tv Occupied Minds LINKTV December 29, 2022 6:00am-7:01am PST
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- you like vultures? [laughs] - i don't know if she knows what a vulture is. - you're gonna learn. - vultures are the unsung heroes of our society. - adonis, big bird. - i know about the bird, of course i know about it, everybody knows about the bird, right? talking about adonis, right? - i don't know why, what the attachment is to this bird? i'm trying to help somebody when i can't even help myself. [somber music] [ambient music] - [announcer] major funding for "reel south" was provided by etv endowment, the national endowment for the arts, center for asian american media, south arts,
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and by the corporation for public broadcasting, a private corporation funded by the american people. additional funding for "broken wings" is provided by [car drives by] [birds and insects chirping] - hot out here. okay, black, black, black. i'm gonna try to make 'em as realistic as i can make 'em, but i'm painting from memory. but i wing it. i guess if i look at a bird every day i should know what he looks like.
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[dramatic music] - vultures are the unsung heroes of our society as far as i'm concerned. [dramatic music] frequently, people run over raccoons or opossums and people hit deer, there are all these dead animals by the side of the road, and then a couple of days later, they're gone, it's a miracle. you know, these birds are miracles. [dramatic music] a vulture will find these road kill and as soon as they can, they'll be down there to investigate and then consume it. [dramatic music] down in hot springs, the black vulture, adonis, it's a bit of a different situation. [dramatic music] - i think the first time i seen that bird was in '07.
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he's just there hopping around, 'cause he couldn't fly. [dramatic music] - he's missing his right arm, like, if you lost your elbow down. it looks like somebody took a meat cleaver and chopped it. and to this day, if you get up close to him, it still looks like a fresh wound. [dramatic music] - with any injured bird, if they can't fly, then starvation is their number one threat. and if they can't fly, then they can't locate food. [dramatic music] - i spend about $100 a week on groceries for him. meat's expensive and that's what he eats. and i can't go a day without feeding him.
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- i know about the bird. of course, i know about the bird. everybody knows about the bird, right? it's the bird, okay, erybody knows about the damn bird, all right? but i'm talking about adonis, right? - it's unbelievable, isn't it? it really is. that's a commitment. [soft guitar music] - okay, so it's sunday, fun day at the track. so, cheers, let's go win some money. [soft guitar music] hey, what's up. - it's good to see you. - y'all decided to stay, huh? what's up? how are you doing? - hi, jayne. - see, i told he had the best smile around. - [announcer] they're off. [hooves clatter]
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- what's your name? - braden. - you like vultures? [jayne chuckles] - she doesn't know what a vulture is. - you'll learn. [jayne chuckles] i got a one-wing vulture i been feeding, so finally decided to do a children's book, "adonis: the story of a black vulture." i'm gonna send you a book. - all right, thank you. [soft guitar music] - about four years ago, she told me about a book she had illustrated and that a friend of hers had written the story on. i ordered it and i had her autograph this one for me. [upbeat guitar music]
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- take it from the top. well, it started in texas. my dad was an engineer and my mother was a usewife and both of 'em are really, really good looking people. i don't know what happened to me, but anyway. i grew up in the country and i was the baby girl, the only girl. my brothers would go dove hunting, and i'd follow them around and pick up the wounded birds, and i'd have 'em in my bedroom, and make 'em splints. and my dad hadeen an aggie, and i kinda followed in his footsteps and went to texas a&m. thought i was gonna be a vet because i could rehab these animals. but then i got to a&m and i realized that i wasn't very smart. [jayne chuckles] [relaxing music] thought i was a character.
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we were always having parties and stuff like that. [relaxing music] and i took kinesiology. i worked with amputees. i got really good at stump wrapping. i went and word in psychiatrics, chose that route. [relaxing music] i worked for a wilderness treatment facility. we had a bad incident happen and it was a big deal. i've had to cut a kid out of a tree that hung himself, which is pretty traumatic. [relaxing music] i started waiting tables and it was a lot easier than life and death situations. if i forgot somebody's cfee, it wasn't that big of a deal.
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[people chatter] - she takes care of her customer, both here and at her other job. i don't want anybody else to take our table when we eat at luna bella than, than jaynie. [soft relaxing music] [car engine revs] - the bird was in danger by coming across the street. so, she taught him to not come across the street. - so i schooled him to make sure i always fed him on that side of the street. and i had great videos. he'd tease me. he'd put one foot on the street and he'd jump back. out of the street. - it stuck. this bird's really smart. i mean, his brain must be about this big. - this is the mother and daddy.
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his parents come back every year to lay their eggs in the same spot. where's adonis? and he'd be so happy out there. he'd sit on the eggs because the parents would be out looking for food. he would not leave the nest at all. i'd have to go back there and feed him. come on. come on, i'm not gonna hurt you [soft relaxing music] there's two little babies. - he's involved with the family unit. he gets to take care of hibrother or sister. he gets excited. - [jayne] do your happy dance. - his happy dance is, he'll have his wings fully spread out like this and he'll just run back and forth like this. - [jayne] whew! he's happy. - [man] and it's the craziest thing you've ever seen. i've never seen a bird so happy in my life.
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it's kind of funny the first time you see it, but when you actually think about it, you're like, oh my god, that bird loves her so much. [soft relaxing music] - so it's been 10 years. y'all have any wigs and stuff left, halloween stuff? - [woman] i got a pink wig ana red wig. [jayne chuckles] - i can't see what i'm doing. people said, "oh, they're gonna start trick or treating about 4:30 they decided."
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let it loose. okay, now pull it towards you. pull it back up. yeah, that works better. okay. where's ur mask? - it fell off. - go get it on, get ready for the show. well, they told me wrong 4:30, huh? [cat meows] - she has an affinity for somebody who's in a hard way and reaches out and helps 'em. that's how she met adonis and he was in a hard way with his bad wing and even took in a homeless woman that she met on the park bench and became her roommate.
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- [esther] talk about an energy stream. talk about inspiration. talk about an impulse. talk about a stream that is flowing so magnificently that it takes quite a bit of effort to not go in the direction of it. - she's definitely got a hitch in her get along, she hops along kinda like adonis. - why not turn your boat in the direction of the current and just go with the flow? and our human friends say, well, that just seems lazy. [ann chuckles] - oh, i've known about it for about eight years. she felt sorry for the bird because he had a broken wing. and the bird likes her bause she's been feeding him, because he can't feed himself, he can't fly. have you seen the bird? i don't approve of her lifestyle. i support jane goodall, she has a wonderful lifestyle. people said that she's the same as jane goodall.
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i said, she's nothing like jane goodall. - [jaynecan i get rid of this clutter while i'm down here? - [ann] well, i have cleared up a long way. - well, that's just trash. - hmm? - that's just trash, i can throw it- - not always. sometimes the trash is what i want. it's got some information. i'm a great one for information, so. - okay. well it says hamburger buns. - [ann] tuesday night, i don't know how much she drank, but she was in pretty poor state. - you start nag, nag, nag about the cat. - you go on and on and on with your nonsense. talking about the cat. alcohol is a drug. - [jayne] you're free to move out. - [ann] well, you're gonna move out. you said that many times, but you haven't done it. [jayne chuckles] - would you let her live on your couch for 12 years?
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i was on my way to make this shirt for hillary clinton, 'cause she was running for president. i made this great t-shirt it says, r next president will be wearing high heels. and i was supposed to meet these guys, 'cause they wanted to look at it and they knew hillary. and here's this woman, old woman, she looked like jackie, kinda reminded me of jackie onassis, she had that accent, with a hospital tag. and i said, "where are you going?" she goes, "i don't know where i'm going, i just got out of the hospital." so i brought her to my house. two days later, she moved all her stuff into my storage shed. and cluttered up the whole room. and she's been there forever. [birds tweet] adonis!
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he's turned into my friend. hi, adonis. whatever it is, he don't wanna be up in this woods, and he's lived here for 10 years in these woods. so, and that concerns me. this is my friend, adonis. - there were people over there painting gun fighting or whatever that's all about. and tore down a bunch oftuff and of course, that scares him. - adonis! big bird! [jayne whistles] [gun blasts] - some other animal, like a hoot owl, he got shot.
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- that gave her the thought that there could be someone out there that doesn't look at the bird with the loving eyes that she does. - i found a bunch of feathers and stuff like that. i thought, well, something must have, he must have just died. [upbeat music] - we live by our name, all creatures animal hospital. the call that we got was there was an injured bird and it needed to be seen. when he got here, figured out whit was. we recognized him right away. adonis has some unique features to him. so, i did a quick physical exam, make sure he was okay, which he was, and then we called jaynie
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and told her the story. - jaynie had just had a flyer made. so, if anybody had any information, they uld contact her. and then she got a phone call from the vet's office. so, we drove down to all creatures. - [jayne] here we are rescuing adonis. - and as soon as jaynie came in the door, before he could even see her, he perked right up. started moving around and dancing his feet. [upbeat music] ♪ in the shadow of the valley ♪ i would like to settle down ♪ wide open space, wind on my face ♪ ♪ a distant horizon
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- what's up big bird? what you doing? what are you doing? come here. what are you doing? come on. come on, big man. ♪ that i love best ♪ you have always waited for me ♪ you okay. come here. ♪ sage brush and pine - there are the migratory bird treaty acts that protect birds of prey. and federal law just doesn't permit somebody without the right permits to keep a bird of prey in captivity. and let's admit it, this is a defacto captivity, it's illegal, it's against federal law to treat a bird of prey as a pet. [laid back country music]
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- [jayne] mum's the word. i don't wanna get in trouble. i don't wanna get kicked outta the apartment. use a paintbrush just to keep anybody from looking in. hold on. be polite. - i'm not the prosecutor in the case, i'm not a lawyer, but adonis is missing half his wing. he will never be able to fly like a normal vulture. normally, what the state decides and what the fish and wildlife service decides is that they should be euthanized. ♪ all the same to me ♪ nowhere i've found ♪ to settle down - so, i didn't know where i was gonna bring him 'cause he didn't wanna stay in the woods.
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so, i brought him to my house. but i had to introduce him to my cat o. so, just to make sure they got along. [upbeat music] - there's einstein and there's adonis. [upbeat music] so, they hung out and i let 'em out together. he does not like being in jail. [einstein screeches] i had him for a couple days in there until i decided to bring him back to the woods. [upbeat music] you're gonna get to go home and come free. that's that video of me and jennifer. [women laugh] well, some of us can't fly, but some of us can't walk. - when we took him back from being with her for a few days
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and we took him back to the woods, he seemed very happy to be back home. - oh! - oh god! are you happy? woo, very happy. he is so happy to be home. - [jennifer] we let him out. he was flapping his wing. we all were like, wow this is so cool. he wandered back in the woods and saw his friends. then everything seemed fine. - he was up there a couple days and then he disappeared again. ♪ i have often walked down the streets before ♪ ♪ but the pavement never seemed quite beneath so far ♪ that's on the street. that's from "my fair lady." that's my favorite song.
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♪ and oh, what a beautiful feeling ♪ but there's nobody i'm in love with here. ♪ i have often and walked down this street before ♪ ♪ but the pavement never seemed to be so ♪ i never, i'm being comical. i can't sing and i don't have a girlfriend. oh, i can't say that. have no one in my life right now. [jayne chuckles] adonis, what are you gonna do? [birds chirp] - i met adonis when we first took over the restaurant seven years ago. jaynie was worried that we weren't gonna like having adonis around, but we absolutely loved him. come here, boy. i definitely did.
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getting to know him was a life changer for me. i mean an animal that's meant to fly can't fly and yet he's living a really, really good life. early on in his life, i think he got hit by a car, or run over by a car while they're feeding on carcasses. of course, jayne's horrific accident's very similar. - [jayne] i was in a real fancy neighborhood in dallas and it was kind of a rainy night. after you got off work people would be partying. that was just part of the restaurant life. somebody i worked with wanted to give me a ride. they were drinking at the bar and i didn't realize that. and so we're going home and a truck pulled out and he was trying to back in, instead of hitting the brakes,
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she hit the gas. and it was pretty bad, i was in a lot of pain. one bone was all the way up here, d the other one was out over here. so it was pretty nasty looking foot. i had 11 screws and two plates. i had 'em running all the way up here. i decided to move here. - she had a really bad accident and her mother had come ill and she brought her up here to hot springs because of our water. we're famous for our water here in this town. [forlorn guitar music] - [jayne] we were both were living here to rehab. to get in the water. [birds tweet] - kind of coincidental the way things happen in life. they both were mauled by a vehicle.
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they landed in the street and then wham. i mean, that would be tough. it's like having your leg run over and living through it. [forlorn guitar music] - [jayne] he's taught me a lot. he lost two of his toes on the same side of the body that's his wing. and he's learned to adapt. i think about that, i regrouped. a lot of the people that i was partying with said, "well, you're like that cat. you can always land on four legs." or one leg in my instance. i learned the hard way. i'm responsible for my own outcome in that wreck.
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you know, i was a party girl, hell. there's raquel, she's just somebody that i was always kind of in love with. [jayne chucks] we were really good friends, but had that car wreck and we just, you know, things changed. so, that's after i had the car wreck. so, that's me, raquel, and that's her cousin's boyfriend. and she always called me a big rat r moving to arkansas. i forgot about this little book i did for her. it's just a book about her animals. and i haall the animals sign. i'll just show you the big rat. "cheers, from arkansas." we've always been in ntact, 'til her death.
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but it was a cute little book. all the animals are gone now. [bird squawks] he ended up moving himself to the condominium. [adonis squawks] - i'm currently president of the property owners' association. there are 14 separate units here and we have a rather loose, but cordial governing association. at our most recent meeting, after our normal business, question of our new resident, adonis the vulture,
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became a point of some discussion. some of our owners were very concerned about the fact that we had a wild bird on the premises. one had said the bird frightened the grandchildren. about the only concern of any consequence was adonis is not too discerning in his bathroom habits. - some of 'em are upset with him, especially if he messes on their car port or in their walkway. - adonis, get away from that door. come on, adonis, go on, get away from that door. - that look like buzzard habitat, does it? [crow caws] unless there were dead fish floating up. can't fly. can't do what vultures do to acquire food.
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the lady gave adonis his name. it's an attempt to give a fairly ugly creature some dignity by giving it a name of a beautiful, greek person. [dog barks] - well, i came a couple consecutive weekends and then it was on our slate. so i thought, well, i'll clean this up d maybe he won't do this again. and so i got down my hands and knees, i kinda wanted to make sure everything was clean. i scrubbed it all. came back the next weekend and he had been back. and so i had to do it again. i said, this is about to, you know, get to me. [jayne whistles] - ow, ow, ow, ow. [jayne whistles] big bird! [jayne whistles] adonis!
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[jayne whistles] come here. i brought you some steak. man, it's a pretty day. you've got a much better view over here. [jayne chuckles] no wonder, this is a better view for me too. you happy? what you doing? silly. you're just silly, aren't you? you're the silliest bird i know. i'm going. i'll see you tomorrow. woo. [engine revs] - ann came in the health food store that i went to work at after i retired. she would live with people
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and then teach 'em how to eat for rent. then she got to where she didn't have anywhere to live. jaynie came up and asked us what we thought about her. d we said, well, she's different. - well, she talks with an australian accent, but i believe she spent more time maybe in new zealand. - i think i've met ann one time and i don't know ann well. [dramatic music] - of course, great britain is a tiny, little place on the map. there it is there. i was born in preston, lancashire, which is the north of england. i left when i was about two weeks old and we went down to london. and then there was the outbreak of world war ii. i was nine months old. i lived in cyprus too with the women's royal air forcsupports.
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very beautiful iand. it was r by the greeks and the turks, and i was there when they got their independence in 1960. and then i had this offer to go to australia. took six weeks on the boat and it was a lot of fun. it was like a floating hotel. i wanted to move around. i thought, i'll ver see australia stuck in an fice. and i eventually went on the barrier reef and lived on an island. and i was a boat hostess, taking people out in a glass-bottom boat. i met people from all over the world that came to see the reef. it's very betiful. it's one of the seven wonders of the world. i was adventurous and i wanted to keep moving. i even drove from adelaide to darwin 2,000 miles. it took two weeks to drive that length because the car didn't go any faster than 25 miles an hour.
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it was an a model ford. and we didn't have inflated tires, it was solid rubber. my dad said to me, "what are you gonna do now?" i said, "well, i'm going to south africa." "good heavens, you don't know anyone there." i said, "exactly, that's why i'm going there." i was there when they got their independence, changing their name from rhodesia to zimbabwe. prince crles came over to represent the queen, to hand the country over to the africans. i joined a dating agency for the american gentleman looking for a british wife. and i met this american doctor from arkansas. i got married and he was addicted to codeine. he was very abusive by the way. i used to go to bed at night and put all the knives and scissors and everything under my mattress.
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eventually, he was arrested. and mostly lived here in hot springs, quite frankly. i got introduced to abraham here in hot springs. i like that philosophy. - she does listen to "law of attraction." i started listening to that just becausehe played it 24/7. it is what it is, but there's something to the energy. and eventually, i'd like to, hopefully win the lottery. - you can't want something that you don't don't have and be a vibrational match to it. you have to be what you want and then you can have it. and it is not inconceivable, in fact, it is completely conceivable that when you hang around in the vortex and you're feeling tuned in, tapped in, turned on, you could be inspired to stop at the 7/11
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and fired with the timing of the ticket and inspired to buying the ticket that is the winning of the lottery. but you gotta be in the vortex to do that. and you don't do that just all of a sudden. all you gotta do is get in the vortex that's the requirement. you gotta get in there, know that you're in there, and frequent that place often. do you believe that there's no risk at all? - [jayne] my favorite machine over there. - [esther] in this money that has been a mask for you, do you believe that it is there risk free? - oh, this one's up. up to 125, that's good. - you've got to practice the feeling of prosperity, even though the dollars that are in your current bank account may not reflect the 94 million that's on its way to you. you have to take the emotional journey there, even before you've taken the financial journey.
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- they asked me when's the last time i had a dress on. - [man] tell me the last time you had a dress on was? play it, jaynie, play it. - no, 'cause i'm gonna give. - [man] no, tell it. - when it was on my head. down at the restaurant, where everybody's always curious about me. i don't know, what y'all think. some of 'em may not wanna come in anymore. there's a lot of prejudice still in the world. - the henrys told me that they had been swimming with the grandkids and they got through and they carried the big old flamingo and left it. and that buzzard was there flopping around. he thought he was in competition with something. [playful music]
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- he's not a tame bird. he is not a pet. they mate for life and he was a young bird, so he didn't ever have a chance. his parents check in with him, then they'd fly away, all of them would would fly away, he'd be still there. my dad was a quaker, so he loved animals and birds. the day he died a cardinal was tapping on the window. every day i worry about that vulture. he is in a safe spot right now, but it's involving humans again. so, i know humans have a different idea of what he needs to be doing. formulating the idea that he needs to be euthanized because he's a nuisance. he does use the restroom.
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it's not like a goose where they make a big mess, but people have complained and they're afraid he's gonna eat their dogs. so, i gotta try to get him back in those woods since the weather's warm. [wind whistles] see, he knows i'm trying to catch him. come here, big bird. adonis. [jayne whistles] come here, big bird. [jayne clucks] [jayne whistles] adonis, come on. [jayne clucks] a lotta times he wants to be caught, 'cause he's been like, in a bad situation. he was at the vet, he'd let me catch him 'cause he knew. and the day i took him out of the house that day. well, i'm gonna try to get him right now.
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adonis. what you doing? i've got you. oh, come on, adonis. i don't think any one of these people could catch him if i can't. really, unless you know, and i don't think anybody's gonna shoot him. and i've betrayed his trust. obviously, he's not very happy. and so, i'm just wondering if i'm doing the right thing. i mean, am i any different than anybody else now. i mean, i'm not gonna harm him, but is it just a selfish thought that i want him back up in the woods just 'cause of my own fears? i'm thinking i'm gonna leave him alone for awle.
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[jayne whistles] - [operator] hot springs 911. - [jayne] hi, somebody just broke into my apartment and i have an 80-year-old woman that lives there. she doesn't lock the door 'cause the cat comes in. - [operator] okay, how long ago did this happen? - right now, she just called me. she's supposed to call you. she called me. - [operator] do we have any description on what the individuals looked like? - i don't know. i told her to call 911. - [operator] yeah, we just got, she actually just called and talked to somebody else. - [jayne] ann? ann? so, did you catch the [indistinct] in here? - someone moved in number four and i think they left the door open. she got hold of my arm and pulled me off the ground
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and punched me. [indistinct radio chatter] - do y'all have any surveillance cameras or anything. - no. - [officer] where did she punch you? - in the face here. i felt blood coming outta my mouth, but i washed it off. - okay, can you- - i don't feel sick. - [officer] i know, i'm not checking you for sicess, i'm checking for injuries, ma'am. i'm not a doctor, i'm a police officer. - i'd like to give you a hug. - ah, yeah. - i like to hug. you're a sweet guy. - ah, i try to be. can i look at this and see. lemme lift up on this, okay. you're bleeding from an ear. - [ann] i'm pretty tough actually. - yeah, you should have socked her back. - i'm not in the habit of doing that. - [officer] i know. i'm gonna be right back. - what is your name? - officemcclane, john. - officer mcclane. - [john] yeah, john mcclane.
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- she was in my bedroom. everything i have is gone. oh, that pisses me off. your purse is here. she went in the bedroom and took all my moy. i told you to keep the door closed. - [ann] the cat wanted to get in. [einstein meows] - what did the officers do? - what'd they do? there's nothing they can do. where are you living? - [man] i'm on fourth by farrow lake there. - yeah. - yeah. - [man] up there past seven. - y'all been alright then, huh? - yeah, i've been doing okay. - okay. - i just come from a church up there. the church up here. - oh, to get, yeah. oh, hold on, i'm gonna throw some money.
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- thank you. - you're welcome. it's off. **** - okay, i got it. - i love you, jess. - you have a good one, jaynie. - okay, bye, bye. hadn't seen you in a while. - yeah, i'm okay, thank you. i appreciate it. - [jayne] i believe in karma, really, i do. hi, ashley. - [ashley] what's going on? - so, i got 250. i'll bring you some more this week. - [ashley] okay, girl. - thanks. - bye. [coins jingle] this is my life savings. i'm trying to help somebody when i can't even help myself. anything that looks like it might be prehistoric throw away.
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- might be- - throw it out. - what is it? - i don't know. but throw it out. it's a banana. a ozen banana. - [ann] well, frozen banana's all right. [rain patters] [forlorn music] [people chatter] - all right, those names again, bobby wilsonjaynie lakhani, and virginia hill. that's bobby wilson jaynie lakhani, and virginia hill. - we were up there and they called her name. i said, "oh my god." i said, "they just called jayne's name." and i hadn't seen her, so i was like, "i hope she's here." and so i called her. i said,
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"jayne, they just called your name." she said, "i'm over on the horse side." she said, "can you run up there, i'm trying to get over there?" so i ran up to the front where they called her name and i said, "she's on her way. she's over at the horses. she'll be here in a minute." she comes running up there. she said, "i couldn't get through all the wheelchairs and the walkers." she said, "this place is packed." [people chatter] - one of these wins the car, so, no pressure at all. go ahead and hit- - tell me like, got to win. so, they had all these different license plates. - [woman] get a good one jaynie. - [jayne] something told me go, lwn 100. she doesn't wanna give up. oh, there was a heart or a diamond. i had a heart of course, all about love. - now, here's how it's gonna go. you're all wearing license plates around your neck. take a good look at what you got, because we're gonna break it down. - [jayne] so they said, if you have a heart in your license plat y'all stay. [people cheer]
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if you have a diamond, adios. and then it was, if you have lwn, you stay. - and somebody won. [people cheer] - [jayne] so, there was two of us left and i said, "i won the suv already, i know i did." she was like, "oh yeah, you cocky thing." - [announcer] oh, boy, here we go. all right, miss jones's gonna draw a number. you've got 200. you got 100. if she draws your number, you are the winner of a brand new dodge durango. you won a dodge durango. - what? i won a car! oh my gosh. - all right. - i won the car? - you won the car. - oh my god, thank you. - she said, "i won the car! are you serious, i won the car!"
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[people applaud] - you got a dodge durango. - oh my god. - tell me what just happened? - i won the suburban. - [man] it's actually a dodge durango. - oh, whatever, i won, whatever i won. thank you all. [people cheer] i said, "i'm gonna win the car." and that's only reason i'm here. and i won the car! [soft piano music] - she sold it back to oaklawn, which is probably one of the better things to do. 'cause taxes and stuff on that thing are so high. so, you have to pay probably seven or eight, $9,000 in sales tax and all that stuff on it. so, gift tax and all that. - i went and got it off the billboard,
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so i could drive it around. so this is my car i won, my suv. [birds tweet] [playfulusic] - down around the lake shore you would see one goose come up the hillside, you'd see his head, he was the scout. and he'd be looking around kinda cautiously. and then he would creep forward and then there'd be about four or five of 'em up there. - people were having geese feces all over their carports and sidewalks and entryways into their homes.
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[jayne whistles] - adonis! laying down like a chicken. [jayne clucks] you don't act like you're hungry. what are you doing? what you doing? that feels good, doesn't it? come feed you. [relaxing music] that's a little duck out there all by itself. [relaxing music] there's stuff that happens in our lives,
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well, you just gotta get past it and go about your business and try to be better. and that's what i'm trying to do. ooh, you happy? ooh. he's happy. can he fly? oh, he could fly. "i am a black vulture and my job is to fly high in the sky looking for carcasses. i am fiercely loyal to my family and i'm known for sharing food and shelter with others. the feathers on my body are so black, they sometimes look blue. and i have white scars under my wing tips. my head is gray. my feet are white. years ago, i h an accident that left me unable to fly.
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i'm still not sure how old i was or exactly what happened, but half of my right wing is missing. my parents stayed with me for a while, while i recovered and when it was time for them to leave and join the others, i was sad. my instincts told me to fly, but since flying's not an option anymore, i decided to do the next best thing." adonis. you're getting a steak today. 'cause i bought one, get one free at grocery. [inspiring music] ♪
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♪ - [announcer] major funding for "reel south" was provided by etv endowment, the national endowment for the arts, center for asian american media, south arts, and by the corporation for public broadcasting, a private corporation funded by the american people. additional funding for "broken wings" is provided by: ♪ you're watching pbs.
7:00 am
quickly shay doron shape it see any has to be my name is ariel to ecuador on shane my native language my name means thunder woman. i'm so happy to be here and i want to recognize the special territory of the coast me walk- for allowing me to be here today and it's so good to be here pioneers thirtieth anniversary. as a board member of pioneers i remember when i sit on this stage three years ago as a keynote. and one of the things that helped ease my time up here was the intr
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