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tv   Global 3000  LINKTV  January 14, 2023 10:00am-10:31am PST

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boy:e shouldut on so, uh sic. gi: chrimas musi c. stie: you will get pd for workinon christmas .grt teamwo, by theay . great amwork (peopltalking backgro d)staciehi. hi, how e you? - not ba and youel f? : what'sour name stac: i'm stie. - m ty. - ce to me you . - ni to meetou, too.mike: ke .staciewe're fiing documenty on rutnd .- okay.- yeah startedut beingbout e refuge, and th w e, u kn, kindf pick me up ong the y, d now wee filmin the od, the d, the u y, thindifferce, all i t. man: neiborworksorthwe rutland youthemployment initiativ e. we are inviting alof you to hel p suppt and prote thatffor
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stacie "youre invit . "thimeet-andreet opptuni "ifor nortest neigorhood sidents tal k "witone anotr abou their pes and ea ms for our ighborho ." alia ayleshi, oliv! olia: hi ce to meetou. les: gre to meetou .stacieolivia igoing toe the uth spokperson oh, tomorrow - fosunday bo those look sooo tyler:o, i wn't, i d anger nagement.devin:ou had w t? tyr: ang managemt. den: oh, h's that in g? tyler:go, i'm geing bett . acie: , they a beautif ! ♪ acie: co in! ma yoursf coortable,leas my he is youhome .so mfavoriteho win thehole ente worlis "gold girls
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oh, i ve that eme song ayles: ♪ tnk you ♪ foreing a fend absoluly . - ♪ tveled und e world d back ain ♪ tyle i caot aim. stacie: feel tt if youwant yr actionto change,your tught pross eds to cng e. lo at the fugee falies . a lot of what they are comingfrom mht not nessari drugs oalcohol,but it's w . yeah . and pa. - dilacement. - yes,hat waour, rember, itas our t meof disacemen - dirganizat n. - mm-hmm - ch s. diontent.- upheal . - very gd word. ani just feel the is lot of cmon grou her e, d i feel that itwould' been a eat way toackle bo issues ad-o n. - guess i st don'tundersta how we n't do b h.- so imy opion... - is that too
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rg e of thing?- in mopinio i s,we can care forutlandif wdon't doot h. - ll, therit i s. agre e. rain appaching) (train horn blaring) (people talking in background) merdzanovic: welcome it's sgood to see yo u.(peopltalking inackgroun d)tomorr is exacy a ar sinceussa m and huzar d ahmedand mossen arred . th love ruan d. they seeutlands their me . .. . u knowthere's no easy y to get io what'm aboutto sha with you. a tal of 3syrians,three-ree syri
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s,arrivein octob athe beginng of tobe r.and th the musm ban 3. went io effectso.. . morgan: d that w to theentire.s . merdnovic: rht, natially. - the whe country. for thehole coury.merdzavic: yeah. the nguage that there using s, "we are zeroing you out as a site ." soit's n great n s. nter: ll, is tre anytng that can do?we're stl playinthe waitg me, itounds ke .we're st gna try to wait r thingso change. mean, i'd likeo feel tt the's someing posive.. .(chuckng): ...d proacte and... we can o. i ink, as tlanwelcomes we g to figu o utwhat wre goingo do wit e donations at se poin yoknow, i ink that a prtical th g. woman:e'll thi about at as a ou p.
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♪ (water tckling) stacie it'sne of th days. hiso i thi tyler'shaving rough d. welli know, don't ble him,ou kno the's no fd in e house,ou kno d it'srashed and, y know, is hard tes . (voi trembli): and y know, ke i
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told hi m, 's us as famil it not anydy indidua l.and that exactlyow we'regoing toet throu i t, is us as whole, a family. ♪ was rais in the stem .i'm tryi to brk that cle . rossing gnallanging) but ere's ways going be that fear. i (bleep) ha answing maches. hone rinng ) he o? ay, so wt does tt mean i have nidea, li, what a of ts means anything.woman ver phon: will telyou, s if tre is stl money ed then t landlorwi ll probab ask theourt for a jument . so do yostill ow mo money bond.
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.. no, weust owe e $9 .so, sohat you're telng m e is, need to t that $910 paibeforehe 11t woman: plus t cost ofhe landl d for filing thease, ich is $ 5. - e you seou s? won: ah, i am.- for mont h. (lghing)is there any ls protting tenan ts this st e? won: , i meanyes, butou kn that. they're so goingo want t u know lo for eir attoey's fees, but u can sh back onhat becae (inaible ), yodon't ha to pay attoey's fees to resve the c e. by payg what y owe in otherords, so of li paying, y e money and en sta whicis what u're hopg d o. so ping and ayin g unrtunateldoes incde st but it does not include lawyer fee s. - no, no . thers so mucother stuff gog on tharight now, you ow, i ju want toet th$1,2
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05 togetherefore we o. and that the bes i can at thisoint . thank yo ighs) (shol scrapi) all ght, so w i'intimidad. mebody'sot to te thistory, ri t? (pple talkg in bacroun d) aryou kiddg me? whme ? (lauing): are you dding me? can't
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fi my outl e. ma good afrnoon, erybodyand welce to proct vision. alright, sci e.- hi, thk you.i just wted to srt by saying tnk y for theim e. i ki of wanto changegears a littleit . i want ttalk abo an ection pres s that i'm hava peonal expience wi .so what ppened w, we we got bind a moh in rent, anwe receid an eviion tice to ow up inourt . what i'm tryinto unrstand i why a mth ? mo of thtimeit'several mths be ndbeforen evicti processstar from my derstand g. yes. - it snds li it s a compte surpre to y that ione mont.. - s. - ...this cod unraveso quick peciallyround hoing. - ye s. - i am scked to ar that self .- yes, i agreend that'why m standi her e. thanyou veryuc h. what would le to seeappe
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n is them bridgeget built. - thatersonal perience .ryan: yoknow mplaceof emploent, we rk wi people o are inpovertevery sile day we s homeleses s, homele kids, pple livi out ofheir car.yet th're the me people thatould doanythi for anydy . acie: thk yo u. thk you, i appreate that thanyou, guys. (audnce applding )- i'm sa ryan.- hi hi, i'a rutlancity derwom the boa of aldeen d i alsoork at b c. oh! and i waed to gi y oumy car because reallyapprecia te yosharing ur storynd... - thank u. you can ntact mefor anresourcethat we d i'd beappy to lp you.- oh, ank you muc h.- thanks much r sharinyour sto . - thanyou, ce meeti you . ryan: en i actlly firs hearstacie'story i s, like,eally upt beuse i wa lik e,"we coulve donethat ihalf a d
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got r what s need and heramily." but ese folkwho e livingpovert andon't ealy get a the sic needs th some ofs are founate to hav it'sard to a for hel whenou don'tav e peop supportg you from theeginning. i justonder, le, how many morstacies e ther anhow doe get them to ow u p, d how doe meet tir needs and w do e make peoe feelelcomereally. i havet figureit out. (trainorn blarg in disnce)(dog bking ) (people talking in backgroun d) stacie: okayso i'm vy nervou s. ayle okay. - becausi don' i've ner been a situio n wi the difrence inulture like this.- you n't fe that way. - d i don'want
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to srespe them iany wa shape,r formyou ow what mean ?like, at's my ggest fe . theyre sgratefuljust thave peoe come and sit, and vis withthem, d be in eir home. - ally? - oh, s. mynly thinwould sais st be yoself, anlisten and ey'll, and the shwouldn'tave inted usif sheidn't wa us to just sit, anenjoy r home and eny her baava, and. - , okay - so tru, they'r veryvery down toarth. okay, co. - anyou lo children. absoluly . - thr childr will be very ndfully acve .juste yourse .hi, am i! (kids cain g) fatema, u look sbeautiful.♪
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staciei didn'think i'd ke it to0. i didn'think d ke it 2 0. (cheers d applau)but i uldn't imagine packinup my fa ly and leavg justto tryo stay ave . i don't want to imagine that justhe coura gives mhope.(firorks expding ) if they n do thi and ma it throh th is a placehey don' knownything ou t, i re the hl ca n.
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ighs) why? have to ep my wrper. at's hard is havg it i my handand not ing ableo do anhing witit . jame you gothis. for no i feelo nauseo .- so i gonna let you ld thi - i wa it at m right - yocan justilm t the wiow .you don'have toput itn yourse . - ohthank yo - ye . - st place it's the da they ma you witraw. theyant to me sureyou'ret
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the prer dos oh, goodnes thisucks so d. (shs ) ay . - e, stace - seyou at 1 0?- yeah, ll me. - thank u, i will. stie: i'm ry gratel to art workg a progm agai annot haveo get boxone o the str t. itight note a medition that i ever ab to get f. but i understand that it's something i need. ♪ i'm not oken . ana lot ofs addict are nobroken
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we'rdoing wh we can. hannah:everytng is inere. come on . acie: wo look atll this,this is azin g. yes, a the's re upsir s. - real? - nteroats . ifolks in e counity haneed i didn hesitate to pl from that's azing. - well, 's's silly forhe m to s somepce.- rit, rightrigh t. - will nev let a child go witho ut the clothes they needor the food they nee d. - absolutely . ♪ we'll get you off the floor to beg wit h, beuse you' very betifu l, d someone will really areciate u. - what aeam! is is gr t. goodorning!woman:ow are y
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? acie: i have a w peop in the mmunit th are desrately in need a few tng s, suchs, like,urtains,you knowand thin like that .i havene womanho for e longt ti could noeven hav kniv in her me becauseof her eldest n. all ght, heryou go, dies . here a fewo get yostarte hii'm stac . woman:i, how a you? stacie: ce to me you .♪ (talkinguietly) stie: wow,his is he, thiss amazing.- look at thatlight rk witha lot ofands, ri t? stac: absoluly. that wasn hour staciethat's i - itoes, is wonder l. - this ithe realutland.- yu p.- thiss it..
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(kids ughing a calling) stie: get am i! get sha ! , shami nts you to get her uh-oh,ou got h now !oh, thk you, that's sweet. shamsham is aring wi emm that's sswee - noyou're gng to beext! (ks playing)stacie: at's youname ! hi, honey. yeah, can give yoanotr push (kids plin g) lour: so, val, where's the cirs
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that e on dl? va in ther- dot you semy sig loas: ju didn't ow you h cigar,wooden car boxeso give a y. va she did t? (v laughg) lour: yolikehat picte, jim about years a, therewas anarthquakin greece. my fher kes thatpictur puts it outro nt onhe count here, a say "plee help t victimsf the eartuake in eece ," with a bke t. and peop just stt puttin fricki moneyn that. we, you kn it's us. it'se, val, ko, andour nextoor neigor .and myad put iout the toet donat ns for the ds in. .. anmy mother... val: my ther losher mind. - shlost herbleep).- loster min d. aughin g) (dol wheels ttling u saidilk and mond? woman: y .
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louraschange ihard.but wean't keegoing the pat of economictagnatio cultal stagnio n, thout me reay bathingsappening and witht losingur see of comnity . e it or se it, by. that's rht . ani'm usinit-- l right, seeou . - beaf e. all rit. ighs )lour: in tenears, weould co me e of tho communi esthat iaw whei was inhe mitary whe everytng in thdowntownis clod up . oh, goy, no, ion't know. leme put y backp to valer . (pho beeps ) (calls out did youorget yo had r on hold?louraswe've be in thetrough and hofully, t communi willome out that trgh but we d't kno onlyime willell thatne.♪
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(pple talkg in bacround) ♪ (people lking inackgroun (tuba aying "ierial mah" fr star ws)
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(dms playing) (whistle bws) (dru and perssion poding )♪ (talkingxcitedly (cwd cheing)are weamou s?
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(dru poundin (crowdheering)(cheerand applse ) ♪ ♪
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♪ detoro: ay up toate on amera refram at subscre to wor
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channel youte to go yond theen s with our filmmaker s. tell uwhat you think usi #americareframed . major funding foamericarefram was pvided by the john d. and catherine t. macarthur foundation wyncote foundation the corporation for public broadcasting additional funding for america reframed provided by: open socty foundations, acton family giving, parkoundatn, the national endowment for the arts and the reva and david logan foundation.
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