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tv   Global 3000  LINKTV  December 23, 2022 10:30am-11:00am PST

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■x■xpppxxxx■]■t■]■ooñéñéñéñéñéñq (somber music) - go morningo you. tanyesterda the six day, was the st dramac so far (peoe chatring) - so i ft a respsibility (gene ) dototand up r humaty.y. you had to bblack in this ct
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that we ve to go through - my namyame ain'boy. - i n be of me type posive subance tchange didn't kw how toay it. - u know, think alfelt at e time ck in 68 that times o crisis you ha to decide to sothing. - "we thpeople,(dynamicusic) y order tform "thto moreerfect union." d it doe't say wthe peop with thexceptionf athlet. - [tomwe said t's get fronrow seat with thexceptionf athlet. cause sothing wagonna ppen. - [harry] i think that was a sinal momt in sports history. - [clevei was ved more than in b- aul] nonof us, ihink, lifeti. priated holasting that a would bas a syml. - [pattyyou knowoh sure, the s frdom and stice foall, but don't mean everying's hunky do at me.
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- [man] it the rou that, the s frdom and ings, foall, - [sela] what er placeto have ed gether n tear itpart. co togetheand talkbout ese issu? at betteplace toake a stand? co togetheand talkbout entle muc) ♪ ooh freed ♪ ♪h oh freom ♪ ♪h oh freom ♪ ♪ over me ♪ ♪ and before i'll be a slave ♪
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♪ i'll be buried in my grave ♪ ♪ and go home to my lord ♪ ♪ and be free ♪ an♪ oh oh fedom ♪ lord ♪ ♪h ♪ ♪ o♪h oh freom ♪ oh ah ♪ ooh freed ♪ over me♪ ♪ or me ♪ ♪ andefore ♪ ♪ i'll a slave♪ ♪efe i'll ba slave ♪ ♪ i'll be buried ♪ ♪ in my grave ♪ ♪ buried in my own grave ♪ ♪ and go home to my lord ♪ ♪ and be free ♪
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- at i fel (gene music) growinup i tnk at at point you dn't see a wayut of it so youort of sd that'she way it i - i fe it everince was litt kid. i just didn't ow how t expln it. the feelg was the. becauswhat i s my fath and mother had to tolerate, as we were growing up in the backwoods of texas. - things i remember, i could not go to the movie, i couldn't sit on the grnd flr. - things i remember, i d have tgo to e, i coulnot use strooms in dep. rememb trying get som glass fixed for my motr anin ordero go tthe optometrt, i'd ha to go tthe back in dep. reas we ca to calirnia gla a laborus in 19motr througoklahomawhere stayed labor cps untii was abt seven eight years ol and we'dorked inhe field which did untii went t san se stateniversy. i kn that i d a forcto coend with
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i dn't knowhatt was t i justelt it. well, grew uin the south. see,y mom andad from the oa you kn, back ithe old dayshet see,y mom andad from the oa and my d didn'rock the boat 'cause ty was haing peop in dton. - we lived on the east side of the railroad tracks. and everything othe was afrin americac the trac were thline of marcato and en the aluent set,whites. - ght acro the strt the was a whitcommunit in one blocknd the oer blk was thblack counity. d the whe kids wted to play witus all t time, always wand to sliand play w. blk was thblack counity. parentwouldn'tet 'em py withs. i was asng my moer why tir pares won't t 'em pl with us i was asng my moer why tir and mom said, "well, that's the way things are." that's all she could say 'cause she didn't know how to explain that to me back then. - in the south, parents are very sure to educate their children about the social mores, particularly black boys,
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so that they don't suffer the violence and the brutal ramifications of crossing the line. - in laurel, the was a g nad sam bors, o-w-e-r- he was the ierial wizard othe ku kx klan out of msissippi he was t top guy i'm justot total sure of how ii but i'm ad i surved. he was t top guy i think e kids kw dierent toot like ack peop,sthat tea, say d thingsbout us, d when t kids goit, 'cse of (cwd chantg) skin. ey grew with it and meone emdded ithem that momouldn't plain th to m hings goa be difrent," s said it's allhe coulday. - you'reaving ung pele with e promis of bro v. boarof educaon in 14 thinking thathey wilbe cong of ag
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in a mth their cntry, ground os ving thidisappntment ofemocracynd eqlity, arpurposefly d legallmaintaing seegation. - it h gotten ridiculs wn the, not st there in commer, buthrougho texas. i had situation wherei was , and i s with aeporte and photograer, two whe guys f the schl. and went inta bar touy a er. it was hot day and i y, "barkp, getom these gu what th want "and i'lhave a br." and i y, "barkp, getom th iain'no beer r', - thissn't actlly ppening. olence iincreasi. the peoplere now becomingarents tmselves. and woerinwhat is going take tohange. - so i s, "barke, where'my er?"
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sohen, i s, "hey, barkee i" he jusignored and wenon. heaid, "weon't ser niggers in" - lifeas very marked. this is systemicpurposefrs in" syst of opprsion - lifeas very marked. cial, ecomic, politica ordedomince.ain and then idawned o me tt i was nning all ov the cntry witeast texas on my shirt, on my jersey. i'm notust represenng east texas state universit i'm representing t state o xas. and he i am inhe ste capitol and go to bar and mely becau of the lor my skin have to beisrespecd ani can't served? - anso with at comes all the attdant proem in ter of sepation. the diffences beeen thnorth anthe soh,
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raci is prevent in bh spac, the diffences beeen but ist's almo a the younpeople cing age in e '50s a '60s the diffences beeen e comingf age wh but the rld is - in '67n i was winneg at the pan amames, ani wawalking down t street with lph bost. ife were itennesseright now, we'be in serious ey her 'cau they dot particarly nt you tdo this. "we uld be iso much ouble "we'have to oss the reet. e wod not be allowed to wu "wed i remeer just ing,le "we'have to "wt?"he reet. - en thougwe were into ce soundednbelievae. and sit-s and l of tha were, ithis is e rightphrase,e soundednbelievae. progressas comin but itasn't he yet.
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- and when y think aboutphrase,e it, it w three yrs aftethe civil rights a and ey said - andere weretill manoutphrase,e many pces in t south th said ites onl and drinng fountns and entrces to rtaurants and th. that was beginni for me of somkg of what teammat went rough on daily bis that was beginni for me of somkg beg africaamerican - by 196 it begato dig me dely to more btle, hi forms discrimation. so soldis comingack fromvietnam were still encountering deeply segregated housing either in law or certainly in form. - you met athletes like mel pender cong back om vietn d all they know that either in ley've certainly in beenighting r americ they've en fightg for eedom, they'vbeen figing for equa. i di't sit bind a ofce dk in vietnam. i was inhe jungl, man, mekong dta.
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and i me home,om wast shsaid, "i need to gto thdoctor ichamblee ani said, kay." we drove ithe backf this andbuildinguthere. and younmen, you boys, teenagergoing ofto the w thinking tt they'r doinsomethinnoble. but ey're cong back th an impatiend d a disle and a necessy s i said, om, whatare we dn" do someing abouit. she sa, "this where whave toit." i said, e who?" e said, ell, this wherwe'll ha to sit. i said"no, youon't ve to siback her" so sheent and t the doctor a he cameut and reatenede. and i said, "i just got back from vietnam "and i've seen some horrible things "and if you call a boy again and say anything nasty "to me in front of my mother, i will hurt you." i lost it. really lt it, stted crng. mamaas cryin i got the car. really lt it, stted crng.
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- the mo had beg to shif away frothe sortgandhi-e approa whh kingas takg to a more conontation approac causth their aempts atinnonvioe too ow, re beinget with olence. king's dth broug to thesurface a fferent ce to th movement. - it's oft hard to belik at anythinin the pt that it was er reallyhat way. play jor leue basebl neinhe unitestates.t nomany of white ppleo belik re up inrms abouit eithe and u wonderbout whi of o instituons toda will sm as incdible 20ears om now.
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helps y underand the blacke noonly agast the wte man bwhh are asnfair d un-,s at is caed, ameran asll-whi basebalwas in 1947. the inspational ntor for johns (sber musi and tommie smith w harry wards. harredwards me to back to n jose ste where head been honor gd. he can looaround hiswn camp and e that t black athtes were sort of in one corner and the rest of the caus was innother. he start to recoize that there d wit- peop in thisountryc have to gin to rognize thatlack peoe are hun begs also and tanone ofhe thinge that'm atteming to d this pot is tobring th ps whater means necesry.
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and i thk one ofhose mea thatre necesry rightow the olyic boyco movemen and thwhole relt of th blthat wasis brachild,y. the olpic project for hun righ. it srted withim. this washe post-ckie binson e in the lker ro becausehe lor line it srted withim. welanso we raisedhe issueoof why the se. wherwe can'tork? -beuse it ds exist. evything hsay he bringt out flueny that wte ameri just can'un. - heecruitedeople th he ew that w interesd in equal righ. the phonrang, it was ofessor wards. - heecruitedeople th he ew he says, "there's some people "h"a they asked me to viteeeting u. "you think you canet away?" and i remember going down to the americana hotel right across from the old garden. like 20 minutes later he opened up a back bedroom door and he walked out there, man, and was fit be tied
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and i asd him, iaid, "dr. kg, why wld you "getnvolved an olymc project for man righ?" and i asd him, iaid, - lea prest and struggle agains. is boyco becausehis is and is is at we ar wointo elimite in ourrganizatn and in our tal struge. and is is at we ar would al like to - anhe said me, "the greatesthing abo it "ithat youill wakehe world up "andn a ve nonviolenway." - why shld we paicipate r a untry and 10 effort d come bk to r homes and are nied somof the ghts thashould bgiven us andwell, wenew thathere to thsports eablishme s concerd, they re goa do evething th could prevent us om havg y put whatever in the olyic movemt.


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