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tv   Occupied Minds  LINKTV  December 23, 2022 3:00am-4:01am PST

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- lea prest and struggle agains. is boyco becausehis is and is is at we ar wointo elimite in ourrganizatn and in our tal struge. and is is at we ar would al like to - anhe said me, "the greatesthing abo it "ithat youill wakehe world up "andn a ve nonviolt way." why shou we partipate fo a untry and 100%ffort ancome bacto ouhomes d are deed some the rits that ould be ven us? andwell, wenew thatherecto thsports eablishme s concerd, they re goa do evething th could andwell, wenew thatherecto thsports eablishme prevent us om havg any int whatsoever in the olyic movemt. - harry wards kn that th urgenc
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gettinghe messa out, urgency equalit the gency d the ed for there toe voices lted up to theause, the wereonna havto come from t athlete to theause, the - worked ry hd aftethe wereinceptioto come of the ompic pject foruman certainssues re not heard. and think th was theirst me in the htory of hleticsthat aros stood gether a made a and. - on t one sidyou havevery undage, president the intnational o, which isade up o71 artocraticwealthy, moyed membs of the establht from around the wod pitted ainst hay edward an aivist, alack ma was 6'8 athleti charismatileader ting on a ainst haissuward that tbrundageonflates spor, ich for m ishe ultime sin.
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avery brdageeally std foand stauhly defeed this notn that srt and polics can bheld sepate. thisan be tred to hi stan around e 1936 ges whicwere intral to t unit state entuallyaking pa ini se nazi ges in - what wagoing onn nazi rmany whicwere intral to t unit state toeport ere wasn much happeninin termsf jews - of t americaolympici commie meing whicwere intral to t unit state at theew york hletic cb to ht amera could or notknowing s of thelympic cmittee couldn'tnter the w york aletic cl becausjews werbanned fr the cluso it waee a unanous voteo go. that'svery bruage's hiory. he reprented thaelitist,racisy a unanous voteo go. throhout hisareer anit carrd into t 196olympics - when first hea there he reprented thaelitist,racisy s a poteial boyct,.
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e of theemands w to the w york aletic cl meet which waa histor meet th was on r many, ny, many year. e of theemands w to the w york aletic cl meet - wto come to mison squek peop gard tomorroevening, iday, feuary the16th, 19,. - w prote the usef thisek peop gard tomcilityening, the nework ac wch hasth, 19,. clearly own that ihas no rard for ack ericans except texploit eir tales. - the e policyhat theyhad, tw blac or jews(dynamicus) in t club. it was a pvate club, it's jus. - the new york ac had rules that said, at that time as a cb, if yowere a won, if yowere bla, - you werhispanicyoud rules codn't actlly ente time the w york a - you werhispanicyoud rules codn't actlly ente time [tom] a t of athtes ycotted at meet. and therwas becong an awarenesamong thblack hletes thatomething was wrong. - when harry formulated the olympic boycott for mexico city, he took it to another level going at great personal risk to himself at that point.
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- and when you begin to deal with the olympic games and talking aboucoordinating boycot the 18 olympi, you benn to deal withtottractmpic games and talking aboucoordinating me majorttention - therwere manthats on m life before i started (typriter clki) tord thavictory and. ani didn'tanna be sacrife. i had that feeling more than (typewrice. clacking) (typewriter clacki) - sistance ainst entrehed i had that feeling more than (typewrice. clacking) dominato be irtional apear unreonable prisely beuse domince t from theerspecti of aparsack athlesense. athat poinin time,hey arthere noonlys sportsn
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buthey're so reprenting their peop who e deeplyngaged ia strule for basic human rights. - there were a lot of meetings going on with harry edwards a the black athles - this w, if i m use thi on tryinto untermese guy democrat processmong the see,his wasn a one-m show. wantethem to ow what of was out so ty could ke a decion forehey gothere. - really d't know wh's goa happen if a the bla athletedo boyct, then irobably ll be affiliat with th. - johnwhen will come deteination whetheyou, leevans, an othe willr will n boycotthe olpics? - i sh i cou tell ya. this ia question that i donu
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itill be dermined the else caconsve you. of theommunityround us - will leyou knowbout thfuture oyour olyic team whene deem iproper a when we th kind ofnformati.e righnow, we st don'think eportershouting) that y're read - make tholympic am is someg you really, really desire do. you trn for yes and u have amall winw aniboott this, ve up yotel - soe neededo talk aut why the proped boyco and we d. anibbut ill didn want toel sacr. - st of athtes undetoodwhy 's a gre sacrifi to ge up somhing i hoped,s i hopeall alon you woed so ha for jusfor a ybe. that the will beo boycot - thpreshas saidboycott ans o, but is tt what wmean en we saboycott? mean wee not gog? the infoed guesss (sber muc) thathe athles, both ack and negr
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will runo win athe olymps inexico ci in octor. as aesture, d it cod be a dmatic on th would tn refuseo takehe winne' stand as repsentativ of the ited stes. th would tn refuseo takeh(gtle musitand - wellin 1968,s you rell, it was one of those years when you really thout e world s, if noexplodin it w certain changin we were here in cambridge training. - this ti, the olpic prect for hun rights and re tryinfor the ials.n thword of is was seading ound. d one ofhe teamst reallystarte, prect for hun rights and re tryinfor the ials.n thiss an ideity, this is amovee they wand to be part of, was the l-white rvard cr team
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- one the sorof wiin the cw wa you kno how n we jusbe rowin wh all thistuff's ing on? - we traed some the prests that the ompic proct fohuman rits enged in. we wereware thathere wa lotof rial discriminaon and raci justices so at tholympic ials in calif, here they had quified for the ympic te and the first thing they wanted to do was go see harry edwards. - we got talking to ourselves and we said you know, we really oughta learn more out what this is all about. and cleve and i called and made an appointment to go see harry edwards. so we put on our summer suits and neckties and he washere ia blackaedberets and there's harredwards. in aashiki a a jumblof bes. harry's very impssive ma
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he rlly has commandi presce. ani n rememb thinkinthatto was real lookingorward to finng outhat his oughts were the ympic prect for huma righ to thereatesadvantag in tms of adessing thethatere real tearinga this . me of thissues - thisas a gro of veryvery siere, yog, whiteen who got , who unrstood. - hay was ve open helpings find aay to be involved ithe movent. we aed himf he cou come back and lk with e crew. - and we sai you tohe team ing anytngt ause we dn't hava consensu d weren'sure we nted argue f a
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d he sai "well, m "a i'll comeo cambrie "if ybody ll make public statemen "i'm n gonna ce there just t" - ife was gog to helus to understa what wasoing on th the bck he wanteto know that weere veryntereste finding way t prove themith suppor - i wadelighte get the outach. the onlyhing thai had didn't mmitted selfack. to in ing backas that was nna be tally hont with whe i was cing from to in ing backas that ere i thk the moment was going, was nna be tally hont and wh it was at th were bung into. to in ing backas that eharry paer, who s ouras going, ach, knenothing out this twead snt all drryedwards , discussi what weould do. d abthate had a nsensus and w. decide
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ancalled uharry wh lived a nearbsuburb in winester and id, "we nee" heaid, "weave actice torrow moing an't iwait?" in winester and id, "we nee" and we sd, "ally, i don't ink soharry."g and thiss reallyn many respectsarry's fest hour in my vi. because we walked in and said, "we wanna let you know that we've invited professor edwards "hola press nferenceith use are nna latmin t dayu "for t olympicroject for humarights."t - he didt discouge us but he rinded ushat fr haresponsie approait, is o that ally kes to consiration the tests of t othemembers the boa - and said, "ll, i ho you ys know well enough "to knowhat i ha no probms "with e causesnd thedeals at you'rtalking out. "tse are me also." and he said, "well, i look forward to meeting "professor edwards tomorrow morning."
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- then we set about making the calls to "the bostonlobe", the "hald", other media and set the pre confence. - then we set about making the calls - we had aress conrence in kirkld house d it got tremends amnt of corage. - oucaptain, curt canning, spo on beha of the six of . and fowhat the olympa gprojecfor humarights was alabout. - they cld've ne along with 99% of the st of whe amica who effectivy felt what ave brundagsaid. "why a these nroes taing aboua boycot "of e olympigames? "the olyics are e only fum "c stand othe me levelas oth " here neges and comnists that w a very rvasive ne of thiing to each member of the olympicvr hduri that peteamf ti.s
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as hor she w selecte ansay thate hoped that ty would l start toalk to eh other and tour blackeammates and ts that ty would l start fromther spos and e if we uldn't cer a betteunderstainabout t only at our bck teammes we talkingbout buabout wh their eeriences were and hothey mig be diffent om our o experiees. - athe time, remembe thinki and think i s a lile naivein tes auent the impt thatt would have. so it s well cered bythe pre. - the harvard university crew team is special. so it s well cered bythe pre. and 's not an issue of giving them quote too much credit. so it s well cered bythe pre. an's an sue of rognizingivthe fe them th theplayed ithis moment. they wera group young,white, s,
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stent athles, who lookedt n this cotry and id we neeto be part of th. need tooin in tt stggle we neeto be part of th. (gentle sic) need tooin in tt (tse music ark tensmusic) (peoplchatteri) (guns fing) (peoplchatteri) (somber music)
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- [m] let's get in front of at. - [journalist] the tros have ved in. it srted offs a peeful demstration the armyas ciring thislaza th were hoing a peeful cultully and u can he what itounds but w the like.have me there we major dturbance uns firing with studes and ofcials in mico city ny were lled becse of it in mico city so buried,ome dump in the ocean so the place would be clean of any social disturbances but metimes 's kindaard to ce youcleanthere. ood off cement so you sll saw t stai once weot there so we ewhat we we moving into aery(tse musicuation. (speakinin forei languag
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(lively music) (audience chring and appla) - [announcer] the mexican president officially declares open the games of 1968. (somber music) - the last meeting we had before the olympic games, the boycott was voted do. and i wavery hap it waa democric proce because did not nt to ycott. and - [jimi wonderf i uld ask u first all waa democric proce is t boytt itseldead w, is th finishe - i wod say thboycott off. [jim] no what abt otherthings n w, is th finishe - blk athlet, ack maley,cathle, - wenew th at the d of the day, meings. it wouldome wn to th athlet and at whabrundagehought as the hd of t internaonal olyic coittee in 196was irrevant.
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the meetgs in meco ci were thmeetings to dbasicallyour own thi. avery brdage admished them, "i hope at thesethletes "w- was lefup to everyoneo their n choice to dece what kind of denstratioyou wereoing to do if yo- did whathe olde aamerice l. thout shoulde done icognize erica thway thatyou fel l. they'd rognize y. (gentlmusic) - justy the grace of god welwaa spiritl thing.ned to y gostepped . evythi felt rit. gostepped . - pele begino tell m
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athlics has noing to do withpols . vice vea, polits has nothing with atetics. it shoulbe kept parate, which isbsurd. - my ownaily mnderings aroa it shoulbe kept parate, and oking atvents and so o ended upften in e stadiu for ack cause petexthelm w had itten the articl earliein theummer wa an o "yale dly" edit and hend i hitt off and i uld goo thtrack me withim. that where ias the d of and hendth200.t off i waed in e stadiuwhen was sitng with o women who turn out to john carlos' fe d tommiemith's we. so he inoduced mand we a sat there - we, i was the for l the ents. and tched thr race wch was etty speacular. d you'rerying to picou know, yore wwierse frien anwe kda thoug thatarlos wod win it john w always is lo guy and great g. alwaysull of f. d he cou just n like hec he was a heck of a runner.
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- being from a background like mine, i'd always thoht that helpin wawhat we re suppod to do. so i ft a respsibility to . i'd always thoht that helpin wawhat w(dmatic muc)to do. - thsemi-fins and thfinals was thsame day (gene music) so y had to epare yoself meally andhysicall d emotnally fothese ras. - fi- [ancer] thworld st a recoof arica, 6' and 47. - [tmie] i dn't wann be sond in t race bebecae somebo'sld alrey in fro of you, mebody'slready deated yo (peoe chatteng) and justhat's cong-- - ommie] ai came aund the curve, mebody'slready deated yo i was gng about8 miles hour. and th left kn mov aut - ommie] ai came aund the curve, mebody'slrtwinches.ed yo and that what yaed that groin. it felt ke someby had sh me.
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anotr athletgrabbed d held me up. i went or to mak suree was alright, anotyou knowbeing a veryld ose collgue of me. - but as iooked do, the was nolood. and i rember thiing, ohit's jusa musc. - so went ov to him and to s and h- might asell haveffbeen s, e track. becausby now mwhole olympic eam is or. olympiproject r humanrights . pele will ver thinof me again. st went mpant. olympiproject r humanrights . pele will ver thinof me udienccheering) [announc] and agn a saster f tommie ith. that cou be the fference betweel and thing at all. - erythings in dou. evyes,e finish first, tside do justn a few urs away 's got run theinal.. and he kws that h doesn'win thisinal, evyes,e finish first, tside do justn a few urs away 'there iso momentl.. - then ias takenownstair and e was apied
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evyes,e finish first, tside do justn a few urs away byy coach oyd c. b wier, when called m bud, cameown and say, "t tom, how you, he calleme tom t. "tom t, how yodoing?" said"i'm doing fine,oach." "tom t, how yodoing?" at's stud. i'm st layinthere th a ck of icin between my legs and i'm feeling fine? no, tommie, you're hurt, boy, you're hurt! that's what i'm thinking. at 45 minutes they took me upstairs i oked bac looked wn at out the stadm, trac 'causee were u stadiumas and i thght it mht be my la. do. now, i smokin'i'm real - and goo the trk next i'm or, the rmup tra,es. outside the staum. now, i smokin'i'm real - said, "oy, tom t, i'm going do here 40eterses. outside the staum. "a i just nt you twork it up "aut to 10iles an ur." "oka coach." motionalusic) got upnd it fe pretty od. and heaid, "ok, i'm going meters w,
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"et about0% speed i walk . and thleg, now'm cocious ofhis leftnee. turnhat suck in abouhalf a degree sohat thleg won'fly out. - you ve this azing mont whe bud isrying and en you he the fil. everybods tching h. evybody's oking to see i? (tense mic) - and i uld hearhe trackjust co. and i'sure everybody's tcng along wi the resof the wld to seeow tommismith isoing becaushe mighte a tentive stter that 20meters. erythingent fine. the commtators a wonderi whats wrong th tommi is he nnbe able to finish th? he gonna beble to w this whats wrorace? tommi byhe time got allthe way rk lked acrs the trk. er to whe the 20meters arts, hletes we alreadthere getting ady
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do thr pre-arts. hleknew i cldn't dore getpre-art. i had a strained groinrea muscle. you play with those muscles, theyonna givout on y. iad to std there. and i'm stanng there watchs i'm watcng peterorman. i'm watching all these great athles startg. d i saw some of the stest guys ithe wod starti and i sa, oh lor have mey. wh am i goa do? - and toie's jussorta coained, and i sa, oh lor have mey. jtrying theest hean to sot th, ofome th the cfidence that he'gonna need whenhe gets k the guy id, "uniforms off." ani'm stanng thereold ani knew iwasallyeo start. cause i couldn't take anystar, i'm afraid to ta starts. e pulled muscle wa certnly a deterrent of my getting to theictory stand cause yodon't ruwa with atraid muscent
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anbecome victoriouvery in wobut i was not afraid. really, i was myified. johnooked like a massive cr who none wouldouch thaday. and thenere's lile old bty me with a pled musc. how am gonna dl with ts? i d to look at it asunning race. ychologilly thatreed me up. on the guyay on yo marks, you onlyave aboufour conds before theun sound (pple chatring) (ten music) (peart beang)g) (sombemusic) thenhen the n soun erythingust stped ramatic musi
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(sombemusic) d my mind went bk to aining asan josetate. (gs firi) - ere's questad. (crowdheering) it's good art. th i begino think w i on have abt six mo strides th this le leg in is turn here. it's good art. if i'm ififth ace, i'mn on have abt troue. strides (dratic musi - [jimand in le two bauck strong. on the oside is win robes. - bein6'4" at e time aut 17pounds i was a skny littlguy, gos - bein6'4" at e time aut and at'sxactlyha then i wld haened.rush to almost a rfect running ce i gothat potion came ani rememb bud winter, my coach, sd, "perct positio." we alws ran th in actice, rfect potion, ich isnees, whh is ank "pewhich isead," which thelbows, ynamic mic) ich isnees, whh is ank ich is everythinperfect. d i felthat. i was third pce. (sombemusic)
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i was third pce. on the straightawa third place (sombemusic) with what maybe 0 meterso go? - it's jn carlos right n. (cro cheerin it's carlos and smit - d at's when and re(dynamicusic)mith! all of the practices came into being. not a ought t a muscle mory. ield it lg as i cld,g en i st it offi shutt down cpletely. - heust sortelevatedis le, liftedis legs,nd just n away fm everyby at t end. (crowd cering) - [jim] smithas donet - wi a strait leg, waning th your porg! had beenut off. 'cau i cut that poweoff twstrides fore the it w done. - [tomjohn turd and loed and sathat pet norman s comi.
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i thinhe was sprised. - rethe tton fies,'s and beatg my sisr sally.. rk gointo san je state,leaving. all of that was ought ofike that (finrs snappg) just.. and thatas it. when iit the te, look my fe when iit the te. uh, w what? (chuckles) okay, i'm done. next page. (tenseusic) we all hg over t side ofthe ral and stle 'emight offto do t. - th take the first the guys so the fouh and fih guys or sih guys ani went uand i fod rwhe my parts were tting.ield and i we and s by them
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- i caed it thdungeo that what i lled it. i kinda named it the dungeon. i guess it was the preparation room, medal winners before the stand. and, yeah, john and i did talk. - we roughly had 25 mites bere we we out there to figure out extly at we s gonna and how we wasonna do it. - demotrationsere not our nds. whater smithnd carlowere inking, anning, ing, - d- ianted toake surethat some was unknn to u to cse out tt chter ofy li, -e olympiproject r humanrights.e was unknn to u see we cldn't dony more then. - well, decidedhat joiny weanted too somethg to me a statent. - well, decidedhat joiny you knowboycott over wt we felvery strong, weadwas respul enougureatthat wd and nomilitantt all finish at we std noiolently - we ce to the cclusio thaty making stateme
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had to bring syols to solify thstatemen - wetoie had alack sca thfoall thsacrifeeme of bla people in theand. i d beads. i wo the bea just for the mple rean that tre were many black pele that s lynche roughouthe southor years upon. for the mple rean we wore e black cks witho shs to iustre povert - thoswere my sundayocks. wore tho socks tchurch o suays befo then. - thoswere my sundayocks. mean, i dn't have whole ts nextreparatis was the gles. my wife ought thgloves wn shcame. nextreparatis was the gles. e s"for what?? i said"would y jus brinme some oves?" she sa, "sure. - ll, theyame back later on (dynam music) for theiawards cemony. and at that int you uld see that somhing wasoing on. but at i drecall, and rember prey clearl but at i drecall, that th australn, who quitfrankly,
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but fohis nameeing on e sceboard but at i drecall, had neveseen or ard who qbere,ankly, and heooks up me and ints but at i drecall, had neveseen or ard my olymc oject buon, d says, ey, mateyo andgot other onof thosents and i id, "i d "are youonna weait?" - petenorman, think que incently, with- i thout any itens, said," australi who wts to we an olyic projector human righn the stas with o two guy m not gonna the guyho sa you cat havene. ani took ioff and nded itto him. sa - and i asked pete, i say, "man, do youelie in hun righ?" and that's when petebegan totelm about his m and hi dad we salvati army worked iall of h life. "of course belie in human ghts." - and re enoh he t it on his trk suit and th marchedut and athat poin i had nclue what ty were gna do. i'not surenybody i the ands had clue. i dot even tnk, uthfullytheir wis knew
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ex- was direly abovehemdo. looking raight dn abt 20 rowto the ards stan soe went a got fnt row weouldn't it to gethere. - didn't kw what ias gonna do but it had to somethi. i dn't knowhat. i dn't kno (emoonal mus) but itad to be vual and, to , respecul. ch step felthe same way ea step. notice wapproach the ctory std from t rear. it w a step on the ctory std. we spped up it wantherwas the owd.ory (cwd cheerg) thenoth my hds went . nnouncerhatterin and that was a whole different view to me. i had never done that. that wasew.
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(crowd cheering) tommie smith gold medal. there's only one of 'em (audiencapplaudi) and itas mine. - [announcerin seconplace, a. (damic mus) in thirdlace, jo carlos. (aouncer dwned outy dramic music - i waa churching d so i pyed a lo d my dad always toldme, "wh, (cro cheering) so as my head was bowed, my arm was up. i guess thatas in th limeght watchinmy motheget happ in crch and thw hearms up. i don'know, bui felt somethinwas need to empsize solarity an streth.
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not black power sign, not that at all. solidarity and strength. - that's what that was. but it wn't aboudestructn antearing erica do or blong up thstatue o libert but it wn't aboudestructn weas just ttin' em ow that a powerl force not ju merely the ack but society and yogonna ha to acce us as bng a parof socie. (somber sic) - first me i coued the conds the "naonal antm", how long . (somber sic) -t thatight it emed muc a nute and0 longerexactly. ("starpangled nner") - i ought ofy father black maafter th served (sombe) the waro come he anhow theyere tread. i thoughabout myays ere at et texas ate. i thoughabout myra aninew york harlem. in tms of hothey opped thdrugs onarlem to solify what was doi in my mind
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toake me sr and ow oppthathat i wadoingm to solify what was doi in was the ght thin my feeli was onef elion and emendousride. toi waconcerneabout thrin was the safe.hin my thoughtwere not whole differen than a lot of other people's thoughts which was this is really something different. this hasn't happened before. - myirst guteel was that iae gee, thiis extradinary. that the olympic the rig plac have a monsation lis that iae gee, thiis exthis.nary. these gu were seous inhat theyere ing. anthey pulled it offth wh injusreal did. re. - i s absoluly devasted (damic mus) that theolitical ana hareached to the gunds of the olympic games. - it immediately struck me as
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one of the most powerful pieces at i thi has ever en of pecread.nce art - i wa proud othem. they l americanow, lethe he we tid as heland we ain't tang this more. itas the pce to it. - everhing wasride on the vicry stand everytng was pde. itas the pce to it. - and when iall culminated whenverythinwas saidnd do, my last ing th went thugh was they can nev, ev put ackles (tense mic)n.ain. - od morni to you. e olympigames arone week ackles (teold day)n.ain. and sterday,he sixthay, s the mo dramatiso far. after weere releed fr the ceronial ises
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and waed down f the viory and and ok a rht back acro the i ok a qui look upn the stands and i hed boos, tcalls, and i w some vy anone lastime, i uist my ft to theky and th we disaeared. - after e ceremo, yoknow, heame back to my room in a rmitory and was qui. and didn't s much toim, i justaid, "jo, you ok?" and was qui. a says, ", i'm t okay." i said, "butet mtell u somethg, john. that'shat i sa to him, said ou will alwa be my brot"forhat you st did." - i member wking (damic mus) througthe ville and i t lee evs who sa, "d you seehat johnnd tommie d?" and i sa, "no, wt did th ?" and said, "ey had gves d so on." and he dcribed t situati. at aoint it emed lik it w just somethin
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th people re gonnaay okay d like mmother, e ofer favore saying was pourg water a duck' back it jusrolls ofand we we goa go on. was - ery brunge was nk' gonnlet thisappen at the ompic gam. and heas goingo makeis owntatement - i had idhat if tre wereny demonrations at t olympicames b anyonethe partipants - i hauld beent home wereny demonrations - en, alof a sudn, it catches re and undage gs into i and thnext tng i kw john ande arbeing hered t of thevillage. the blk power disciples, tomh and john carlo the olympic 200 meters gold andronze melists, have beesuspende by the uted stat olympic comme and give48 hourso leavemexico. by ti thinthe swirthatic comme llowed iedialy aft within the villa and the whole t of consions with t us olpic commtee ying to gure out within the villa and the sayi here's at you'rgonna internional do,ic mmittee you' gonna sd 'em ho.
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within the villa and the saythamericaneam out,etna inthrid of themerican ame unlesshese guywere gon th impard to me at probly owod be tak from thgames.c committe (reporte chatterg) anthese demonstratns ontothers hand her and olpic maers perst and continue tommie sth and jn caos woulde sent he beuse the un-erican activiti and potics hasothing to do wi athleti so, erefore,hey woulbe baed fromny furth competion, kick off thelympic team, . - sendingway tomm fromsmitand johnarlos,, it ampfied whathey wer doin created a much greater global attention on that protest. inffect, his inttion to sepas actually broht the t muchth ever bere.eth - didn'tother met all about beg sent he. kied off t team waa probm for me
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beuse i woed hard represea kied off t team waa - erwas a whe mob scene athe airpoe beuse i woed hard represea en the guys we leaving it was just amazing to see the reaction that the us and the world had. - e press reall cong down d prettyard. st like e crowd d eaier withhe boos. and john clos is sll defiant. - jo carlos was even more defit after the amican olyic orred hioff thteam. beforeeaving t olympic vill, carl made a st angry stat. iy'l betterhip and ave me alone. i'm prty pisseoff alady th a lta whiteeople so lea me alon okay? i'asking y the lastime, e next m come upnd put camera imy face or a speer up iny face,i'm gon and jump on him,ear? (peoe chatteng) beeve me, m tellinyou, ifou know at's goo go outnd see iyou can talko. just lve me one. amera icking) all ght?
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result aerwards,fter the depaure wastunning mean, thentire tm and certainlevery blk athlet on that am was sken to tir - were sced forhem. we werreally afraifor thos guys what'sonna happen to em when ey got bk? when we und out at th were beg thrownut of t villageeverybod was woering wh to do and ould we l boycot soal coniousness ontry the part of its athlet, it shoulbe the uted states. anthe suension othese hletes for symbically eressing their es of the estence oa probm to me dicates an hypocrisyn the pa of r olympiorganizaon. - i remeer thinkg, you kw, the ess is ry miing the jor poin at the beauty ofhis prest
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the ess is ry mis that ireal,oin it didn'have to explain. for yone w was awa the racl issues that werdividinghis untry athe time, - ri didn't kw what tn ana camerawere the for.e. i und out at once got off, - ri didn't kw what tn thcameras arted thr lights and knew it s becae of mmie smi and johcarlos. ey wheel us intohe airpo d wheeleus out t back, t us on plane, d took uto san je ey whwheto pick up.odyo you knowthat reay boered me a point wh i talketo daddy thatrit after got backro he juswas stilfeeding s ho and i nt out thim and said "hanhe the dgarees o six et,p coal bck 'caushe had madagasc backgrod. " said, "heard th you did somg et,p
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"thapeople dn't likehat you did. i said, eah, dad, was athe olymp games "and i stood how was he said,what didou do?"e (chuckles) said ohama, said, i'in troub now. i id,"rsed my ft to skyrand i ar he said,what didou do?"e "forhe count." si said"yes, sir." he said,well, th ain't b." heent backo feedinhis hogs agai. si said"yes, sir." he said,well, th ain't b." said, "whe" (chucks) - i ink abounew york here, and at was tt. when i bke theorld record at the trials. "john carlos, our own new york. 30 ds later ter the demonsa, "john carlos is great! same pap, "john rlos, neighbhood b." my fathes in theospital dying, he's gotears in s eyes, bbu you kno i said mye ther, i y, "popread theaper." i sa "you dot know r brow "y don't kw stokel "poprcarmhael,er." "you don know pressor "youon't knotommie.
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"do you ow john rlos?" "yea son, i ow ya." i sa "well, e same tng th sayin' "about tse indivuals, they say' about . obody kns john clos on this plat betterhan you. myather stted cryi. i s hugginmy fatheandn thars runng down meyes,. ars runng out hiand i'm sayin, if thecan bambzle my fher, could imine whathey doin just thgrass ro people societ - that iwhat figing fohuman ghts mns. it mns that e vast majorityf the pele don't derstandxactly w and thatou pay t price foyour priiple. - [annns
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of false starts. emplers wereelucta thimarria fell apt.. rlos is w workinfor a s angelecouncilm after ars ofobs he consided demning. [howard]o you thk u've chaed since68? amg as aark grnds keeprcedto wok and a ghtclub uncer. haveou growness milint? - uh, wh does mitant mea haveou growness milint? [howard]on't sr with m we're t going ck to '6 tommie litant mns a guyho speak out in prote whethery physic symb or vocal with a uculence attache againsthe exisng esblishmenand its procede. now, witthat prese, haveou - m a milint. (sber music) - litics suld not a pa ofif y feel thas. i ink th's your ght. therare polics whher we le it or t. - it's really portanto unrstand tt patriosm meandifferenthings to diffent peopl
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eedom mes differt thgs to dierent pele. mso for aletes whs represt their untry, they- soon as sawolin epernick action e first me he diit dung the "tional ahem" my fir reactiowas that the end ofis caree - thesathletesoday whore presting agait injustice and on e shoulds of gias. anit's notbout thelag or thenationalnthem" or disreecting t soldier whathe soldis fight for is their rit to prost for , their rit to be volved ia moment. - no, is count stands for fr, juste r aland it'sot haening foall righnow. - no, is count stands for fr, - ose in per have id no we n't deal witkaeperni
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anso an exllent foball pler, becaushe decid to prott no wehehought w wrong,erni he's notllowed tplay s tommiend john d theirsalute. thght of, course, coliwas maki a statent, thsame exa stateme s tommiend john d theirsalute. than jn and toie made that this are nohunky dory in r countr - mae i'm wrg but i thghto wh we go tthe pollto vote. -we ve for sothingi thghto at we arin favorf, that wwant tsee happ. thinin mmindolin epernickas casti a ve. i hope tt makes nse. tso when u see th athles takina knee tay, when you see people protesting for right today, it's because the soldiers gave us that right. that what th flag rely stds for. - and i couldn'te prour
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than to wear asa unirm and compete l aroundhe world but e socialnjusti that goes in thisountry, weeed too somethg about it. need take a and. we neeto have national disc. - therhas be change. we neeto have national disc. motionalusic) ether orot thereas beenprogress a diffent qstion. - it pai me to kw th these kd of this stilgo on. we need to do mething abouy th these kd of this in thicountry. - still d't have eedoms in ameri for blas. but d e fothis country today. pume a unirm on an sende over twar. but d e fothis country today. i' sthiss my coury, too.y. - hopefully, ts will get peop to thinng and lking antrying to figurout someay to heal r countr and co togetheas one pple. there's reason whwe can'tno reaso and co to(somr musie pple.
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- we felt a nessity totand beuse we we kept in thaprone soal positn bere mitasn't reived as ll nas thoughtt shouldaver. but thbeatoes on. mitasn't reived as ll nas thou(lively music)r.
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(dynic upbeat sic)
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ense music) - i figured that getting on the stand was muchasier th getting off the stand and it really was. - thisemonstraon was (sombemusi) fopeople to be treat as han being to be civil amgst one other, toive everody thsame t- ll be rever ateful to tome and toohn andto petel r inspirg me wittheir t- ll be rurage.teful as someo who is terest in pitics and ally intested ynamic mic) as someo who is terest track a field, i was ry moved by th. ese athles were heroes. - he we the buon becau he bieved inivil rigs. he didot weathe buon, in my , to bacjohn cars and toie smh. i give per more spect th that.
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- justespect mas a human beg, as a n. dot lookt me as color. look at as an arican. (dramac music)
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(gtle drming mic)
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■x■xoñéñéñéñéñéñéñéñéñéñéñóññ÷-q [thunderclap] [piano music] - good evening, durham public school family. durham public schools will be closed in response to covid-19. - the longer i am without social interaction, like, outside of the house, the lessocial i'm going to be when quarantine ends, and i feel like not being able to talk to anybody or, like, without friends. - (singing) happy birthday-- - to realize how quickly a life that you are living can come to an end, it was really like-- [snaps] - good morning. - [yawns] - [laughs]


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