tv Occupied Minds LINKTV January 19, 2023 6:00am-7:01am PST
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- hey i'm valerie ne. coming up on reel south . - [valerie] in the wake of the vietnam war, vinamese rugees wereelocatedo the texagulf coast. nguage a cultura barriers kt them apart om their new neibors d disput over fi ing had re conquen ces.we wertrying tstop anyviolence beforit happened. - [valie] "seaift" on reelou th. - [narrator] major funding for reel south was provided by: etv endowm ent, the national endowment for the ar ts center for asian-american media, and by south ar ts. additional funding f or "seadrift" was provided by the corporation for public broadcast ing, a private corporation funded
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by the american peop le and by: and othe rs. a complete list is available from p bs. [laid-back blues music] ["man done wrong" by valerie j une] [sizzle sound] [melancholic instrumental music] - fr the begning ere wererobl em betweeamericanand thevietnase refug fishe an along e gulf c st. e troublwas spard by arges th the vieam ese viated unwttenishing lawsand it was fued by racism. - i n't likeem. irds cawing] th shoulgo back wherthey camfr om. - sobody's gna probay ta care ofhose vieam es - eporter]ake caref th em kill ' .[waterplas he- we'vhad enou, enou .we've hait up to ere. it'sime to sp it. th is our un try. [images clicki ng] [fire booms] [crowd che ers] - ite po
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r! [bir cawing] [waterplashing - like sea ift. a matterf facti lovehis town. have been herey whole fe. we don't he a ngle redight. weon't hava single fast fo od. - most of the people that live here, rig in this a rea, that's whathey didto make a livi ng they worked on the wat er.[car whoos hes][melanolic insumental sic] - the a lot the so good drs onome shrimps.
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you ow, backhen u could out the and ag for 3minutesand ha 600 pounds or 10 minus and ha 600 unds of rimp, yokn ow. - sml communies always are kinda pret tight kni we they began to come in, the vietnamese we really didn't know whato exp t. [met cla ngs] - don't wa to be afishman inietnam. real t truth, hate beuse when go withy fa th he tk me go en a goo day, i t seasicvery bad. [lau s] en rightow, i stil got asick sotimes. oat engi roa rs - one. [traclac ] firsone of t day. [l
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ghs] u have breakhis fishbecause 's too big. you y two tr yobuy ontr ap se mon. [ce splashes] [boat engine roa ] [fish fls] [fherman gnts] [wat splas s] [cbs cla ] [boat enne roars i tch morehan 1955 ght aftethe fami move om nth vietn to sth vietnam. [triumpht instruntal mus] - nnouncerthe evaction oforth vieam is prressing wiin the tms of th gene armtice agrme nt. thesrefuge are pasng thugh a chkp oint at hphong bere boarding e frenchhip espe nce. a very stable name forhis vesselwithts promi of a more heful future for thesunhappy
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op le alreadthe prosct is ighter wh food f every dyto susta them onheir jouey to t south a secur y. - rened hostilactionsagainsunited stes ship on the hh seas i the lf of tonkin ha today requid me to orderhe mility forces[wind ooshing]of t united ates ramatic strument mus ic to take tionnd reply [guns bang g] [bom boom] when i w a kid w hear lot of mbing, a lot gunfirend all that, but ey were ming our villa ge
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evertime thehave a fht ybe fivesix mis away nextay we alyso seewhat t heck th look kn, kid [cckle s] [melcholy inrumentalusic] opped a mb on th. ey dead d some othem nes, younow li that. and e body he a pe on thneck i thk the guwho stilal ive try to dg him aw oromethingike at. fosome rean they lt him.- the ty of saon was renad today. e victorus commusts whoforcedhe city'surren
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r id the cital ofouth vietnam hencefth will known ho chi nh c it [helopter ars] [yelng in a reign laua ge] - i was nineears oldwhen ieft vietm. th was like in 1975,right en the cntry fal everody was aos, nning fotheir li. wead aboutaybe 200eoplerushinto all t boat. st of em we don't ev know th.they jt despere, ju like we are trng to lee the co try. we go tohurch, t priesttell uthis amecan shipwill pk your pple upout in t open water. we lk all y and wecan't nd nobody, nothi.
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that nit real srmy, have tourn back puanchor dn. mebody ithe landiththe bigun, younow,right my boatnd boom,it's rht next my bo at so i gotp there d chop thanchor a took f. and afr two days dock alady, anwe see aot of lit. we thoht we co to thethailandr some cy, younow. xt day t sun me up, lta shi we talng aboutmaybe -15 sh.americanruise sh, tankcome in d cks alof us up.
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that sp have anumbero7, i rember i cat forget i we are vy fortune we t pickedp righ away soons we lefthe harb, so. ind whooing] [reporte the forgn adnistrati said toy itill needore than500 miion dollars ov the nt two yearsfor abt 130,00 vietnamese rug ees.[pensi instrumtal mu c] - i s in vieam but ty outa stay ck over ere. weot more oblems aund this neiborhood it is wi jobs aneveryt ng.- when we ha a milli peopleut of work when we haveur own people ted to thhi lt i'm ju very sl to st open e flooat es. - [journist] thewill beunder arantineor w le because cal auoritieswant tbe s ur theye not caying fectiousisea se [reporte immigraon ofcials coeded
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today "se are nowelcome re."theare perhs corrup offials, pet thieves"bar gir, prostutes, rcotics al ers, "and perps even me counist vi con g. - have aged withthem tt the new arvals cod be disrsed as enly and eqtably asossi bl roughouthe unitestates avoidingin parcu la settleme in econically hard-preed are . - th guy comfrom balmore. on rutheerg, he ildi ng pickg [mumblesin sea ift. the worky beginst da for therab traprsin thitexas fiing village. e vietnase came re athe invition leon ruenbe rgwho ns a crab-pcessing ant. theyent to wk in thplant piing craba job whh pays out $40 day. [penve instrental music] [crab ells clack]
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whaver, relive theneverybodbring evybody then. adrift g crowded [boat enne roars some of e guys i gruming thatore people getting in the ind's cpetition wn you'retryingo raise fa milyand mang a living. 's gonnae a natural mpetition, evenetween aricans and all is competi on. all over down acss fr brownsville l the wato louis na. it was lot of etnamese lottfisherma[boat gine roars] [psive insumental sic]- my pents, wh theyame heretheyad startut a tou l ife. just ki of likesolatein the hse, mostf the time. weon't kw whereto go t in
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the oad, weost, we ke in a differt wo rl[birdsaw ing]- the was asepara situation. weinda didt inrmix reago od they ain no tting arnd t ha the crabng plt was outh ere.and maer of fa, there s a t of rat old tra ersand althe etname lid th e. - fferent lture, differenlanguage[chuckleyou feelost some mes.but ateast whave som placto stay d work. [boaengine rrs] evers clk] when y're supped to ha onlyhrimpingn
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daytim 30 mutes befe suise d 30 mines beforsuns et at's wheyou hato q ui anthey nev q uit. ey just rked andworkednd wor d and thatverfisheour ba . [bellshime] some ge wardens ha toldome the peoethathey woulgo out the and writsome etnameseic ketsfor breang some these laws. d thenhey woulwrite the tick under n yen. we, which is hundredgu yensand th could ner find e rit nguyeno [laughs]-- so the nt day thguys arright ba out t re doing thsame thing. [bds caw g] - when ty first arted ou theyad to se the shrimp. weot a dollar a pound, they would get 50 cents. ev that way, we stildidn't get rid 'em [lahs]. we didn'get rid th sti sta ye [mecnism grus] [chains tt
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le] - weeard sculebutttrue ofalse i n't kn that theovernmenhad gavethem mey to butheir boats, puthem on lfare an ga 'em foostam ps anthis and hat.none owhich nody's ne that r me, yokn ow. i hato buy mown boat learhow to shr p. ok me ma yearso len how toake a li ng.- whenhey brout the vietnase in he th were geing althis fre moniesrom the vernme . ani couldn even gea lo an i saveit, work and sad, workeand sad,besideraising family, ved and rk ed. finally, saved eugh ney to bld my owbo at.[speakg in a feign lan age] [wer spl hes] - i remeer one g, he me out ohis wheeou se americanishermanand turn his at towarthose op and held shotg up ithe ai ater spa hes] and ak-47 wt rightthroughis ca n. aughs]nd he's wn onhe floorprrt.
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[fish lash] he'sn the rao tryingto call e coast ard. course,y the time thegot there, the n's in t wat er so w there ientions?why rtaiy therwe re. ish flop] rate ban] - i ll l eo"lend some moy toet me stted, "likboat [mumbles cratr ap." i pu200 trapn the war. wh i come ck ere are trap left. thing, n even e.[boat gine roars] so ialled po ce.they com takpicture.
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next d they puon the paper sothing li that. ill i lo all my ap can't cr no mo . still owthis guyoney d i don'have no iell him, gotta gback to rking at the dk for you." he let work athe dockgain [chkl ]. [enge roar i rk at e do for a while ansave enoh mo ne to buy eugh trapthat itart again. - nterview] so youhink mebody c your trs? - , i kn . i dot think, knowomebody t it. don't think. [if fs] [car who hes] [dr ratts] - us to builboats inere. it was aold at-building ba . lotta those are just relics or some of 'em e real expsive gs. [mancholy sic]that'se in vie
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am. that was my medals only to 37 year for to get 'em, but i finay did. rotesterchanti] everyby had a d taste theimouth abt vietna our reception was just terrible. we get off the airplane, these [mumbles] actually spit at you and wave picket si gns. we were **** on, and if you have to bleep, you bleep it, but that what haen ed. we h to go tviet m anour boys gotilled up thereighting 'emand th they broughthem er here the states. that was no-no f us, r all amic ans.
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troue for e vietnase but ey don'tide the fact e resentaving em h er - su, we d't need m he re weave all e fierman we eed. re than ough fisrman. - [rorter] y'd li tsee themo. [wer splashes] - ye ah bui woul't go to stealheir pot or tear eir boats upor notng like that ani wouldn want nobodylse to d it. [melanoly instmental mus ic] - billy joe and his brothers and uncles they all crab bed and that was their livelihood was crabb ing. and to them, it was their livelihood, it was importa nt. - i knewis broth doc apl. i knew t old man himself billjoe'daddy d all, b. aplin, ew him well. theyere indurious,they wked hard - he's a picre odad, itlooks ke at chstmastimthers no dat or athing on
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it.but th's himith his t on. heasery prouof his slls anbeing a at capta. he was good prider. i know there a loof struging t we sll had wneed edyou kn food, clothing, place to ive, and he me sure ihappened - he was a happy-go-lucky person when i knew him. you know life can change peo ple. you know when you're not making any m oney or youe going rough hard tim or what erpeopleon't geto ha pp - sau,e in the[mumbl] thing ke that. - [interview] mari . - marinen viet m. sau brotr, he maied, t him, s, he notmarrie singl man. know h, very quiet peon, don'talk.
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make a ke, he just laughyou know ater spl hes] [mumbleswas likable pers on asood as a and i gss heas upsety the cr bersand althat ande had bullet s eak. he was aused of tting some tir on a vinamese carup in ont of t hardre sto . - i'not ther but ey come me they tl me he ked the re anhe stayeright there. anen thecome out evene stayinright the. billjoe he snding rit the, he te he did it [wheels ang] ater who hes]- sotimes hehreaten us"hey, u gotta t out townget awayrom he ."you gta mov " beeve me iold hi " ** you, ain't moving nhe re." it's not h town, it's notis water. [onous insumentnalus ic]- the ty place'm su investited hi don't memberhim beg arrested. ater
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spl hes] - althat teat, we he to somhing protecturselv .[waterurgl es - we esced from etnam from theoat already. we tradeor deathto theife, reay. he triedo push u out,eally nori ght,so hdon't ink we don't ha no gu but think wegot a t of g s. - have a cabine 32and i ve a colt 45 i n't knowhere saugot s, i don know. bumy, i boht it fm walm t.[bir cawg]
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- billjoe, hecomplaed to mehe says, "ty're crowdinme out there ithe water." [boat enne roari] [bds caw g] it's a uritten ce. [grun] you've t a apline o h er say you' coming wn here, maybe yoget 'em least a hundreyards, y k dot rightdown bide th . giveem somsp ac [boat enne purrs] the vietmese the did t know t bay so how oearth cod you know where therabs a .the on way youcan kn is you see wherthe other cr traps a re. - theyan put arab trapright xt to yo crab tr. but out the bay for years, hadn been dog th at. it wast illegal, it's just immol, cording the guythat ithere first. obviouslthe vietmese either dn't know
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hat, didn know oucustoms,and thway thin was d e or dn't careor whatever. th needed make living, oo. - i dot know wbrking a rule or ey breakg a rule someme i washere fir anthey com lateand theyay"h, it's mterritory." [bds caw g]who teitory isha ain'nobody here. ey just nt you o of ther th don't wt you there, tt's it - he saione timeim anhis wifeas out tre and th had wor on the ter. thvietname supposey brdished aacheteand thatened h out the water. it was sething li about m onth before t shootg happened. oat engi roa rs[omius instrental music] - were
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ouheadingto onef our lines thatad been ft thday befo bai te to dump thcrabs and reba 'em. i was ruing my trap. sa he cameo me, heay "h man, i t a probm." i y, "what?" - sau n had pu his nes in bweenthe on of ourthat wen't c . [wer splass] he knew meone el's pots'cause hknew theweren't his,which de me fe likeither hi pot cuthe oneshat were cutyou kn or he cut few and it was inteed to instige. just t fact th he s puttin'em ther waan institi on. my dadhe went ong andpickedau van'sots up and we went and und him.
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just pued uand my dad procded to tl him, very angly, whathe wasad abo . u van sa he didn't sak eng sh and so mdad stomd onof the t ps. he say, his guy,oon put my tp in theat er "he ck mine'up and smp 'e everyonof them.[tensenstrumenl music][birdsaw ing] i asd him, "which one?" say, "tt guy rit ther "[wat splashing][boat gine roa ng] you coldust hearthe enne noi got ur attenon first and en you lk arouand yocould se all ese bo s,and th were cong atull speeat us. three ofs came tthat boa cire his bo, he hav a lile girl withim.[wat gurgl ] - 'cse thereere fiveoats d there re one ttwo me at the b of eachboat wh mach es ying to t over o the at, you
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ow. that is ary, i d't ca how tou you a .and da he had s knife one d, wavinit at 'e d it's jt a foldg kn ifit wasis bait ife, ways hadt on h'cau it was s bait k fe. - heot a bignife t, chopp my boatboom, om, bo . - i rememberhinkin theyeren't jt gonnaget on t boat and ki my da they we threating all of s. - shscared, guess, s cryi so bad tell ' ey, stophat girlrying so bad whave to op." - e whole me he wa goinin rever, forw d, anin rerse, ba and rth to kp them from bei able tojump othe boat. founately,ecause oall e agitatn of theater two the boats tt we in fronof us,thwake sorof spad 'em apart justnough th my dadcould m his wa out. now i rember himitting the one the lef and on t right andthen wwere c ar
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til you uld see e dock which wod make them vi ble, and you uld justsee 'efan ou so we st, we r home, and we cl the ga ward, or hcall t game rd atever w called. i kn i calle'em buthe mig call hi t oo. called t game wardens,ou k nomy impssion wa nothg was beg doneand mean, nothing s done. - there'nothing ppen to m. the chiedepu jackavage and i,whenever a arguingnd fighng over at riverot tom, went up ere on pks anwildli b oatand to them the would beo more tub le. they'detter getheir act togeer and quit. we were ying to op any violenceefore itappened and didn't cceed. [melanoly instrument music]
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[flags whoosng] - u come ito the bt ra mp y to takhis boatoutta e wa tethis g come inand wot let hi take theoat outtthe wa r.he tpped himall th . ind whoo es] heot away,e run ho. [waterplashes] mend my uple frid siin frontf the house. i watcd right en frontoor. asked m "where'the gun? i told h, "you kw whe the guis." [onous insumental sic] soe run inhere grab onerun out. and see someleedingin histomach. i don't know fm wh at.
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i runn there,grab o and r out. i st maybeappen one minu behinhim, it'sark alrey. so when came tothat sp sign i he bm, boom,oom, bm. and i e a guy ying the. and u right ere,on topf his trk. [iense instrumtal musi - i got e call a by e time iot in th carand gothere, t ambulan was cking hi up. and after a few minutes, when we went out to the vietname trail ers to look for the man that shot
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him, and he was alrea g one. chity had ready ken him ou [water babbles] - [rorter] t killingsparked immed te anviolent ge of re ngethat sawhree vinamese fhing b ts sunkn seri harbor. e homes some vietname have be bur ne - thgs werehappeng everywre. weouldn't be at ere's th wan ts d we finly conveed outhere athe bloade. e road gng in the crapl ant to kp anyonerom going in and ally, toeep somef thvietname fm leav g. - at day seemed li ke-- - rememberhat night, famy came out turned over the tables and couches at the doors and g uns, and sitting in theouse worried
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at the vt cong we gonna ce get us - this cld've be prevent. our law forcemensystemjust aombinati of things. myusband dn't haveo die. he begged for he . - the whe familyas upt that t vietname wagonna co to the use and killome mo of th anthis andhat and e ot he because ey shobilly joe downike th . - the peop they don't thk like s. theye just n our nd of people and th're vicis, crl pe op and theye gonna ke d grab wt they want at anybo's expense. th've already wentas fars murd er. - oh, it the pole stat n. i ess i wa supped to co in and poli officerpulled ts out of bag and oved iin my fa to k me if it wasy da d' it was vy upsettg and, a you n imagin this ishy.
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and thathirt he s wearin whener he surlooks sml fosuch a b guy at he wa you k w. the llet mar are not anthis oneas underhe arm. i remeer readi that he'd raid his m up tohield hielf,ay ing, o, man, ," [sighs] wh he saw e gun. ramatic strument music] - son diestandingup foris rig sand as long ashese twoshoes ays on tse two feet i will dthe samehing regardle of the st. - we're not familiar with this
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type of problem. we've never had it and i don't know how to resolv e it wiout someelp fromthe feral goveme nt. - had o policem, or o, for t city ofeadriftand the unty h probly six athe tiat t sheriff departm t d they jt reallycouldn control eveth ing. - so people,nd i obably w one of em thought u're liae to sta a waright he, right now. peopleo to getng their uns. ind whooes]
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t ra th sau hadilled biy joaplin inelf-defense, afr aplin reated him and chas him wita kn if - you kn, i dn't agr with it and most peoe agree th it. ensivenstrumenl mu si - yeah, the was so controrsy overt but, ke i sai everybody d a diffent opinn. - we condered it mur der. mebody teaten myife, n i homand come ack,get a guand shoo 'em? i gus i ca they l him g when i hrd the vdi ct just losit. - people were ready to burn the vietnamese outand thaplin'swereaising
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hell. - the were pkups allaround mhouse inort lavaca. i wa in the use and had e billy e aplin mily and on mdinner tle was a five-glon can of gas and a dole-barreshot gu - they ce to me okin foa ring l der,wantinme to goelp torc and bu them thgs d ow - thiss the par out thkkk oking in coverup - o juniorigh
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baetball ges i hea th is justearsaythat ty've canled ou the kidsere afra to ce to seaiftor the parentswouldn let ' . anwhenaskeall games cat be plad on aount of is bad publicitand fear ll, it'sime r us to and up and somethi about t. i rememb the meeng i rememb that the k wantedto bura boat ieffi gy - kulux klanthey'renot inhis town to disturb abody, th're re to sejustice ne.if thad be me neers] uth ere that hadhot billjoe, i wouldn'te here rht n owi'd ben the n. ense insumental sic]
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we left en we took the boat to louisiana. - i'm t sa to walkover he anymor i wind up in baltimore, maryland. - pretty soon they're gonna take over shrimping. it's t same wawith cra ing, now theye gonna art king oveshrimping. ey alrea got shrp boatin port con ne in [mbles], d port la conne lockp t. - [klaman] whi power! [cwd che s] - we'vhad enou. wee had itp to h's te to sp it. is is oucoun tr - eporter]any gulfoast shermen d residents came to e smalltexas wn of sa a fe join inhe klan ot es- [joualist] pamilitar traing on elyndon. johnsonationalgrasands outde
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[wat babbles ensive itrumentamusic]- when first wt do to galvto bay, saw theslittle bts dock at smalwarfs, at tse littl harbs all ar ound enan andeabrook,ex as. anthey hadhese ttle forale sign the vietmese mmunity s saying "let t klan have theishi ng - [rorter] aorganizaon ofietnamesrefugees wentnto fedel urt in hston t ay and ked the dge to ptect em from e ku klukl an. - weould like to protecour life d we askhe feder courprotects us. - [jrnalist]videote of a klan pamilitaryrainingcamp ite
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xas s introded as even ce. [imas ick] photographs taken last month of a shrimp boat loa ded with rob and avily ard klan en re also troducedas evi nce. [images cl ick] - the ruling that the klan paramilitary group violated texas' law and ended in injunct ion saying they could not operate in the fut ure.[melanchy instmentalus ic] [waterabbles] [hicopter ars] - i rember when thiswas alhappeninthe mea was rely ally, rely on toeadr if asust a cist t n. mage fizzes] the town isplit by
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f eud. mage fizs] - ainst a oup ey reg ar as a bun of forene rs. [ima fizzes]- fuel by ra sm. [ima fiz ze- [reporr] takcare of em.- killem. mage fizzes] - th made this racialhing, li i s aii knowhat was it b i don't hinkthat'she wholeictu re. i n't thinpeoplere geing thwhole pi ure en they st say, h, that's what w as." - i casee wherthese people aolutely ke over e indust we ur our sl in. ey've goa goodta rt. they're inhe crabbg sinesstr ong. theye in thehrimpingbusinesstrong w.they bought, afaras i c deter ne in tas in e last t yea rs theyought ov 400 ats, shrp bo at ere's a- - [aience meer] excu me, r, ay i y something? - [bo] y, you y. we have ard all out e billy e ap n, weave heard aboutthe afood inst ry is is t what w haveome here or. have co for pea and ying to nd pea . don't beeve thiss beg done athis mee ng. - o] okay,ould youike make a
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atement en? - just madmy statent. rowd app uds] we'rnot intested in is. we're inrested to trto stop prob le at is wh we'reintereed in. this is y everyby is here. - [bo] a what is ouproble ma' am [audiencmember] keephe klansn out. - that'sur pro em. - udience mber] and keepome pe e.- that the proem. rowd ala uds] - the ci councilwith e supporof theajorityof t citizenof seadrift, not cdone of y orgazation wch may aoc ateor proke violee or whichiscriminates beuse of ced, colo nation origin,r sex. and y'allill suppt thcouncil this,we'd le to he show of ha nds. rowd app uds] [bo] tha y ou. - anime a whe man iskilled ba
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vietnamethat brings public ity. d as to ether ornot i'a troublak er thseadriftishermenthink at i'm not. ssibly tse that ll thseadriftishe rm wi think tt i am - eporter]ould e klan bhere t ay if billyoe aplinas be killed joel smith? - coul't agreewith tir polic maybone or t thing thathey std for but threst of i could ot. didn'tven knowbout tha demotration t there. you' not gna haveit, you ll be re sted d taken j aiof coue, thereas a t of thrts. they we threating come back with seral huned peopl and ve a mar and all hat. t it nev materia zed. - can't thk of onehing at the k has eve done to impve anyth ing. a community wouldnever oop thatow. no w. [waterplas
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he - [the] morning, morning. - w are yo - yotelling the whole ing, you dot haveo bring an ge. - okay, ank you. [ctomer la hs] i co back he at the d of '8or '81, come bachere. i li the sdrift so cann lve into adrift. i me bachere [chkl es]. [pensivenstrumenl mu si[bag thuds]- whatappened,t wa just fast cuure sh k. yove nev dealt with anying likehis in youentire le and yo don't ow how tdeal wit it. rabs ban ater whohes] - slow, i stard thking abo i
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and goover som of mbitterne. this is t the pele weere fighng. these arthe peop we we fighti f or it tk a ng tim toealize tt. [birds c ing] - they wked hard than wedid, tbe honesabout it theyrabbed rl hardworkedheay hard.i'm nocondemni 'em, weall hato work h ard. - and time we on, th would wk with yand u would rk with em. [cb shellsrack] itas just shame but it tk so lon every noand then you t one orwo thatidn't li ser vi the vieamese didn't le that guy.
6:50 am
it's n the who grouof vietnese orhe whole gup of whit that d't like ch other no. crapper acks]- there'still fierman that sti don't le 'em or d't wanto havenothinto do wi ' em. bui got to a poi to sa ou know wh engh is en gh. "i don'tate 'em ymore."like ised in t firsbeginn gwhenhey firsbrout 'em down. i dot have tt haed no mo. crapper acks] [birds c ing] - they've kinda stayed their wayand 've kindstayed o way but there'no probls going on that i know of. [water woshes] [crowd lghing]
6:51 am
[firewor pop] [upbeat inrumentalusic] elancholinstrumeal music [wer babblg] hindsighs a whollot tter thaforesigh think ofhings th you uld've de or u shoulde done orhatever,aybe this would' been dier ent, t it'soo l at rowd cha ing] - blame thentrepreur blame thgovernment the sa and loc agencie ere was ver anymeetinor gatheng communit intruction, ythi ng
6:52 am
- i ner did len how tospeak etnamesechuckles ey did aetter jo of leaing englh th i didearning etname . - sht,ight now you tting divorced d they'vgot brinng meators fr the courts. anit's lik they didn't dany of that. nothing,othing, d sot just eal atedand someragic, tgic thin. [wat splashe - r someeason, wgot rough inhis know, 's a gre count . u got a t of ople, go peo plbut sotimes yogot e or twoad app but a loof goodpeopleround u. - we livhere rig now. ameri n. but you ow, we still vinamese.
6:53 am
6:54 am
and what she said in this film was that and i guess it's got me thinking right now. she said thapictureis a gt to i ted to dede hodo i make-- w do i tn aroundhe grief? my fatr's lling to a gif [cries] i n't knowhat i figured at out y otr than tfind re forgine ss escially f sau v . i still n't get er beg mad abt some tngs t i knownough know at heidn't wa thatto hpen eith. it w a conveence circums nces anthat he s also sject
6:55 am
t just as father s. do i wisthat wedidn'tet 'em i my fath would still be ali ? don't thk this h to happen en lettinthem in. instd of wisng that,let me p it thisay i wish tt we wou not h e be invold the wa we we in tt pele had to get oboats anget out that co try just to able tolive a survi .that'shere i would back anchan ge [melcholy inrumentalus ic] ♪
6:56 am
[laid-back blues music] ["man done wrong" by valerie j une] - [narrator] major funding for reel south was provided by: etv endowm ent, the national endowment for the ar ts center for asian-american media, and by south ar ts. ad ditional funding for "seadrift" was provided by the corporation for public broadcast ing, a private corporation funded by the american peop le and by: and othe rs. a complete list is available from p bs. ♪ you're watchinpbs. ♪♪
7:00 am
narrator: funding for this program was provided by the minerva nolte estate. woman: people are getting water in their hom [man speaking spanish] woman: we need gender equality and we need this reflect in national priorities. man: if you cross the border unlawfully, then we will prosecute you. woman: amid an outcry over the treatment of detained migrant children. man: trump administration's zero tolerance policy and resulting separation of family. woman: the spanish coast guard has rescued more than 200 migrants from the mediterranean sea in the last 24 hours.
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