tv Global 3000 LINKTV December 24, 2022 10:00am-10:30am PST
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(firewks burstg) (tking excedly (firewor burstin stephen colbert: as a gamesman, i amripped ba scanda called gamergate . report: one million tweets and counti ng tohe #gargate hata's aonline battle othe sexes ov how gams are poraye d anthe somemes violent reacti onto women w speak o . gameate inlves so male ga rs harassing women who are speang o ut about thportrayaof womenin vid
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games prably aft the itial sh k thatomen we speang to th at al rerter: its a oup of me game who e attackg wome report: threatof death and ofexual violence. bomb, ra, and ath thres fromnline hassers. i n't sit ly b yand wah this hpen someonelse again anjust say"oh, thasucked,"you know? st tsk-t over it.i haveo do somhing , like, pose i and i thk a lotof oth people,ik e, beme "antiamergate," li, it wasecause of that,ou kno like, ke can't ju accep th this isormal fothe. .. e hobby,he commuty th i'm i dad pakmanwe're coinuing our discsion today gamergate and m pleaseto welco arth chu to the prra m.arthuryou've, twitter beenery, vercritical of somof the por interews th i've done wi regard gamerga . u're givg voiceto an angrmo b, and yore hurti real pele ay ?you arlegitimizing sane cspiracy
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eori es in a w that's rting real peo e. okayso... so wt you'reaying is you ju don't tnk th there suld even e a prentationf sides thi s,it shod just bpresente basill y withour poinof view... if y do anfactual oking to what s actual happened, if you dfactuareportin on i then t two sid are t equal. st letti two gros of pple ta isot empiral reporng ay ? if y want-- you wan we cou sit down and go tough thectualfactuadiscus on of whathe specic objecons to thingthat havhappen that gamgate hasre could dthat . i nt to gohrough a few ofhe thing s,just t minoritof the sff thatou've saidthat ictually nd woh followg up o n. why, whys it wor folling up ome, da d? wh-- who a i? i'm person o's specically s d i'- i'm person who's an-gamerga . i'llalk abouwhy peop don'like gamgate .but noit's abo m e,evenhough i'not inhe industr
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even though m not a journast not a veloper-wh y? you' asking about somethinthat's leral ly almo complety irrevant to mergat gu: the was a mment, you knowthat somne wrote "hcame acrs as angry, tter lite ma n ooking f someoneor somhing to sh out at. "yet we en't alled to qstion orritici "his rsoningmethods,or ethics "bause, we, it'sot fai "hs cleay intellent d well-ske n, "bute seems ranoid mmatur insecur and erly defsive he did hself d his caes no juice. "arthur: ah, whater . lot of tt isoncern tllin g. to t extent at it's ue mean, i uld just ay that wasne of thworst 24 hoursf my life. (phonehirps) hone crps) hone chis) hone chis)
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mak - you kn put in the otligh ere i di't wanto be. and i wajust, li "ion't wanto do th anymore. th is not rth it,"you know? anit's-- is too ea for them manipule me to playi into thr hand cause i t angr i'm not person w thinksa lot out owni stuff or havinexperiens fomyself that always d to feelike the was sothing more th i was ctributinto and th that's en a iving thg for whole l e. oftentim, wantinto end your ownife comesfrom jt like, t being le answethe queson "whashould live r? " yoknow, "wt-- at am i pposed tdo ? whshould ie alive?" irds chi ) (plang piano)
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arthuri try toeep in md ththings a the peoe at i lov you know? and to, ke, cent tha t. to care out, morabout who i'm ghting for thanho i'm fhting agns t. bui'm-- i n't thin i'm er going totop being e person who,ou kw, when u see mething rewed upappening yoknow i'm gointo be thpers on ose initl reacti is aays gointo b e to jp in anto try tstop it,ou kno and too that from a pce of, le, anger om that... d, younow, it y not bethe be thing t it's w i am, a i'veome to aept it, .. . thank yo shley: it not eas to bwith art r, ani reallyppreciateliz a. and hope ahu
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(lghing) foiveness uld me... being lly willg to, li openp to him be ful willingo re-estlish a lationip with m. d i don'know tha .. yoknow, fome tting it o mes, like,ust deding ey, itoesn't mte r th much eier way it that i n't rely want m to he an infence on life, u know and asar as foivenes of t otherin d, don't kn if i cld achie tha t, i dot knowf i want o. i, iee him f who he .i thini see m for whhe i s, as a flad personwho watrying tdo his b tin theay that knew how,and me ctinuingto be rentful abt itisn't gog to helme u know
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toe a succs was ki of, ke the al of thwhole prec t. e whole gration oject,right,is thave a, real homegrowamericanuccess whenou have lot high exctations placedn yo u, and thenou don'tive up to thosexpectati s, or, or y rejectthose pectatio, whatev when--hen you e suosed be the lden boy-- and,ou know,i was suosed to,ik e, gean aweso job out of cle ge and, lik start ming differen in the rl d. instea it's, le-- you ow i, iust hadto conont the ct th some pa of me sn't ablto do th wasn able toommit doing t t. and didn't dthat, yoknow and had to, ke cide whamy life s abou and i hano ide (pare music aying)
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(sging)arth: the, the easst tng too to ju say, yoknow"screw y, i t mine "iant to me a loofoney . "i wt to be left alone nd do e thingsthat inj oy and rget evething el ." d it jusseems li i cat do that. thers, wheth it's ju li, i'm a sybody or have a ilt compx oromethi i keepeeling le thers someth g more fore to conibute or more r me to you kn, onlinend offline. that i'mlways vonteeringfor thnext thi wantingo do the ne project. i, i can'tven, lik defe it and y, h, it's-it makese a beer person becae i'm mang re of a fference," ause i d't reallbelievethat.i don't. maybit's jus attering yourself tohink tha you know, wring someing saying methin
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makes differen . you do ibecause u-- yofeel likyou ve to do t, anwhateverifferencit makescomes ter thatyou know?but its-- inhe end, 's just o i am i dot know. i n't knowhat's gog to-- what's gng to haen nex mae he is ing to he to... (laughin: have tmake make a cnge in h h e, how interac withhe intne t.arthuryeah, i n't know. is is thpath tt i'm on and 'll see,ou know?
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del toro stay uto date on america reframed at worldchannel. org. subscribe to world channel's yout ube to go beyond the lens with our filmmake rs. tell us what you think using #americarefram ed. ma jor funding for amica reframedwas provided by the john d. and catherine t. macarthur foundati on wyncote foundati on the corporatn for publ broadcast ing. additional funding for america reframed provided by open society foundatio ns acton family giv ing, park foundat ion, the national endowment for the ar ts and the reva and david logan foundati on. ♪
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♪ ♪ it was a hot, humid da y in the first week of august in 197 5 in this small, cramped hearing ro om in the boston public schools headquarte r, where there were hundreds of people waiting to testi fy in front of the school committ ee on the second phase of the boston busing pla n, where they would bus elementary school students . i was therewith three representat es from the newly formed chinese parents associatio n. they were there to plead their cas e. we organized all summer long . the meetings went from 20 parents to sometime 200 . some of the parents were parents
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of my own student s, and some of them were my student s in my saturday english classes . and there are othe rs who are my mother's friends from the garment factor y. so all summer long they organized . they went to community meeting s, they went to community organization s, and then pleaded with community leaders to help them . and all of them, including their own husban d, would kind of laugh at their face and sa y, "women, you guys don't even speak english . "you are garment workers . what makes you think that you can take on the government ?" so they were so ma d. and they said to m e, "we're gonna have to do this on o own without their help. " so when, when their chance came u p to testify in front of the sool committe e, we have written them three time s with their demands-- no answer . sot that time, they have a chance to tell thein person, so i went with
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them as their interprete r. we waited for three-and-a-half hours . when their name was called three of the five committee members just got up and left . and the two remaining one was whispering each othe r and snickering, and the parents didn't know what to do . they turn around and look at me, "should we stop? " i said-- i was fuming inside-- i said, "how dare them ?" but i have to be strong for these parents even though m only airst- year teacher, what do i know ? so i told them, "go right ahea d. "it doesn't matter if they're there or not, it's recorde d. so we want your statement recorded. " so they said all their demands and we didn't hear anythin g from the school committe e. so we left and we waited and waited a few more week s, and they continued to organize and strategize what to d o. the very last weekend of that summer
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i received my assignment to report to a new schoo l, and i was to ride the bus with the student s from the south end, thugh chinatown, to charlestow n, which is about 20 minutes away from chinatown . and the night before school starte i got a call from one of the parents, they said "miss lee, we're not sending our stud ts to school tomorrow ." i said, "wait a minute how can you do thi s? how can you notify so many people in such a short time? " he said, "we'll find a way but we're not going. " so i was so nervou s. the next morning when i got up earl y and went to the bus stop the first bus stop nobody was there . the second stop, two black students got o n. and as the bus rode towards chinatown in every single bus stop i saw there were lots of peopl e, but nobody got on the bu s. so by the time we got to schoo l, the same two black students was the bus with me and they were getting nervous, because
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they were the only two . and i have to stay calm r them . as soon as we got ther e, the principal got on the bus and said, "you better hurry up . "there's a phone call waiting for you in the offic e, from the justice department. " i said, "what did i do now ?" so it was that the justice department want me to organize a meeting with the chinese parents right away . it took us about three days to get everybody together . when we met, the first thing the representative said wa s, "you make sure that these parents kn ow that what they're doing, boycottingchool, is illegal. " one of the parents did not skip a bea t, and she said, "waia minute why is it not illega l for white people but it's illegal for us? " was smiling inside . i said, "good for her. " she set the tone for that meetin g, and within half an hou r, they got everything that they asked for, except for on e. they got all the monitors on the buses
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they got people hired in the schools to translate for the m, but they could not get them to agr ee to hire more chinese teacher because they have to negotiate with the union . as we were leaving the meeting i said to the representative "what took you guys so lon g to answer them ?" and she said, "well, you know, the last three day s, "there was almost no chinese students in any school . "so we really need them back right awa y, to be the buffer between black and white students ." i couldn't believe what i hear d, and i couldn't even translate it for paren ts because i was fuming insid e. is that all we are worth ? to be the buffer between black and white students ? but the parents were so happ y, because they have won most of what they wante d, went back to the community and told everyon e, and the very next day, as i got on the bus, from each stop there were more and more student got on the bus . so they won and the moment of crisis
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