walike we'rgoing ba to schooltomorr, i coul't do . - , i'm ju likei'm winning. - don't kn how toeal with it.i sotimes thk of e energyhat i d. i was workg from 90 to 4 0. - yeah.- and en i wou come ho and rk for, ke, six urs.i dot know h i did ha - mineas not tt bad. i workedrom 9:00o 4: 00 and en i wou come me anwork twoo three urs.- yeah, don' t- - one tohreeou rsi me an - and th they were yelng a t abt likeats and exa ms - i feelo bad r all e seniors. i an, theye ssing thr pr . - i ow. - imine th-- some them might nohave gone to junior pr . - i ow a fri
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d-- i ha a frien who dn't do at. anshe's li, i'm gog this year, budidn't glast y r. d now, s doesn'tet ne. - at's so sad.i wouljust-- omy g od - soy pianoteacr has st ents thatorked fotheir seor retal for ur yea . - oh my god. - anthey don get do it, sica ll i feel l e-- - th's awf . - i feelike thatould dri someeople toctually kill emselv . likef i had rked onsome pces for ur yea -- - i ow - --did not get toperfor i wouldus t-- - kn ow. - right th in there-- i don't ow.- --whever you do.- at's so sappointing. - mm mm. yeahit wou -- - get myorth froscho ol if i t an athen know i'do inwhat i supposeto be doing.and at's how i gaugeow we i'm doi at li . so ie had th taken fm me so now, really d't kn, which m aybe y i'm dog pianomore, cause at's sothing i n get woh fr
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om t i feel littlebit li i don't nowwhat ihould for myself.[pianous ic] i feelike the nger i a witht socialnteracti li outsidef the house, t less social m going be whenquaranti e nds, and i fe like i y enup comin bato schoonot beinable to lk tonybody owithout ie nds. so i feelike if would- likehe hole would fa i ntowould bene of li not talng tonybodyjust le ki of cutti myself off. [thunderumbl
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in somemes, il be lling asep, and - basicall it's li i get tired, a i'm almt asle . and thenhe thoug willop in my ead, d theny eyes on, and then i'mhinking out th . at am i ing to dnext yea what?i needo learn w to wri a rhorical alysis essayin thelike, thnext week-- all e worst se scenario. at if i'doing thexam d my wi- goes t, and th i can'tub mit?no.
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- 's 10:00n thmorning. it'sime to g up, d do youhomewo . - i had a drea that m and v and kaeigh sto the van[laugh becausee wa ntto lea the hou, becauswe we sick ofei insid allthe ti .
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for us, standardized testing starts in third grade. and as soon as that happened, i thin k--i think at's where it ar te you stt being to that yore a rcentileand you' told, oh, yore in th 97th pcent il althat mea is youbeat 9 of people ke that'all a rcentileea ns. and it bame abou let's t your pcent il little hig he li all thameans , we nt you tbeat morpeop le liket's nevegoing tobe jusabout yoanym or 's going tbe aboutou comped to otr peop . d i thinthat's rlly to c.
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- hey, kdo. - i alrey got al the es out the re - i'm su you didet althe onesut the . - alright. no. kayleigh's the one who want to go in that onth ere. oh!i got is o ne- that i calle it. - emmy, d you rely geall thones out h e?- oh mgo d-- - somedy did g that e. weorgot bea can reach. - at didou forgeabout ? llo? - yeow beans all ght. i'm ne. - it theerfect ft f someonewho wod immediely kn whichlb umsall the referens of t book from.
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- ank u. - yore welcome - wow. ok last one. last o .as f your dad, he rely lieves ipractil gi s. and so this somethi you careally u during a-- - wow.[lau gh - my go - toil pap . augh te - ohwow, witthe ta - wi the pce tag o it. - u don'have toshare th witkaylei . you can keep iin your dr oom. - oh, yes. - mm mm. - is is mine.- if y're stil struggng with ns ent,just igine insad initiatg sex, you'reaking them aup of tea. you say,ey, woul you ke a cupf tea? and ey go, omy god,** * yesi would** * * love a cuof tea thank u. en you know ey nt a c of a.if y say, hey,ould u like aup of a? no, i ki o f-- yeahi'm not ally s e. then y could me them a cup ofea or t. t be are, th mighnot drin
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it. d if they-- you can'be m ad - don't ink it, en-- and is is thimportan partdon't ma them drk it. justecause y made i doe sn me you a entitle to-- just becse we de it,oe sn't an we'rentitle to-- - --say,o, thankou, thendon't ke thetea at all. ifomeone sd yes totea, staed drinkg it and en passeout fore ty'd finied it, don't ke on pourg itown theithro at oh, ye ! at's n-- oh, i sor ry that's-- - beuse uncocious people d't want tea. no. - trt me on is. ether it tea or x, nsent isveryth g. and onhat notei'm gointo goake myse a cup o tea.- oh, ah! [lau ter] - says, i goingo go ma myself cup of tea.i feelind of b laugh g. oh, wa-- the tpot is -- i was ner comptely s e. beuse it'sike-- we, i ink the a is le the x. but ke, you' maki the tea eans yore putti on e condom gue ss taki the bir controlil
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ls.- i dot thinkthat'shat it m ns. [lau s] well, i n't wanto thinkabout at else can m n. i don't was aroce . - privileged amerins have no been dealing with this well. they rlly havenot beenea ling with thilife-cnging moment well.they'rlike, ifou don't if y make wear a mask in coso, i'm gng kill my lf. anit's, li, you ne to chk yourse really ick si so thas been alitt disappoti ng. mean, i n't knowwhat i eec te and peop not yingtten ti it, likthinkinghat thing's ing on rht n ow the studest ing i'vever he d, becauspeople nd pay tention things ke t hibeuse theyeed to kw that thiss happeng
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right now.liket's weirfor meone toust y, oh,nothins happenright w, wh there's giant virus outside your door. it's incdiblhow people tnk abouthi ngs. [rn pour g] i hope idoes flood. good morng. - [mbl es] today isou r-- - chistry exam.
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i ink my heart was beang fa the whole night, ough. i dot know wt day ithappen or whatear, but someime, we nt fromwe're arning hder things and we'rin a becausee ne harder ademic challenges to we derve to bgiven this. anwe're tterhan theother ds becau of it d it madme starthinkingabout st the wle education system aa whole and how affeed all ous mentally in h we thout abt ourselves d how wehought aut oth s. you go ck to e beginng, you alize at in elentarych l, with aig, they tk us o of cl s.when we me backinto t classrowe
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felt likee we abovethe her kidsbecaus e wewere lrning dierent th gs. and weere readg booksthat ty didn'tet to lear anwe start thinkinthat noonly werwe learn in fferent ings frothem but we we also b ter th them beuse of that. . i cat imaginhow e other ds felt. li they tched us leavevery d and th knew th the rson th weren'teaving w h us was beuse theydidn'teserve t, d that ty weren'as smart. and likehat musto horrib thin to selfonfide e. loing backit's kinof siening tohink thai felt like that, because it' s-- like there's no-- there's no redeemable thing abouthink in that. 's just bad. there's good sideto thiing like hat. i ess that the defition of insidus, ri t? li icreeps i and youdon't alize
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unl it's t re. [music -he beatl, "thisbo y" the beles: thiboy, thi bo - 10inut es ugh.[omius music ing the th, th startthisn kinderrten likeet's bhonest sohat's wh i'm f e. so is 12 yea now th i've en fed this. [pno mus ][thuds [pia mus
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ic] [thuds [piano m ic] [tds] no, , no.i don'- i need bre aki can'go on doing th anymo . we, than you. [whi ing] - [laugh --toaugh at us. here wgo. - [humming - yeah, nt ly - and ma it flat. - hmm. - yohave to ape it over. [gas]
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oh my d, it's rfect.- ho on. let do thisor ner. it a tiny ttle bitthat goeinside the e . god, iish theywould st sho us. yeah, th did thenside of the es with gold. t i dot like that. i nt to dot with pink. [gasps] my god,weot it toth er. [mumes] l ri gh can - ok. all ri now l's figurout-- it eatinthe fondant.for th - - why n't we he th is [laugh - ohyeah, no. ok.y'all camake some ce sawiches wh some s ami. - , i'm ju gointo eat this.- you sort of ueeze do and tn pu sh and itakes thalittle s pe. - ow! fin ge - ohi'm so y. all ri gh try at. good th's rig . - it beautif, mama! 're doinso bette
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thanll the oer peo e. than you. - u're wel me. - tually, e only real pern in, like the d testamt anthe newtestamt is sat, because-- oh my d. because he--- we lovjokes. - nohe wasecause--he was le, whothe hecko you thk you are to telme what do?i do whai wa .- so a you saying jes isn'real but sat is? - yes, tt is a h take. - at do yomean real inhis wado you mn he is thmost belva ble? - like he's thmost believableye ah. - i nd satano be ver beliable chact .i meani just rated him so ch. (singinghappy birtay to you.happy rthday t you.happy bihday, ar eel
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ine. hay birthd to yo (whiering) gfor it. whoa! - soy, c at you t some bk blow or you. - oh, or c at - m 10. - e's a dede o ld - whole ca de. - e's in t doub digits ub. not ye a whole ca thacr azy? - thursda 10:53 m. - she ill won'be a tee ger. i've ner saidshe s a teen er. i'm a tween. - you ara tw een! - i'a tw ee - she a twe . yeah, hiyou're aeen from0 to-- om 10 to 12. - all right. whwants th eye? ll take e eye. all ri t. so em, l's rember th the eces neeto be fa ly-- [gas ps
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- --th, becaus- here. i want aery smalpi ece. - beuse, hon, rememb thiss a threlayer cake. - kn ow.oh my sh. whwa nts?[tkl in - yleigh.- so rr thatas aaccide . you're rning theom ent. - so y. i'm sorry. [upbeat sic] [waves rolng]
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- oh, is is cu. - ! - ya - goal [ghing w er] - aryou ok?i'm sorry.that w a little-- - my go th could be-- - hi! oh. hug? hug.
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- aughs] you shou lift me up. oh mgod. [pops] - i an, i'bored. [lghs] whi is, yea it'sefinitela privilege.i'm nolike, whe's my next meacoming from? am ioing to t evic d? that's blessi . but i amor ed. thout-- am-- i bor ed sohat's a n, thatreallys my b c on. any her cofalls unr that con, theact that'm bor .[ticki ]
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- ohi am extmelyored. bowled h ses.i don't ow what do. i pled with ery ngle toy h ave. i haveone insane. sometime i even ng myead on t wall. evything iave is dd. [lau s] reathi h ard]yeah, i don't know. borem gets
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t bestf me m tly. is tt bug inde or outside the window? nevemi nd. any re quest ns? usic -ohn travta, oliva wton joh "summeright s" cute as n be. suer days ifting ay to uh, oh tse summenigh ts oh well. - inging) well, owe ll. tell me re. tell mmo re.did you gevery f ? - inging) ll me more. telle mo . li does heave a r?uh-huhuh-h uh - (singi) ba-d p. - (singi) uh-h . - (sging) ba oop. - (singing) -h uh.- inging) me, shgot a cramp. - (singi) he rany megot my st da mp. - (singi) i sad her fe, she arly dro ed. - (singi) he shod of splasng around.summer un--- (sinng) someing's begun. but,h, oh, tse suer n hts.oh, we, oh, well.- (singi) tell
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mmo re. telle mo re first si ght. - inging) ll me more.telle mo redid shput up aig ht? uh-h uhuh-h . -h uh. (singi) do-bdoo, dbi-d oo arking] - at is gog on? my e ye ou ghs] creaming - why n't it on? - ab my ma, plea ! - [c ghs] i can't ea the.- what w t hat? - e's maki simple rup.- oh it's burng sug . [scr ms] i just wt to [indibl
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e] - ohy go sh i, like-i, li, can't eathe. - we jt got anemail out tr ngto gethe firedepartnts to n h ave toome to pple's us es. - ere are you? yoleft youburnin- youleft yr sugar the stove. it destroy, and th kitcn smellsike somebody was roasd al iv it's f e. it's ine. seriou y. lookseird, buit'snot gointo explode. want to ng to the sounof mus ?- i dot think is isupposed hap n. - no, denitely not. - can't br the. - ok. ylei gh- . ohy god, ty lirally alst kille us. - told yout smellsik e-- - we werli -- - i id it smled likesomethg's burning. look at is smo . - is it ill bubb ng?
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eww. it looksike someing li --dement . - it burnt s's bnt brownug ar. - re ly? m scar . i don' - what sheast y? i couldn really ar h ershe justaid, oh g od. ani was li, it's fine.we almt died, t you're ok. nobody died. the was noing on fire. - oh my go should wtake it tside maybe? don't know. - it's eier to jt tohrow it ay. - whwants toick it - i'llo it.- all ght. au ghs] it's lik- let mefind aon-- like-- e poppinki of fres me out . my god. itastes li bur nt ehh--- ew itastes li bur nt can't lieve i d it - oh, wait. i hear t he- comen and li it. - li that part. we both cked
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i lick it. you uched ur tonguto it. - oh. crociles td to liv in stwater hit ats whilalligato hang ouin frhwater mshes andak es. sore they the ocean? - nonef them a in the ean. stop. - sawa ter. no. - ok. you knowhat i'm not raid-- - saltwar habi t.- you ow what m noa fan ofs sh arthat a now movg into l es. - no no. - i have a-- i havereams about sharks. - i te sharkso b .- i think becae i had is bookhen i was litt -- i used to fearhem so bad. - --that was likabout people having gettinatta ck sha rk anit wasike thei storof how ty survived. itou be likethey hato swim the b ch wi like a ssing limb. and it-- just 's terri ing.- i-- ar ksok, i hateha
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rks. t i kindf enjoyshark movi es - do n't. i'veever wated j s. i never wi watch jaws. - ws is su a od moviethou gh - althgh, it ke fake-ok ing?i can ndle iif it's ke. - ye, it'sake-looking. it's totly fe-look g.- what iit-- for was it le 47 feeun de 47 mets do wn it's a trible vie. but it's the sharks ar - - ohy go - , he re - yojust kilthe root - yeah.- i wa you to die! - my! what didhat ro evero to you - evythi . u ruinedy li fe - so iaw all t protest starng acrosthe couny. d so i w watchinall the newcoverage f it and aring abt it. i felt aittle dionnected beuse
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i wajust in h ouse watching all of it unf old. and i felt like i wasn't really a part of it. i was just watching other people be a part of it. and so i heard that there was a vigil and protest happen ing downwn h er so i deced that wanted to go ando my part. and was aittle ary decide go or not because is-- you're ting a sk en it cos to their us. d you'reeing exp ed. d peoplere beingsafe, t it's still large coregationf people.i cided go, becse i thght it w important.
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[sirenwailing] - i' always beenery ivilegedy entireife. like, i try be ry awaref th at becae i feelike ther are lot of ppl e-- specically le whitepeople--ho were st not aware t hat. - i fe like wh i'm older, mkids or andkidswill askrobablylike, we, whatdid yodo to ma the rld a beer pla ? and want to ve a od ans r, because i n't thin as aix-year-old, yore looki for r ism. you n't real undetand wharacism s. at lst, as ahite rson, i
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n'tundersnd what its at 6becausas a prilege i have.but no i feel ke i ve more of cha nc to s it, and call itut. ani think enoughpeopleealize i and als call it cism as th see , then hefully we can e more cng es. [rustlin maybwe'll me again.
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when iearned aut the conserve well, t-- yeah, the consvation omatterwhich ys that tter cannotbe createdr destrod, to me that what recarnatio is cause thpaicles th makep you rely don't goanywhe . theyet recycle anwe don'tnow ere
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thatatter goes. likeit couldo in anotherei ng. so don't now. attl in - i,or one, not meone toell peopa lot things out self or personali fe. i don't ke to goeep into hat. i'definite pretty od boting thgs up, anthen iind ofust ex ode. thers a poinwhere yore okith peop seeing ings up until point, a then you're le, that'like m - like a pce of mehat don't nessar
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il want to share wi anybo . i nted to lk to you,too, abo the oth day cause la week wakind ofrough r me-- a this week to but whenou were lming ca in h bedroomhe oer d ay and i wain the bhroom, that wasery prive to m and i didn really nt th to be set hing that wasn the fi, becaus it ft very pso nal, and was tryi to deal with ings my way. d i don'want thato be sething ithe fi becae i felter y-- it was vy-- it ft exposi anit was psonal to me, d it 's i justanted tohand that ony own and keep it sepate ifhat's . iano music]
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- so iake a stw, and i op that, d this iscrewed the c, ok. d i sticthis iso whys the cunot he ? that the que ion. - d yo u- - ani checketh at. l ri gh now, weo ask bea, ok. lla? oh!she has e cup! [lau ter] that's mine! younscrewethe topand le the r t. - found it-- - thiss mi ne - i und it ia drer in thkitchen.- it'ser c up - was in drawer in theitch en - we, i don' have aorm ro .i don'keep put
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ng-- - i'm soy we don have awhole ck for o kit ch suli es. ge out. - i'm uring itown the ain.- no - thiss mine, be a. get ou nothere's *** **ater ttle in re. just l me traner it. - use youown watebott le - was in drawer in the kitch . was in e drawerin theitch enhow i supsed to know whom it bel to? - if idon't belo to u, then n't use it. ye ah. - itas in a awer the kitch en. i--- also, younscrewethe to why did u take the t o ? - becae i didn need th top. - this is mi ne know kayigh's war bott s. i kn emmy's ter bottles. i ow not ttouch them.this imi ne - then kp it your *** * rm. - weon't-- w don't-- ali ha -- - i'not allod to ock for r fo od - becae you ke dirty ps in yo r oom.- no, do n't.- yeahuh-h uh - tually, , i do t. - no, at's m - thank you.- this ss you're '7". - 5'2". - the are ceimet er those arinch es 5 ot-- 61,2 inchess 5' 2" no, lookyou're li 5' 2 an
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1/2. e? i said 52 and 4. - 2 and 1/2. that's en-- i'm ll er.that'saller th you s d. - we're ing me, cause iam 5'4 and shes no5' 2". - ohno, we'rcompar g. oh my d. - you'reike amazon. ok. - i'm no5' 6" kayleighbro, u're lik64 inc s. - i'm 5"? ok. heck, no. - waitno, no, .she's 4 and 1/2. no, br you're 5".- no w . uh-h uh - oh, ishawhat thame ans? - i- no. actual, ma yb i don'know if you hait rig . - no, beuse th's 5 feet. that's 5 oot. - ah, 5 foot. sohat's 5'4". - [gps] wh ! it, i'm kelmos t- oh. i' been dog thisro ng. hey,ou're 5'5". - yeah, kaeigh, yoare 5' . - no. - ah. why-- - at's really we d.- all ght. someondo
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me.- so i gss cat reallis 5 '2 [laughs] - w. i- no. - [seams] stop. - yore all good? ye ah. yolook so te and srk ly. ohis thawhat i gave youor chris as?the ttle paier thi y? yes, i u it to p on ever sing face ma that i ve. - was reay well-rie wed.they we-- theyaid it w fanttic for ople tha likebeautynd face nd of st uff. - hes againsthe wa . go. oh my d. i just he to-- - ohbella, y a re-- - m ta ll- 5'4" ale as i'm ta . - ohy god. wh at? - tch out,ad ies. i'm 4". aughter] - you're'4" and me cha e. - i'm 5' and somchan ge- ohi'm 5'5" ow.- ok, so rest my ase.also, u put th in ourall, s
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-- yeahcan you ase th ? - you dot want tse betifumemories ooh. that'sot a gooeras er - wa, wa it bella,ella, bella. - they'rjust caung perment damage. i mean, ah, like'm excit to have mywn apartnt. i'venly everlivein the dor ms. the rst yeari livedwith se frie s. i wagivea random rooate, and it dn't real work t. i movedn with mfrie nd anthen i led with real close fend of m ine.last yr, t oo so i've ways bee supeclose phical ly becausthe roomat our lleges an't that bigbut so, i'mind ofooking fward just roing alon j ust beuse i s thinki abt my fute now
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as ell. i'probablyoing to livingwith aouple ofirlfen dsbecausit's probly goin to bthe lastime ther e's an excusfor meo live a ne. and then guess iant to get marrd at sompo int. will be th someo t hen. sot'll be nd of fu to g the opptu ni to have ese-- ha this ye whe i was ving on o wn. ke, i'm ally loing forwd to hat.i'veever led on my o befo, like cplet el on m own. i'm sup excit about hat. - good evening, dps families and staff. we're sorry for the late telephone
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c all. but we have important information to sha re. due to the progress of covid-19 in our commun ity, our school board has voted to start the first n ine weeks of school next year with all students lear ning from h ome. we will have more information for you very s oon. but we wanted you to know as soon as possib le. thank you, and good ni ght. - i'm hopeful once i go to college, i really think by then, hopefully, i t'll be aittle bibetter and at least i'll be able tle ave. bui'm novery hopul for thisext year think it's gng to be just in my room, tryi thandle sool line, analso d ng coege applations, d just beg done wh high s ool. just thi it's going touck a
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t. bui'm hopel for ll of 2021.- the tu re?what dyou me the future?i'm nofortune ll er. i n't sethe fu re. what dyou mean by ur m hopefufor the tu re? - sort ofust feels like we're ki of trapped in time, like summer nevegoing to nd. anwe're ju like wee nevergoing go backo scho . anwe're ju going t do ts foreve just ay inur house and rk froho me d not gonywhere,and ju do it fev er. [bds chirping]
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[dripping] [music playi ng] ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ - major funding for reel south was provided by etv endowment, the national endowment for the ar ts center for asian-american media, south a rts, and by the corporation for public broadcast ing, a private corporation funded by the american peop le. ♪ you're watching pbs.
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i find our next speaker to be an astonishing woman. i have sought to bring her here for two years and i am wowed by her for three reasons the first is that for someone still relatively young she has just about the most varied and extraordinary activist resume i've ever seen. an attorney who in her youth clerked on the senate judiciary committee and served as a legal observer at guantanamo bay she has worked as both a lawyer


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