tv Earth Focus LINKTV January 26, 2023 1:30am-2:01am PST
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think e estima now is er 18 billi dollarsave been spent those effts, and t our sh are sll at ve high risk of tinctionased think e estima now is er 18 billi dollarsave been naonal mare fishers seice recory plan. shann: turn those gger d. breach t dams. that thene we ca contl now, l's do it i'm pretty sure it's going to work. science says yes. russ: the comparative survival study reaffirms it again, and essentially says that if the snake is restored, we'll seat least a threeld inease in n sizes,nd if the snake restoration is coupled with maximum spill at t remaing combia dam that woulresult ia fourld incree. you t anothe1,000 adts back iht going to keep building each generation, and
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wanthe wholecosysteis fisgog to resnd. again, th is spent fele, whic meanshe's duher reddand she's desited alof her es, and at's reay good ns. with thearming cmate, wee had increasin what call she's desited alof her es, pre-awning mortalityand anlot of tt's due high teeraturesnd the tperaturestresg she's desited alof her es, pre-cong throughlityand anlot e big and r nutries will gate back io the stam, d those nth the yngl hel csaon will ed on. the mathfoundati fortshat the fie whe ecosysm.really the's abou137 specs th rely onalmon ring somportion theilife hisry.
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deborah: the whale's the's abou137 specs th fate is very closely intertwined with the fate of pacific salmon. there's a saying that says no fish, no black fish. specifically, when we're talking about spring returning salmon that would've been heading f the ake rive those a the fish thathe sohern redents e despere to hav killer wles worlide e consided one scies. fish thathe sohern ey're alorcinu rehuns arell homo piens. but thfact of e matt is, ishat there e differt subgups ofiller whes tha are diinct, anthe soutrn bth don't obreed fr their idiinctopulation gment.rt they have not had a common mating with another population of killer whales for 700,000 years.
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i fell in love with these animals i st feel deep msponsibity to tranddes ago. recovethem, cause ey're azing anals and causon a personalevel i'vcome t knowhem as indiduals. ♪♪ deboh: it's t ju studyin anotr by feeding each her, literay, shari a fish. one ♪♪ deborah: southern resident killer whales co-evolved with pacific salmon, 95% plus of their diet is made up of chinook salmon. ere is car evidee from o% resear that thspringalmon e ose fishake isimnse for e whalesessalmon. they're thbiggest sh. eth're the dest fis. and ashe salmodecline, so s
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♪♪ deboh: sty-nine percent of pgnanes are ♪♪ that a huge mber for populaon thas reallymall. wh we're tking about 7 animal each neing to e, on ♪♪ avage,50 poundof for salm per daythat's aot of poundage of salmon, and it's not out there where the whales need to find it, when they need to find it. we're not moving fast enough in fisheries management overhaul. pumping a bunch of hatchery salmon into the system we're n not thenswert enough in fishin the lg term.t overhaul. ke: hatcries are t a soluon to th problem biodiveity lo in salm. hatcheri have ve distinc charteristicfromo th wild rers, andhat happens fish beme hatcadapted to t distinc charhatcry envirment. that'slsreferr to adomesticed.
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deborah: n only th quanty of saon,tic but thquality salmon. deborah: n only th lmonre shrinng.tic you a kier whalenly hadto catche a day get the nutrional nes met. it's reay hard thave a killer wle tryinto make a day get the a ving foring on -pound cnook saln.. ♪♪♪ shane: it's not just the size of salmon thatumans ha infenced. recentenetic wk has highlighd a risi problem wi increas in intereedingbetwee. thatumans ha infenced. buit turnsut to be really big deal. ll chino have fad fair well,ompareto sprin chink, so there's ny more of them w.
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mike: the increases in interbreing haveeen caus by hum modications habitat mifou build big damn a iver, it events sing run from getng up in the upp headters, anthen theall min migratup anddamn a spawn rit on topf them.n from g some aces,the upp heahumans he blown eall thfall cnook areow aab to asce them. and whewi fall chook,re directi ey wl lose. intereed, theyreatthese fspring at have e copy o the ring varnt and o copyf the fa variant. welln inrmediateime, so ey're nd of li a summemigrator the ring varnt and o tt: migring in smer is a reallyad idea,hen stre welln unfounately,hey're creatin a fishhat is wt we calor maladapt, so it'exessing this runiming th really unfouna not goi to beeatin a fivery sucssful. calor
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most othose fish don survive larry lestelle: this particular project that we're looking at, it really was triggered by concern of the quinault indian nation over the prospect of a new dam going into thand en the sond thin what this t concernto salmon runs. over t status spring inoo. hybrization a threa and thdata thas being llected dave bgaman:nd we pectthis to . verynformati about tt. thiss year t, generay apping fm januarto maybe eay may, lking at eectthis to . emernce of t chinookry out thiss year t, generay of t redds othe appinawning gunds. maybe
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dechook, andhich haseenfry aresl uchybrid bween thewo.sampling so, trng to idtify the ratioof n mi: it's aexample me how netics c just he usture. undetand sombasic things le how ma ring chiok therere leftn a locaon. undetand sombasic wh thanspring cnookt sdy toldsft in thchehalisrhardly we've en actuay overesmati the numr, and thprocess consideng whher thisew dam suld be thiss during timwhen ere's proposalo build iltring chiok are legally otected.f
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shane: about 40 miles to the north of the chehalis, e queetsiver fls out ofhe ympic tional rk wildeess. it often rerred tos one ofthe we fls out ofhe wer 48 a where iirst came conrnedeess. shan the quiult nati has en conduing annu spning surys in th upper eets for ove40 years so,and ke the ey oppwain this me.long ♪♪ she: the qets rive in pticulathe uppe portioof the bin where lot these sing to hike here, y would he to g an enti fisheri crew to hikin, you ow, nearly 20 mes to dohis moniring.
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it's a vy narrow winw to t up herand obsee this spawng populion, so utile hecopters to n get thwork to esene efficntly.e shane:id you aeady t it in ur notes maleno. ane: oka ll writet down imy noteswhile y. maleno. o, three, fo, five, x. ll wwe enumete all toteswhile y. chink nests at any live odead fisth we domassoated witthat redand ere's noood estimates of historical abundance on these rivers hundreds of years ago, but private harry fisher, he walked down this river basin in the month of september, when
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thesspring cnook were spawningn like, 90, and deribed slping neather basin rir as ts consta ruckus r, when fi splashi throh the riles. i think that speaks to the abundance of these fish then. ♪♪♪ we are cering apoximately polat. miles river tay throu the pre range at sprin chinook utize for ♪♪ spawningn the upper eets bas. shane: whave thr sepate quinat fishers crewthat areurveyingoday. per fishwe invesmore mon, timeand effortn monitong the springhinook tn almostany oh crewthat areurveyingoday. coast, a the tri doesn't harvee
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ey're ju proteing th, anthey're otectinghem for futu generatns. alrt lewisawks: th numberare dwining, and it just sato sathat i'm part i' only se one new redd ane that seethat. shane: t spring inook populati in the eets has been chrically depressefor a lo time. inhe '70s,e had ru sizeup to 4,0 springs. been chnow 're seeing depressavage abunncee. around 300 to 500 fish. the big chinook that old-timers talked about catching 50 pound, 60 pound, 70 pnd, 100 und chinook were the older-aged fish, age six and seven year old chinook. we've all but seen those fish disappear. we rely encoter fish older. ♪♪♪
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mattit seemsike the bitatsolder. e changi more radly. there's re instility inhe upperasin. storicallythere wa substaial glacr ice. we've en these glacis recedewayr rtionsf those glaciaba. we'vcomplete lostcial gliers in e quinau system. the andeon glacier has melted away, and the steepest dline in the runss sidef the pensula, is in the. st 2020, westimatethe runss the spawni population w 65 ult spri chinook ce you g down in less th 500 fish ia populaon, you' sorour inook stks in thseudoxti. washgton nor coast are r nort migratin certainly, sogauntletf fishers thateudoxti. theyass throh.r coast are r nort know througour codewire gging prrams,certainly,
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tsowhere in theealm of %all ito0% on avage. ie commeral fishees thatvoperatr a miladistribution ithocean, tyd you ow, whate ca mixed sck fishies, sthey're catcng c. but inost case they n't knowhich populaons theye actually harvesting. and so it eates a siation ere uninntionallyou coul be hvestg an endanger chinookopulatio aderah: ando when wareion eworking rd to rever thes be hvestg an saon runs,t's chalnging en the bk of tho fish ar being ught in other ste, brded as tt stats fish, and sold lerally aroundhe d that's onef the biggest oblems. ♪♪ shan in addion to mixed stock fieries, ftory awling fets targing ttom fisencountean
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enormo amount by-catch, and it'surrently awlknown thimpactsg on sprg o ttom fisencountean mikenow, wh geneti, i ink we c understd e impacthat thesfisherien sprg o are hang, and ountean cessary, reforth to crease tir impac ♪♪ e impacthat thesfisherien sprg o are hang, and ountean ♪♪ barrmccovey,r.:orth to hioricallythis washe third largest lmon-procing rir on theest coas there's ring chiok and ll chino on the amath,nd largest lmon-procing dsident kler whal that k pod ins satellite taed souernook. ound theouth of the klate ere'institutnal knowdge inhat pod minding em that
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the ma: the ru that wethe klate rivehaveowre nothiheast. comparedo what w expericed in t past. one ofhe main asons isthose da d basicay cut th water shedn half. shane: the four klamath dams block over 400 miles of spawning habitat. and after a 20-year effort driven by an endangered species act listing of coho salmon, the dams are finally slated to be removed. tasha: i analyzed these archeological samples of chinook bones that were collected from archeolocal site in t upper kmath. we fou both spng run cnook anfall runhinook ithis lotion abo where tse damshad bld in t upper kmath. the 5,00year-oldample was a spng chino sample. matt: the habitat inhe uppebasin isike some of the mt climat silient bitat yo
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coulthink ofn thwest coa. 's theseuge, masve coldater sprgs tco water yr round, which e providinreliable mi: i'm anxtreme optimistand i'm ing do erhing i c as a geticist try to lp this ocess of restorinchinook lmon inhe upperasin. ere are nsequencesf caing the pulationthat were apted to at unique habin to go tinct fothe la 100 yea. asthat divsity thawill let the. arnd the bin, we'rlosing wee tryingo do is ld on what's ft.hat you know, those e the building blocks for recovery. ♪♪♪
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karuna genberg: thanks, everyonefor comi out. we really, really appreciatet. is is the 27th year of cooperative spng chinook summerteelheadiv. we've hasix yearin a row of les. i'm rlet more fhthatou guysath we saw st year. at ♪♪ hopefull we can break at 2. ♪♪ napennington: wee gone acouple , and weaven't en too my salmons. we've en a cple steelhe, no sprinchinook,et. thiss my 26tyear ia row doing th specifisurvey. onof the lger runshat weaw, . e last fr or fivyears ha been aost near record w.
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goodhings arin the works onof the lger runshat weaw, . godam remol which, you kno actubecause ey have aln.rivefis, travelyou know throh the klath. ane: theamdon'tjust blo fis. theylso harb toxic algae, rease letlly warm ter, andxacerbe ceratova shast a theylsease at kills juvele . algae, rease letlly warm kennh brink:ll ter, andxacerbe rit, can help so more peoe see so more fi? karu: how's it loong s? not good? kennet this ole culte ofloong s? ruk peop who depd on thealmon, is a y of lif you kno it a part our ceronies, ani'vn
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le to paicipate th the shaman, e medici man tha ught beuse th've beenedecling st go outnd catchhat salm, we'vliteralllost tha thateans thahurts myeart, cause, y know,emony. my kids dn't e that cemony. i di't see tt cemony, you kn. malekana: we'rlooking numb79 adus on 6 jks,for a totae springhinook o here. mike: ah, obvisly, isoi think there is lot of 'reasono be hopul with e da coming t, this lisng acknoedged that the's a serusg. oblem th needs to be dewith.
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da coming t, shane: aerears oknoedged tpetioning fothe prottion of sprinchinook der e enngered scies actnd failedttempts the fedal lel, the ste of cafornia recentlyisted spng chink as a teatened ecies, failedttempts the fedal utilizinresear out of the mier l lel, the ste of cafornia keeth: tha god thigeneticwork c. from thearuk tri. like, o is to y if thespringeris could he lt year w nowand we've known elasthis for a while. now the bureaucrats gotta realize this is true. so, we've gotta go from here and start rehabilitating this river. mike: the springer issue is not an issue just in the klamath. it's an issue all upnd downheest coas throughout the entire range of spring chinook. asalmon riverestoraonas drivenbe cocil, it'because of, you knowthis, what's gng on he. but thatisting, think, wl set e precedt that wl lead
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to proctions f spring n all so, mean thas huge.t. ♪♪ ane: a ttament t the silience owild sprg inook ca by surprise iwhat i nsideredhe most likely mikethere's coup smallhe eeks whe no damsere buil. and thspring r aretill le to acss habit at the fl run cat easilyet to. and thspring r aretill and e of thein oua decentumber of fish. it's not a coincidence that the place with the most wild springers le in calirnia isrealt ♪♪ it's not a coincidence that the place with the most wild ♪♪ she: after rugged hike io ,
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it was nhing sho of saon than d ever seen in e place.or ♪♪ shane:t's like we d umbled un the largt single population of wn shrth, and tir we dsty was dierent. these on don'tigrate north inhe oceanhrough the untlet o coercialisheries ere are dams imding the migratio causing indire es coercialisheries there's hatcherinfluenc they he good habat, and theyd from fl chinoo and bridizatn. ♪♪ shan if over8,000 wi spri chinookaneturn to tte cree they ca recor anywhe if give a chan, but clate impas armounting
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resilit genes ♪♪♪ ull policy catcup withtsciencbe? the nexteneratio and ll this w geneti discery leado furthe protecons undethe enngered scies act savingpring chook will takr solutis to 20t centy proble. liken washinon's nooack ver, wre tribe agencs, consvation gups, andmunicipatien drinng watero the ci ofd dam, g beingham, ving theast few ♪♪ ndred ld spring chinooa e ♪♪
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♪♪♪ male: re in thhole! he she goe ♪♪♪ shane:he ultime fa of thes fish ls in theublic'hands. if ty want ttime recor 'em, wcan do i deboh: if weecover pacific lmon eugh toave southe residenkiller wles nojust surving, buthriving as a popation, imeans th we'vdone amang thingto rever ecostems, aner wles ultimaly, that a good ingg for the anet, anit's a od thingor human
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shnon: nowmore thaever,es r voice eds to bheard, agg it needs tbe amified fosalmon. tasha: iconservi to t puzzlesnd the biodestions the fute.keys mike: am hopef that th data wve gener and ourew undersnding will prevt their tinction ru: there's magi in tse fish,nd i want to ke magic on this anet. ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪♪ ♪♪
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